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a aC eSB RSUP H. ADAM MALIK 2022 PSG OP Tb K3RS_, MG/L S 7 KEMENTERIAN KESEHATAN RI g DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PELAYANAN KESEHATAN <4 RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PUSAT H.ADAM MALIK JL. Bunga Lau No. 17 Medan Tuntungan Kim. 12 Kotak Pos 246 Telp. (061) 8364581 - 8360143 - 8360051 Fax. 8360255, MEDAN - 20136 KEPUTUSAN DIREKTUR UTAMA RSUP H ADAM MALIK NOMOR : HK.02.03/XV. $026 /2022 ‘TENTANG BUKU DAFTAR SINGKATAN DAN SIMBOL DI RSUP H. ADAM MALIK DENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA DIREKTUR UTAMA RSUP H. ADAM MALIK Menimbang : a. bahwa singkatan-singkatan dan simbol-simbol yang digunakan di RSUP H. Adam Malik perlu di standarisasi untuk mencegah terjadinya miskomunikasi , potensi kesalahan dan menghindari kebingungan apa yang dimaksud oleh penulis; b, bahwa dalam memenuhi kebutuhan standarisasi singkatan dan simbol tersebut dengan standar Lokal dan Nasional yang diakui perlu dibuat Buku Daftar Singkatan dan Simbol di RSUP H. Adam Malik ; c. bahwa berdasarkan huruf a dan huruf b tersebut diatas dipandang perlu ditetapkan Buku Daftar Singkatan dan Simbol Di RSUP H. Adam Malik berdasarkan keputusan Direktur Utama RSUP H. Adam Malik. Mengingat :1. Undang-Undang Nomor 29 ‘Tahun 2004 tentang Praktik Kedokteran; Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, sebagaimana telah diubah menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja; 3. Undang-Undang RI Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan sebagaimana telah diubah menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 11 ‘Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja; 4. Undang-Undang Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit; 5. Undang Undang RI No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara; 6. Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2014 tentang Tenaga Kesehatan; 7. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2001 tentang Pengclolaan Bahan Berbahay dan Beracun; 8. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 23 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Pelayanan Umum sebagaimana diubah menjadi Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 74 Tahun 2012 tentang Perubahan atas peraturan pemerintah Nomor 23 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum; 10. i. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 47 ‘Tahun 2021 tentang Penyelenggaraan Bidang Perumahsakitan; Peraturan Pemerintah RI No. 94 Tahun 2021 tentang Disiplin Pegawai Negeri Sipil; Peraturan Presiden Nomor 77 Tahun 2015 tentang Pedoman Organisasi Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 290/Menkes/Per/III/ 2008 tentang Persetujuan Tindakan Kedokteran; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 1438 tahun 2010 tentang ‘Standar Pelayanan Kedokteran; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 755 Tahun 2011 tentang Penyelenggaraan Komite Medik di Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 2052/Menkes/Per/X/2011 tentang Izin Praktek dan Pelaksanaan Praktek Kedokteran; Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup RI Nomor 14 Tahun 2013 tentang Simbol dan Label Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 82 Tahun 2013 tentang Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No.66 tahun 2016 tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Keselamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 04 Tahun 2018 tentang Kewajiban Rumah Sakit dan Kewajiban Pasien; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 42 Tahun 2018 tentang Komite Etik dan Hukum Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 7 Tahun 2019 tentang Keschatan Lingkungan Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Klasifikasi dan Perizinan Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 73 Tahun 2020 tentang Organisasi dan ‘Tata Kerja RSUP H. Adam Malik; Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 80 Tahun 2020 tentang Komite Mutu Rumah Sakit; Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 129/PMK.05/2020 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Badan Layanan Umum; Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor : 214/KMK.05/2019 tentang Penetapan RSUP H. Adam Malik pada Dapertemen Kesehatan sebagai Instansi Pemerintah yang menerapkan Pengelolaan Badan Layanan Umum; Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor HK.01.07/Menkes/613/2017 tanggal 23 November 2017 tentang Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat H. Adam Malik sebagai Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Utama untuk Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatera Utara. Keputusan, Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor HK.01.07/Menkes/ 1128/2022 tentang Standar Akreditas Rumah Sakit; Menetapkan KESATU KEDUA KETIGA KEEMPAT KELIMA, 30. ay Surat Edaran Menteri PANRB No. 20 Tahun 2021 tentang Implementasi Core Values dan Employer Branding ASN yaitu “BerAKHLAK’ dan Banga Melayani Bangsa’; Surat Edaran Direktur Utama RSUP H. Adam Malik No. KP.02.04/2.1.2/2942/2022 tentang Imolementasi Core Value dan Employer Branding Aparatur Sipil Negara di Lingkungan RSUP H. Adam Malik. MEMUTUSKAN KEPUTUSAN DIREKTUR UTAMA RSUP H. ADAM MALIK ‘TENTANG BUKU DAFTAR SINGKATAN DAN SIMEOL DI RSUP H. ADAM MALIK. Menetapkan Buku Daftar Singkatan dan Simbol di RSUP H. Adam Malik scbagaimana terdapat dalam lampiran yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama ini. Buku Daftar Singkatan dan Simbol di RSUP H. Adam Malik sebagai acuan bagi setiap staf, pegawai, dan peserta didik dalam untuk mengetahui bentuk singkatan dan simbol sesuai standar di RSUP H. Adam Malik. Dengan terbitnya keputusan ini, maka keputusan Direktur Utama Nomor —UK.01.09/1/318/2015 tentang —_Penetapan Pemberlakuan Buku Dafiar Singkatan dan Simbol yang Berlaku di RSUP H. Adam Malik, dicabut dan dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi. Segala biaya yang diperlukan dalam pelaksanaan Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama ini dibebankan kepada anggaran DIPA BLU RSUP H. Adam Malik. Keputusan ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan, dengan ketentuan apabila dikemudian hari terdapat kekeliruan atas keputusan ini, maka akan diadakan perbaikan sebagaimana mestinya. Ditetapkan di : Medan, 12 Oktober 2022 KATA PENGANTAR Puji Syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas rahmatNya Buku ‘Singkatan dapat selesai disusun ‘Singkatan sering menimbulkan masalah dimana-mana, apalagi di rumah sakit, untuk singkatan yang semua bisa memiliki arti yang berbeda dan akhimya akan berdampak pada pengisian rekam medis, Kepada seluruh jajaran RSUP H. Adam Malik, mari kita gunakan Buku ini agar tercipta pemahaman yang sepaham untuk berbagi singkatan yang kita gunakan sehari-hari, dengan harapan komite pelayanan kita juga semakin meningkat. Medan, Oktober 2022 Direktur Utama RSUP H. Adam Malik Zainal Safri DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi Daftar Singkatan/Simbol yang tidak Boleh Digunakan di RSUP H. Adam Malik 4. Daftar Singkatan yang tidak Boleh Digunakan 2. Penulisan Dosis yang tidak Boleh Digunakan 3. Penulisan Singkatan Nama Obat yang tidak Boleh Digunakan 4. Penulisan Nama Obat yang Dipendekkan yang tidak Boleh Digunakan 5. Penulisan Simbol yang tidak Boleh Digunakan Daftar Singkatan/Simbol yang Digunakan di RSUP H. Adam Malik 4. Daftar Singkatan di RSUP H. Adam Mali 2. Daftar Singkat Bentuk Sedian Obet 5 3. Satuan Ukuran Panjang/Berat/Suhu dan Lainnya 4, Daftar Satuan Hasil Pengukuran .. 5, Nama Obat/Bahan Kimia/Reagen Farma: 6. Singkatan Dalam Resep 7. 8 8 Daftar Simbol Singkatan Daftar Simbol Lainnya Tata Cara Spelling Alfabet ... 410. Kode Identifikasi Bencana .... 11. Daftar Singkatan Sebutan Satuan Kerja. 12. Daftar Singkatan Terkait Teknologi Informasi.......... 