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College of Arts, Sciences and Education

Colegio De La Purisima Concepcion

The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas city


Teaching Profession

Name of the Unit Topic: 1.Demands of Society from the Teacher as a Professional
a. Classroom Strategist and behavior
b. Planning and Preparing
c. Reflection on Teaching
d. Collegiality and Professionalism

Intended Learning Outcomes: After the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Discuss the meaning of the teacher as a professional.
2. Explain what society demands from the teacher as a professional.
3. Describe the professional competence that a teacher should possess.

Introduction: “Professionalism is not the job you do, it's how you do the job.”


Teaching is the most vital and strategic profession for national development. It is an
important activity which makes the acquiring of new knowledge and skills possible, that brings
about the mark of an educated person. This is why society expects so much from teachers.
Parents expect their children to learn a lot of things when they send them to school and
because of this, society demands teachers to teach well since a teacher’s main concern is the
learning of a child. Since teachers have the power to influence their students, the society clearly
expects more from them because if a child is misbehaving or does something wrong, they often
blame teachers for the parents would think that the child acquired such behavior by attending
Research says that the teacher is the single most important factor in the learner’s
learning. The effective teacher makes good and the not so good learner learn. On the other
hand, the ineffective teacher adversely affects the learning of both good and the not so good
Dallas Public School conducted a research and came up with the list which shows the
impacts of effective and ineffective teachers to their students. An ineffective teacher adversely
affects the learning of both good and not so good students. Dallas Public School conducted a
research and came up with the list which shows the impacts of effective and ineffective teachers
to their students. The list shows that the effective teachers have a higher impact to their
students, than those ineffective teachers. Study shows that students tend to remember what
they learn more from effective teachers who performed well in teaching rather Society demands
from the teacher Instructional Effectiveness.
An effective teacher should teach well. This demands again a very high level of flexibility
and a wide range of expertise from the teacher. Additionally, the teacher should teach the
process of critical thinking and inspire students to be responsible citizens who contribute
to society.
A foundational moral principle is, therefore, the universal norm upon which all
other principles on the rightness or wrongness of an action are based. It is the source
of morality. All men and women, regardless of race and belief, have a sense of this foundational
moral principle.
The principles of morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code
of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that
a person believes should be universal. Morality may also be specifically synonymous with
"goodness" or "rightness".
An example of while morals tend to be driven by personal beliefs and values, there are
certainly some common morals that most people agree on, such as: Always tell the truth. Do not
destroy property. Have courage.

Moral refers to what societies sanction as right and acceptable. Most people tend to
act morally and follow societal guidelines. Morality often requires that people sacrifice their own
short-term interests for the benefit of society. Some philosophers make a distinction
between morals and ethics.

Morality is important because, across many traits, honesty, compassion, fairness, and
generosity were most important to liking, respecting, and understanding. Other moral traits,
such as purity and wholesomeness, were seen as less important; even less than certain
competent traits (e.g., intelligence, articulate).

There are some expectations from a teacher as a professional. Being a professional

teacher means being knowledgeable and enthusiastic about one's materials, creating a
supportive and respectful classroom environment, building authentic relationships with and
advocating for students, being organized and planning ahead, remaining open to new ideas and
continuing to learn.

Top Five Causes of the Growing Demand for Professional Teachers to teach
● Population growth. The number of school-age students is expected to grow.

● Teachers retiring or leaving the profession.

● Growing population of English language learners.

● Subject area shortages.

● Reinstatement of classes and programs that were reduced or cut during the Great

5 Core Values Teacher Should Demonstrate

● Integrity - It's necessary for a teacher to be honest with his/her job role and responsibility.

● Sense of Hope for Students - Teachers should always possess a sense of hope that their
students can do better.
● Sense of Urgency

● Continuous Self-Learning
● Mutual Respect and Responsibility.
One of the hardest aspects of teaching is that you only have them for a short period of time
to prepare them for the next level. You do the best you can when you have them.

Here are some of the things that a teacher might find difficult and how to overcome those
● Balancing the different learning needs of students. Every student who walks through my
door is different.
● Respecting expectations from school administration.

● Helping parents and students meet long-term goals.

