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A Systematic Review of the Management of Autonomic

Dysreflexia After Spinal Cord Injury
Andrei Krassioukov, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Darren E. Warburton, PhD, Robert Teasell, MD, FRCPC,
Janice J. Eng, BSc (PT/OT), PhD, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence Research Team
ABSTRACT. Krassioukov A, Warburton DE, Teasell R, Eng Key Words: Autonomic dysreflexia; Rehabilitation; Spinal
JJ, Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Evidence Research Team. A cord injuries.
systematic review of the management of autonomic dysreflexia © 2009 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation
after spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2009;90:682-95. Medicine
Objective: To review systematically the clinical evidence on
strategies to prevent and manage autonomic dysreflexia (AD). UTONOMIC DYSREFLEXIA IS a well known clinical
Data Sources: A key word search of several databases
(Medline, CINAHL, EMBASE, and PsycINFO), in addition to
A emergency in subjects who have had an SCI. It especially
occurs in patients with an injury at level T6 or above. An1-3

manual searches of retrieved articles, was undertaken to iden- episode of AD is characterized by the acute elevation of arterial
tify all English-language literature evaluating the efficacy of blood pressure and bradycardia, although tachycardia also may
interventions for AD. occur. Objectively, an increase in systolic blood pressure
Study Selection: Studies selected for review included ran- greater than 20 to 30mmHg is considered a dysreflexic epi-
domized controlled trials (RCTs), prospective cohort studies, sode.2 However, because the usual resting arterial blood pres-
and cross-sectional studies. Treatments reviewed included sure in subjects with cervical and high thoracic SCI is approx-
pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for the imately 15 to 20mmHg lower than in able-bodied subjects,3,4
management of AD in subjects with spinal cord injury. Studies acute elevation of blood pressure to healthy or slightly elevated
that failed to assess AD outcomes (eg, blood pressure) or ranges could indicate AD in this population. AD can present
symptoms (eg, headaches, sweating) were excluded. with a variety of symptoms (appendix 1) and can vary in
Data Extraction: Studies were critically reviewed and assessed intensity from asymptomatic,5,6 to mild discomfort and head-
for their methodologic quality by 2 independent reviewers. ache, to a life-threatening emergency, such as when systolic
Data Synthesis: Thirty-one studies were assessed, including blood pressure climbs to 300mmHg.3 Untreated episodes of
6 RCTs. Preventative strategies to reduce the episodes of AD AD may have serious consequences, including intracranial
caused by common triggers (eg, urogenital system, surgery) hemorrhage, retinal detachment, seizures, and death.7-11
primarily were supported by level 4 (pre-post studies) and level It has been observed that the higher the injury level, the
5 (observational studies) evidence. The initial acute nonphar- greater the degree of clinically manifest cardiovascular dys-
macologic management of an episode of AD (ie, positioning function.12-14 Another important factor relating to the severity
the patient upright, loosening tight clothing, eliminating any of AD is the completeness of the spinal injury; only 27% of
precipitating stimulus) is supported by clinical consensus and patients with incomplete tetraplegia present with signs of AD,
physiologic data (level 5 evidence). The use of antihyperten- in comparison with 91% of patients with tetraplegia with
sive drugs in the presence of sustained elevated blood pressure complete lesions.13 While AD occurs more often in the chronic
is supported by level 1 (prazosin) and level 2 evidence (nifed- stage of SCI at or above the sixth thoracic segment, there also
ipine and prostaglandin E2). is clinical evidence of episodes of AD in the first days and
Conclusions: A variety of options are available to prevent weeks after injury.14,15
AD (eg, surgical, pharmacologic) and manage the acute epi- A variety of nonnoxious or noxious stimuli can trigger
sode (elimination of triggers, pharmacologic); however, these episodes of AD.2,3 However, AD most commonly is triggered
options are predominantly supported by evidence from non- by irritation of the urinary bladder or colon. Physiologically,
controlled trials, and more rigorous trials are required. AD is caused by a massive sympathetic discharge triggered by
either a noxious or nonnoxious stimulus originating below the
level of the SCI.16 Numerous reports of AD have been de-
scribed in the literature. Symptoms usually are short-lived,
From the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (Krassioukov, War- either because of treatment or because the episode itself is
burton, Eng); Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Krassioukov), De- self-limiting. However, there have been reports of AD, trig-
partment of Physical Therapy (Krassioukov, Eng), Cardiovascular Physiology and gered by a specific stimulus, being sustained for periods rang-
Rehabilitation Laboratory and Experimental Medicine (Warburton), University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabili-
ing from days to weeks.17 Numerous different mechanisms
tation, University of Western Ontario, London, ON (Teasell); and the Rehabilitation
Research Laboratory, G.F. Rehabilitation Centre, Vancouver, BC (Eng), Canada.
Supported by the Rick Hansen Man in Motion Foundation and the Ontario Neu-
rotrauma Fund, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, and the Canadian List of Abbreviations
Institutes of Health Research.
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research AD autonomic dysreflexia
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organi-
D&B Downs and Black
zation with which the authors are associated.
Reprint requests to Andrei Krassioukov, MD, PhD, FRCPC, ICORD, ICORD- FES functional electrical stimulation
BSCC, UBC818 W 10th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 1M9. e-mail: PEDro Physiotherapy Evidence Database RCT randomized controlled trial
0003-9993/09/9004-00416$36.00/0 SCI spinal cord injury

