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Antimicrobial stewardship and targeted therapies in the changing

landscape of maternal sepsis
Nishel M Shah 1,∗, Esmita Charani 2,3, Damien Ming 4, Fook-Choe Cheah 5, Mark R Johnson 1
Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK
Health Protection Research Unit in Healthcare Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance, Imperial College London, London, UK
Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine, Department of Medicine, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Department of Infectious Diseases, Imperial College London, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK
Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Managing Editor: Jingling Bao Pregnant and postnatal women are a high-risk population particularly prone to rapid progression to sepsis with
significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Moreover, severe maternal infections can have a serious detrimen-
Sepsis tal impact on neonates with almost 1 million neonatal deaths annually attributed to maternal infection or sepsis.
Pregnancy In this review we discuss the susceptibility of pregnant women and their specific physiological and immunolog-
Immunology ical adaptations that contribute to their vulnerability to sepsis, the implications for the neonate, as well as the
Cardiovascular issues with antimicrobial stewardship and the challenges this poses when attempting to reach a balance between
Personalised medicine clinical care and urgent treatment. Finally, we review advancements in the development of pregnancy-specific
Antibiotic stewardship diagnostic and therapeutic approaches and how these can be used to optimize the care of pregnant women and

Introduction ments in care. Age standardized infection rates have fallen from
800 per 100,000 pregnancies in 1990 to 550 per 100,000 preg-
Sepsis has a significant contribution to both global morbidity nancies in 2019.[ 5 ] Despite this, in 2019 there were over 20
and mortality with approximately 30 million patients affected million cases of maternal sepsis and other maternal infections
worldwide each year and a resulting 6 million deaths.[ 1 , 2 ] Poor worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported
outcomes from sepsis are a particular problem in certain vulner- global prevalence of maternal sepsis is 4.4%[ 5 , 6 ] . In the UK,
able populations which includes pregnant and postnatal women. significant risk factors include ethnicity and deprivation. Black
One in 10 deaths in pregnant and postnatal women worldwide and other ethnic minority groups are at an almost 2-fold in-
is attributed to sepsis[ 2 , 3 ] and one million neonatal deaths are creased risk.[ 7 , 8 ] Furthermore, when compared to age-matched
secondary to infection in pregnant women, including sepsis.[ 2 , 4 ] non-pregnant controls, sepsis-related case fatality is higher dur-
Physiological adaptations during pregnancy are thought to con- ing pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.[ 9 ] The reasons for
tribute to their vulnerability. In particular, changes in their car- the higher rates of sepsis-related maternal morbidity and mor-
diorespiratory and immune systems, alongside physical, hor- tality are not fully understood.
monal, and immunological changes during labor and postpar-
tum have been shown to have a significant impact. Evidence for poor Outcomes from sepsis in pregnancy

Are Pregnant Women at Greater Risk of Sepsis? Data from current and previous coronavirus pandemics as
well as influenza and Ebola demonstrate the increased risk of
Morbidity and mortality from sepsis in pregnancy worldwide severe infection during pregnancy and poorer outcomes. [ 10–14 ]
have gradually been falling over the decades due to improve- For example, in pregnancy the risk of viral pneumonia and

Corresponding author: Nishel M Shah, Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction, Imperial College London, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital,
London SW10 9NH, UK.
E-mail address: (N.M. Shah).
Received 6 April 2023; Received in revised form 4 July 2023; Accepted 30 July 2023. Managing Editor: Jingling Bao
Available online xxx
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Medical Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
Please cite this article as: N.M. Shah, E. Charani, D. Ming et al., Antimicrobial stewardship and targeted therapies in the changing landscape of
maternal sepsis, Journal of Intensive Medicine,
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N.M. Shah, E. Charani, D. Ming et al. Journal of Intensive Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

subsequent respiratory complications is far greater when com- are important tools to improve poor outcomes. In humans, cer-
pared to the general population.[ 15 ] During the coronavirus 2 tain pathogens predominate. In maternal sepsis, Escherichia coli
(SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, pregnant patients with severe acute (E. coli) and group B Streptococcus (GBS) are the most com-
respiratory syndrome were more likely to require intensive care mon bacterial pathogens, although other causative organisms
and mechanical ventilation, and their mortality rate was higher include other Gram-negative organisms such as Klebsiellas, My-
when compared to non-pregnant women.[ 12 ] Other pathology coplasma, and other coliforms, but also Gram-positive organisms
such as renal failure and disseminated intravascular coagulopa- such as Clostridium sordellii.[ 27 ] However, the most severe out-
thy (DIC) have also been shown to be more frequent in preg- comes are associated with E. coli and group A Streptococcus
nancy. These vascular changes appear to extend to the placenta (GAS).[ 19 ] Progression to septic shock is particularly a problem
where findings consistent with abnormal blood flow and ex- with GAS infection.[ 28 ] Furthermore, in pregnancy, the risk of
tensive thrombotic vasculopathy have been observed in women group A and group B streptococcal bacteremia when compared
delivered during acute infection.[ 14 ] During antenatal bacterial to non-pregnant women is 20–100-fold higher.[ 29 , 30 ]
sepsis, obstetric complications associated with abnormal utero-
placental blood flow such as fetal growth restriction, placen- Why are Pregnant Women at Greater Risk of Sepsis?
tal abruption, and preterm birth are more common.[ 16 ] This
has also been shown in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treated rats, Physiological changes in pregnancy such as immunological,
simulating sepsis during pregnancy, where coagulopathy, struc- cardiovascular and respiratory adaptations (Figure 1) may con-
tural abnormalities in the uteroplacental vasculature, and de- tribute to an increased risk of developing severe complications
creased placental blood flow lead to fetal hypoxia and preg- during sepsis.
nancy loss.[ 17 ]
Period of greatest risk and associative factors in pregnancy
Peripheral blood adaptations
The stage of pregnancy and postpartum is also important. The earliest hypothesis proposed in the 1950′s described the
Almost 34% of all maternal infections occur in the antenatal pe- immune adaptations of pregnancy as a series of changes de-
riod. Moreover, of those infections that are complicated or se- signed to prevent rejection of the semi-allogenic fetus result-
vere, 17% and 28% respectively occur in the antenatal period. ing in maternal immune tolerance.[ 31–33 ] Subsequently, the clas-
In comparison, 60% of all maternal infections occur during the sic model of immune tolerance included a shift in T-helper
intrapartum and postnatal periods, and they account for 60% of subsets (Th1 to Th2) that favored an anti-inflammatory pro-
both complicated and severe infections.[ 18 ] Prospective studies file but also increased susceptibility to infections in pregnancy.
conducted in the UK suggest that labor and the puerperium carry Our current understanding is that the immune environment
a much higher risk, approaching a 2–3-fold increase in risk when transitions with advancing gestation from a pro- to anti- and
compared to the antenatal period.[ 19 ] It is possible that peripar- back to a pro-inflammatory state.[ 34–36 ] The innate and adaptive
tum and postnatal invasive interventions such as Caesarean sec- arms of the immune response are thus differentially activated to
tion and instrumental delivery, as well as intrauterine or vaginal modulate these changes as well as compensate for each other.
tamponade for massive obstetric haemorrhage, increase the risk Immune modulation is thought to be influenced and main-
of developing infection.[ 7 , 20 , 21 ] These interventions have been tained by endogenous factors that include feto-placental de-
the target of efforts to reduceis infection rates by changes in ob- rived antigens and pregnancy hormones such as oestrogen and
stetric care and optimized use of antibiotic prophylaxis.[ 22 , 23 ] progesterone.[ 37–39 ] Fetal antigens elicit tolerogenic humoral
The promotion of aseptic techniques and antibiotics are of par- and cellular responses in pregnant women through the gener-
ticular need in Low and Low Middle Income Countries (LMIC), ation of antigen specific CD4 and CD8 T cells, MHC-specific B
where rates of maternal infections and severe maternal infec- cells (in murine models), and fetal-specific CD4 T-regulatory
tions are 40% and 20% greater respectively than upper-middle cells (Tregs). [ 40–42 ] The placenta is the likely source of fetal
income countries, and fatality following puerperal infection is antigen exposure that is shed through microvesicles and exo-
as high as 50%.[ 6 , 18 ] somes, cellular debris and due to microchimerism.[ 43–47 ] Pro-
As discussed above, severe respiratory complications are gesterone is a key hormonal modulator of immune responses
more common in pregnancy during severe infection, and so are in pregnancy that acts to suppress inflammatory and cytotoxic
other downstream effects such as DIC, renal failure, and hy- functions.[ 36 , 48–50 ]
potension, which contribute to the rapid progression to sep- Altogether, these changes described above result in a dy-
tic shock. In a mouse model of LPS induced sepsis response, namic immune system in pregnancy that varies throughout ges-
pregnancy was found to be associated with a profound hy- tation. In early pregnancy, we see T cells resembling a Th1 phe-
potensive response and increased mortality when compared notype and Tregs that favor an effector subset.[ 51 , 52 ] As preg-
to non-pregnant mice.[ 24 ] In a second series of experiments, nancy progresses into the second trimester the immune envi-
using a polymicrobial sepsis model caused by caecal ligation ronment becomes more immune tolerant. Thus, effector mem-
and puncture the same research group found that pregnancy ory T cells predominate with upregulation of inhibitory mark-
was again associated with a marked hypotensive response and ers, increased progesterone sensitivity of natural killer (NK)
much greater mortality.[ 25 ] Interestingly, the use of broad- cells, altered dendritic cell (DC) subsets and indoleamine 2,3-
spectrum antibiotics and a vascular smooth muscle specific dioxygenase activity, and a shift in Treg phenotype from ef-
inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis was associated with better fector to naive.[ 35 , 36 , 52 ] Finally, in the third trimester there
outcomes.[ 26 ] This suggests that identification and treatment is a move to favor immune activation with pro-inflammatory