72 72 73 74 75 Sees 85 DAFTAR SINGKATAN/SIMBOL YANG TIDAK BOLEH DIGUNAKAN DI RSUP H. ADAM MALIK Menurut lembaga keamanan praktik kedokteran (Institute for safe Medication Practices), berikut adalah singkatan, simbol dan penulisandosis yang sering kali disalah artikan dan dapat menyebabkan bahaya dalam praktik kedokteran. Dengan demikian, singkatan berikut JANGAN digunakan dalam menjelaskan berbagai informasi kedokteran dan pelayanan pasien. Daftar Singkatan yang tidak boleh digunakan Mikrogram | Disalah artikan ‘mg’ Tuliskan‘mikro Hg aia? TTelinga Kanan | Disalahartikan sebagai OD, OS, OU (mata | Tuliskan AD Telinga kisi | Kanan, mata kr, masing-masing mata) —_ | “telinga kanan’, AS, Masing-masing ‘telinga AU telinga Kir,'masing- smasing telings’ on Mata Kanan, | Disalah artikan sebagai AD, AS, AU Tulilsan “mate e Mata kiti telinga kanan, telinga kiri, masing-masing | kanan’, mata on Masing-masing | telinga kari’, ‘masing- mata masing mata’ Centimeter | Disalah artikan sebaga'v" (unit) Tuliskan “al" ud bike in Intranasal Disalah arian sebagai TN? atau Tuliskan “Intranasal “Halfsirengih | Disalah artikan sebagai pada wakiu dur’ | Tuliskan “hal HS (Getengah Disalah artkan sebagai’setengah strength’ atau Kekuatan) Kekuatan’ “waktu tidar Hours ofsleep oectimey Hs (pada wakeu tidur) ~ Disalah artikan sebagai angka ‘0" atau 4° | Tuliskan “unit” ‘menyebabkan over dosis pemberian cbat hingga 10 kali Tipat Contoh: AU disalah-artikan sebagai 40, atau Vatauu Unit 4u disalahartikan sebagai 44 = Dapat juga disalahartikan sebagai ‘cc’ schingga obatdiberikan dalam volume bukan unit, Contot: 4u disalah-artikan sebagai 4ec z pn Disalah artkan sebagi angka ‘9° Taliskan “gr” 2. Penulisan Dosis yang tidak Boleh Digunakan “Angka ‘0" dibelakang Koma Tmg | Disalahartikan | Tidak boleh menul Contoh : 1,0 mg sebagai 10mg | angka “0” setelah oma tus 1 mg “Rngka "0" di depan Koma pada ‘OSmg | Dialahatikan | Tidak boleh penulisan desimal sebagai Smg menghilangkan Contoh : ,Smg angka‘0" didepan oma, tuliskan 0,5 mg | Penulisan dan obatlangsung digabung | Inderal | Disalah anikan | Tempatkan spasi di Biase ees ee sur, Pee Hau ‘tampa spasi sebagai ‘antara nama obat, Contah : Inderal 140 mg, dan | dosis dan satuan dosis Inderal 4omg Tegretol 1300 mg Tegretol 300mg Penulisan jumlah dosis dan satuan “Huruf*m’ sering | Tempatkan spasi dosis digabung 100 mL | disalah arsikan iantara jumlah dosis | Contoh : 16mg. 100 mL. sebagai angka ‘0’ | dan satuan dosis Penulisen satuan dosis dengan tanda | mg Tanda ttk sering | Tidak menggunakan titk di belakangnys mL disalah artikan angka ‘7" Disalahartikan sebagai angka"T” | Tulis per’ untuk t contoh:"25 unit’ 10 unit"dibaca_ | memisahkan dosis dari sebagai 25 unit dan 110 unit’ } pada menggunakan tanda garis miring a Disalahariian sebagai angka | Ditulis‘at™ & Disalahartikan sebagai angka “2° Ditulis ‘dan™ + Disalahartixan sebagai angka “4” | sts gant See Kurang jelas darian Ditulisjelas apa yang celeste dimaksud Keterangan : Singkatan yang tercantum dalam bab ini tidak boleh digunakan dalam bentuk huruf besar atau keeil, dengan atau tanpa titik. Misalnya untuk singkatan QD, maka singkatan untuk Q.D. atau q.d. juga dilarang karena akan membingungkan dan dapat disalahartikan. Daftar ini berlaku untuk seluruh intruksi dan seluruh dokumentasi terkait medikasi yang tertulis, ermasuk entry tulisan dikompoter, atau pada formulir yang telah dicetak. Pengecualian : Angka nol dibelakangkoma dapat digunakan untuk memastikan akurasi nilai tertentu, misalnya hasil laboratorium, pemeriksaan radiologi untuk pengukuran lesi, atau ukuran kateter/selang. Angka nol dibelakang koma tidak boleh digunakan pada peresepan dan dokumentasi terkait medis lainnya, rompepenee es aa! EA DAFTAR SINGKATAN/SIMBOL YANG DIGUNAKAN DI RSUP H. ADAM MALIK, 1. DAFTAR SINGKATAN DI RSUP H. ADAM MALIK, 1 [A ‘Assesment 2. [Ar ‘Anamnesa 3. [alt ‘Aas Indikast 4. [AN ‘Atas nama 3. AS ‘APGAR Seore 6_[ AAA ‘Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 7. Age ‘Aneerie/vena. | AAM ‘Analisis Akar Masalah ‘9. [| AAROM. ‘Active Assisted Range Of Motion | 10._[ Ab ‘Abortus, | 11. AB, ‘Antibodi 12._| ABCD. ‘Airway Breathing Circulation Disability 13._| ABC Method | Activity Based Costing Method 14,_| ABD ‘Alat Bantu Dengar 15. | abdom abdomen, inis 16._| ABI ‘Ankle Brachial Index 17,_| ABK ‘Analisis Beban kerja 18. ABP ‘Angle Blade Plate 19._| ABPA. ‘Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis 20._[ ABPM ‘Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring 21, | ABVD ‘Adriamycin Bleomyein Vinblastine Dacarbazine 22. [ac ‘Ante coenam 23. ACA ‘Anti Cardiolipin Antibody 24,_[ ACC ‘Acces to Care and Continuity of Care 28. | ACEI ‘Angiotensin Converting Enzym Inhibitor 26. | ACKD. ‘Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease 27__| ACLS ‘Advanced Cardiac Life Support 28. [ACS ‘Acute Coronary Syndrome 29. | ACSt ‘Acute Convusional State 30__[ ACT. ‘Activated Coagulation Time 31. | ACVB ‘Aorta Coronary Venous Bypassgrait 33, [ACTH ‘Aadreno Corto Trophic Hormone 33._[ ACE, ‘Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 34. ACL, ‘Anterior Cruciatum Ligamentum 35. | ACLS “Advanced Cardiac Life Support 36._| ad curs dekstra 37._| ad aur 38._| adic 39._[ add 40._| add ad 41._| admoy 42. | ADH ‘Atypical Ductal Hyperlasia 43. ADHD ‘tention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 44. | ADH ‘Acute Decompersated Heart Failure 43. | ad hum, ‘ad humectandum 46._| ad infl ad inflandum 47__| ADL Activity of Daily Living 48,_| ad lib (ad titium 49, | Adm ‘Administrasi 30.__[ ad_man med | ed manus medist S1._[ ADO ‘Amplatzer Duet Occluder '52._[ ADOC ‘Adriamycin Doxorubicin Oncoum vineristoc '33.__| ad part dolent | ad partes dolentes ‘S4.__| ad tacid praec | ad recidivum praeca vendum '35.__| ad second vie _| ad secundam vicum 36. [ ad 3 vie ad tres viees: 57._[ ad ws ext ad usum eksternum 58._[ad us int ‘ad usum iternum Rees * ea ingkatan dan Simbol RSUP H, Adam Malik 59. [adus prop | ad usum propium 60._[ AED ‘Automated External Defibrillators 61. neq ‘Acqualisis 62 [AF ‘Amalgam Filling 6. [AF ‘Above Elbow (64. AFT ‘Aral Flutter 65._| aff ‘Affunde 66. AFNRL ‘Atrial Fibrilasi Normo Response 67. | AFO. ‘Ankle Foot Orthosis 68._| AFP ‘Alpha-Feto Protein 69. AFRR ‘Atrial Fibrilasi Rapid Response 70. [Ag ‘Antigen 71 [AGDA ‘Analisa Gas Darah Arter 72. | agar febr agrediante febri 73. [agit ‘Agita.agitetur 74._[ AGS, ‘Adrenogenital S ‘Atypical Glandular Cells of Undetermined 75. | AGUS Significance 76_[ ah ateris hors 77._[ A ‘Anak Hidup 78._[ AHA "American Heart Association 79, | AHF ‘Anti Hemophilic Factor 80. [AL ‘Aorta Insufisiensi 81, AIDP ‘Acute Idiopathic Demyelinating Polyneuropath '82,_| AIDS ‘Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome 83,_[ AIHA ‘Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia ‘84, AINS ‘Anti Inflamasi Non Steroid '85._[ AION "Acute Ischemic Optic Neuropathy 86,_[ AIS, ‘ASIA Impairment Seale 87__[ AIP, ‘Acute Interstitial Pneumonia 38. [a ante jentaculum, 89. | AK ‘Above Knee. 90._[AKFAR ‘Akademi Fariiasi 91 [AKG ‘Angka Keeukupan Gizi 92. [AKT ‘Acute Kidney Injury 93._[ AKPER ‘Akademi Keperawatan 94. [AL ‘Amplatz Left 95. [ald Albumin 96. [ALT ‘Acute Lung Injury 97._| Alked ‘Alat Kedokteran 98._[ Alkes ‘Alat Kesehatan 99, [ALL “Acute Lympoblastie Leukimia 100. ALO ‘Acute Lung Oedema 101. ALP. ‘Alkaline Phosphatase 102. [ ALS. ‘Amyotropie Lateral Sclerosis 105. [alt ‘Altern 104. [alt dieb alteris diebus 105. [alt hor alteris horis 106. | altem qq hor | alterna qua-qua hora ‘Alanine Amino Transaminase’ Serum Glutamic 107. | ALTISGPT _| pyruvic transferase 108. | AMA ‘Anccillary and Medical Affair 109. [am amerid | ante meridiem 110. | AMB_ ‘Angka Metabolic Basal TH. [AMC ‘Amoxyclav 112. [AMD ‘Age Macular Degeneration 113. [AMDAL ‘Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan 114. [AMG ‘Ahli Madya Gizi 11S. | AMI ‘Acute Myocard Infarction 116. | AMK. ‘Abli Madya keperawatan 117. | AML ‘Acute Myelocytie Leukimia 18. Amp ‘Ampul 119. [amp ‘Ampicilin ee ee * _ es I 120. | AMR. ‘Ahli Madya Radiology 121. [an ante noktem 122. | ANA ‘Anti Nuclear Antibodies 123. | ANC ‘Ante Natal Care 124. | ANCA ‘Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmie Antibodies 125. [ANS ‘Autonomic Nervous System 126. | Anti ds DNA | Anti double stranded Deoxyribonucleic Acid 127. | Anti HBe | Anti Hepatitis B core 128. | Anti Hbe | Anti Hepatitis B envelope 129. | Anti TPO | Anti Thyroxine peroxidase 130. | Ao ‘Aorta 131. | AOP ‘Assessment of Patient 132. | aorist Auristilae 133, | ATAL ‘Acute Traumatic Aortic Injury 134. | AP ‘Anterior Posterior 135. | APIL ‘Anterior Posterior/Lateral 136. | APAR, ‘Alat Pemadam Api Ringan 137. | APACHE | Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation [138. | APBN. ‘Anggaran Pendapatan Dan Belanja Negara 139, | APBN-P ‘Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara Perubahan 140_[ APC ‘Activated Protein C Tal. [APD Ala Pelindung Dirk 142. | APENDO | Aplikasi Pengaman dan Dokumen 143. [ APG ‘Antegrade Pyelo Graphy 144. | APGAR “Appearance Pulse,Grimace, Activity, Respiration 145. [ APL ‘Analytical Profil Index 146. | APIP ‘Aparat Pengawas Intem Pemerintah 147. | APK ‘Akses ke Pelayanan dan Kontuinitas Pelayanan 148. | aplic ‘Application 149. | APM ‘Amfetamin 150.| Apo Apolipoprotein 151. | ApoA Apolipoprotein A 152. | ApoB ‘Apolipoprotein B 153. | app. ‘appendicitis 154. | APR ‘Achilles Pess Reflex 155. [ APresure | Artery Pressure 136. [APS ‘Angin Pekioris Sabi 157. [apt Aptus 158. | apt. ‘Apoteker 159. | PTT ‘activated Partial Thromboplastin Time 160, | aq ‘Aqua 161. | aq biddest | aqua bidestlata 162. | aq bul ‘aqua bulient. 