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Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación

Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional
y Enseñanza de Idiomas
Jaén, a 20 de diciembre de 2021

Romero Rayo, Juan Antonio

Ruiz Bermúdez, Cristian Jesús
Sánchez López, Alejandro Jesús
Torres Romera, Ana
AUTORÍA Alejandro Jesús Sánchez López, Ana Torres Romera, Cristian Ruiz Bermúdez, Juan Antonio Romero Rayo


Esta secuencia AICLE se fundamenta en el área de Matemáticas, específicamente el bloque 3 de Geometría. En la unidad, contaremos con 5 sesiones que
tratarán sobre el sistema métrico, el conocimiento de los diferentes polígonos regulares y cálculo de sus perímetros y sus áreas. Finalmente, se realizará un
proyecto que servirá de repaso y evaluación de los alumnos. Dentro de esta secuencia AICLE se tendrán en cuenta recursos TIC, pues se utilizará la web
para ver vídeos, buscar información e imágenes. Usaremos durante la continuidad de las sesiones el modelo pedagógico de flipped classroom, o clase
invertida, para que la práctica y el cultivo del conocimiento se realice en la hora de clase. Por último, todo el contenido matemático estará respaldado por
la adquisición del vocabulario básico de la unidad.


En esta unidad didáctica basada en las secuencias AICLE, buscaremos continuamente ofrecer a nuestro alumnado un modelo de enseñanza centrado en
la colaboración entre compañeros y la aplicabilidad en la vida real del contenido. En este bloque de geometría, siguiendo la orden del 14 de Julio de 2016,
por la que se establece el currículo de la ESO, se experimentará a través de las posibilidades que nos ofrecen los recursos digitales para construir, investigar
y deducir propiedades. Además, el uso del inglés ofrecerá al alumnado la oportunidad de cultivar este conocimiento en un idioma extranjero. Por último, se
utilizarán técnicas innovativas en educación como flipped classroom, incentivando la labor autónoma del estudiantado, a la vez que su posterior labor
cooperativa, donde construir el conocimiento entre todos y todas.

