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Style'sArchives:Book I
-fmrf, I0tuEaI-

'7. wtl,teg

ect! Iralrguagq BarrLer pUB

I had a queglion, and haven't Eeen thls topic addle66ed here:

trr! going Co be traveling in an Eastern Europeen country \rhele very
solnen speak Engllsh, And I,n going to be hanging out !he!e
th aoneone who 18 pretty kno\dledgeable, so hopefully I,II be
lng a lot of HB6. The queEtion is: ho$ can I pU in a foleiqn
<touttry !'rlthout cofifiunlcating verbally? I,n an avelage-Iookilrg
guy rrho ha8 alwayE used SS, lntel]igence, pallefis, etc. f,or pU'B;
Irve never been forced to lely JusE on geEtute, body 1anguage,
tity, etc. 3ny EuggeEtionB for an Amerlcan trylng to pU
lish-apeakels in EaBtern Europe?

gtyle wrl,tes

eubjects: the Art of War

Eey, I thought lal make a recomnendat ion for one of the most ancient PU
guides: anyone ever read Che Art of, War by sutr Tzu in respecc to ss?
If you thin]. about ir, its totaLly work6 as a big adalogy f,or
strategizing a seduction.
For Exanple, he advise6, before going to !ua!, assess "moral influence
(eg, values), wealher (i6 the environmenE favotable to aarging?),
kind of HB ale you dealing irith) , comnand, and then
doctrine. "

THEINhe goes on to 6ayt nvlctory is the maln object in waf. If thrs

ia Long delayed, lreaponB are blunted and morale depressed.,

.AND! trOf Eupreme inpottance in nar lE to attack ttte enemy.s

BtraEegyi next best 1E to dlsrupt hlB a1Ilances...ThuB, thoee skilted
1n !|a! gubdue the eneny wlthout battle. They cepture hls cllies
wiChouE asgaultiag them, and ovetthrow hlE stabe lrithout protracted


anotlynou€ aakej

Nwhat doas the Art of gtar hevc Co do wltb 66ducel,o!r?'

For thogd !,rho object to thinklng of the art of war

with Beductlon in mind, read i! aE an anaLogy: obviouBly, womell are in
no way enemles ard Eeduclion ie not a war. But lhe Art of wa! is no!
lea1ly a war gulde: ltr8 a guide !o Blrategy, lrhich is exactLy vrhat
thi6 new6group iE!

StyTa |'titaq

Eubject. lCora EaIp Needed

lilhat doe6 it mean when a HB yourre with eaLs garLic/onion tt4)e food
when she's with you- -that 6he's rot elpecting to go back !o your place
lhat night and that you're going tso have tso work halder Eo get her

Applying lipstick/1ip1iner--is there any Eignificance in how/where it's

done. When it'a done very blatantly in frotrl of you, ia it a signal or

sydbol f,or anythtng, poeltive or negalive?

work nightB: so many perfect nlghtB have been folled by the facc !ha!,

eved though she's ready and kino-ing like crazy, ita 2 or 3 a.m. and

ehe has co be up for lrork at 7 a.m. the nexts day. Any strategy/patlern

hele for lrylng Co convince a lIB to not' wolry abouL the fact that it's

a xrofk/school nighE and Just come back to your place?

gtyle reepo',dg t

$t thLs work lhtng ls {here I ke.p havlng lhe problem. r thlnli you

lav. the !lgh! aruver her€ bu! I need a llllle nore help. I Jusl go!

he, tl's a sunday nlsh!, and t'm comlng !!om whal woutrd have been a

trEfecl Ptt. Vlslled a slore a flteld o!.'ns, 6aw a young HB?.5 ln a

11t!1e led &€ss naklng eye conlac! lhe whole rlne. guggeseed vre

aooe food so ve could talk (she pald--lor sushl even--whlle I was

balhloom), go! sone drlnl<s, and she was p€rfecl--gtvlng me all

e 1,ror& ltght away and, afler I bounced l}rem back ar her, sbe

dropptng sex taLk lnlo lhe convergatlon, settlng me up

Dclleclly !o lnlplovige some pallerns. we leave rhe bar and she \ralks

s€ back !o her house. ghe says 6be,s tlred. But lben she opens che

aloor and ilalk€ upseatrs, and I fotloir. Then sh€ runs inlo roonunales,

and we Ealk lo them. Sbe says she's ttred agaln and bas !o sleep lor

oork. nhat I sbould have done vas elther cu! the nlgbt shorr muctr

earlier so I lroulalll'! b€ 10 tbls sltuatlon or brouqhr her back !o mv

StyTe wtLtea,

Eubject! Re! gS

A1Bo, aE for the initial conunent that started this whole thlead, you
coufd see SS aa a way of, f,ucking and leavlng as many women aa
posEi.b1e. But fo! eome people Itve talked to here, if Chey fLnd the
tlght woman, they're golng t'o keep her. SS is just increaglng tsheir
chanceB of findtng the righ! woman, atrd not jueh set!]ing. (And maybe

it'11 even lncleaae thelr abillty uo alay faithful !o her cause

lhey've already Eo&rt their oa!a) ...

gtyla wrlaa'

subjeqU: Party GLr16

Th16 i6 nhele SS fall.B for me! the party girl? the fuckeil-u!, ltB 60
just want8 to have a good time atrd !ri]I end up in bed with lhe guy
showa her on6. She doesnrt want to sneak off in Bome corne! nith a Pul
who trill lalk Ehe e$eet words. She wants to be grabbed and Caken on an
adventure that e6calate8 the fun and mayhem. I of,ten ge! approached by

thege gir]s, because I'm seen with other ItBs. BuE if I open my mouth and

dropping paEtern8 o! anything, she's gone in a heartbeat because that

ahit | 6 boriEg to her.

Anyone have any good advice oll landing party girls? There have to be
good routines- - tshey' d have to be phygical ores--tha! carl be sinply
done to show that you can give then tshe adventsure they crave thats
night. Does anyone e16e have problems in this area, with the "lrild atrd
crazyl IlBs ?

Aaonytuous add'
gubject: R6. Party Glrls

sA1Bo, I \danled to does one get iato that staee of becoming the
ao-cal1ed life-of t'he pa!ty?"

Style rapTlcE t

Ihanks. That,s exacEly the ploblem. the anEwer ls obvloue but

bow to execute it iB Ehe d11ernna, especlally for guys us who
canrt go inEo fake ,,llhoo-boot Partyt', node at Ehe drop of a hat.

lonnhandle,E glrl iE a IIB at a palty, bu! a party girl would have

ten bored wi.!h the 'twhat Eong is thistr game. Could party glr1E be
OodrB glfts lo the AFC? Someone nust end up wlth lhen at' t'he end of, lhe
uight. BUE it'6 not noa! of uE i! seemB. And, I'm no! willing to give
up etrd say, roh, I JuEt caII'! Irolk wlth Lha! type.'

go there are two way6 t'o get .m answer !o thiBr maybe mirroring Eheir
16 a good Etsaft, and then coming up with a really quLck, kino

beevy roulin€- - somethlng to nak6 bet 6ee you as h6r collaborator in

having a crazy unforgettable !ine. She needs !o feel like she's being
offered an adveEture lha! Ebe cad tel] her frlends about the next day
ao that they caD say, "You did Ehat?l You're wildl" Maybe you do tshi€
with aohe aort of ndalefl gane: Baying something like. trYou a!e out of

your nindl I love thats! But I bee you nould never 'bite thats 9ir1's
aas/ge! that gi.ry to buy you a drinh/whatever ' n And tshen maybe slorly

shift the dares to things she catr do to you in public.

That,s just an ldea: I'm thiDking out loud. If soneone has a good
idea, I'd be up for tlying its and reporting back.

Af6o, one other line of thinking: V{hat. does a party girl really want?
Vlhat is her ENDS VATUE? She is inEecure, and badly
vaLidatsion. Eow can we become that. source of social validation for

Any thoughtg?

StyTa wrlgea

aubject'! RE! DaapBluo's AntL-Flakhg Fol|llula

Thia brlngE up some good isEuesl

1. TtIe loglc of ending a good hihe early to keep her wanling @re co
Boneelme€ backflreg when the HB was actually caugh! up in the
Itra hald !o know Bomet'lmee whether Co cLose ea!]y, or !o pusb lt.

2. Begidea the optlon of naking a second plan on the spot (wbich can
Bound de6perale 1f you keep mentsioning lt Co her on the phone to get
her to hang ou! nith you again) , I would suggest doing a tsakeaway if

l.ou,re worried a HB will Io€e interegt af,te! the spe1l of the nlght is
broken. IrIn noE a fan of lhe nickname-tease, but you could alo Ehat. I
prefe! leaviag a story or pattern dangling. For example. as you #close
or rcloae, te11 her you have 6one great advice that woutd help her
real-ize whatever dream Bhets confideal to you that nights, and you'tl
tell her uext tine you get logether.
:le wdtag

€ct: RedBull wE. Alcohol: A field report,

came up with two great lhing6 last night. The firsh was re:

aelgy drinke. The Becond: a good boyfriend ki1]er. BuC, ln the end, I

I met HB9 in a bookEtore. She hag a boyfriend she's very, very gerious

about. But' Euddenly they startsed having major plobleng, and 6he called
add said ahe waB upEet. We went ou! to !a]k about lt. In a previous
thlead, someone had EuggeBted a good pattern abou! people needing
firltiple partner8 to really erq)elience nhat more lhan one pergon can
give. But I had the feeltng thal Ehe waB loo traditional to change her
,bole belief ayaten becauae of a Eingle pattern. So, afEet othet
BF-Eupportlng (then degtfoying) tacEicg, I cane up with this:

Se! E:veryone te1ls me tha! we should breah up. I don,t know, though.
Ee 6ay6 thet he thinkE tbaE everyone ha6 Eeveral people who are rlght

for tshen, buE I don'ts believe thet. I believe tha! there 1s JuEt one
person you'le faled to be wlth. And whaE if iE,B him?

l.G: BUC faEe lrork€ ilr gtrange way8. Thlnk about its. Maybe you neeal to
nake i! through tshlE lelatlonablp and out the o!he! Elde In otder tso
find the real pel8on I'ou' !e suppo8ed lo be wiEh. ME, I know tshat fate

never worka hon you expect i! to, You may think you,re fated to be with
tbi6 guy, but f,rom whal you,re teLling lne you don,t 6ound very happy.
Maybe you just need to learn a leEson fron tshiB relationship, 60 that
you can tben uae it !o find the perEon who faEe really want6 you to be
with. ETC, ETC (of course, anchoring thi6 to nyself gestsures tshe
whole time)

So \re hang out for a white, tbelr head back to my house. She ca116 her
BF and telle him shetl be ower in 15 minutes. That's bad, but I wa'rlteal

to tfy an experiments atll/!'ay. tlnd I would really be curiou6 to hear

further tshoughtss on !hia. InsEead of mixing a drir* (because atcohol

ie a dolrner), I thought we would drink an enelgy drinj(. The idea is: if

you driflk

an energy drink (or a 1ot of caffelne) , then your heart starts facing

and you feel exclted. And 1f I could anchor tshoee feellnga ahe was

having ho myself, then Bhe \toufd feel that I !,tae maklng her excitsed.

Tt worked: becauee ae \tere ELtting there fluff-Lalking (afcer a good

descrlbe-your-filst-amazing-klBs patlern), ehe just Epontaneously

leanE over and huge me, burying her face in ny chegt.

Notr, all good. RighE? But thi.s iB lrhere I fuck up. InEtead of pressing

furlher or lifting her face up !o nlne to kiBB, I fear rejection and

don't nove in. (The fact tbaE I've meL he! boyfllend before

dldn't help elther.) Thls 1s !,rhat I wae thlrtrlng I She's been €hressed

out alout being 1a!e to he! BFE and having hln nad at her, but she'6

already said 100 tlmeB ho\t I'm so mrch mole fun and exciting to b€

lrlth. I figure ghe's going to go Ehere, flght wicb hln the whole t

and thlnk abou! ho!,, nuch more fun I an !o be with. So I can try to

her to 6pend the nlght next time, vthen she's not Etre66ed ouE about

having Eo go !o her boyfriend€.

So tha queBtlon i€: l{a€ tba! AFc thinking? was I JuBt fooling nyself

becauge I \ras afraid of lejecElon? (Probably, huh? I'lhat ahould r have

done? )

(Fol1ow up: ehe call.ed tne first thing the next norning gaying Ehe

would like tso hatrg out before she has to go Eo her boyfriend'g

tsonight. Should I pu!6ue or eject?)

Ard, mole importantly, any tboughtE on Red BuIl vs. Alcohol? Anyone
else lrant to Ery thi.s and report back?

Style vtlEee

su.bjeet ! Re! nthe hungry don, t get fedtr

Right, so how a.bout making it: I'thoEe who LOOK hungry donrt geL fed.

Irve been thlnking ebout thia too. I,ve suf,fered a few timeB lhis r,reek
flon trying too hard, giving her too much attentlon, etc. So I am
thinklng of llying to ahlfts lhe melhod a lltLte Eo nake the HB
inlliate the rcloEe more.

So lngtsead of thlnking "the hungty donit ge! fed,n what do you think
of laying on all the EV, pattsernE, and kino, bue at the €ame time,
letting her knolr that I'm completely unavailable and she is cornpletely
not my type phy8icalLy, Ia thla ln keeping with ASF philosophy, o! tE
lt golng too far?

Irve been thirdrlng Ehls because, \dhenever I reall-y wan! Eo get awey
fron an obsCac1e, lt 6eens tshat Ehe more I resisE, the more aggressive

Aa for rrdeapelate energy,

" I,m atI1l rmdecided on lrhetsher this is an
advantage or digadvanlage 1n Ealging (the Scruffy thlead a few alays
ago nake6 the oppoaite of the argument you make: that PUA geEs more EC
when not looking for it) ,

Style eEltag
subject: Re: shere with her fauily" '

in a te€tautant' and
This happened to me the obher atay. I !'as eating
HB8,5 came ifl ltitsh her mother and auJrt ' r flgure you approac[

this like you woulal a IIB hanging out wlth two ob6tsac1es' Approach the

parent6/obBlacle6 f,lrst. Talk to everyone E)(CEPTthe gB you wadt at

bu! you try to make lhe EB intrigued ln wha! yourle saying' then'

once the frlenals/pareots are comfortable witsh you, you tsry co isolatse

tshe ItB lthlle st1tl being friendly to their parente/ friendB '

walk€d in and pasEed by table to older food' r

so lrhen the ftothe!

healal Ehat they !,re!e gPeaking wilh an English accent So I !o1d the

rnon that Bhe had come to the tlghE place, and talked abou! the

?eEtaulan! f,or a 11!t1e while. l'lhen the mon and aunt flent !o order

tooal, I talkeil !,rith Ehe daughEer, who was 20' In additlon !o eliciting

!o eliclt events (LhlngE Bhe wanted to expelieDce l!

va1ueB, I trietl

NY) --and, aB aoon aa I hearal my oPpolEuniEy to lnvite her to a p'rtt

lounge I nad going to the next night, I said tha! I e't

at a cool
going there and naybe Bhe ltould enjoy accompanying ne'

seem !o the non and aunt like r

I Ehink this r,rorkeil because I nade it
for the alaughte! (and of course I lnvited nom and
waE dolng a favor

aunt, knowlng they'd dectlne bu! appreciate lhe conpLlments co their

ryouEhr'). the secreE may be to earn lhe palents'E ErusE and show t}'em

your klndness, stabilily, anil completely platonic interes! in bheir

up too much to them, becauae if you get

alaughter, but not to kis6
palentsB, thetr you ri6k neutlalizlng tshe
along too i{e1l i,tith a girl'6
HB'6 atstraction to !'ou. You s!il1 want to a1low the HB tso be ju6t a

teeny bit rebelliouB unaler their parents noses? a'rld noE make her feel

like you're juEt another lame friend of, her Parents'

StyTe writeg,

subject: Re! InEpiratLonal euoteg

ThoEe vrho reetraln desire do so becauEe theirs is weak enouqh to be


--Wlluan B1ake, Xhe Malliage of l{eaven and Hetl

SEyle wri-eeE

su.bjeet! Ret AELan Olrls ln AEla v6, Aelan trerLcan clrls In


Thia brlnga up another queBtion I,ve had. I,m not an Asian fetlshist
type guy, buC I have spent a lot of tlme iD Asia and can Bpeak a few
Aslan languageE. A fen years ago, i! used tso be cool if you knev,
sohething about an A6ian 91rI in America,s language and cutture. Now,
I \rorly !hat' r/'rheaf speak lhelr Language to them o! nentj-on gooal
directora/wrlterg/celabritieB fron Ehelr count.ry, they get scateat
becauEe I SEEM Like an ABian fetsishist. who,s fearneat thi6 stuf,f juEt.
to seduce AeiaD ronen (not truel). So Ehe que6Lion iE: With ABiax
girla in Anerica or Asian Aherican girtE. i6 it betler to sho!, ott
your wide-raEging knorledge of their culture in rhe earty sCages of a
PU or to pretend total ignoratrce? My worry is Ehat, righc now, Aslan
girls are ultra-sen6ltsive to gnryE r{ho tshey think nights be into them
justs because they're AEian and not because of who they are as

SEyIe wtite€,

6ubject! Dylng here, Need all po66ib1e advlce

I need Eome advi.ce. I'm willing Eo try every tacLlc suggeated, and poat

a field report. The El.luaelon iE thie: At home in America, I'm a

RAFC+. BUE now I'm In lhe BaIkanB €rnd I'n an A!'C ah best. The probLem

i6 thlE! I have never ever Been more beauLiful HB96, 10e, and 10+B

{and total AFC gtryB) aq'nhere before. But the problem is Lhat nos! of

them don't 6peak EngliBh. So my Barging lechnique baslcally conelsts

of askiag, aDo you speak EngllEh?" llhen Ehe aDswer is yes, r can have

a convergatlon and kino and it,B anazing (but this RARELYhappena).

vlhen the anslrer lE rnou o! 'a li!t]e," I'm juet lef! In the dalk aad

dotrrE knolr !rha! !o do.

Adding f,ather complicatlon iB the fac! tha! I'm visiting a fllenal

who iE f,Luents. But he ia auch an AFC thal A) when I ask hio

!rha! !o do, he just €aYE to say iMe buy ilri.nktr--and !he!e'a no lray Ir!

dolng that and B) vihen I a€k him to translale, he chickenB out and

either won't Eay what I tell. hi.n to or gets scared and runB away, On

lop of !hat, he leer6 at noat IIBE 1n any roon, which nakea natstele

woree. I've been a great wllgmen, Bending IIBg to him whenever they aay

they don't Epeak Engl.i6h, anal be ls JuBt unable to follow up.

So, clearly, at cluba and cafes, I need to 6arge ao1o. But anyone have

any Euggeetions on !rba! to do? I'm totally at a Los6, a$d going out of

my mind, . .

(c|!re thing I'm thinl(itrg is that through SS I've learned to sarge with
lords; how carl I do it ririth few or lro words here, esp in a country
ebere tshe girls KNOW they,re hot add are mostly tsrolling for
buEbands? )

Seyle vrites
subj6ct. Rer perfonance alxLety

This is an intereatLng thread. I've found that, lrhi1e asf tactics have
worked amazing $onders fo! me, theytve hurt a llttle too. For some
reaEon, every now and then, Juat' afte! I meet a chick (eEpecially a
quleter one \rho,a waltslng for me to get the pace of the convo) , I'11

be shuffllng ao many scriptB aDd touCines lhlough my head, t.rying to

flnd the rtghl one !o say to get he! hooked, tha! I'11 juBt end up
BilenE, not a lhing, whereas ln my afc day6 I would have at
leaat kepts the conversallon going. Doe€ anyone else have Ehe ploblem
of trying to lhlnk of t'he ltght ASF thing Eo do--inBtead of Ju6t

A1Bo, Capltol, here'B Bomethlng to thlnh about: You are onty as good
aa you! self-esleem. You need t'o fi.nd a way tso raise your sel,f-esteem

*hen you're talking wi.tsh other people, It seems Eo ne that you'le

afraid of rejection or lo€ing, lhat you're too hald on yourself. I

how it won'ts do any good to teLl you the old and very tlue c1ich66
tba! he who doe€n't try never win6, thats otre euccess is wortsh twentsy
fallures. h8tead, try to do tlvo tshings: nex! time you're vetl'

:comfo!tsable being yourael"f altd being assertive and in coEtroL around

aomeone (a yormger Eibliltg, an ex-girlfriend, an rjnderclasgnan ot
conorker), t!"1' to renedber whal bhat feel6 like, and when you go out
aarging, Ereat. that HB like that pergon you,re comf,ortable witsh, whele
you have lhe attitude that: you donrt need tsheir re6pects. but they

wa[t yourE. A1so, start small: try the Svengali challenge (going out,

smiling, and juets Baying hi to L0 gas). You'l1 find thats rejeccion

doesn't come aear as often as you think its w111.

Final1y, people are very leBponeive to your EignalB and expectalio[6.

so don't expect lejection, becauEe tben yourf,e going !o acL

tenlatively anal get what you er.pecc. Erq)ect Euccess, and you'I1 be

arnazed how of,len lt cofireE.

gtyL. wrLEca
Eu.bjeet ! Taetlcs Ibat ttorked

;ruB! back to Earging aftet a long ttiP, and decided !o get

back lnto AgF gea? at a party laEt nlghl. I tried sone tactica

lrorhed amazlngly, and had a fe$ refinenrents of ouher !actic6. lb

perty was at a roller EkallEg rink, ful] of Elendy HBs in ski4ttr

l-ittle ro1ler outflt€. lnd its ltad anazing, becau6e lE naa so €aay

lnitlete convo when you'fe ln a Biluatlon like thlg! a friendly lt6g

hlt about an HBB cootdlnation on wbeels, or ju6t buttlping into aomeone

on tbe daDce f,loo!. 3ny\day6, here are EtsolieB of llrlee *closes and one


1, * cloee 1: IlBPlaEtlc I'd seen in a bar bef,ole, but nevef, talked to

her. She waE memorable becauge Bhe wag aetractive, but Eomething really

looked plastic surgery a.bout her face. so Ehe opening ltas easy

(uweren't you in the :llQtx bar the other ni.ghtt'). Anyway, after fluff

tsalk anal palterns, I suggested we 6pend sone time tsogetshe! aince lte
seen to always enal up at' the sane places anyluay. so she Eaid,

give me !.our nuiber. r lxstead of u6ilxg one of the lines I've Learned
I hprp r- dar ha/ n' mhcr

T A r v r AIzN G L Y . I ju6t said, ,'Okay." gh. grabbed a club flyer and gave ir
-i her one nall. Ther T borrowed rar a girl sL-no-ng nedrby, wrote my nLsJre. on my half of the flyer

and then handed her the pen. She of course wrole down her number and
Fmr I ThF n.rri haYA ic inctse:,-l . ...-. , -..rng me
her number, I jusl pul her in the posilion of being OBLIGATEDto give

me her n-srber. If she has lhe p.pel and pen rn her hancl, uhdL r.s

she going to do.

I 2. # close 2: This one is where ASF really paid off. I got a ride home

t wlth

HBEnergy, a rorally


cute parEy grrL A muEuat friend

comforcable Logerher and had a lor


I kino on lhe skaling rink. When she dropped me off, I asked for ber

T number.

Then I
She said,


I never
I never
me your

giwe girls
nunber. I never

would have done before

my number either,,,
give guys my numicer.,,


and walked


The next day I wondered if I,d been totally rude. But rudeness worked.

I go! lhiE meEsage on my ansvering machine: ,'Eey, guess vho?

Itls the girl lrho's no! going to giwe you her phone number. I lrae

lhinking about it, and I perhaps didn't as very good

yesterday because it's just a natural reaction when guys in lhe pas!

hawe asked me for my nunber. Bul thinking about it, lt was rude, and

yourre good and I kno\,r yourre not being creepy and have some ulterior
I molive...If I came off bitchy, t.hat,s not what I wanred ro do. r had a

Iot of fun and I'm callrng to gave you my nunicer, if you still rant

,F T h:d <,,.h r l^nd

goEta call him.' lL's been on my mino a.l day., AI]d rhen she qave me

her home phone AND cell phone. (She must have gotten my numbei fron

our nutual friend.) so, chalk one up for AsF, because l know rhat if I

had jusl given her my number like an AFc, she NEVERwould hawe ca]led.
3. Cloee #3: I collided (accidentatly, really) into a tsotatty cutse
HBscralrny on the rirk. In tha! momenE, though. I made sure our eyes
net. and I sniled. and she returned the gaze and 6mile. later. $hen I
6aw her off the rink, I apologized, and lre tatked, and I ran a 6ort of
neant-to-be pattern on the spo!, saying that naybe this wasrir! an
accident, tha! maybe we were throlrn together ln this unusuat way by
fate, didn,t she sort of feel a tingle of energy lun through her boaty
lrhen our ey6s met' (and then I off,set lhe cheesine3s vrihh a joke tshat
naybe that lingle of, enerlfy was just pain flon the head-on colti6ao[],
and finally suggeBted r{e get together some tine and see if it was
rneant to be. Thia naB my corniest #cloEe, and I only Lhink lt wolked
becau6e Ehe !ea6 aceually intereeted jn me already (after we ctaehed, I
notlced tbat she kepC looking over at ne) .