163. [aq calid ‘aqua calida 164, | aq eoct ‘Aqua costa 165. | aq comm, | aqua communis 166. [aq dest aqua destilats 167. | aq fer 168. [aq gel 169. | aq steril 170. [aq pot Ti. | APTS ‘Angina Pekioris Tak Stabil 172. [AR ‘Anritis Reumatoid 123. ‘American Rheumaiology Associaton (untuk 174. | ARB Angiotensin Revepior Blocker 175. ARDS. ‘Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 176, | ARF ‘Acute Renal Failure 177. | ARM, ‘Anificial Rupture of Membrance 178. | ARMD ‘Age-Related Macular Degeneration 179. | AROM ‘Active Range of Motion 180. [ ARP ‘Abcess Remedy Paste 181. [ART ‘Areri 182. | ARV ‘Anti Reto Viral 183. | ASA ‘American Society of Anesthesiologist Hea es * Bue ngkatan dan Simbol RSUP H. Adam Malik HAM "As Soon As Possible/segera ‘Anesthesia & Surgical Care “Athypical Squamous Cell of Undertermined “Arial Septal Defect ‘Asosiasi Dietisien Indonesia ‘Athero Selerotic Heart Disease ‘American Spinal Injury Association ‘Asuban Keperawatan | ‘Asuransi Kesehatan ‘Asuransi Kesehatan Sosial ‘Aparatur Sipil Negara ‘Amplaizer Septal Oecluder ‘Asrama Perawat ‘Antibacterial Susceptibility Test ‘Antibacterial Susceptibility Test Tuberculosis ‘Anti Streptolysin Titer 0. ‘Adaptive Support ‘Anti Thrombin ‘Anti Thorombin II ‘American Type of Culture Collection ‘Analis Transfusi Darah ‘Alat Tulis Kantor ‘Achilles Tendon Lengthening ‘Advance Traumatic Life Support ‘Aztreonam ‘Acute Tubular Necrosis ‘Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex ‘Adenosine Triphosphate ‘Anti Tetanus Serum ‘Auris auri dectrae auri laevae ‘Atrio Ventricular 217. [AV Blok ‘Airio Ventricular Block 218. [AVM ‘Atriovenous Malformation 219. [AV Shunt | Arteriovenous Shunt 220. [AV Fistula | Arteriovenous Fistula 231, [AVOD ‘Acies Visus Okuli Dextra 222. [AVOS. ‘Acies Visus Okuli Sinistra 233. [AVR ‘Aortic Valve Replacement 224. [AVSD. ‘Atrio Ventricular Septal Defect, 235. [AW ‘Arch Wire/Kawat Utama 226. |B Biopsi 227. [BL Breathing 228. [B3 Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun 229. | B20 Tstilah yang digunakan untuk pasien HIVC#) 230. | BA BeritaAcara 231. | Ba Meal ‘Barium Meal 232. | BAB ‘Buang Air Bexar 233. | Bac, Bawah Areus Costae 234. | BAEP BrainstemAudiometry Evoked Potensial 235. | Bag Bagian 236. | BAHP. Berita Acara Hasil Pelelangan 237. | BAHPL Berita Acara Hasil Pengacaan Langsung. 238. | BAHS. Berit Acara Hasil Sayembara 239, | BAL Barthel ADL Index 240, | BAJAH Biopsi Aspirasi Jarum Halus 241, | BAK Buang Air Kecil 242. | BAL ‘Broncho Alveolar Lavage 243. | BALAKAR _| Barisan Relawan Kebakaran 244, | BANL ‘Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia 7245. | BAP. Berita Acara Pemerikssan 246. | BAPEK Badan Pertimbangan Kepegawaian 247. | BAPER ‘Badan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan ae See) Oe ed me Pin 248_| BAPETEN | Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuk 249. [ BAPL, Berita Acara Penjelasan Lanjutan 250, | BAPP. Berita Acara Penyolesaian Pekerjaan 251. | BAS ‘Bubur Ayam Saring 252, | BAST Berita Acara Serah Terima 253. BAV. Balloon Aorta Valvuloplasty, 254. | BB ‘Berat Badan 255. | BBB Bundle Branch Block 256. | BBL Berat Badan Ideal 257. | BBK Berat Badan Kering 258. | BBLK. Balai Besar Laboratorium Kesehatan 259, | BBLR ‘Berat Badan Lahir Rendah 260. | BB PRE HD | Berat Badan Sebelum Hemodialisis 261, | BB POST HD _| Berat Badan Sesudah Hemodialisis, 262. | BBTKL Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan 263. | BCAA Branched Chain Amino Acid 264. | B.Comp 'B Complex 265. | BC Bicarbonate 266. | BCB. Brilliant Cresyi Blue 267. | BCC Basal Cell Carcinoma 268. | BCLS Basie Cardiac Life Support 269. | BeNH Carmustine Bischloretaye Nitrosourea 270. | BCR ‘Bulbocavernosus reflex | 271. | BCS Breast-conserving surgery 272. | BD Test Bowie and Dick Test 273. | bad bis de die 274. | bdde bis de die cochlear 273. | BDI Beck's Depression Inventory 276. | BE Base Excess 277.| BEE ‘Basal Energy Expenditure 278. | Benz PNC__| Benzathine Penicili | 279. | BEP Bleomycin Btoposide Platocyn 280.| BERA Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry 281 Buah 282. ‘Bantuan Hidup Dasar 283, Heart Infusion. 284. 285. ‘Bantuan Hiidup Layak 286. Bahan Habis Pakai 287 icarbonas Natricus 288. ibe, bibatur 289. 290. 291 292. 293. 294, level Positve Airway Pressure 295. Below Knee 296. ‘Below Knee Amputation 297. Back up Left 298. ‘Badan Layanan Umum 299, ‘Bahan Mekanan 300. ‘Bone Mineral Densitometry 301. ‘Bahan Medis Habis Pakai 302. ‘Body Mass Index 303. Bahan Makanan Kering 304. ‘Bahan Makanan Lauk Paik 305. Bone Marrow Puncture 306. Basal Metabolic Rate 7 307. ‘Bahan Makanan Segar 308. Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty 309. Barang Non Medik. 310. Buik Nier Overzicht 3H. Buik Nier Overzicht-Intravenous Pyelograhy ees * Ee Sama IM type Natriuretic Peptide 313, | BNPB ‘Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Beneana 314. | BO ‘Bronchiolitis Obliterans 315. | BOD Biological Oksigen Demand ta | Boor Bronchiolitis Obliterans With Organising Pneumonia 317. | BOR ‘Bed Ocupation Rate 318. | Borg RPE | Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Seale Scale 319. | BP, Blood Pressure 320. | BPD. Biparietal Diameter 321, | BPIT ‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 322, | BPIS ‘Badan Penyelengsara Jaminan Sosial 323. | BPK, ‘Badan Pemeriksa Kevangan 324, | BPKP ‘Badan Pengawasan Kevangan dan Pembangunan 325. | BPLHD. ‘Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup Daerah 326. | BPOM. Badan Pengawasan Obat & Makanan 327. | BPPK ‘Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan 328. | BPPV ‘Benign Paroxysimal Positional Vertigo 329. | BPS. ‘Badan Pusat Statistik 330. | BPV Balloon Pulmonal Valvuloplasty 331. [BOO Bill OF Quantity 332. | Bpx ‘Bawah Prosesus Xiiphoideus 333. | brach Brachium 334, | brev Brevise 335. | BSA ‘Body Surface Areca 336. | BSB ‘Brigade Siaga Bencana 337, | BSC Bio Safety Cabinnet 338. | BSEF ‘Bedah Sinus Endoskopik Fungsional 339, | BSL-2 Biosafetylevel -2 (300. Teso ‘Bi Salphyngo Oforektomy (3a Test ‘Bed Side Teaching (3a.Tsr ‘Behavior therap [308-7] Br Shunt | Blallock Taussig Shunt 344. [ BTA, ‘Basil Taban Asam 345. | big ‘Batang 346, | Bil Botol 347, BTK ‘Banyak Terima Kasih (3a8 TT ‘Bed Tum Over 349. | Ber Butir 350, | BIRD/BTRB | Batas Tumbuh Rambut Depan/Belakang 351, | BT ‘Blahavior Theraphy 352. | BIS ‘Bentuk Sonde 353. | BU Bising Usus 354. | BUN Blood Urea Nivogen 355. | BUP, ‘Batas Usia Pansiun 356. | BVH ‘Biventricular Hypertrophy 357._| BW Procedure | Bergmann Winckelmann Provedure 358. | B-HeG ‘Beta-Iuman Chorionic Gonadothropin 359.1 ‘Complement 360. | CIS Cytology (1-5) 361. | op Jantung/Paru atau coripulma 362. [C3 ‘Complement 3 363. | C4 ‘Complement 4 364, | CA Carsinoma 365. [ CABG, ‘Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting 366. | CAD ‘Coronary Artery Disease. Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy With 367. | CADASIL. _| Subcortical Infarct and Leukoencephralopath 368. | CAG ‘Coronary Angio Graphy 369. | cal Calorie 370. | calef Colefae 371. [calid Colidus 372. [ealor calor is, ees ° as Paap a 373. | caps Capsul [374 [CAPD Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis 375. | CARS. Childhood Autism Rating Seale 376. | CATH Catheterissi Jantung) 377. | Cath Lab | Catherization Laboratorium 378. | caz Ceftazidime 379. | CBC ‘Complete Blood Count 380. | CBD ‘Common Bile Duct 381. | CBDC Chronic Bulous Disease of Childhood 342, | CBT ‘Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 383. | ce,cm3 Centrimentum cubicum 384. | centrin, em2 | eentrimentrum ini quadrat 385. | CCA Conjunctivitis Catarshalis Aeute 386. | CCB ‘Calsium Channel Blocker 387. | CCC ‘Conjunctivitis Catarrhalis Cronis 388. | CCO ‘Contract Change Order 389. | CCP Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide 390. | CCS ‘Canadian Class Scale 391. | CCT ‘Creatinin Clearence Test apilicaria ‘Congenitaly Corrected Transposition of Great Areries 393.