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N.M. Shah, E. Charani, D. Ming et al. Journal of Intensive Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

Figure 1. Physiological adaptations in pregnancy. The respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal changes that occur in pregnancy. Immune changes are subdivided into
systemic and local changes that enable fetal tolerance. These adaptations contribute to the increased risk of maternal sepsis.
ERV: Expiratory reserve volume; FRC: Functional residual capacity; GFR: Glomerular filtration rate; ILC: Innate lymphoid cells; NK: Natural killer.

antigen-specific cellular responses that are further enhanced which produces Interleukin (IL)-22 and IL-17. In the decidua
during labor.[ 36 , 38 ] during pregnancy, ILC2 is thought to be the most abundant sub-
set present.[ 58 ] However, ILC1 and ILC3 may have key roles dur-
Immune adaptations at the maternal-fetal interface ing certain pregnancy pathology, including preterm labor (PTL),
Modulation of immune responses is also evident locally at as well as during physiological labor. Furthermore, during preg-
the maternal-fetal interface and is seen in both the innate and nancy, the composition of these cells in the decidua basalis and
adaptive arms that include NK cells, innate lymphoid cells parietalis is different and may represent a varied immune re-
(ILCs), and T cells. Importantly, this interface tolerates the semi- sponse. For example, Mendes et al.[ 59 ] demonstrated an increase
allogeneic fetus but can retain an ability to protect against in- in ILC2 and ILC3 populations in the decidua basalis in PTL, and
vading pathogens. In fact, 30–40% of decidual cells are leuko- similarly, Xu et al.[ 58 ] saw increases in both basalis and pari-
cytes and this forms a specialized decidual immune system in etalis.
pregnancy.[ 53 ] Uterine NK cells (uNK) from a large portion of Tissue resident macrophages are situated close to decidual
innate leukocytes in the endometrium and decidua and they natural killer (dNK) cells. They function to clear debris, present
function to facilitate placentation during pregnancy. Crucially, feto-placental antigens and secrete cytokines and chemokines to
the uNK phenotype changes during early pregnancy from proan- modulate dNK and T cell responses.[ 60 , 61 ] Both CD8 and CD4 T
giogenic to cytokine producing, thus allowing for extravillous cells can directly (via HLA-C) or indirectly (via antigen process-
trophoblast invasion.[ 54 , 55 ] Their cytotoxicity is largely limited ing cells or APCs) recognize feto-placental antigens. However,
due to their ability to interact with human leucocyte antigens antigen specificity provides a means to regulate T cell immune
(HLA) class I molecules expressed by trophoblast (HLA-C, HLA- responses to prevent fetal rejection. For example, CD8 T cells ex-
E, HLA-G). With labour onset, the decidual NK phenotype shifts pressing inhibitory markers (T cell immunoglobulin and mucin
resulting in a reduction in proportions of cytokine producing domain-containing protein 3 or Tim-3, Programmed cell death 1
CD56hi NK (our unpublished observations). This is consistent or PD-1) that interact with their ligands (Programmed cell death
with single cell RNA-seq data from the placenta, which has ligand 1 or PD-L1) on trophoblast are enriched in the decidua
demonstrated an upregulation of NK cell signatures.[ 56 ] This in an HLA-C dependent manner.[ 62 ] Moreover, the cytotoxic po-
suggests that the composition of the uNK compartment is dy- tential of the effector memory CD8 T cell subset is impaired.[ 63 ]
namic. Strunz et al.[ 57 ] identified a subset of highly prolifera- Further regulation is provided by decidual fetal-specific Tregs
tive uNK cells that regenerate under the influence of sex hor- that clonally expand during pregnancy.[ 42 ] In murine models,
mones and genetic triggers, for example during menstruation these have been shown to have fetal-specific and highly sup-
and pregnancy. Whilst these cells differentiate locally their ori- pressive capabilities.[ 64 ] In addition, class-switched memory B
gin appears to be from the peripheral circulation and they are cells and IL-10-producing B cells have been found co-localized
transiently tissue-resident. in clusters with Tregs in pregnancy further enhancing the regu-
Another group of tissue resident immune cells important for lation of local immune responses.[ 65 ]
pregnancy is innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), which have been
identified in the uterus and decidua. These have immune modu- Immune contribution to sepsis
latory functions and provide protection against pathogens. They Antenatal responses to infections and vaccines are an op-
are subdivided into group 1 which produces mostly Interferon portunity to understand how pregnancy may affect adaptive
(IFN)-𝛾, group 2 which produces Th2 cytokines, and group 3 immunity. Forbes et al.[ 66 ] showed impaired in vitro antiviral