4. Mirrorlng: Maybe I haven,t read the entlre archive, but it s€€E

that whenever we talk about mlrloring, it.rE ebou! phyeical nirtod.t|f;l !
and initating novemenEa and gestules. I notlced loo tha! vocal
mirlor1ng worka amaziag, and let6 you create a lrorId $ith an EB. If
ahe talked fast and exciEed, I,d lalk fast. and er.cited; if she talked
alow and nyBlerlou6, I,d talk slow and myslerlou6. And I noticedl that'
lhls crealeil instant rappotts, tha! she'd automatically assume we had a
lot ln common because ou! eaergy 16ve1 aod speech patlerns were the
6ane. Maybe thia iB an otd ASF thought, but thought I,d share it.

An!'!raya, that'a ny reporE. It's the ,ehen its rains It pours'

phenonenon. I'm sure I could have more *c1o6e6 that night. And iE.s
not becauEe I was ,on,' it's probably because a lots of HBE 6a\,vme
kinoing with HBEnergy on tshe roller rink.

SEyIe write':
t Seeing HBPlascic l'-1 ieL you knou uhaE happens. In Ehe
I : f--l^u ,h r.- Lhe o.sos(e. fi-e.

I went out with HBscrauny last night, and r,,e had an amazing time went per recr. l'le started out the night talk:ng drd dr rking

at my house, and I did a lor of listening to what was rrong wilh her

lasl boyfriend and what she wanledr and then reflected wha! she wanted

back to her. Then, we wenl oul lo a local bar and I proved myself !o

be a fun alpha guy (vhich I usually am not) . al lhe jukebox, there was

a crazy hippie girl there. we talked her into pulting our favorite

songs on lhe jukebox, and lhen danced with her. rhe hipple glrl was

super physical, and kept giving me the doggie dinner bowl look and

holding my hands. And because I was gelting all this atrention (and

Ti- rEll_ ' .i/t i, - --r-rcr

siving me the look. I molioned for her to join us, and she drd. Now, I

don,t kno\r if this 1,]asright, buL I kepl rny allenlion on HBscrauny a1I

nrohr and drdn'E go for closeg w-Lh any oJ Lne oLhe. 9_rLs leven

lhough hippie girl Eried to tongue me larer)/ because I didn't wanb to

seem like a 6cumbag--jusE a guy who likes to have a good time. Was

lhis right?

Arlnvay, lhe bar closes and I bring HBscrasny back to my house for

anolher drink. Now, as I said at lhe rop of lhis posl, I just goE out

or o reloLiorsl :p u:!h da insanely jealous and am sLill L,yin9 Lo

ge! ny RAFC sea legs back. So, e walk into my bedroom, and who should

be lhere bul MY EX. Now, lhe only reason my ex showed up was because she

must have known I !,,as out with a girl and wanled lo fuck up my game. So

the Ex yells at poor HBScraL'ny, and HBscra!,ny runs out of the house. The

- -. co say

that I followed this advice, which I read recently in a 19Lh cenlury

book (it's a little misog),ni6t, so ignore lhat. part and check oul lhe
aalvice). one of the main character6 iE telling anotsher how he keeps his

tenperamental wtfe obedient:

,'Euman ingenuicy. my friend, lras hitherto only discovered two vtays in

which a nan cad manage a wohan. One way is to knock her dol.|n__a method

Iargely adopted by the brutal lower orders of, the people, but utLerly

abhorrent tso the lef,ined and educated claEBeB above them, The olher

way (much long€r, m.rch more dlfficult, but i.n the end no leBa celtaln)

is never to accepE Provocation at a wonan ' s handa. Molds lvifh

animalE, it holdB wlEh children, and it holdE ntlth wornen, !,,rhoare

nouhing but chililren gro$n uP' Qulet reeolutlon is the one quality Ehe

anlmals, the chlldren, and the women all fa1I in. If they can once

Ehake fhis supe?lor quatity ln thelr na€te!, they get the better of

hirn. If Ehey can never succeed ln dlsturbiflg it, he gets the better of

tshen. n

So, in othet xroldE, f lefueed to be Provoked, no matter hoir brla

tried (and I heve the bruiEes on my body to prove it). so tro* I

faced wilh lwo plob1emB:

1. llha! do I te1l ltBscraltny, or €hou1d I just give i! up wlEh he!?

2. How do you go back to Balging with an ex-LTR lrho iB Eo jealous Ehat

even afte! the relatsionshlP, ahe stil1 can't Btand You aleeping with

otsher people?

gtyla vtLEea,

subjeetr Re: Iaqtics tbat Worked

A note on my prevt oua Post:

iiust so you know. this i6n't a case of me lrying to 6tart dating one
day after breaking up or not being clear with my ex. We've been broken
up for a few months, and ehe has in facL already 6!art.ed dating, so it
really is a ca6e of extrene, irrahional post-breakup jealousy. Anyone
elBe ever bad a nlghtnare cockblock or salging obstsacle tike thi6?
(I've already taken one precaution eince the last email and changed ny
1ockE. )

BTW, ASF helped ne invaluably before the relationBhip and noxr it,s been
real1y key to butlding up my seLf-esteem to go garging agaln after a
deatluctlve relationghip like thlg one. So thank€, I

Style wtltes!.

lubjecE! N€w tboughts on EupplleaClo!

I waa Ealklng to a paychologl6t today, and he gave ne a dif,f,erent idea

of why not aupplicaClng $o!ks, eapecially when YOU get tshe gilI to buy
you a drlnk or do gomething fo! you.

I may not be remenibeling EhlE l1ghE, but he 6aid: when you do

aomething fo! a llB, 6he will thinl tha! you're a Buckef, or aE best a
nlce guy. But if you carr get he! to do aomething for you, it makes her
nore attached to you and bonded to you. ALso, its planta Che aeed ln
her mind that iE is eaay !o do a amall favor or kinClness fo! you, so
that lrhen you ask her to do soneLhiBg else for you (1ike going some
place qulet.) she will be less likely to offer re6i6tance. So the
n€ssage is: not only shouLd we not EuppLicate, but we ehould try to
make the girl Eupplicate to u6 (ever if its,s just in a Emall way it
estsabtishes some poner ove! her) .
BIIT, on the other band, I ofLen talk tso girlE whotve been out on a
date, and the guy ha6 paid for everyrhing lhat 6he feela obligated to
fool around irith him. ahe psychologist said Lhat this kind of
eupplication work6 because lhere are e:eectsatsione involved: lhe girt
knowa that if she lets you take her oub and pay for Ehe neal, she,6
expected to do something i.n return. Now, I do not date and do not pay
(unles6 I'n already itr a relatsionship) ? but ia lhla sonethlng to be
coflsidered here? Vlhen aa AlC buye an $B a drink, Bhets obLigated to
talk to him a 1ltt1e {bef,ore blowing him off for a real PUA}. So does
IE stand !o reagon tbat exceggive datlng/suppllcation le ho$ AFC6 get
laid (by maklng Ehe 9i!1 feel obLigateal and guIlty lf they don,c)?

A'ronymous wrltag

subJect,! R€r Eoir do I ehange rny appearance

"I'm out one nlght and thi6 girl checklng me out. AE Ehe loota
lhe \,ray I'm dreEaed? ahe a6k6 ne !o lratch he! coaC. Do I give of,!
lnpregElon t'hat I'n weak?,

geyle replles.

Try looking at thia way. She walted unEil her $ly f!1end6 Left, and

then Lurned to tal.k Eo you. Sure, maybe she thought you rdere a nice
guy, buts ahe clearly $anted !o ireet you alld talk to you, Otherwise, its

would have beeo very ea€y f,or her to tsake her purse to Lhe bathroom by

herself. This is a total PI,A tactic: I a]way6 ask a gi!1 to watch

my stuf,f while I go to the bathroom or into the pool o! rrherever, to
set it up so tha! I can talk to tshemlrhen I cor$e back.
Think about it: you're Eitting there worrying about how
YOU look a$d appear when, if you paused for a momentsand got outside
of your wofries, you would have realized tshat a girl cuEtomer in a 6trip
club wa6 hitting you. Even if by sone snall miracte Ehe iiaSN,T reatly
hitting on you, aEsume thaC she was and proceed accordlngly. Sure, \rork
out: but not to attract chicks, ju6t !o feel better about yourEelf. The
fact le that looking like a nice gnry can vrork too, because hhen you come
in undef, the radar.

Anonymoua wtltaga

iDirect S016 ea!1y can nake an HB lost. interes! qulckly.,,

gtyle rapllas.

lhiB ia a really good point, Rlol

lJ!d, Rio, Ehis iE EXACTLYhow Tony CultlE (o! whoeve!) gels Marilyn

Itodroe in ,'Sone Llke It Hot.,'Aa I remember 1t, he pretends Like he

haa no feeliag enymore, and canrt even feel any sensaEion on hls lipg
rben Bomeone kiaBeB him. So Malill'n Monroe tries. And nlren she asks
bim if he feLt anythlng, he says, "Nothing, " So 6he keep€ trying
harder and harde!. Of courEe, iL,s JusE a movLe, but it does rej.nforce

l|our polnt: pre6eEt tlteir EexuaL cont'lol mechanism with a challeage.

ItruE, Chey feel like tshey musE Eeduce you in order to prove theil
ae:oal polrers TO TIIBMSEIVES. Thj.6 is another good poinE, Rio, and I'11
have to Lhink of lt this nay nex! tsime I,m ouc Ealging (which wilt be
toEighh ! ) .
AJnon ,'@'lE teE IieE'-

tlhe guys \tho shorire no deEire cannot be conErol'Led by an HB'"

gxyle RepTlea.

ThiB iB trre. BuE ltrs eaBler sald than done sonetimeB lrm finding'

nolr that rrn back ou! talglng, chat with the lotal HB1os, soneElmes

Itm Eo anazetl that ltm talking to bhem and iE's working uhat I Etart

!o g€! netvous anil blow j't. iluEt being nervoua ol not comfortable

aro\rnil a HB1O, tro matter wha! you're eayrng, Bholts then they bave

power over you. I FometlneB try to took for 6mat1 ugly features and

obsegs on then in order co keep the uppel hand nentally, bu!

it' lqf
Bometines, tthen e glrl's Just my Eype, I geE nervous and blon

suggesllorlE, Rio, fo! keeplng your cool in these Bltuations' fol

(and 5u4)r!
not letting the fact that lnslde you're dying of lust
that the'B begl ring Eo ge! hot fo! you) Eholt on the outeide?

gcyLe vrltaE

Eublect3 Rqr I need rePlLca

I thinl tbat you ate too nervou6, that yourre too intsimldated around

such a beautiful rdolnalr (even your writing style is nervouB) ' And I

thinlr thats shen you're nerltou6 anal rmcomfortable, the person that

you,le wittr becotnea dervous anil uncornfortable' and that diEcourages

her from wanting to be ldlh You.

So, aI1 you need to do is ho find a way to be comfortable around

beautif,uf, lromen. But thah's easier said than done. Ihere'e svengali's

Challenge {which Fatass tsurned ne on to--thanks!), buts I tshink you

[eed some nore basic psychological reprogramming. Anyone have any


SByle vt!,tes

subj.qt! ldyetery'E Basle frallllg

llas anyone hele taken MyBlery'B BaBic Training courBe? Can anyone
recomnend it? Dial anyone get reaults or learn technique6 that helped
them Earge otl lheir own afteirardB?

Fo! me, Iid ju6! Love some erq)erience ln the clubE wlth a PUA I

tespect, !o get over aDy lingerlng ahyneBE I atIll have r and to have

aomeone glve me eome f€edback on rny 9ty1e and Eticking pointa. So,
tha! Bald, 18 thls worEh an RAFC paying for?

[AIao, when you lespond, plea8e keep 1n mind thal I do not cale

wheEher Roaa, MyBtsery, or Rayre methods ale bet!e!, I do not care vrho
gela lald more; I don,t care which one of, them i6 for real and which
i6 a posert I don't !,ran! to sEa!ts one of EheEe ugLy fLaming wars \re
gets bogged do$n ia in thiB otberwise greats newsgroup. They've al1 got
good ideaa and Ehey a1l get lal.d (I hope). ThankE.l

SEyIe wtixeg
Eubject: DoubLe Field Repor!: Dou-b1e SuggeEtionE Needed

okay, two HBs, two good times, bu!...a couple mistakes'

Three days ago, my friend sal' HBs al a restauran! late

\tas too shv to talk lo them and get them !o come to thi6
at night but

partsy he was having l noticeat tha! every guy in the room kepl cominq

and gelting shoc doon. I went up and said something like'

up lo Lhem,

kno$ lhis is going to sound like a clich6, especiallv after


watching what you guys have been going through tonigh!' but ny friend

there i6 a liltle shy and wanls to inwite you to a parly he is

Inp so enibarrassed This
having a! xxxxxx. " Then I paused, "God,
he really means it i Honeslly' i! was a
probably sounds cheesy Bul

anal I \{as jusl doing my friend a favor: But' fot

terrible approach,

some reason, one of lbe girls asked me !o sit down a! the emply fourth

which because now I was siltrng rhere

spot a! lbe lable,

guys come up and crash and burn Their biEch shields L'ere up

and they \tere being verv garcastic, buE I negged a lirrle


and Eor! of became one of !hem, naking fun of the

and just didn't care

in the meantsime, ran a av like a fluss 1#closed with

AFcs. My friend,

a nodel !,ith just an amazinglv cool lookr friosled hair'


and super-aloof. I lef! the restauranE, and beliewe it or

skinny, leggy,

nol lhe girls actually showed up at the parcy

At lhe partsy, I had another girl, an ex-stripper, who was thin'

anat with a really well_defined facial structure w1!h

artsy looking,

maale her face look like a beautiful stalue she

makeup tshat aLmos!

herself to ne, and $e just didn't stop lalking rf I went alvay


to !a1k tso oLher people, she ould just wail for me and shoo away

lhree HBs came !o the parly, I just said hi'

other guys. so when the

them to eome of my friends, and then proceeded !o ignore


on EBExstripper, itho said she was trylng co scart a

lhem anal focus
modeling agency. She is giving tlle ToNs of kino, hotding llly hand and
putting her hand on my cheEts. Then, HBExetripper say6 she has to go
to the bathroom and asks ne to $atk her tshere. We walk thele, and I
go in r,rith her. She atrops her parts and pees with me in tshe room. Then
we atand arld talk irl Lhe bathroom for a littte while. I probably should
have made my move here, but it just seened etrange after she had jus!
urinated. Any thoughtg on how to stalt rnaking out ln tshe
girl - takeE -you-to- Lhe-bathroon- and-peeB - ln- fron!-of -you sj.tuat.lon

{lrhich I Eeem!o get lnto a 1ot)?

Anyway, it feels like it' ls on anyway, especlalty since he! frienat iB

aheady maklng out vrilh one of ny frlends. We step outslde alrd the
thlee gir1g say bye to me. I just lrave to them and don,t reatty pay
nuch atCention becauae HBExBtlippe! and I are in deep kino and
conversatlon. Then the boyfrlend of HBExstrlppet callB. She ignoreB
ltr but I aee her poBture grogr dlstant and he! arms fold aclogs her
ches!. Then he callB again, and she arlslrerg it, aflet they !alk, when
I talk to her, the vlbe and klno is gone. ghe and her friend (whoBe
boyfliend ia alao cetting on HBExstrlppe!, s phone) say they have !o
leave. I *c1oge with a quick, totally inadequate *close.

16 there anything I could have done here? Boyfriend deBtloyers, I fe]t,

would have been useless, becauge they urere leady to cheat, so whaE
ahould I have done here? Any suggeetions? Atso, now that. I have the ceLl
nunber, how should I handle calllng her and making ptan6 r,rhefl her
boyfrienil might be with her?

Okay, on Lo HBFlogtsed. We went out Eonight. I brought some frienalB, andt

she brought along a friend nho wa6 a bit of a bore and kept wadtsing to
go home. I disarmeal the friend pretty we1t, and spent a 1ot of lime
talking to her, but 6he kepts trting tso get HBFrosted to go home. At6o.
alt nights, HBFrogted was 6uper aloof, a4d shooting dorrr guys tefts and
bu! I lefused to leE it intini'Late ne r
lights who came up to her,
out. At sone point, when !'e were alone'. r
kind of had her tigured
of guye think she is a bitch' but I
commenteal on how probably a lot

can tell she is ju6t a quiet type who likes to be an ob6erver' to

vratch peoPl.e and liBlen to them and €olt of nentally proceas the

lnforflation and leafi fron lt. This etalt6 a really good convelBation

her telling me that my eta! sign i6 the one that la

that eaile up witb

supposeil to educaEe her 6Ear sigin {a good place for me to inploviee

anil increalible conneclion type of Pattem) ' Ftnally, we have bonded '

She algo 6ays 6he go! out of a long lelationghlp a yea! agor and aa

not looking !o get trapped in a lelatlonEhlp again, whlch is

encouraglng fo! me because I have a reaL1y great responge for this_

Then the frlenal EayB 6he reaLly wants !o go hone llBFrosued says ahe

is goiEg to alroP her flielrd off, and then call me Lo 6ee vhere Irn aE'

so I'm with tny frlends aE a bar, itB dead because its Monilay' ald

meete me !he!e. We Bit and talh for a litt1e lthile' AB we are

I aBk lf sbe ca! glve ne a ride hone because my frlendE \tant lo

out, I live half an hour away end she Eays she iB going 1n the
(whlch iE
dlrection anal lea1Ly has a 1ot of work !o do lhe nex! day

actually E!ue, buts it's also a cop out). So then (and this iE !'here I

anil can! figure ouE a way to ge! uB aLone The

need bel.p) I get sluck

s19n6 are good, anal lhere 16 kino and rappolt, but I could noE

1t co a *c1oEe ol more. she 6!i1t drifts into being aloof

no! heael' lapport-buildlng and intensely Patterning' lihen we
when I'n
rne her cheek r can
part aflal iE cones time to 6ay gooalbye, she offele

tbat a *close is out of, lhe question, though definiteLy enough


rapport is built to haug out again'

My questlon here is tbis: I feel like she gave ne a good opportrmilv'

coning back without her friend. AE tshe same time, I can tse]1" 6he gets
hits on and used for her looks a lot, so making any sort of direch move
on her would have been a problen. Any Euggegtiors tor how I should have
handled this situatsion and, especially. how I could have escalated it
beyodd kino arld rappole to a more romantic close? How I could have stooal
out mote from all the OTHERguya as someone she wantsB to get phyFical
with? I !1111 probably see her again when she is back o! I,m ifl her to$n,
but I definitely anled tso seal the nlght bettser and bond her cloBer to
mer because Bhe,a deflnlhe MLTRmaterial.

Seyle vtltaar

6u.bjest3 Rq! Double tleld Rsportt Doublo guggesllone Needed

Aarln, you! obBervatlong are perfect. You nailed exaclly what \rorked
and wha! nent wlong and, itr Ehe blgger picture, nailed my strengths
and weakneEaeE. I e€pesia1ly appreclete the advice about HBFtosted,
in lurni,ng an ob€lacle t'o an advantage $hen 6onething doeEn't work.
A13o, I totalLy f,al]ed ln noE getting sonelh1ng stalEed ln the
balhroon- -!,rhy else would Ehe bring me Ln there? I wi6h I had you
whigpering Eheae lhiDga 1n firy ea!, lhen naybe I'd have a different
r.eport instead. I'11 ulrdate on llBFroBled, who I'n supposed to Bee on

SEyle vrltes

subjgct3 enyone u6e a tdotorcycle?

ilusc got offereal a moLorcycle ha.nal-me-doirn. Thin.|ing of

ride. Out of curiosity, does anyone use a motsorcycle in their PUs.

Thj-n](ing about it, it'8 much cooler to say nwhy don't I pick you up on

Sunday on my motorcycle, arld we'Il rlde alolln Lhe XXX !o the YYY.'

fie1I, if's a lot sexier lhan going f,or coffee or nhateve!. Man, you

couLd even do a bs value-demonstrating foutlrle where you bf,eak dor,rn,

theo borrow a halrpln to fix tshe exhau€t release valve (or lthateve!)

in 30 aeconds.

So, does anyone go on "firs! meetings'r on a notorcycle. DoeB it heLp

o! lrork? I a16o thlnk lt would be pretty cool to be at a bar catrying

. F^i^?^v.l a halhai

gtyla vrleas.

Eubjsqg! IEs!'ae flsld report ifltb four *slosss

I have been meaEitrg to poBt here for awhi,le, buE I've been outs of the

counEly. llhat I want to wlite 18 a report on Mygtery'a baslc training,

which \daB leafly amazing. When I teturn home nerat week, I will po8b a

long report on tshe exPerience. One particular nighE, I Probably

witsneE66d Ehe lrost sengational, artistlc PUA +close of my life, which

I will Ehare when I get back.

In lhe meantime, here's a nild fleld report from lhe European city I'n



on Friday lright, I weat to a dance club and ran intso a friend. She was
r,ritsh two Britsigh wonen. And one was jus! a totat bitch. She hadt her
arms folded acrosa her chest, had a shitly altilude. and basically
tsold me to go to hell when I was intr.oduced. Since hangirlg out with
Myslery, I've tearned that if, you treat thie att tike a game, ir,6 so
very easy because instead of, ju6t trying t.o make people like you
(r,vhich ia aeen as pathetic) , you,re loylng xrith them (which intrigues
them) .

So I decl.ded tha!, Juet for t'he 6port of it, I,d try to break down
HB!Vi1. I lBolated HBEVll and dld a 1ltt1e mind reading
trlck oll he! tha! I leafned, At flrst, I said I,d read her nlnat and
come up with Ehe name of the fllEt boy she ever loved. Then ehe said
Bhe'd never loved anyone before (no Burprlse Ehere) . So insteaal I \ren!
with he? mother,s name, and got it welt enough to implegs her, Then we
aat do$n and X lan a couple 11ve-for-the-monent pattelnB past her. Then
I tried the Grbe game olr her--her horBe wa6 a unlcorn anal he! slorm was
ove! the unlcoln. go f told her that,s vhy she,d never loved
anyone--ahe | 6 holdlng out for a nan who doeEn?t exis!, and then Ehe,s
got thls 6torm cloud over hlm. So we talk a 1itstle nole abou! deep
lelationshlp stuf,f, aDd tben I Just Btop ealking to tes! her because
I'm gettlng the DDB look. She say€, 'So, what do you do for \4rork?, AB
we all know, lhat,s a sule IOI, 60 I use t'he Mygtery +cloEe and say,
'So, would you I1ke !o klss me? She he6ilates, and I don,t give her
tlne to reply. So we stalt making ouE fo! a while.

A lit.tle later? we decide Eo go to anotber ctub. She goe6 to the

bathroon, and she,6 gone forever, so my friend and I decide to just
leave lrithout her.


We go to anotlter dance club. A6 soon a€ we watk in, I see this tsotsa1ly< gB{very, vety hot, yormg, €lender, furlky black haired girl witsh
a ied ecarf, and red lipstick and tight red top) who I had seen at a

partsy the night before. I say hi, and ehe just thtoits herself on me.

dfulxk, and ne're af1 over each other. We sit doim, and then r nake the

nietake of actually using asf tacbicE- she is too lrasted to !ea1]y

understa[d a rdold of it, and it createa this awkwar&re€s between ua

(anyone ever have the problem of, patternB and SS turning off drulk
gl!LE?). She Bays Ehe !,rants druga, and l don'! do dlugs, but I lell

her I can maybe lake her to anoEher club tso get 6one. she says okay.

vfe get up, and as Ehe pasaea the batshroom, ehe pullB me in. she sits

dordn on th€ lollet and lakeg a long pee (renehber my laat f,i.eld

!6port--THIS IIAPPENSAJ,IJ THE F-INe TIME TO ME). as 6he finieheE,

aomeone EtartE pourditrg o! the doo!, I Eell hin someotle'e in lhe

bachroom, and lhen he burEls ln the door. r!'s sone guy, naybe Ehe

girl'B boyfriefld. Ihey EEart yel1i.dg at each other, and finally she

graba my alm ard we leave,

lle go to tbe other club, and aE Boon aB we nalk in, I eee HBEviI at e table alone !,rlth he! arma folded. She gives me !h6

of death for dltchlng her, and I Jok6 and play with her a liutle
(becauBe her regponseE fall llrto such a predicEable Blereotl4)e, 1l'a

easy !o be one .tep ahead of, het) . Any$ayE, I'n in heIl for the nel.l

half hour, because I have IBEvil up€et that I'm wilh this dtujlk

party glrl, and I've go! thl8 drurtc party gilI upeet becauae there

are no drug6 fo? he!.


Outside, tlBlhri1 disappears aBd I #close the party gj.rl, itho iE vely

upset wlth me becauae ahe ia tired a[d wanEE drugs to atsay awake. I

rrm iEto a group of abou! 20 people (I know one gnry 1n the group), who

are tsrying to f,igi.Ee out \rbere to go. I stsart talking tso llBRussian arld

suggest that while they are slandirxg around indecisive, we carl go tso a

frm after-hourB c1ub, have an rmforgetcable tsirne, grab a sandwich

{becau6e ahe's hungry), and then call her friendg anal neet up with then.
She Eays she likes Lhat I,m decisive, and we Eneak awav.