| COTW ‘Closed Circuit Television 394. [CD ‘Cluster Designed 395. | CDE ‘Centers For Disease Control and Prevention 396. | CDE Canul Double Lumen 397. | CDT ‘Clock Drawing Test 398. | CEA ‘Careino Embryonic Antigen 3 ‘Cyclophosphamide —Epirubicin Prednison 399, | CEOPB Garin a 00. | cer Cera 401. | CES, Cauda Equine Syndrome 402. | CFI Culture Far intelligence Test 403. | CFU Colony Forming Unit 404. | CGA 405. | chart ‘Chara 406. | CHAT ‘Checklist for austism in toddler 407. | CHD. Coronary Heart Disease 408. | Chemo Chemoterap 409. | CHF Congestive Heart Failure Cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubiem, #10! ||cHOR Oncovin, Prednisone “IT_| Chord chinarg | Chords chrurgicalis 412. [ Cl Clinicalinstructure a3. [a Cibue 414. [CIC Clean Tniermifien Catheterization Chronic inflammatory Demyelinaing 415. | CIDP Tolaeninadly a6. | CF { Cost, Insurance and Freight 417. [CIN ‘Contrast Induced Nephropathy 418. | cirarg ‘Chirugicalis 419, | cito disp | eito dispencatur 420. | CID. | Creutzfeldt-lakob disease 421. | CK | Creatine Kinase 422. | CKB Cedera Kepala Berat 423. [CKD ‘Chronic Kidney Disease 424. [ CKMB. Creatine Kinase Myocardial Band 425, [| CKMM. Ceratine Kinase, muscle type 426. | CKR ‘Cedera Kepala Ringan 427. [CKS ‘Cedera Kepala Sedang 428. | Cl ‘Chiorida 429. | CLG, ‘Conjungtiva Limbal Graft 430. | CLED Agar _ | Cystine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient RRR ” HEC Re SH He ITM 431, | CLSI 432, [| CLIN 3. [CM #34, | CME 435, | CMP Cardiomyopathy 436, [ CMU ‘Central Medical Unit 437. | CMV, ‘Citomegalo Virus 238, | CO Cardiac Output 439. | co,comp | compositus, a, um 440, | Co.Ass Co-Assisten 441, [COA Coaretatio Aorta 442. [COD Cause Of Death 443. | Coditam Pulv | Codein DiazepamParacetamol Pulvs 444, [ coll coluto,collutorium 45, | eollun Collunarium 446, | eollyn Collinium 447. | conserve | conserva, ao 448. | consperz | eonserperge, gefur 449. | conspers | Conspersus 50. | cont ‘Continuo 451, | convolve | Convolve 52. [cont rem | Contineuntur 455. [ CR ‘Caustinerf Rapid 454, | cream ‘Cremor 55. | eryst Crystals 56, | COP Care of Patients 457, | COPD ‘Choronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ‘Cyclophosphamide Ovincristin Pro Carbazine 458. | Copp one | Clinical Pathway 460. | CPA ‘Catatan Penggunaan Anggaran 461. | CPAP ‘Continuons Positive Airway Pressure 462. | CPD ‘Cephalopelvie Disproport 463. | CPR. ‘Cardio Pulmonal Resuscitation 464. | Cpz Chlorpromazine 465. | ea.cqcgm | eentigrame 466. | CRP ‘C- ReaotiveProigin 467. | CRT ‘Cardiac Resynchronizafion Therap 468. | CrCl reatinin Clearance 469. | CSR. Central Serous Retinopath 470. | CSS a7. | CSF Cerebro Spinal Fluid 472. | CPM Continuous Passive Motion 473. | CPNS Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil 474, | CPOL CholesterolPeroxidace 475, [ CPR. Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation 476, [CR Computed Radiography 477. | CRO Cetriaxone 478. | CRP. C Reactive Proisin 479. | CRT Capilary Refill Time 480. [ CRYO Cryoppresipitate ai. [CS Cleaning Service 482, | CSSD Central Sterile Supply Departement 483. CT Computed Tomography 484, | CT Scan ‘Computed Tomography Scan Cardiotocography ‘Sendok Teh Chior ti meion Cervical Thoracie Lumbar Sacral Onihows ‘Chronic Total Occlusion Cardio Thoracol Ratio Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ‘Chronie Tension Type Headache ‘Computed Tomography Urography EIS * VLE a mage uae 494, | CTA ‘Computed Tomography Angiography 495. | CTAP ‘Computed! Tomography Arterial Portography 496. [ CTC ‘Computed Tomography Cholangiography 497. | CIDE ‘Computed Tomography Dose Index 498. | CTEV ‘Congenital Talipes Equino Varus 499. | CIG Cardiotocography 500. [| CTHA, ‘Computed Tomography Hepatic Arieriography S01. [CrP ‘Computed Tomography Perfusion Imaging 502. | CTOs Cervico Toraco Ortosis 503. [CVA Gosto Vertebrae Angle 04. [| CVD Cardio Vascular Disease I 505. | CVG. ‘Cannlasi Vena Central 506. | CVCU. Cardiovascular Care Unit 507. | CVI ‘Chronic Venous Insufficiene} 308. | CVP (Central Vena Pressure 509. | CVS Calsium Volume Seore 10. | CVVH (Continuous Veno- Venous Hemofiltration su. | Cx Cervix S12, [ CXM. Cefuroxim 513. [Cl ‘Chlorida 514. [D Dextra S15. | 4, dos Dosis 516. [Di Diagonal 517. [Dz Diagonal 2 518. [D3 Diagonal 3 519. [DI Diagnosis, 520. | DIC Dauer Catheter S21. | at Doe To 522, | da ad lag gut | da ad lagenam gutterioriam 523. | da ad oll dad ollam 524, | da ad vitr | Da ad vitrum 525. | DAL Diffuse Axonal Injury 526. | da in man med | da in manus medici 27, | da in oll dain olla 528. [DAWO_ Double Antrum Wash Out 529. [4B Desibel $30. | DBD ‘Demam Berdarah Dengue 331, | DBMP Daftar Bahan Makanan Penukar $32. | dbn ‘Dalam Batas Normal 333. | DBR Digital Biometric Ruler 534, | DC Direet Current 535. | de from da cum formula 536. | DEN, Diploma Clinical Nutrition | 537. | DCM. Dilated Cardiomyopathy ] 538. | DC Shock | Defibrilator Cardio Shock | 539. [DCR Dacryoeystorhinostom | ‘540. | DCS, ‘Dynamic Condylar Serew ‘Sai. | DD Differential Diagnosis ‘42. | DE ‘Drug Eruption 543. | DES ‘Drug Eluting Stent S44. | DEG, Dermatisis Exfoliaiva Generalisata 545, | deglut Deglutiatur 346. | dep ‘Depone 547. [det Detur 548, | dext Dexter 349. | deib altem | diebus atamis '550. | Dewas ‘Dewan Pengawas S51, | Dex Dextra 552. | DFG. ‘Dermo Fat Graft 353. | DG Diet Ginjal 554. | DGGA ‘Diet Gagal Ginjal Acute 355. | DH Diet Hat 356. | DHF ‘Dengeu Hemorthagie Fever 357. | DHS, ‘Dynamic Hip Serew 358. | DIC Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation aaa es ” Sa 559, Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine 360. Daftar Induk Dokumen Eksteral 561 Daftar Induk Dokumen Internal 302, Daftar Induk Formulir 363. 564. 365. | dim 566, | din2 plo 567. | din3 plo 368. | din plo ‘da in quadruple 369. | dindim-did | dain $70. | din dup 371. | dir ‘572. | disp dos tal 573. | div 574. | div inp aeq | divide in partes aequales S75. divide dividatue 376. Daftaran Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran S71. Diet Jantung 578. Denyut Jantung, Anak 579. Denyur Jantung Janin 380, Darah Lengkap S81 Diet Luka Bakar 582, iscoid Lupus Eritematosus 383, jet Lowat Pipa lambung. 584, iet Lemak Rendah 585, iabetes Melitus 586, istrophy Muscular Propresive 587, Diabetes Millitus Rendah Protein 588, Deoxyribonucleic Acid 589, Deoxy ribonuclease 390, | DND_ jet Nefropati Diabetes 591. | DNGT Diet Naso Gastric tube 592. | DNL ‘Ductus Naso Lakrimalis 393. | DNT Dry Needling Technique 394, | DNR ‘Do Not Resuscitate 595. | DOA, Death On Arrival 596. | DO: Delivery Oxygen '597. | Docon Document Controller 598. | DOE Dyspnea On Effort ‘399, | DOEN, Daftar Obar Esensial Nasional 600, | DORV, Double Outlet Right Ventricle 601. | DOT Death On the Table 602. | DOTS Directly Observed Treatment Short Course 603. | DP Douglas Pungsi 604. | DPS ‘Daftar Penilaian Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan 605. | DPA ‘Dokumen Pelaksanaan Anggaran 606. | DPB Diet Pasea Bedah 607. | dpe, dosi pedemtim cremsente (608. | DPHO. Daftar Plafon dan Harga Obat (609.| DPIP Dokter Penanggung Jawab Pelayanan 610. | DPMP Daftar Permintaan Makanan Pasien G11. | DODIKNIS | Dokter Pendidik Klinis 612. | Dokier BSB | Dokier Brigade Siaga Bencana 613. | DPR Diet Purin Rendah 614. |r Dokter 615. DR, Darah Rutin 616, | Dra 617. | DER 618. | Drg. 619. | DRA Daflar Riwayat hidup 620, | DRI Direct Renin Inhibitor 621. | ds da signa, detur signetur (622, | d second, te | dientus secundist tartilis 623. | dseq. die sequenta See aes * ee Eee aa es 624, | DSR Diet Serat Rendah (eas Tata denture tales dosis da tales dons 626, | DSA Digital Substraction Angiography 627. | DSS Dengue Shock Syndrome 628, | DST. Diet Serat Tinggi 629, | DUB Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding 630_[ DUK. Daftar Urut Kepangkatan 631, | dule duleia,a 632. | dup, duplex, duplico 633. | dur das, a, um 634, | dur dol Durante, dolore 635_| DUPAK Daftar Usulan Penilalan Angke Kredit 636. | DV Dyctus Venosus 637. | DVR Double Valve Replacement 638, | DVT Deep Vein Trombosis ‘ao: owt Diffusion Weighted (Magnetic Resonance) Imaging 640, [Dx Diagnose GAl_| E- Tendering — | Elektronic Tendering 642, EBL, Estimated Blood Volume 643. EBT Electron Beam Tomography 644, | EBV Epstein Barr Virus 4S. | EBW Estimated Baby Weight 646, | ECes Ei Causa (Penyebab) 647. ECA Extemal Carotid Artery (48. ECCE Exira Capsular Cataract Extration 49. [ECHO Echocardiography 650. | E. Coli Escherichia coli 651. ECT Exercise Cardiag Testing 652. | EDD End Diastolic Dimension (653. EDH Epidural Haematoma, (654. | EDM EarlyDiastolie Murmur (655. EDV End Diastolic Volume 656. | FFG, Electro Encephalo Graphy 657. | EF ject 658. ET 659. BFW. Estimated Feial Weight 660.| EGDT Early Gold Dierect Therapi 661. | EKG Eleiaroiardiograi (662. | Eksp Ekspekroran 653. | Eksir Ekstra 664. | EGD Esophago Gastro Duodescop; 665. EIA Enzym Immuno Assay 666. | EID. Ekstremitas inferior Dexia 67. | EIS Ektremitas Inferior Sinisa 668. | EKG Electro Kardio Graft 669. | ELISA Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay 670. | EMG Eleotro Myo Graphy 671. | emp ex modo praescripto 672. | ENF Enflurane 673. | ENL, [Eritema Nodosum Leprosum 674. | EO Extra Oral 675. | EOP, Epirubicin Ovinerisin Predaison 676. | EPPS Edward's Personal Preference Schedule 677. [EPS Elekirophysiology Study 678. |e paulag | e paulo aguae 679. | epith Epithema (680. | esur ‘Esuriens (681. [ ERC Endoscopic Retrograde Cholanaiography — Endoscopic Retrograde Cholengio See ERE Pancreatography SLES, Tek Samping 684, | ESBL Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase 685. [ ESC European Society Of Cardiology 686. | ESD [End Sysiolie Dimension aes * ee | a Ee 687. | ESM Ejection Systolie Murmur. (688. | ESRD. End-Stage Renal Disease 689. | ESS. Ektremitas Superior Sinistra 690. | ESV End Systolic Volume 691. | ESWE Extracorporal Shock Wave Lihowripsy 692. | EET Endo Tracheal Tube 693. | ETTH Episodic Tension Type Headache 694. | EU fil Ehrlich Unit per Deciliter 695. | EV kstraksi Vakum, 696. | EVD Extemal Ventricular Drainage 697. | EVM. Eye Verbal Motorik (Contoh : EI VI M3) 698. | EXO Exodontia/extraksi 699. | ex ag coch | ex aquae cochleari amplo amp 700. [ex aq cyath | Ex aquae eyathe vinoso exparte vinos 701, [EX-FIXE | xternal Fixation 7702..