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1. A 38-week-old term infant with CHD is diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

Which of
the following diagnoses is associated with the highest risk of developing NEC in a term neonate?
a. TOF
b. Truncus arteriosus
c. Tricuspid atresia
d. Complete AV canal
2. A 35-year-old woman with hypertension is considering pregnancy. She is currently taking lisinopril
10 mg daily. Which of the following statements is correct? (braunwald no 634)
a. She should remain on her current antihypertensive regimen before and during pregnancy
b. An angiotensin receptor blocker should be substituted
c. Labetalol should be avoided during pregnancy
d. Women with preexisting hypertension have a higher incidence of preeclampsia
compared with those with new-onset hypertension during pregnancy
3. Hypertension fact in pregnant woman
a. Pilihan terapinya verapamil
b. Perempuan dengan new onset HT saat pregnancy, selama kehamilan memiliki risiko
insidensi preeklampsia dibanding pasien dengan pre existing HT
c. HT selama kehamilan berkaitan dengan peningkatan insidensi abruption plasenta
d. ACEI relative aman untuk first and second trimester

4. Wanita, usia 60an terdx CHF, saat ini keluhan membaik, TD 120/80, HR 85, mengkonsumsi
obat2an ramipril 10 mg, spironolakton 1x25 mg, carvedilol 2x12.5 mg. Setelah mengkonsumsi
diuretic, keluhan membaik, apa yg bias dilakukan (prevensi) untuk mencegah progresi HF. Saat ini
NYHA II. Apa langkah yang masuk akal untuk manajemen HR
a. Semua jawaban di bawah ini
b. Ramipril diganti dengan ARNI (sesuai GL)
c. Spironolakton diganti dengan eplerenone (blm konklusif kl eplerenone superior dibanding
spironolactone pada HFrRF)
d. Carvedilol diganti dengan nebivolo
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the response of healthy older adults to
aerobic exercise? (Braunwald no 28)
a. Ventricular stroke volume decreases with age such that there is an age-related fall in cardiac
output during exercise
b. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures each rise significantly during aerobic exercise
c. A decline in beta-adrenergic responsiveness contributes to a fall in the maximum heart
rate in older individuals
d. A normal adult’s cardiac output doubles during maximum aerobic exercise
e. Maximum aerobic capacity does not change significantly with age in sedentary individuals

6. Perempuan 30 tahunan, sudah HF 3 taun, EF 30%, non obstruktif coronary artery, perberatan DOE,
naik 2 kg dalam 3 hari. Pem fisik ada kongesti tapi perfusi baik. Fungsi renal normal. Loop diuretic
mana yg dipakai
a. HCT
b. furosemide iv
c. furosemide po
d. Tolvaptan – AVP antagonist

7. Cairan pericardial normalnya berapa

a. < 5 ml
b. 5 ml
c. 10 ml
d. 15 ml (20-50 cm3 – Ramdas 18.1)

8. Pasien 18 th dengan CoA gradien, gradien pasien tsb 30 mmHg. Direfer ke cardiac catheterization
→ intervesi yg direkomen kalua gradien lebih dari berapa
a. 10 mmHg
b. 20 mmHg (ESC GL Aortic disease 2014)
c. 40 mmHg
d. 60 mmHg

9. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding the use of Angiotensin Receptor
Blockers (ARB) in HF?
a. An ARB should be considered in ACE-inhibitor intolerant patients with HF
only in combination with a continuous positive inotrope
b. An ARB should be considered in ACE-inhibitor intolerant patients with
HF in combination with an aldosterone antagonist (ESC GL HF 2021)
c. An ARB should never be given to ACE inhibitor intolerant patients because
angioedema occurs with this class of agents as well
d. Side effects of ARB relater to increased levels of bradykinin

10. A 55 yo man has a history of NSTEMI asks you about targets for the secondary prevention. Which
one of the following statement would not be appropriate? (sepertinya merujuk pd GL ESC CVD
prevention 2016)
a. TG <150 mg/dL, LDL <70 mg/dL
b. Target BP of 140/90 mmhg (or 130/80 mmhg in patients with diabetes or renal disease)
c. Diet of 2000 calorie per day
d. moderate aerobic exercise at least 20-60 minutes three to five times a week

