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Unit Task

1. Explain the roles of Gerontological Nurse as:

a. Provider of Care

 Gerontological nurses provide care that is patient-focused in order to improve the

older patients’ way of living. They not only care for their physical needs but also their
psychosocial, developmental, and spiritual needs. To give the best care to elderly, the
nurses must smile often, make eye contact, greet them, listen attentively, ask
questions about their past experiences since older patients tend to reminisce and it is
better if they feel that the nurse listens to their stories. Also, compassion is vital and
extra patience.

b. Teacher/ Educator

 Gerontological nurses should be aware of updates and new learnings regarding

geriatrics; so that they can incorporate the new knowledge to their care plan with their
patients. As educators/ teachers, they educate by telling how aging is normal, the
normal changes, the possible risk and complications, as well as factors that may
influence the health, function and independence such as environmental issues, present
illness, chronic conditions, etc.

c. Manager

 They help not only the elderly patient but also the family to identify their needs and to
find ways to meet those needs. They make a long term care plan for patients, discuss
difficult issues, address emotional concerns, evaluate other living arrangements, and
such. In short, they make their life easier by managing it.

d. Advocate

 They act as advocator by giving their patients a voice when making an options for
treatment, educating them since it is important that the patients knows what is
happening to their conditions and how to improve their quality of life, protecting their
Unit Task

patient’s rights since it is vital to know their wishes or choice about their health,
reviewing for errors, and such.

e. Research Consumer

 Gerontological nurses as research consumers, they make evidence-based research that

tackles older adults and their conditions. Also, they are committed to the
advancement of nursing science.

2. Choose one competency guidelines for geriatric nursing care and explain.

Assess family’s knowledge of skills necessary to deliver care to older adults.

Since some of the older adults stay in their houses, their family and relatives will be the
one who will always be by their side. Thus, it is crucial that the family has enough knowledge to
provide proper care to older adults. So, as nurses, we need to assess the family’s knowledge and
skills and if we think they are lacking, we will be the one who will help and educate them. For
example: older adults have a risk for fall injury, in order to prevent or minimize this, the family
must know that the environment must be safe, floors are dry, lights are bright enough, bed rails
are placed appropriately, and even wearing non-slip shoes or socks will help. Furthermore,
medications are important, so family members must also know when and how many doses the
older adult will take and be alert with the side effects.

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