[ EXC, Exercise 7703. | EXO Exodontia/Pencabutan Gigi 704. | EXO.Komp | Exodontia / Peneabutan gigi dengan komplikasi 7705. | Expd. Expire date 7706. | ext alut ‘extende supra aluiam "707. | ext s cor ‘extende supra corium 708. [ext s in ‘extend supra linteum 7709. | exts chart | extende supra chartam 710. | extendts Extendetenuissime 71. | EXW Ex Works 712. [F Flow _| 713, | F300 ‘Nitrofurantoin 714. | F100 Formula 100 715. | F135 Formula 135 716. | F7S Formula 75 717. | FA Flour Albus 718. | FAM ‘Fibroadenoma Mammae 719. | FAP Familial Adenomatous Polyposis 720. | Fat Sat Fat Saturation 72. | FAQ. Functional Activities Questionnaire 722. | Fax Faximili 723. | FBC Full Blood Count 724. | FC Funtional Class 725, | FCLASER | Foto Coagulasi Laser 726. | FDE Fixed Drug Eruption 727. | Fe Ferrum/zat bes 728. [FE Folly Bieter 729._| feb dur Febri durante 730. | FEES Flexible Endoscopic Evalution of Swallowing 731. | FEFO First Expired First Out 732, | FEP. Cefepime 733. | FE_SS Functional Endoscopie Sinus Surgery 734, | FEV Forced Expiratory Volume 735. | FFA Fundus Fluoroscein Angiography 736. | FOD Focus Obyek Distance 737. | FFP. Fresh Frozen Plasma 738. | FFT Free Field Test 739. | FGD. Focus Group Diseussion 740. | FH, Final Hand Over 741. | FHR, Fetal Heart Rate 742, [FIFO First in First Out 743. | FHA Fellow of Indonesia Heart Association 744. FIM. Functional Independence Measure 745. | FiO2 Fraksi Inspiration Oxygen 746. | FK Formula Komersial 747. | FKM ‘Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat 748. [FL [Femur Lenght 749. | FLAIR | Fluid-Attenuated Tnversion Recovery ee ees * a 750_| Fle 751.| Fis 1 752. [FM Fetomaternal 753.| FMEA Failure Mode and Eifeets Analysis 754. [FMS Tecilty Management and Safety 755. | FNAB Fine Needle Aspiration Biops 736. [FO Foot Finger Orhtosis 737. | FOB Tree On Board 758. | FOBT Fecal Occult blood texting | 739. | FOD Funduscopy Oculi Dexira 7760. | FODS Funduscopy Oculi Dextra Sinisa 761. | fort, Fonts 762. | FORNAS | Formalarium Nasional 763. | FOS Funduscopy Oculi Sinistra 764. | FOV, Field OF View 7165. [FP Fronto parietal 766. | FPD Fetal Pelvie Disporpotion | 767. | Fr French 768. fig Frigid 768. [FRS Formula Rumah Saki 70, | ust Frustum 7 FS Tractional Sarenin 772. FSH, Focal Simulating Hormone 773 [ SCT Forrer Sentence Completion et 774. | FSE ‘Fast Spin Echo Fisioterapi Free T3 Tie Tt Free Thyroxine index Frontotemporal Demensia Fronto tempora Parietal Formulir Tindakan Perbaikan dan Pencegahan Failure To Thrive Fundus Utert Foreed Vital Capac Fresh Whole Blood Fracture Gangguan Kepribadian Gravida Para Abortus Gram per Deciliter Gravid 3 partus 1 Abroms 1, Hamil Aterm Presentase Kepala Taksiran Janin Hidup ‘Glucose 6 phosphate Dehydrogenase Gouthy Arthritis ‘General Anesthesia Total Iatravena Anestesia Generalized Anxiety Disorder ‘General anesthesia Endo Tracheal Tube Global Assessment of FunctionalSeale 797. | Gakin ‘Keluarga Miskin 798. ‘Gangarisma 799. [GB Gall Bladder 800. | GBM Glioblastoma Muliiforme 801. | GBS ‘Guiland Barre Syérome ‘302. [GC ‘Guiding Catheter 803. | GCS ‘Glasglow coma Seale 804. | G-CSF ‘GranulocyteColony Stimulating Factor 805. Giant Cell Tumor a0 Gadolinium Diethylenetriamine _Penta-Acetic acid 07. Gedung 808. Glukosa Darah Nuchier 309. Gula Darah Post Prancil 810. Gula Darah Puasa Tergangzu ees * eS sit, | GDR. {Gross Death Rate 812, | GDS ‘Gula Darah Sewak 813, | GpT ‘Goal Directed Theraph 814. | GE Gastro Enteritis 815. | GF Global Fund 816. | GERD ‘Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease B17. | GFR “Glomerular FiltrationRate ais, | GGA Gagal Ginjal Akad 819. | GGK ‘Gagal Ginjal Kronik #20. | GGT ‘Gamma Glutamyl Transferase #21, | GH ‘Growth Hormone #22. [GI ‘Gastroinestinal #25, | GIMUT. igi dan Mult #94, Gintak Ginekologi Tidak ada Kalan 925, | GICTP. ‘Glass lonomer Cemen / Tambalan Permanen #26, | GIST ‘Gastrointestinal stromal wmor 7. GL Glotis $28, | GLD ‘Governance, Leadership and Direction $29. | Glob Globulin 830. | Gis elas 831. | GELS ‘General Emergency Life Suppor 832, | GERD Gastroesophageal Repflux Disease 833, | Gor ‘Gamma Glutamyl Transferase 834, | GFR, “Glomerular Filration Rate 835. | GIT Gastro Intestinal Tract (Safuran Cerna) 836. | GI Gastro Intestinal (Saluran Cema) 337. | GMG. ‘Grande Multi Gravida 338. | GMO ‘Gangguan Mental Organi 839. | GN ‘Glumerulo Nepiritis '340._| GNA Glomerulus Nepritis Acute 41. GNC Glomerulus Neprits Cronis 842. | GnRH Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone #43. | GO Gonorhoe 844, | GOL Golongan. 845, | Golda Golongen Darah 346, | GP Gangren Pulpa ‘847. | GPDIGPB | Garis Pertengahan Depan /Belakang, 848. | GPO Glucose peroxidase ‘49, | GPP. Gaji pokok Pezawal Gangguan Pemusatan Pevhatian dan eo faeet Hipeaivias 1 gr Gram $52. [er Gram nega 853. [er Gram postit 854, | GRACE Score | Global Registry of Acule Cardiac Events Score 855. | GRF Glomerular Filtration Rate 856. | gran Granula 857. | GRH ‘Growth Releasing Hormone 358. | GS Gestational Sac 859. | GTO. ‘General Tonic Clonte Seizure 860. | GTSKL Gigi Tiruan Gigi Palsu Kerang Logam $61. att Guttae 862. | gota Gutttin 863. | Gui “Tetes permenit 864. | GV ‘Gant Verband 865. [ GV ‘Genu Valgus 866. | GVR (Genu-Vanus 367. | GW Guide Wire 868. [ LPylon Helicobater po 869. HKAFO | Wip Knee Angkle Foot Onosis 70. [HTL Hemoglobin, Hematokrit, Trombost, Leukesit 71_[HALS Health Care Associated Infections $72, [hab Habeat 873. [HAP | Hospital Aquired Pneumonia RSC ” TBO Se 875. | HAV, Hepatitis A Virus | 876. Hb Hemoglobi | 877. | HbATe Hemoglobin ATs 878. HBeAg Hepatitis B envelope Antigen 379. | HBIG Hepatitis B immune Gobulin '$80._| HBr Hidrobromida 881. | HBSAb Hepatitis B surface antibody 882. | HBsAg Hepatitis B surface Antigen 883. HBV. Hepatitis B Virus ‘884, | HC Head Citeumference “| 885. | HCC Hepato Cellular Carcinoma '886. | HCG ‘Hormon Chorionic Gonadotropin 887. HC Hydro Chlor Thiazide $88. | HCU, High Care Unit | 889. HCV Hepatitis C Virus 890. | HDK. Hipertensi Dalam Kehamilan 891. [HD ‘Haemodialsis 392. HDL, High-DensityLipoprotein 893. | HDU ‘High Dependency Unit $94. [HE “Hepatic Encephalopathy 895, | HEA “Harga Evaluasi Akhir 896, | hebdom “Hebdomada: $97. [HELP ‘Hacmolisis Elevatie Lever Platelet 898, | HELLP. “Hemolyss, elevated liver enzymes, Tow platelets 899, | Hemel Hematemesis Melena ‘900. | Hep A Hepatitis A ‘901. | Hep B Hepatitis B ‘902. | Hep C Hepatitis C 903. | HER ‘Hemoglobin Eritrosit Rerata 904. | her praescr | heri praescriptus 905. [HF [ Hidrogen Fluorida 906. [HFMEA ‘Healthcare Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 907. [Hg Hydrargyrum/merkuri 908. | High Hemoglobin 909. [HGH ‘Human Growth Hormone 910. [HAD Hypertensive Heart Disease 911. HHS: Hyperosmolar Hyperglycaemic State 913. [HL Head Injury 913. | HIB ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus 914. | HIDR ‘Hemia Inguinallis Dextra Reponibilis 915. | HILDR ‘Hernia Inguinallis Lateralis Dextra Reponibilis 916. [HILSR Hernia Inguinalis Lateralis Sinistra Reponibilis ‘Hazard Indentification,Risk Assessment and ole BURA Determining Controls 918, [ISR Heemia Inguinalis Sinistra Reponibilis 919. [HIT Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia ‘20, | HIV. Human Immunodeficiency Virus 921, | HKAFO Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis 922. HL, Humerus Length 923. | HLS Hypoplastie Left Heart Sydrome ‘924, [hm Hora matutina. 925. | WMD Hyalin Membran Disease 926, | HNA, “Harga Netto Apotek 927. HNP, ‘Hernia Nucleus Pulposus 928. | HOCM, “Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy 929. | HOM “Hematologi Onkologi Medik ‘930. | HONK, ‘Hiperosmolar Non Ketotie 931. | hor inte | hors intermidis 932. | hor villa ves0 _| hora octavo vespertine 933. | HP “Hemiparese/Hemiplegia 934. [HPT ‘Hiperpigmentasi Pasca Inflamasi 935. [ HP Hak Pasien dan Keluarga. 