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This study aims to measure the influence exerted by the work environment in the formation
of religious tolerance in employees. The background of the researchers to conduct this
research was because there was no research that specifically discussed measuring the
formation of religious tolerance in employees. Yeni Widyastuti's theory is the basis of this
research, namely about the environment which is one of the factors in forming attitudes. This
type of research is quantitative research using simple linear regression. Sampling was based
on probability sampling using random sampling method, so that out of a total population of
101 employees, there were 85 employees as samples. The results of the study indicate that
there is a relationship between the work environment and the formation of religious tolerance.
The correlation is strong and directed. Evidenced by the value of the correlation coefficient of
0.806. The results of the regression test prove that the work environment has an influence on
the formation of employee tolerance. This is evidenced by the significance value of 0.000
<0.05 and the coefficient of determination (R 2) of 0.649, which means that tolerance can be
explained by the work environment variable of 65%, and obtains a t count value of 12,398
greater than ttable 1.989, it is concluded that the work environment influences positive attitude
towards religious tolerance of employees.
Keyword: Work Environment, Employee Religious Tolerance
BANTUL YOGYAKARTA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh yang
diberikan oleh lingkungan kerja dalam pembentukan sikap toleransi beragama pegawai. Hal
yang melatarbelakangi peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian ini dikarenakan belum adanya
penelitian yang membahas secara spesifik dalam mengukur pembentukan sikap toleransi
beragama pegawai. Teori Yeni Widyastuti merupakan dasar penelitian ini, yaitu tentang
lingkungan yang menjadi salah satu faktor pembentukan sikap. Jenis penelitian ini adalah
penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan korelasi bivariat dan regresi linier sederhana.
Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan probability sampling dengan metode random sampling,
sehingga dari jumlah populasi sebanyak 101 pegawai yang menjadi sampel atau responden,
yaitu sebanyak 85 pegawai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara
lingkungan kerja dan pembentukan sikap toleransi beragama. Korelasi tergolong kuat dan
terarah. Dibuktikan dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0.806. Dari hasil uji regresi
membuktikan bahwa lingkungan kerja memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembentukan sikap
toleransi pegawai. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai signifikansi 0.000 < 0.05 dan nilai
koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0.649 yang artinya sikap toleransi mampu diterangkan
oleh variabel lingkungan kerja sebesar 65%, serta memperoleh nilai t hitung sebesar 12.398 lebih
besar dari ttabel 1.989, maka disimpulkan bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap
sikap toleransi beragama pegawai.

Katakunci: Lingkungan Kerja, Sikap Toleransi Beragama Pegawai

A. Introduction
Conflicts related to SARA often occur in Indonesia, especially those related to
religion. Conflicts related to religion in the range from January 1990 to August 2008 totaled
274 cases.1 The solution given in addressing this problem is education based on multicultural
education initiated by James A. Banks. The world of work can be overcome with a new
paradigm through a multicultural organization with a multicultural education strategy. 2 This
is useful for employees in getting fair and tolerant treatment.
Previous studies have discussed building multicultural understanding, implementing
strategies related to forming an attitude of tolerance, strategies for building religious
harmony, and measuring the level of tolerance that compares the tolerance levels of
minorities and the majority. Research related to strategies in the formation of an attitude of
tolerance is done by having a spiritual work. 3 . Nureyzwan Sabani (2017) argues that spiritual
work influences organizational citizenship behavior. In building harmony is done by
coaching.4 Nurdin et al., (2018) argue that Project Citizen training is able to influence the
strengthening of teacher nationalism readiness. 5 Meanwhile, according to Adrian (2018) with
social interaction that exists together with good communication, an attitude of tolerance
between people will be formed.6
Meanwhile, research that measures the level of tolerance in Muslim minority areas,
namely in Bali, Maluku and Papua, shows that the level of religious tolerance is high in terms
of freedom of religion.7 Meanwhile, Cahyo Pamungkas' research (2014) stated that the
relationship between Muslims and Hindus in Buleleng is relatively peaceful because religious
leaders can resolve disturbances in religious tolerance by means of dialogue. 8 According to
Lestantan Budiman (2014) the UPN Academic environment still needs coaching to foster an
attitude of tolerance, because the attitude of tolerance for new students and final year students
is quite tolerant. Meanwhile, lecturers and employees are classified as lacking tolerance. 9
From some of the above studies focus on building harmony and living with an attitude
of tolerance. However, previous research in building harmony and tolerance was the strategy
used, namely training, coaching, good communication. In addition, measuring the level of
tolerance among religious believers. Meanwhile, this study will discuss the formation of
religious tolerance in employees through the work environment. The environment is one of

