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1. cd command:
 cd /home/user/Documents: Change directory to "/home/user/Documents".
 cd ..: Move up one level in the directory structure.
 cd /: Change to the root directory.
2. ls command:
 ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
 ls -l: List files in long format with detailed information.
 ls -a: List all files, including hidden ones.
3. whoami:
 whoami: Display the username of the current user.
 sudo whoami: Display the username with superuser privileges.
 whoami && id: Display both the username and user ID.
4. who:
 who: Display information about users currently logged in.
 who -q: Display only the number of logged-in users.
 who -a: Display information about all users, including system processes.
5. w:
 w: Display information about currently logged-in users and their activities.
 w -h: Display a shorter format without header information.
 w -u username: Display information for a specific user.
6. pwd:
 pwd: Print the current working directory.
 pwd -P: Print the physical current working directory (resolved symlink).
 pwd -L: Print the logical current working directory (unresolved symlink).
7. ip addr:
 ip addr show: Show information about network interfaces.
 ip addr add dev eth0: Add an IP address to the eth0 interface.
 ip addr del dev eth0: Remove an IP address from the eth0
8. nmcli device status:
 nmcli device status: Display the status of all network devices.
 nmcli device show eth0: Show detailed information about the eth0 device.
 nmcli device disconnect eth0: Disconnect the eth0 network device.
9. last:
 last: Show a list of last logged in users.
 last -n 5: Display the last 5 logins.
 last -i: Display IP addresses along with login information.
10. lastb:
 lastb: Display a list of failed login attempts.
 lastb -n 3: Display the last 3 failed login attempts.
 lastb -w: Display additional information about the failed login attempts.
11. top:
 top: Display a dynamic view of system processes.
 top -u username: Display processes for a specific user.
 top -p PID: Display information about a specific process ID.
12. dmidecode:
 dmidecode: Display information about the system's hardware components.
 dmidecode -t memory: Show details about the system memory.
 dmidecode -t processor: Display information about the processor.
13. netstat:
 netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, interface statistics.
 netstat -tuln: Show listening sockets for TCP and UDP.
 netstat -r: Display the routing table.
14. df:
 df: Display information about disk space usage.
 df -h: Show disk space in human-readable format.
 df -T: Display the filesystem type along with usage.
15. du:
 du: Display disk usage of files and directories in the current directory.
 du -h: Show disk usage in a human-readable format.
 du -s /path/to/directory: Display total disk usage for a specific directory.
16. shutdown -r:
 shutdown -r now: Shut down and restart the system immediately.
 shutdown -r +5: Schedule a system restart in 5 minutes.
 shutdown -c: Cancel a scheduled system shutdown.
17. hostname:
 hostname: Display the system's hostname.
 hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname: Change the system's hostname.
 hostname -I: Display the system's IP address.
18. history:
 history: Display the command history of the current user.
 history 10: Show the last 10 commands in the history.
 !ls: Execute the last command that starts with "ls" from the history.
19. uptime:
 uptime: Display how long the system has been running.
 uptime -p: Show the uptime in a more human-readable format.
 uptime -s: Display the system's last boot time.
20. last reboot:
 last reboot: Show the system's reboot history.
 last reboot -F: Display the reboot history with full date and time.
 last reboot -n 5: Show the last 5 system reboots.
21. nslookup:
 nslookup Perform a DNS lookup for the domain "".
 nslookup Perform a reverse DNS lookup for the IP address.
 nslookup -query=mx Display mail server information for a domain.


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Locate command
Whereis command

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