936. [HPT Hari Periama Haid Terakhir Eee * (ee ta Eas HPLC High Permofance Liquid TT 938. | HPP Haemorrhagie Post Partum 939. | HPS. “Harga Penerimaan Sementara ‘940, | HR Heart Rate ‘941, | HRCT High Resolution CT 942. | HRT ‘Hormone Replacement ‘Therapy 1943, | Hs CRP High Sensitive C Reactive Protein ‘948. [ HSDR. ‘Hernia Scrotalis Dextra Reponibilis 945. [HSDS ‘Hernia Scrotalis Dextra Graphy 946. [HSG ‘Hystero Saiphingo Graph; 947. [HSI High Grade Squamous Intra Epithelial Lesion 948. [HSP Henoch Schonlein purpura 949, [HSSR Hernia Scrotalis Sinistra Reponibilis 950. [HST Hemorrhagic Screening Tests 951, | HSV, Herpes Simplex Virus ‘952. | Ht Hematokrit 953, | HT ‘Hypertension, Hipertensi 954, | HU Hounsfield Units 955. | hui form Huiusformulae 956. | HUKORMAS | Hukum Organisasi Hubungan Masyarakat 957. | HUMAS Hubungan Mas 958. | HUS, Hemolytic Uremie Syndrom 959. [hv Thora vaspertina 960. | HVA, Hazard Vulnerability Analysis 961. | HVP Hepatic Venous Phase 962. | HXamat | Hora decime matutina 963. HZ Herpes Zoster 964. | HZ0 ‘Herpes Zoster Ophatalmicus 965. | Hs Os ‘Dihidrogen Peroxide 966. [VO Intake Output 967. | F135 Todium -133 ‘968. [1A Tha Antikular (969. [1ABP Tntra Aortic Balloon Pump ‘970. | TADL. Instrumental Activity of Daily Living 971, [ADP Tnfeksi Aliran Darah Primer (972 Tar Ikatan Apotcker Indonesia 973, [TAK Indikator Area Klinik 974, IAM Indikator Area Manajemen 975. [TAS Inteatrial Septum 976. [1B Insect Bite 977. | IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease 978. | IBS Inrtable Bowel Disease 979, | IBV Initial Bladder Volume. ‘980. [IC intra Cutan 981. | ICA Internal Carotid Artery 982, [ICCE Tntra Capsular Cataract Extration 983. [ICCU Tntensive Cardiac Care Unit 984, [ICD Intracardiac Defibrillator Intemational Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Tira Cerebral Haemorbagie International Classification of Impairment, Disability and Handicap Tniermitten Catheterization Program Tnter Costal Space Intensive Care unit intra Dermal Tnsulin-Dependet Diabetes Millitus Tkatan Dokter Indonesia Inter Dental Wiring ‘Rasio Inspirasi Ekspirasi Teuune Intemational Federation of Clinical Chemistry Tmmunoglobulin 1000! IgA, A = = ge — Imunogiobuli 1001 Immunoglobulin E 1002] IGM, “Instalasi Gas medis, 1003] IgG Immunoglobulin G 1004] IgM Immunoglobulin M 1005] 1H Induksi Haid 1006) IHC. Immuno Histo Chemistry 1007] HK ‘Iimuno Histo Kimia 1008) IDI Tkatan Istri Dokter Indonesia 1009] IKI Indikaior Kinerja Individu 1010] IKE, Instalasi Kesehatan lingkungan TOLL IKP Indikator Keselamatan Pasien 1012] 1ks ikatan Kerja Sama 1013] 1K Indikator Kinerj Terplih Toll IL, Tkari Left 101s) ILM, Indikator Intemational Library of Measures 1016] ILO Tnfeksi Luka Oprast 1017 im. intra muskular 1018) IMA Inferior Mesenterica Artery 1019 IMF Inter Maxillary Fixation 1020 IMK Instalasi Mikrobiologi Kink 1021, IM-Nailing | intramedullary Nailing 1022] IMT. Tndeks Massa Tubuh 1023) incis Tncisus 1024) ind in dies 1025] Ink. Inferior Infrie Infricandus, @ um 2vie {in duabus vicibus 3 vie intribus vieibus [ INH, sonia 1030. in TInjeksi 1031 inmitt TInmette 1032] in p a6q ‘In panes aequales 10331 INR, Intemational Normalized Ratio, 1034 insip insipidus.a, um 1035) Insp Inspissare 1036) Inst. Instalasi 1037 Insti Insilia 1038) in vit in vito 1039] inunet ‘Inunetum 1040] 10 Intra Oral Tosi 10L Intra Ocular Tens 1042.) 10M. Intra OperationMonitoring 1043. [PAL Tnstalasi Pengolahan air Limbah T0441 Ipecac ‘Ipecacuanha 1045] 1PCN Infection Prevention Control Nurse 1046] IP Tnstalasi Perawatan Intensify 1047] 1PM ‘imipenem 1048) IPSC. International Patient Safety Goals 1049! 10 Tntelligence Quotien —| 1050) 1R Tari Right 1051 1GD. Tnstalasi Gawat Darurat 1052 Imprans impransus, a, um 1053] IRR Infra Red Radiation rosa) RT Ibu Rumah Tangga 10551 is inter db0s 1056! ISDN. Isosorbide Dinitrat | 1087] 1SE Ton Selective Electrode 1058) 1SK Tnfeksi Saluran Kemi 1059, ISKP, Indikator Sasaran Keselamatan Pasien 1060 ISO International Organization for Standarization 1061, Isoma Istirahat, Sholat, Makan 1062.) ISP Tnstalasi Sterlisasi Pusat 1063 ISR Tn Stent Restenosis, 1064) ISTC TInternasfonal Standards For Tuberculosis Care Beas” SEE ae MH, oP TC 10661 11D, Instalasi Tranfusi Darah 1067] iter Tterates 1068] If RATIO | Immature/Total Neutrophil Ratio 1069 1TBS: HiotibialBand Syndrome 1070) ITP Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura 1071 1UL Intemational Unit/ Liter 1072] 1UATLD Intemational Union Against Tubereulosis Lung Disease 1073 10D. Tntra Uterine Device 1074) IUD. Intra Uterine Fetal Death 1075] 1UGR Intra Uterine Growth Restriction 10761 1UP Tntra Uterine Pregnancy 1071 1V Intravena (Fowfive ‘Inferior Vena Cava {1079 TFD. Tra Venous Fluid Drip 1080. 1VH_ Intra VentricleHaemormhagic 1081. IVIg Intra Venousimmunogiobulin 10821 IVP Tntra Venous Pyelogram 1083. IVS Inter Ventricular Septum 1084] IVUS Tntra Vascular ultrasonography 10851 1W. Intermediate Ward 1086 WT. Ice Water Test 1087] Jabfing | Jabatan fungsional 1088! Jaspel Jas Pelayan 10894 jbac Jari Bawah arcus Costae 1090, bp Jari Bawah Processus Xyphoideus 10911 JCI ‘oint Commission International 1092] jentae ‘entaculum 1093] jecund Jecunda 1094] JFF ‘ejenum Feeding Fistula 1095] JK ‘Tenis Kelamin 1096] JKA Jaminan Kesehatan Acch 1097] TL Judgkin Left 1098] JKN, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional 1099] Jin Jalan T100{ 3th Sumlah 1101] JP GAKIN | Jaminan Pelayanan Kesehatan Keluarga Miskin ‘va| paces Jaminan Pelayanan Kesehatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil 1103) JPL, Jam Pelajaran 1104) JME, Juvenile Myoclinie Epileps 1105, JR. Tudgkin Right 1106] JRA Juvenile Rehumatoid Arthritis 107] IT. ‘Janin Tunggal 1108] Juac aven Tuaculum avenacaum 1109] IVP. “Tugular Venous Pressure THO} KAT ‘Kemasan Harga TH Kimi ‘Koloni per Milter m2, ‘Kementerian / Lembaga / Satuan Kerja 7 KILIS/D/L | Perangkat Daerah /Insitust Ta] ke ‘Keadaan Umum Tha] KS, Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja TS] KA ‘Kondiloma Akuminata TH16[ KAD ‘Keto AcidosisDiabeticum TH17, KAFO ‘Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis TH18] KAK ‘Kecelakaan Akibat Kerja 1119) Kal Kalori 1120] Kapl ‘Kaplet 121] Kaps Kapsul 1122] KARP ‘Kartu Identtas Pensiun 1123] Karis ‘Kartu Istr 12a] Karpeg Kartu Pegawai 1125] KARS ‘Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit 1126! Karsu ‘Kartu Suami ee * ae Seas ae 1127] Ka Ru ‘Kepala Ruangan 1128] KBE [Kamar Bedah Emergenst 11291 KCI [ Kalium Chlorida 1130] KD [ Knee Disarticulation 131] KDM. ‘Kebutuhan Dasar Manuisia 1132] KDP Konstruksi Dalam Pekerjaan 11331 KDR, ‘Kehamilan Dalam Rahim 1134] KE ‘Kehamilan Ektopik, 1135] Kemenkes | Kementerian Kesehatan 1136) Kesling Kesehatan Lingkungan 1137] Kepmenkes | Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan 1138) KET Kehamilan Ektopik terganggu 1139) Kg, Kilogram 1140] KGB Kelenjar Getah Bening 141 KGD ‘Kadar Giukosa Darah 1142] KGDs ‘Kadar Glukosa Sewaktu 1143] KGD Puasa | Kadar Glukosa Darah Puasa 1144] KGD2pp | Kadar Glukosa Darah 2 jam Post Prandial 1145] KH ‘Karbohidrat 1146] KHS Kecepatan Hantaran Sara 1147] KHER Konsentrasi Hemoglobin Eritrosit Rerata 1148] KL Kontra Indikasi 1149] KIE Komunikasi Informasi Edukast 1150) KIL Kortikosteroidlntralesi injeksi 1151 KIM-1 Kidney Injury Molecule-1 1152 KIDK ‘Kematian Janin Dalam Kandungan 1153! KIDP ‘Kematian Janin Dalam Persalinan TIS4] KK ‘Kaku Kuduk 1155] Kal Kilokalori 1156] KKN ‘Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme 11571 KL, ‘Kasus Lama 1158) KLB ‘Kejadian Luar Biasa 1159] KMB. ‘Keperawatan Medikal Bedah 1160) KMC. ‘Kangoro Mother Care 161] KMKP- Komite Mutu dan Keselamatan Pasien 1162] K-Nail ‘Kunscher Nail 1163, KNC Kejadian Nyaris Codera Koninklijke Nederlandse Centrale Vereniging tot 164) KNCV-TB | Bestrijding der Tuberculose 116s KNF Kersinoma Nasofaring 1166) KO, ‘Knee Orthosis 1167] KOR Kalium hydroxide 1168] Komp Komposisi 1169] KP ‘Keselamatan Pasien 1170] KPA ‘Kuasa PengguneAnggaran TTA KPC ‘Kondisi Potensial Cedera 1172] KPD. Ketuban Pecah Dink 1173] KPE, ‘Kartu Pegawai Elekironik 11741 KPKNE Kantor Pelayanan Kekaysan Negara dan Lelang 11751 KPP. ‘Kantor Pelayanan Pajek 11761 KPPN. ‘Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara 1177, KPR ‘Knee Patula Reflex 1178) KPRS ‘Kesclamatan Pasien Rumah Sakit 1179] KPS. ‘Kuslifkasi dan Pendidikan Stat 1180) KS ‘Kerotosisi Seboroik 1181, KS ‘Kelompok Staf Medis, 1182] KSO ‘Kerja Sama Operasional 1183] KSS. ‘Karsinoma Sel Squamosa Tiga] KTC ‘Kejadian Tidak Cedera 188] KTD. ‘Kejadian Tidak Diharapkan 1186) kg Kanfong 1187 kek Kotak 1188) KU ‘Keadaan Umum 1189 KUB, Kidney Ureters Bladder 1190] KUHP- ‘Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana eS” es Seooe a 191] KUL-KEL | Kulit dan Kelami 1192) Kuret ‘Kuretase 1193] KV ‘Kardio Vaskuler 1194) KVP ‘Kilovolt Peak 1195] KVV, ‘Valve vaginalis 1196] K-Wire Kischaer Wire 1197] K3RS Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Rumah Sakit 11981 L Left, Lateral 1199] LLG Long Leg Brace 1200] LS. Korset | Lumbal Sacro Korset 1201) LBP. Low Back pain 1202] Le Lumbal 12031 Lo R Shunt | Left to Right shunt 1204] LIC Latter Of Credit 1205] LA ‘Left Atrium 1206] LAA ‘Left Atrial Appendage 1207] Lab ‘Laboratorium 1208] lac vace, Te vaceini 1209) LAD Left Anterior Descendens 1210] LAE ‘Left Antrial Enlargement 1211] LAF. Laminar Air Flow 1212) Lag gute ‘Lagene guttaforis 1213] LAH ‘Left Atrial Hypertrophy. 