Christiany Juditha, ‘Jurnalisme Damai Dalam Berita Konflik Agama Tolikara Di Tempo.Com’,
Jurnal Penelitian Komunikasi Dan Opini Publik, 20.2 (2016).
Achmad Supriyanto, ‘Strategi Dalam Membangun Organisasi Multikultural’, Jurnal Administrasi
Pendidikan, 1 (2016).
Nureyzwan Sabani, ‘Hubungan Spiritualitas Kerja Dengan Prilaku Kewargaan Organisasi (OCB)
Pada Karyawan Perusahaan Jasa Cleaning Service PT. Niti Karja Bersama’ (Universitas
Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2017).
Babay Barmawei and Fadhila Humaira, ‘Strategi Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama Islam Dalam
Membina Toleransi Umat Beragama’, Jurnal Dakwah Dan Komunikasi, 9.2 (2018).
Encep Syarief Nurdin and others, ‘Pembinaan Nasionalisme Guru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Melalui Pelatihan Project Citizen Di Kabupaten Kuningan’, Sosietas, 8.2 (2018).
Angga Hanindya Wardhana, ‘Pengaruh Terpaan Berita Kericuhan Suporter Sepak Bola Indonesia Di
Televesi Terhadap Kecemasan Masyarakat Kota Malang Menonton Bola’, Carbohydrate Polymers,
Ainna Amalia and Ricorda Freedom Nanuru, ‘Toleransi Beragama Masyarakat Bali, Papua,
Maluku’, Jurnal Pendidikan Komunikasi Dan Pemikiran Hukum Islam, 9.2 (2014).
Cahyo Pamungkas, ‘Toleransi Beragama Dalam Praktik Sosial (Studi Kasus Hubungan Mayoritas
Dan Minoritas Agama Di Kabupaten Buleleng)’, Episteme, 9.2 (2014).
Lestantan Budiman, ‘Mengukur Budaya Dan Nasionalisme Di Lingkungan Civitas Akademika UPN
(Veteran) Yogyakarta’, Jurnal Akademik UPN, 16.2 (2012).
the factors forming a person's attitude. In accordance with the opinion expressed by Yeni
Widyastuti that attitude is not a trait, but attitude is the result of individual interaction with
the environment.10 A conducive work environment is expected to have a good impact on
employees by building a harmonious work environment regardless of religion, mutual
respect, and respect for employee beliefs. This will provide comfort for employees while in
the work environment.
This research was conducted to prove how much influence the work environment has
on the formation of religious tolerance of employees of the Ministry of Religion of Bantul
Regency. The environment of the Bantul Regency Ministry of Religion Office has employees
of different religions and beliefs, so it can be said that the environment of the Ministry of
Religion Office is multicultural.
B. Discussion
1. Work Environment
According to Banks & Banks, multicultural organizations are proven to be able to
help employees of different races and ethnic groups in developing positive attitudes if the
situations and conditions of the organization have a multicultural perspective. The
strategy used in building a multicultural organization can be implemented through
education. From the ways of organizing multicultural organizational education,
multicultural education is the reference. Employees should be able to understand the
characteristics of fellow employees, including their cultural background. Aspects that are
the focus of educational strategy in multicultural organizations which are the adoption of
the Great School Partnership, namely learning content, student (employees) cultures,
critical analysis and resource allocation.11
First, learning content, in the implementation of this education by providing
materials and programs related to diverse cultures or the beauty of existing diversity.
Second, student (employees) culturest, employees including superiors, subordinates, and
among co-workers want to learn about their cultural background. Third, critical
analysis, employees carry out cultural analysis that can cause prejudice among fellow
employees. Fourth, resource allocation, in this case the implementation of a
multicultural organization requires the principle of justice and being able to treat fellow
employees fairly according to their achievements without discriminating against culture,
religion and race.
Implementation of multicultural organizational education is expected to have an
impact on the formation of employee attitudes. According to Yeni Widyastuti, attitude is
not a trait, but attitude is the result of individual interaction with the environment.
Therefore, the formation of attitudes is largely influenced by the environment and
experience.12 Likewise, according to Nitisemito, the work environment is everything that
influences employees in carrying out the assigned tasks. 13 If employees have a work
environment that is multicultural, harmonious, comfortable and safe, employees will feel

