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4. OBICEIURI CARE DERANJEAZA Prezent Continuu to be prezent + VB-ING 1. Actiunea se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii - ora 18:06 1am learning English now. What are you doing (now)? nN Actiunea se deruleaza intr-o perioada de timp in care ne aflam- 1am looking for a job. | am writing/ reading a book. This month I'm reading a good book. We are painting our apartment. I'm painting my apartment. I'm waiting for our holiday at the seaside. This year | am learning English. What are you doing these days/ this week/ this summer? Pm living with my aunt. 3. Exprima o actiune viitoare, apropiata, pentru care s-au facut Pregatiri, s-au luat decizii; ; grad mare de certitudine. We're leaving on holiday next week. (am facut pregatiri in acest sens- concediu, benzina, bagajele facute) They are going to Greece next year. What are you doing on the weekend? You are always forgetting something. They are always arguing. 5. Verbe care prin definitie nu au aspect continuu- exceptii: It’s starting to rain, We're opening the presents. She’s answering their questions. *to be - daca ne referim la o situatie temporara care nu caracterizeaza o persoana Am | being rude? She’s being aggressive.

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