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SWOT Analysis of Innovation in the Field of Accounting

Dr. Shahid Husain

Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Saudi Electronic University

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, innovation in management has become an
essential requirement for staying competitive. Long term sustainability for a business may be
determined by a company’s ability to completely direct innovative ideas to be fit to the changing
market and the economic environment.
Innovation in management can be described as an idea to generate business value. It is managing
the investment in creating new opportunities for generating customer value that are needed to
sustain and grow the business or company.
One can also observe innovation in the field of Accounting. Innovation have changed the
complicated job of accounting into a smoother one and that too with a speed and accuracy. But
on the other hand it has restricted entry for many persons because the number accounting jobs
have reduced. This research paper is an attempt to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunities
and threats pertaining to innovation in the field of Accounting. A questionnaire comprise of
many questions in which respondents were selected from top management, employees and job
seekers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were placed. Wherever found necessary secondary data
has also been used.

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