11. A 69-year-old man with an NSTEMI 6 weeks previously. He has recovered well and has good LV
function on echo. His medications include aspirin, clopidogrel, bisoprolol, ramipril, and
simvastatin. Then he mentions some concerns about sexual dysfunction. Which one of the
following statements is incorrect?
a. Viagra/sildenafil could now be considered for use in this patient
b. Erectile dysfunction is often due to underlying vascular disease, but also relate to a patient's
use of beta-blockers and/or ACE inhibitors
c. Patients on nitrates should avoid taking phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors because this can
lead to dangerously low blood pressure
d. Patients can resume sexual intercourse 4 weeks after MI

12. Most common cause of diuretic resistance is (Mahesh sec 2/130)

a. Increase salt intake
b. Renal perfusion pressure
c. Glomerular perfusion pressure
d. Renal dysfunction
13. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding examination of the arterial pulse?
a. A bisferious pulse is characterized by a systolic and then a diastolic peak and is typical of
mixed mitral valve disease
b. The carotid artery is the blood vessel used to best appreciate the contour, volume, and
consistency of the peripheral vessels
c. In coarctation of the aorta, the femoral pulse demonstrates a later peak than the
brachial pulse.
d. The normal abdominal aorta is palpable both above and below the umbilicus

14. Unequal upper extremity arterial pulsations are often found in each of the following disorders
a. Aortic dissection
b. Takayasu disease
c. Supravalvular aortic stenosis
d. Subclavian artery atherosclerosis
e. Subvalvular aortic stenosis

15. Prolonged isovolumic relaxation time, indicates:

a. Excess activity
b. Dehydration
c. Heart Failure
d. Poor myocardial relaxation

16. Perempuan, 60an th, perokok berat, DM terkontrol dengan diet, HT. Keluhan claudication
intermitten sebelah kiri, nyeri pada betis yang diinduksi dengan exercise (jalan lebih dari 4 blok).
ABI 0.7. Dalam 5 tahun ke depan apa yang mungkin terjadi padanya
a. Iskemik limb
b. Infark miokard
c. Kejadian hipoglikemia
d. Amputasi kaki

17. Penanda yang tidak termasuk pada DTS :

a. Jumlah METS yang dicapai
b. Adanya angina
c. ST depresi
d. Waktu exercise
Rumus DTS: lama Latihan (menit, metode Bruce) – 5xST deviation (mm) – 4xAngina indexs (0
= no angina, 1 = angina (+) tidak menyebabkan berhenti, 2 = angina menyebabkan berhenti)
18. Seorang anak laki-laki usia 3 tahun datang dengan keluhan batuk panas berulang. Orangtua juga
mengeluhkan berat badan anak sulit naik. Riwayat biru disangkal. Pada pemerikcaan flsik
didapatkan: TD 90/55, HR 91x/m, RR 20x/m, BB 9kg. Jantung: BJ I-II N, PSM 3/6 di LLSB. EKG:
SR, normal axis, LVH (+). Pasien tidak kontrol lagi ke poliklinik selama 3 tahun. Lalu datang
menemui anda saat usia 6 tahun. Orangtua mengatakan sudah tidak pernah batuk panas berulang,
namun kadang sesak saat aktivitas. Apa Tindakan yang akan anda lakukan?
a. Berikan obat PA dilator saja, tidak perlu tindakan Ianjut
b. Tidak ada tindakan lagi yang bisa dilakukan
c. Jadwalkan cath jantung
d. Kirim unluk operasi

19. Manifestasi mayor pada rheumatic fever (Mahesh sec 5/81)

a. Carditis
b. Nodul subkutan
c. Poliartritis
d. Edema marginatum

20. Rumus PVR

a. (MPAP – MAOP)/Qp
b. (MPVP – MPAP)/Qp
c. (MPAP – MPVP)/Qp
d. (MPAP – MLAP) /Qp (Cardiac Cath handbook by Morton)

21. 50 years old woman benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy?

a. LBBB, QRS 110 ms, and LVEF 25%
b. RBBB, QRS 140 ms, and LVEF 30%
c. LBBB, QRS 160 ms, and LVEF 35% (ESC GL Cardiac pacing 2021)
d. LBBB, QRS 150 ms, and LVEF 39%

