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The train tracks are vibrating vigorously with the train itself as it is bumping it up and down.

get up and start heading towards the toilet eagerly.
BANG. I fall onto one of the seats as I get pushed by one of the children who is chasing his
friend. As I walk towards the toilet, I realise that the toilet is occupied, so I stand there
waiting whilst looking out at the colourful, tall, adjacent houses. Some of them are
abandoned with shattered windows.
CRASH. I fling on to the wall of the train. Everyone starts screaming as I quickly get up and
see what everyone is so worried about. I notice some of them have their phones out and
recording something outside the window. As I edge closer to the train windows, I see a huge
wave appear out of nowhere. CRASH. The train starts shaking menacingly, with everyone
scattered along the floor….

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