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


have been proposed as potentially responsible for the develop- from common triggers (eg, from the urogenital system, gastro-
ment of AD. It is known from animal experiments that auto- intestinal system, general surgery, exercise)31-48; and (2) ther-
nomic instability after SCI results from changes occurring apeutic management strategies, either acute or chronic, for
within the spinal and peripheral autonomic circuits, both in the AD.45,49-61 The management of AD included both nonpharma-
acute and chronic stages after injury.16,18-20 Destruction of the cologic and pharmacologic strategies. The pharmacologic stud-
descending vasomotor pathways results in the loss of inhibitory ies assessed nifedipine (n⫽5),49-53 captopril (n⫽1),54 terazosin
and excitatory supraspinal input to the sympathetic pregangli- (n⫽3),55-57 prazosin (n⫽1),58 phenoxybenzamine (n⫽2),50,59
onic neurons and is currently considered to be the predominant prostaglandin E2 (n⫽1),60 sildenafil (n⫽1),61 and nitrates
factor underlying the unstable blood pressure that tends to (n⫽1).45 Only 6 of the 31 studies were RCTs.33,40,41,48,58,61 The
follow SCI.21 Furthermore, the results of numerous animal and RCTs had PEDro scores ranging from 5 to 10 (good to excel-
human studies suggest that changes within the spinal cord lent). Most non-RCT trials had D&B scores lower than 15 out
(specifically spinal sympathetic neurons and primary afferents) of 28 points.
underlie the abnormal cardiovascular control and AD after
SCI.19,22-25 Altered sensitivity of peripheral alpha-adrenergic Preventative Strategies
receptors (receptors in the sympathetic nervous system) is 1
mechanism that may contribute.26,27 The largest proportion of preventative studies focused on the
The purpose of this systematic review is to provide an management of AD triggered by stimuli originating within the
overview of the clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of the urogenital system (n⫽14). These studies assessed interventions
various strategies currently used to prevent and manage AD in intended to prevent AD during the evaluation of urinary blad-
the SCI population. These findings were part of the Spinal Cord der function and during invasive procedures (n⫽9),31-39 ano-
Injury Rehabilitation Evidence project (the details of which are rectal procedures (n⫽2),40,41 pregnancy and labor (n⫽4),42-45
available at general surgery (n⫽2),46,47 and FES exercise (n⫽1).48 The
characteristics and outcomes of studies assessing preventative
METHODS strategies for AD are presented in table 1.
A keyword literature search of original articles, previous
practice guidelines, and review articles was conducted to iden- Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia During
tify all English-language literature, published from 1950 to Bladder Procedures
2007, evaluating the efficacy of any intervention related to AD Urinary bladder irritation or distention is the most widely
in the SCI population. Population key words—spinal cord recognized trigger of AD after SCI.5,35,62 The first proposed
injury, paraplegia, tetraplegia, and quadriplegia—were indi- defense against AD triggered by urinary bladder irritation
vidually paired with autonomic dysreflexia, autonomic, dysre- consists of a bladder management program and continuous
flexia, blood pressure, nifedipine, phenazopyridine, beta-block- urologic follow-up.63-65 An established bladder management
ers, detrusor hyperreflexia, and detrusor dyssynergia. Studies program, with intermittent catheterization or an indwelling
that did not have outcomes evaluating AD (eg, blood pressure) Foley catheter, allows people with SCI to plan for bladder
or AD symptoms (eg, headaches, sweating) were excluded. emptying when convenient or as necessary.66 However, no
The keyword search yielded 2168 articles related to AD after studies were identified that specifically assessed the effect of
SCI. A total of 2138 articles were removed from the sample bladder management programs on AD symptoms.
because they did not have outcomes evaluating AD or AD Urologic follow-up includes annual urodynamic evaluations
symptoms, leaving 31 articles from which data could be ex- and cystoscopy, depending on the bladder management pro-
tracted. gram. During the last decade, these strategies have decreased
The rigor and quality of each study were scored by 2 inde- the frequency of urinary tract infections and the development
pendent reviewers. We used the 11-item PEDro Scale28 to of renal failure in subjects with SCI.67,68 However, conserva-
score RCTs and a modified version of the D&B tool29 to score tive management is not always successful, and alternative
non-RCTs. Maximum scores for the PEDro and D&B instru- strategies (eg, botulinum toxin, capsaicin, anticholinergics, sa-
ments are 10 and 28, respectively, with higher scores indicating cral denervation, bladder and urethral sphincter surgery) are
better methodologic quality. required to decrease afferent stimulation from the urinary blad-
The description by Sackett et al30 of levels of evidence was der, thereby preventing the development of AD. In addition,
used to draw conclusions about the studies based on the study urodynamic and cystoscopy procedures themselves are associ-
design. We collapsed Sackett’s30 levels of evidence into 5 ated with significant activation of urinary bladder afferents and
categories, where level 1 evidence was attributed to good to have the potential to trigger AD5,53,69,70; consequently, strate-
excellent RCTs with a PEDro score of 6 or higher; and level 2 gies to reduce afferent stimulation are necessary during these
evidence corresponded to RCTs with PEDro scores of 5 or less, procedures.
nonprospective RCTs, and cohort studies. Evidence from case
control studies was assigned to level 3. Level 4 corresponded to
Botulinum Toxin for the Prevention of
evidence from pre-post/posttest or case series; and evidence
was categorized as level 5 if it was derived from observational Autonomic Dysreflexia Resulting From
reports, case reports involving a single subject, or clinical Detrusor-Sphincter Dyssynergia
consensus.29 We did not require a minimum sample size per Two pre-post test studies (n⫽42)31,32 found that the injection
study because of the relatively limited number of publications of botulinum toxin into the detrusor muscle or bladder sphinc-
in this field. Note that it is possible to have a small RCT (level ter is an effective method of treating urinary incontinence
2) with poor quality (eg, high dropout rate, incorrect statistical secondary to neurogenic detrusor overactivity and bladder
analyses). sphincter dyssynergia. In these conditions, injections of the
botulinum toxin either allow increased urinary bladder capacity
RESULTS (ie, reduced overactivity of the bladder) or facilitate the evac-
The 31 selected articles were categorized according to (1) uation of urine (reduced bladder sphincter dyssynergia). The
preventative strategies to reduce episodes and symptoms of AD duration of the effect has been reported to be up to 9 months.32

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


Table 1: Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia

Author, Year; Country
Methodologic Score
Research Design
Total Sample Size Methods Outcome

Botulinum toxin
Dykstra et al, 198831; USA Population: detrusor sphincter dyssynergia. 1. Urethral pressure profile decreased 27cm H20
D&B score⫽12 Treatment: low-dose botulinum-A toxin at (n⫽7).
Pre-post level 4 the neuromuscular junction. 2. Self-assessed improvement in AD symptoms in
N⫽11 (with AD⫽7) Outcome measures: urethral pressure, AD 5 of 7 patients with AD.
symptoms. 3. Toxin effects lasted an average of 50 days.
Schurch et al, 200032; Switzerland Population: traumatic SCI: 18 patients with 1. At 6-wk follow-up, 17 of 19 patients were
D&B score⫽11 paraplegia, 3 patients with tetraplegia; completely continent.
Pre-post level 4 mean 60.2mo postinjury, incontinence 2. Three patients with tetraplegia with severe AD
N⫽21 resistant to anticholinergic medication. on bladder emptying experienced total,
Treatment: botulinum-A toxin injection permanent resolution of symptoms
(200 –300U) into detrusor muscle. posttreatment.
Outcome measures: voiding and detrusor
pressure, diary of incontinence, AD
symptoms at 6, 16, and 36wk.
Giannantoni et al, 200233; Italy Population: refractory detrusor hyperreflexia. 1. Capsaicin group showed no significant
PEDro⫽6 Treatment: (A) single dose of 2-mmol/L urodynamic or clinical improvement at 30 and
RCT level 1 capsaicin in 30mL ethanol plus 70mL 0.9% 60d.
N⫽23 NaCl or (B) 100mmol/L resiniferatoxin in 2. Resiniferatoxin group demonstrated significant
100mL 0.9% NaCl. urodynamic improvement at 30d (P⬍.05) and
Outcome measures: urodynamics; frequency 60d (P⬍.001).
of daily catheterizations, incontinent 3. Most patients receiving capsaicin, but none
episodes and side effects. receiving resiniferatoxin, developed AD, limb
spasms, suprapubic discomfort, and hematuria.
Igawa et al, 200334; Japan Population: 5 patients with cervical and 2 1. Capsaicin attenuated elevated blood pressure
D&B score⫽13 patients with thoracic spine injury. secondary to bladder distension (empty or full)
Pre-post level 4 Treatment: bladder instillation with capsaicin (P⬍.01) posttreatment.
N⫽7 solution under general anesthesia. 2. In all subjects, episodes of AD became
Outcome measures: blood pressure, heart negligible and well tolerated for more than
rate, serum catecholamines, blood ethanol 3mo.
Giannantoni et al, 199835; Italy Population: patients with SCI. 1. Presence of uninhibited detrusor muscle
D&B score⫽13 Treatment: anticholinergic drugs. contractions and bladder distension both
Observational level 5 Outcome measures: neurologic, urological, contributed to AD crisis.
N⫽48 and urodynamic evaluation; blood 2. Treatment with an anticholinergic drug was not
pressure, heart rate, AD symptoms. sufficient to prevent AD starting from the
bladder, unless it induced detrusor areflexia.
Sacral denervation
Schurch et al, 199836; Switzerland Population: patients with SCI with AD. 1. Marked elevation in systolic blood pressure
D&B score⫽15 Treatment: sacral deafferentation. and diastolic blood pressure during the
Case series level 4 Outcome measures: continuous noninvasive urodynamic examination in 8 patients, despite
N⫽10 recordings of blood pressure and heart complete intraoperative deafferentation of the
rate during urodynamic recordings, bladder in 5 patients.
preoperative and postoperative data. 2. AD persisted in patients with SCI even after
complete sacral deafferentation, consistently
occurring during the stimulation-induced
voiding phase.
Hohenfellner et al, 200137; Germany Population: detrusor hyperreflexia. 1. Episodes of detrusor hyperreflexia and AD
D&B score⫽11 Treatment: sacral bladder denervation. were eliminated in all cases.
Pre-post level 4 Outcome measures: bladder capacity, blood 2. In the 5 patients with AD, both systolic blood
N⫽9 pressure, symptomatic AD. pressure and diastolic blood pressure were
reduced (196⫾16.9 to 124⫾9.3mmHg; and
114⫾5.1 to 76⫾5.1mmHg, respectively).
Bladder and urethral sphincter
Barton et al, 198638; USA Population: 5 thoracic and 8 cervical SCI, 47 1. Decreased intravesical and urethral pressures
D&B score⫽12 to 285mo postinjury. versus before sphincterotomy (P⬍.001).