1.2. Define los elementos característicos de los

triángulos, trazando los mismos y conociendo
la propiedad común a cada uno de ellos, y los
1. Reconocer y describir figuras planas, sus clasifica atendiendo tanto a sus lados como a
elementos y propiedades características para sus ángulos.
clasificarlas, identificar situaciones, describir el 1.3. Clasifica los cuadriláteros y paralelogramos
contexto físico, y abordar problemas de la vida atendiendo al paralelismo entre sus lados
cotidiana. opuestos y conociendo sus propiedades
Elementos básicos de la geometría del plano. Relaciones referentes a ángulos, lados y diagonales.
y propiedades de figuras en el plano: Paralelismo y 2. Utilizar estrategias, herramientas 1.4. Identifica las propiedades geométricas
perpendicularidad. tecnológicas y técnicas simples de la que caracterizan los puntos de la
circunferencia y el círculo.
geometría analítica plana para la resolución
Figuras planas elementales: triángulo, cuadrado, etc de problemas de perímetros, áreas y ángulos 2.1. Resuelve problemas relacionados con
(figuras poligonales). de figuras planas, utilizando el lenguaje distancias, perímetros, superficies y ángulos de
figuras planas, en contextos de la vida real,
matemático adecuado para expresar el utilizando las herramientas tecnológicas y las
Clasificación de triángulos y cuadriláteros. Propiedades y procedimiento seguido en la resolución. técnicas geométricas más apropiadas.
2.2. Calcula la longitud de la circunferencia, el
4. Analizar e identificar figuras semejantes, área del círculo, la longitud de un arco y el
Cálculo de áreas y perímetros de figuras planas. calculando la escala o razón de semejanza y área de un sector circular, y las aplica para
la razón entre longitudes, áreas y volúmenes resolver problemas geométricos.
Cálculo de áreas por descomposición en figuras simples. de cuerpos semejantes. 4.1. Reconoce figuras semejantes y calcula la
Circunferencia, círculo. razón de semejanza y la razón de superficies y
5. Analizar distintos cuerpos geométricos volúmenes de figuras semejantes.
Razón entre longitudes, áreas de cuerpos semejantes. (cubos, ortoedros, prismas, pirámides, cilindros, 4.2. Utiliza la escala para resolver problemas de
conos y esferas) e identificar sus elementos la vida cotidiana sobre planos, mapas y otros
Uso de herramientas informáticas para estudiar formas, característicos (vértices, aristas, caras, contextos de semejanza.
configuraciones y relaciones geométricas. desarrollos planos, secciones al cortar con 5.1. Analiza e identifica las características de
planos, cuerpos obtenidos mediante distintos cuerpos geométricos, utilizando el
secciones, simetrías, etc.). lenguaje geométrico adecuado.
5.3. Identifica los cuerpos geométricos a partir
6. Resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana que de sus desarrollos planos y recíprocamente.
conlleven el cálculo de longitudes, superficies
6.1. Resuelve problemas de la realidad
y volúmenes del mundo físico, utilizando mediante el cálculo de áreas y volúmenes de
propiedades, regularidades y relaciones de los cuerpos geométricos, utilizando los lenguajes
poliedros. geométrico y algebraico adecuados
Conocer, adquirir y ampliar el vocabulario del
tema, ejercitar la lectura comprensiva de
● Conocer las distintas medidas del sistema métrico textos relacionados con el núcleo temático
para aplicar este conocimiento en la vida real y en (geometría).
su desarrollo de capacidades. Conocer el sistema métrico, identificar
● Fundamentar el conocimiento teórico sobre los BÁSICAS DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA
polígonos y sus partes, utilizar fórmulas para
perímetros y las áreas de formas geométricas para calcular sus áreas y perímetros.
la posterior realización de los cálculos pertinentes. Aprovechar el input que se presenta
● Aprender a calcular estos mismos perímetros y áreas mediante vídeos y valorar la importancia
en pos de mejorar habilidades lógico-matemáticas. digital para el aprendizaje de los
conocimientos en el aula.
Interpretar la información sobre las diferentes
APRENDER A APRENDER formas geométricas y organizar información
en esquemas.
Respetar y escuchar la variedad de opiniones,
COMPETENCIAS SOCIALES Y CÍVICAS dándole importancia como fuente de
enriquecimiento personal y académico.
Ser autónomos para realizar las actividades
SENTIDO DE INICIATIVA Y ESPÍRITU EMPRENDEDOR individuales y potenciar este aspecto en casa,
mediante flipped classroom.
El trabajo colaborativo cultiva entre el
alumnado la conciencia de comunidad y, por
consiguiente, el contacto y desarrollo de su
cultura en consonancia con otras diferentes.

1.2. Define los elementos característicos de los triángulos, trazando los mismos y conociendo la propiedad común a cada uno de ellos, y los clasifica
atendiendo tanto a sus lados como a sus ángulos.

1.3. Clasifica los cuadriláteros y paralelogramos atendiendo al paralelismo entre sus lados opuestos y conociendo sus propiedades referentes a ángulos, lados
y diagonales.

1.4. Identifica las propiedades geométricas que caracterizan los puntos de la circunferencia y el círculo.

2.1. Resuelve problemas relacionados con distancias, perímetros, superficies y ángulos de figuras planas, en contextos de la vida real, utilizando las
herramientas tecnológicas y las técnicas geométricas más apropiadas.

2.2. Calcula la longitud de la circunferencia, el área del círculo, la longitud de un arco y el área de un sector circular, y las aplica para resolver problemas

4.1. Reconoce figuras semejantes y calcula la razón de semejanza y la razón de superficies y volúmenes de figuras semejantes.

4.2. Utiliza la escala para resolver problemas de la vida cotidiana sobre planos, mapas y otros contextos de semejanza.

5.1. Analiza e identifica las características de distintos cuerpos geométricos, utilizando el lenguaje geométrico adecuado.

5.3. Identifica los cuerpos geométricos a partir de sus desarrollos planos y recíprocamente.

6.1. Resuelve problemas de la realidad mediante el cálculo de áreas y volúmenes de cuerpos geométricos, utilizando los lenguajes geométrico y algebraico