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N.M. Shah, E. Charani, D. Ming et al. Journal of Intensive Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

IFN responses in the second and third trimesters following rhi- aldosterone (RAA) system that helps to maintain BP. Much
novirus infection. In contrast, analysis of ex vivo responses fol- of this is due to the fact that progesterone, which also rises
lowing influenza vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 infection fare differ- in pregnancy, has potent mineralocorticoid effects, and acts
ently, with maintenance of both humoral and antigen-specific as an aldosterone antagonist to inhibit aldosterone binding.
responses.[ 67–69 ] This suggests that cellular responses are un- This leads to compensatory RAA activation and a rise in
affected by pregnancy immune modulation. However, pheno- serum aldosterone.[ 81 , 82 ] Furthermore, relaxin stimulates vaso-
typic data from the same research studies suggest a reduction pressin secretion causing further water retention. The increase
in the pro-inflammatory cellular compartments and low-level in plasma volume and cardiac output alongside renal vasodilata-
immune regulation.[ 67 , 68 ] With peripartum risks much greater tion, lead to an increase in renal plasma flow and glomerular
than during the antenatal period, labor, which is itself a process filtration rate.
of inflammation, provides an opportunity to understand how Kidney size also increases in pregnancy with physiological
inflammatory responses are regulated. Tissue necrosis because dilatation of the collecting ducts that causes hydronephrosis in
of inflammation can release microparticles to interact with in- most pregnant women. This hydronephrosis increases with ges-
nate immune receptors such as toll-like receptors (TLRs) to drive tation and is greater on the right kidney due to the compressive
inflammatory signals during labor.[ 70 , 71 ] Interestingly, TLR in- effect of the gravid uterus.[ 83 ]
hibitors can repress this output.[ 70 ] As discussed earlier, in preg-
nancy many regulatory immune cells are upregulated, including Cardiovascular contribution to sepsis
Tregs, and these have a suppressive effect on certain immune Increased levels of prostaglandins and nitric oxide (NO),
responses.[ 39 ] Tregs can modify their targets from Th1 to Th2 which are upregulated by oestrogen, encourage smooth muscle
effector T cells alongside a change in their suppressive activ- relaxation and vasodilatation. During sepsis, further upregula-
ity to either suppress or propagate inflammation. Whilst during tion of NO leads to the development of septic shock.[ 84 ] In addi-
sepsis Tregs are thought to have a protective effect by suppress- tion, during sepsis, inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necro-
ing exaggerated inflammatory immune responses, their abun- sis factor (TNF)-𝛼 and IL-1𝛽 lead to myocardial depression.[ 85 , 86 ]
dance in pregnancy may not necessarily be helpful in certain Furthermore, measurable levels of serum Troponin T and I,
circumstances.[ 72–74 ] For example, during labor Treg function and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) have been shown to be
is thought to be altered to enable a proinflammatory cytokine increased with sepsis-associated myocardial depression.[ 87–89 ]
response.[ 38 , 39 ] This suggests that immune regulation during the These are useful markers for myocardial function and prognosis
peripartum period may, in fact, result in an augmented inflam- in sepsis. Considering that cardiac output is increased in preg-
matory response to sepsis. In addition to this, leucocyte traffick- nancy, a loss of myocardial function has a significant effect on
ing may also be altered in pregnancy meaning that important the circulatory system. Downstream complications of severe sys-
immune cells are less able to clear pathogens at sites of infec- temic infections include acute kidney injury, which is associated
tion. This is shown in murine work using knockout mice which with significant morbidity and mortality.
demonstrates that the loss of a monocyte chemoattractant re-
Renal contribution to sepsis
ceptor leads to reduced cell trafficking, significantly worse bac-
Physiological hydronephrosis and the mechanical compres-
teremia, and survival.[ 25 ] Furthermore, the migratory potential
sion of the ureters by the gravid uterus cause urinary stasis. This
of important immune cells required during an infection such
alone can increase the risk of bacteriuria and ascending urinary
as neutrophils varies with gestation and during different labor
tract infection in pregnancy by up to 40%.[ 90 ] Furthermore, re-
phenotypes.[ 75 , 76 ] These areas of immune modulation are all
nal tubular epithelial cells can interact with inflammatory me-
possible avenues of future research and treatment options.
diators generated during infections through pattern recognition
receptors (PRRs) such as TLRs.[ 91 ] This interplay can exacerbate
local tissue injury. During sepsis, tissue inflammation, microvas-
cular injury, hypoperfusion, and organ dysfunction ensue as a
Circulatory adaptations
cascade of events. Local inflammatory responses form an im-
Cardiac output increases gradually in pregnancy, reach-
portant part of the host’s defense against invading organisms.
ing up to 45% greater than early pregnancy by 24 weeks of
This is mediated by the interaction between pathogen associated
gestation.[ 77 , 78 ] This occurs due to changes in stroke volume
molecular patterns (PAMPs) and danger associated molecular
and heart rate and is associated with both left and right ven-
patterns (DAMPs) released into the vasculature during the initial
tricular hypertrophy. Alongside these changes, peripheral vas-
innate immune response and TLRs found on immune cells.[ 92 ]
cular resistance falls in the second trimester and reaches a nadir
Renal vascular and tubular epithelial cells also express TLRs
of 40%.[ 77 ] Blood pressure (BP) dynamics show similar changes
and their activation leads to the production of reactive oxygen
with a fall in both systolic and diastolic, and therefore mean
species (ROS) and cytokine signaling to attract leucocyte infil-
arterial BP in early pregnancy that falls further in the sec-
trates. The consequent endothelial injury and tubular inflamma-
ond trimester before increasing in the third.[ 79 ] Some of these
tion lead to microthrombi formation, interstitial oedema, and
changes are hormone driven. For example, higher concentra-
further tissue injury.[ 93 ]
tions of progesterone and relaxin are associated with lower sys-
tolic BPs.[ 80 ] Respiratory

Renal adaptations Respiratory adaptations

Plasma volume and red cell mass increase with advancing In pregnancy, there is an increase in oxygen consumption and
gestation. This is due to activation of the renin-angiotensin- progressive distension of the uterus that affects both metabolic

