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Q.1 :- Explain structure of c program in details.

Certainly! Here's a more detailed explanation of the structure of a C program, tailored for a medium
level of understanding:

1. **Preprocessor Directives**: These are special instructions to the compiler that start with `#`. They
are processed before the actual compilation of code. Common directives include `#include` to include
header files, `#define` for macros, and others like `#ifdef`, `#ifndef`, etc.

2. **Global Declarations**: These are declarations of variables and functions that are accessible
throughout the program. They are typically placed at the top of the file, outside of any function. Global
variables retain their values throughout the program's execution, while global functions can be called
from any part of the program.

3. **Function Prototypes**: Before the `main()` function or wherever needed, you can provide function
prototypes. These are declarations of functions that tell the compiler about the function's name, return
type, and parameter types. It allows you to use a function before defining it.

4. **Main Function**: Every C program must have a `main()` function, which serves as the entry point
for execution. The program starts executing from the first statement inside `main()`. It returns an integer
indicating the exit status of the program to the operating system.

5. **Function Definitions**: These are the actual implementations of functions declared either above
`main()` or provided via prototypes. Functions encapsulate a set of instructions to perform a specific
task. They can accept parameters and optionally return a value.

6. **Comments**: Comments are non-executable statements that are used for documentation within
the code. They provide information about the code logic, explanations, or annotations. There are single-
line comments starting with `//` and multi-line comments enclosed within `/* */`.

7. **Statements and Expressions**: Statements are individual instructions that perform specific actions
like variable declarations, assignments, function calls, etc. Expressions are combinations of operators
and operands that evaluate to a single value. Examples include arithmetic expressions, logical
expressions, etc.

8. **Control Structures**: These are constructs that control the flow of execution based on conditions.
They include `if`, `else`, `switch`, `while`, `for`, etc. They allow you to make decisions and repeat blocks
of code based on certain conditions, thus controlling the flow of the program.

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