Capacidad de observar las opiniones del resto de 1. Introducción y definición del sistema métrico. Para esta sección,
compañeros / as y compararlas con las propias para inferir hemos preparado un ejercicio de escucha sobre el sistema
resultados más certeros, preguntar, también, potenciando métrico, un ejercicio de unir con flechas sobre las diferentes
ese mismo proceso. Interpretar la información que se recibe unidades de medida, otro sobre las unidades de medida y sus
para relacionar y crear ideas significativas, mediante la abreviaturas, una sopa de letras y, por último, un ejercicio de
justificación de las mismas con hipótesis objetivas. conversión. Además, una pequeña autoevaluación final.
2. Definición e introducción de los polígonos regulares y del
perímetro. En esta sección nos centraremos en introducir
conceptos básicos sobre formas geométricas. Tendremos
ejercicios de reconocimiento de figuras, de escucha de texto
concerniente a las partes de un polígono, completar cuadros
con huecos, crucigrama, reconocimiento de polígonos en la
vida real…
RECURSOS 3. Cálculo de perímetros. Esta sesión se adentra en el cálculo
matemático de la geometría. Nuestros ejercicios se desarrollan
Recursos físicos: sobre cálculo de perímetros de figuras simples, un ejercicio de
● Libro de texto de la asignatura escucha, conversión de unidades con perímetros y semejanza
● Ordenador entre perímetros.
● Diccionario 4. Cálculo de áreas. En primer lugar, hemos introducido una
● Pizarra actividad sobre la relación entre figuras y sus fórmulas de cálculo
● Reproductor de audio del área. Hemos continuado con una actividad que consistía en
● Calculadora dibujar una figura con un área específica y que pudieran
compararla. Por último, una actividad de cálculo de áreas
Recursos humanos: donde hemos pedido que busquen un objeto en Google que
● Profesor de matemáticas con formación bilingüe tenga esa forma geométrica.
5. Proyecto final.


How many centimeters are in…?

What is the name of the polygon with … sides?
Do you know any other…?
Aspectos relacionados con el discurso (Oralidad): describir y distinguir las How many shapes (polygons) do you identify in…?
unidades métricas, clasificar los polígonos e identificar sus partes, solicitar I think this is a heptagon. I don’t think so. What do you think? I agree / disagree.
información para el cálculo de perímetros y áreas, predecir, argumentar, Can this be a…?
dialogar, resumir, informar, dar ejemplos sobre otros polígonos… Find the area / perimeter of…
It is not a … because …
I can see many triangles in…
The square is next to…

Aquellas funciones que voy a desarrollar a lo largo de la secuencia con las
diferentes tareas en términos generales.
Metric system, measure, length, meter, volume, regular polygon, diagonal, Por ejemplo:
apothem, side, vertex, angle, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon,
heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, hendecagon, dodecagon, 1- Expresar opiniones
perimeter, centimeter, width, decametre, area, parallelogram, rhombus, 2- Definir, expresando certeza o no certeza
rectangle, … 3- Clasificar
4- Relacionar y expresar la localización
5- Dialogar, preguntar y responder sobre figuras y dimensiones


How many words do you What is the unit used to

know related to the metric measure? do you know any
system? other units?
How many centimeters are
in 1 meter?

Key Vocabulary
Metric system: vocabulary practice

1. Fill the gaps with the words in the box below after listening to your teacher reading the text.

To measure something, we use a standard ______________. For example, if we are
measuring the length of an object, we might use the unit “meter”. The meter is currently
defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a
We use different units for various _________________, such as length, area, volume,
weight, capacity, time and temperature. Units of measurement belong to a system of
measurement. In the U.S. and the U.K., they use a system called ________________.
The metric system is used throughout the world.

We can convert between multiples and submultiples of one _________ _________.

With the unit cancellation method, you’re not likely to make a mistake moving the
decimal in the wrong direction. However, the unit cancellation method can be
timeconsuming. The decimal method of unit conversion is a faster method. However,
it’s important _____ to move the decimal in the wrong direction.

pattern second magnitude imperial measurement unit not

Metric system: magnitudes and prefixes

2. Match each prefix name with its corresponding number. Work in pairs.

a. The prefixes for the different units of length, volume, and mass in the metric
system obey the following rules:

mili- 10
denti- 0.01
deci- 0.1
deka- 10000
hecto- 0.001
kilo- 100

b. Square and cube in case of areas and volumes:


mili- 0.0001
denti- 0.01
deci- 10000000
deka- 0.000001
hecto- 10000
kilo- 100


mili- 1000000
denti- 0.000000001
deci- 0.001
deka- 1000000000
hecto- 0.000001
kilo- 1000
3. Complete the table related to the units of the International Metric System.
Work in pairs.

