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Reading a Nutrition Facts Label

A few highlights for your health!

What amount of
food is this
information for?

How do these
Saturated Fat calories fit into
Limit to 5-6% or less of your day?
your daily calories.
Saturated fat
can negatively
impact heart
health. Dietary Fiber
Focus on fiber! Aim for at least
14 grams per 1,000 calories.
Sodium <10% of adults eat enough fiber.
Most of us Good for blood
sugar/energy levels,
over-consume. gut & heart health,
Aim for <2,300 and more!
mg per day.

Vitamins &
Added Sugars Minerals
Vital for proper bodily
Limit to 6% or less of
functions, these four are
your daily calories.
known as “nutrients of public
Added sugars are health concern” because many
“empty calories”
without nutritional of us don’t get enough.
Deficiencies can
Image source: Food and Drug Administration lead to serious
health problems.

Food for thought:

What if you ate half of this
container, not just 1 serving?
Everything would be x4:
You’d consume 920 calories &
40 grams of added sugar.
It really adds up!
Calculating Your Needs
All about Macros:
There are 3 macronutrients: protein, fat, and
carbohydrates. This is where the calories in
your food come from. A generally healthful
diet for most adults will be composed of:
10-35% of calories from protein
20-35% of calories from fat
45-65% of calories from carbs

Your calorie needs:

What does that
mean for you?
calories per day
MyPlate Plan

Protein has 4 calories per gram.
From the Dietitian:
10% 35% There are no “bad foods”. Any food
(calories × 0.10) ÷ 4 (calories × 0.35) ÷ 4 can be a part of a healthy diet when
eaten in moderation.
to grams All foods fit!

Fat has 9 calories per gram.
Saturated Fat:
20% 35% (calories × 0.06) ÷ 9
(calories × 0.20) ÷ 9 (calories × 0.35) ÷ 9 Limit to
to grams or less!

Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram.
Added Sugars:
45% 65% (calories × 0.06) ÷ 4
(calories × 0.45) ÷ 4 (calories × 0.65) ÷ 4 Limit to
to grams or less!

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