Umi Farida and Sri Hartono, Buku Ajar Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia II (Ponorogo: Unmuh
Ponorogo Press, 2016).
Sri Soryani, ‘Penanaman Sikap Toleransi Di Kelas V SD Negeri Siyono III Kecamatan Playen
Kabupaten Gunung Kidul’ (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2015).
Hendra Winarta Simamora, Djamur Hamid, and Arik Prasetya, ‘Motivasi Kerja Karyawan ( Studi
Pada Karyawan Hotel Atria & Konferensi Malang)’, Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB), 31.1 (2016),
at home in the work environment. Sedamayanti divides the work environment into two,
namely the physical and non-physical work environment. First, the physical work
environment, namely conditions that can affect employees directly or indirectly at work.
These conditions are physical in the form of lighting, air condition, coloring, and
security. Second, the non-physical work environment, namely all conditions related to
work relations, both the relationship between superiors and subordinates or a
combination of co-workers and subordinates.14
In line with Sedamayanti's opinion, according to Alex Nitisemito, companies
should be able to reflect conditions that support cooperation between superiors,
subordinates, and have the same position status in the company. The conditions created
are a harmonious family atmosphere, good communication, and self-control. Likewise
with the opinion of Prof. Myon Lee, originator of the theory in Human Resource
Management, quoted by Sentoso, stated that company management should build a
climate and working atmosphere that can evoke a sense of kinship to achieve common
goals. The non-physical work environment is divided into three types, namely
employees' feelings of security, employee loyalty, and employee satisfaction.15
From the division of the three categories of non-physical work environment, three
indicators of the work environment are obtained in the form of supervision, work
atmosphere, and treatment. First, supervision. This is related to superiors who supervise
their subordinates in completing their duties continuously and use a strict system in the
form of a sense of security from employees both inside and at work. Second, the work
atmosphere. The work atmosphere is a situation where employees are influenced by their
mindset and interactions with co-workers, both positive and negative. Third, treatment.
The attitude or actions of an employee affect the actions he will receive from his co-
workers as well. Thus, the attitude that should be given or carried out between fellow
employees is in the form of a good attitude, humane, not equated with a robot or
machine, establishing family relationships, and getting fair treatment. With this treatment
will have an impact on the formation of employee tolerance.
The two divisions of the types of environment above both have an influence on
employees in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. However, the non-physical
work environment is more influential in the formation of employee tolerance. This is
evidenced by the factors of the work atmosphere, supervision from superiors, and
behavior or interactions that are kinship in the environment, especially in terms of
employee interactions between colleagues of different religions. Will co-workers of
different religions be tolerant of each other or vice versa. If a tolerant work environment
can be formed, employees will feel comfortable in their workplace.