Magnitude Unit Symbol

Length meter m
Mass kg
Time s
Electric current ampere
Temperature K
Light Intensity candela
Amount of substance mol

4. Find 14 words related to the English System. Work in pairs.

5. Units of length. Complete the following problems showing all of your work to your
classmate by setting up the entire equation and using unit abbreviations for each value.

Convert each measure to mm.

1. 92 cm 1 mm = _______ mm
2. 61 cm = _______ mm
3. 51 cm = _______ mm
4. 2 mm 735 m = _______ mm

Convert each measure to cm.

5. 70 mm = _______ cm
6. 73 cm 10 mm = _______ cm
7. 946 m 6 km = _______ cm
8. 317 m = _______ cm

Convert each measure to m.

9. 7 km = _______ m
10. 79 m 300 cm = _______ m
11. 12 km = _______ m
12. 9800 cm 872 m = _______ m
Metric System: test

1. Fill the gaps with the correct word taking into account the teacher’s explanation.

The metric system

The system of measurement that scientists around the world use today is the
International Metric System. The metric system is a _______ system, meaning that
it is based on the number ten and ________ of ten, such as 100 and 1,000.

1. Length (L) [typical tool used = meter stick]
Length is the _______ from one point to another.
The basic unit of length in the metric system is a ________ (m).
1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters (cm) 1,000 meters = 1 kilometer (km) 1 meter (m) =
1,000 millimeters (mm) 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters (mm)
2. Volume (V) [typical tool used = graduated cylinder] Volume is the amount of
_________ an object takes up. The basic unit of volume in the metric system is a
_________ (l).
1 liter (l) = 1,000 milliliters (ml) = 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3)
3. Mass (M) [typical tool used = electronic balance] Mass is commonly used to
describe the ________ of an object. The basic unit of mass is a _______ (g).
1 kilogram (kg) = 1,000 grams (g)
1,000 milligrams (mg) = 1 gram

Making conversions
Conversions between units, is a skill needed when working with the metric system.
Exercise: convert 152 meters in centimeters.
Solution: ____________________________

You are ready now to measure regular polygons! What is

a polygon? Check the Youtube link on the right and
watch the first 2:11 minutes to discover it at home!


Are you able to notice

How many shapes do you similar properties among Could you

guess their
identify in class and at the different shapes perimeters?
What about their
home (table, windows, slice below? areas?
of pizza…)?



Now try to differentiate and draw all the different figures you can identify. Don’t forget to write all the
names down! It’s essential for you to compare them with your classmates!
Polygons: vocabulary practice

Can this be a…? Look! ... is here. It What does it mean?

I think it´s a… is next to… I don´t think so / I agree
It´s similar to…!

1. Listen and fill in the gaps.

Parts of a polygon:
Line segments forming a polygon are called _____ of the polygon. The
point where two sides of a polygon meet is called the _____ of the polygon.
The line segment containing two non-adjacent vertices is called the
_______ of the polygon. The angle formed at the vertices inside the closed
figure are called ______ _____. The ______ (sometimes abbreviated as
apo) of a regular polygon is a line segment from the center to the midpoint
of one of its sides.
Note: The number of sides in a polygon is equal to the number of ______.

2. Complete the chart with the words you have used to fill in the gaps in the previous
exercise. Work in pairs.
3. Find the hidden words in the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to fill in the
words below. Words can go across or down and letters are shared when
the words intersect.


3. eight 1. Twelve
4. ten 2. seven
7. four 5. nine
8. five 6. three
9. six

4. You can see below several pictures that are familiar to you. Try to identify
which polygon they represent, taking into account their sides. Work in pairs.

1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct information. Then, you will pick
one of the polygons and tell the teacher what is your choice.
Finally, you will be gathered together with the classmates who
picked the same polygon as you so as to present to the rest why
your polygons are the most representative in real life.
6. Now it’s time to pay attention to your teacher’s explanation about
what a perimeter is. You are ready to increase your knowledge! It
will be useful for the next session.

In geometry, perimeter can be defined as the path or the

boundary that surrounds a shape. It can also be defined as
the length of the outline of a shape.

For the next session, you will need to watch this YouTube
video to learn how to calculate perimeters. Check the link

How to Calculate Perimeter | Calculating Perimeter is easy! Learn how with real
world examples.