22. False positive exercise stress test is found in all, except: (Mahesh sec 1/51)
a. Stenosis aorta
b. HT
c. AV B I
d. Recent food intake
23. Which of the following statements regarding beta blocker use is true?
a. Beta blocker should be added at the first time when patient was diagnosed as
chronic HFrEF (ESC GL HF 2021)
b. Beta blocker should add after ACE inhibitor in optimal dose
c. Beta blocker are contraindicated to use with ivabradine
d. Beta blocker are contraindicated in severely reduced EF

24. What is the definition of 1 MET or metabolic equivalent of task?

a. 1 MET is equivalent to resting metabolic rate when sitting quietly, and has a conventional
reference value of 6.5 ml O2/kg/min which equal to 1 kcal/kg/h
b. 1 MET is equivalent to resting metabolic rate when sleeping, and has a conventional
reference value of 6.5 ml O2/kg/min which equal to 1 kcal/kg/h
c. 1 MET is equivalent to resting metabolic rate when sleeping, and has a conventional
reference value of 3.5 ml O2/kg/min which equal to 1 kcal/kg/h
d. 1 MET is equivalent to resting metabolic rate when sitting quietly, and has a
conventional reference value of 3.5 ml O2/kg/min which equal to 1 kcal/kg/h

25. A 70 years old male presents to your office with mild DOE. He has no previous history of
heart failure requiring hospitallizations. He denies orthopnea, palpitations, leg sweling, PND. or
chest pain. He has hypertension but is well controlled with medications. His vital signs: BP 140/70
mmHg. HR 78 bpm. The ECG and CXR are normal. The TTE revealed EF 58% with
diastolic dysfunction. His NT pro BNP was slightly high 200 pg/mL. HFA-PEFF scoring
calculation was 3 points. What is the most appropriate test that you will perform to diagnose this
a. Echo stress testing (HFA-PEFF diagnostic algorithm ESC)
b. Cardiac MRI
c. Right heart catheterization
d. CT Angiograph

26. Mid diastolic rumble di tricuspid (pembahasan Braunwald di soal no 444)/ Mahesh sec I/10:
a) ASD
b) PDA
c) MR
d) VSD
27. The ECG in sinus venosus defect ASD is
a. RAD of the QRS complex
b. LAD of the P wave
c. RAD of the P wave
d. LAD of the QRS complex

28. A murmur is auscultated during routine examination of an 18-year-old asymptomatic college

student, at the second left intercostal space, close to the sternum. The murmur is crescendo-
decrescendo, is present throughout systole and diastole, and peaks simultaneously with S2. It does
not change with position or rotation of the head. Which of the following best describes this
murmur? (Braunwald no 4)
a. This is a continuous murmur, most likely a venous hum commonly heard in adolescents
b. This is a continuous murmur resulting from mixed aortic valve disease
c. This is a continuous murmur due to a congenital shunt, likely a patent ductus
d. Continuous murmurs of this type can only be congenital; murmurs due to acquired
arteriovenous connections are purely systolic
e. This murmur, the result of left subclavian artery stenosis, is not considered continuous,
because a continuous murmur can result only from an arteriovenous communication


a. Pulsus bifid
b. Pulsus alternans (Ramdas 1.42)
c. Pulsus deficit
d. Pulsus bisferiens

30. Which of the following is the most common cause of hyponatremia in chronic heart failure?
a. Drug interaction
b. Depletion
c. Dilutional
d. Reduced sodium intake
31. Pernyataan yg benar terkait neurohormonal aktivasi pada heart failure
a. Aktivasi persisten neurohormal tidak dapat menyebabkan kematian myosit
b. Aktivasi neurohormonal hanya menyebabkan retensi sodium saja
c. Aktivasi Symphatetic Nervous System terjadi di awal proses penyakit HF
d. RAAS system tidak diaktivasi

