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In today's society, it seems that almost everyone is addicted to gadgets.

Whether it's a smartphone,

tablet or laptop, people can't seem to live without them. But why are we so drawn to these devices?

One reason could be that gadgets have become an integral part of our lives. They help us stay
connected with friends and family, provide us with entertainment, and allow us to work from almost
anywhere. In fact, many people feel lost without their gadgets, as if they are missing a part of

Another reason for this addiction is the constant need for something newer and better. Companies
are always releasing the latest and greatest gadgets, and consumers feel the need to keep up with the
trend. The older models suddenly seem less appealing, and people rush out to buy the most modern
device available.

Furthermore, gadgets can provide a sense of security and comfort. People use them to escape from
reality, to distract themselves from problems, and to fill in gaps of time that would otherwise be spent
doing nothing. They also provide a way to connect with others, even if it's just through social media or
messaging apps.

However, this addiction to gadgets can have negative consequences. Studies have shown that
excessive gadget use can lead to poor sleep quality, eye strain, and even depression. It can also cause
people to become disconnected from the world around them, as they spend more time looking at
screens than interacting with real people.

So, what can we do to break free from this addiction? One solution is to limit our gadget use. We can
set aside specific times of the day to check our phones or browse the internet, rather than constantly
checking them throughout the day. Another solution is to engage in activities that don't involve
gadgets, such as reading a book or going for a walk.

In conclusion, while gadgets may seem like the friendliest and most convenient things in the world,
it's important to recognize when we're using them too much. By taking steps to limit our gadget use,
we can improve our overall well-being and become more present in the world around us.

№1. Which title fits best?

 Why We Should Embrace Our Gadget Addiction

 The Positive Impact of Gadgets on Society
 The Dependent Nature of Gadgets and How to Break Free

№2. Write out all the degrees of comparison in the text.

№3. Watch the video and answer questions (only one variant is correct)

1. What is Life Noggin?

a) A social media platform
b) A video game
c) A YouTube channel
d) An addiction

2. What is the difference between humans and Triangle Bob and Twee AI?
a) Humans have faces while Triangle Bob and Twee AI don't
b) Humans don't have faces while Triangle Bob and Twee AI do
c) Humans and Triangle Bob have faces while Twee AI doesn't
d) Triangle Bob and Twee AI have faces while humans don't

3. How much time does the average person spend on social media per day?
a) 5 hours
b) 2 hours
c) 1 hour
d) 30 minutes

4. Which social media sites are mostly used by people?

a) Twitter and Instagram
b) Facebook and YouTube
c) Snapchat and TikTok
d) LinkedIn and Pinterest

5. What is addiction according to the American Psychiatric Association?

a) A simple condition of the brain
b) A complex condition of the brain where a person has compulsive substance use despite there being
harmful consequences
c) A condition where a person has no control over their actions
d) A condition where a person is always happy

6. What makes it hard to break an addiction?

a) It can change the way your brain is wired, giving you harsh cravings that make it difficult to stop
b) It is easy to break an addiction
c) It doesn't affect your brain
d) It doesn't give you any cravings

7. What changes in the brain have been shown in studies of brain imaging related to addiction?
a) Changes in areas of the brain that relate to judgement, decision making, learning, memory, and
behavior control
b) Changes in areas of the brain that relate to hearing and vision
c) Changes in areas of the brain that relate to taste and smell
d) Changes in areas of the brain that relate to touch and balance

8. What is the World Health Organization's classification of gaming disorders?

a) A disorder that doesn't require further research
b) A disorder that requires further research, but can't result in clinically significant impairment or
c) A disorder that requires further research, but can result in clinically significant impairment or
d) A disorder that doesn't exist

9. What impact do social media sites have on how you feel?

a) They don't have any impact
b) They have a negative impact
c) They have a positive impact
d) They have a significant impact

10. What should you do if you feel like social media is taking away from areas of your life?
a) Use it more
b) Take a break from it or use it less
c) Ignore it
d) Nothing, it's not a problem

1. What is the name of the channel that the speaker is from?
a) Life Noggin
b) Social Media Addiction
c) Facebook and YouTube
d) World Health Organization
2. Why is it hard to tell the speaker and Triangle Bob apart?
a) They are identical twins.
b) They have no faces.
c) They have similar hairstyles.
d) They wear the same clothes.

3. How much time does the average person spend on social media per day?
a) 5 hours
b) 2 hours
c) 1 hour
d) 30 minutes

4. Which social media sites do people spend the most time on?
a) Twitter and Instagram
b) Facebook and YouTube
c) Snapchat and TikTok
d) LinkedIn and Pinterest

5. What is addiction according to the American Psychiatric Association?

a) A simple condition of the brain
b) A complex condition of the brain
c) A physical condition of the body
d) A mental condition of the mind

6. What makes it difficult to break an addiction?

a) The lack of willpower
b) The harmful consequences
c) The intense focus on the addiction
d) The lack of understanding

7. What changes in the brain have been shown in studies of addiction?

a) Changes in areas related to judgement, decision making, learning, memory, and behavior control
b) Changes in areas related to vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch
c) Changes in areas related to breathing, digestion, circulation, and immunity
d) Changes in areas related to language, emotion, creativity, and spirituality

8. What is the World Health Organization's classification of Gaming disorders?

a) A disorder that requires further research
b) A disorder that is not a real problem
c) A disorder that is similar to social media addiction
d) A disorder that is caused by video games and social media

9. What qualities do social media sites have that make people want to come back to them?
a) Constant feeds and push notifications
b) Negative posts and emotions
c) Lack of privacy and security
d) Boring content and slow loading times

10. What should you do if social media is taking away from areas of your life?
a) Use it more often
b) Take a break from it
c) Ignore the problem
d) Seek professional help

Correct answers:
1. с
2. а
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. a
9. a
10. b

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