Society expects from the teacher as a professional which are important .Teachers are
expected to promote student's academic progress as well as further students' social, emotional,
and moral development and to safeguard students' health and well-being.
Teachers expect students to be responsible and curious and also want them to follow
rules and do their homework regularly. A teacher should commit to what he/she is saying, and a
student should listen to each sentence and interpret it to learn. But, students want more on the
most basic level, the definition of “professional teacher” refers to the status of a person who is
paid to teach. Who have a firm grasp of the subjects they teach and are true to the intellectual
demands of their disciplines? They are able to analyze the needs of the students for whatever
subject matter they want to know

The top five qualities of a great teacher, according to students, are:

● The ability to develop relationships with their students.

● Patient, caring, and kind personality

● Knowledge of learners

● Dedication to teaching

● Engaging students in learning whom they are responsible for..

Being a professional teacher means being knowledgeable and enthusiastic about one's
materials, creating a supportive and respectful classroom environment,
building authentic relationships with and advocating for students, being organized and planning
ahead, remaining open to new ideas and continuing to learn.
Professional expectations include but are not limited to: Attending and participating in
scheduled events. Avoiding over-consumption of alcohol and use of illegal substances.
Engaging in non-disruptive behavior. Accurately representing oneself, the college, or the
Teachers are best known for the role of educating the students that are placed in their
care. Beyond that, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of
their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models,
and listen and look for signs of trouble
Teachers are important in society because they prepare and influence tomorrow's leaders.
Every day, students learn important lessons about sharing, respect, valuing differences and
making ethical decisions. Teachers possess a passion for the subjects that they teach, and
they also have genuine care for their students. They inspire young minds to play with ideas,
think deeply about the subject matter, take on more challenging work, and even pursue careers
in a particular field of study to become successful in life.
Here are a few ways to do
1. Knowing your stuff. Please notice I didn't say “know everything”.
2. Standing for something. This is about ethics and having a moral compass. .
3. Keeping your word. This is a big one
4. Being honest
5. Supporting others

Genuine professionals practice good self-regulation. This means they

stay professional under pressure. They are polite and respectful to the people around them.
They show a high degree of emotional intelligence, and are careful to consider the emotions
and needs of others.
Every employee should expect to maintain the following behaviors in the workplace:
Display a positive and respectful attitude. Work with honesty and integrity. Represent the
organization in a responsible manner.
Examples of professional behavior include, but are not limited to: Showing compassion
for others; responding appropriately to the emotional responses of others with patience and
family members; demonstrating respect for others; demonstrating a calm, compassionate, and
helpful demeanor towards others in need, and being supportive.

Professionalism can be shown through ways and earn oneself a positive reputation
1. Show respect to others. Respecting others is one of the best ways to show professionalism. ...
2. Learn to communicate effectively.
3. Be proactive.
4. Dress for success.
5. Don't complain.
6. Practice your basic manners.
7. Keep learning.
8. Connect with the students.
And know those in need; be supportive

Professionalism in simple words is “The skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that
is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well” Merrium-Webster, n.d. “'Professionalism' is
commonly understood as an individual's adherence to a set of standards, code of conduct or
collection of qualities that characterize accepted practice within a profession..

Professionalism is important most especially in a workplace or field of endeavour.

Dedication, integrity and responsibility are elements of professionalism that make a person
successful in her field. By taking ownership of their roles and duties, professionals make names
for themselves and usually find promotion, opportunities and repeat business come easily to

A professional is a member of a profession or any person who earns their living from a
specified professional activity. Professional standards of practice and ethics for a particular field
are typically agreed upon and maintained through widely recognized professional associations.
Teaching is one of the most demanding professions, “because it is an exercise for being
selfless, a sort of self-erasure. It is the exact opposite of the inflation of the ego. And, as your
self becomes erased, you begin to see your students, realize what they are and who they are
and what they may be.
Teachers called professionals and being a professional means meeting standards and
expectations of society, policy and those who set oneself with consideration of ethics, values
and beliefs. An important element of being a successful teacher is being a professional; the way
you conduct yourself, behave and how your professional role is portrayed.
Teachers typically report the daily “aha” moments they witness as the most rewarding.
Seeing students finally make a breakthrough and understand something they've been struggling
with, allows teachers to feel the direct impact of their work on a daily basis.

A teacher may develop herself professionally such as:.

1. Join a Professional Organization.

2. Participate in Conferences, Workshops, and Fellowships.
3. Subscribe to Online Groups.
4. Keeping up with Literature.
5. Looking Back and Reflecting.