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N.M. Shah, E. Charani, D. Ming et al. Journal of Intensive Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

demands and lung volume. To try to maintain the total lung ca- EOS, commonly by GBS, can have significant neurological se-
pacity, the volume of air remaining in the lungs post-exhalation quelae including seizures, blindness, hearing loss, and speech
measured as functional residual capacity (FRC) and expiratory and language delays.[ 100 ]
reserve volume (ERV) is reduced.[ 94 ] In addition, there is an in- Rates of EOS are higher in some LMICs where the reported
crease in the tidal volume, which results in greater minute ven- incidence of peripartum infection is 4% but symptom reporting
tilation without increasing the respiratory rate. suggests a much more plausible 16%. Early neonatal mortality
due to puerperal sepsis carries a relative risk of 2-fold when
Respiratory contribution to sepsis compared to neonatal deaths in the absence of maternal infec-
The adaptations in pregnancy including the physiological hy- tion. The authors of the study using demographic health survey
perventilation result in a state of respiratory alkalosis. This is data from five LMICs suggest that inadequate reporting of ma-
in part due to progesterone, which increases the sensitivity of ternal sepsis is a significant challenge in the study countries, and
the respiratory center to carbon dioxide.[ 95 , 96 ] To maintain acid- improved recognition and treatment of maternal infections may
base balance, this alkalosis is managed by an increase in renal reduce neonatal complications.[ 102 ]
bicarbonate excretion.[ 94 ] Consequently, the pregnant woman’s
capacity to counter sepsis-related metabolic acidosis may be sig-
Maternal to fetal transmission
nificantly impaired. This is an important consideration for all
forms of sepsis in pregnancy.
During sepsis in pregnancy, vertical transmission to the
During respiratory tract infections, local responses to inflam-
neonate of the causative organism as well as transmission of
mation are important in the context of pregnancy. As discussed,
maternal colonising organisms (such as GBS) is more likely in
pregnant women have been disproportionately affected during
the presence of other infectious morbidities. These include risk
respiratory pandemics. It is possible that these outcomes are
factors such as prolonged rupture of membranes or intrapartum
likely to be made worse by the compressive effect of the gravid
fever that increase the impact and risk of EOS[ 98 ] . Generally, in
uterus on the maternal lungs and the greater chance of basal at-
both these circumstances, the risk of EOS increases 3–4-fold, and
electasis during late pregnancy.[ 94 ] One of the drivers of clinical
50–67% of these involve preterm or LBW neonates.[ 103 ] The pro-
severity in these patients is thought to be a heightened cytokine
gression of ascending lower genital infections will be further ex-
response, which has been observed previously during the H1N1
acerbated by inflammation at the maternal-fetal interface. This
influenza pandemic.[ 97 ] A similar mechanism is thought to be at
causes local immune defenses to be more permeable to invading
play during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, acute changes
organisms, and can also lead to infections overwhelming host
in the lungs may also be affected by pregnancy-specific inflam-
responses.[ 104 , 105 ]
matory leucocyte sequestering in lung tissue during a cytokine
Other potential sources for vertical transmission of infec-
storm, as shown in murine pregnancy sepsis models, eventually
tions are maternal urinary tract infections and respiratory
causing severe tissue damage.[ 24 ]
infections. Urosepsis in pregnancy is a potential source of
What are the Neonatal Consequences of Maternal Sepsis? Gram-negative bacteremia and is associated with poor neonatal
outcomes includingsepticemiaepticaemia, preterm births, and
For the neonate, maternal transmission of bacteria such stillbirths.[ 106 ] Although the mechanism for the relationship is
as GBS or transmission of infections such as chorioamnionitis not clear, the prevalence of neonatal urinary tract infections
during the intrapartum period significantly increases the risk in those born to mothers with a corresponding urinary infec-
of early onset neonatal sepsis (EOS).[ 98 ] In addition, neona- tion is relatively increased.[ 107 , 108 ] Data from LMIC suggest that
tal immune function during PTL with chorioamnionitis is as- neonates born to mothers who experienced urinary tract infec-
sociated with greater inflammatory cytokines and leucocyte tions during pregnancy are 3.55 times more likely to develop
activation.[ 99 ] neonatal sepsis when compared to those born to mothers with-
out a urinary tract infection.[ 109 ] It is plausible that untreated
Early neonatal sepsis ascending urinary infections in pregnancy that lead to sepsis
may result in fetoplacental transmission through hematogenous
Unsurprisingly, rather like maternal sepsis, the most com- spread to infect the neonate.
mon pathogens involved are GBS and E. coli, accounting for ap- Respiratory tract infections are another common source of
proximately 70% of cases of EOS.[ 100 , 101 ] Whilst the overall in- maternal sepsis. Bacterial pneumonia is associated with worse
cidence of EOS is 1–2 per 100 live births, mortality from EOS neonatal outcomes that include preterm birth, low birth weight,
approaches 3% amongst term newborns and 16% in high risk, and pre-eclampsia.[ 15 , 110 ] This is after accounting for comorbidi-
low birth weight (LBW) neonates.[ 98 ] Interestingly, as causative ties such as obesity and diabetes. However, the mechanisms for
agents identified in neonates, GBS appears to affect more term these differences are unknown. While EOS is rare, it remains
neonates and E. coli predominantly preterm infants, with the lat- possible in the presence of maternal bacteremia. Likewise, dur-
ter slowly on the rise. However, other organisms include Strep- ing COVID-19 infection, pregnant women are more likely to de-
tococcus species and Haemophilus influenzae.[ 101 ] velop severe illness with an increased risk of preterm birth and
Significant morbidity from EOS disproportionately af- small for gestational age babies.[ 111–114 ] These neonatal com-
fects preterm neonates, who in the acute phases often plications are more prevalent in moderate to severe COVID-
developing respiratory distress requiring invasive ventilation, 19.[ 115 ] However, early neonatal COVID-19 infection is rare and
and hyper/hypo-glycemia. In the long term, these neonates are neonatal symptoms are generally mild.[ 116 ] The source of ver-
at risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a poor neurode- tical transmission remains uncertain and appears to be unlike
velopmental outcome, and cerebral palsy. Term neonates with other viruses such as Zika where trophoblast infection serves

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N.M. Shah, E. Charani, D. Ming et al. Journal of Intensive Medicine xxx (xxxx) xxx