32. Anak usia 1 minggu, ada Murmur, EKG nya LAD

a. ASD sekundum
c. Complete AV canal defect

33. A 49-year-old man presents with recurrent lower limb deep vein thromboses and pulmonary
embolism. He has bad compliance with anticoagulation. He complaint of increasing dyspnea and
bilateral pedal edema. JVP is elevated, and P2 is loud and palpable at left sternal border. Based on
the current classification system. which of the following options best describes this patient's
a. Group 1 Pulmonary Hypertension
b. Group 2 Pulmonary Hypertension
c. Group 3 Pulmonary Hypertension
d. Group 4 Pulmonary Hypertension

34. Gynecomastia terjadi pada obat apa :

a. Spironolakton
b. Estrogen
c. Digoxin
d. Semua bener

35. TRUE statements about peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) include all of the following
(Braunwald pemabahasan no 636 dan 669)
a. The incidence of PPCM is greatest in primiparous white women of European extraction
b. Clinical and hemodynamic findings in PPCM are specific compare to other from or dilated
c. Approximately 50 percent of PPCM patients show complete or near complete recover
within the first 6 months after delivery
d. Symptoms of PPCM most commonly occur in the first trimester of pregnancy

36. Eddy sound ditemukan pada

a. PDA
b. PH
c. Hipertensi
d. Perikarditis
e. Eddy sound adalah click/crackles at the end of systole and at the beginning of the diastole

37. Pernyataan yang tepat :

a. Batuk bunyi S3 dan S4 melemah
b. Dengan pemberian amyl nitrit murmur MR akan mengeras
c. Dengan manuver handgrip, murmur MR melemah
d. Dengan pemberian amyl nitrit murmur VSD melemah
Note : amyl nitrit menurunkan afterload, handgrip menaikkan afterload
Membedakan HOCM dan AS dengan intervensi terhadap preload (valsava/standing dan
squatting/leg raise) namun tidak bisa dengan intervensi terhadap afterload (pada HOCM dan AS
dengan pemberian amyl nitrit sama2 membuat murmur mengeras)

38. ECG in primum ASD (modifikasi Ramdas 17.20)

a. LAD of the QRS complex
b. RAD of the QRS complex
c. RAD of the P wave
d. LAD of the P wave
39. Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT about the physiogical mechanisms for the
cardiac benefits of exercise?
a. Better respiratory function and improved skeletal muscle metabolism and function
b. Reduction in circulating levels of angiotensin II, aldosterone, and atrial natriuretic peptide
c. Improved endothelium-dependent vasodilation with decreased expression and activity
of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
d. Reduce the resting sympathicoadrenergic tone

40. A 55-year-old presented to the emergency department complaining acute dyspnea. His chest x-ray :
cephalad (cranialization) redistributeon of pulmonary vascularity. In which of the following
conditions does cephalization not related? (Hurst Heart Disease 14-2)
a. LV failure
b. Aortic stenosis
c. Pulmonic stenosis associated with ventricular septal defect
d. Mitral stenosis

41. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for acute limb ischaemia?
a. Atrial Fibrilation
b. Prosthetic Heart Valve
c. Smoking
d. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


The following end diastolic frame was obtained in a 55-year-old patient undergoing
a TTE for the evaluation of dyspnea. What is the structure most likely indicated
with the asterisk? (Mayo Sec VII, no. 46)
a. Pericardial cyst
b. Descending
thoracic aorta
c. Hernia hiatal
d. Dilated
coronary sinus

Gambar M Mode apa?

a. Hypertropic obstructive cardiomyopathy
b. Aortic regurgitation
c. Aortic stenosis
d. Mitral stenosis

44. View TTE untuk melihat view arteri innominate

a. Subcostal window 4 chamber view
b. Apex 3 chamber
c. Suprasternal aortic arch
d. Subcostal IVC

45. Echo severe AR (Modifiasi Ramdas 16.18)

a. Vena contracta 0.4 cm
b. Jet width LVOT < 25%
c. PHT < 200 ms
d. Semua di atas

46. A 65-year-old male was admitted with an AMI and received thrombolytic therapy
3 days ago. The resident is called to evaluate new onset hypotension. The patient is
more short of breath and diaphoretic, BP 80/40 mmHg, pulse 123 bpm. Arterial
saturation is 93%. She believes she hears a new murmur, is having difficulty characterizing it. A
bedside TTE is obtained. (Mayo Sec VII, no. 12)
a. Cardiac tamponade
b. VSR L to R shunt
c. Ruptur musculus papilaris dan MR berat
d. Pseudoaneurysma LV