2. Attitude of Religious Tolerance

Sri Rejeki, ‘Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Dan Non Fisik Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Di Sekolah
Dasar Negeri Sinduadi Timur Sleman’, Jurnal Manajemen, 4.1 (2014).
Robby Alam Fath, ‘Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik Dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan Terhadap
Kepuasan Kerja (Studi Pada Karyawan Hotel Bintang Dua Di Yogyakarta)’ (Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta, 2015).
Tolerance is in the form of mutual respect, respect, and permissibility of beliefs,
principles or all that distinguishes fellow human beings. There are two kinds of
tolerance, First, tolerance towards fellow religions is tolerance which includes issues of
belief in human beings related to faith or related to the God they believe in. This is if,
internally, the tolerance for Muslims is in the form of leniency (rukhshah) and taysir
(ease) for individual Muslims regarding some matters that have been prescribed by law.
Second, inter-religious tolerance which means a human attitude as a religious community
and has the belief to respect and appreciate people of other religions.namely tolerance
towards fellow religions and tolerance between religious communities.16
In the Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Mumtahanah verse 8 it is mentioned among religious
adherents to live by doing good, being fair and honest to anyone.

‫ۚ َال َيْنَهاُك ْم َلْم ُيَقاِتُلْو ُك ْم ِفْي الِّدْيِن َو َلْم ُيْخ ِر ُجْو ُك ْم ِم ْن ِدَياِر ُك ْم َأْن َتَبُّر ْو ُهْم َو ُتْقِس ُطْو ا ِإَلْيُك ْم‬

٨﴿ ‫﴾ِإَّن َﷲ ُيِح ُّب اْلُم ْقِسِط ْيَن‬

Meaning: "God does not forbid you to do good and be fair to those who do not
fight because of religion and do not (also) expel you from your country. Verily, Allah
loves those who act justly.”17
In the interpretation of al-Muyassar interprets from the letter Al-Muntahanah
verse 8 that Allah does not forbid you (O you believers) to respect and act fairly by doing
good and doing good to the disbelievers who do not fight you because of their religion
and not expel you from your country. Verily Allah loves those who are just in their
words and deeds. In responding to religious conflicts in Indonesia, the Ministry of
Religion made an effort by socializing the importance of having an attitude that is not
extreme, not leaning to the left or right, and responding to it by taking sides in the
According to the Secretary of the Director General of Community Guidance, the
Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Drs. H. Tarmizi Tohor, MA, religious
moderation is a moderate way of viewing religion, namely understanding and practicing
religious teachings without extremes, be it the extreme left or the extreme right.
Moderation means between tasyaddud and tasahhul, not to the edge or in Arabic which
means a wasathi (moderate) attitude to life. In Indonesia, where the majority of the
population is Muslim, the attitude of Islamic moderation is minimal in the form of
acknowledging the existence and diversity of other parties, tolerance, respect for
differences of opinion, and not forcing their will, let alone by means of violence. The
indicators of religious tolerance that are carried out and practiced in the work
environment are acceptance, respect, patience, and freedom.18
In this study, the tolerance that will be examined is the formation of an attitude of
tolerance between religious communities. The work environment formed by family ties
Dewi Anggraeni and Siti Suhartinah, ‘Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama Perspektif KH. Ali Mustafa
Yaqub’, Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an, 14.1 (2018).
Al Quran Dan Terjemahan (Jakarta: Syamil Al Quran).
Nela Karmila Mandarnnawa, ‘Pengaruh Tingkat Toleransi Beragama Terhadap Interaksi Sosial
Peserta Didik Kelas XI Di SMK Negeri 7 Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016’ (Universitas Negero
Walisongo Semarang, 2016).
can shape employee attitudes. Employee tolerance can increase if the work environment
is multicultural and there is awareness of multiculturalism in the work environment. In
line with Saliro's opinion (2019) that the environment is one of the factors that has an
influence on the attitudes and behavior of religious people to respect and respect one
another between religions.19
3. Method
This study uses a quantitative method with regression analysis. Quantitative
research is carried out using seductive methods with the aim of confirming or testing
existing theories. Data collection uses a questionnaire, which consists of several
statements to be answered by respondents. In calculating the scoring is done using a
Likert scale. It consists of five answer choices and gives a score for each of the choices
from strongly agree to disagree. Indicators of each variable, including work environment
variables consisting of supervision, work atmosphere, treatment. Meanwhile, the variable
attitude of religious tolerance consists of accepting, appreciating, patient, freedom.
The population of this study were employees of the Ministry of Religion of
Bantul Regency, totaling 101 employees. Sampling was carried out using a random
sampling technique using a random table. This is because every employee of the
Ministry of Religion of Bantul Regency has the same opportunity (probability sampling)
to become a respondent. The sample size is known using the Slovin formula, 20 that is
equal to 81 respondents. However, when in the field the researchers distributed
questionnaires to the entire population and got 85 employees as samples. Of these, it is
representative or represents the characteristics of the population.
Testing the validity of using the Correlate Bivariate method, from the results of
the validity test of the work environment variable, there are 12 questions, all of which are
declared varid because the significance number is less than α = 0.05. Likewise with the
results of the validity test of the employee's religious tolerance attitude variable, all were
declared valid. Test the reliability of the research instrument using the Cronbach's alpha
technique with the provision that if Cronbach's alpha ≥ 0.7 it is stated that the item items
are reliable. Darrem George and Paul Mallery divided the reliability test criteria based on
Cronbach's alpha, namely:21