as a route of transmission.[ 117 ] Viral entry is possible through microbiome, and there is evidence that chronic medical prob-
the angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptor isolated lems in later life such as childhood asthma may be influenced
on placental tissue and following placental barrier damage sec- by early use of antibiotics.[ 131 ] Currently, however, there are
ondary to local inflammation and tissue injury.[ 118–120 ] Indeed, insufficient data to make clinical recommendations.[ 132 ]
the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been detected in syncytiotrophoblast The development and spread of antimicrobial resistance
and other placental tissues, and the presence of the virus has (AMR) in neonatal populations is also a concern. The WHO
been shown to induce a robust immune response.[ 120–122 ] In 2014 annual report of AMR found that the proportions of E.
placentas with a high viral load, the maternal space, and fe- coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus resistant to
tal chorionic villi are occupied by extensive inflammatory infil- commonly used antibacterial agents, exceeded 50% in many
trates that comprise macrophages and T cells, and CD56+ NK settings.[ 133 ] In newborns cared for in neonatal units, genes
cells within the decidua.[ 121 ] A similar T cell infiltrate is seen in conferring AMR are detectable in bacteria colonizing the in-
the fetal chorionic plate. Moreover, ACE-2 receptors which are testines of preterm infants. In the same units, Staphylococ-
detectable in fetal kidney, rectum, and ileum, are barely seen in cal species resistant to methicillin and vancomycin are be-
fetal lungs, brain, or heart towards term pregnancy.[ 123 ] In fact, coming more prevalent with a greater mortality associated
surveillance data suggests that postnatal transmission (via res- with infections from these organisms because they are signif-
piratory spread, close contact) accounts for most cases of early icantly more difficult to treat effectively. Furthermore, other
neonatal infections. organisms including extended-spectrum 𝛽-lactamase (ESBL)-
Ultimately the risk of vertical transmission will depend on producing Gram-negative pathogens that are resistant to
the maternal system infected, the quality of maternal immune cephalosporins, Gram-negative bacteria resistant to piperacillin-
response, the receptiveness of the fetal compartment, and the tazobactam, aminoglycosides, and Klebsiella-resistant to car-
evasive nature of the organism in question. bapenems are slowly emerging.[ 134 ] The Neonatal AntiMicro-
bial Resistance (NeoAMR) launched in 2017 with 39 partici-
Management of early neonatal sepsis pating neonatal units across 12 countries, has thus far reported
preliminary data over 12 months, showing AMR rates amongst
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) cephalosporins of 26% to 84%, carbapenems of up to 81%, and
guidelines for the management and treatment of neonatal infec- glycopeptide of up to 45%.[ 135 ] These data demonstrate the need
tion (NG195), which includes EOS, comprises empirical treat- for antibiotic stewardship as an increasingly urgent intervention
ment based on maternal risk factors and neonatal clinical re- in neonates.
view at birth.[ 124 ] Thereafter, the duration of treatment is based
on clinical improvement, neonatal blood cultures results, which Is There a Role for Antibiotic Stewardship in Maternal and
have notoriously poor sensitivity, and changes in non-specific Neonatal Clinical Pathways?
inflammatory markers, namely C-reactive protein (CRP).[ 125 , 126 ]
However, in the era of better antibiotic stewardship, the useful- To manage sepsis effectively, clinical pathways have been
ness of empirical treatment based on maternal risk factors in designed to include recognition, resuscitation, and the timely
‘well’ infants is debatable, and tools to determine a baby’s risk administration of appropriate antibiotics.[ 136 ] Guidance is avail-
of developing EOS may be helpful in some cases.[ 125 ] Having able for recommended antibiotic regimes for most obstetric in-
said this, it is important to note that neonatal antibiotic stew- dications as well as EOS (Table 1). The overwhelming message
ardship is mired by challenges, including difficulties in devel- of the surviving sepsis campaigns is that the prompt diagnosis of
oping unit antibiograms, and a lack of robust antibiotic trials sepsis and initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotics is paramount.
in neonatal populations.[ 127 ] There are also challenges with us- Initiatives such as Sepsis Six require that these antibiotics be
ing diagnostic tools in neonatal populations. Research compar- commenced within 3 h, and these recommendations have sig-
ing using the Kaiser Permanente sepsis risk calculator (SRC) to nificantly reduced mortality rates from sepsis.[ 137 , 138 ] One of the
standard NICE guidelines across 8 maternity units in Wales by unintended consequences of the sepsis campaigns has been the
Goel et al.,[ 125 , 128 ] suggests that the use of the tool would have inappropriate use of clinical sepsis pathways in patients who do
resulted in a 55% reduction in neonates receiving antibiotics. not fulfill the criteria for sepsis. Studies have reported that up
However, in a recent meta-analysis of the current published lit- to 50% of patients treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics for
erature surrounding the SRC (including the study by Goel et al.), sepsis, did not have sepsis.[ 139 ]
the authors found that many EOS cases were missed by the tool.
This suggests that whilst the intentions of the SRC are a move in The need for maternal antimicrobial stewardship
the right direction, research investigating the usefulness of such
tools is still in its infancy.[ 129 ] Clearly, a balance is required between effective treatment
and appropriate antibiotic use. Antibiotic stewardship is re-
Complications of antibiotic use in neonates quired to optimize antibiotic usage, including rationalizing and
de-escalating or stopping agents, to maintain their effectiveness.
Whatever the case, there is growing evidence that prolonged This is important because the incidence of AMR and healthcare-
antibiotic use in this population may be detrimental, especially associated infections (HCAIs) is rising.[ 152 ] In Europe, the AMR
in preterm neonates without proven infection, increasing the in 2018 as reported by the European AMR Surveillance Net-
risk of mortality, BPD, necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy work (EARS-Net) indicated more than half of the E. coli and
of prematurity, and periventricular white matter damage.[ 130 ] more than a third of the Klebsiella pneumonia isolates were re-
Long-term empirical treatment will also affect the neonatal gut sistant to at least one antibiotic class.[ 153 ] In LMIC these figures

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Table 1
Common obstetric indications for antibiotics and recommended regimes.

Indication Causative organisms Antibiotic recommendations Important notes References

Pregnancy and postnatal for the mother

Antibiotic prophylaxis

GBS prophylaxis GBS Benzylpenicillin Alternative: Cephalosporin Prevention of early-onset neonatal

Penicillin allergy (severe): group B streptococcal disease.
Vancomycin Green-top Guideline No. 36. RCOG
2017 [ 140 ]
Prophylaxis at caesarean Staphylococci Streptococci Single dose first-generation Avoid amoxicillin plus WHO recommendation on
section Gram-negative cephalosporin or penicillin (dose, clavulanate in preterm cases due prophylactic antibiotics for women
30–60 min before surgery) to risk of necrotizing enterocolitis undergoing caesarean section.
Geneva: World Health Organization;
2021 [ 141 ]
Prophylaxis at caesarean Staphylococci Streptococci Single dose first-generation Avoid amoxicillin plus ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 199: Use
section Gram-negative cephalosporin (cefazolin) (dose, clavulanate in preterm cases due of Prophylactic Antibiotics in labour
within 60 min before surgery) to risk of necrotizing and Delivery. Obstet Gynecol. 2018
[ 142 ]
Penicillin allergy: enterocolitis.
Clindamycin + an Azithromycin may be used as an
aminoglycoside adjunct for non-elective
Prophylaxis for operative Gram-negative anaerobes Single dose of amoxicillin and As soon as possible after birth WHO recommendation on routine
vaginal birth Streptococci clavulanic acid and no more than 6 h after birth antibiotic prophylaxis for women
undergoing operative vaginal birth.
Geneva: World Health Organization;
2021 [ 143 ]
Assisted vaginal birth. Green-top
Guideline No. 26. RCOG, 2020 [ 144 ]