There i6 a_line outside the clu.b. and a guy behind us startss tatking
to us. I t.ef,l hin that HBRuEsian and I gots engaged tonight and are
celebraLing (I,ve never aclually uEed this before, but I tshink iE-€ a
good t,actlc wi.tsh Bomeone you've just. met becauBe it seal3 you to tshe
HB lomantlcelly-it, B a loke that. ptanLg a seed of possibiLily ln an
fiB's mind, At' ghe very least., you,re both eharing a prlvate joke
Cogether, creatlng a fantasy worLd for the two of you t.o live in for
the ntght. Any Choughts on thls?)

Any$ay, the guy in line wag Juet amazing. ge 6aid he cra6 e priest, and
then he took a ring (Eo!t ot like a keyring) off his cell phone and
perf,onned thia beeutiful malriege cerenony, full of undying pledges of
1ove. It real1y wes quite beaut.iful. I puE Ehe ring on HBRussian, s
thunib, and of cour6e kiEEed the brlde very welL for a coupte mi.nuteg.
we went lnalde, ki8Bed mo!e, a.rld pald our prieEt a beer for hlB
Bervices. He took ou! nameg and addlesges, and said he,d send us our
paperwork becauae he gwearE tha! he,s really a priest.

Aftser a Liltle while, we leave the club and her friends are STILI, on
the colner. lfe hang out and !al.k wiEh then, then I sugges! we slip
a$ay again, we go back to my hotel room. she 6ays tshe nlght i6 too
perfect, Ehat thig can,t be !ea1, and getE a little shy about getting
hoo phyaicaL. She say8 Eomething sonewhac earcastsic. like, ,I knew you

wele goidg to try !o do this., and ther I tsel] he! a st'ory. I!,6 ait
anazingly sad but effectsive sEory abouts a girt and a boy who each meet
their soulmate, atld then a aliver of doub! crosses tsheir minds. They
decide !o test it jusl to nake sure, but in the proce6E they tose each
otsher forever. I can lrrite it in more detail if anyone's inlereEtsed.
Anylvay, she gpends the night antl we f,oo1 aroud more (buE we don'h

actually have sex, despite my amazingly told story) . She's very sweet'

and leave6 in tshe morniDg, and 1 like her and think 6he could be a

MLTRPo6sibility, until. ,.


On Satulday night, I go to a alance c1ub, and aB I get a drink, lhere

18 a noE very aEtraclive woman dtendlng next to me. she i6 sott of

dleBBeal tlashy. x wonde! if, I Ehould talk to her for fun. l'lhite

boring !o ne, Iike, rAre you an

I'n decldlng, the EayB sonethlng

Anerican? So, lust for practlce, I aecide to go for a *close in five

mlnuteg (thari{6 agaln to MyBtery fo! lhe confidence). I tefl Bome storlea,

arlal we EEart talking about i,rlld nights out. ghe talks about ao orgy ab'

to and I get he! worked uP on Ehat, asklng abouE he! feelings aod

there. I tetl her ho\t it's Eo gleat Eo be In those siluaEionE

you're totally comfollable and you can Just let youleelf go,

tha! you'le safe to do ldhatever you want and 1!'s al,I okay' therc''

lote of kino and 6he's glvltrg me lhe DDB, so I do lhe MyEEery *cloae'

It' s terrible.

As Boon as we 6top, lIBRuBElan aPpealB out of nordhele and te113 the girl


she 1E ]eavfu1g lhe club now' It turn6 out' that Ehey're friendBl I an

frozen aail EpeechleEs, and HBRuBslan leaves withouE a wold to me' I

seanal tbere in 6hock for several mole minutes' then intloduce tshe girl tso a

flienat of mine and go to flnd ltBRuEsian. sadly, 6he'6 alleady gone '

Aaal, worst of all, I nevet got her nuniber the previoue 4ight ' So the

story I told her abou! the Eoulmatses ttho lose each otsher forever come6
r all in all, an amazing weekend ful1 of romance, tragedy, and nore
E *closes than I,ve ever had in a reekend clubbing. Any rhoughts,

F advice, and funny jokes are welcone.

SLyJe writes !

subject: Re: llystery's Eeminar in LA

Yes/ it vent grea!. I have so much ro say, and I/m out of rhe counlry
right no!,. I will work on a fu]] report and posr it nex! rime ln a!. a
compuler. I have a few quick lhoughrs ro share in the meanrime

If you are READY for it, it is invaluable. In orher words, if you nave

absolutely no game and cannot carry on a conversalion wirh a woman, it

may no! be \rorth it. If, however, you have some game and tranr ro
improwe ir or get to the nex! level, rhe class witt reatly btow you
away. I learned so much in just a few days lhar it witt take ne monlns
before I can implemenl it. But I kno$ lhat the field reporh I ju6r

posted the olher day oith four kiss closes woutd no! have been possible

wilhout wha! I learned. It makes such a huge difference to be watchrng

and doing i!, inslead of just reading abour ir.

And, honegtly, what I lowed most in lhe ctass je !ha! it u,as tike

being out wirh lhe asf net sgroup whispering in your ear. Many peopte

here go ou! sarging/ come back withour a good close, and lhen post

aeking for advice on lrhat they should bave done. Wett, here, you,re

silling on a couch lrith a girl/ and Mysler:y is cordng over or sending

to vrhigper just whar to do in your ear, like MORE KrNO or



SHOUI,DERor whalever,
Pleaae, no flarnes from Mystsery,s collll)elition. I leally

clasEes, but tso me, they seem tike two conpletety atiffere[t thing6,
like comparing 6teak and ice cream. Sure, you eat. them bo!h, but they
taete nothing alike. Sotne like one, 6ome like the other. andt most tike
then both.

gtyle w'!,tee.

Bultjaet,. Qusseloa about ltyEter] kIE6 cloge

Okay, after I aBk, would you like Co kiss me, I know what t'o alo if she
Bays yeE, o! no, or maybe? or if ahe just hesitates. But, Last nj.gbt,
€omeone 6aid naybe later. What ls the rlght reBponee here?

It kinil of lhren me for a loop, egpecialLy slnce I knew I lraB i-q ton6 of killo from her. Vthat I did lras sort of Lease b€r,
aay aomethlng like, "Uh, !eally,' and then I turned a\{ay to face
bar and pretended to lgrtote he!, She, of cour6e, catne up t,o ne anal
trled to ge! my at'tent.lolr agaln, and I slowly began to pay at'tentlon
to her like before. ft !re6 Bort' of, punlshment, Anyone have any beEter

gtyJ.a wal,taq:'

EubJecb. WEtary qles6 report


1. Yes, Myetery iE an anazing ptA. ?here are VERY FEWwomen (rrhether

alone, in groups, or witsh nen) who he can noE approach anat at the very
leaet #close within 15 mi[utes.
2. I recommend this cla6s very, very highty for hhose who have some
gane but need to improve it or \rork on stickj.rg poinrs. If, you have
a!6o1utse1y no eelf-confidence or are so painfulty inhibited that you
caat carry on a conversationr Id try to work on those iesues first.
However, the cla66 may stitl be worthwhile if onty to watch an
accoq)Ilehed PttA at work.
3. Irike netve saial a hundreal tiftes in ASF, there is no magic pi1l. anat
this clasa len't one, But, at the same tlme, tshis [eekend of claBses
ia much more valuable anil helpful than a full year of juBC reading ASF
poatlnga and SS matelials. The reading ls just about educatlon, Dur
tshe claBE lE all about appllcation.
4. Finally, as fo! me, the c1as6 was dlfferen! than I expected, but at
the Bame time I goE more out of i.E than I expected. I have a MUCH
better underatanding of how !o use the lacllcs I read about here, And,
nore lq)ortantly, Mystery brought my game to the next leve1.

What I alao learned ale four lnportsant things that I,d read but
never really appl.led before, They are:

I'AIT A PIAN. Watching IityBtery, I realize lhat lts inport.ant to kdow

VIHATto 6ay and IIIIEN !o Eay it. It6 lngane to watsch him JuEt use
nearly !h6 exac! Bame opener, Ehe exac! aame gimnickB, and lhe eraac!
aame 1ine6, and Ju6t reduce HB6 to mueh,

EAVE A OIMMfCK (or at. the very 1east. a prop). Thi6 way, you can just
bypasE the €malL ta1k, demonsErate value to her with a short
performance (a story or trick or demon6tlatiol or rdhatever) , and 6carr
arl i.n-deptsh convelaation about whatevei deepty personat su.bject arises
fron the uEe of the gimmick (that, I guess, i6 part of Eex nagic).

EAVE STORIBS. Most people go out to be entertsained. Be the

entertsaioer. Buts encertain in a way that suggestss or opens up the

possibility of a connectiolt belween you and Che tsarget'

TREAT IT A]lL AS A GAME, Because lts is one!

I only have one ctllique with the claes, and I'11 say thls aB much for

As!'ers beoefits aE for Myeteryrg. The rnan is anazing. He knowa tha! he

can PU alyone. gomelines !te'1L juet be walking out of a bar, and herll

Etop bxto gBE walklng ln and JuB! #cloee fot spor!. I qtlBh, howeve!,

that he BpenE a 1it!1e leBB Elme demonsElatlng and a 11t!1e mole tlne

coachlng ard {orklng wiEh ua orle-on-one. Forlunately, he had a great,

great wing, Sio, !,rho a16o helPed oue. And thiB i6 a problem tha! can


be flxed. I'd a16o llhe to have an afEernoon earging ln mafla or cal{

aB palt of the claEs, though Mygtery saye lhis sLuff

conpared to sarglng in c1u.bE and ba!B, nhlch is true.

No!r, for n4a main pralBe: Ehe great advantageE have come af

ne. I now feel like I can apploach any gi!1 and know exactly wttat

alo anal say to get her lntrignred a'rld cloBe. I waa neve! very goo'l at

*cloglng Bomeone I'aI only net mlnuteE ago, atld now I EhiDk I can' I

for a couple lteekB and had al1 aortE of

JusE wen! on vacalion

f muE! have #closed 20 girtst *closed 6ix, slePt vtith two, and, ln a

Etrange night, f-closed tlto crazy €islere. And o$e of Ehe girlg I

#closeal ltaB oae of the citsy'E enobbiest HBBt I rarl ialo he? giBter

yesteralay, \rho tolal ne sbe \ta€ talking about me alL day' r probably

wouLtb't have dlone one-te4lb this good ttitshouts MyBtery'E clasa' In

addltion, I found myselt becomirg more clrarismatic arld nore of a

teaaler in regllar everyday sitsuations tshat didn'! involve sarging'

andl, most irPortant, whethe! Eucceeding o! faitidg, I had lons of flm'

I can't qai! to put thls stuff co work a! home. Anyone in LA wanr to
wing? Email me: just make sure you,re somewhar confidenr, inrelligenr,
and socially comfortable.


whot I need now is Advanced Trarnrng. I need a class Lo lake me

through the next steps: calling an HB I #ctose with and taking her for
a perfect/ passionale adventure. I have ro bring my fottow-up gane up

lo lhe level of my approaching and-closing game. Mystery, you ready?

Aj:o,:ltmoue repTieg,

Eubject: rer Myetery claes field report (daya 3 and 4)

"Was the stuff you accomplished over the weekend really due to the
jus! sluff Ehat was in the manual?,,

StyLe replies.

The lruth is lhat the manual gave me rhe knowledge and the ctass gave

me the Ekil]. Withoue ASF and TFM, r wouldn,t have been able ro

appreciate the class. Bul withou! rhe class, I wouldn't have had lrie

confidence and know-how lo make all the approaches and closes r did.

So, yes, I credil a 1ot (but not all) of lhe vacarion succesE ro rhe

clase. Bu!, then again, lhat'e rne. r,m a quick learner, bur I rhink

anyone as going to learn more from watching and doing lhan jusr

I think Lha!. for Mysle-y, magrc and nysr iclsm work oecouse

that's whal he excels at. Magic doesn,! have to be for everybody: you,re

going lo be a good PUA if you find something rha! you/re passionale

about tha! inl-igues oEherg,

"nd !'hen amplrly Lh"!. thing.
A'lo'iltfroud aek'a

Eu.bJ ects: Re! ldygtery clasg f,Ield reporl (Days 1 and 2)

"Do you have any lvords or linee that gave you succees?,,

g|yla t€{)lLee I

For openels, there are three I uEed:

1. ,tomigod, did you 6ee that flght outside. TheBe trro girl6 were
tsotally going at it...e!c,, etc.i

2, ThLs iE the enrbarlassing one My€lery EuggeBCealfo! me. Iry!

had the gutE !o use its a coupLe timeB, but it hae actually yorkeat.]
Iooka like the parCy/fun/whaEeve! is ove! he!e.,, Then I turn to the
g1ll I'm lntcrested 1n ard say, trIf I lrasn,t gay, you woutd be SO ft inEtantly turns off her defenses (anat tbose of others in the
g!oup), and f can then hit he! $ith heavy sluff. When it acCuatly Ied
to a lcloBe once, It nasnrt' urrtil aftenards that, she sald, 'aren,t
you gay?, I BaLd, ,I wag, {wi!h a j oking 6mile) anit then kiBBed iqer
agaln, a llt't]e nore paBeionately. (Anyone know any bettet replleE?)

3. Iily favorltse r,ras a variatloa of ehe "do spelts wotkn tine of

MyaEeryrE. I said tbat and lhen launched ineo a Etoly I maale up. I
poineed to my friend and said sonething tike, "The reason I,m aBking
iE becauae lny friend over lhere ls new to IrA. And he met a gir1 at a
clu.b. Ee \rasn, t intetestsed in her Bexualty. becauge she rrrasn,t really
h16 tl4)e lAts tshiE point, t'he girl atwayE says, 'sure,r i{hich is grear
beeauae I can 6ay, 'no, reatly", and begin light kino andt teasing_
p1u6 it shous uE as nice guys wbo ieomen are att.ract.ed hol . ]\n],way,
she came over to his house arld afLer she teft, he foundt a corrodeat
meLal ring and some f,eathers lrrapped around a scrotl under his
sofa cushion. We1l, he took it to a magick store and they 6aial its
waa an altraction spell. And. now, tshe strange thing is, her6 sualdenty
finding htmself altracted to her. Do you think that itrs Lhe spelt or
jusc peychological?,

this isn,h genLue ot anylhlng, but iE nevef, falleal to ge! a gooat

convo golng and open up doore for patlerng. Iton ever, slnce the class.
Irve been u€ing Eone other openerE that lnvolve props/glfimickE.

Ae for other toutineE/pabtern€, I liked:

C|tle about ho!,, there ate so few day6 in ou! actlve lifehime, anal we
ahould enjoy each moment to LtB maximum.

Theretg aIBo one abou! holr our enotlonal cilcuitry hag evolveil to
perfection whil.e tbe inteltectuaL pa!ts of our bralns is ne!, anal
Lmperfec!. It end6 wlth me pulting the back of he! halr. but I can,E
seen Eo get thls one quile tight adymore. Mystery or aoneone, can ysu
poEL It here?

A felr good BF deFtroyerE too long to explaifl right now.

various nega- -f,al<e naj.IB, €ometbing in her ear, etc,

Question ganes

A kino storl called Dino I6land

Etc, eLc. etc.

ABoaTmouB aekea

"You said Lt lras easy bo di8arm the guys. lihat did you say to them on

gtyTe replleEl

Thls is eaBy. You jusc eay to the guys what you'd neve! eay to a girl.

In other words, you make Bma1l ta1k. elxile your fllend i3 sarging, you

ju6t ask her ma16 frlendB anything: nHowrd you guya end up here

uwhat did you alt

Conight?n "Are you guys from around here?u do before

thi6?'t llhaEeve!. They juBt \rant to be pald aetention to so lbat tb.I-

egoB alen't brulsed a6 they Etand arouid watching some olher guy

enteltaLn the chick they're Buppoeed to be enlertaining.

seyl. wr!EeF.
Eubject'! Re! Odious aad ldygtery

Okay, I think I should weigh in on thiB is8ue (ha ha) .

seriously, thi€ j.6 the word on iteight: IE i3 not how nuch you weigh,

lt i.s how you ca?ry yourself. If you have good postule (tsry a course

tike Alexande! Technique), move glacefully (take dance or novemen!

classes), dress well (just a clean. pressed black !_shi!t or black

button dol,'rr shlrt and black padts witl do), and have confidence (do

what you need tso do tso get this--be ouEgoing ar}d EPeak Eo other people

about their tavolite lopic, tshemselve6), people r,till be le6e 1ikely to

think of you as nfatr and more likety !o eee you as rbiS.i I knott tshis
because a good friend of nine is IMMENSE. He's vell over 3OO

ooLrds--jusE huge. ErL he,s a clean, sr6gdrious, posicive, ou.soirg

guy who always knowe where the parry is. And he gets laid--by cute

s'rls. In facE, I know Lhis reall) cu-e, ve y thin, very .iry

socialite girt. and, jusl recently, she srarred daring my Brc friend.

I can't ewen imagine hovr they fi! together, bu! I guess she can...

So, Grim Reaper Dude, it may take nore work for you, but you can do
it. If you really set your mind to it and made some changes, you could

completely reinven! yourself in a year and be THE MAN.

Style writesr

aubjeclr Quick Adwice Needed on HBBxstripper

You rnay remernlcer HBExstr:ipper, from a field report from a couple weeks

ago. She tras the one who brought me into lhe balhroom and was giving

lons of IOIS, and Lhen her boyfriend kep! calling on rhe ce_ l. I had

asked whether I should call her or no!, considering rhar she lives

\,,ith her BF. well/ i! turns out she called me lrhile r was on vacation.

I called her back roday, and she \ras giving good rOIs on the phone
(talking about how she was looking for eomeone to kiss last nighr bu!

couldn't find any good guys). But, aE t.he same time, 6he atso tust
broke up with her boyfriend, so I was also the ehoulder !o cry on. r

gave her some advice, but got off the phone a liEtte quickly. Then she

invited ne lo go lo Las Vegas wilh her this weekend. Now, here are lhe

1. How do I keep myself from being the shouldex !o cry on and insread

lurn lhe conversalion towards eliciting positive slales. She may

already have me in mind as lhe rebound, but r don,t wanr ro turn inlo

lhe shoulder.
2. Her BF lives in Vegas. She said she'6 going dot+'rrthere thiE weekeDd

"with a really hot frierd" and warlts ne !o join them. she said shers

going jusL Lo have fun and forget about lhingE. so. should I:

A. co along and hope lhat netfl have a f,un, crazy lost. weekend oltb

her and her BB friende.

B. Make planB for nhen Ebe returnB fron vegas. I fear that going with

he! there or meeting her lhere may be suppllcatlon- - I | 11 be depending

on HER to Bhon ne a good bine in HER clty, and thererE alwaya the riak

her BF nrl1I call and Bher1l go back.

gtyla vtltat:.

Bu.bJacts Ra3 IdID REPORTIttttI

Nice, honest lay repo!ts. Made me think of Ewo lhlnga:

1. succeBs is a matEer of talent and Eining, the fact lhat you

apploached a IIB who bad jugt beeIl etood up iB wbats nade thig all work.

The lesson here for newbie6 is appfoach, approach, apptoacb untiL you

find lhe right pelson at the right Eine.

2, Novr, the Eecodd thing your post raise6 i6 a good lesson in a

wonan's self-esleen, Of, coulse, a girl who goes back to a hotel with a

gruy 6hei6 JuBE nets iB not going to feel good about hersef,f. l{hen Ehe

€talteal acltng like a "bitch,' aE you eay, arld getting all freaked

out, al1 she wanted vas solne reassurance thats she had done tshe righ!

tshing, that you don't do this atl the tine, and that you were a nice
guy. Wben you say ,,we11 the leasr you can do is give me a bj before
you leave,,' thal's total Neanderrhat/AFc behavior.

l']y guess is thal you felt insecure afteiwards, and 11'ere freaked out

her reaction. If you had understood how she was feeling and been

slnpathetic to her (in other. words, eased her doubts and raken cdre
her), you probably could have continued to see her--and gorren youx

pracrice inl Instead, she left feeling lricked and feeling taken

advantage of, and I'd guess that this sor! of ruined the experience

Nexl time, r.rndersland hoo she's feeling. And, if you,re really feeling
bad about your ability, vork on a parlern telting gomeonehow the

firsl rime, you re lusr so exciLed co be wirh her char you can L netp
yourself because she turns you on Eo much. But. rhis rs. sood rhing,
because you know lhat over time/ the sex will get berter and berler,
unril you bolh know juEr how to pleasure each oEher for hours and

hours, over and over, etc. Tell her how i!'s grear ro have gotten se*
out of the way, and now you can drop lhe sexual rension and the gameE,
and just be complelely comfortable together aE you get to know each
o l h e r e m o E i o n ally a n d p h y 6 - c o l l y .

Othe! lhan t.hat, it sounds like you did a nice job. h lhe future,

inslead of coning on so strong and persistenr, conslder ptaying hor

and cold, rewarding and punishing (something r only recenrly tearned

from Mystery lo greats effect), !o make HER wan! you more.

I hope lhis helps I

Style writes,
eubjecu: Daallng with "diffLculti girls

cEre in every 20 or so $onen I approach is a 'difficult" girl, and r

geh tshro tr for a loop. What I nean by difficuLt ie tshat theyrre

purposely contfarian. It'E okay to approach and staf,! talking. But,

then, hhey don'E want to be figuied out. So anyt ime thaL you say

anythlng to uBe bhe values yourve elicited of, gain rappor! or sbow

that you underBland lhem, tshey'1l leBpond by either Baying the

oppo6lEe or by Jus! answerLng vaglrely and mysterioualy and

non-cofifilta11y. Basically, these are ltomen who are glving you shit

leBts and batEleB of, lte all the time, half aB a meehod ot ftilling

and half aE a protectlve Ehleld to keep enotionaL dislance. Theyrie

Bmillng and enjoylng the convelsalion, but you are getling abeolutely

nowhe!€. Theyrle the easles! gir16 !o flgule out', but Che laat ones to

ever eahit !ha! lheyrve been fl$Eed out becauBe their gelf-image ia

so tied up 1n the idea of belng "compLicatedtr and "too intelligeDt

be ou! getting plcked up.i ltm probably not erq)laining thie aa wall

I cou1d, but do you know the Eype of woman lrm talking abou!?

Anyway, I usual,ly ge! frustrated and ejec! ol move on to her friend

(becauEe I ge! annoyed, Ehough It1I alnays siriLe and nevel 6hou i!).

BuE. doeg anyone have a blldge or pattern or idea thaE works od these

women, Eo get pas! the BS atrd alupid crl4)tlc cotnnents to the more

simple, lntereEting, and vulnelable woman hlding underneath? Or maybe

there's a way !o compleEeLy change her state--by. perhaps, inEEead of

trying to build rappolt, taking het outside of belseLf in some

ray--very gtlongly takLng her on 6one sort of adventure (witb worda or

actionB) Ehat rnakes her fofge! about asd let go of, her6elf and the

self,-inage she so lightly elings to for a noment. Maybe nore negs? I

don't know. Any 6uggestions? (and I'n not acceptsing "eject" as an

anslre!--there must be a way.)

Style writea:

Eubj ect: Inlroducing. ..the balhroom lakeaway?

I learned somelhing nFq (at least I think iE's new) by accioenL -dsl

ntghl .

Slrike up a conversation with an HB who,s in lhe bathroom line (you

can either be in line. walking past/ or lralking oul of the bathroom) .

Have a gimmick in mind (pa1n-reading, handwrihing analysis, sex magrc,
runes, digicam, \rhalever) . Turn lhe convetsalion ro whatever gimmick
you oan! lo perfornr on her. Thell do a rakeaway. Tell her thar your
gimmlck would really blou her. nind, and i! would be fun to try ir on
hF/ ind cFc rf r,^,, .:r ial I hcr invrhird

obviously, the bathroon Line isn,t the place to do it, and there isn'h

enough time an,'way. Then say, rrLisEen, t have to go find my friende.

But find me when you're done, and we'll Lry LhiE LogeEhe..'

It worked great for me ]ast night, because I,d be lalking l,lith one HB,

and lhen a1I of a sudden another HB (returning from the bathroom)

would find ne/ pull me aside, and beg me to perfom for ber. This

worked out great/ because not onty was i! great social proof/ but I

was in a situation wheie I had my choice of women. I could eilher stay

witsh the bathroom HB after we sat do\rn, or go find the other HB I was

talking to and apologize for being too popular.

Maybe this is obvious, but lrd never lhoughL of il before. Last nishl

I tried il lwice, and bolh tines lhe HB came looking for me. (Ir helpe
tso be a good, enthu6iaetic conversa!iona1:6!, 60 thaE tshe HB is really

intsrignred by the giiunick. )

SeyTe wrLEes.

6ubjecgr Re. Altl-Flaklng Iechalques?

I've noticed that the beat way to keep an HB fton flahing 1B to aets uP

DEFINITE plang before you leave. In othe! nroldE, donrE juat Plan olr
meetlng for coffee aomebime or seeing each ouher later in the week.

l,{hen you're va1ue6, eliciL EV!:NTS Eoo. Then, !,,hen you

#cLoEe, you can say, 'I'11 sall you to go to Ehat..,n (wbatever, Ltut

the more nenorabfe the b€tter- -concert, anu6enent park, cool barJ.

this probably seemE like obvious advice, but the flake facto! ia rnuch

l-ess when you cloBe wilh a definile plan lalher thall ju6ts an agreeD€at

to 'hang out. i

A1Eo, on lhe Eame Ehread, whetr you #cLose wiEh a g1!1 and don't cell

he! (whlch bappens a1l the tlme), whaE do you aay Eo her lrhen you see

her agaLn, eBpecially lf you decide you wan! !o pick up where you lef,l

off, and go fo! a *clo6e or no!e? l{aa not calling her {and having to

apol.ogize for lt) ruined rappolt?