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


Table 1 (Cont’d): Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia

Author, Year; Country
Methodologic Score
Research Design
Total Sample Size Methods Outcome

Case series level 4 Treatment: modified transurethral external 2. Decreased blood pressure responses during
N⫽16 sphincterotomy with follow-up to 26wk. urodynamic stimulation (P⬍.01).
Outcome measures: bladder and urethral 3. Other cardiovascular responses related to AD
pressures and volumes, blood pressure. during bladder filling were markedly
Sidi et al, 199039; USA Population: C5–T11 SCI; 9 complete, 3 1. Eleven of 12 patients were continent on clean
D&B score⫽11 incomplete, 2–27y postinjury. intermittent self-catheterization every 4 to 6
Pre-post level 4 Treatment: augmentation enterocystoplasty. hours at 4mo postoperation.
N⫽12 Indications for treatment: incontinence in 10 2. Of the 3 patients who received an artificial
patients; upper urinary tract deterioration urinary sphincter, 2 became continent after
in 5 and persistent AD in 3 patients. sphincter activation, and 1 achieved continence
Outcome measures: functional bladder without sphincter activation. No patients
capacity, levels of blood urea nitrogen, experienced symptoms of AD during
creatinine, electrolytes. intermittent catheterization postoperatively.
Anorectal procedures
Cosman and Vu, 200540; USA Population: complete SCI, mean 15–25y 1. Patients receiving lidocaine had reduced
PEDro⫽9 postinjury, C7⫾3 level of injury. increases in systolic blood pressure
RCT level 1 Treatment: intersphincteric anal block with (22⫾14mmHg) relative to patients assigned
N⫽25 either: (1) 300mg 1% lidocaine or (2) placebo (47⫾31mmHg; P⫽.01), suggesting
normal saline (placebo) before reduced AD risk.
sigmoidoscopy or anoscopic hemorrhoid
ligation procedure.
Outcome measures: blood pressure.
Cosman et al, 200241; USA Population: chronic, complete SCI, injury 2. Topical lidocaine had no significant effect on
PEDro⫽8 level of T6 or above, undergoing anoscopy mean maximal systolic blood pressure
RCT level 1 and/or flexible sigmoidoscopies. (increased 35⫾25mmHg vs 45⫾ 30mmHg in
N⫽45 Treatment: (1) 2% topical lidocaine jelly lidocaine and control groups, respectively).
(n⫽18) or (2) nonmedicated lubricant 3. Greater systolic blood pressure increase with
(n⫽32) prior to procedure. anoscopic procedure compared with
Outcome measures: blood pressure. sigmoidoscopic procedures (49⫾29 vs 25⫾
20mmHg, respectively).
Pregnancy and labor
Cross et al, 199242; USA Population: 11 cervical, 11 thoracic SCI. 1. AD was experienced in 9 of 16 patients more
D&B score⫽4 Treatment: epidural anesthesia. than T6.
Case series level 4 Outcome measures: presence of autonomic 2. One patient had 2 grand mal seizures during
N⫽22 hyperreflexia, type of anesthesia, type of labor, possibly triggered by severe AD and the
delivery, complications. subsequent intravenous administration of
3. Epidural anesthesia appeared effective for the
control of AD in the 6 patients to whom it was
Hughes et al, 199143; United Population: 17 pregnancies in 15 women 1. Labor tended to be diagnosed by dysreflexic
Kingdom with SCI, level of injury: T4 –L3. symptoms or membrane rupture with
D&B score⫽4 Treatment: management and outcome of confirmation by palpation of contractions and
Observational level 5 pregnancies in women with SCI. vaginal examination.
N⫽15 Outcome measures: antenatal care and 2. Initial management of AD included elevation of
problems, labor diagnosis and outcome. the head of the bed, nifedipine, and nitrates.
3. AD most effectively controlled by identifying
and interrupting the triggering afferent input.
Cross et al, 199144; USA Population: 7 cervical, 9 thoracic SCI. 1. Among the 16 women, 25 pregnancies
D&B score⫽4 Treatment: questionnaire and hospital occurred, resulting in 22 babies and 3
Observational level 5 records review. spontaneous abortions.
N⫽16 Outcome measures: outcomes of 2. Two of 15 vaginal deliveries and 5 of 7
pregnancies. cesarian sections had AD during delivery, with
4 of these receiving epidural anesthesia for
control of AD.
3. One patient required epidural catheter 5d
postpartum to control AD.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