Antibiotic treatment for suspected sepsis

Intrapartum pyrexia Streptococci Pyrexia with no chorioamnionitis: Pyrexia with chorioamnionitis: National Maternity Network:
(suspected sepsis) Gram-negative organisms Cephalosporin with activity add metronidazole. Management of Intrapartum Maternal
Anaerobes against GBS (e.g., cefotaxime) Pyrexia in Hospital Guideline. NHS
Penicillin allergy: Vancomycin Scotland. Scottish Perinatal Network.
2022 [ 145 ]
Mastitis causing sepsis MRSA Flucloxacillin + clindamycin Confirmed MRSA: Vancomycin Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy.
Streptococci Penicillin allergy: Green–top Guideline No. 64a. RCOG
Vancomycin + clindamycin or 2012 [ 146 ]
Clindamycin/teicoplanin Mastitis and breast abscess. BMJ Best
Practise. BMJ 2023 [ 147 ]
Caesarean section wound MRSA Flucloxacillin + clindamycin Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy.
infection causing sepsis Streptococci Penicillin allergy: Green–top Guideline No. 64a. RCOG
Vancomycin + clindamycin or 2012 [ 146 ]
Endometritis causing Gram-negative anaerobes Gentamicin one dose Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy.
sepsis Streptococci immediately + cefo- Green–top Guideline No. 64a. RCOG
taxime + metronidazole or 2012 [ 146 ]
gentamicin + clindamycin Antibiotic regimens for postpartum
Penicillin allergy: endometritis. Cochrane Database Syst
Gentamicin + clin- Rev. 2015 [ 148 ]
damycin + ciprofloxacin
Acute pyelonephritis Gram-negative bacteria Gentamicin (once ESBLs: gentamicin + meropenem Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy.
causing sepsis Staphylococci and only) + cefotaxime or just Green–top Guideline No. 64a. RCOG
Streptococci cefuroxime 2012 [ 146 ]
Penicillin allergy: Pyelonephritis (acute): antimicrobial
Gentamicin + ciprofloxacin prescribing. NICE guideline [NG111].
NICE 2018 [ 149 ]
Severe sepsis (with no MRSA, streptococci, Gentamicin (once Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy.
clear focus) Gram-negatives (including only) + meropenem + clin- Green–top Guideline No. 64a. RCOG
ESBL damycin 2012 [ 146 ]
producers + Pseudomonas) Penicillin allergy:
and anaerobes Clindamycin + gentamicin +
metronidazole + ciprofloxacin
Toxic shock syndrome Staphylococci Streptococci Gentamicin (once only) + flu- Confirmed Strep: benzylpenicillin Bacterial Sepsis in Pregnancy.
cloxacillin + clindamycin or and clindamycin. Green–top Guideline No. 64a. RCOG
carbapenem (i.e., Confirmed methicillin sensitive 2012 [ 146 ]
imipenem/cilastatin or Staph: Toxic shock syndrome. BMJ Best
meropenem); a penicillin with a clindamycin + oxacillin/nafcillin. Practise. BMJ 2023 [ 150 ]
beta-lactamase inhibitor (e.g., Confirmed MRSA: vancomycin
ticarcillin/clavulanate or instead of flucloxacillin. Regimen
piperacillin/tazobactam); must contain an antitoxin agent
Penicillin allergy: such as clindamycin or linezolid.
Gentamicin (once only) + van- Also Consider IVIG
comycin + clindamycin or
gentamicin (once
only) + linezolid or just
(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Indication Causative organisms Antibiotic recommendations Important notes References

Neonatal (EOS)

Early-onset neonatal Streptococcus (GBS); Gram- Benzylpenicillin with gentamicin Neonatal infection: antibiotics for
sepsis negative bacteria prevention and treatment NICE
guideline [NG195]. NICE 2021 [ 151 ]
ACOG: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; EOS: Early onset neonatal sepsis; ESBLs: Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases; GBS: Group B Strepto-
coccus; IVIG: Intravenous immunoglobulin; MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; RCOG: Royal
College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists; WHO: World Health Organization.

are much higher. For example, in Sudan up to 92% of urinary needed to establish means of surveillance for effective steward-
E. coli isolates are resistant.[ 154 ] For Sudanese healthcare, the ship programs in vulnerable neonatal populations in different
key drivers of AMR include widespread inappropriate antibiotic healthcare settings.
use with up to 65% of hospitalized patients receiving antibi-
otics, and poor access to microbial sensitivity results to guide Types of antimicrobial stewardship interventions
better prescribing.[ 155–157 ] In these resource-limited countries,
much of the inappropriate use is due to empirical treatment or The WHO has published a framework of antimicrobial stew-
the use of antibiotic prophylaxis.[ 158 ] AMR is estimated to re- ardship interventions for LMIC, but these are also relevant for
sult in 700,000 deaths each year globally. In 2015 the WHO en- resource-rich countries.[ 167 ] Similarly, NICE has published guid-
dorsed a Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (GAP) ance for the UK.[ 168 ] The interventions are centered around im-
to address the global problem, and in the UK a government doc- proved education, multidisciplinary working, and better pre-
ument was published in 2019 with the country’s 5-year action scribing. In other patient groups, this multifaceted approach has
plan, which amongst other goals, was aimed at reducing antibi- been shown to reduce antibiotic prescriptions without increas-
otic use by 15% and specified drug-resistant infections by 10% ing the risk of complications.[ 169 ] In addition, appropriate an-
over 5 years.[ 159 ] In the maternity setting, patients with peripar- tibiotic use can reduce the rates of hospital acquired infections
tum infection have been shown to have resistance to a number such as Clostridium difficile.[ 170 ]
of common organisms encountered in obstetrics such as E. coli, In brief, the proposed recommended interventions comprise
[ 167–169 ]
GBS and GAS, with resistance rates as high as 62% to 81% for : (1) basic resources to support antibiotic use including
E. coli.[ 160 ] Cohort-specific antibiograms with isolates and their local guidelines for treatment and prophylaxis, access to a mi-
sensitivities may provide a better way to determine resistance crobiology laboratory and clinical expertise on infections, phar-
patterns to guide antibiotic prescribing in maternity.[ 161 ] macy overview of dosing and duration of treatments. (2) tools
such as the quick sequential (sepsis-related) organ failure as-
Healthcare associated infections sessment (qSOFA) tool for pregnant women, and the Kaiser Per-
manente sepsis risk calculator for neonates can enable better
The other consequence of widespread antibiotic use is the recognition of sepsis and improve decision-making surrounding
development of HCAIs. The HCAI rate in the UK and devel- the need for antibiotics. (3) education of healthcare profession-
oped countries ranges between 3.5% and 12%. In the inten- als to understand indications for treatments, when treatments
sive care unit (ICU) up to 30% of patients are affected by at should be reviewed, use of decision tools, and the importance of
least one episode of HCAI. In comparison, in LMIC the incidence auditing and recording antibiotic use, prescribing, and clinical
is greater, averaging between 5.7% and 19.1%, and ICU infec- outcomes.(4) use of resources to improve prescribing and effec-
tions could be as high as 88%.[ 162 ] Poor reporting and lack of tiveness of antimicrobial stewardship that includes local and re-
surveillance schemes mean the true incidence may be higher. gional surveillance of AMR (in common organisms/infections),
In the UK, annual counts of hospital-acquired Clostridioides dif- rapid testing (such as rapid polymerase chain reaction [PCR] as
ficile and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in- discussed later) and restrictive prescribing of certain antibiotics
fections have been falling since 2007 and are currently show- to prevent resistance.
ing a 6 and 7-fold decrease respectively when compared to
2007.[ 163 , 164 ] However, these rates have remained unchanged What Research Gaps Need to be Addressed to Further
since 2013 and new efforts are required to ensure a continued Improve Clinical Management and Treatment of Maternal
decrease. Sepsis?