Table 1: Instrument Reliability Test Criteria

Nilai Cronbach’s Alpha Kategori

Lebih dari atau sama dengan 0,900 Excellent (Sempurna)
0,800 – 0,899 Good (Baik)
0,700 – 0,799 Acceptable (Diterima)
0,600 – 0,699 Questionable (Dipertanyakan)
0,500 – 0,599 Poor (Lemah)
Kurang dari 0,500 Unacceptable
(Tidak Diterima)

The results of the work environment variable reliability test with a Cronbach's
alpha value of 0.903 is greater than 0.7 so that the work environment variable is declared

Saliro (2019)
Christo Ade, ‘Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik Dan Non Fisik Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pt.
Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Makassar Kartini’, 2014, 1–106.
Darren George and Paul Mallery, SPPS For Windowa Step by Step! A Simple Guide and References
(Boston: A Ilynd Bacon, 2003).
reliable with the perfect category. Meanwhile, the Cronbach's alpha value of the variable
attitude of religious tolerance is 0.921 > 0.7 so that it is declared reliable with the perfect

Table 2: Work Environment Correlation and Employee Religious Tolerance

From the results of the bivariate correlation test between work environment
variables and religious tolerance attitudes, a significance value of 0.000 is obtained. The
significance value is less than α = 0.05 and the correlation coefficient is 0.806, which
means that there is a relationship between the work environment variable and the attitude
variable of religious tolerance. The correlation that occurs is strong and has a positive
sign, which means the same direction. The higher the level of the work environment, the
higher the religious tolerance of employees.
Table 3: Modal Summary

From the table above it is known that the work environment variable has a
relationship with the employee's religious tolerance attitude variable as indicated by the
correlation coefficient or R of 0.806. Meanwhile, the value of the coefficient of
determination (R2) is 0.649, which means that the variability of religious tolerance
among employees can be explained by the variability of the work environment by 65%
and 35% by other variables not examined in this study.22
Table 4: Coefficientsa

From the simple linear regression test, the t count value of the work environment
variable is 12,398 > ttable = 1,989. In addition, the significance value is 0.000 < α = 0.05.
Thus, it can be concluded that the work environment influences the attitude of religious
tolerance of employees with a significant positive contribution of 79%.
4. Discussion