Table 1 (Cont’d): Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia

Author, Year; Country
Methodologic Score
Research Design
Total Sample Size Methods Outcome
Ravindran et al, 1981 ; USA Population: 19-year-old woman with C5 1. 100mg/min sodium nitroprusside decreased
D&B score⫽6 complete tetraplegia admitted to the systolic blood pressure from 170mmHg to
Case report level 5 obstetrical intensive care unit for intra- 120mmHg caused by vaginal speculum
N⫽1 amniotic prostaglandin F2-alpha injection introduction.
for uterine evacuation of a dead fetus of 2. Prostaglandin induced uterine contraction
20wk gestation. further elevated blood pressure to
Treatment: sodium nitroprusside 200/70mmHg; headache and sweating.
(100 –700mg/min). 3. Administration of 700mg/min of sodium
Outcome measures: blood pressure and AD nitroprusside decreased systolic blood
symptoms. pressure and alleviated AD.
4. After cessation of uterine contraction, patient
developed hypotension (70/30mmHg) requiring
vasopressor therapy.
5. Sodium nitroprusside was stopped and
epidural analgesia initiated for further
management of AD.
Lambert et al, 198246; USA Population: injury level T6 and above, 1. Intraoperative hypertension occurred more
D&B score⫽14 complete SCI, mean 6.5 years postinjury. prominently with topical or no anesthesia (15/
Observational level 5 Treatment: retrospective review of 78 19) compared with general anesthesia (3/13) or
N⫽50 procedures. Three groups: (1) topical spinal anesthesia (3/46).
anesthesia, sedation or no anesthesia 2. Intraoperatively, systolic blood pressure
(n⫽19); (2) general anesthesia (n⫽13); and increased significantly by 37mmHg in patients
(3) spinal anesthesia (n⫽46). receiving topical or no anesthesia. No
Outcome measures: blood pressure. significant difference in blood pressure change
between the general and spinal anesthesia
groups (P⫽.11).
Eltorai et al, 199747; USA Population: injury level C1–T10, mean of 1. AD occurred most commonly during the start
D&B score⫽4 22.3y postinjury. of anesthesia (induction), with the greatest
Observational level 5 Treatment: retrospective review of anesthetic frequency when no anesthesia was provided.
N⫽591 methods during surgery. 2. During induction, systolic blood pressure
Outcome measures: blood pressure. increased in 69%, 65%, 62%, 52%, 52%, and
89% of cases during the usage of combined
anesthetics (local anesthesia and intravenous
sedation), intravenous sedation, local
anesthesia, spinal or epidural anesthesia, and
general anesthesia, respectively.
FES exercise
Matthews et al, 199748; Canada Population: injury level C4 –C7, complete SCI, 1. No differences in heart rate, blood pressure, or
PEDro⫽7 3–21y postinjury. catecholamine responses or FES force were
RCT level 4 Treatment: randomized to (1) topical seen between intervention and comparison
N⫽7 anesthetic or (2) placebo creams applied groups.
to quadriceps during graded FES exercise.
Outcome measures: heart rate, blood
pressure, serum catecholamines.

Both studies assessing the use of botulinum toxin were level 4 Intravesical Capsaicin for the Prevention of
and demonstrated a positive treatment effect. In fact, after Autonomic Dysreflexia Resulting From Bladder
botulinum toxin treatment for AD associated with bladder Sphincter Dyssynergia
emptying, AD appeared to disappear completely in 3 subjects
with tetraplegia, with no recurrence even after the toxin pre- One RCT (n⫽23)33 and 1 pre-post study (n⫽7)34 evaluated
sumably had lost all effect.32 the effect of capsaicin, an extract from red peppers. Capsaicin
Conclusions. Based on the results of 2 pre-post stud- exerts a selective action on certain sensory nerves, most nota-
ies,31,32 there is level 4 evidence that botulinum toxin injections bly those involved in reflex contractions of the bladder after
into the detrusor muscle may be a safe and effective therapeutic SCI. In their pre-post study, Igawa et al34 demonstrated that
option in patients with SCI who perform clean intermittent intravesical capsaicin diminishes the number of episodes of AD
self-catheterization and have incontinence that is resistant to in patients with SCI during catheterization, suggesting a ther-
anticholinergic medication. apeutic potential of intravesical capsaicin for both AD and

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


detrusor hyperreflexia in patients with SCI. The high-quality rarely performed because they are associated with significant
RCT by Giannantoni et al33 (PEDro⫽6) used an analog of risks, including hemorrhage and erectile dysfunction,71 and the
capsaicin (resiniferatoxin) that is more than 1000 times more need for repeat procedures.72 Thus, alternatives have been
potent than capsaicin itself at desensitizing C-fiber bladder investigated, such as urethral stents and botulinum toxin (Bo-
afferents, and also identified a reduced number of AD episodes tox) injections.71 Augmentation enterocystoplasty has demon-
among those receiving active treatment. The investigators also strated long-term success, based on urodynamic evaluations,
found that the intravesical administration of resiniferatoxin was and has been found to reduce the symptoms of AD.39 Entero-
superior to that of intravesical capsaicin in terms of urody- cystoplasty with a Mitrofanoff procedure has become a more
namic results and clinical benefits in patients with SCI within frequent choice of bladder augmentation in subjects with SCI
60 days of treatment, and did not cause the inflammatory side because of more favorable long-term outcomes.
effects associated with capsaicin. However, the long-term ef- Conclusions. Based on 3 pre-post/case series,38,39 there is
fects of capsaicin or resiniferatoxin on AD were not evaluated. level 4 evidence that urinary bladder surgical augmentation
Conclusions. Based on a single pre-post study,34 there is may result in a decrease in intravesical and urethral pressure,
level 4 evidence that intravesical capsaicin may be effective at and may diminish or resolve episodes of AD. Enterocysto-
reducing the frequency of AD in SCI. Based on a single RCT,33 plasty may result in better long-term viability relative to
there is level 1 evidence that intravesical resiniferatoxin is sphincterotomy.
effective at reducing the number of episodes of AD in patients
with SCI, and that it is more effective than intravesical Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia During
capsaicin. Anorectal Procedures
Pain or irritation within the colorectal area is the second
Anticholinergics for the Prevention of
most common cause of AD. Constipation, hemorrhoids, and
Autonomic Dysreflexia anal fissures frequently are observed in patients with SCI and
Anticholinergics are a class of medication that inhibit the contribute to episodes of AD.2,62,73,74 Furthermore, bowel rou-
binding of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to its receptors. tines in subjects with SCI frequently involve digital stimulation
Acetylcholine is released by the parasympathetic nerve fibers that can trigger AD. Rectosigmoid distension and anal manip-
that innervate the urinary bladder and contribute to detrusor ulation are common iatrogenic triggers of AD in this popula-
contraction and the activation of bladder afferents. These af- tion.40 In 2 small RCTs (n⫽70),40,41 topical and local anesthe-
ferent stimuli are responsible for the activation of spinal sym- sia of the anorectal area were compared with respect to the
pathetic circuits that triggers AD. Therefore, anticholinergic prevention of AD during anorectal procedures. Investigators
agents might decrease afferent activation, and consequently demonstrated that anoscopy, which involves stretching of the
AD. However, only 1 study has examined the use of anticho- anal sphincters, was a more potent stimulus for AD than
linergic drugs, and it was a cross-sectional observational study flexible sigmoidoscopy, which involves gaseous distention of
(n⫽48).35 Giannantoni et al35 found that the use of anticholin- the rectosigmoid. Anal sphincter stretch and rectosigmoid dis-
ergic drugs was not associated with a reduced incidence of AD, tention, rather than mucosal stimulation, are likely nociceptive
unless it resulted in detrusor areflexia. triggers for procedure-associated AD.41 In 1 randomized, dou-
Conclusions. Based on level 5 evidence from a single ble-blind, placebo-controlled trial, AD was not abolished dur-
cross-sectional correlational study,35 anticholinergics are not ing anorectal procedures by applying topical lidocaine in the
associated with a reduced incidence of AD episodes. rectum.41 However, in a later RCT, the same investigators
demonstrated that intersphincteric anal block with lidocaine
Sacral Denervation was effective at limiting anorectal procedure-associated AD.40
When post-SCI detrusor hyperreflexia does not respond to Both anoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy cause significant
conservative treatment, and patients are not eligible for ventral blood pressure elevation.
sacral root stimulation for electrically induced micturition, Conclusions. There is level 1 evidence (from 1 RCT)40
sacral bladder denervation may be considered a stand-alone that intersphincteric anal block with lidocaine limits the AD
procedure to treat urinary incontinence and AD. Two level 4 response in susceptible patients undergoing anorectal proce-
studies (n⫽19)36,37 on sacral denervation have generated con- dures. There is also level 1 evidence (from 1 RCT)41 that
flicting results. Hohenfellner et al37 concluded that sacral blad- topical lidocaine does not limit or prevent AD in susceptible
der denervation is a valuable treatment option, based on their patients during anorectal procedures.
study in which the procedure eliminated detrusor hyperreflexia
and AD in all 9 subjects. However, Schurch et al36 found that Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia During Pregnancy
complete bladder deafferentation did not abolish AD during and Labor
bladder urodynamic investigations. Based on North American statistics, women represent a third
Conclusions. Based on 2 level 4 studies,36,37 it can be said of the SCI population.75 In the United States, approximately
that there is conflicting evidence regarding the effectiveness of 3000 women of childbearing age are affected by SCI each
sacral deafferentation in the prevention of AD. year.42 The ability of women to have children is not usually
affected once their menstrual cycle resumes.76 There are in-
Bladder and Urethral Sphincter Surgery creasing numbers of women with SCI who become pregnant
The association between episodes of AD and the presence of and have healthy babies.42 However, women with SCI are at
detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, and high intravesical and ure- high risk of developing uncontrolled AD during labor and
thral pressure, has led to the development of surgical proce- delivery.77,78
dures to alleviate voiding dysfunction and, consequently, AD Recognition and prevention of this life-threatening emer-
in patients with SCI. Two surgical studies38,39 included indi- gency is critical for the management of labor in women with
cators of AD (eg, blood pressure changes). Although the older SCI.79 In women with SCI, the onset of AD during labor is
study, by Barton et al,38 demonstrated a reduced incidence of intermittently timed with uterine contractions. In most women
AD after external sphincterotomy, such procedures now are with SCI above T10, the uterine contractions may present only