Models of Effective Teaching

A. Robert Marzano’s Causal Teacher Evaluation Model of four domains:
a. Classroom strategies and behaviors
i. involve routine events such as communicating learning goals and
feedback and establishing rules and procedures.
ii. involve addressing content by helping students interact with new
knowledge, practice and deepen new knowledge.
iii. helping students generate and test hypotheses
iv. Involved events and acted on the spot such as engaging students,
recognizing adherence to rules and procedures, establishing and
maintaining effective relationships with students and communicating high
expectations for all students.
b. Planning and Preparing
i. planning and preparing for lessons
ii. for use of technology
iii. for needs of students receiving Special Education
iv. for needs of students who lack support for schooling.
c. Reflection on Teaching
i. evaluating Personal performance such as identifying areas of
pedagogical strengths and weaknesses
ii. developing, implementing and monitoring a professional growth plan
d. Collegiality and Professionalism
i. promoting positive interactions with colleagues, students and parents
ii. seeking mentorship for areas of need/interest
iii. mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas and strategies
iv. adhering to school rules and procedures
v. participating in school initiatives
B. Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching
a. Planning and Preparation
b. The Classroom Environment
c. Instruction
d. Professional Responsibilities
i. Reflecting on teaching
ii. Maintaining accurate records
iii. Communicating with families
iv. Participating in the professional community
v. Growing professionally
vi. Showing professionalism
C. James Stronge - Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System (TEPES)
Seven Performance Standards
1. Professional Knowledge
2. Instructional Planning
3. Instructional Delivery
4. Assessment of/for Learning
5. The Learning Environment
6. Professionalism - maintains a commitment to professional ethics, communicates
effectively and takes responsibility for and participates in professional growth that
results in enhanced learning.
7. Student Progress - the work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable,
and appropriate student academic progress.

Teacher Evaluation Standards - The McREL model (Mid-Continent Research for Education and
1. Teachers demonstrate leadership.
a. Lead in their classrooms
b. Demonstrate leadership in the school
c. Lead the teaching profession
d. Advocate for schools and students
e. Demonstrate high ethical standards
2. Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students.
3. Teachers know the content they teach.
4. Teachers facilitate learning for their students.
5. Teachers reflect on their practices.

Comparison of the 4 Models on Teacher Effectiveness

Danielson Stronge McREL Marzano
Planning and Preparation Instructional Planning Teachers facilitate Planning and Preparing
learning for their students
Assessment of/for
Learning Teachers know the
content they teach

Instruction Professional Knowledge Teachers know the Classroom Strategies and

content they teach Behaviors

Instructional Delivery Teachers facilitate

learning for their students

The Classroom The Learning Environment Teachers establish a Teachers facilitate

Environment respectful environment for learning for their students.
Student Progress a diverse population of

Professional Professionalism Teachers demonstrate Collegiality and

Responsibilities leadership. Professionalism

Teacher reflects on their


Since the main task of the professional teacher is to teach, society demands from
him/her teaching competence. Teaching competence is spelled out in the PPST and in the four
models of effective teaching. This means that if he/she has to teach effectively, he/she has to:
1. prepare and plan very well for instruction;
2. execute or deliver that instruction plan very well because he/she has professional
knowledge (mastery of subject matter);
3. create a conducive or favorable learning environment for diverse groups of learners;
4. assess and report learners’ progress; and
5. demonstrate professionalism as he/she deals with superiors, colleagues, students and

1. Give 5 expectations of society from a teacher as a professional.
2. Name 5 core values a teacher should possess.
3. Identify 3 things that a teacher finds difficulties in her work.
4. Specify 3 expectations of the teacher from her students.
5. Cite qualities of a great teacher according to the students.
6. List 5 ways professionalism can be shown by teachers and earn oneself a positive

Individual Check: Quiz is sent through Google Form.

Read the PPST Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, the revised NCBTS 9 National
Competency-Based Teacher Standards which according to it teachers in the Philippines need to
possess the characteristics and competency identified and specified in it.

Textbooks: Bilbao,Purita P. EhD, Corpuz, Brenda B. EhD, Llegas, Avelina L. EhD,
Salandan,Gloria G. EhD (2018)The Teaching Profession
References (R) (with Legends) Corpuz, Brenda B. , Salandan, Gloria G. Teaching Profession
(OBE&PPST-BASED) www. www.

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