Josep F Healey, Statistics a Tool for Social Research (San Manno California: Wadsworth
Publishing Company, 1996).
The results of the research are in line with the research conducted by Nureyzwan
Sabani which states that one of the strategies in forming an attitude of tolerance is to
have a spiritual work. This is evidenced by the results of the study with a correlation
value of 0.953 and a significance of 0.000, which means that there is a positive and
significant relationship between spiritual work and civic behavior.
Multicultural organizations have proven capable of assisting employees of
different races and ethnic groups in developing positive attitudes. According to Banks &
Banks, an organization also needs multicultural education, this can be done in an
organization with a multicultural perspective. There are four aspects that are the focus of
education in multicultural organizations which are the adoption of the Great School
Partnership, namely learning content, student (employees) cultures, critical analysis, and
resource allocation. The theory described above regarding multicultural education is
closely related to a culture of tolerance in the work environment.
According to Yeni Widyastuti, the environment is one of the factors in forming a
person's attitude. In an organization, the work environment is divided into two, namely
the physical work environment and non-physical work environment. The environment
that influences the formation of employee attitudes is a non-physical work environment.
There are three non-physical work environment indicators, namely supervision, work
atmosphere, and treatment. The leader or head of the office of the Ministry of Religion of
Bantul Yogyakarta Regency supervises employees by supervising their subordinates in
completing their tasks, providing a sense of security, and providing for the needs of their
subordinates without discriminating against ethnic, racial, cultural and religious
Meanwhile, based on the theory of religious tolerance according to Handayani,
there are four indicators of religious tolerance, including accepting different religions,
beliefs and beliefs that are believed; Appreciate by giving recognition or appreciation for
employee trust; be patient or refrain from committing acts of insulting religion or acting
intolerantly; and freedom in choosing the religion to adhere to, belief, or beliefs that are
Among the employees of the Ministry of Religion of Bantul Regency, they have
accepted each other's differences, respected each other, and did not engage in intolerant
behavior; as well as providing freedom in choosing beliefs, beliefs, and religion without
any coercion. This can be realized with activities, coaching organized by the Ministry of
Religion and good communication between fellow employees.
From the efforts made by the Ministry of Religion, Bantul, in accordance with
Donal Adrian's research at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the Christian
University of Indonesia in establishing harmony between employees of different
religions with the efforts made by the campus to break the fast together for Muslim
employees and students. Likewise with Christian employees, the campus gave greetings
and helped Christmas activities held on campus. This can be done with good
One of the factors that influence employee tolerance is through the work
environment. In accordance with the opinion of Saliro (2019) that the environment is one
of the factors that has an influence on the attitudes and behavior of religious people to
respect and respect one another between religions.25 From the results of research that has
Donal Adrian, ‘Kecerdasan Berkomunikasi Perbedaan Agama (Studi Kasus Pada Pegawai Kristen
Dan Pegawai Beragam Islam Di FISIPOL Universitas Kristen Indonesia’, DiMCC Conference
Proceeding, 5.1 (2018).
Saliro (2019)
been carried out at the office of the Ministry of Religion, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta by
distributing questionnaires to 85 respondents. This research was conducted by bivariate
correlation test which showed the number 0.806. That is, the relationship between work
environment (X) and religious tolerance of employees (Y) is in the very strong category
because it is in the interval 0.80-0.100. 26 The direction of the relationship between the
two variables is positive, which means that if the work environment is conducive, the
employee's religious tolerance will be higher and vice versa. If the work environment is
increasingly not conducive, the attitude of religious tolerance of employees will be
The results of the simple linear regression test show that the level of work
environment significantly influences the level of religious tolerance of employees. This
is evidenced by a significance value of 0.000 which is smaller than α = 0.05 at a 95%
confidence level. In addition, the results of the study also showed a t count of 12,398 > ttable
= 1,989. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.649. That is, the variability of
employees' religious tolerance attitudes can be explained by the work environment
variable of 65%. Meanwhile, 35% is explained by other factors.
C. Conclusion
This study aims to see how much influence the work environment has on the
formation of religious tolerance attitudes of employees of the Ministry of Religion of Gayo
Lues Regency. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the work
environment has a significant positive influence on employees' religious tolerance. Thus, it is
expected to conduct other research that discusses further related to other factors that are able
to shape the attitude of religious tolerance of employees.


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