The need for neonatal antimicrobial stewardship Whilst the overall UK prevalence of sepsis-related maternal
deaths remains low, sepsis is still one of the leading causes of di-
Antibiotic prescribing in pediatric populations also remains rect death in this population. Since 2011, efforts have been made
a concern and an area that requires attention. The WHO Access, to highlight the importance of better clinical management of
Watch, and Reserve classification was used in a study across 56 sepsis in maternal clinical pathways with early recognition and
countries to assess the patterns of antibiotic use.[ 165 ] The study treatment.[ 146 , 171 ] These have included recommendations from
identified significant variation in antibiotic use in hospitalized Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confi-
neonates and children. One of the key barriers to effective stew- dential Enquiries (MBRRACE), NICE and Royal College of Obste-
ardship in neonatal populations remains the lack of metrics for tricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG) guidelines as well as screen-
measuring the quality of antibiotic use.[ 166 ] Much more effort is ing and action tools from the UK Sepsis trust.[ 138 , 146 , 171 , 172 ]

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Furthermore, initiatives such as the maternity early warning Immunotherapy agents

score (MEWS) and sepsis six have been shown to effectively The RECOVERY trial collaborative’s subsequent work in-
predict morbidity in maternity patients and reduce inpatient vestigating the benefits of Tocilizumab treatment, which is a
mortality respectively.[ 137 , 173 , 174 ] This has been relatively effec- monoclonal antibody targeted against the interleukin-6 recep-
tive with a reduction in direct deaths due to sepsis in the UK tor, found that in hospitalized COVID-19 patients with hypoxia
from 0.63 to 0.44 per 100,000 births from 2009–11 to 2015–17 and systemic inflammation, Tocilizumab not only improved sur-
respectively.[ 175 ] Alongside these, rates of EOS have also been vival, but it also reduced the likelihood of the composite end-
falling.[ 176 , 177 ] However, many maternal deaths remain poten- point of invasive mechanical ventilation or death.[ 185 ]
tially preventable. To date, randomized controlled trials conducted using
immune-modulators such as Granulocyte-macrophage colony-
Tools to improve recognition of maternal sepsis stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and IgM-enriched immunoglob-
ulin have shown promising results with improved resolution
Better recognition and prophylactic treatment may provide from infection and reduced mortality risk respectively.[ 186 , 187 ]
useful methods to prevent sepsis, particularly during the peri- Other potential targets for improved host responses include
partum period. Similar to SRC, obstetric-modified sepsis scoring IFN-𝛾, IL-7, and IL-15, which have been investigated ex vivo,
tools are useful to objectively risk stratify the severity of sepsis with evidence showing that their use results in improved leu-
and direct clinical treatment.[ 178 ] This includes the qSOFA tool cocyte responses.[ 188–191 ] Other agents are an IL-1R antagonist
for identifying critically ill obstetric patients.[ 178 , 179 ] (Anakinra), shown to be safe during pregnancy in small studies
and used in sepsis in non-pregnant patients (macrophage ac-
tivating syndrome) to reduce mortality.[ 192 , 193 ] Unfortunately,
Interventions as prophylaxis comparing previous clinical studies to make clear recommen-
dations is difficult due to their heterogeneous study designs
For prophylaxis, the prophylactic antibiotics in the preven- with myriad differences including treatment dosing, inclusion
tion of infection after operative vaginal delivery (ANODE) study and exclusion criteria, supportive treatments, settings, and en-
and recent Cochrane review on vaginal antiseptic preparation listed study populations. Furthermore, circulating cytokine lev-
prior to Caesarean section found that such interventions resulted els vary during severe sepsis meaning that clinical benefit may
in a 40% reduction in suspected or confirmed infection, and a only be seen in some patients and suggesting that their use
64% reduction in post‐Caesarean endometritis respectively with should be reserved for certain situations.[ 194 ] Indeed, anti-TNF-𝛼
likely limited impact on AMR.[ 20 , 180 ] In LMIC, implementing immunotherapy is associated with an overall reduction in mor-
these as part of a series of interventions to reduce maternal and tality and improved survival in patients with high serum lev-
neonatal sepsis would be required in order to be effective.[ 181 ] els of IL-6.[ 195 ] Observational data from patients taking disease
modifying drugs for immune-mediated medical conditions such
Immunomodulators as rheumatoid arthritis suggest immune suppression may help
to prevent unregulated host responses to sepsis.[ 196 ]
In addition to antibiotics, research to find new methods to Clearly in current times with emerging viral pandemics, a
enhance either the acute response to infection or the recovery significant global incidence of bacterial sepsis, high AMR, and
phase during sepsis are potentially important areas for future the need for better antibiotic stewardship, novel methods of reg-
work. Poor acute immune responses have been associated with ulating host responses to infection are an important area of re-
an increased risk of developing secondary infections, whilst ex- search. A good example is the GBS vaccine, which has thus far
cessive inflammatory responses are associated with an increased been investigated in early clinical trials in pregnancy and shows
risk of developing downstream complications from sepsis such a great deal of promise.[ 197 ] Furthermore, the development of
as cardiovascular collapse.[ 182 , 183 ] such a vaccine has been identified as a research priority by the
Steroid immune suppression
Respiratory complications during sepsis are likely to ben- What is the Evidence for Personalised Approaches to Treat
efit most from immunosuppression. Animal study data sug- Maternal Infections?
gests that this may be particularly relevant in pregnancy. A
more recent example of a clinical trial of immunomodulators Preterm birth and chorioamnionitis provide an area of clini-
to modify the host response is the novel Randomised Evalua- cal research where a personalized approach to the management
tion of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY Trial) comparing dif- of infection may reduce the risk of maternal sepsis as well as im-
ferent treatments aimed at altering the host response to SARS- prove neonatal outcomes. In fact, infection-driven preterm birth
CoV-2 virus (NCT04381936). In patients recruited during the is one of the only aetiologies that has a proven direct causal link.
first wave of the pandemic between March and June 2020, dex-
amethasone treatment significantly lowered 28-day mortality in Preterm birth as a model for obstetric infections
patients receiving either invasive mechanical ventilation or oxy-
gen alone.[ 184 ] Importantly and unlike many other clinical tri- It is increasingly perceived that the uterine cavity and amni-
als, RECOVERY explicitly included pregnant women during re- otic fluid are not sterile, but that they both contain a rich micro-
cruitment. However, despite showing a clear clinical benefit, far biome that is different in each compartment.[ 198 ] The uterine mi-
fewer critically ill pregnant women compared to non-pregnant crobiome appears synchronous with vaginal bacterial colonies
women received steroids (9.3% vs. 22.6%). and is affected by age, endometrial inflammation (endometri-

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tis), and mode of birth (cesarean section or vaginal birth)[ 199 ] More recently, in a non-human primate model of preterm
whereas the amniotic cavity appears to share its constituent mi- birth using an intrauterine injection of E. coli, administration
crobiota with the fetus, exposing it to microbes throughout its of systemic antibiotics 24 h after injecting E. coli was signifi-
in-utero development probably by ingestion.[ 200 , 201 ] In almost cantly effective at eradicating maternal bacteremia. However,
60% of cases of PTL is thought to be due to microbial invasion treatment did not resolve choriodecidual or amnion tissue in-
of the amniotic cavity (MIAC). These invading organisms will of- flammation nor preterm birth.[ 211 ] These studies suggest that
ten include those linked with preterm birth such as Mycoplasma antibiotic prophylaxis, and appropriate treatment of chorioam-
and Ureaplasma species,[ 202 , 203 ] which are typically not present nionitis can prevent maternal sepsis but they may not improve
in mid-trimester pregnancies.[ 204 ] fetal or neonatal outcomes. So, how can clinical teams rapidly
detect bacterial infections and target antibiotic treatments?

