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Keeping the Economy Board.

* means to be a important rule.

! means to be a grave rule.
Classification Breac What date
h have you
Making the 1 <Read>Keep the Economy Board every day.
Economy Board to
1 <Read>Keep the Economy Board in order.
keep book
1. Keep the Economy Board in order about articles.
2. Make a new blanket line between the 30 day and the 31 day.
3. Copy by write the 30 day in the blanket line on the Economy Board
4. Make a new blanket line between the 1 day and the 2 day on the Economy Board.
5. Copy by write the 1 day in the blanket line on the Economy Board.
6. Eraser the content of the 1 day on the Economy Board.
1 <Read>Omit a decimal point of breach points of a rule when you keep the [Economy Board].

0 <Read>You are allowed to invest the money as long as the profit is in article of “Sum of Derivative
that you can invest” of Derivative Trading on Economy Board.
1 <Read>Because it is impossible that you achieve the theoretical time, price, so write 1 point at
least in the article cell.

1 <Read>Before you write what you ate into the blanket cell, subtract the sum from the food article. 5/29, 6/2,
6/10, 6/11,
1 <Read>List some food that you ate it on Economy Board. But your mother’s one is listed with thin
orange color on day when you bought.

<Read>When you were given a food from family and ate it, write 2 as price in article cell and 1 in
loss cell or the price in the estimation on Economy Board with sky blue color.

<Read>If you are aware of being a wrong on Economy Board previous day, you had better
manage it today.
<Read>Click the all tags in order when you keep the Economy Board.<Lesson>I skipped over a 5/30
tag of Economy Board.
<Read>List the sum of pepper or seasoning on the day when you bought it.

<Read>Write the rice price into Economy Board on basis of when it is made by the rice cooker.
<Read>Don’t list the sum of rule’s breach points what you have been making over days.

<Read>You had better write the value limit of some food that is bound to be rotten into Economy 5/29
<Read>Write the subjects of article like vegetable set into Economy Board one by one.
<Read>Copy yesterday’s Economy Board before you keep on today’s one. <Lesson>It takes as 7/2,
much loss as 54 minutes to fix that I mistook.

<Read>The content of Game Time, Chat Time is discriminated to each department about PC or
society communication with painting with black color and purple color.

<Read>After you keep each tag on Economy Board, check whether it is correct or not by 7/3,
confirming the extent of the calculation for a month.

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