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Rain, I’m Just Like You

Rain, rain, go away

Come again another day
My frivolous heart wants to play
Oh, rain, won’t you leave me today?

We always have a bad history

When life burdens me more than I can carry
Comes with your lightning that bellows through without mercy
When my happiness seems to be stuck in eternity
You come in unwelcomed, breaking the illusory

Little did I know I’m just like you

Your life and mine are a cycle too

The way you accumulate and fall on the hard ground

Is the same way my emotions bounce off all around
How you drizzle down with a softer sound
Then come pouring with a clash that abounds
Eventually, when you start to simmer down
Is when everything I’ve lost seems to be found

Rain, rain, come my way

For now, I know these nightmares won’t stay
Wash away my terrors and shadows of grey
Your trickling presence will keep me at bay
Oh, rain, will you accompany me today?

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