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Higher Level Training Cycle in

Marketing and Advertising

"Digital Marketing"

Unit 9. Designing a digital

marketing plan_Part_01

Curso 2021-22 - Prof. Luis Miguel Cencerrado

When we are moving in the digital environment …

… we can see the glass as half full or half empty

On the one hand, we can think that we have never been so
close to our customers and users before
On the other hand, to feel that we have never been so
far away from our customers and users before
The competition for attention is stronger than ever before
In addition, there is a huge and very competitive range of
products and services on offer.
And it's not 100% in our hands to get our offer to
potential customers ...
But we have useful tools that we can use
To communicate in a "new" way with our
customers and users.
Moreover, the impact is global
But we need to define a strategy ...
To create our project and get results
Promoting our products and services
To obtain a bigger engagement of our clients
How can we give more visibility to our content
and services?
How can we develop our communicative
+ visits to our websites
+ subscribers to our newsletters
+ posts read
+ increased interaction, especially
And that all this translates into + higher sales
No matter the size of your business, if you
want to sell you need a digital marketing plan.
How are we going to make the Digital
Marketing Plan for our business?

1. Doing a SWOT analysis

2. Determining our objectives
3. Drawing up strategies and tactics
4. Defining actions
5. Establishing how to measure results
Let's see some keys...
What is a digital marketing plan?

A digital marketing plan is a document that


- The planning of the different elements that

compose your online marketing strategy.
- How you are going to develop it.
- Through which channels.
- How much you will invest in each of them.
It must be aligned with business objectives.

It is composed of two
fundamental parts:

(1)Internal and external analysis.

(2) Tactics and strategies
How are we to define where we
should evolution, if we don't know the
current situation?

To know where we are going,

it is essential to know where we are.
What is a Digital Marketing Plan: Guide
Follow the step-by-step guide below to create an effective digital marketing plan
Where are we now?
It will be necessary to make an analysis of the internal and external
situation of the company, focusing on the digital situation.

You will also have to carry out a SWOT analysis to find out the
weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities.

What is it useful for?

With this research you will have a global vision of how to act and
design an action plan to succeed with your digital business.
Let's watch this video …

Cómo crear un análisis DAFO para eCommerce (El ejemplo que plantea es de tienda de electrónica):

We analyse where the company is in

relation to its competitors.
Benchmarking helps us to see where
we are in the long-distance race to
attract customers.

We define our marketing strategy:

• Segmentation strategy
• Portfolio strategy: the market
we are targeting and with
which products.
• Positioning strategy.
Strengths questions

Let’s take our first element, Strengths, for example. To

determine what your strengths are as an organization, you
could begin by asking some of the following questions:

1. What do your customers love about your company or

2. What does your company do better than other
companies in your industry?
3. What are your most positive brand attributes?
4. What’s your unique selling proposition?
5. What resources do you have at your disposal that your
competitors do not?
Weaknesses questions

We can use the same principle to determine your company’s


1. What do your customers dislike about your company or

2. What problems or complaints are often mentioned in your
negative reviews?
3. Why do your customers cancel or churn?
4. What could your company do better?
5. What are your most negative brand attributes?
6. What are the biggest obstacles/challenges in your current sales
7. What resources do your competitors have that you do not?

External analysis is an objective study of all factors outside the company, such as the
environment, the market, the public and the competition. A company must always take into
account the environment in which it operates, as it is constantly changing and can affect its
business performance.
Opportunities questions

Some possible questions you could ask to identify potential

opportunities might include:

1. How can we improve our sales/customer onboarding/customer

support processes?
2. What kind of messaging resonates with our customers?
3. How can we further engage our most vocal brand advocates?
4. Are we allocating departmental resources effectively?
5. Is there budget, tools, or other resources that we’re not
leveraging to full capacity?
6. Which advertising channels exceeded our expectations – and
Threats questions

When it comes to threats, you could certainly start by asking a

series of questions like the ones above. However, it is often quite
easy to draw up a list of potential threats facing your company or
project without asking questions beforehand.

This could include:

1. ‘Branded' threats, such as emerging or established competitors.

2. Broader threats, such as changes in the regulatory environment
and market volatility.
3. Even internal threats, such as high staff turnover, which could
threaten or derail current growth.
Let's take an example of a cosmetics brand:

These three videos,

especially the first
two, can help you to
complete the review
of opportunities and
threats, so check them



Once the SWOT analysis is complete we can apply the CAME technique to explore
possible actions to… … Correct weknesses
… Address (Deal with) threats
… Maintain strengths
… Exploit opportunities
The CAME analysis is a strategic business tool that works as a complement to the SWOT analysis.