1214] LAHB ‘Left Anterior Hemiblock, 1215] LAKA TLobus Atas Kanan 1216! LAK Lobus Atas Kiri La “Akuntabiltas —Kinerja_ Instansi 1217] LAKIP era inh 1218) LAO Left Anterior Oblique 1219] LAP. Late Arterial Phase 1220] Lap Cole LaparoscopieCholecystectom) 1221] LAR ‘Lower Anterior 1222] LASA Look Alike Sound Alike 1223, lar inf arutan infas 1224) larrektal arutan rektal 1225) tar Tarutan 1226) Lat Lateral 1227 Lat dol Later dolenfl 1228] LB Letak Bokong 1229] LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block 1230) LCA ‘Left Coronary Artery _ 1231] LCL. Lateral Collateral Ligament 1232] LCS iquor Cerebro Spinalis 1233] CCX Left Circumflex 1234] LD ‘Lingkar Dada. 1235) LDH Laciat Dehydrogenase 1236) LDK Lembar Data Kualifikash 1237] LDKB. ‘Lembar Data Keselamatan Bahan 1238] LDL ‘Low Density Lipoprotein 1239 LDP ‘Lembar Data Pengaman 1240] LOX Left Circumfex 1241] LE CBD Taparatomy Eskplorasi Common Billi 1242] LED. Laju Endap Darah 1243] LES, Lupus Britematosus Sistematik 1244] LE Sel Lupus Erithematosus Sel 1245] LEG, ‘Laju Fitrasi Gomerulus 1246/ CFT, Liver Function Test 12471 GP. Labio Gnato Palatoskizis, 1248) UGS ‘Lingkup gerak Sendi 1249] LGV LLympho Granuloma Venereum 1250] LH. ‘Luteinizing Hormone 1251] LHA Left Hepatic Artery 1252] LHP Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan 1253] LHV Left Hepatic Vein 1284] LIA, Lysine Iron Agar ee 1255] LIMA ‘Left Internal Mammary Artery 1256] limp TLimpidus 1257 ig Liquid (cairan) 1258) LS ‘Laboratory information System 1259] fit oF Titus, ors 1260) Litbang ?Penelitian dan Pengembangan 1261 tig Ligudus 1262] Towenstein Jensen 1263] LK Lingkar Kepala 1264) LL Letak Lintang 12651 LLA Lingkar Lengan Atas 1266) LLB Long Leg Brace 1267] LLC. LED Light Curing CTambalan Sinar) 4268) LLD Left Lateral Decubitus 1269 LLLT Low Level Laser Therapy 1270) LLP ‘Long Leg Plaster 1271 LM Left Main 1272/ LMA. Laryngeal Mask Airwaj 1273 [MN Lower Motor Neuron 1274] LMN Limpoma Maligna Non Hodgkin 1275] LMWH Low Molecular Weight Heparin 1276) EN Lupus Neftitis 1277] ENE ‘Limfoma Non Hodgkin 1278) LO Laparoskopy Operatif 1279 LO CHOLE | Laparoskopy Cholecystectomy 1280] LOHR Laporaskopy Hysterectomy Radikal 12811 LOC Letter OF Certificate 1282] Toe ace Locus aeger 1283] Toc dot Tocus dolens 1284] LOLA, 1L-Ornitin-L-Aspartat 1285] long Longitudo 1286| LOS, Length OF Stay 1287] Lot Loto 1288) ot ven Lotio venenosa 1289] LOX ‘Liquid Oxygen 1290! loz TLozenge 1291 LP Lapangan Pandang 1292] Lp A Lipoprotein A 1293 LPLO ‘Laparastomie Pack Laparaskopy Opera 1294] LP MATA. 1295] LP ORTHO | Laparastomie Pack Onihopedi tase] Lepssw | Laparsomie Peek Peel Screw Sipsinine 1297 LPB, Tapang Pandang Besar 1298) LPHB Left Posterior Hemiblock 1299) LPK Lapang Pandang Kecil 1300] LPM iter per Menit 1301] LPO. ‘Left Posterior Obfique 1302] LPR ‘Laryngo Pharingeal Reflux 1303] LPSE ‘Layanan Pengadaan Secara Blekironik 1304) LPV Left Portal Vein 1303] LRA ‘Laporan Realisasi Anggaran 1306] LS TLetak Sungsang B07] LS Lumbosacral 1308) LSI. Low Grade Squamous Inira Epithelial Lesion 1309] LSI ‘Lumbo-Sacral-joint 1310) LSK, ‘Lichen Simplex Chronicus ( Neurodermatiis) 1311 180, Lumbo Sacral Orhosis 1312] LSS Taparatomy Surgical Staging 1313] Lt Lantai 1314] L7G Low Tension Glaucoma 1315] LIM Long Tern Memory 1316] LUC Large Unstained Cell 1317) LV Left Ventricle 1318] LVA ‘Left Vertebrata Arter eS SS“ EO RSuP. Tue ues aac a A 1319] LVEDD ‘Left Ventricle End Diastolic Dimension. 1320] LVEDP 1321] LVEDV 1322] LVESD 1323] LVESV 1324] LVE. Left Ventricular Hypertopy 1325] LVOT Left Ventricle Outflow Tract 1326) MAL, Medial Lateral 13271 mid Meter per Detik 1328] MS. ‘Mounster Scoliosis Onosis 1329] MA Mesio Angular 1330] magn ‘Magnus, 2, um. 1331 MAKP ‘Metode Asuhan Keperawatan 13324 maks; ‘Maksinmum 1333 MAOT ‘Mono Amine Oxidase Inhitor 1334] MAP ‘Mean Arterial Pressure 1335] MAPCAs | Multiple Aortopulmonary Collateral Aviles 1336] MAS ‘Miliampere second 1337] mass mass, a€ 1338) mass pil ‘massa pifularam 1339] MARS “Magister Adminisirasi Rumah Saki 1340) MB ‘Makanan Bias 1341] MBD. “Metastasis Bone Desease 1342] MBO. ‘Mati Batang Otak 1343] MCA. Middle Cerebral Artery 1344) meg Mikrogram 1345] MCH ‘Mean Corpuseular Hemoglobin 1346] MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration 1347] MCL Myocardial Infraction 1348] MCI ‘Makanan Cai Jeri 1349] MCK ‘Makanan Cair Kental 1350, MCL, ‘Medial Cruciatum Ligamen 1351 MCP, ‘Metacarpal Phalageal 1352 MCPE ‘Makanan Cair Penuh Eternal 13531 MCPO_ ‘Makanan Cair Penuh Oral 1354] MCTD Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 1355] MCV. ‘Mean Corpuscular Volume 1356] MD ‘Maintenance Dose 1357] MDF “Maag Deodenum Oesofagus 1358] MDGs Millenium Development Goals 1359] MDI Metered Dose Inhaler (Inhaler Dosis tertukar) 1360) MDM. Mid Diastolic Murmur 1361] MDR. ‘Multi Drug Resistant 1362 MDRO- ‘Multi Drug Resistant Organism 1363] MDR TB | Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis 13641 MDS. “Myelo Dysplastie Syndrome 1365! mau more dicto utendus 1366 ME Medication Error 1367] MEA ‘Meningo Enchephalo Anterior 1368] med ‘Medias 1369] Media MR-VP | Media Methyl red-Voges Proskauer 1370] Media SS | Media Salmonella Shigella agar 1371] Media LJ | Media Lowenstein Jensen 1372] MEN “Multiple Endocrine Neoplasiew 1373, Meq. Milli equivalent 1374] MET, ‘Metabolic Equivalent 1375| metv ‘mane et vespere 1376) mt misce fic 137] MFR ‘Malignaut Fibrous Histioeytoma 1378] MFK Manajemen Fasiitas dan Keselamatan 1379] MEV, ‘Mean Blood Flow Velocity 1380] Mg ‘Magnesium 1381.) MG Multi Gravida 1382 MGT ‘Mycrobacterium Growth Indicator Tube 1383 MGUS. ‘Monocolonal Gammopathy of _Uneeriain Ee * ‘Significane pea] Mi Morbus Hansen 1385] MHA Mueller Hinton Agar 1386] MEBB ‘Morbus Hansen Tipe Borderlina 1387] MHBL “Morbus Hansen Tipe Borderlina Lepromatosa 1388] MEBT Morbus Hansen Tipe Borderlina Tuberculoid 1389] MBL ‘Morbus Hansen Tipe Lepromatosa 1390) MHTT ‘Morbus Hansen Tipe Tubereuloid 1391] ML Myocardial Infarciton 1392] MIC Minimum Inhibitor Concentration 1393.) Mid Mirasis, 1394] MIO. ‘Motil Indol Oran 1395] MIU Mi ternational units 1396] MK “Moluskum kontagiosum 1397] M.Kes ‘Magister Keschatan 1398] MKI “Manejemen Komunikasi dan Informasi 1399] MKR ‘Masa Kerja Ruangan_ 1400] MKRI “Majelis Kegiatan Rohani Islam 1401] MKRS_ ‘Masa Kerja Rumah Sakit 1402] ML ‘Makanan Lunak 1403] mmol Millimol 1404] MLD_ ‘Manual Lymphatic Drainage 1405 MM_ ‘Meatus Medius 1406] MmoliL Millimole Per Liter 1407] MMPI ‘Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 1408! MMSE “Mini Mental State Examination 1409] MMT. “Manual Muscle Test 1410] MMU, ‘Medication Management and Use Ta] MND. ‘Motor Neuron Disease 1412] ant Menit 1413] MOA Manner OF Anieulatfon 1414] MOB. Mobilisast 1415] MOD ‘Multi Organ Dysfunction 1416] mod cogn ‘modo cognito 1417] mod dict modo dicto_ 1418] MOF ‘Multi Organ Failure 119] monoFiCI | Monohidroklorida 1420] MOT Master OF Trainer 1421] MOTT “Mycobacterium other than tuberculosis 1422] MOW “Metode Operasi Wanita 1423] MP ‘Multi purpose 1424] MPA Main Pulmunary Artery 1425] MPD Myelo Proliferative Disorder 1426] MPGN ‘Membrano Proliferative Disorder 1427] MPO ‘Manajemen dan Penggunaan Obst 1428] MPP. ‘Masa Persiapan Pensiun 1429] MPR ‘Multipplanar Reformation 1430] MPS “Myofascial Pain Syndrome 1431] MPV Mean Platelet Volume 14321 MR Mitral Regurgtash 1433 MRA. ‘Magnetic Resonance Angiography 1434] MR VP. Methil Red Voges-Preskaver 1435] MRCP ‘Magnetic Resonance Cholangio Pancreatograply 1436] MRI ‘Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1437] MRM “Modified Radical Mastectomi 1438] MRS Magnetic Resonace Spectroscopy 1439] MRSA | Methcilin Resistant Stphylococeus Aureus 1440] MRU “Magnetic Resonance Urography 1441] MRV ‘Magnetic Resonance Vena 1442] MS. Mitral Stenosis 1443 MSA. Manitol Salt Agar’ 14a] MSCT ‘Multi Slice Computerized Tomography 1445] MSD_ ‘Metastase Spine Diseases 1446] MSDD ‘Multy Sensory Development Delays 1447] SDS. Safety Data Sheet eas * Sa rr aca 1448] MSi Magister Sains. 