47. Laki-laki, IVSd 12 LVPWd 13, LVEdd 52, LV mass 431, LVMI 276, LV geometry ? LV mass
index normal < 115 laki2,< 95 perempuan
a. LVH konsentrik → RWT nya 0.5
b. LV normal geometry
c. LVH eksentrik → RWT < 0.42
d. LV konsentrik remodelling (LVMI normal, RWT sudah tebal)

48. In 2D TTE, right ventricle dimension measurement are performed during

a. Early systole
b. Early diastole
c. End diastole
d. Mid diastole

49. All statements regarding cooing dove murmur are correct except (Mahes no 32)
a. Musical murmur of aortic stenosis
b. Musical murmur of aortic regurgitation
c. Due to perforation of aortic cusp
d. Occurs in aortic valve infective endocarditis

50. Which antiarrhythmic is avoided during lactation?

a. Amiodarone
b. Verapamil
c. Digoxin
d. Diltiazem
51. Parameter yang benar pada Asidosis Metabolik
a. pH turun, HCO3 naik, PCO2 naik
b. pH turun, HCO3 naik, PCO2 turun
c. pH turun, HCO3 turun, PCO2 naik
d. pH turun, HCO3 turun, PCO2 turun

52. Betabloker yang paling efektif pada mekanisme re-entry aritmia

a. Atenolol
b. Sotalol → kelas III anti aritmia
c. Nebivolol
d. Propanolol

53. Dobutamin efeknya pada masing-masing reseptor

a. B1> B2> a
b. B1 = B2 > a
c. B1 > a > B2
d. Dominantly a

54. Kriteria syok kardiogenik

a. CI < 1.8 L/m/m2 without support
b. Lactat < 2
c. SBP < 90
d. PCWP < 12
Tanya : CI pada syok kardiogenik? Kalau pada low EF CI nya turun ga walaupun tidak syok →
PCWP > 15, CI < 2.2
Kapan mulai bisa edema paru → PCWP berapa?

55. A 65 years old man has been resuscitated due to cardiac arrest and has returned of spontaneous
circulation. Which of the following hemodynamic goals should be instituted?
a. Correct hypotension for a mean arterial pressure of 50 mmHg
b. Correct hypotension for a systolic blood pressure > 90 mmH
c. Correct hypotension for a systolic blood pressure > 80 mmHg
d. Correct hypotension for a systolic blood pressure > 120 mmHg

56. The correct statements about the diagnosis and treatment of right ventricular infarction (RVI)
include all of the following EXCEPT: (braunwald)
a. Hypotension in response to small doses of nitroglycerin in patients with inferior infarction
suggests RVI
b. Hemodynamic parameters in RVI often resemble those of patients with pericardial disease
c. Loop diuretics are usually the preferred initial therapy for patients with RVI and
intact left ventricular contractile function
d. ST-segment elevation in lead V4R is a sensitive and specific sign of RVI

57. Diagnosis MINOCA kecuali (GL STEMI 2017)

AMI sesuai 4th UDMI
a. Tidak ada penyebab spesifik klinis untuk presentasi akutnya
b. Non obstruktif coronary antery dari angio invasive
c. Tidak ada coronary stenosis < 70% dari IRA
58. To better visualize a "spider view" of the LM, proximal LAD and LCx, the radiographic technician
should be directed to position the image intensifier to:
a. 15 degree RAO, 30 degree cranial
b. 30 degree RAO, 30 degree caudal
c. 50 degree LAO, 35 degree cranial
d. 50 degree LAO, 30 degree caudal

59. Side effect of cooling phase of induced hypothermia EXCEPT:

a. Coagulopathy
b. Infection
c. Junctional tachycardia
d. Hyperglicemia


a. RBBB komplit
b. Bifasikular blok
c. Trifasikular blok
d. Diffuse ST depresi dengan inverted T wave

