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LinkedIn | GitHub

I have hands-on experience creating interactive and responsive user interfaces using HTML and
CSS, implementing client-side functionality with JavaScript and React, and seamlessly
connecting it to back-end systems powered by Node.js and Express.js.


Java NodeJS
JavaScript Express.JS
React Git/Github

Task Management App | Live | Github JavaScript, Firebase, ReactJS, React Router
Task Management App built with React that allows users to organize and track their tasks. The
app provides features such as creating tasks, and marking tasks as completed.
Responsive design for a seamless experience across different devices.
Using Firebase as a backend service to store data (tasks).
With user authentication, users can access their remaining tasks at anytime and anywhere.
Dice Game | Live | Github ReactJS
The objective of the game is simple: predict the next upcoming number on the dice correctly.
Each round presents a new opportunity to prove your intuition and luck. It's a fun and
addictive way to pass the time while honing your guessing abilities!
Intuitive Interface: Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for players of all ages to enjoy
the game effortlessly.
Realistic Dice: Designed the dice with great attention to detail, creating a lifelike rolling
experience for an immersive gaming adventure.

2020 - 2024 | Technocrats Institute of Technology ( Bhopal )
Bachelor of Computer Science - Software Engineering

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