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


as abdominal discomfort, an increase in spasticity, and AD.43 viously, even with a significant increase in arterial blood pres-
The results of numerous observational studies and case reports sure, episodes of AD may be asymptomatic, especially in
as well as expert opinions recommend adequate anesthesia in subjects with cervical or high thoracic injuries.5,6,85 As recom-
women with SCI during labor and delivery, despite their ap- mended in the Guidelines of the Consortium for Spinal Cord
parent lack of sensation. However, only 4 studies (n⫽54)42-45 Medicine for the management of AD, nonpharmacologic mea-
with observational evidence have recorded management spe- sures must be employed initially; if they fail, and systolic blood
cific to AD during labor. Epidural anesthesia has been reported pressure continues to be at or above 150mmHg in an adult,
to be the best choice for the control of AD. The American 140mmHg in an adolescent, 130mmHg in a child 6 to 12 years
College of Obstetrics and Gynecology emphasized that it is old, or 120mmHg in a child under 5 years old, some type of
important that obstetricians caring for these patients are aware pharmacologic agent should be initiated.86
of the specific problems related to SCI.80
Conclusions. With vaginal delivery or when cesarean de- Nonpharmacologic Management of
livery or instrumental delivery is indicated, adequate anesthesia Autonomic Dysreflexia
(spinal or epidural if possible) is needed. There is level 4
evidence (from a single case series42 and 2 observational stud- The initial management of an episode of AD involves plac-
ies43,44) that epidural anesthesia is preferred and may be effec- ing the patient in an upright position to take advantage of any
tive for most patients with AD during labor and delivery. orthostatic reduction in blood pressure.86 Having said this, no
studies have evaluated the effect of the sitting-up position on
Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia During blood pressure during episodes of AD. Nonetheless, significant
General Surgery decreases in resting blood pressure have been demonstrated
when subjects with SCI are moved from a flat supine position
AD may be precipitated by a host of somatic and visceral
to being tilted or sat up.87-89 It is thought that an upright posture
noxious or nonnoxious stimuli below the level of injury. There-
induces pooling of blood in the abdominal and lower-extremity
fore, a variety of interventions have been used to decrease
vessels because of the loss of peripheral vasoconstriction that
afferent information to the spinal cord, including peripheral
follows SCI, thereby causing a reduction in arterial blood
anesthetic blocks, epidural anesthesia, general anesthesia, and
pressure. The next step in managing acute AD must be to
even dorsal rhizotomy.38,40,41,79,81 Despite the partial or total
loosen any tight clothing and/or constrictive devices.86 This
loss of sensation below the level of injury, surgical procedures
procedure allows further blood pooling in vessel beds below
or manipulations can initiate episodes of AD. Anesthesiologists
the level of injury and removes possible triggers for peripheral
and surgeons undertaking surgery on patients with SCI must be
sensory stimulation. It is critical that blood pressure is checked
aware of the interactions of the anesthetic and its effects on
at least every 5 minutes throughout the episode of AD, until the
AD, and how to prevent or manage AD during these proce-
subject is stable.86 It then is necessary to search for and
dures. Two observational studies46,47 have revealed that AD is
eliminate the precipitating stimulus, which, in 85% of cases, is
a common complication during general surgery in patients with
related either to bladder distention or to bowel impaction.2,3
SCI. Up to 90% of patients with SCI undergoing surgery with
The use of antihypertensive drugs should be considered a last
topical anesthesia or no anesthesia develop AD. Moreover, the
resort, but may be necessary if systolic blood pressure remains
results of both studies suggest that patients at risk for AD can
150mmHg or greater after the steps outlined.86 The goals of
be protected, either by general or spinal anesthesia.
such an intervention are to alleviate symptoms and to avoid the
Conclusions. There is level 5 evidence (from 2 observa-
complications associated with uncontrolled hypertension.7-10
tional studies)46,47 that indicate that patients at risk for AD may
Conclusions. There is level 5 evidence based on physio-
be protected against developing intraoperative hypertension by
logic studies and clinical consensus86 for the nonpharmaco-
either general or spinal anesthesia. Anesthesiologists and sur-
logic management of episodes of AD. Identifying the possible
geons dealing with patients with SCI must know how to rec-
trigger and decreasing afferent stimulation to the spinal cord
ognize AD syndrome, how to prevent its occurrence, and how
appear to comprise the most effective nonpharmaceutical ther-
to manage it once it occurs.
apeutic strategy in clinical practice.
Prevention of Autonomic Dysreflexia During
FES Exercise Pharmacologic Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia
FES is a commonly used modality during the rehabilitation Episodes of AD in people with SCI can vary in severity. In
of subjects with SCI.82,83 Unfortunately, similar to any non- some patients and in some instances, they are asymptomatic. In
noxious or noxious stimuli below the level of injury, FES can many other instances, they can be managed by the subjects
result in significant afferent stimulation, thereby precipitating once they become familiar with their own triggers and symp-
the development of AD.48,84 One RCT (n⫽7)48 evaluated the toms.5 However, in some subjects and instances, it is difficult
effect of a topical anesthetic versus a placebo cream applied to or seemingly impossible to identify what has triggered the
the skin over the quadriceps muscle 1 hour prior to FES on 2 acute elevation in blood pressure, and immediate pharmaceu-
different days. Cardiovascular and AD responses during FES tical medical attention is required.17 Antihypertensive drugs
were unaffected by the use of topical anesthetic cream on the with a rapid onset and short duration of action should be used
skin at the stimulation site. The authors suggested that mech- in the management of acute episodes.90 The Consortium for
anisms other than skin nociception contribute to FES-induced Spinal Cord Medicine recommends that, if nonpharmacologic
AD. measures (moving the patient to an upright posture, loosening
Conclusions. There is level 1 evidence (from 1 RCT)48 clothes, reducing irritation to the bladder and bowel, and so
that there is no beneficial effect of topical anesthetic in the forth) fail and arterial blood pressure is 150mmHg or greater,
prevention of AD during FES. then pharmacologic management should be initiated.86 How-
ever, the consortium does not preferentially identify any par-
Management of Acute Autonomic Dysreflexia ticular medication for acute AD management.86 Numerous
Despite appropriate preventative strategies, AD is a common pharmacologic agents (eg, nifedipine, nitrates, captopril, tera-
condition among people with SCI. As we acknowledged pre- zosin, prazosin, phenoxybenzamine, prostaglandin E2, silde-