Style wtlEegr

subjeqt! Ret PaID readi.lg

okay, you aI1 are going to thanh ne for this additsion to your

palm- reading

Novices may wonder whether to read the left hand or the right hand.

The right hadd 16 connected to your left brain, Lhe analytic side
(which deals r,ritsh numlrers, larguage, logic, etsc.), eo its generatly
teLls you about who sorneone isr on Ehe outside. Xhe teft hanat iB
controlled by the right brain, which is someone,s intultive 6iale
(creative, artietlc, itetinctual, erotic). Now, and here's whele Ehe
good patterning cones in, tell her, and tbis i6 true, tha! the left
hand almoat alwayB has clearef, and cleane! lines than the right, anal
this reflectE the degree of repressLon in ou! society of our nahural
intuitive and erotic selves. you can use thle to launch into the
Natural !{oman patleln.

Oh, and 6ometLmeB, because I llve ln CaliforDia, I worry that

palm-feading hag become c1Lch6 for pus. But ilrB
JusE noE tsrue: ItBs
love 18, At a bar on Saturday, I nras talklng about psychlc-lype stuff
riCh an HB and e1l of a gudden Ehe Ju6! thrugt her hand into mine anat
6aid, "Can you read palmE?,' No one eve! gets t.ireal of heering about
themBelveg! people could get thetr palms tead every alay elral BEiII wanE

SEyle wrlgest

Eubject3 Crgual OpeDers vE Routj.DEs

l'{hich do you think 16 nole ef,fectlve: a caBual opene! (a Bholt,

EituaEiooai. question) or a loutite (a made-up story or gimmlck)

AL6o, j.s o4e better fot a cl.ub and the other better fo, stsreet pus.

For example, you walk up !o the bu6 stop and an HBg.5 is Etanating
tshere. what is goirg to Lead uLtirnatsely to greate, rapport or a
greace! close:
A. Saying eomething like, "Have you been iraitsing tong?" or ,rThose
boots ale amazing. Where did you get them?,'

B. Laulrching into a routlne, tike telting he! you need t'o pracrice
handwriting analysis for a cfass and then doing it or1 her. Or tsetling
her you lrere having an ar$rment witsh a frlend about (spells,
relael.onship8, whatever) , giving her the lrhole excitlng story, and
then ellciting b6r values.

Non, Eay you Bee an H88.5 ets a ba! in a club. What do you go vrith, A
(uhich le eBaenelally leading w{Ch 6ma11 talk) or B ($hich is throwing
her int'o the excitemen!, brrt also llllre lhe rlgk of maklng you eeem

"irelrdn ) ?

Etyla v!!ta'r

Eubjecl! Charact.rlgtlcs of Whg

Is 1t better t.o aarge wlth a Wing who le belter 1ooking o! worse

looklng than yourself?

The dil.emma la that the better looking ning aLtracts more femal"e
atEentlon to your gloup but the worse-looking wing makes you the
prize catch of lhe grouP.

(Itm a8king this quesElon cause f Bonetsimes wtng lritsh a $ry who rs

model naterlal, and we talk to ton6 of HBs. but I tend no! tso do as
well because they naj.nly have eyes for him--ever though he haB almost
no PU 6tyte. )
Arlonylrou6 writeg:

"Does anybody have Eargi[g stories ir grocery stores?"

geyle z:epllesl

Even beEte! tban a grocery store is a hea1tsh-food-Cype sbore, or a

natural fooal grocery store or an organic fiBrket o! $hatever. They are
aLmost excluaively fiI1ed $itsh nomen from 18-40. And no! only are
thele bons of HBs and very few guyE, but its so ea6y to strlke up a
conversation. Ttrle i6 weak, but it'E urorked f,or me !o just see some
$eird food ploduct 1n an HBt6 cart and say, 'rAre those any gooat?',

then, fron thele, Elert talking about dlet, and lhen health, and then
lifeEEyle, and wlehln there flnd a connectlon for a *c1ose.

gtyle wtltas!.

subject3 Tha Best Frlend tpproach?

I Ba\r a girl from the back laBt week, and thought it. was a good friend
of mine. I grabbed her Buper-affectionaEeLy from behind, but \rrhen she
turneal around X reallzed i.t waB a ilifferent girl. I 6aid, ',I'n 60
6orry. but you look juBt llke my best friend :{XX. And you can take
lhats a6 a complinent, because Ehe,E a very cooL girt.r Then I walked
away becauBe ehe was in a gloup of friend6, and didn'ts tshink anyEhing
of it.

Later, I was by the bar arld she just came up? a tittle drunk, put her
hand on fiV chest and looked at me with tshe DDB. We fluffed f,or abour s
seconds. and then l realized thats she was just up for it. I 6aid.
whispering in her ear with my cheek brushing hers, 'tYou know, it just

doesn't seem right to kis6 iny best friend. t' arld then we nade out fo! a
while. I probably could have taken het hone, but' for some reaEon,
because iL waE TOO easy, I startsed tso get a litLle nervouE and blew it
(MAVE to $ork olr this) .

Anyway, the question is thlB: do you think that misEaking someone for
a cloae friend, greellng tbem very affectionately, and then euddenly
doidg a lakeavray when you reallze that it's not' lhen lrould lrork aB a
generaL approach?

(I thought that naybe thiE wolked because she 6aw the ingimacy and
affecli.on Ehe COIU,Dhave lf 6he was a friend of mlne, o! nraybe she iras

Just feeling randy and in the mood. )

seyZe vrltas.
subjccts Rq! OraI 6er<

ItrB actually really eaEy: role play.

SuggeBE 1016 playlng some f,ur night. V{haLever you do (groupie/rock

s!ar, naid/boEs, e6cort/cliert) putss you in a posiLion of authoriby Bo

that you can tel1 he! what tso do, alld puts her in the posiu-on of
being Eorneone other than herself, so lhats itt6 okay tso do lhiDg6 she
rornally wouldrrts. It's especially good if you create a role-pl.ay
relationship (like rock eta!/groupie) where oral sex is part of hhe

IJeC me kaow bow !hi6 wolks for you! It shoutd open up other aepects of

StyTe writesr

Eubject: Sunday Sarging Report wiEh QuegtsionE

I wanled lo deal. wilh a couple issue€/ but in the for.m of a field

reporl. I had a reatly interestins sunday of sarging with crimble.

I We wen! wilh Ross ,l a! a museum to les! lhe walers there for future


I! v,as lhe firsE time I had met Ross, and I was inpressed: the man is

I a master maniprjLator, in the besl senEe of lhe \rord. Anchors and

T palterns

on a balcony

were jusl


on how amazing

at a city


of him.


My favorile


look out

at the
was when we vrent out

some women/ he

expanse and see how

all the pieceE frt 60 smoolhly rnto the uhole/hole.

Also, Grinrlcle and I cruised around a student neighborhood and

had a to! of fun. T haven'l really done a lot of street garging (nore

bars and clubs), but il was amazingly eaey. We'd just 6top someone and

ask for dilections; in the process, they,d giwe us some scrap of info

about lhemselves. t^Ierd ask a question about it; and then werd

lransitj.on into doing something frm like lhe Cube with tbem. Now,

crimloLe is a genius SSrer, and {ou1d get them into anazing lr:ances

for +closes. The best was in a slore. l was cutJing one super-cute

Asian-Latina girl while he was doing the same vith the orher girl ho

uorked lhere, a hippie chlck. They were rgnoring the phone and

customers and everyching, and, if we were in a club or bar or house,

the hippie girl was so turned on that ehe would hawe been aff over

Grimble. I muet learn moxe NLPI And this leads me to Question Two:
Raised E:.peclations.

Before asF anal sS and everything e16e, I was excitsed just to geE one

phone nuniber a week. Non, I know that I can #close l,vith just about anv

girl, So, no$l lrm coming home tith a pocketfut of nurnbere {one or euo

actually calt), and f,eeling frustlated or like r fail'ed'

of, which I'11
now 1f I ilon't get instant physlcal te3ults ttith
I'n rnore inpatient
problen of needlng to
these nen methoalg. DoeB alryone else bave lhis

manage theii expecEationB?

Anywayr we met tno bisexlrat 91!18 ln the shteeE who !'ere Jus!

nranalellng aloutd kl1l1ng time' They both lived in lhe alea (!te

didn't), We dld Eome Ss'lng, anil tha! go! them aloused' and had a

I felc like we had falled' ^a

bit of 8ex taLk. But, when \de lef!,

becau€e a lrue PUA woulil have brought them somewhere pllvale for a

the roIB. go, the quesllon 13' if you

litt]e fud once he Balr all

a couple girlB ir! tshe EtreeE atutillg the day, arld you can tell th€tl

up for e little aalvenlure, what is your EtraEegy fo! getEing tbeo

honee? ObvlouEly, you cad'E be loo blatant: it muBL be 'ld ll
to thei!
anal na!u!al1y, so that tshe mood doesn'E bleak and they ddrt'
eiEher scaleal or Blutly o! nanipulated ol whatever' Any


SEyIe eEiEeB.

subjects: Now Stripper $cloEe: field tegt

club guy' because I know thats with a

Irve lteve? been a stlip
seduction, I have a belter chance of getting laid than ar a srrip

club, where I,11 get played. Eut, since I !,,as in tas Vegas rhis

weekend and knew I'd end up in strip cLubs, I read Mysrery's srrip

club Etuf! in the archiveE and dec:ded to Ery my olrn plan.

I walked in wiEh my fr:iends, and took a eeat at the table facing

away from lhe stage. I didn't look once. when a stripper approachedr r

said, 'Of all rhe people at the table, you picked lhe wrong guy. I'm

complele]y gay. 'l

Then she said, 'rA lot of my best cuslomers are gay( and offered

me a nassage, and went into the srripper rourine of how she was jusr

doing this for a ]irlle while, and really needed the money ror Lne dd

company she wanted to start. Midway through lhe speech/ I cur her off

and said, rrwhy don'! you rake my seat and talk to my friend. r'm

keeping you fron making money.,,

(What I shouLd have said also, I realize now, is "Why would I wan!

lo pay you for a massage. I,m trained in S!.redish masEage, and you

should pay me f,or a massage.")

I went !o lhe bathroom, then relurned and took a sea! behind the

table. Another stripper came up and, again, I told her I !,as gay. Then

I said, nAnd, do you know wha!? Aven if I wa6 etraigh!, I vrouldn,t buy

a dance from you.

,,why?i, she asked.

'rBecause my boyfriend -i6 a dancer,, 'And I

I said. know chat as

soon as he dancee for someone, or starts telling then lhe same storres

he's !o]d a hundred people thal night, he doesn,t see them as human

beings. And you aclually seem like an interesting person, someone who

I could actually be friends wilh and do a lot of amazingly fun lhrngs

with/ and I woulah't want you to ruin lhat opportunity. " {I drdn't

qr'!e delrver Lh-is as ue1l as I juEt krroce -L-i- w.s my firsE

altempt-but it seemed effeccive. )

Then I told her lhat she should go make some money, eo she sat.

on one of ny friend's laps but kepl ralking to me. She touched ne a

Iot, but I didn't return the kino once. I gave her a variation of the
NaEural Womanpattern, eaying how moat men may think thaE 6trippers

are tslutst and businesswomen are tupLight,' but in fact every i{oman

haE tto women inside. It worked okay. but then she went into stripper

mode and 6aid, nI Love aex.n So I juat cul her doetr and sai.d lhat she

wag pald to Bay that, and $e talked for a whLle. But it was hard to

keep her from delivering her uauaf routine.

In t'he neantine, the oliginal Blripper who approached lreat off

wlth my other fllend. She gave fire the thunibE up behtlrd hie back as she

1efE. lrhich \ra€ gleat becauBe It neane that lre nere colleaguee-r lraE

on her alde helping her get BuckerE/cuBtonerB.

she comeB back laler wilh my friend, and thankg me. I tell ber

!ha! If ahetE bored between ilanceE, to come bach and I'lL keep be!

edtelt,alned. She leturna at valious points, and I tell her about ny

boyfllend, and pretly rnuch repeat the thlngB I a-ald to lhe previoua
girl. Every now and then I Bend her alray to go nake money, and Bh€

makea a 1ap and lhen JuBt comeE back. She aayB I'm leally i

atd I tel1 her Iim coning !o lordn nexts t eek for a concerE and d.or:l
know anyone (hlnE, hlnt) . she Bays sh6'E lnuo the band, and Ehat tlq
can'! flnd anyone to go? I ebould call her.
I'n reall.y not that irto herr thiE was just plactice. r thinh

i!'a a good rouEine though? because r estsablished myse1f, as completely

unintere€ted in he! phyaically, helped her ge! buaineae (Bo Ehat I lras

more pirlp than cugtoine! to her) , and then proved my north aE the noat

inlereBting guy in the c1ub. and, if I do actually call he!, I'm not

that \rorried alouts Ehe gay line, becauee if I can get he! attracted

enough to ne, lt \ronr! matte!. It nay even be nore of a fun challenge

for he!. Any Ehoughla on lhis approach? I'n excited !o work on it and

refine it.

Now? one nore thidg: oue of llv friends, who ia older and no!

that atstractive, but is pretty cool and haa a kick-aaE job, wents off

for a lapdance with a stripper, \dho totaLly Euckeled him irlto one.
F Back lhere, he said, ',co gentle. I have a wife at home, and am no!

F r:eally looking for lvet pants or anything. ,' Anlray, they ralked a to!,

F and she asked him where he was stayrng and if ir was okay if she came

over lonight or tonorrow. They stayed back rhere for rwo songs

talking, ewen though he only paid for one. He also said !ha! her patms

vere swealy after the talk and light dance, as if she was excired_ And

then, \,,hen we lefl the club, her srripper friend asked my friend, "Did
you get Rachel's number? "

Nov, the queslion is this: was rhis lusr a strlpper racEac to

give my friend his money's rdorrh (or get him ro rerurn) , or ras she

actually intere6ted? And if she ras actually inrerested in hjm after

he paid for a dance, does Ehis mean that stripper rutes don'r atwdys

have !o be followed? Or does i! mean that if you have a coot tob lrith

a lilt]e pover/ it doesn't really matler \,rhat you do in the club?

Styla wtitegr

6ubject: Celling into her house

I went out !'rth an Asian (,Iapane6e) girl I met sarging wirh Grimble.

She was a lol of fun, and really responded !rel1 ro palterns, so I go!

to make up a lot. I lurned a1l lhe cord of lighr stuff (and energy

building inside needing release) from rhe insEan! connecraon palEern,

for example, inlo a pattern on lhe way a cerrain singer connects with

his audience, but of course gesEurins belween us and firing anchors as

if I'm the singer and she's the audience.

Anl vay, re make in the club, and she,s Id r_y responsive. Then we

pul1 up outside h. c- n-,t iYA e i I r.--a

but also move6 my hand away a litlle ia case it goes anl.lrhere Eoo' umr


I kno!, tshat if I coulal get upstalrB, it would all be okay' But, I knott

nlets's take thiB o! rtwhy

tha! saying, Bonewhete more comfortable'r

don't we go upstairsrtltitl be tsoo direct for he!' so, when you canrts

get to youf, house, rirhat are your tactics for coming up with an excu6e

!o go Eo e HB'E house? Obviously, if lt'e your house, iL's easy to

come up wlth sonehhlng !o sbow he!, ptay for her, whatever, and you

bolh know !tha! the gubbetct ls, buE lthat do you do fo! HER house? (A!e

lhere any plop6 you could bring-_Eomething you want Eo show her bu!

neeal to alo 1t itr Ehe prlvacy of a houee as opposed to a ca! or a bar?)

gtyl€ jElteer

6u.bjact. Ret geducuLoa lBd l4lrrov

Actually, lttl!)rov can help your game. But not enough t'o make iE wolttr

taking the cla66 for thaE reaBon afone. Hele's how inplov helps--aDd

ONLY if you have a gooal teacber (enail me if you wan! recoinnendaliong) |

is not abou! ibeins furmy,'r iE'6

1. l,eatning to alo good inProv

actually about learDing t'o cleaEe a leLatlonshtp with Eoneone on the

of theEe tactics appl'y to Pu'ing' In additlon' the

spot. so, 6everal

thlng€ you learn abou! creating refatLonEhlpB in lmprov are very easy

!o spin into gooal paEterlls in conversations with a EB'

also gooal for Learning to be in lhe nomenE more, to ltalk into

2. It's
a script (whlch sometime6 we reLy on too heavily here)
a scene witbout

and cow)tetely cleate a relationship out of notbing by EirFly

reEpoadling affifiBtively to \,rhat the otshe! per6on sayF and tshen

it (and often making a gane of it)' But, though it'6 a lot


of, fu.Ir a.!Id pletty cool (and there alwaye a couple HBs in a c1a6s) ' I
find that improv hasn'l necessarity nade me any quicker: or cleverer

vnen sargrng.

SEyle wtitae t

Eubject: Rer cetting into her house

Ird love to post thi6 on faslseducrion, but, for some reason, afler
firs! p o s r s t h e r e , I b e c a m ea ' d e l e E e d u s e r ' a n d I c a n , ! t o g

back on. ItrE Btrange. Foroihandle, can you email me and let me knoi.t
\rhat I need !o do to reactivate the name, I,d like to use i! there,
since it's lhe nar0e I use here on AS!'.

lAlso, I believe Chris had me pos! a field reporc on fastseduction,

promising Co share some an6!,ers and thoughts. Chris, I love your
posts, nan, bul I hope v,he! you're sarging you deliver what you
promise! Ho\r abouts a liet1e congruence I irust teasing -- bur s!i]1
q,aiting .) l

Style writeg t

6ubject: WordleaE PUE

The first PUA I net was a friend to just nEke eye conract
with a HB. Ee,d walk arrayr she,d follow hin,

vhatewer in the corner, and then, rhey'd just part wilhou!

a word exchanged.
Anyone ever done hhis? I figure it'E juets a fe!, easy 6t.epE. Anat all it
takes j.s chooEilg the right person and, nost important, going i.n with
totsa1 and complete confldence, \ritshout hesitsating for even a

I've a1way6 relied on talk flrEt, though there's been that' rale tlne
lfherl Irve juBt felt the vlbe and gone for it with someone I was
a1lting next Eo without even having tatked to her.

I'd l1ke to play around with \rordleEE making out and *cf,oseE (I gueBs
they'd tecbnlcally be *opens) mote oflen. Any thoughCs or suggeslions
flon people rdho do !hls?

Etyla tb!.tag,

€u.bjeqt r mreD Olrl6 Approaqh

Hey, I was cM:N a nlckname today, and thought it. waE

about time I had one. Anl4,'ay, I went outs lonlght and goL five nft$ers.
In ny AFC dayg, I'd lhl[k I wa6 a BEud for all Ehis. But now, al1 I
can Ehlnk abou! Is how I could have done better. approached more,
f!,Ir!ed and SS'ed better, a.!ld gone for nole cloBea.

So, before I get to lhe succeaseg, I need some serious help with this
one faiLule. I went to a great ctub in LA tshat was justs packed wilh
HBs. HeLl, even Hugb Eefner nas tshere, surrorrtded by Eeven HBs
dancing around hln aIId oE his tsa.b1e.

lrnyway, as soon a6 I get there, the pivotsE I'm with go to the

I b.llroor. Irm alone, dnd T sit on a corch. As T m siEling .here
I thinking how this is all arong for gener.ating social proof/ three

I girls just come up and surround me on the couch. Theytre sor!

I of not-too-bright par.ty girls, and they put their arms arormd me and

lell me what a lucky guy I am. And I smiled and joked a lirtle and totd

a good slory, bu!, one by one, lhey drifted away. I coutd retf r wasn r

holding their interesl. They were like ready for actron, and r froze.

This is because the openers I knov don't work (because the 9ir16 ran!

I Lo ge! past that), bLjlding rapporL dnd NI p rs usefess her e \because

a it takes too much lime), and phase shifting into making a physical

I move won,! work on a group of three. Whar would you have done here?

Please te11 ne, becauEe for some reason I atways seem ro ger stuck
I lrhen a gifl like lhis fal]s into my lap withou! any vork.
t Anyway, luckily, two really cute brunertes si! next to ne. And I tell

t them rha! I was diecuEsing somelhing with bhe orher 9ir16, and woutd

I be curious to hear their opinion. I rhen re]1 lhe same srory (about

spirituality) lhat failed rrilh Ehe three girls, but rhis line it works.

And we get in a deep discussion, and lhey siwe me ibeir nunJrers {one

lives wilh a BF so she gives me her cell #--a good tor) and make me

I ].alei,

I'm lalking


by. I
my pivots

and an exotic,

around and ask her

amazingty slacked

how o1d she is. She

I says tr23.D I !e11 my friends, ,'See, that,s 29 in dog years for girts.,'
I (Thank6 to Kirk al faslseduction discussion for rha! one.) she sirs

dom nearby. but keeps looking over. I wa < up !o he1 .a e- and

explain the commenL polilely. I do sone EV'ing, some palmreading, and

lots and lote of kino. We #c1ose, though I shoutd hawe *closed buc she

had too m.ny friends in the orea.

I hedr o really hot blonde saying il's her o-rEhday Lomo row. T

her face so tha!
(which r do. and ir
r cab come up ro her later

freaks her our). h

and ,guessi her
lhe meantime, a pivoc
kants a cigarette.
your name, wilt
I tett a small,
you qive ne a cigarerte.r
cule blonde, i,If I can guess

She 6ays tha! lhe conmenE rs

original. and then gives ne one. r ask !o see her palns,
and lake lter
to a seat !o read them. We
#close and promise to
90 dancing togerher.
But she has been in tove \dith
rhe same guy for three yeais -
anat they
decided to take a break a vreek

hin by to introCtuce hin. I

ago. !te,s there, anal tater
she brings F
can t ell she teets guilty tor giving
number in froht of his f,rj.ends,
me l}er It
and he is sizing me up. I,n so
coot in
these situations that, while
he,s Eryrng !o prove how atpha I
he is
around me to her, I nake fliende
vrith him and even get his
tolally disarning hirn. I don,t reatly
thing the blonde is worlh -
pursulng uhder thl.s cilcumBlance,
Laler, et another bar. a prgggy naEty gtrl
my chest, talking about how badly 6he wanted to
is a]t ower me, ber hands on
,,do, some guy
who ]eft
and about how she olrars her
boyfliend,s penis. f have some fun 6ugge6ling -
!ha! we pick up a girl for a threeway (she hug6 me
idea) and lhen try EO ejec!,
when I suggest lhe 4
buts 6he forces her nunber o!)
me when I,m
leaving, Anal says
"just aE friends, okay?" sure...not lhat I,LI

Anyway, sone ctosing thought'. one ot my pivots had 60me good comnenls
on this stuff. On the neg abou. age, she 6aiat: ,,GirI6 think
att nighr
aDour conments like that. when you come up to them 1ater,
r:emenber you. tr

And on the importance of having sEoraes, routsines, ginmicks, etc,

prepaled: ,,AE these ptaces,
I atvrays see quys I think are cute. Anat I
wait all night for them to come and talk ro me. Then. when they
finally do come up, they're 60 boring that I wonder why I was vlasrind
Anylvay? tbie post nay be a little long, but let me know lrhat you lroul.d
have done !,rlth those firet thlee party girls Eo demonElrate value

Seyle v'lltes.

subjeet: Re! Wordlegs PUE

Doc, My fllend wean,t' teally a good-looking guy. And 1! r,ron,t

neceEBallly be ea8y lf you're a good-looking guy. t{hat you need is the

rlght pleBence!, lelaxed, a deep Bensit.ive gaze, BLi.ghl1y
nolEl 11ps that Beem alnost lrre€i6tib1e. When l,ve done its, I've
noticed that l! $aE a certaLn frieDdly, open, seductive vibe I wag out, I JUE! can,t f,lgulc out' how to call it up at \ri]ll

And, Ploto, I agree lhat lts'a maLnly a thing to do ln clu.bB and bars.
So, tell uE, ho\drd you !,u11 tht6 of,f 1n a bank llne?l I'n t'o
hear thlE oae..,

SEyle vrlEes

€ubjact3 Re. Grset plaqe lo piqk up

Nice o!re. Anil you Imow wllat llray even be better: Penn Statior at 4
a,rn., when the ba:aa are closed arld maybe theret6 atr IIB there who's
mi6€ed her laat train and isn,ts looking forarard to clashing out in
train stalion.
Next tine I'm in NY, and have a bad night in tshe bars. I jost migh!
have to hit thie up on tshe way home. In fact, ltow that I thirtr abouc
It, a gooal harmlesE o!,ener would be to ask if 6he's seen "a girl lritsh
blonde hair ln a powder blue colrboy hat" (or nbatever) . say she lusc
calleal and wanted to craEb at your place because Ehe miBsed her train,
but non you can't f,ind her. Then, after building sone ?apport with the
targe!, lnvltse her over, 60 that the Bofabed you prepareal f,of, your
frieod doean't go Co lraste.

let uF know when you field test. any of EhlB penn Statlon etuf,f,..