Would you be able to Could you use your

What about some more
calculate the perimeter of knowledge about the
complicated shapes like
easy shapes like triangles, metric system to apply it
isosceles trapezoid?
squares and rectangles? to perimeters?

1. Find the perimeters of these polygons.

a) The perimeter of a triangle 5 cm

which sides are 3 cm, 4 cm 3 cm
and 5 cm is ………..

4 cm

4 cm

b) The perimeter of a square

with 4 cm in each side is 4 cm

8 cm
c) The perimeter of a rectangle
with 8 cm in the long sides
and 3 cm in the short side 3 cm
7 cm
d) Let´s try something more
challenging. What´s the
perimeter of this polygon? 5 cm
The perimeter of this
isosceles trapezoid is …………

8 cm

2. Listen and complete the following text about

perimeters. Compare the answers with your partners.

The ______________________________ is the distance around the

outside of the polygon. A polygon is 2-dimensional, however, the perimeter
is _______________ and is measured in linear units.

To help us make this distinction, look at our picture of a backyard. The yard
is 2-dimensional: it has a ________________________________.

The amount of fence needed to enclose the backyard (perimeter) is 1-

dimensional. The perimeter of this yard is the distance around the outside of
the yard, indicated by the red lines. It is measured in _______________
such as feet or meters.

To find the ____________________________________, take the sum of

the length of each side. The formula for perimeter of a rectangle is:

P = 2w + 2l

To find the perimeter of a regular polygon,

___________________________ by the length of one side.
3. Convert the measurements of these figures into meters and then calculate
its perimeters.

20 m
1 dam

0.02 km
10 m
10 m

1 dam

20 dm

0.1 dam
500 cm 500 cm


100 cm
4. With your partner, find out which shapes have the same perimeter.

a) d)

b) e)

c) f)


1. In pairs, match the figures with its respective calculation of the area. To make it easier, try to
look it up on the internet. In addition, find out more information regarding any of the figures,
such as where you can find it and some properties.

figure Area

square A = bh b and h are the base and height

s is the length of the side of the

rectangel A = s2
L and W are the lenghts of the
rhombus A=LW
rectangle´s sides: length and width
(𝑏 + 𝐵)ℎ b and B are the bases and h is the
parallelogram 𝐴=
2 height
𝑃𝑎 P is the perimeter and a is the
triangle 𝐴=
2 apothem
𝑑𝐷 d and D are the diagonals of the
trapezoid 𝐴=
2 rhombus
regular polygon 𝐴= b and h are the base and height

2. Draw with your partner a triangle with an area of 16 m2, a

rectangle of 24 m2 and a square with an area of 25 m2. Indicate
the measurements required to have these areas.



Now, compare with your partner what measurements you used to make the triangle. They can
be different.

3. In pairs, calculate the area of the following figures. Once you have calculated it, look for
images in Google of objects in real life formed by these figures.

a. b.
10.5 cm

20 cm

6.5 cm
c. d.

. .

7.5 cm

4.3 cm

5.5 cm
5 cm
During the execution of this project, the students will practice all they have learned about
perimeters and areas. This project will be done in groups previously formed by the teacher. Listen
carefully to the explanation of the teacher, along with the review of some relevant contents.

Requirements of the Project:

• It´s necessary to use all the figures in the list,

at least once.
• The sum of all the perimeters shall be an exact
number of square centimeters (i. e. 30 cm2)
• It is necessary to use the ruler and the
compass to draw the figures. The robot can be
drawn directly on a piece of paper or can be
made by parts, cutting, painting and pasting
them on a paper as a collage.
• Before starting, the calculation of the
measurements of each figure must be made
to comply with the total defined perimeter at
the beginning.
• Once the robot is finished, the total perimeter
shall be checked.
• After finishing, you have to calculate the total
area of the robot
• Finished robots can be exchanged so that the
rest can check if perimeter and area
calculations are correct (you will present your
robots in groups to the rest briefly).
• List of figures: squares, rectangles,
rhomboids, rhombuses, trapezoids, right-
angle triangles, isosceles triangles, equilateral
triangle and circles.