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


nafil) have been proposed for the management of AD epi- nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, or sodium nitroprusside) are
sodes.86,90,91 Most of the recommendations are based on administered, a person with a SCI presenting with acute AD
experience with and studies on the clinical management of should be questioned regarding use of sildenafil. If this agent
hypertensive crises in able-bodied populations. The character- has been used within the last 24 hours, it is recommended that
istics and outcomes of studies assessing pharmacologic inter- an alternative, short-acting, rapid-onset, nonnitrate antihyper-
ventions for the management of AD are presented in table 2. tensive agent be used. Nitrates are the second most commonly
used agents after nifedipine in the management of AD in
Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia) subjects with SCI.86,92 Having said this, with the exception of
Nifedipine is a calcium-channel blocker that selectively in- a single case report involving the intravenous administration of
hibits calcium ion influx across the cell membrane of cardiac nitroprusside,45 no studies and only expert opinions86 support
muscle and vascular smooth muscle without changing serum the use of nitrates in patients with SCI.
calcium concentrations. Nifedipine causes decreased peripheral Conclusions. There is level 5 evidence (clinical consen-
vascular resistance and a modest fall in systolic and diastolic sus)86, 92 but there are no clinical studies that support the use of
pressure (5–10mmHg systolic), although the drop in blood nitrates in the acute management of AD after SCI.
pressure sometimes can be more dramatic. The drug generally
is given for an acute episode of AD using the bite and swallow
method, in a dose of 10mg. Five studies (n⫽59)49-53 have Captopril is a specific competitive inhibitor of angiotensin
evaluated nifedipine, including 2 level 2 controlled but non- I– converting enzyme. During an acute episode of AD, 25mg
randomized trials49,50 and 3 level 4 studies.51-53 Four of these captopril often is administered sublingually. In 1 pre-post study
5 studies demonstrated a reduction or alleviation of AD with (n⫽26),54 captopril was safe and effective for AD management
nifedipine.49,51-53 Nifedipine was successfully tested in 1 non- in 4 out of 5 episodes. This prospective, open-label study and
RCT involving subjects with SCI undergoing electroejacula- numerous expert opinions suggest the use of captopril as a
tion.49 In this study, Steinberger et al49 reported that sublingual primary medication in the management of AD.86,93,94
nifedipine decreased peak systolic, diastolic, and mean blood Conclusions. There is level 4 evidence (from 1 pre-post
pressure. Furthermore, Braddom and Rocco92 surveyed 86 study)54 that captopril may be beneficial in the acute manage-
physicians with an average of 16.8 years of experience man- ment of AD in patients with SCI.
aging patients with SCI with AD and found that the pharma-
cologic treatment of AD varied greatly from physician to Terazosin
physician; however, antihypertensive medications were the Terazosin is a long-acting, alpha-1 adrenoceptor selective
most frequently used medications. Nifedipine was used pref- blocking agent. Selective alpha-1 blockade has been suggested
erentially by 48% of physicians for minor AD cases, and by as an appropriate pharmacologic choice in the management of
58% of physicians for severe symptomatic AD. Even though AD because of its added effect at the bladder level, which
nifedipine has been the most commonly used agent in the includes inhibition of the urinary sphincter and relaxation of
management of AD in subjects with SCI,51,53,54,92 its use has the smooth muscles of blood vessels. Regular doses of terazo-
declined recently because of concern over the potential for sin over weeks or months have been evaluated in 3 level 4
adverse events.93,94 There have been no reported serious ad- studies (n⫽57)55-57 and appear to be effective in preventing
verse events from the use of nifedipine in the treatment of AD without producing erectile dysfunction. In these studies,
AD,90 albeit sample size has been small in all the studies. patients reported moderate to excellent improvement57 or even
However, a review of nifedipine in the management of hyper- complete termination of their dysreflexic symptoms55 over the
tensive emergencies not specific to SCI identifies serious ad- 3-month period of terazosin administration.
verse effects, like stroke, acute myocardial infarction, numer- Conclusions. There is level 4 evidence (from 3 pre-post
ous instances of severe hypotension, and death.95 Because of studies)55-57 that the regular use of Terazosin may have positive
several reports of serious adverse reactions occurring after the effects in terms of alleviating incontinence and preventing
administration of immediate-release nifedipine, the Joint Na- episodes of AD.
tional Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of
High Blood Pressure has discouraged the use of this drug.96 Prazosin (Minipress)
Conclusions. There is level 2 evidence (from 2 prospec- Prazosin is a postsynaptic alpha-1 adrenoceptor blocker that
tive, controlled trials)49,50 that nifedipine is useful to prevent lowers blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. It has a
dangerous blood pressure reactions; for example, during cys- minimal effect on cardiac function because of its alpha-1
toscopy and other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures in pa- receptor selectivity. The recommended starting dose in adults
tients with SCI with AD. However, there is clinical consensus is 0.5 or 1mg 2 to 3 times daily. In a small (n⫽15)58 but
that the potential exists for serious adverse events with this high-quality RCT, prazosin twice daily was well tolerated and
drug, based on what has been reported in other, non-SCI did not excessively lower baseline blood pressure; AD episodes
populations. also were less severe and shorter in duration over a 2-week
Nitrates (nitroglycerine, Depo-Nit, Nitrostat, Conclusions. There is level 1 evidence (from 1 RCT)58
Nitrol, Nitro-Bid) that prazosin is superior to placebo in the prophylactic man-
Nitrates have been used for acute episodes of AD because agement of AD.
they cause relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, producing
vasodilator effects on peripheral arteries and veins. Dilation of Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride (Dibenzyline)
postcapillary vessels, including large veins, promotes periph- Phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline) is a long-acting, adren-
eral pooling of blood and decreases venous return to the heart, ergic, alpha-receptor blocking agent that can increase blood
thereby reducing left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (pre- flow to skin, mucosa, and abdominal viscera, and can lower
load). Arteriolar relaxation reduces systemic vascular resis- both supine and erect blood pressures. The initial dose is
tance and arterial pressure (afterload). Before nitrates (eg, 10mg phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride twice a day, with

