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Genomics of inflammatory diseases:

genetics and environment determines normal traits

example: height follows a normal distribution (= most of individuals have a height situated in
the middle → not extreme)
height is controlled by genetics but also by nutrition

freckles, eye color, hair type, possibility to fold the tongue or not are genetically determined

inheritance applies to normal traits but also to diseases

two main categories of ways things are inherited exist, mendelian and complex

monogenic diseases

if there is no pattern of dominance or recessivity it is complex inheritance

polygenic diseases so the causative gene are harder to find

SNP → any change in the sequence in the genome that is present in the population (more
than 1%), reason why we are different each from another

equilibrium= SNPs are able to move independently of each other during recombination
disequilibrium= SNPs locked on to each other and if you know one you know the other one
and you know the probability of that

technology that is used are bead chips: they are glass slides covered in these little structures
called beads and on each of those beads is a specific genotyping test, then you take the
slide and read it under a microscope to read the color of each bead
→ called a genome wide associated study


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