Understand when someone talks about


Read texts about shapes and

understand the important information

Speak about some of the

characteristics of polygons and circles

Write about polygons and circles YES NO NOT YET

Recognise words and expressions
related to shapes, areas and YES NO NOT YET

Use information from metrical units to apply it to

calculation of perimeters and areas

Help my partners to resolve exercises YES NO NOT YET

Apply the information I have learned to the real


How to search on the internet for information

about geometry

The calculations required for guessing the area of

a figure

The calculations required for guessing the

perimeter of a figure

I KNOW How to convert a metrical unit to others YES NO NOT YET

Basic theory about regular polygons and


How to interact with my partners to obtain


How to write information about geometry YES NO NOT YET


1-dimensional: Unidimensional Octagon: Octógono

Amount of substance: Cantidad de Parallelogram: Paralelogramo
sustancia Pentagon: Pentágono
Apothem: Apotema Perimeters: Perímetros
Areas: Áreas Polygon: Polígono
Circle: Círculo Quadrilateral: Cuadrilátero
Clock: Reloj Rectangle: Rectángulo
Coin: Moneda Regular polygon: Polígono regular
Conversion: Conversión Rhombus: Rombo
Decagon: Decágono Shape: Forma
Decimal: Decimal Sides: Lados
Dodecagon: Dodecágono Space: Espacio
Electric current: Corriente eléctrica Square: Cuadrado
Gram: Gramo Trapezoid: Trapezoide
Height: Altura Trapezium: Trapecio
Heptagon: Heptágono Triangle: Triángulo
Hendecagon: Endecágono Vertex: Vértice
Hexagon: Hexágono Volumes: Volúmenes
Interior angles: Ángulos interiores Width: Anchura
Length.: Longitud
Light intensity: Intensidad de la
Litres: Litros
Mass: Masa
Measurements: Medidas
Meter: Metro
Metric system: Sistema métrico
Multiples: Multiples
Nonagon: Nonágono
Nut: Tuerca

Session 1
1. Fill the gaps with the correct word in the box below.

To measure something, we use a standard pattern. For example, if we are measuring

the length of an object, we might use the unit “meter”. The meter is currently defined as
the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299792458 of a second.
We use different units for various magnitudes such as length, area, volume, weight,
capacity, time and temperature. Units of measurement belong to a system of
measurement. In the U.S. and the U.K., they use a system called Imperial. The metric
system is used throughout the world.

We can convert between multiples and submultiples of one measurement unit. With
the unit cancellation method, you’re not likely to make a mistake moving the decimal in
the wrong direction. However, the unit cancellation method can be timeconsuming. The
decimal method of unit conversion is a faster method. However, it’s important not to
move the decimal in the wrong direction.

2. Match each prefix name with its corresponding number. Work in pairs.

mili- 0.001
centi- 0.01
deci- 0.1
deka- 10
hecto- 100
kilo- 1000

b) Areas

mili- 0.000001
centi- 0.0001
deci- 0.01
deka- 100
hecto- 10000
kilo- 1000000
mili- 0.000000001
centi- 0.000001
deci- 0.001
deka- 1000
hecto- 1000000
kilo- 1000000000

3. Complete the table related to the units of the International Metric System

Magnitude Unit Symbol

Length meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A
Temperature kelvin K
Light Intensity candela cd
Amount of substance mol mol

4. Find 14 words related to the English System. Work in pairs

5. Units of length. Complete the following problems showing all of your work
by setting up the entire equation and using unit abbreviations for each
Convert each measure to mm.

1. 92 cm 1 mm = 921 mm
2. 61 cm = 610 mm
3. 51 cm = 510 mm
4. 2 mm 735 m = 735002 mm

Convert each measure to cm.

5. 70 mm = 7 cm
6. 73 cm 10 mm = 74 cm
7. 946 m 6 km = 694600 cm
8. 317 m = 31700 cm

Convert each measure to m.

9. 7 km = 7000 m
10. 79 m 300 cm = 82 m
11. 12 km = 12000 m
12. 9800 cm 872 m = 970 m

Metric System: test

1. Fill the gaps with the correct word.

The metric system

The system of measurement that scientists around the world use today is the
International Metric System. The metric system is a decimal system, meaning that
it is based on the number ten and power of ten, such as 100 and 1,000.