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


Table 2: Pharmacologic Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia

Author, Year; Country
Methodologic Score
Research Design
Total Sample Size Methods Outcome

Nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia)

Thyberg et al, 199451; Sweden Population: cervical or high thoracic SCI. 1. Patients demonstrated decreased maximum systolic
D&B score⫽11 Treatment: 10mg nifedipine sublingually blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure after
Pre-post level 4 during cystometry. the administration of nifedipine.
N⫽10 Outcome measures: blood pressure and 2. Maximum systolic blood pressure decreased from
heart rate. 147mmHg to 118mmHg.
3. The decrease in blood pressure was caused by a
decrease in baseline pressure and blood pressure
response during cystometry.
Kabalin et al, 199352; USA Population: 10 patients with tetraplegia, 10 1. All but 1 patient with SCI demonstrated AD during
D&B score⫽10 patients with paraplegia. ESWL with maximal increase in systolic blood
Case series level 4 Treatment: 10 –30mg nifedipine pressure of 74mmHg.
N⫽20 sublingually during ESWL for kidney 2. Nifedipine was administered sublingually and
stone treatment. controlled blood pressure elevation.
Outcome measures: activity as shown on 3. For severe, acute increases in blood pressure,
ECG, blood pressure, pulse rate, ESWL stimulation was momentarily discontinued
peripheral oxygen saturation. until pharmacologic control of the blood pressure
was achieved, after which treatment was continued.
Dykstra et al, 198753; USA Population: complete cervical injuries. 1. Nifedipine alleviated AD when given sublingually
D&B score⫽10 Treatment: 10mg nifedipine during during cystoscopy and prevented AD when given
Pre-post level 4 cystoscopy procedure. orally 30 minutes before cystoscopy.
N⫽7 Outcome measures: blood pressure, AD 2. No adverse drug effects were observed.
Steinberger et al, 199049; USA Population: injury levels T5 and above, 1. In 9 of 10 patients, blood pressures were markedly
D&B score⫽9 mean 9y postinjury. lower after nifedipine pretreatment.
Prospective controlled trial Treatment: 10 –30mg nifedipine 2. Compared with no treatment, systolic blood
level 2 sublingually 15 minutes prior to pressure during electroejaculation was lower with
N⫽10 electroejaculation vs no nifedipine. nifedipine pretreatment (168mmHg vs 196mmHg).
Outcome measures: blood pressure, 3. In 9 of 10 patients, tolerance to electrical
voltage and current delivered during stimulation was greater after nifedipine
electroejaculation. pretreatment.
Lindan et al, 198550; USA Population: subjects with tetraplegia. 1. Neither drug prevented AD secondary to bladder
D&B score⫽8 Treatment: 12 patients received filling, and a significant number of patients
Prospective controlled trial phenoxybenzamine (10mg twice a day) developed hypotension.
level 2 versus nifedipine (20mg twice a day) at 2. Sublingual nifedipine (10mg) was effective at
N⫽12 least 4 days before cystometry. Eleven managing acute attacks of AD.
patients also were tested for the efficacy
of 10mg nifedipine (sublingually or by
mouth) for controlling AD symptoms.
Outcome measures: blood pressure.
Ravindran et al, 198145; USA See “Pregnancy and labor” in table 1.
D&B score⫽6
Case report level 5
Esmail et al, 200254; Canada Population: 26 consecutive patients with 1. Thirty-three AD episodes documented, among
D&B score⫽9 SCI above T6. which 18 episodes in 5 patients were treated with
Pre-post level 4 Treatment: administration of (1) captopril drug therapy.
N⫽7 25mg sublingually if systolic blood 2. Captopril alone was effective in 4 of 5 initial
pressure was at or above 150mmHg, (2) episodes.
5mg immediate-release nifedipine if 3. Mean systolic blood pressures at baseline and 30
systolic blood pressure remained minutes after captopril were 178⫾18mmHg and
elevated 30 minutes after captopril 133⫾28mmHg, respectively. The addition of
administration. nifedipine successfully reduced systolic blood
Outcome measures: systolic blood pressure. pressure in the remaining patients.
Swierzewski et al, 199456; Population: 6 patients with paraplegia, 6 1. Detrusor compliance improved in all patients during
USA patients with quadriplegia. the treatment phase.
D&B score⫽11

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


Table 2 (Cont’d): Pharmacologic Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia

Author, Year; Country
Methodologic Score
Research Design
Total Sample Size Methods Outcome

Pre-post level 4 Treatment: nightly terazosin 2. Change in bladder pressure and the safe bladder
N⫽12 administration for 4wk (5-mg starting volume were statistically and clinically significant.
Outcome measures: physical examination,
cystoscopy, AD symptoms.
Vaidyanathan et al, 199855; Population: 18 adults with tetraplegia, 3 1. Terazosin abolished AD in 3 patients and decreased
UK children with ventilator-dependent the incidence and severity of symptoms in 1
D&B score⫽10 tetraplegia, and 3 adults with paraplegia. patient.
Pre-post level 4 All had AD in the absence of an acute 2. AD symptoms subsided completely with terazosin
N⫽24 precipitant. therapy in all the patients.
Treatment: administration of terazosin 3. Adult patients required a dose between 1 and
with starting dose of 1mg (adults) or 10mg, and children required between 1 and 2mg.
0.5mg (children). Step-wise incremental 4. Side effects of postural hypotension and
dose increases were given at intervals of drowsiness were transient and mild. One patient
3– 4d. with tetraplegia developed persistent dizziness, and
Outcome measures: drug-induced therapy was discontinued.
hypotension, adverse effects, AD
Chancellor et al, 199457; USA Population: complete SCI; injury level 1. Decrease in the AD severity score versus baseline
D&B score⫽10 C3–T5. at 1wk, 1mo, and 3mo.
Pre-post level 4 Treatment: terazosin administration. 2. Degree of muscle spasm and degree of headache
N⫽21 Outcome measures: blood pressure and did not improve.
AD frequency and severity scores. 3. Decrease in the frequency of AD at 1-wk follow-up,
and was maintained at 1 and 3mo.
4. Systolic blood pressure not statistically changed vs
baseline after 3 months of terazosin (P⫽.26).
Prazosin (Minipress)
Krum et al, 199258; Australia Population: injury level T6 or above, at 1. Prazosin was well tolerated and did not significantly
PEDro⫽6 least 2 episodes of AD in the last 7d. lower resting blood pressure. Compared with
RCT level 1 Treatment: double-blind, randomized to baseline, the prazosin group had fewer severe
N⫽15 prazosin 3mg twice a day (n⫽8) or episodes of AD (reduced rise in blood pressure,
placebo (n⫽7) for 2 wk. shorter symptom duration, and less need for acute
Outcome measures: severity of AD, blood antihypertensive medication).
pressure. 2. The severity of headache during individual AD
episodes also was diminished with prazosin
Phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline)
Lindan, 198550; USA Population: subjects with tetraplegia. 1. Neither drug effectively prevented AD secondary to
D&B score⫽8 Treatment: phenoxybenzamine (10mg bladder filling, and a significant number of patients
Pre-post level 4 twice a day) vs nifedipine (20mg twice a developed troublesome hypotension.
N⫽12 day) for 4 days before cystometry.
Outcome measures: blood pressure during
McGuire et al, 197659; USA Population: subjects with SCI with severe 1. Sublingual dose of nifedipine (10mg) was effective
D&B score⫽6 AD. at managing acute attacks of AD.
Case series level 4 Treatment: phenoxybenzamine (alpha- 2. Subjects experienced a dramatic relief in AD
N⫽9 sympatholytic agent). symptoms.
Outcome measures: blood pressure,
bladder and urethral pressures.
Prostaglandin E2
Frankel and Mathias 198060; Population: complete SCI, C5–T4, 5–108mo 1. Resting blood pressure decreased and resting heart
UK postinjury. rate increased with prostaglandin E2.
D&B score⫽8 Treatment: transrectal electrical ejaculation 2. Blood pressure decreased during electrical
Prospective controlled trial with and without intravenous stimulation, which enabled tolerance of more
level 2 administration of prostaglandin E2. intense stimulation and successful ejaculation in 2
N⫽3 Outcome measures: heart rate, blood patients.
pressure, ECG.
Sildenafil (Viagra)
Sheel et al, 200561; Canada Population: male subjects with cervical 1. Sildenafil decreased baseline blood pressure in
PEDro⫽5 (n⫽8) or thoracic (n⫽5) SCI. cervical SCI.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


