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Monthly Newsletter

January 18th, 1919 @smunsp Monday


The first day defining the

post-war settlement
Determining the agenda was a
complex task for the delegates, as
they needed to address various issues
that arose from the war. Still, the
Paris Peace Conference was marked
by intense discussions, primarily by
the delegates of the French Republic
and Germany, two opposing countries.

Supported by the United Kingdom, the

French Republic publicly announced
its wish for Germany to be severely
After the end of the Great War, punished, arguing that they were
representatives of the participating responsible for the start of the war.
countries met at the Palace of On the other hand, Poland and
Versailles in Paris to determine the Austria-Hungary defended that it was
post-war settlement. Today, the Paris necessary to address other countries
Peace Conference started with two that had also influenced the conflict.
main topics on the agenda: dealing Still, no consensus was reached during
the two sessions, and expectations
with reparations after the Great War
remained for the next day.
and exploring mechanisms for
preventing future conflicts.

Territory negotiations
The possession of the territories that were
conquered by Germany during the Great War
was also put into negotiation. The Italian
Republic, Portugal, and Yugoslavia aim to
establish fixed borders. An intense debate
between the Allied and Central Powers was seen
during the debate, as Austria-Hungary aimed for
the preservation of national identity.
Monthly Newsletter @smunsp

The first day results

Even though the French Reuplic Some delegates, such as the French
debate with Germany was long, no Republic, desired to establish the
negotiations were made. Determining guilty country, to establish future
the possessions of the German restriction in order to promote
territories will be made at future peace throughout the world.

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