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Japan has a famous phrase that says “the nail that sticks up gets hammered down”. In this
country there is an extreme pressure to follow social norms. There are set rules that are strictly
expected for every one that is part of the Japanese society to adhere. If someone fails to achieve or
choose to go astray from this societal standards that person will be frowned upon by the society.
Japanese culture emphasizes on group harmony and conformity. Their society puts more importance on
the group effort and mentality as opposed to individualist mentality which is a concept from the western
culture. Conformity has been a central feature of Japanese society for centuries, with roots in
Confucianism and other traditional cultural values. The idea of putting the needs of the group above the
needs of the individual is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture, and is reflected in many aspects of daily
life, including education, work, and social relationships.


A culture that is focused on conforming to the rules and standards for the benefit of the group
as a whole instead of the individuals’ personal needs, wants, and goals; develop unity and social bond.
The person develops a sense of having an identity from the group in which he or she follows and
therefore also belongs to. This also strengthens the value of respecting others that may in turn give rise
to a better social responsibility and empathy.

However, even with those positive aspects in mind, the problem is that the pressure is too
strong. In Japan, there is a strong emphasis on maintaining a good reputation and not causing shame or
embarrassment to oneself or one’s family. This pressure can be particularly intense for young adults
who are expected to enter prestigious universities, secure stable employment, and marry according to
societal norms. Those who fail to meet these expectations may feel that they have no other choice but
to disappear.

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