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First of all let us pray for Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa, The Almighty God thank for his

blessing so we
can be here. I feel honored for this opportunity to speak before all of you.

Today, Let us contemplate together and understand the values in the teachings of hinduism about
Catur Guru. There are the Four teachers worthy of our respect in everyday’s life. In the hindu faith.
We have known the part of Catur Guru such as Guru Swadyaya, Guru Wisesa, Guru Pengajian,
dan Guru Rupaka As guides and mentors in our life journey.

Guru Swadyaya(God):

Guru Swadyaya is teaching us to always seek the wisdom and guidance from Sang Hyang
Widhi Wasa. As the Hinduism, we believe that the highest wisdom can be found through
spiritual connection and understanding of sacred teachings. Let us together strive to deepen
our relationship with God through Swadhyaya, learning from Sacred scripture and spiritual

For the example, as Hindus. Let us together realize the existence of the Guru Swadyaya. Sang
Hyang Widhi Wasa/ The Almighty God, as a source of wisdom and guidance us, in our lives.
Trough meditation, prayers, and obedience to sacred teaching. We can feel Sang Hyang
Widhi Wasa’s presence guiding our step.

Guru Wisesa (leader/Government):

Guru Wisesa is a leader or government responsible for the justice and welfare of the
community. In Hinduism teaching. We tough to respect and support the wise and just leaders
or governments. Good leadership will creates harmony in society and brings prosperity for
all. Example, As obedient citizens, let us show the appreciation to Guru Wisesa. Our leaders,
who are tasked with creating justice and prosperity for all of us. By supporting good policies
and actively participant in community development, we can collectively achieve common

Guru Pengajian (a teacher in the school)

Guru Pengajian is An educator/teacher in schools or educational institution who guides and

share their knowledges to the youngest generation. I am taking one of the contents in the
Bhagawadgita it is,

Tad viddhi praņipātena

Paripraśneņa sēvayā
Upadekşyanti te jñānam

Jñāninas tattva darśinah

The meaning is/it means pursue that policy with humility, with questioning and with
dedication. The wises people who sees the truth guides you in that knowledge. In hindus
teachings, when we be come students, it should be grounded in a sincere heart. Diligently
seeking knowledge trough dedication to the Guru Pengajian. Trough the dedication of the
student, the teacher will deliver their knowledge to the students. Let us support and respect
the role of guru pengajian in growth their character and guiding student towards wisdom.

Example, “the Guru Pengajian are at the forefront of shaping the next generation”. Let us
show appreciation and support to them, as they not only impart a knowledge, but also they
are shaping the character and morality of the students.

Guru Rupaka (Parents)

Guru Rupaka teaches to respect and cherish our parents as a source of love, guidance and
wisdom. In hindus teaching, parents are considered as the first teachers who provide love and
guidance in life. Let us nurture strong and appreciative relationships with our parents.

Example, parents is Guru Rupaka irreplaceable in our life. Trough their love, we learn about
the values of life. Let us appreciate and serve our parents. Because they are the embodiment
of boundless love.

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