Table 2 (Cont’d): Pharmacologic Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia

Author, Year; Country
Methodologic Score
Research Design
Total Sample Size Methods Outcome

level 2 Treatment: oral dose of sildenafil citrate 2. Administration of sildenafil had no effect on heart
N⫽13 (25–100mg) vs no medication during rate or blood pressure during AD triggered by
penile vibratory stimulation. penile vibratory stimulation in men with SCI.
Outcome measures: ECG, blood pressure.

Abbreviations: ECG, electrocardiogram; ESWL, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy; UK, United Kingdom.

incremental increases daily, usually up to 20 to 40mg 2 to 3 beta-blockers,101 mecamylamine (Inversine),92 and hydralazine
times a day. (Apresoline)100 for the general management of AD symptoms
Conclusions. Study results are conflicting with respect to in subjects with SCI.
using phenoxybenzamine for AD in patients with SCI, with no
effect on AD occurrence or severity in 1 study50 and a positive
treatment effect in the other.59 DISCUSSION
Prostaglandin E2 The objective of this review was to evaluate the latest
evidence from clinical literature on present strategies in the
Prostaglandins comprise a group of hormonelike substances management and prevention of AD, as well as to present latest
that participate in a wide range of bodily functions, such as the basic science and clinical data on the mechanisms and patho-
contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle, the dilation and physiology of this condition. The very small number of RCTs
constriction of blood vessels, and control of blood pressure.
(n⫽6)33,40,41,48,58,61 demonstrates the difficulty of applying this
Frankel and Mathias60 studied 5 subjects with SCI, among
whom 3 underwent electrical ejaculation both with and without type of review to assessing AD. In many instances (eg, acute
prostaglandin E2, and found that the level of blood pressure life-threatening episodes of AD), it would be unethical to have
recorded during electrical ejaculation decreased with the drug. a no-treatment control group when a well established protocol
Conclusions. There is level 2 evidence from a very small for the management of AD has been proposed by the Consor-
prospective controlled study60 that the level of blood pressure tium for Spinal Cord Medicine,86 based on physiologic evi-
recorded during electrical ejaculation is substantially reduced dence and clinical consensus. Education on the causes of AD,
with prostaglandin E2. appropriate bladder and bowel routines, and pressure ulcer
prevention appear to be the most effective measures for pre-
Sildenafil (Viagra) vention of AD in subjects with SCI. However, for each subject,
Sildenafil is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5. It the identification and elimination of specific triggers for AD
causes increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate in also should be employed to manage and prevent this condi-
the corpus cavernosum, as well as smooth muscle relaxation tion.2,3,90 Based on the physiologic mechanisms of AD, it is
and increased inflow of blood to the corpus cavernosum. At assumed that a multimodal protocol to reduce triggers of AD
recommended doses, sildenafil does not have these effects in would be most effective, and there is a need to evaluate a
the absence of sexual stimulation. The recommended dose is combined approach formally. The most effective approach to
50mg taken, as needed, approximately 1 hour before sexual AD seems to be preventing it.92 This includes careful evalua-
activity, but it may be taken anywhere from 4 hours to 0.5 hour tion of subjects with SCI and early recognition of possible
beforehand. The drug is known to potentiate the hypotensive triggers that could result in AD. Improved clinician awareness
effects of nitrates; therefore, nitrates in any form are contrain- of AD and greater attention to eliminating noxious stimuli in
dicated with sildenafil use, and vice versa. The effect of silde- subjects with SCI are priorities. Clinicians, family members,
nafil on AD has been recorded in 1 RCT (n⫽13).61 Although and caregivers should be aware that increased afferent stimu-
sildenafil decreased resting blood pressure, there was no effect
lation (eg, via surgery, invasive investigational procedures, and
on the magnitude of AD resulting from vibrostimulation in men
with SCI. labor) in persons with SCI will increase their risk for AD and
Conclusions. Based on a single RCT,61 there is level 2 that a variety of procedures can be used to prevent AD epi-
evidence that sildenafil citrate has no effect on changes in sodes.
blood pressure during episodes of AD initiated by vibrostimu- When conservative management of AD with an established
lation in men with SCI. bladder program is not sufficient, detrusor hyperreflexia can be
treated pharmacologically, and in more difficult cases, with
Other Pharmacologic Agents Tested for the Management surgery. However, note that all the pharmacologic interven-
of Autonomic Dysreflexia tions (except for intravesical resiniferatoxin) and surgical in-
The use of other pharmacologic agents for the management terventions were lacking in controlled trials. The lack of con-
of AD in subjects with SCI has been reported in the literature trolled trials (even those involving other deemed therapeutic
(eg, expert opinion, case reports), but the evidence is insuffi- interventions) seriously undermines the strength of this evi-
cient to warrant their recommendation. These drugs include dence. On the positive side, several of these studies have
phenazopyridine for AD associated with cystitis97; magnesium established effects over long periods (eg, the positive effect of
sulfate for AD associated with labor98 or life-threatening AD in botulinum toxin on detrusor hyperreflexia over 9 months, and
intensive care99; and diazoxide (Hyperstat)100 for acute AD the positive effect of augmentation enterocystoplasty on detru-
episodes. In addition, there have been reports on the use of sor hyperreflexia over 1 year).

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009


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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 90, April 2009

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