Ano'Jr,'|tott9 vtltas,

Where are tbe6e traEhy chickE?

gtyla rep !!,etl

Iraa Vegas, lrhere elEe? {Tustsgot back from a nlght out. Tons of #closes,

An).!ray, what workeil for me tonighc was:

1. ToI1Eof aocLal proof, I had three sets of g86, and ]'d Just move
frorn one !o the other, and I noticed tha! the mole I was getting
attentsion from very attractive HBs (alL thlee of which had bf,6--and
aII three of which I *closed). the more btatant the €lightly less
attractive EBs wouLd be in coming olr to me. By bhe end of tshe nighr,
women $e!e just coning up tso me 6aying, "Don'ts I knolr you from
2. Knoirring where the party was. I made myself the leader of rhe group,

I go! then into lhe clubs. Anyone \rho wanted to know what was goirs on
had lo cone !o me. I put myself in the position of host, guy
taking care of everything to make sure everyone has a good time.n r!

really worked for ne lonight.

Bu!, I s!i]l would l.ike some adwice for cold approaches qilh rhose
clubbed-out chicks ! After all, despite all Che altenrion and kino and
making out, I'n slill back in my holet roon alone tonight on ASFI

SEyTe writeel

Here'E the \dog years" neg script:

My frlends and I !,ere Just talklng abou! ho!, !,onren age ilifferently from
men. AB nlen gel oLder and mature, a lot of \dornedthink they become more
altractive. But for women, once you hit 20, you're like already too o1d
to be a modeL. So 19 in glrl years i6 like 27 in regutar year6, So we
were saying !ha! it was unfair of our sociely to age women so quickly.
If you lhtnk about it in evolutionary tems. a ironan doesn'r reach her
eexi.ral prime ul)EiL much later in life.,'

This would have made a good lransition into the nalurat woman palcemr
but inslead I sort of lhrew in another mini neg. ',So r,rhen you walked

by, I thought you,d make a perfec! example."

she said, r,You keep insulring ne" (laughing)

I said, laughing too and starting kino, ',accidentally', Alld rhen I

gestured to Ehi6 bench nearby and said. trteL's sit dor:n. r'Il

explain.r And then went straight into my routine without ever reatty
e4)1aining,.. This liras all improvieed on the fly {based on a Kirk po6t

on Formha[d].e I E 61te) , but I wa6 ba61ca11y trying tso e:.I)lain tshe

comnent to her wichout apologizing (and with negs conlcined with slighl

Eex ta1k, animated converEation, and Bmiling) .

Anoayrcus vtLtes I

'disairn" cool and even got hiB #?

"Eow did you her boyfriend by being

DetaLlB on the converEallon/sltuatLon you had would be grea!"

gtyl. r.E lLe'l.

Guya here ahrayB Eeen to ask thi8. It $a6 Euper-easy. In fact, lc was

kind of fulury. I Juat aahed hlm uaual fluff talk questionB. She had

already toLd ne tshat he played l,aclosae profeB6lonally (he waB about

20x nore good-Iooklng than me), Eo $e Ealked abou! that and how he bad.,
just noved to xxx. go I Just 6a1d I go to )lXK all lhe time, and

thought 1t lras really cool and Ehe people there ale really fllendly.

And Ehen I Bald next tine I waB there, r could lntroduce hln Eo aome

cool people. I! wa8 funny. becauBe after he gave ne hla nutibe!, he

guddenly went utr)to hls gi!1f!1end and BEarted junping atound, trylng

!o sor! of do a dance move and sholr tha! he waa a fun, party $ry. I

Bort of Baw lt aB him alnoBt subconsciousLy reali.zlng what had just

happened 6d suddenly reEurning tso his originat misslon (showlng his

priinate maEtery over hi6 girl). His girt didnrts respond reall-y, and

looked over ats ine and Eml1ed (aa if to aay, nDo you see vrhat I have to

deal with?tr) she tolat IIle not to fotget Eo call her on tshe vtay out, but

again I just get the feelitrg that, evett lhough she's very cute in a
iupper middle class dadtty's 9ir1'I way, 1tt6 not wortsh the tine because

she is still leaLly enotionally atstached !o this guy she ltent out ititsh

for so 1o4g anal seeB him as lhe love of he! Iife (even lhough they're

temporarily broken up)

SEyJe wEiEeE.

aubl ect I Ser<ualizing Your caltle

I'm so close lhat I ca!] almost laste it, but I have one major sticking
poin! and need some Eerious advice from you a]l. (rf you,re in a rusn,
jrisl skip to the last paragraph of lhis pos!):

I jusl got back froft an amazing weekend, but not amazing enough. I gor

12 #closes. Tlro $ere with girls who work at Hooters and one ilh a
slripper (al1 \rere off duly at the time) . Another one uas a total tatl
pale black haired rnodel t]?e, with a serious bf, bu! so smart
and cooL l'd seMe for friends if lhe bf deElroyers don't work). INOTE

sick Lalin !,oman with a thin, baby face, and huge sott naturat breasr6,
and a real1y cool, thin black-haired girl with a perfec! stender body
and lwo liprings (how do you kiEs a girl with tiprings? Anyone?).
Probabty one of my bes! weekends sargi4g. (It hetped tha! I had ]ols of
social proof all weekend, and kneo tons of people.)

Now, here,s v,here I need help. Despite att lhis euccess (at one point
I was on a couch with like six btrs begging to be next. for hanitwr:iring
analysis--il uas ridiculous) / I only *closed once. And I had a faited
*c1ose with one of the Eooters girts. I knew she liked me (rons of
hair playing and manipulaling her friends so she could srand nexE Eo
ne and even calling my cell phone to find me whenever we separated),
but I lost confidence for a moment when I \,renr in for rhe *ctoee, so I
The way I eee it, my sticking Poj.nt rights now is sexualiziag my gane '

Tbi6 is especially true wihh very attractive vtornen. where tt'E more of i

challenge. what are ltays tshat oChels here uee tso accoq)lish this of

courge, I us6 kino, patternE, self-points, 6tory-te11in9. etc. But

somelhlng is stl11 ni6sing. t'lhat are way6 others hele u6e tso gee a girl

to Eee then and think of lhen ser<ually, bolh overt and su.btle {body

1an9ua9e, tonaLity, eyeF, lltpes of kino)? A lot of EBa aaid I was one

of the most intereFtiag guyE lhey had evet met, buL I Etil] fel! like r

then want me in rthat apeclal way''l

was a Bmall etep away fron naking

I'm also looking fo! i'maklng the move't confidence builders, becauee,

altshough I have no fea! tt1!h apploache6, I Eometimes Blart thinkiag too

much before kieslng('tHow should I go fo! the close? what if I gets

rejected?i') and blolt i!.

I|ooayapug reE llagl

"DeEcribe what kino you are doing in detailr whag, how,


gtyle rapllegl

Yes, maybe you and supelBobo are rlght. The key is In the klno r

thlnk maybe I've iltte4)reted kino to mean siq)1y naking body contact

when we speak--just touching ghoulder /nd, then later, !''aist when we

Iaugh or make etrorg points of agreemetrt. (Ats least for initial

kino, as opPo6edl to the healtt' kino or halrd-hol_ding tsest if things go

well.) Bu!, naybe, kino 6hou1d be fess abou! qua$tity arld more about

quality. A few ltell placed Etimulating touches instead of a 1ots of

contact? Maybe Iny probleh i6 thats I reserve more firm, arou6ing

touching for the bedroom, and don't do a4ything Euggestive enough

So, SuperBobo anal anyone else here, can you retl me how you u6e
kino (or how I Bhould) ? Not just rhere and how, buts also lrhen etc. The
sooner the better, becauee tomof,row (Tuesday) I,m seelng one of the
EBE I #c1o6ed with a couple days ago in the nVthen cirts Approachl
post. Thank l|ou 60 nuch f,or Lhe replles, and for remiading me why ASF
ls such a godEend. Your advlce will be lq)Ienented imnediatelyt

8ty7e wtlgag.

Eubjequr Rer tn antl-trouble * close, paEEive forqa

YeE, thlg 16 a good one. I do 1t all the !ime. And, of Ehe *cloEeB
Chat lrve caI]ed, I havell'! gotten one fake nunber. Even once, when an
Ilalian HB aaid iju6t give me liour nuriber and I,11 call you,', I didn,t
respond .nd JuEt dld the paper-flpping trick, And Ehe gave me het
nudber. ]Jike you 6aid, 1t'E very hard for her Eo lefuse wilh a paper
and petlcil ln her hand€ without belDg very obnoxlou6.

SCyle viLEesr

EubJqetr GetbiDg the .close Etsraighb

fihen I read here about people getting a *c1o6e, sometimeE I llronder

just what they mean.
llhen I say *cfose, Irn talkiog about pasEiotatse kissing, wirh
to[gue, When othete eay *c1o6e, it soundE like tshey just got a Peck
the 1ipe. llhich is the right defiricion? Ital asgume tshe
naybe Irtll wrong.

I couldnrt flnd a speciflc enough deflnltlon in the FAO, buh maybe

lraEnrt looking bard eflough.

SEyIa vr!t€a1.

Eu.bject: Rsr ge:<uallulng Your Catne

Nice poEt, and klno degcrlptiodE, gee my post belolr,

Thi6 iE gleat etuf,f,, and nlce !o see lt in detail. Out of culiosigy,

aone g1rla rbaulkn aa you 6ayr others glve a " I ltked how
dealE wtlb the "baulking." You were perBi.slent, hoplng that at on€
her atate would be dlfferent and she wouldn ' E nbaulk.i But' vrhat. would

l.ou have done, out of culio8iey, if, instead, Bhe had given you the
dreaded flEpeech.' You know, the one E\at goes rI juBt go! out' of a
seriouB relatio[ship, and you're rea1ly nlce and a].1, but Itm Just not
leady for anyEhlng right now. I hope you rmderBEand and vre
can €!il-l be flleltds. "

Style wrLEes:

Man. Red Conila, I Ehinl< we have the EXACT 6ame problem, We 6hou1d talk
via email and gel to the bottom of Lhis. For fun, let me rel] you

abour last night.

I went out with one of those HBs from rhe when Girls Approach post.
a beautiful par! Br.azilian girl who just has the bigges! warnrest eyes.
And, dude, check oul how stupid I am:
Afler dinner, she inwites me up to her house. She sits next to me
on tshe couch, And do I make a move? No. I keep rhinking about it and
lhen imagining her rebuking me vrhile Baying ,'r just gor ou! of a bad
relationship', (which she did) . I,m sure its,s on for nexr rime, buc

s!i] could I choke like lhis ar rhe las! ninure. My

Find-Meel-Altrac! game is geltlng so good (every single girl I #closed
with last ereekefld called me backl) r also made the mistake tonigh! of
not talkihg abou! sex or gexually vith her before. The best I did was
describe lhings--the ocean, ar!, whatever--in very erotic terrns.

StyJ.e wtiEesr

Eubject: Ever come acroBg this block?

so all is going vrell. I an building intense rapport, lhere's 1o!6 of

kino, and we,re back at my house. Two of her friends are in lhe other
room. We kise, but she keeps glopping. Her line (and I've heard it
before): I'I've always been eaey and just jumped inro bed !,irh anyone,

bul I wan! !o lake il slov, because I really like you.,'

1. gow do you re6pond?

2. Does this nean I used Lhe wrong approach: tsiied !o be the perfect

guy instead of the oNs?

3. lihy am I always the guy who bringB outs tshe good gtrt in hhem
inatead of the bad girl? Thts is probably tny biggeEt 6tumb1in9 btock.

tbe other she used (which I aleo hear atl tbe time) when 6he
stsopped me fron maklng further progress waB: 'rEvery time I eee you,
yourf,e surrounaed by a dozen 9ir1€, you musts have a gj.rl in evely

9lhatt6 your reaponge for thi6 one?

gtyla wtltegr

EubJeeU: Pboaa llalr|rer 3 Bad AgF advlce

f ,ve notlced that in doing Ehls Etuff. everyone haB to fi.nd theh
sty1e. And some tenets of SS/ASF/FaBtSed work, and Eome don,t. Orte
thing thal I Etarled dolng when I read ASF ls keeping Co the ,'nake pla.Es

and get off the phone fast', routine. BuE, I noriced lhit it
a]wayE freaked t'he IlBs out a llttle when lhe converBations t ere Bo
abrupt end almoBt bu€iEe6B-1ike. ThiE week (iErE a no Farging
week- -and all fo11olring up on cl.oses week) I're been trying to build
better colrnections rdlth the people f clo6ed, and I've been tsrying
instead lo talk for Like 15 mLnutes. Tlis way, I think they feel nore
connecEed to you (becauae lhey're investing thelr !ime, thoughtsE, and
atoliee in you). Non, I'm not juEts a stranger they met, had fulr,
and can ignore; Irnnore woven lnto their life, atrd its's harder to
f,lake. A1Bo, it gives me a chance to writse do\m their trance and EV
words next to tsheir name6 ln IIIy phone book--for future refetence,
So, I don't know if I gots tshe wrong impression or idea from previous
seduction posts, but doing a short chatty phone thing {with a lirrle
bil of patEerning and ss s]-pped in) is definitely reducing the
blurring and flaking factor for me. Am I missing sonething here?

Anon}7noua replieg t

I feel tha! you should be dom-to-eatth on the phone when talking to

HBs. Thie way, one does not come off as a pfayer.,especially if rhe guy
i6 good-looking, He neede to show he not just trying use her jus! f,o!

style tepilaE I

I aglee with lhis. A mediocre looking guy dripping vritsh aetirude may

be ineliguing and alluring, while a stuck-up good-looking guy may just

seem like an as6hole. On the other hand, you don't \ran! !o come across

as a doolrnat'. The bes! approach for you, I,d say, is to

olher words, lel a girl think aE frrsL EhaL you're aloof or arroganL,

bul slo\r]y open up lo them and 6hos your warm, down-to-earlh 6ide.

This accomptishes two thingg I Bhe thinks she's making progress t.hat

other HBs donrt and i!'6 exciling for her, because she knows you,re

not like this with everyone. secondly, you have a very good way of

"punishingtr her if you don't like her responses (if ehe doesn,t return

kino) by reverling to your aloofness for. a 1itt.le vrhile. Experiment

vrith lelting her earn your rdarn do\rn-lo-earlh Bide and see vhat

happens. I think if you can play lhis right (not be tsoo aloof on Ehe
openei, but noi be too super-nice immediately), you'l] get amazing

gEyle eftlCe€r

Eubjec!! Re: Ever come across thiE block?

Once again, lot8 of, good advlce, I am realty loving this board.
Cood post, Alesgandro. DMZ, brutal but tsrue--I have t.o wolk on lhis

And Wlzzard, let's elther comnunlcaCe vla email o! BEalt a neu tshread
hele to diacuge our ploblem. I think Lhat maybe Eone HB6 want a
rrperfect' guy,' frame and otherts lranE a trhot ONgn frame. And you can,t
aLwayE find thi8 out r,rlth nornal Ev'ing, becauee HBs ate not' always
golng to be toeally honest with you (o! themgelves) abou! which they
'rreal1y lranE deep doldr inside." Fron your posts, I wonde! lf you !ry
too hard !o rrEay the right" to women now. That may be a form of
supplicalIon! even if we don,t pay for lhings. by ahvayE trying to
pfeaBe Eorneonewith tordg we're st.ilt Euppllcaling.

Sllck Eddiez, I'm u61ng tha! paltern next time I hang out lriet! he!.
That'B probably all Bhe wanCed Lo hear. And naybe I shoutd have
lesponded Co the nyou're always surrounded by girLEr Line witsh a cocky
pacing llne like, "YeB, and ivouLtln't they be jealous when they knew
that, outs of aLl of then, you're the one I'rn naking out with rigbt

A'tonyfrou' wtites2

Eubjects: Re. Lay report: Ntght club nB7

"I agree tha! it's ok to talk wtth a wonen about sex as tong as you
don'C cone across, a6 a deEperate horny guy.-..

SEyle reE ilesl.

Exactly. I uBed to never Lalk abou! Bex, Bu! nord I talk about it fron
her point of, view, and leL1 storles that shon ne no! aB soneone lrho ls
deeperate, bu! a6 soneone who iE able to get anal? nore lnportantlyr

dellver Eatirfaclion, I JUBC read a lot about tantra, Bo 1aee1y I've

been nrorking that idto coovergatLon, balking abou! the ideag and Btuff
behind It.

Aaoat8o$s tddgr

ol've alBo have mede the rnistake of golng fo! a *close when I could have
taken thi6 gLrl hone. Keep 1n mlnd that a #close !ron, E always get you


StyLa add'l

Not only that, but you ca! gets the phone #, get a leturn cal], hang
out, and cfeale ad amazing conneclion. A.nd Ehe STIL! might blur and
digappear on you. Thi6 just happen€d to ne wlth someone who f kne\r waB

real"Iy hlo me, and I ati1l caD't figure out vrha! went \rrong. li4y beat
g1rea8ea are: fear of Etartfulg to like aoneone inlen8ely (itt6 a loss
of contlol is€ue) or the fact that I didn't get physical with her and
she justs wanted to get iL on lny badl] o! another nan/otd BF appeared
in the lnearltime- . .
I think rhe tesson tha! you (and r) are tearning here is: seize rhe
momenE, becauae the srate an HB i6 in when yourre v/ith her may t
disappear she teaves you. Of coulser lhere are SS lactics I
for helping to make her rhink and dream about you when you,re
bul I have yet
to see these reatty conclusively wolk belter:
methods like a good takeavay or e4)ressing necessary
than orher
watue. Arlyone
Style |'tLtes t F
Eubject: She coC Scared and Ran Away I
A few days ago I posted tha! I vas going !o see a real"Iy cute Asian a
HB I had sarged. A strange thirg happened, anal I wanted to ge! advice. a
She's from a very stric! famity,
motherrs house. She was 20 then, and haal never
a!|d only a year ago moved out of her

kissed a guy o!
anything. Nord, of courBe, she,e lost her virginity.
but is stilt
pleE!y lnnocen! and inexperienced, 3
So we welrt out, and I patlerned att nighr, making nyself the key !o a
all lhis adventure 6he was missing
out on. The sarge was atong the
lines of a famous quote I reait somewhere_ _ ,,The
tragedy of life is no!
thats il ends so soon, but tha! we wair so tong ro
begin it."
She said thar any guy she had ever been virh she had been friends ]
with, but nonethelesE we connecred wett anal latked a tot about 6ex. t
She said that her favorite part of getting phyEical was kissing.
loved t'o kiss. When she came back ro my hotel
room, I lookeat her
seraight in the eyes, and came in very stowly and confidently for a

She responded, and I lrent to tower her backwards so lhats sherd .
be lying on the beal. But att of a 6udden, she ctinnced on top of me.

aDd just r,rent oild. lihile we were naking out, I paused and said
Eomething fike, ,,tou,re a great ki€ser.',

AlL of, a sudden, 6he just wents ten6e, rolled off ne, and said, trI have

tso go.rr I lried to make her stay, arld feel relaxed, anal talk t.o her.
She Eaid Bornething about her ex-boyfriend. and how she wasn't being
f,atr tso hin or Co ne by slarting a new relatlodship because he was
golng through a rough time and needed hin. I agreed lhen trled to
patteln he! out of i!. But she was Bet on leaving, and grabbed her
purae and walked out of the room very brlBkly. I figure that either
ehe naa aca!6d of ne becauBe things were movilrg loo faBt on our fi!s!
time hanglng out, or ghe lraE scated of herEelf becauEe he! "natural
wonran'r came ouE for a bllef momenl.

Has anyone had an er<perlence like thls? Mole impoltanc, I need Eo call
her loday o! tomorrow, and am trying !o flgure out: What is it. that
ahe needa to hear to be lesB f,ealful, to 6ee ne agaln, end t,o B!a!t
this nen relatlonBhip?

Attoay'noug aaka I

"what dld you do to handle two \ronen?"

Style reFtltae:.

HBAnistor na6 looklng bored fir6t because HBpersian wasnrt. i.flcluding

her, so I 1et llBturislon share nry sea! wiEh me. Now Bhe lras stuck, and
when I llras talking to EBPer.sian I could kino her. I
remember wha! I said. I justs remeniber tshat wtlenever one looked bored,
I'd turn to hei to get an opinion on the su.bject I nas talking about

wilh the olher l{B. Tben I'd talk to her about her answer, and Itd

Eotice thac her face \rould litserally light up when she had lhe

attention. once it was lit, I could turn to lhe other HB Lo talk. IE

was kind of like trying to keep llro candtes lit on a windy day: I had

tso keep lighting one lhen the other, over and over, untit I could hint

to HBPer6ian tha! she 6hou1d be getsting ready for her flighl. Overall,

as their incerest lras building, so was lheir frustration and jealousy,

and its could hawe gone bad if i! wen! on for too long.

At the palCy, I tried a different tactic. Af,ler a while, I said to


"Why don,E you ualk to HBcirlinblack. we,re leaving her ou! of the

convelgation. tl

And :{BAni6ton did it, maybe becauee I eald ic In a way ehat nade her

feeL like

lhe domlnanE female, including the other ou! of pI!y.

However, I muEE noee !ha! Mystery's advj.ce for Buch sltuauion with lwo

girls i,ho don'c know each olher ia:

say !o HB1: "Heyr have you ever kiased a gj.rl befote?rl


say to HB2: ',Hey, have you ever kissed a girl before?rt

HB2: Yes.

Say to Botsh: well, I don't nant you two kissing in flont of ne.

Because it only makes me j ealous . , . unless I'm included.

styTe wtiteg.
subject: R e ! Socially Inepts

Liseen to everyole here. And read what Specialis! says. But, mosL
important, readlng will onty get you €o f,ar. you nust acts. That is the
only lray to 1earn. Start out s1ow, arld take it one steD at a time.

Here,a nbat I 6uggeat. In additlon to whah's already nentioned (the

newbie challenge and luet making snatl la]k with everyone you pa6s
e€pecially), Etart vrith a p1an. Make a list of stories you can tel1,
phraBeE you can Bay to people, uhatsever workB. Then practice €aying
them ouE 1oud. Ctro\d to llke the sound of your o$Yl voice and trust an
Lhe f,acts tshat \rhat you have !o Bay Ls iDterestlng !o other people.
They ale boled, and looklng for 6ome Bort of etimulatlon to break our
of thei.! borlng daily routine.

Irm alao wiLllng to bet Ehat yor don'! look people in the eye when you
Bpeak to !hem. llold your head up and meet their gaze. Then, for
Blalterg, walk a?ound where you Iive and practice aBking direct,lonE or
for Ehe ts1ne o! whalever. These are AFC tacticB, but you have to sta!!
Eomewhere. Then practlce crea!1ng foltolr up conversation.

Itd lecofilend reading nlntroducing NIJP.,, NoE just becauEe of the

seduction, but' becauge of iE6 idea6 about lelearning celtain
behavior8, You nuB! retlaLn yourEelfr it may seem contrived aE flst,
but aoon you'l.L internalize 1!. tearn to nake 6matt taLk. Sone of the
be8t PIIA€ I know don't uBe Sg: tshey're jusE casuat and fliendty and

Style Jtritea.
Eublecu. ldy New Frale

I've noticed tha! my most succegsful salges laLely have been when I

have the mindsets Ehat...

nI an not trying to get a[ylhing from you' I am trting tso give You

vrhat you nant . rr

Last night, r ltent to neet an HB I haal garged who t'n realIy into' she

was alrlnklng wiuh another friend, !'lto was lurning 30. To make a Long

Elory short, I made nyBelf the birthday girt'6 blrthday preaent' The

lE that, ltltb this atlitude, even her frlendB (including

fu.nny thingg

Lhe HB $rho I know likee ne and who I really tike) were encouraging us

to ]eave logether, ne "Please go home with her. Make her

happy.I' so it becane ME doiag her a favor f,o! her and her f,li€nds' and

lhe obsEacleg became collaborauore.

Anony,8'oue wtlcasr

EubJEcC! Rq! Ebe Got Scared and Ran Awry

"I've reaal aomevthere that while kisging a girl on a bed, you really

shoulaln'ts give her any cornpLinenEa.'

SEyle repllaa:

Hmn. I get contslaalictoly advice on thie. I tsa1ked to Ross 'f, about it'

arld he said thats girts deed to be fractionatsed From whats I

unalelstarld, it's the theory t-hat you move for ard, tben back off for a
little ohile, then nove fonrard further, Lherr back off for a 1itst1e
while, etc., untsil you've gone all tshe l'ay.

Any one e16e have ldeas on conversation afler lhe kiss. Yes or no? (In
tshe pa6t, Itve tiked to eay eomethlng tso let her know that Bhe,6 doing
the right hhing, but maybe it.'s not necessary and breaka 6t.ate.)

Anonyuoug vrLteEr

EubJecC! Re! ('ood day6 & bad DayE

"I,m lrolklng to becone a PUA and an doing pretty well at getting lhere,
but 6one dayB the AFCa

Styla tcpT!€El

Yes, EoneEhing like this happens to me. I call iE AFC ReverFion

Syndrome. Thele are Juat' lhose nightB vrhen I'n not on. The synpEomB

1 . Don't nake approaches

2 . vlhen IIB EaLkE to you, can't. think ot anything to say
3 . Awkward fluff phone conversationB with HBS,

UEuaLLy ltra when Irm tj-red ot' have sonelhing etse on my mind. It'B
very f,rustrating now that I'm used to getsting good re6ults atry night
of the week.

And, vrhat f tve noticed abouts AFC Reversion Syndrome is that I become
WORSEtshan an A!'C. Because not, I an codscious of the fact tha! I suck,
and i! tshrows me furtsher off iny game.