Antibiotics to treat intra-amniotic infection New methods to detect pathogens

Professor Sara Kenyon and the ORACLE collaborative group Whereas traditional microscopy and culture-based methods
in the early 2000′s designed a randomized controlled trial of have often described sterile or culture-negative inflammation in
erythromycin or co-amoxiclav given to pregnant women pre- amniotic fluid with preterm birth, new techniques using nucleic
senting with PTL and/or preterm ruptured membranes. Impor- acid amplification testing (NAAT) or amplification of prokary-
tantly, they showed treatment resulted in a significant reduction otic 16S subunit ribosomal DNA have proven to be better de-
in maternal infection.[ 205 ] Their findings also demonstrated a tection tools, identifying a broad range of organisms as well as
short-term improvement in neonatal morbidity, but no reduc- those that prove to be more difficult to detect using standard
tion in perinatal mortality or improvement in the health of the culture-based methods such as Ureaplasma.[ 212 ]
children at age seven.[ 206–208 ] However, when administered to One of the drawbacks of 16S is the speed of the assay since
the intact membrane group in PTL, treatment with either an- a reference laboratory is usually required meaning that results
tibiotic did not improve neonatal outcomes.[ 209 , 210 ] can take several days from sample collection. Furthermore, dif-

Figure 2. Use of technologies to detect systemic and intra-amniotic infection. Ascending organisms MIAC into the amniotic cavity will be phagocytosed by neu-
trophils, PAMPs originating from these organisms will activate macrophages causing these cells to release pro-inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-6). IL-6 is also
produced by activated monocytes, and amnion cells along with other reproductive/pregnancy tissue as part of an inflammatory immune response. Amniotic fluid
can be sampled (by amniocentesis) and used to detect both intra-amniotic infection and inflammation. Systemic infection can be detected from peripheral blood.
Traditional NAAT methods can be relatively rapid and are highly sensitive but lack the isolation of AMR. 16S rRNA methods are an alternative, metagenomics
gives better coverage, and new methods such as multiplex PCR are rapid and suitable as a POC. Inflammation can be measured by ELISA, rapid chemiluminescent
immunoassay and by a lateral flow POC.
AMR: Antimicrobial resistance; ELISA: Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; IL-6: Interleukin-6; MIAC: Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity; NAAT: Nucleic
acid amplification test; PAMPs: Pathogen associated molecular patterns; PCR: Polymerase chain reaction; POC: Point-of-care test; rRNA: ribosomal RNA.

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ferentiating between commensals and colonizing organisms can elevated levels of IL-6 and labeled these as infective pathogens.
be difficult. By comparison, culture and sensitivities may take Concentrations of IL-6 in the fluid were combined with the intra-
48 h or more but provide more clinically useful information. amniotic micro-organisms identified, to create a multivariate
New techniques that can identify organisms quickly, and those regression model for predictors of latency to birth, composite
that also sequence any AMR genes have begun to emerge, which perinatal morbidity, and mortality rates, adjusted for gestational
provide a more comprehensive output for clinical application. age. Their results showed that IL-6 was a better predictor of poor
For example, in the context of labor and birth, NAAT of GBS pro- outcomes than the microbial species alone, which was in keep-
vides rapid diagnosis with good sensitivity and specificity (91% ing with previous reports.[ 216 , 217 ]
and 98% respectively) to enable more accurate management of Equally, the Premature Rupture Membranes and threatened
laboring mothers.[ 213 ] Methods such as nanopore metagenomic PTL - a Personalised Approach (PROMPT) will investigate the
sequencing can genotype without the need for amplification or clinical benefits of rDNA methods using a multiplex-based PCR
labeling. Proof of concept studies have demonstrated the fea- system to detect bacteria and cytokine profiling of amniotic
sibility of nanopore technology in respiratory and blood sam- fluid with the aim of improving latency to birth as well as ma-
ples with good concordance with traditional culture and sensi- ternal infection rates in women with ruptured membranes and
tivity, thus providing clinical teams the ability to identify or- PTL (Figure 2).[ 218 ] Indeed, the use of omics, whereby molecule
ganisms, and resistance patterns and rapidly direct appropriate groups can be assessed from the same biological sample, may
anti-microbial treatments.[ 214 , 215 ] provide a comprehensive look at the pathophysiology of the pro-
cess in question such as with sepsis.[ 219 ]
Improving the precision of identifying clinically relevant
infections Conclusions

However, with early detection at presentation and prior to The key strategies discussed in this manuscript are sum-
pregnant women developing overt clinical signs of severe in- marised in Figure 3. Maternal sepsis remains a global threat
fection, can this technology be further refined to establish a to safe pregnancy, childbirth, and maternal and neonatal out-
likelihood of severity? Here, cytokine profiling of reservoirs of comes. In the UK, sepsis rates have steadily been falling and
organisms such as the amniotic cavity may be helpful. Combs emerging research such as the ANODE study and Cochrane re-
et al.[ 202 ] investigated amniotic fluid infection in women with view on pre-Caesarean section vaginal preparation will reduce
spontaneous PTL with intact fetal membranes using amniocen- these rates further. Despite this, sepsis remains an important
tesis alongside standard culture and 16S rDNA methods. They cause of maternal morbidity and mortality in the UK. Initiatives
correlated the most prevalent organisms in amniotic fluid with such as the global maternal sepsis study (GLOSS) and NeoAMR,

Figure 3. Key strategies for the management of sepsis in pregnancy. This flowchart summaries the maternal neonatal complications, the importance of prompt
antibiotic use but the potential issues with the current usage, how antibiotic stewardship can be achieved and the potential for adjunctive treatments.
AMR: Antimicrobial resistance; ANODE: Prophylactic antibiotics in the prevention of infection after operative vaginal delivery; GLOSS: Global maternal sepsis study;
MBRRACE: Mothers and Babies: Reducing Risk through Audits and Confidential Enquiries; NAAT: Nucleic acid amplification test; PCR: Polymerase chain reaction;
qSOFA: quick Sequential organ failure assessment; rDNA: ribosomal DNA; SRC: Sepsis risk calculator.

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