1449] MSSA “Methicillin Sensitive Staphylocooeus Aureus 1450] MSU, Mixturing Sisto uretrography 1451] mSv Millisievert 1452] MT Mantoux 14531 MTD Metadon 1454] MIP, Metatarsal Phalangeal 1455] MIPS “Myofascial Tringger Poin Syndrome 1456) MTS. ‘Madeline Thomas Stories 1457 MIX, ‘Methotrexate Vimblastin Adriamnieyn Platinum | 1458] MV ‘Minute volume | 1459] MVA Mitral Valve Area 1460] MVAP. ‘Methotrexate Vimblastin Adriamicyn Platinum 1461 MVP. ‘Maximum Value Pocket 1462 MVR. ‘Mitral Valve Replacement 1463] MWD Micro Wave Diathermy 1464] net ‘Nocte maneque 1465] NE ‘Needing & Infiltration 1466] Na [atrium 14671 NaCl ‘Natrium Chloride 1468] NAFLD ‘Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 1469 NAKES "Tenaga Keschatan 1470] NAPZA ‘Narkotika Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktiflainnya 1471, narist ‘Naristilae 14721 Natkoba ‘Narkotika dan Obat/Bahan Berbahaya 1473] NASH. ‘Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis, North America Society of pacing and 1474] NASPE, ere 1475] NCA, ‘Normal Coronary Artery 1476] NCB ‘Neonatus Cukup Bulan 147] NCB SMK | Neonatus Cukup Bulan Sesuai Masa Kehamilan 14781 NCP ‘Natrition Care Process 1479, NCT ‘Non Contact Tonometet 1480) NCV ‘Nerve Conduetion Velocity 1481 ND Nefropati Diabetik 1482) NE. ‘Naso Endosk 1483] Nebu ‘Nebulizer 1484] ne det ne deter 1485] ne iter ne iteretu 1486] NEOS ‘Neostrata 1487] neutral ‘Neutralisetus 1488] NF ‘Neuro Ffibromatoais 1489] Neal ‘Neutrophil gelatinase-associated Lipocalin 1490] NGT. ‘NasoGastric Tube 1491 NH ‘Nifas Hari 1492] NHS ‘Nitrogen Trinidroksida 14931 NHL "Non Hodgkein Lymphom 14941 ol ne iteratus 1495 NIBP ‘Non Javasiv Blood Pressure 1496 NICU ‘Neonatus Intensive Care Unit 14971 NIDD- "Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Millitus 1498, NIHSS ‘National Institutes of Healt Stroke Seale 1499, NIP ‘Nomor Induk Pegawai 1500] NK ‘Nasal Kanul 1501] NL ‘Neurogical Level 1502] NMES ‘Neuromuscular Electrical Simulation 1503] Nn. ‘Nona 1504] No ‘Nomor 1505| NOD ‘Nurse On Duty 1306) NOK ‘Neoplasma Ovarium Kistik 15071 non det non deter 1508 non in fag orig | non in lagema originals 1509, non ep. non reperatur 1510] noon ‘Nonnuli 1511] nov ‘ SS” eae ee a sur Peete HAM 15121 NP. "Nevus Pigmentosus 15131 NPDR ‘Non Proliferative Diabetie Retinopathy 1514] NPO ‘Nothing per Oral 1515] NPPLN. "Naskah Perjanjian Pinjaman Luar Negeri 1516] NPS: Nilai Pekerjaan Sekarang TIT] NPL ‘Nilai Pengalaman Tertinggi 1518] NPWP, ‘Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak 1519] NR ‘Normo respon 1520] NRM ‘Non Rebreathing Mask 1521] Ns Nurse 1522 NSAID Non Steroidal Anfi Inflammatory Drug 1523] NSE. Non Specific Enolase 1524] NSTEMI ‘Non Si. Elevasi Mioeard lnfark 1525) NT. [Nyeri Tekan 1526) NT pro BNP | N terminal ProBrain Natriuretic peptide 1527) NTG Nitroglyeerine 1528, mud tent ‘Nui lerdus 1529, NU, ‘Nitrogen Urea Uria 1530, NVR ‘Normo Ventricular Response 1531] NWB. ‘Non Weight Bearing 1532] Ny ‘Nyonya. 1533] NYHA ‘New York Heart Association (untuk Klasiikasi) 1534] 0 Out Put 1535] O&G ‘Obstetricis & Gynaecology 1536) 0% ‘Omni quaria hora 1537] O%H ‘Omni dimidia hora 1538, 01 4h ‘Omni sesqui hore 1539] Op Oksigen 1540] O, Sungikcup | Oksigen Sungkup 1541 OA ‘Ostozarthrtis 1542] OAB, ‘Over Active Blader 1543] OAD, ‘Obat Anti Diabetik 1544] OA DIP Osteo Arthritis Distal inter Phalangeal 1545] oalth ‘omnibus alternis horis 1546] OAT ‘Obat Anti TBC 1547] OBHL ‘Obat Batuk Hitam 1548] OBL Oblique: 1549] Obs ‘Observasi 1550.) Obstet ‘Obst 13511 obt ‘Obturatus 15521 OCD, ‘Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 15531 OCT ‘Optical Coherent Tomography 1554] octid ‘Octiduum, 1555] octup ‘ctuplus, octupo 1556] ocul dextro | Oeulo dekstro 15571 ocul sisnist | Oculo sinistro 1558 oculent ‘Gculentum 1559] Od ‘Over Dosis 1560] ODD ‘Oppositional defiant disorder 1361 ods ‘Oculi Dextra Sinistra 1562] OE, Otitis Externa 1563] ob ‘omni hora eel onaae Ocapuiosl Hei and Suey Assent 1565 OK ‘operatie Kamer 1566) ol ‘oculus lacus 1567, OM ‘Obtuse Marginal 1568) OMI ‘Obtuse Marginal-T 1569) OM2, ‘Obnuse Marginal -2 1570, OM 3 ‘Obtuse Marginal -3 1571] OMA. ‘Otitis Media Akut 1572] OMD. ‘esophagus Maag Duodenography 1573] OME Otis Media Efusi 1574] OM ‘Old Myocardial Infraction 1575 oma, ‘Omnis aes * a 1576] Omn4 hr | Omni quarta hora 1377] Omn 2 hr | Omni secunda hora 1578] Omn 3 hr | Omni tertia hora 1579] Omn bid ‘Omnis biduo 1580] Omn mane | Omni mane vel nocle el noct 1581] OMS 1582] OMSK Media Supuratif Kronike 1583] on ‘omni nocte 1584] 00 Osteoid Osteoma 15851 OPA ‘Oropharyngeal Airway 1586 ophth ‘Ophthaimieae (mata) 1587] OPR Operator 1588 ORF ‘OPEN Reduction Internal Fixation 1589105 ‘Orang sakit 1590] OSAS ‘Obstruktive Sleep Apnea Syndrome 1591] OF ‘Okupasi Terapi 13921 oft On/The 1593] OTC (Over The Counter / Obat Bebas weullons Objective (Tujuan), Target (Sasaran) dan Program 1595! OTT ‘Oral Tracheal Tube, 1596] PTB. Patella tendon Bearing 1597) P2IK Pusat Pembjayaan dan Jaminan Kesehatan Kemenkes | Kementerian Kesehatan 1398] PIA, Parametrium danAdnexa 1399] piv Pendarahan Pervaginam 1600] PAB Premature Atrial Beat 1601 PABA, ara-Amino Benzoic Acid 1602 PAC Percutaneous Angiography Coronary 1603 PACS ‘Peture Archieving Communication System 1604) PAD ‘Peripheral Arterial Disease 16051 PADP Pulsasi Arteri Dorsalis Pedis 1606, paeq aries aequales 1607] PAF Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrilation 1608] PAK Penetapan Angka Kredit, 1609] PAL. ‘Pengolahan Air Limbah 1610] Palp Palpebra 1611] PANSS Positive And Negative Syndrome Seale 16121 Panex ‘Panoramiks Exposure 1613] PAP Pulmonary Artery Pressure 1614] PAPS Pulang Atas permintaan Sendir 1615] PAPVR Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Retrun 1616] PAR Pulmonary Artery Resistance 1617] PART Pulmonary Artery Resistence Index 1618] PARS ‘Pedoman Akuntansi Rumah Sakit 1619] Partaffee | Parti Affecae 1620] Part dol Pare dolente 1621) Partvie Partitus viibus 1622] PAT, Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia 1623 PATP Pulsasi Arter Tibialis Posterior 1624 PAVD Peripheral Arteri Venous Disease 1625] PB Presentasi Bokong 1626| PBF Pulmonary Blood Flow 1627] PBI Penerima Bantuan Turan 1628] PBI ulang Berobat Jalan 1629 PBK Presentasi Belakang Kepala 1630] pic Post Coenam 1631] PCA, Posterior Cerebral Artery 1632] PCI Percutaneous coronary intervention 1633] PCL Posterior Cruciate Ligament 1634 PCNL Percutaneus Netro Litopalaxi 1635 PCR ‘Polymerase Chain Reaction 1636) PCS Pelvi Calyceal System 1637] Pet Procaleitonin es * Ses i aT hie 1638] PCWP Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure 1639] PD Penyakit Dalam 1640] PDA Patent Duetus Devons 164i] PDD Perpasive Developmental Disorders 1642! Perpasive — Developmental Disorders Not PDD-NOS | otherwise Specified Tea3| POG Pembuat Daftar Gaj 16i4] POGT Persanuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia 1645] PDL engeioisan Dana Tntern 1686] PDIP, Peraturan Direlsur Jenderal Perbendaharaan 1647] PDP 1648] PDR Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 1689, pd sing Pro dosis singularis 1650] PDSA Plan Do Study Action 1651, PDW. Platelet Distrubution Width 1652) PE Preeklampsia 1653] PEA Pulseles electrical activity 1654] PEB Pre Eklamsia Berat 1655] ped Pediatrie 1656] PEEP Positive End Expiatony Pressure 1657] PEF Peak Expiratory Pressure 1658] PELD Percunaseus Endoscopy Lumbal Diseciomy, 1659) PERKI Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kerdiovaskular Indonesia 1660] PENMED | Penunjang Meas 1661] Perda Peraturan Daerah vega] Permenakera | Peraturn Menfari Tenaga Kaya dan ns ‘Transmigrasi 1663] Permenkes | Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan 1664] PERNEFRI | Persatuan Nefrologi Indonesia 1665] PERSAGI | Persatuan Ali Gizi Indonesia 1666] PET Scan | Positron emission tomography 1667] PF Pemeriksaan Fis 1668) PFE Patients and Family Education 1669! PFGD. ‘Pemeriksaan Fungsi Gerak Dasar feilpan een Fee Metal (Bridge Crown 7 Jaket Tori] PFO. Persistent Foramen Ovale 1672] PFR Patient and Family Rights 1673] PFPS, Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome 1674] PG, Primi Gravida 1673] PGCS ediaitic Glasgow Coma Seale 1676! PGDM, Periksa Gula Darah Mandir 1677, PGRS elayanan Gizi Rumah Sakit 1678] pH Potential of Hydrogen 1679] PHACO Phacoemulsfication 1680] PHLN Pinjaman/Hibah Luar Negeri 1681] PHN Pasca Herpetic Neuralgia 1682! PHO Provisional Hand Over 1683] PIC Person In Charge To841 PICU Pediactric Intensive Care Unit 1685] PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 1686] PLM Periculum in mora 1687] PIN Prostatic Intraepthelial Neoplasia. 1688] PS Penanggung Jawab 1689] PIA Penyakit Jantung Anemia 16801 PIB ‘Penyakit Jantung Bawaan 16911 PUK Penyakit Jantung Koroner 16921 PIT Pusat Jantung Terpadu 16931 PK, Patologi Klinik 16841 PKD Polycystic Kidney Disease 16951 PKL. Prakiek Kerja Lapangan 1696! PKRS Penyuluhan Kesehatan Rumali Sakit 1697] PKP Pengusaha Kena Pajak_ Sees *

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