The only way I can think to get over its is to practice all tshe tsime,

eo that it is inte!flalized and becomes i!6tinct. The only problern iE

tbat when I practsice a1I the tim6, I end up with too nany IIBB ca]ling.

{It's weild, Iatse1y the HBs I sarge are calllng me befole I ge! a

chadce to call them--Irm trylng to figure out whal Irm doing right.)

Anyone have alry other Euggestions for geLtlng rid of AFC fla3hbadke?

Etyla wrltasl

EubJacgr Eatertalnlng GroupE and Walllng to Ieolate

I,ve been experinenting with Eomething new lately, eBpecially on

nights when I feel on, and thiE is entertaining gloupa and walling to

lBolate. In other wordB, r'11 apPloacb one or lwo HBE 1n a gloup, tell

a slory that I need their oplnlon on, and i'f thei! othe! fliendE are

llstening I'11 lnclude lhem in the Btory ol tepeats it to Ehem. Then

I'11 EeI] tlrem I want Eo shovt them BomeLhing cool tshat relateE to lhe

topic, anat bring two o! lhree with me aomerhere quiet. then I cube,

rnagic, whaEeve!. Eventually, the othar girls follow Eoo. And aoon I

flnal nyEelf against lhe waIl surrounded by Eay f,ou! girlB' I'm getting

real.Ly good aE flilEing nith everyone, I do thi6 by obsen'ing, and

conmenting on things abouts thern bad body language (especially for the

cB of the group) . r I 11 aL6o put ny arn6 around tshe group of gir16.

smile, ard say somethiltg l-ike, I'May I suggeEt beginni[g a faitshful 4

(or whatever nuniber) ltay relation€hip tonight.'

Also, inBteadt of making a decision and isolaEing right ar"ay, I ltait

anal see who is tshe most responBive. The additsionat plus tso lhis i6

tshat I can #close with everyone in the group, because we,ll all hang

ou! cause \relr:e all best friends now. And this means not only more

oplions, but blur.ring is impossible because at least one of then l,i1l

be calling me to hang oul with them atl again.

(Not to mention rhe amazing social proof--gir16 r,ve already sarged

will cone up to me in the group and say, ,'Wow, you are quile the
Iadies man.', And I just smile and pretend like I don'r know vha! ir
is: it's just sorne crazy magnetic power I exude. And of course, wnen
yor.rrre enteltaining a group of 9ir1s and anolher girl comes up to you,
iE's good social proof for them as v,e11.)

Last lreekend, one group I was with suggested coning back to their
house for an aiter-after-palty and getling stoned. It l11asso on.
Uoforlunalely, I haal a plane to calch in a couple hours and couldn't
do i!. In my AFC dayB, I'd kick my8elf for missing the opportunity.
Nol,r, I don't care cause I have hheir numbers and k$ov there are plenty

ShyJ"e wtiEeer

aubjoctt My Main Sticking Poinb

Okay, Irve had a great nine days, with three new f-closeE. (I,11 post

one ol the reporEs later., That,s r.rorthy of celebralion Jor ne.

However, it could have been five. And ny probtem is that I didn't

phase shift on two of tshe girle I could hawe. With one of them, Ehe

was even really tipsy and a guy in the bar was saying "she,s the

hotcest girl here and I can lell she likes you by rhe way she tooks at

you.ri Right nowr I am in a hotel room and she is tying in the bed next

to me. That is not lhe bed she should be inl

lvitsh a 9ir1 I real1y respect and have rea1ly deep
My problem i6 that
into the Physical because
rapports witsh, I have problems phase_shifting
ve have IE's euch a
I'n worlieal I'11 bleak that rappor! an'l triet
were into me' and bolh tine6
stuptd AFc ialea. But both of these girts
shy of gettlng physical' I lhtnk lt'E eltshe! an
I etopped the PU juet
(ficould a I{B really be attracte'l to !lE") acting uP' or itre a
oLd fea!
6nart to fa1l fo! the pattelng and foutines
worf,y bha! an I{B is loo

leaal !o a physical close' I uhj'nh lhere may even be a voice

that ltoulil
imaglning a Bcene iin which r ge! rejecced on
in my headl tbatrB already
ie a $orrY !ha! Irm going to get
the cloBe. I tshlnk Ehe key hele
thaE lve have ' The uluth i9' who calea?
lejecteil aEd/o! break the t!us!
ge! rejecleal when I go for tE ltiEh confidence' ) But
(And x lale1y

8t111 a nlce guy Eti1l lurking 1n ny head Lhat r have !o get


lid of . AnY Eugge€tlonB???

Ar.on'r,ovg wrlta, t

eultjsct. Rqr Eoclal Proof ??

"If I'm inleresged in uEing Eoeial proof, on H B g e a n d 1 0 E , i E

it bettEr Eo be Eeen by them aceonpanied by a 9 o r 1 0 ? O x

witl they 58i11 be inpreEeed ltith a 7/8?

SEyla tep].!ea,

proof. And, yes, the more attractive the

Ye6. Yourle ?ight otr eocial

the more social proof you have. But. more jmpollar}t '
girl you're with,
atl HB that gets you the social proof'
itrs not just simPlY BEING with
Itre how she is behaving towards you. If you'le both in a corner bored,
it wonrt get you anywhere. But if you're with one or two less atLractive
women, but they,re hanging orl your ever word, all the time,
having a 1ot of fun, and maybe even dirty-dancing with you, THAT ie
going to make juet aboul any woman itant. !o neets you.

Anony!.oug writegl

One of my queEtLons ie, what iE the easiegt aPproach, I 've

having a problem after the initial hi, but I am gett ing

SCyl€ tepllesl

RaFM for EhlE que6tion, I can suggeBt aone Late! 1f you want. In Ehe
meantlme? try thiB,

Start a conpuler fi1e. Make the fo1loll'lng heading8:






(You can also make eubheadirgs of NEGS and PATTERNS/SS.)

Now read tshe manual and browse tshe Newsgroups. Grab you! favorite
etuft, teet out €ome of your own lactids, figure out your mo6t
interestlng storlee, and put !'rhatever can work for you under each

heading. Nord you kno exactly $hat to dor and how to escalate. Work on
proceeding one 6tep at' a time, and come back here and seek advLce for
each sticking point. The secretr as you 6ee, is sometimes simply

knowldg WmT TO SAY/DO and !{llEN TO SAY/DO 1T.

Afronyfroue wt!,tag I

"A good freme lE to aaaoclate touchlng people lriEh being friendly and
not geducing tshefiL"
Nuse kino on them Eo build rapport"

StyLe rapllegl

I carr see this. and I do uge kino, Maybe I need co pLan out a kino

map. In oEher words. good kino moves to acconpany each Etage of the

PU, From tbe encounter (Bhoulder bouching, hand slapping, whatever) to

rapport bulldlng (rubbing arm, hand on back) Lo hair Bcroking, hand

holding, atrd €o on. A16o, 6orne here advocate loEE of li.ght kino,

otshers say a few well-pLaced very finn Eugge6tive touches are good.

I,{here do you fal1?

I think you may be xight lhat gelting kino theory dovm may be key. Bul
I've never seen it really digcussed in depEh any\,rhere, oEher than the
advice to just use lots of kino.

SEyle wriEe! z

Eubjectr Re: tlhat to answer when eh6 aaka: 'Where are you



HB: So where are you fronr?

YOUI People alwaya ask me that. But you know what I Cblnk, \,,here
yourre from ianrt who you are. Why don't we lly to have a mote
fulfitling conversaeion than I do lrith everybody else and lalk about.
more imporlant, ghlngs. If I \ras interested ln tho you we!e, f would
ask a quegtion 1ike, So wha! is lhere in life that you ale very
paaBlonale aboue, that rea:,Ly motivaCes you?


HB: So where are you from?

YOU: Somewhere dark add mysterious.

HB: No, Berioualy,

YOU: Seriou6ly, it's somewhere that you would love !o go one day. And
it's somewhere I could even lake you !o. But you're going ro have t.o

HB: So you're not going to tsel1 ne?

YOU: No, of course I'11 tell you. When you earn it.


Telt u6 here where you're from, and we,ll cone up with sone good
ansners for you. I doubt lhat any rrB is truly turned off by any ansx,er
gueEs, it's l{ow you
you give. It' s not wItAT you are tse1]ing tshem, I'd

are Eelling !hem.

A,aoayd,oua Jtt.lce9r

Rer oK, ay tura to aBt a EtuPid queetion


an rot or Jusc a greeEing?'

"should I take the cbeek kigs aB

gtyla tePl'lesl
!ea11y matber lvhether Ehe cheek kiss is
My fhought le Ehat it aloesn't

uP to you to nake her interested (YoU are the male

an IoI or DoE. It's
From everything yourve told me
of the specieB), anil the aloo! is open

lwice, Bhe was happy Eo see you) ' it seemB

(she gave you het nuiber
you enough, though maybe aE !iIBF ' BUE' again' it
lbat Bhe tlkes

alice6n't tnaEter. You neeil !o JuBt call he!' You need to have a good

reaBolr to catl her (sonethl'ng lhat makes her Efidle) ' You need Eo
otr the phone Then you need to
alemon€trate Bome charn anil personality
1e! he! 61eeP in the room next door this Elme'
tsahe her out, and don'!

r'm sure he
AB for your wtng, Just Eell hin what you're doing first'
rltonrt mind: he ha€ a HB no!t.



Subj€cl Celebrity PU€dideasf'st

I Alright, all your ideaspretty much sucked.I like that you valueEv'ing and otherskills so highly, bur you
E ne€da slightly djfferent skill setin this league.This is how far your advicegot me. Shesaysto me, about
e me, "Why js it that certainpeopleyou rejust atbactedto,like vibant, whenthey talk to you?', INOTE THE
h VISUAL LANGUAGEI.Thatactuallydidn'tmearl wasin, but itwas agoodsign.I,mteaming,andI

think thjs was an impossibleoneanyway.And to tell the truth I didn't really want to crossthe lin€ here.But

celebsneeda different routine.You don'ttreata l0 like a 2, right? So considera celeba 15 on th€ ou.sroe,

anda 3 on the inside.Therearehugewalls you needto hurdle,but onceyou're in you are in.

F I thinkthataroutinecouldbemade.
For€xample, her,youcalldemonstrate
beforemeeting valueto people

I whoarein herentourage,


tryingto impress,

you'realsodealingwith peoplewho
sothattheytalk youupto her in advance.

sosimplybeinga performer

o. storyteller

soa different
is boringto


I Thereis a different








I wouldlike to work on this,because

asI said,I encounter
thema bit ard I think it would

be the ultimale sarge.I know that Mystery feelsthe sameway. Doesanyonewant to

really work on this for rea.lwith me?

StyJ"a writeE.

Eubject: Making eirlB Cry (In a cood Way)

Lasl weekend, something nea started happening on my sarges. Two

different girls I was talking !o starred rearlng up. I'we seen lhis
happen wilh PUGS, bub newer with myself before. r,d like !o figure out
wha! button I,m hitting. So here's the slory.
HB1: A very cerebral, sonewha! sar.castic, very beautiful and

gophisticateil African American girl. I used the besE friend approach

on her (i'Hi (friendly squeeze, big snile). I'm sorrv, vou look exactlv I
Ann. Bu! lake lhat as a compliment r because she's
like ny best friend I
a cool gir1. t')
IJaier, \de started talking about mystery and the unknovm ' I
denonstrated some psychic stuff on her, and we lalked a liltle about t
the powerfut emotional. connection she had with a recenl ex (this I
it) . Then, when asking about the psychic sluff' I
probably triggered I
tatkeal about how I lurned off my analylical brain and jusl got in

righE and
touch wilh my emouions, my feelings, because lhey are alvays

I can always trust them. Ae lte !a]ked, tears juBts staleed dlipping out I
of her eyes as Bhe 3miled thie teary smile. And she had a bilch shield I
when \de orlginaLly !a1ked. AlI her friend€ wanted to f,eave, but she I
me and of course *cloeed.
Ecayeal and talked witb
gilL I wasnr! even
EB2r at a small party, there was a ptastic_surgeried

salging her, But she was talking abou! how traveL was lhe most I
important experience to her, and I cold her abou! 6one of my amazing I
traveLs and insighls and people Ird me! Her hadds !'ere so Boft aB we I
tatked, chat I coldt her I should hold them. As I !a]ked, at about five
o! Bix ditferent Bcories or ideas I shared, her face vould juBr well up
anat tear up, I anchoreal alt this !,ith certsain touches on her hand, of

coulse. Tiater, I askeat my old MLTR if she often cried like that' and she I
Baid no. I
Both tinee vtheD this happened, I felt I could just slovlly brush her

hair back from her face, make eye contacts, and move in very slovtlv for

a gentsle kiss. Does anyone else here have experience witsh this, and

\thal is being lriggered here? (Mv preeent

iloes anyone know exactly

T theory ls that it may be some sort of unfutfitled frusrrat.ion with
! their o 1 4 a ll i f e findins release because r have rhe piece rharrs ml6sans
t in rny o1,]n life, maybe. )

PS My old MLTR a! lhe parry asked whea I had become such a ladies nan.
I pretended, tseasingly, that she had created this Thanks
again for everything/ brorhers I

StyLe vtLtesr

subject! DealiDg trllh BeEE Friedd: FaEt Hetp Needed

Okay, as I was posting (in trtactlcsr) about making girts cry, one of
the girla I Earged (bu! didn't rnake cry) ca1led fte. The HB vho I mec
at an ex-MlTRrs party phoned and, sidce ve're both avray frofi\ our
families, she want6 !o spend xmas eve togelher. Thi6 is good, because
shers detinilely MIJTRor cF material. She said, "Do you think we shoutd
hang out? EX-MLTRprobably t^rouldn,t. like i!. I haven'! totd her."

I could not think of the righr answer at all here. She wants a reason
!o hang out witsh me and not feet guilty about fucking over her friend.
I think I said the wrong thing, becauee by ans\,,ering i'I'm sure it,s
okay, " I may be shovring myself to be a t easet.

so, no doubt, when uetre making our ronighr (if at1 goes wett), rhis
is going !o come up again. wha! shoutd be my response (esp since r
slepE wilh ex-mlrr tast nighr, though rhis girl doeen't know it)?

Ah, the tangled web lre weave...

StyTe wtiaeg.

6ubject! Dealing ltj.Ch Best Frietld3 FaEt EelP Needed - Updage

1. what I did wrong.

2. The lnportance of havlng backup p]anB.

So, ltBg called ald fucking flaked. She eald tha! a frlend of hers wae

ln toxm and had Ju6b broken up lrlth her boyfriend, and ahe needed to

console her. Like an AFC, becauEe I waB €o sulplLeed (I had the

PERFECTsalge pl.anned), I told he! to call ne aftelwardg !o get a

drlnk. In other wordB, I r,ET he! flake on me. I have half a miod to

calt he! back alrd teII he? \dhab I thlnk of people ltho nake p1anE and

chen cancel lhem. ghould I do th16? lqha! would You 6ay?

Forlunate1y, !,rhlIc lre lrere laIklng, anolher HB I lecently met (bu!

haven't cLoEed) called on the olher line, so now I'm golng to eee her

ln an hour foi a liEt1e t<raE eve celebratsion. Irnfortunately, Ehig HB

1€ not MIJTRor GF natserlal.

obvl.ously, I dldn'E gay the rj.ght thlng on the phone to che orlginal

girl (lhe unspoken Bexual tenslon on the phone between us was eo high) ,

a4d Bhe eitbe! chickened out or talked to my ex-MIrlR, I 8Eill need t'o

know: What SHOITIiDI have Baid.

Man, no firatter how good you get at this stsuff, lhere's ahaya so much

mole to leaft. ..
StyLe writes I

eubject: Re: Pulling 1cirl away from a croup of cirls

I have a different tactic than rhe above advice, lrhich I crealit Eo

Myatery. I try Lo entereain the whole group at first.. I wanE eve.yone
lo like me and include me in the group. rf I t.ry co shut. everyone lese
out and focus on the HB, the group (or an obstacle in the group) can
get upset and try to drag the HB auay.

So my Bleps are:

1. Entertain the group.

2. But, as you are doing Bo, talk more in depth with the HB you want.
3. Cone up with your excuse for iBolating lhe HB. (rto gaLk nore
comforCably/ r ',to show her a cool lrick/gane/Ehin9/exercise"; .
4, If, neceasary, tlatter the obstacle in the group. "Wow, let me see
your sweater. You have such a c o o l a e n s e o f s t y l e . i
5. Then aBk he! friendB, trDo you mind if I borlo\r your friend tor a

Asking pernission is great, because unLeEs you're rotalty creepy, rrle

friends always say yes. And not, you have ratification, so aftser you
igolate the HB, 6he's not going to be worried abou! getting back to
her friendg becauEe they,ve already said tshat they approwe.

When I firsts heard the idea of asking rhe friends for permission, it
gounded silly. But. I've never had anyone say no. In facr, when I asK,
I win e*tra points with her friends.

Style tEite',

6ubject': Re: Invent a misEion

to try lhe kiEs ctose mission' It's a more advattced one'
I'd like

going bar o! club sarging The nission is to sarge at

this involves
afl't to try f,or a *cloee with everY one of
teast 1-OHBs in lha€ night
the PU 16 failing afte! a
thoee HBs. Thle mean6 thau if, you teel
have to !ry for a 'c1o6e' And if yOU meeE a
couple minulee, you eti11
and all you wane to do is exchange
llB who ls pelfect GF materiat
phone numberB, loo bad. Try to ge! her to )'iss

*closing cechnique by forcing

Ehe goal here iB to improve your
nole, by modifylng your tecbnique to Bee wnaE
your€e1f to go for lt

and by seeing if you can increage lhe number of

noveE wolk bedt,
have in a night We could even develop
6uccesBf,ul *cloeeB you will

rating Bygtem. It !',ould be EoneEhing like:

0: AFc

1-2 ' RAFC

3-5 | PUA

6-7 | PUA

8-9: PU Guru

10: PU God

anyone el6e want !o go for i!

I i,r111 Ery lhis goon anal report back'

and lepolE back too?

Style wrLteg,

subject3 Rel Invetlts a DLaEton

I define a *ctose a6 a kiss with passionate intent. h other words,

just slealing a p e c k on the lips when you 6ay gooalbye I donrt consider

a *close. Il doesnrt I1AVE to hawe longue (though it usually does), but

il gAS lo be a kiss EhaL you couldn'! give your moLher or sister {I


Stlle n'fitesi

Subject:How doyoumakea girl laugh,feelhigh,makeherlikeyou?


Mystold meaboutyou.I'll probablybewingingin SanFran,soit'll befirnto workonyourstickingpoint.

It soundsto melikeyousometimes yout PUstin othefwords,you'reover-concerned

"mioomanage" with

whatshethinksolyou frommometttto moment,andthiskeepsyoufiom movingforwardwith youl game.

to benot leaminglinesandroutires,but anoverallbelielsystemchange.

Oneway to do this is, to quotefiom IntroducingNLP: "Simply act for a time as ifthe beliefyou WANT

wereaue andrcticing what cbangeswhen you do...ifyou realizethat the only thing betlveenyou andwhat

you wafi is a beli4 you car beginto adopta new oneby simply actingAS IF it werc fu€." Ifthe new

beliefwo*s, keepil if it doesnrtthrow it out.


Subjec*Put a priceonyourself
similartacticI like to useis ifa
Thisis all goodstus Juggler.And great,odginalideas,asusualArother
pas! or if I just me€tsomeone andthey'rebeing
womanling€ringlytouchesmein a barwhenslrcswalking
(Youcanalwaysttuowin a
veryphysical."That' be$30.Thisshitain'tfor free"



h€rafiihrdel thinkWE shouldh've it instead'


all theseguys
,,1wer$outandall th€s.guyswel.edloolingoverme.I gohomein teafssometimes

to fry out' I saidto thisotherguy'a hot lawyer"Youdonottouch
andsai4 "l aitr'tnomorchandise
overtherel'm sue lhey'dlike it l
whenyougoout Wry don'tyougotouohon' ofthosefashy whores
to me' His
boy,'Yougottrthinka lot frsterthanthatifyou wantto talk
AM a l6dy'ThenI to sEoth€r
'HoyMks Bxtove4 oomehere' I sai4 'You don'ttell meto coms
fiisndvrs sittingn€arbyandsai4

herg.I 6i!'t m Qdrovertl'n vely,veryshy"

prize '


SubjectrAttn. StYle

The bestong but I do not know ifthey carry it anymore, is the shoulderbagat A\X (amani exchange).It

is small,andhasa little flap so that it \rraps amundyour sidewhen you wear it strappedacrossyour

shoulder.Ill try to take a picture. Otherwise,you canalwaystry a cool leatherluggagestorefor these.








Mini recorderfor rccordingsarges


runes(shit,forgotto bringthemwith ineonthistdp)


(justgotit, haven'tusedit yet)



Exta necklaces, pencils,otherlittle gifts for HBsto remember

cigarette meby

.,,morestuffthatI cantremember

Nice stripperextraction,Vision. And goodjob on insistingon the instantdate.Could haveflak€d


Sty76 writeg,

aubject: Boy Toy Iray R6port

so I'm going to bave to make tshi'E quick' went
okay, Irm exhausted,

vrith a frieoit to a pretty fancy hotel bar' There wele Ewo women

gitting at the bar, bolh looking amazing from the back' We aPproached'

anat they were actually in !hei! 40el

hot anlT'tay: thin' great body' eoft skln'

The blonale \das jus! amazingly
face, And ehe wag very, very 6enaua]' The
thin wAspy arietoctatic
l,o!k, " coliblned wiEh a BEory about an
approach was the "do spellE
go f,o! itr lthen I
aEhacllon EPell. T1t€ blonile said: "You ehould JuBt
1a Ehe gtory' So I patlelned off golng for
a6ked her abou! EhiB girt
it and being in lhe moments, tben she €talted patterning me on hovt Bhe

alay to day, Eeconil tso second, fo! helse1f only' ller fllend
Etand, and she told Ehe 6tory' I used a
teaEeil he! abouE a one nlght

new RoEs technigue to eliclt value6 and EtaleE? and she answeledltery'

fhen Ehe sald she was !rying to teach hel friend ho!'t
very erotlcatly.
inne! E1u!'
Eo be In Ehe nonenE nore aad ge! ln touch wiEh her

I've been lefllng tatety about how my uncleta a eex

I tolal a Etory
I lncorpotate some Tantra Btuf,f (abou! women's
lhelaplBt. In it,
sex lvith an otgan made so1ely for
orgaems anal how \donen ate Ehe only
BQ<uaI pleatule) , and end wlth the concluslon tshat rlt would
galigfaction out
nake 6enEe, logtcalLy tshen, t'ha! Bince {omen get nore
I' They
of, reaLly gooil ser, lhey 6houl'd be out actlng like p!edato!6'

hung on evely rrord.

contlnued for a lietle while' Then' there waa

Anylray, the Bex talk
call, and r suggesleal aaljournidg to my place for rnore drinl<s ' My
'ring, one, bu! it worked out afld they came up' I
aLmoe! blew thie
by saying I wanEed to do the orbe on he!' buE her
extracted the bfo*le
hear because tshen it uould give its away' ftris way I
frlenal coultltr't

can dlo the Cube on her frieud later, I said'

I Anl'way, a weird

started patteming

someone and you begin

thing happened. we went out on rhe balcony,

a little. I talked about how ir

lo focue in on one certain
and T
is when yourre wirh

feature that you like

in their face. And the more you focus in on ir. rhe more you become
aware of your brealhing, in and out." She srarls to ge! lhe DDB. Then
6be says, ',Are you trying to h)'pnotize ne?'r rt freaked me out a bit,
because l don,l really kno$ the first thing abou! hFnosis. r vas just
lalking trance-y. But it felt like I \,,as busred.

I I recovered okay. and then kissed her without any kind of rourine

(verd been lubbing hands and arms for a while by then) . Then I look

her into the bedroom. There lras no resistance at any point: Ah, otder
women. And, lhe be€t part

is tha! the packaging was not deceptive. She
had a great body, and sti1l looked good with makeup rubbed off in the
light laler.

Anyway, thereis something elEe I learned from thie. Later, all four of
uE \rere in lhe same room. The oTHER wonan kept looking at me now. I
took her hand and we slarted rubbing each olher's handB. The[ I
realized lhal I couLdn't ignore the woman I'd just slepr with in front
ot her. So I sCarted to be very erotic and revrarding with the blonde
I'd just stept with. Everything I did to the blonde, I did ro turn on
lhe olher rroman (a brunette). The amazing thing is that the blonde
jusl went $,ild, saying ho!, amazingly Eexy I was and thar she was jusr
I getling turned on like crazy. I suddenly realized a new $ay to lhink
about sex: do it, and inagine lhaE you're doing it to rurn on someone
else who is vaeching, an even hotler girl thar you wan! !o steep wirh.
For me ac least, it made my movenents and EoucheE incredibly

Airyway, my friend. who didn,t even have sex rrith the brunette, did]r,!
hawe much game. I teased them a 1ilt1e bit about bisexuauEy. Euts

overatl I coulal$tt f,i$rre ouE a way !o 6$itch partners or to just get

somethi[g crazy going on, 60 we eventually bid then goodbye. I may try

to eee the blonde again because 6he realty vas one of tshe claseiest,

most sen€uaf, and, wel"l, oldeat lrofiranI've ever been i,ith before.