Correct weknesses: This means eliminating the Maintain strengths: Make sure that everything
weaknesses or at least taking the necessary positive that can influence the business stays with
measures we can do to reduce their negative us. As a result we will have a competitive advantage.
influence on the development of the business plan. Explore/Exploit opportunities: Taking advantage of
Adapt to/ Addressing threats: This involves taking opportunities. This is related to the previous point in
measures to ensure that the threats detected do not the sense that it allows us to create strategies and
become weaknesses. plan actions to turn them into strengths.
We apply to our project ...

SWOT analysis for your business model

You can download SWOT analysis templates (Excel/Power

Point/Word) at this address:

How to Do a SWOT Analysis (With Examples & Free

Let's take it step by step...

My advice:

1. Open a folder for the Digital Marketing Plan.

2. Collect in it everything that we generate during the
planning process: resources, ideas, reflections....
3. Open a document to write down all the
observations and reflections on this first phase of
analysis that we are doing.
4. Also note down ideas for improvement and actions
that come up and that can help us in the second part
of the design of the plan, the operational part.
Where do we want to go?
It is essential to define the objectives we want to achieve with the
digital presence of our business in the short, medium and long term.
To do so, it will be necessary to define SMART objectives, and thus
have a reference of the path to follow.

SMART goals should be:

• Specific
• Measurable
• Achievable
• Relevant
• Timely
Now that we know our situation, our goals and who we are addressing, it is time to
define our digital marketing objectives

Establish SMART objectives, which


• Specific: the objective should answer

"what, when, how, where, with what,
• Measurable: it must be quantifiable,
with data, that is, quantitative.
• Attainable: we must be able to do it, it
must not be impossible.
• Relevant and Realistic: they must
make sense within the project and be
realistic in terms of our resources and
• Temporal: they must have a space
and a time in which they will be
A specific objective implies something concrete and well-defined as a goal.

For an objective to be specifically defined, it should answer the following questions:

• Who is involved?
• What do I want to achieve?
• Where do I want to achieve it?
• When do I want to achieve it?
• What are the real obstacles and limitations to achieving the goal?
• Why do I want to achieve it?

Not specifying what you want to achieve leaves space for doubt and ambiguity, and
therefore does not help to focus efforts or maintain motivation.
When an objective is measurable, it allows for the establishment of
concrete criteria to measure and evaluate progress in order to make the
necessary modifications. Indicators should therefore be measurable.

In this sense, a measurable objective will answer questions such as:

• How much does it cost?

• How many?
• How will I know I have achieved it?
If you want your goals to be successful, try to make them as more
attainable and achievable as possible.

An achievable goal is realistic. Establishing it makes it possible to identify

opportunities or resources that may not have been considered. This implies
that both personal and financial possibilities and limitations have to be
taken into account in its definition.

An achievable goal will answer the questions:

• How can the goal be achieved?

• How achievable is the goal?
A relevant objective is one that is related to other goals and
therefore makes sense in the project as a whole. A realistic
objective is one that takes into account the specific circumstances of
the project in which it is formulated.

To this purpose, it is useful to answer these questions:

• Is it worthy?
• Is this the right time?
• Does it coincide with other efforts or needs?
• Are you the right person?
• Is it appropriate in today's socio-economic environment?
It is important to establish objectives within a time frame, setting a
deadline, because this helps to concentrate all efforts on completing the

A time-bound objective will generally answer the questions:

• When should it be completed?

• What can I do today, tomorrow, in six weeks, in six months, etc.?
How are the objectives defined?

Clearly defined: concrete objectives that are not confusing, unambiguous

and not open to free interpretation.
Measurable: formulated in such a way that they have an achievable result.
Realistic: referring to real processes that can be observed.

How are objectives written?

Objectives are written beginning with an infinitive verb and should be

measurable, allowing to check whether the result is achieved.

Common examples of objectives of a digital marketing plan:

• Increase web traffic.

• Improve web positioning.
• Increase the database.
• Increase the number of conversions.
SMART Objective Structure


actionable Measurable Appropriate and

• Achieve 200 'contact us' conversions via organic

search traffic by the end of the financial year

• Reduce bounce rate from pay-per-click traffic to below

50 per cent across all ads by December

• Increase average order value of website sales to £35

per customer by the end of the quarter.
• Develop a digital marketing plan
• How to define SMART marketing objectives
• How to Formulate and Apply SMART Goals and Objectives?
• How to write SMART goals
• Planning for new objectives? Here is how to create S.M.A.R.T goals

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