1. Length (L) [typical tool used = meter stick]
Length is the distance from one point to another.
The basic unit of length in the metric system is a meter (m).
1 meter (m) = 100 centimeters (cm) 1,000 meters = 1 kilometer (km) 1 meter (m) =
1,000 millimeters (mm) 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters (mm)
2. Volume (V) [typical tool used = graduated cylinder] Volume is the amount of
capacity an object takes up. The basic unit of volume in the metric system is a
liter (l).
1 liter (l) = 1,000 milliliters (ml) = 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3)
3. Mass (M) [typical tool used = electronic balance] Mass is commonly used to
describe the weight of an object. The basic unit of mass is a gram (g).
1 kilogram (kg) = 1,000 grams (g)
1,000 milligrams (mg) = 1 gram

Making conversions
Conversions between units, is a skill needed when working with the metric system.
Exercise: convert 152 meters in centimeters.
Solution: 15200
Session 2
1. Listen and fill in the gaps.

Parts of a polygon:
Line segments forming a polygon are called sides of the polygon. The point where
two sides of a polygon meet is called the vertex of the polygon. The line segment
containing two non-adjacent vertices is called the diagonal of the polygon. The angles
formed at the vertices inside the closed figure are called interior angles. The
apothem (sometimes abbreviated as apo) of a regular polygon is a line segment from
the center to the midpoint of one of its sides.
Note: The number of sides in a polygon is equal to the number of vertices.

2. Complete the chart with the words you have used to fill in the gaps in the
previous exercise. Work in pairs.
3. Find the hidden words in the crossword puzzle. Use the clues to fill in
the words below. Words can go across or down and letters are shared
when the words intersect.

4. You can see below several pictures that are familiar to you. Try to identify
which polygon they represent, taking into account their sides. Work in pairs.

1- Triangle.
2- Square.
3- Ball (its seams).
4- Coin.
5- Nut.
6- Clock.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct information. Then, you will pick one of
the polygons and tell the teacher what is your choice. Finally, you will
be gathered together with the classmates who picked the same polygon
as you so as to present to the rest why your polygons are the most
representative in real life.
Session 3

1. Find the perimeters of these shapes

a) 12 cm
b) 16 cm
c) 22 cm
d) 25 cm

2. Listen and complete the following text about perimeters.

The perimeter of a polygon is the distance around the outside of the polygon. A
polygon is 2-dimensional, however, the perimeter is 1-dimensional and is measured
in linear units.

To help us make this distinction, look at our picture of a rectangular backyard. The
yard is 2-dimensional: it has a length and a width.

The amount of fence needed to enclose the yard (perimeter) is 1-dimensional. The
perimeter of this yard is the distance around the outside of the yard, indicated by the
red lines. It is measured in linear units such as feet or meters.

To find the perimeter of a polygon, take the sum of the length of each side. The
formula for perimeter of a rectangle is:

P = 2w + 2l

To find the perimeter of a regular polygon, multiplying the number of sides by the
length of one side.
3. Convert the measurements of these figures into meters, and then
calculate its perimeter.

a) 1 dam= 10 meters
10 meters x 4= 40 meters
20 meters x 2= 40 meters
40 + 40 = 80 meters long

b) 20 dm= 2 meters 2+1+0,5+1+1+1+5+1= 12,5 meters

0,1 dam= 1 meter
50 cm= 0,5 meters
100 cm= 1 meter
0,1 dam= 1 meter
500 cm= 5 meters

4. With your partner, find out which shapes have the same perimeter.

● C-E
● A-F
Session 4

1. Match the figure with its respective calculation of the area.

Square - Option 2
Rectangle - Option 3
Rhombus - Option 6
Parallelogram - Option 1
Triangle - Option 7
Trapezoid - Option 4
Regular Polygon - Option 5

2. Draw with your partner a triangle with an area of 16 m2, a rectangle of

24 m2 and a square with an area of 25 m2. Indicate the measurements
required to have these areas.
The triangle can be: 4 m of base-4 m height, 8m of base/height-2 m of
base/height or 1 m base/height-16 m base/height.
The rectangle has to be 8m length/width-3 m length/width.
The square has to be 5 m each side.

3. In pairs, calculate the area of the following figures. Once you calculate
it, look for images in Google of objects in real life formed by these

a) 314,16 cm2. Some objects can be a ball

or a pizza
b) 34,125 cm2. Objects like a comet are valid.

c) 10,75 cm2. Beehives and snowflakes

have that shape.

d) 20.625 cm2. Some buildings are shaped

like a triangle on their side. A pyramid is a
building compound of 4 triangles in their sides
and one square at the base.

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