I reatize |m writlng hhlB quickly, Bo l_eL me know if you need more on

a1t, the Polnt of theEe f,eports (which I'd like to

any of ttrj.6. Afler

€ee MoRE of) iE to lealn about the PRocEss of seductlon in detall'

and see whae workB Well' thia dld

even nrold f,o! wold when possible,
work, Ehough thele were a few sEicking polnuB when I felt that we

coulil have loBt then. Mink rbat eaved uB wa6 lbe simple facL chat

lhese olilet HBE vtere in the bar already Looking for adventure '

At onymouE adde,

"You Ehould have extracted Co do 'the cube' on the brunette

in the bedroom. "

scyZe teplLes|

right. or even betEer, exEracEed then both' My wing' BTw' was


u6e1eBs: everylhing that happeneal thaE nighE ttas becauBe I instsigatsed

it. tte was too busy TIITNKING that he'6 cool by not doing anyEhidg at

all and talking in a really bored negative voice' I think I backed off

becauEe we were Bittirlg there naking ou! afteflvard6 as two iBolated

artl, even lthelr the brunette wa6 ptaying with my hand' I

couldnrt figure out ho\t tso mir. it up. In hind6ight, it would have been

really easy if I'd jusc been nore direct' Next timel

I ArtonydrouE aske:.

subjech: Re: Boy Toy IJay Report

"You had a gxeat time wilh the blond but don,t: you think you woutd have
had a belter time lrying to execure a lhreesome with these lwo gorgeous

il Style tdplieB t

I You nailed it here. I had a great !ime,

one. And whal I needed was less parterns,
yes, but coul.d have haat a beEter

and just clear SOIg. I should

have simply been lhe alilector, and given then lhe real adventure lhey
were looklflg for. Isn,! it f\rnny hov, high ou! standards are nowr I can
go out and get pocketfula of nunbelB or get laid, and s!i1L leel like a
Anyleay, a general note: I've been traveling and haven't posted here
lalely, bur have a lo! of fieLd reports to conre. However, vhat you point
ou! here Yaritai, screwed me up las! nights when I vas so IN t/rith thiE Bo
Derek-looking rdoman.You are 60 rightr I need !o tru6! lhat I,ve
conveyed enough personality, have enough IOI9, and should have the
fucking balL6 t'o SOI hardcore (tshe above sentence was just dictated Eo

I ne by My6tery, but i6 very true)

AnFday, we,re having an amazing time in yugoEtavia--so many amazing HBs

here il's sick--and have tsons of srories to get out of our brains and
into cyber:space, when we have time. Sleep iE neeatealnow...(cause we need
to meet glrls in Ehe afternoon. took for the field reporr on one of
lhem: a whole entire club npaltrnedn for one HB in a seven-set. trith four
$lys in the corner. )
Style wtLEes.

subjecl! Regpo!5as to Stevie M PoECE

Hey atl, been gore a few weeks. Back now. Misaed tsheae forums !

Any{ay, Stevie B, your Posts kick ass. It soullde like its'e time fo!

you to falae the bar for youlEelf a 1ittle.

a1so. from your fout-k1BE cloae repor!, you sald you were having

tlouble getting phone nunibels. Here are tvro Euper baslc techniqueE I

BonetimeB use o! combine wlth the other claEaic #cloeeB:

1. In convo, I aLways Beed the cloBe. In othe! words, I know already

what I lrant !o do with them when we meet again: Lahe then somewbere,

sholv them Eomething, \dhatevef (a Ehow, a Epeclaf place, an exhlblt, a

hlke, etc.), I nenllon it caBually in Ehe convo as a cooL lhing to do.

llhen I leave, Bbe uEually askE for ny number Eo thaE we can do thia


2, Ingtead of asklng for her nuiber, I 'givetr her mine. But not

really. I take a Plece of a paPer or something, and rip lt ln balf. I

write rqa nane and nuiber. But I dotr't give it to her. r hand her the

96n and lhe oEher half of the plece of, paper. She ha8 to be real

unusual not to write hera do!,n. Tben we exchange pieceB of paper.

a NOTE! In thi6 forum, ne've alwayE slressed getting the girlrs

number. ltve realized aoxt that itls lnPortant to give the HB your

nunber too. I call Eo f,ev, of tshe nunibers thats I get (becauae I'n

already juggling 60 Imrch), ard sometimes a gB I don't call wilt

actually call me. Then I XNOWshe's VERY interesteal. and the game j"6
I Alright/ Slevie B. Looking forward to your reports in lhe fulure.
I And, by lhe way, you']] not.lce thal in BiEuations like thal footballer
I party you went to, the 6ocia1 proof not only nakes approaches and
closes easy. It HUGEIY reduces flaking...

I Style writee I

t subject! New Phone Nunicer RuIe

This should have been obvious, bu! I've only iust realized this:

ALWAYS, when #cLoslng, give your number to lhe HB as oell. This way,
if you never bother !o call her or just don,t have tine, she has Ene
oplion of caLlldg you. And if you nade a good enough inpression for

I her !o calL you, then you kno!, lhat

I neve! really did lhj.s before.

you're in.

I was so focused on just

HB'E number, that most of the time f never bolhered to give her mine.
gerring the

I (3nd I think


an HB always assumes you're

no! used lo being bloi{a1off

many times every night,

every HB back. Today, I just
by guys.)

got a call
going to call, because

But, vhen you're

no way yourre going ro calr

from an Asian HB I #closed

wirh lhree weeks ago and never called. And tshis has been happenirs a
bunch lately. So flon now on, I'm stdilching ny frame from making lhe
HB want to give ne her nun rer !o EXCHANGING

also, If you waat to remain mysrerious and unavailable, just set an

ansqrerlng service and give her that nurber. Problem sotwed.
sEyle writeg:.

Eubject! What to gay flhlle ldakiBg Out

Today, a gllL who IriiBFted ne a few years ago Btsopped by' We hadn't

6een each other ln a over a yearr and Bhe looked good. But I was

rea1ly exheusted and hadn't shorered or changed clothes, €o I didnrt

pu]1 any Beduceion-type lactics or even talk nuch at all. rn f,act. r

specitlcatly remember thlnkiflg to myeelf, trwhy arenr! you using any

SS/ASF Eactics or patterns?rr Buu 1t dldn't matte! because for aome

reaEon ahe 6ta!!ed giving me the DDB look. when Bhe went co leave, she

hugged ne, atrd then I looked her in the eyes and Btarted klBBing her.

So, everylhing waE fine? it was vely paeBlonale. But I r'tanted to agk

people here, when you'le making out. and you take a littsle bleak f6r a

second, rdhaE do you say? The!€'E a school of lhought that you don'!

falk t111 you're done ltith the deed, but I don't know if I buy t'hat. I

ofEen feel Ehat lhe HB wAlflts to hear Bomelhing Ehat lels he! know she

dld the right thing and that its's okay to ploceed. What are your

Ehoughts on thl.s? what do YOU usuelly Eay?

A!'onyrcus wlEes t

been seeing has just ca11ed me and told me that ahe

"a girl that f've

\ras diagnosed with llepatilis B. llha! do I do?!

gtyle tepl{ea t

Con on, let'E be underEtandiag h€r€. Tbia does Euek'

So, here's what I kno$ about HeP B:

I 1. You can't contrac! it rhrough kissing untess you have cuts. I s
t mainly through sexual contacr,
2. GeC a dose of HBtc NOW! If you ger rhe shot wiEhin two !,{eeks after
sexual exposure, you have a good chance of it. r hope
yourwe cal1ed a doctor by novl If not/ check the yettow pages under
immunizations or something like that, or find a rtravet docror', wrlo
specializes in immunizations.

3. Your shors would only give you Lifelong immunity IF you had a Enree
shot series wilhin a year. Hey, maybe you got tbis as a kid. Ask your

4. Let this be a lesson to aLl here: NEVERhave unprotected sex with

anyone--no matter how clean cu! and innocent lhey look--unless you,ve
bolh been test.ed for everything. I always asEume \,rith anyone I bring
home that lheir lasts bf was a junkie, and protec! myself accordingty,

5. Stop leading thi6, drop everything you're doing, and go see a

doctor IMMEDIATELYand ger your HBIG sho! (not a ganma gtobutin 6hot)
Itrs $40-$100 for the vi6i!.

6. Are you slill here? col

I StyTe adde,

Dude, GET a HBIG imnurlity sho! NOW, like I advised you in the tasL
post. You NEEDa ttrree-shoa series for lifelong immunily. Don'r accep!
a doctor's advise that yourre pRoBABrryokay. It can'! hurt ro get Enac
exlra shotr eapecially since 90 percen! of sexuat contacr with Hep B
results in infection. so if you ge! lhats shor wirhin rwo weeks (rhe
sooner the betster), there's a good chance yourll be okay.
After you immunize yourself, THEN you can worry about whats !o do about
tshat shitEy girl. Okay? Report back here when you do, othervrise I have

Betle! eafe than sorry. ..

gtyle vrltaa
EubJecg. tntroducdng NaluralPuA, ..

f've been Chlnklng a lots about NaluralPuA, who ls the first Pick Up
arti6! I ever meE. Of all the PUAE I've Eeen since, no one operated
like him. Irnfortutately, hets nonr lenoujlced hi8 PUA \,raye and 16
ceLibate, and I am not able Eo model him. Holrevet, he's the best l,ve

aeen, and maybe lre could discu6B hele WHATmade lt vrork.

He waE about 5r7i, long curly hal.r, Senieic Looking, average build,
and plettsy average looking, DefinlEely not the kind of guy who turns
heads. His long hair was maybe lhe only Chlng that nade hin Btand out.

The day t meC him, $e wents to a club. and, wilhln tll,o ninutses, he had
nade eye contact lrlth a EB Btanding nearby, They walked off, made out
in the corne!, atrd lhell parted, Not a word t aa epoken between them ats

any points. Every Eime r/re wene ouE, herd ju6t slink off witsh different
gir16, and nake out or get' BiIa and hand jobs in the ctub. A total AFC
friend of mi4e hung out llrltb bim for three days clu.bbing, and within
tshatstsime they walked back tso their car with 12 different pair6 of
girls (tshat's 24 HBB) to make out. In otsher wordE, NaturafPuA wa6 60
effective tha! he could PU a girl for himeelf and o4e fot his AIC

He had no real PU tines. He was very casual, rotally fearless, and

very soft-spoken. When l was wilh him, he'd do a street pickup by
naking eye contacc and just saying, very casual, rHi. we're going !o a
parly. Want to join us?,' At resEaurants, if he caughE a HB looking ,
he'd say, rwerre having a very interesting conversalion, if you,d like
to join us.rrAt part'ies, he'd say, ,'Do you know my friend?', Arld fron
lhere Ehe advenlure would begin...

From what I aeked at. lhe !ime, his frame was tha! he wa€ lhe adventure
!ha! women craved, t.he dark nyslerious anonlrnrous guy who,d 6$eep thenr
off their fee! for a blief unforgeetable rendezvous. Compared to the
lactics Irve learned from the gutus online, NaturalFuA worked so much
qulcker and wilh almost do talk. He,d Eomelines lalk a lit.tl_e before
and afler, and find out a bi! aboul Chem in a very caring way. He
loved women, from lhe bomely to bhe beautifut !

This is what e16e I know: he lost his virginity at like age 11. A! 13,
he saye he used !o walk arolrnd wilh the mind of a 19-year-otd and ju€r
pick up girls his age right and left. So I suppose afler so many years
of !hi6, he just honed tshis animal-like instincc for sniffing out who
was ready for 1ts, and juse moved in with 61ow confidence.

My questions are. Is lrhat NaturatpuA did parl of Ehe tactics lre fearn

here? And, nore iryortant, how can WE

(I can maybe email hin quescions if we

SLyJa re€pond.E,
His failures never seemed like failures because he didn't

care. (very inportant ! ) someti.meg he'd approach very

casuaLly to talk, and if the HB wasn'C interested, he just

eralked away--no bruise to his ego. He also seemed to have a

Elightly harder Cime PU' more jaded tytr)eg of city HBs,

whoEe guardg were up, and in placeg where che gBE knew hiB

player reputation.

Anoay4ols a9ks1.

"whaf kind of wom€n did this $ry Pull?"

gtyl,a tq)ZLeqt

In generaf, when he was in a club, he waBn'L picky about 1ook3. He

just loved $omen- - Bonetimes they happened to be Euper-hot, Bometsimeg

they were pLain; Eonetines they wete married and olde!, Eonelimeg

younge! and innocents, etc. For MIrTRs, he usually cboae very aEtractlve

one6 or oneB who appealed to lhis senee of the

,radveBtute!-artis!-aesthete' tha! he soneElnes cofleideled himeelf .

SEyle vtlEes,

aubject : Re: C@utricathg that you're qualif,ying tbe$ -

Idaas reeded

I like !hie, ,Jugg1er. Irately. I've been working on adding challengea

antl qualificatiolE all the time when I talk, and your que6tions here
are a good way to do it. Il keeps you in the drivex,s seat, and your
questions also inwolves a 1ot of presuppos it ions. which are grear.
AIso. before I hang out wilh an HB, I've been working on trying to
make THEMnervous by giving them MY e4)ectations, and naking ir seem
like THEY are loo eager. I've been into mixing this all with humor
too, tike in the fotloi{ing exchange serring up a lunch hans-our afrer
an ilB I sarged IU,ed me today. There's no genius stuff here, but it
just shows the altitude, qrhich is a ne\{er frame for me:

lvle: So XXXXXX

Me: 2 p. m.

by lhe way... thank you

Me: W a i t , I d i d n ' L acCually inviCe you yet.

HB: fine


Me: I viLL cafl you before I leave for your ptace on saturday. I
do expec! you to bring your sharp wit and adventurouB spiri! \rith you.

Me: Oh, and aome towels !oo.

gB: I'11 be 6ure they're inlact
HB: yeah... lhat,B a tough one... I don'! know... clean tolrets are
quite ginply a preciorlE commodity.
Me: Okay, forget I nentioned it. The wit and adventure should be

Style wtite'r

sulject: Solution for the dreaded *cloEe blocker speech

weeken'l' aflet a short soft kiss' reallv
one llB I met at a lounge tbi6
n And then
pulleal back anal said that she 'rwas tired of, Eexual energy'
and it worked vely
gave bhe atreaalealSPEECS' Thi6 iB how I reframed'
was 6aying' rrbut
we1L. First I totat her that I undersboo'I lthat she
ne' Thi6 ls somethLng that haPpened bet{een
trou're no! taLklng to
day you'1I get the chance to say
and Eoneone e1Be, antl hopefuLly one
a ne experience to be open t'o "
this !o him. In the meanlime, this is
alout hol, what ebe experienced
she agreeat, ana tshen I a'lded Eomethlng

before 18 not about all guyE, 1t's about lmnaEure 9uy6 '

bit, x'hich x nay incorpolate lnlo my game (some

Then I inprovlBeil thig
'lue ' uEeB Ross J' and My€lery llnes):
of itB, to give clealit wbere itE

atso' It'B part of Ehat whole boy

'rI feel t'ha! nervouaneBg an'l fear
the exacE lalne
meets girl thing. But ilo you know $ha!? Fear conea flotl
pface aB excitement. Itey both glve you the 6ane Physical
lre sonetimeB inberpret
ln6lds, E,tld.wh€B \de're netrvoua an't excite'l'
Bomethlng: let'E get it
Eha!-a€ fear. so I'11 telr you wha!? Iretre lry

easy' Preten'I like we've aLleady 91ept

out' of, the way. It'rE vely
thoge buttelfIlee' and
together. Maybe we me! IaBt night ' arld you felt
a very
an'l \te went back to you! house ' Itre
liou juEt tnrBleal then,

e4)ec! company' A$yway' iE dtdnrt
1it!1e netsy. You probably 'liibx' t
nighE in each othel'a armE' very
mattet. We Bpent a woltletful
and it $aB ju6t
pasEionale but alBo very 6afe an'I comfortable'
the fir6! Lime becau€e we just
\donderful. It' didnrt even f,eeL like
wanted' And we botsh
geemeil to lsrolt already what each other I'iked an'I
lrhen we were apalt ' so r
just glordeal a$al tingledl ftom it afterwa!'lB'
rI hatt a wonderful time lasE niqht'
calleal you this tnorning antt 6ai't'

Meetsne at Xx(x.' Atrd here we are'"

scyle wtiteE,

6ubjaett RLneathetica Do IC Better

I've been notlcing latety Chat the HBs that put off the moBt sexual
vibe uauafly procesB inf,ormation kinestheticalty firet. The
visuale tend to talk fast, and put out more of a fun, palty vibe. As a
vj-aualr f eome in lrith a goodr faB!, fun energy. Bu! lately f,ve been
lrying Co phaEe-shift by thinking klnesLhetlcatty. In other wolds,
lrylng !o feel (through body eensations) j'neleaal of see lhe

environment. And I noticed Chat it stows my speech dovrn anal I put out
a much more sexual vibe. (ThiB may be why, afte! sexr you're glowing
and juBE radiatlng sexual energy, becauee you're 60 in touch with and
feeling your body sensations, which have just. been stimulaleal. )

Does this nake eense at all?

Has anyone e16e notlced this?
A!!d doea anyone have any suggestions fo! ftodetiflg kineBthetics
a PU?

SEyIe wtites!

Eubject! Phon6 Sarging Advlce

A couple months ago. I net an Brazilian HB in Vegas. Anyvray. r wen!

for a *cloee and failed solety because I ju6t didn't go in with
at the nonent' ' But I haa! Eons of rapPort. and now
enough confidence
atl lhe time. She's going to come to vi6it ne an
sbe calls and we talk

two molths, because I told her I'm bu6y until then'

on the phone hhat $hen l,ve Ealk I'm oo hhe line betlteen
Now, I can tell
gooit frlenal anil alestiny d?eam nan. she sayB she doesn't often open up

Bo confoltable, and is pasEionate about

like Ehts to people, anal feels

Che same tsh1ngs, anal lti6hes her fliend wa6n't ln laE vegaa gelting in

but i'B delicate inBide' and her

ou! way. shers haB an lntsenBe atti'lu'Ie

att:i.tude toxraralg relatiodBhipe {anil friend3hipe) seens to be a1I or


frlendly phone contac!' and

In tha oLd dayE, I lrou1d Just maintain

then lrait untll she comes to viEi! to try and nake he! an I4LTR Now'

however, I'd like to escalaEe this relatlonshiP on the phone ' so that

like ne'le already daEing and all that needB

when Bhe comee ehe feele
ADyone done thi5 befole
to be tlone 18 to conBuimatse the relaEionEhip'
or lines/patterng/routlnes to try to
o! have any aalvice on dotng thlB
*clo8ed yet?
create an MIJTRover Ehe phone w1!h an HB you havent!

Anoalt',]ou' asks,

"Have you taLked about having eex yet?"

Etyle repli€F t

No, thi€ is my probleltt' I've haal social ploof, denonstsrated value ' and

connection. Buts, I am at a losE regarding how tso

fiEile a'rl enotionat
cormectlon on tshe phone ' Cone to lhink of it' lhia
initiate a phyEicaf

coulat definitely hetp my off-phone game tsoo'

So. before we discuss having sex, I have to get her. t'o agree thaL

beirg together intsimately with me is something sbe wants to do and is

Lhiflking about. And it probably has to be done in a way that doesn,t
scare her away or make her Ehink thaL 1 ONI,Y want sex...

Therers probably a sinple bridge inlo this stuff...

9ty7e tEite'

Bu.bject: R6: Change in game plaa

I havenrt followed chiB whole thread, bu!, in genelaL, for the !1106!
part I llked your firnmess here, But your frarne of trying to paBs HER
teat waB a 11tt1e supplicating. And, besides, you don't want to give
yourBelf over !o a glrl who's going to play LheBe gameB,

TelL lh1s girl when you see her tha! you don't play gamee aDd don,t

flave time for games. Then go inlo the 36,000 days in a lifetime
patlern (do you know this one?). TeLl her you are a mature human
being, and if ahe tanta to be one, she has to learn Co tru6t her
feelinga and not he! friend6. As I said before, I haven,ts kept up on

Ehi6 thread, so if you haven't made progre8s ye! lhere are sone perfect
inlellect vs feelinga paCterns you can 6pin off of from here tshar enal
lrilh a little BLrong kino.

Style wtitee t

eu.bjedt ! Rer Learning tonality

Actually, I asked abou! lhis a white ago, and Eomeone emailed and

who l1as a.
Jonachan Altfeld He is an Nl'P trairre]:
mentioned a guy naned
r an
webeite and sells
CDs on Eonarlty

They look pretty powerful-

or'tered them myself Has anyone here tried

very tenpteal,


Lay RePort: Xnlernalization

Tonights stariedl with a phone call flom sin' a FUA who uEeE a combo
of t
MyBtery Btyle an'l his oq'n highly sexual earging (no! in a GM way' 1
how latelv'
language way) we discuseed I
in a euggestsive alpha body
abouE se'Iuction' \terie getting
or lhinking
when \re're no! even tlying I
maybe' from having
from IlBe. we decided tha!
a lot firore attencion
a fol ot this' vterre
just exu'Iing eomelhing I
learned and lncernalized
For examplet l!"o nights
agor I got' cogelner I
sexual anil nore confident
\tith both
an ex an'I he! cou€in I ended up making out I
\ri!h a friend of
t\tilhout even real-ly
of Ehem (not together lhougb' unforcunately) I
inind' I venl lo meec
about this stuff so' witsh Ehis all in
lhinking I
HBsl inkY.
job ats lhe same place
seen aE yeatst{e had a sunmer
EBstinky I hatto't
ltho worked there
lthen' And sbe wa6 tne hot I{B that everyone
way back
I was jusc a
hit on and tsrie'I to daEe Back tshen'
suPpticatsing IJJBF !o

But nv
tonigtrt ' I tlitLr't have anY expectations
vithell !,e got together
and giffiricks and bits'
I wasn't going to do routines
frarne wae rhis:
her up' I wenE
to exu'te ee:(uatity' so when I picked
.ras justs going
into her bedroom and jusc hung out. r tatked very quiet. and stow, vas
very laid back but at the sane rime mysterious, and just showed that I
was comfortable there. IE,s hard ro explain, but I kne!, thar I was 1n
already because I,d made a good firsr impression.

Fxon here. we went to dinner \rith friends and Lhen to a barltounse.

Here's whaE woxked for me:

1. Social Proof: I called HBRed, lrho is very flirtarious with ne,

!o meet us at the lounge. This way, HBslinky could see ne getrins
artention and kino from someone else. Ilrstantty, HBstinky totat me rhat
HBRed Beemealto like ne and kep! asking tf I liked her. This
worked perfect, becauBe HBslinky now had to compete for me. Also,
HBstinky thoughl lhe waitless liked me, so I 1et her betieve it.

2. Fractsionating: Instead of hanging on to HBsLinky a1t night as lhe

kino escalated (fron brushing against each olhe! !o hand6 on each
olher,s knees t.o to kis6ing) , I woutd sornetimes leave ro
talk to another HB or a friend or juet \rande! afound Che room. I think
lhis v,as importalr! so Ehat I didn't seem degpelate or ctinglng, anil
didni! bore her. When I left, she v,as excited to have me leturn.

3. ThiE DIDN'T work, but aE Long as I had HBRedand HBslinky

there, I thought I'd try !o gets then togeEher. I tolat them how lhey
could be friend6, had HBRed sits on HBstinky' s tap, afld, after
HBRed pecked me on the cheek, I told her lhat UBstinky probably
f,elt left out and sbe should kiss her too. She did. And then they
said, rrcuys love iL when girLs kiss.r' I reptied wilh rhe wrong arrswer,
I think, noh no, not me. I'd ralher have you kissing me,n I eaid.
Any\cay, my skills weren'r good enough here.

When I lef! with HBstin].y, we had been making out a tirtte. I triecl to
ake up at my Place. but i! was too
EelI her how nice its would be to

to do sone stuff in the norning. h

far a ay and she said she anted

just taken th].s at face value. Il1€tead,

the old days, I would bave

here's \,rhat I did:

l told her I luas 1]oo
1. she was sLaying a! a friend's tatsher's house
so lhat I
lipsy to dr.ive aoal needed Eo sober up tor
get pulled over on the long dlive
a l-itlle

hone '
conslraint on mysetfr \thich vras inporlant
j"n making I
2. I put a tine

her confortable witsh ne coming ower' I asked her lo te]I ne r'shen 15 I

haal passeal so that I could drive home' because I leeded to be I

up a! 9 a.m I Eolal he! to make sute I lefl !hen'

the idea lhats
3. So we starteil

her frienal's father

making oul, eEc I pl'aye'I a lot

Ytae ln the next roomr and ho\'r lte

littsIe kide. I aeked her about the time she los!
her I

rlrginlty as a kld to link her to tha! sEatse' l^lhen she said r Bhould I
probabty head home, r asked her to 1ie
againsts me tor a lilt]e while
(courtesy ot adonis) ' whlch did
Then r did a sexual value eLicrtation t
a lot !o geC her lurned
l'MR (lasts minutse reBistance) coming
4. We starleal again, and I feLt
lhese objeciions l EoLd her Chat tnle I
on, I no\t try Eo anticipate
nexE tsime' so that I
felt rea11y nice, buE \te 6hou1't 6ave somechirlg f,or
(This also obviously does
lre leave \titsh anticipation and excitemen! I
by assuning Ehat \te'11 do it nexe
two other chings: future pacing I
!ime, anil letting ber krlolv that r'11 aee her agarn' l
sex' because
5. I really thought we weren't going to have
t{hich was in my
I couldrl't figure out a way Eo get to my condomr

jacketontsheothereideoftheroorn'\tithoutcompletelyruiningtne I
and how nide ih
nonen!. So I tliEcusse't her sexual
value eticitation I

Then I wenE intso a variant of Riker's three rules

rrBut, if i'Ie're going to do this'

This ltas my first

vre have to promrse

t.ine using !hem.
ourselves. thlee things. No, nake thaE four things. The firsr is that
we llave Eo be safe, and use a condom. Thats,s wery iryortanE ro ne. The
second is that has to be someLhing that we botsh really want to do. The
third is thal you have tso be able to wake up in the morning and be

happy you did lhis, and feel good about yourself every Line you get'
that tingly feeting during hhe day and think back on this night." Then
I added 6omething like. ,,And tshe fourEh is that, since youi friend,s
dad is in the other room, let,s take this easy and ston. This way we,tl
kno!, vha! we have to ]ook forward to next !ime, and sone of tha! asrkward
Pressure wlll be removed, I'
5. And nay Rlker be b1e6seal, because Bhe vely easily agt:eed !o theee
r_uLes and we had a wonalerful night that. I lrould describe here it the
newEgroup wae alt . sexatorles . com. But' Ilts not, so you'I1 have to uBe
your lmaginalion,

An)'way, lhls i6 the lesson I learned: I uBed to believe tha! sarging

lraa knowlng what. palternB/routines/glmmicks to €ayluBe and when. Now,
I reallzed that it''E conveying an attitude. Irearning and placticing
Cheae ASF tactics verbatin helps you get' comfortable enough with
yourself and l{86 so tha! you can adopt this attitude. And then,
lbe gimmickB and toutines are Ju6! secondary, almost something to use
!o keep the convereation lively and stimulating t henever j.! goe6 f,tat.

Ac leas!, that's lrhat I believe Eonigh!.

Anony&ouE wtiteE t

"Man, you are pretty good a! this!,,

Style rePIieE,

compliments r s!il1 have a 1ot Eo

Thanks. man. These are at1 huge
into place piece by piece r
learn, but r can feel ny game falling

think bhe challenge is not

just in having thaE kno\"ledge' but in
learrring how tso irnplement its lt's

thats just because sometshing works

also in not taking anylliing said

in one eituatlon' it nigbE not lre
on me'
EB' and they almost backtired
again yesteralay t\tilh a differenE
Alnosts : )
r guees the tshings thal helped ne to learn this were: t
in lhe field and pracciclng'
A. Getling
sin' crifilb1e' T{otimer' eEc' I
B. sarging with people like R'l' Mystery'

other work and give each other

detailed feedback' I
for' a few nonths and tried to
The truch is that r readl this 6Euff
and context
the atcilude
inptenent its {ithouts full_y un'lerstandinq
tshat kicked ne anEo
behinal ie. Mystery's \tork6hop \'as the experience

because Eeeing tshese techniques

is a lot more useful I
high gear, simply
month6 aftser lhat {and oith conetanE I
than teaaling about tshen In tsleo
good in
and Tr'otirner) ' I felt pr:eiEy I
exchanges of ideas \titsh Grinntle
stsicking poinl' and \tas stuck theie for
lhe fie1d. Then I hiE anoEner I
a coupf,e 'tays of Ross's seminar'
a montsh. Novr, I jusE Eats in on I
pas! tshat sticking point'
that seerns to have goEten ne !

an AsF'er tecently And he knovs every line and is I

I hung out with
he can gel laid so Ehe
he is a virgin an'I 'toesn't Eruly believe that
key, I think now, is working on your ovrn internal state so that you

says this can be accomplished lbrough e4)exiencer Ross says lbis can

be helped with NLP and hwnotism. ) *+*I!'s going ou! lhere noE with

the frame of "trying to ge! an HB to sleep witsh you,'r blrl IGilOi'rINGthat

she wants to eleep with you.*** And, from lhere, sone compare i! to a

vialeo game. There silt be certaiD challenges and obetacles on vour path,

and you have to know ho1' lo navigate around lhen.

So, ny advice, for what it's worth, is Lhis. If you havenrl already

done so, \rrile out a list of lhe phases in your PU (openers, ginmlcks,

challenges, crealing rapport and chemislry, #closing, *closing, etc.).

Make sure you have sone sor! of plan for each stage, and write out

your different options. Then go out in lhe field and work on one

piece a! a time. Try no! to go out nith your sane old friends (vho

anchor you !o your AFC stale alrd ltho you atenrt comfortable

experimentsing around) ; try !o find a wing online. Once you have

openers do\{n, work on continuing lhe conversalion and demonslrating

value. Once you have that down, rrork on creating an enolional

conneclior1 and *closing. .And know lhat once you ge! thi6 doun, you'11

find that you $on'l need notes or sleps, because you'll have

incernalized it all.

I,m still working on ny game, lhough, because il's fun getring betcer

a! !his. r!'s helped in the non-sarging $orld loo. l'Iv curren!

challenge: learning tso be DIRECTand GUTSY(in lhe right situalions).

A'lonyfiolJa wtitee t
I Eake her?"
''l am finatly Eekins tlis 9i r1 o"- ' Where should

Donrt take her to a movie, an'I 'Ion't take hex on a 'date'n You should a
for someone
be just "hanging ouE" to eee if she meets your standards

you'd even considei taking on a date' And' of course' you only date ;

\'rho deserve lhe re{ards and

girts you're already sleeping {ith, -
you. But you know thal already '
p::ivileges of dating t
And sHE
Listen, don't forgel lhat sHE pursue'I you in the club

to be {ith you You are already IN' Nowr plan

rearrangeal her plans

before you go. Letrs say thats you're already commilted to a novie' t
Here's what you do. Meet her somevtherenear
$here you live for coffee t
or a soack or \thalevel
'Ihere, work on rapporl' humor ' interesting
Maybe even seop mid-gimmick and
gimmj"ck (graphology, cube, whalever) I
you left your ltal]et or the movie Eimes or
sualdenly realize

whatever a! your house

liave her pay fo! coffee or snack Stop rlone co
get !hem. sit ilo\tn vtilh her, coDtinue ginmick' As you continue with t
holil your hands out (palns up) Sav I
handwriting analyEis or r'halevel,
doh'n your
rgive ne your hands.r' You shouldl, by no\t' be 61o\dlng I
speaking and Phase-shif ling' t
If sbe aBks
about it n (Mystery line ) Nocice: Does 6he
wetre not sl.lpposedEo talk
Does 6he squeeze you back? If there's I
give you her hands easily?
j.esisEancer punish (bv witshdrawing vour attention) and trv again in a I
are positive' go into the "Would you like to
liEtle \tbile. If Etle lors I
Make sure vou do atl this with complele confidence'
kiss me" close. I
to get I
another fun Ehing to do is tso get her amped up and wanting
by going !o the bathroom or somethlng' I
kissetl, and Ehen fractionating
until she's going crazv for vou' I
ceL her aroused, and then back off
if r reneniber
(Aftser ar1, this is vrhat she did to you in the club'
Irm exhaugled tonight, so I hope some of Ehi6 he1ps. I,er us know what.

happens .

StyTe wtites

Eubject: Re: inlereating cloae failure

You did lhis vell. Nice teasing, and 6he called you back. I hate to do
a takeaway, bul 1will. There's a great slory thae I use tha! you
could have tol-d here. 1'11 post it when r have more time. It,s gotden:
to be added Co the permanent Eeduction files. It not only $orks in
lhi8 situat.ion, but last. week I sat on lhe tloor of my living room and
tol"d lhe story to an HB on our FIRST time hanging out. That nighc,
afler 1l,eelep! together, I aeked her when she firs! wanCed to kisE me,
and she said it wa€ when I was telling tbe story. I adapted it from a
ahorl story by the 'fapanese writer Haruki Murakami. I PROMISEto n^ei
its here soon, unless you all already know it'.

Also/ I wan! to dispute a certain ASF lenet. And lhat is, {henever she
won'! give you he! nurll3err tshe advice here is ro 6ay something along
the lines of, ,,I don,t glve ou! my nuniber to girls, because ro you
itrB ju6t anolher nuniber arrd you won'C use it,' or oharever. And, here,
you said lhats you don'l give out youri number !o gir16 who won,ts give
you lheirs. These responses (especially the srandaid ASF reeponse)
bolh sound a ]itt.le supplicating to me. The problen is lhat rhe ASF
response ASSWES that' she won,! call you and your responge/ while
funny, is also babyieh (lhough I etill like it). My response is !o
steal their framer "That's fumy, I don't give our ny numbers to girl6
either. My phone rings enough as ir is.,, (sometimeg r'11 make up a

story about a girl who cal1ed me or drove me crazy or whatever her

fear 6eems to be, to show lhat I undersrand. ) Then, because T,ve
already seeded lhe convergation with a SOtrD pIr.AN,I'11 eay, ,'Thas 1s
xxx' " Then we'11 both agree
going !o make its awf,u1]Y hard to go Eo the
stolen her
rules just thi6 orce, and Ir11 have totally
crazv uith
f,rane by thi6 tsime anat EaY when I hand its Eo her'

force me to block You! nuriber' "

conveyi[g the tbings she liked about

tlhil.e I say this, I'n bunorous,
me. I'm no! being angly ol upseE ol argunrentsative or Persietents
lhe HB actsually
only didn't !'rork trdide. Holrever, one of thoEe timeg'

cOT my nutdbe! f,rom a muuual frien'I, caLted ine the next day' apologized
left it on the machine !)
for not. givlng ne her number, and Ehen

StyTa wtlea€, eet ! Ibe Wlndotf

a uindol, oPens uP. I!
says that when you're

say, 5_20 ninuteE. And if

Barging e girl'

you don't make your move lnslde tha! t

winalolr, it's ovef. You'fe done. Gameover.

But it's Justsa 6tate, and at

I €ay tha!, YeE, the wlndow can cloee'
some future poinE you can ge! he! back i n E h a t 6 t a t e .

that debate in nind, berera my quesElon:

anllt,|ay, with

At dimer. I meE a great

analfewish) . sitting
gB {a super-thin

ne"ts tso her durittg

exolic beauty'

tlre neal'
a mix of

I totally
me was a nelt spifl on Ev'ing thac
openedt the inalow. What opened its for I
\dhich is to find her core vatue and tshen poinE ouL how'
I'n doing,
ll'ith me'
then and there, shet6 feeliug tbat core value
Aryway, the window opened, and I knew right lhere Ehat I coutd hdve
he!. BUT, we were at a table wirh a bunch of people. I fractionatsed
and tsalked with lhe HB on my oEher side for a white. Then I relurneat
ny atterlt.ion to het. Holrever, the nreal was so tong t.hat afler a while
I felt that incredible connect.ion we made start to fade. (Or mavbe I
just got tired. )

So. what do you do when Ctte windox, opens and you're not. in a place
where you can go tor a *cfose?

Once it closes, I oflen feel like thingE someeimeg get awkward. What.
do you do AFTER lhe window closes to maintain and affirm t.he
conneclion and excilement you hadr so tha! i.t doe8n't feel like a
leldo!,n--1ike iC \ras ju6! a monent that passed?

If thls makes Eenee, please commentI


"You need to know how to anchor reBponses to open the !rindo!r.,,


Okay. I u4derstand anchoring. But maybe I don't use i! !o ir6 futl

poteotial. As I r.rndersland it', lrhen she's "in sra!e," I,d do sometshing
like slide my hand down her forearm or. whatsever. Then, sonetime iaEer,
repeat. that touch/geeture and, bam, 6he's righr back in state. Bur,
even if this is effective, she's back in state for a second ar nosc,
no? How lrould you then use tshis tso your advantage in this scenario?
sEyla wtitea t
Re: unatj.mutaCLngi sex.'.. (raverDil +
I haven't read thie thote lhread, but two things come to mind: t
1. You canrt MAK! a wornan orgasm or feel good' She has !o A!'LOW
!o orgasn or feel good. (This iBn'E an NLP lurn of
) so
pbrase--ltrs repeateil in Tanera, se*ua1 psychologv, everything
lhe more pressure you apply on her Co enjoy 6ex, the mote she's

to get lense and enjoy i! LesB. 3


And, thiS ig MOST IMPORTANT: t

2. Role play! she seems like the kind that likes to please Tell her
(Irm 6ure I
you want to role play. Spin up a good fantagy scenario

you're creative here) , and have her play a role that would be t
associatsed witsh a fenate who voraciously enjoys sex Thi6 way you F
can't tose: either she lets go of } erself and gels Eo into lhe role

tha! she actually enjoys it, or she ie just more involved'
and 1oud, and it's more fun for: Youl
SLyIe wtiEes, I
subjectr The WaY I EV t
In re6ponse t'o five583, here's rLe new w a y I r m E V , i n g lhese days. r'm
not sure if itts Ehe way it's supposed to be done or even if it's new
at. at1, but it REAtr,y work6.

Here's a ecript from 1a6t night. And lhere's a question at the end. so
please read on:

HB: I want to produce.

I4e: But thattg not \rhat you real]y want !o do. That.r6 just one of many
things that vri1l give you lhe end goat you,re tooking for.
HB; What alo you mean?

Me: llell, what iB l! about producing, as opposeal to directing o,

actlng that appeals t'o you.
HB: I 11).e getling things done,
Me: Yea, you Like to ge! things done. But you don,! want it' to gei
done in the business worLd. There's somelhlng abou! film tha! alEracEs

HB: Yea, because it'E creatlve.

Me: Ah, now we're get.ting Eomewhere. Because itrs creative, Norrr le!
me aBk you Eoriething. If you produced this amazing fi1m, anat got i!
alL done completeLy by yoursetf. end tt took a lob of work, but you
did il and now you were standing on a stage a! su:ratance accepting an
award for it, how would you feete
EB: Accompli6hed.

Me: So !hat'6 it. That'E vhat you're really after: a senBe of

acconplishment. tshe lightE up here anat gets alnoet reit.l Now. Iet me
ask you Eomething else: you can be totatty honeet. Is this a sense of,
accomplishmene thats comes fron youisetf and having done it yoursetf.
Or is it a 6ense of accomplishment in rhe sen6e of having others 6ee
\dhat you've done and approve of it.
HB: I guess it.'s fron others.
Mer Thatr6 fine. ThaL kind of accomplishment is realty rdhat you,re
we already got
after. Isnrt lhis greaEr in jusE a couple minutes'

sonelhing done hogeEher'

HB: Yeah (now big grio and !ed) '

a sense of acconpliEhmen! no$'

Me: And alontt you feel

H!; Yeah, I do. (totatly reil aitl big smiLe now')

flirling and
And, by the way, I don't saY bhiB in a sneakY way. I'rn
and what I'm doing '
EeaFing, and l,|e'!e boeh ln on Ehe loke

60meone dtose cole value ltag

EhlB a felr nightB ago, wlth
I aleo tried
I'Ye6, and havlng f,un right novr' look aE You:
I Juet saiil, erre
!tha! life 1s aLt
your face 16 flu6hed and Your !e laughlng ' IBn'h THIS

anazlngly !tel1 Now' helerg ny

Itsrd aweBome? beceuge it olks

once you've an'l Bhared th19 amazlng momenE

ilon€ thie
anal Bhe's laughing/flushed' wha! 'Io you 'lo NEXT How can
I logether
phase shlft from thi6?


Anonyrious vtlee',

*I'rn going !o alinner with tsonight who iE about 11 yea!6
a girl
I don't know
going to be a bunch of, people Ehat
than I am' llhere ale
out at
tntimldaEed buE I want tso Btand
ealing at her house ' I'm realLy
front ot her friends "
dlitmer anal altlact het an'l not appear stupid in

Style ,eP7!es,

to be dudb or TRY to prove

Warning: Don't TRY to be sma!! or TRY not
a lot of great advice r buE
points? You offer
1. whaE are Your 6tickirg have
a6k for little' 1'm assuming tshat You
from what I can lell
of, Your game that can be inproved.
sticking PointB or PartB

r'd like to reaal how You!

X'd love !o see a lieLtl rePo!! froin You'
2. for You'
etc' nork on a night ou!
pogls, laleaF, Llnes' f,avor-BltapPlng,

ThankB, nan. . '


Subiect:I hatethe cr€riivc closet

Mysteryuseit to greot
for I
'v€rybody' have
personally neverus€'lit However'lve seen
Not evdrthingis
\Mong;it just m€sosthatifs
gfect andgottcnthenumbe!close,It doesn,tme6nthatyoute doinganything

witb Yoursarg€'
lot cDngruedt

flakilg Like you

tbatthe "{ay" you ask for the#olosehasanythingto dowith
OfcoursqI don'ib€liove
c4ncreteplansb€forehand MysteryalsomakesconoretQ
rappottand(fol6e) ltaking
say,it'sNlding thg
toud theHolDvoodsigir for exadple'
planstoobefore*hlosiog:goilg upto

a little with whoeverallswers th€phoneBeftiendtherD'makethem

rry to chat
Iinaly, youshouldahvays
tllat Chis called"or
pmoftlo' id arxsy Atso' atiny tletail:I neversay'"Tell hel
likeyou.Thisis social
a petra[d thenmak€
they're to FORCET to tell h€r'I alwaysaskif theyhave


Style writes:

Subject: Atila & Badboy found HBPlayer

Hey Badboy,

to havea femalepivot.Will reallyhelpyourpU. I like thismorethanmalewings,thoughI


oftenusethePivotwithouxherknowingit. (',H€y,let,sgofuckwith somepeople...")


with a Pivot.ApproachHB andsay,,,Wewantedto getan

1.I likeusingthercgular"opinion"openers

opiniononsomething,,,(tell you canjustgetin sosmooth,

2. Whenshe'swith someone
else,thenit'sperfectto getanotherHB to walkby herto makeyour

"gitltiend" or your"ex-gilfriend"j ealous.Maybeyou caltstarta wholeroutinewith pivot(l've n€vertned

this,justthoughtof it), whereyoute escalating
kinowith yourrespective
patnersto mak€eachother
jealous.Shehugsguy,youhuggirl. Sh€kissesguy,youkissgirl. Sheseriouslytongues
seriouslytonguedowngirl. It couldbea lot offm to getanHB wrapp€dup in thislunnywar...

3. I alsolike to usethepivot!o wingmy friend.l,ll explain:sayAtila is talkingwith pivot.Goapproach

lIB, saythatyourereallyinto Pivot,butAtila is a bit ofa ladiesmanandyouwantto separate
cantalk to Pivot.AsktheHB to distractAtila for you.(you,resortofmakinghera fakewing.)Thenwalk

in, introduceyour"old fiiend"HB to Atil4 andlet thetwo ofthemgooffandgetto knoweachother.(And

Atila couldobviouslydothislor youioo.)

with Pivot on oneaml an'l anotherIIB on the otherarm Every
4. And, wheneverpossible'walk into a club

IIB in the room will notice

5. This is most importanl sheseemslike
an open-mindedgirl Get her into the idea

her PU gitls for BOTH of you to sharc'This

ofa threesomeHave

shouldtake your gameto the next level'

Badboy (Rick H has II
a lot ofpattems for this.)
style wt!.taa,
EuccegE - - > f a i l u r e FR I
eubjecb: Distated
FR ie going to be dictaEed
to ne, because it totatly tho1lJe I
okay, thiE

my st-icking Poitlt I
that lrn really intso' She's got long
TonlghE, I waB \titsh a woman I
blackhair,abouEEhleeinchesEalferlhanme,andabeautifulbody' I
thal I atmost feel out of my
Eonestly, 6he looks so rnuch Like a model
problen) an'I I'm so Ehankfut tha!
league (antl herein nay be tne
to blov' i!'
into ne that I almosts ge! afiaid

a \dhile But'
she has a boyfriend leho she's been Beeing for
though she loves hj-m'
he's avray fot six weeks, and she 1o!O!lStbats'
Eays thaE she could
he'E not' tshe guy she \tantss !o marry she alEo
up before sbe did
Dever be unfaitltful and woulct have tso be broken
says tshis is jus! anEi-slut
anything with someone ef,ser buc Mystery
from t"lystery' I'n glad someone
defense. Anylvay, oo tso lhe dictation'

else was here Eo waEch it:

dav' go to lurch (split the tab) ' and

,,You pick her up the verv lext
I lhen she goes over to your place immediately, dude. lror #11 (oh, and

before you 90 ro look ar an apartmenL-Lor-renr and pretend like

you're a couple -- IOI #2.) Dude, she,s praying wilh your shoe and

leaning over to touch your knee (IOI #4 and 5). when I cane out of rhe

showerr and noliced her sitting in the corner, I noticed: Etrere's that

\,tlndow of opportunity and it opens, and you've got to 90 for it there,

because oLhelwise you'11 stale Lhe en!.ire relationship. She,s gorng !o

come back over and have rhose feelings that nothing happened. She

tanled that to happen, there vere lhose er?ectations for sonething !o

I happen.

I But vhat did you do wrong? You didn't

cloae (say

your house, laughing,

shur up, you didn,t
Dude, you were in complece conlrol:

pl.aying with the bottom of your shoe, leaning

do a kiss


to louch your knee wilh her hand. She Bat with you on lhe couch and
listened !o your mu€ic and sharied time with you. I winged you/ I
lhink, wonderfully, brrnging up che sublect of sex and
boytriend-blasling, and then leaving and taking a real-]y 1on9 shower.
How did you keep it going rrhen the sexual energy--I could smell the
pheromonesr man.

There was nolhing wrong rith Ehis ee!: you went all the way ro rhe end
right Lhere. Her bf i6 gone foi six \,reeks; she doeEn't know how she's
going to survive for six weeks; she,s ralking sexual. Dude, i! was SO
I norey. You shou.ld slao yourself: you were rhere. sl-e came over.

Do you know e,hat I would have done? I have a loofa sponge. when I was
in the shower, I would have said: ,come into lhe bathroom with ne.
TrLp v.',r <hi Yf ^rl .-- - ----t
grea!. Irm going to rub you down wiEh my loofa sponge.' Would she have
lurned you down? No, because you,re a cool guy. You could have said,
ril doesn't have lo be sexual if you dontr want il lo. It's a great

saying no an'I having that awk!'ard feeling'

But you r,vete of he!
of, yeB/no is tso find oui lf
ltle ivhole point o! getting to lhaE poin!

be a no, but at }east you know lt'6 no! a bad

it's a no, Iets it
IE'e not a failure. Du'le, ehe's here' The onfy reason i'hY 6herd
\tan! to appear a elu!' not that ehe dldnrt
6ay no iE Ehat 6he tlialn't
Eakes iE f,or you to invite her into lhe
wan! to fuck l.ou. All it

Bholrer. Yoil have the gutg to apptoach, bo make tshe moves I lo go eee
Dnde' take your re!'rardl" (end of
!hem? to get then over to your house'

Ehig here to A) Inlernalize lhiB and change ' B) Have

So, trm poBling
on how to stop Lhat
you al} !e11 me what an AFc I an' c) eet advlce
'ohat lf Bhe lejec!€ ne ohen I Ery
LLltLe volce 1n firy heaat lhat say€

tso kiBB he!.t

Anon!,g,ous tap TlaE:.

erag one that rny bogE nag gelling ne. V{hen

"a gaod analogy
go Pull
rookiee do their Ealee deno, 50t of them are afraid

out the ealeE order forn aC Uhe end


Btyle reElronda I

A great analogyl Both good posts thats

Ye6, ttuale, tha! is exactly i!'

nail the ProbLen'

l dida't go fo? i!' because later tshat same niqht '

It's so Etupidt that
lldice before'
I wenE tso a party antl rnet an HB8 I had h]JIg out l'ith
l'ef,t tbe party' returned' found her' did a
wents in more fearfe€e.
I camera *close. I have this cool carnera lhat takes mini-movies, so I

I took a novie of us. she said, "What should we do'r I 6aid, rcome

here.'r And kissed. l knew il was already on, so ended up wilh Lhe
_ t - ir d . r.lio a

new variation of Riker's rules: lhe lhree rules lakea{ay. I lold

her the first two ru1es, and then she diecussed not wanting to

actually go all lhe way. So 1 said, okay. We fooled around some nrore,

then she a6ked, "What lras the t.hird rule?" Il was beautiful, because

its lel me know sbe was ready. I told her, and she said, rrThose are

good rules. r' :)

Bu! when I left this morning, I realized: Thal HB9 was jusl ltaiting

for ME to make a move the day before. I blevt il.

Anonyfroug wrLEea,

Eubject: Re. Left brain - Right brain. Very long. Good read.

"I don'l lhink it applies as far as lactics and techniques?"

style replies:
No, it totally applie6. Here's hovt I use it. wben {e're lalking about

or something like that, I say, rl]leL me see your hands ' I


pick them upr turn them over, and look at her palms. I lell her how

the left hand i6 conlrolled by the right brain, and how the right

brain is lhe artis!rc side, Ehe anima, where intuitrve, erolic,

creaEiver and spifitual thinking come from. The right hand is

controlled by tshe left brain, and thatrs where 1ogic, reason, and
(1igttt ki[o on
lailguage look. And when I look c1o6e1y at her hands

palms here) . Ehe, lj-ke noet people, ha6 deePer and nore complex lines

reflectE how strongly our society has

on he! right hanal, and this

our aalural, lntuitive, erotic self--the part thats Eruly


al1ow6 us t-o develop personally and splritsually'

pactern/routine (trNatural' lfoman' "

And then you can sPln {hatever

usually) You want from lhie "

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