61. A 38-year-old woman presents at the 37th week of pregnancy because of severe substernal chest
pain over the past 30 minutes. An ECG demonstrates 4-mm ST-segment elevation in leads V1 to
V4. Which of the following statements is true? (Braunwald 644)
a. Coronary artery dissection is the most likely cause in the peripartum period
b. Pregnancy does not alter the risk of sustaining a myocardial infarction
c. Coronary artery spasm is the most common cause of this finding during pregnancy
d. Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to angiography

62. Yang benar terkait Brugada Syndrome, kecuali : (Mahesh sec 5/33)
a. Sudden cardiac death
b. Adanya underlying structural heart disease
c. ST elevasi V1-V3

63. You have a 56 years old male patient with NSTEMI, long-standing permanent AF, and type 2
DM with the high ischemic burden. He already received the percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI) with drug -eluting stent (DES) implantation in the proximal left anterior descending
artery (LAD). According to the recent guideline, how long will you give the triple therapy?
a. 1 week
b. 3 month
c. 1 month
d. 6 months

64. A 58-years-old man having retrosternal chest discomfort episodes. It is an aching, burning
sensation, occuring most frequently at night, occasionally awakening the patient shortly after he has
fallen asleep. His internist prescribed nitroglycerin, which he has taken infrequently. However, it
does relieve his pain, usually within 10 to 20 minutes. The previous day during a luncheon meeting,
he has a severe episode while presenting a new financial plan, the discomfort seemed to lessen
when he sat down and finished lunch. The most likely explanation for his chest discomfort is:
(Braunwald no 50)
a. Prinzmetal angina
b. Esophageal reflux and spasm
c. Unstable angina pectoris
d. Pericardits

65. Mana yg tidak benar pada manajemen hiperkoagulabilitas pada covid

a. Profilaksis VTE diberikan pada semua pasien covid 19 yang dirawat di RS kecuali ada
kontraindikasi anticoagulan
b. Pasien dengan riw HIT atau aktif HIT tidak boleh dapat LMWH atau fondaparinux
c. UFH harus dipertimbangkan pada pasien CCT < 15 atau mendapatkan RRT atau pasien
yang mau dilakukan invasive prosedur seperti SC
d. Dosis profilaksis LMWH dengan CCT 30 adalah 1x40 mg dan 1x30 mg pada CCT 15-30

66. A 68 year old lady with history of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus presents with calf pain
on intermediate distance walking the resolves with resting. Beside ABI is 0.91. What examination
should be done for the next step? (13)
a. Duplex ultrasound
b. ABI exercise test
d. MRA

67. True regarding high risk SPECT MPI findings, EXCEPT:

a. Transient ischemic dilatation ratio 1.03 (TID abnormal > 1.19)
b. Severe resting or post-stress diastolic dysfunction
c. Large fixed defect with LV dilation
d. Large multiple stress induced defects

68. Echo severe AS: (Modifikasi Ramdas 16.7)

a. Area valve 1-1.5 cm2
b. Mean gradien > 40 mmHg
c. Aortic jet velocity < 1.5 ms
d. Semua di atas

69. Female on MVR on warfarin 4 mg INR 3.0 (sesuai target), berencana hamil, rencana selanjutnya
pada trimester pertama?
a. Warfarin lanjut sesuai INR
b. Warfarin stop switch LMWH
c. Warfarin stop switch 5000 unit
d. Warfarin stop
70. Which of the following electrocardiographic findings is not commonly associated with COPD?
a. Right ventricle hypertrophy
b. Atrial fibrillation
c. Left Atrial deviation
d. P Pulmonale

71. Geriatri, riwayat hipertensi dan osteoarthritis, rencana hip surgery, tidak ada keluhan pemeriksaan
vital sign normal, lab normal, EKG RBBB komplit yang sama dengan 7 tahun yang lalu. Langkah
a. No further testing (AHA GL perioperative non cardiac surgery, pasien RCRI CR I – low
b. Ekhokardiografi
c. Stress test
d. Anti aritmia (?)

72. Male, Post MI namun dalam durante cath femoral akses sulit. Tidak didapatkan claudicatio
intermitten, no simptom. Pasien on terapi aspilet, ticagrelor, statin. Faktor risiko merokok,
hiperlipidemia. Disajikan gambar aortografi dengan stenosis significant di arteri iliaca. Terkait
dengan faktor risiko yang sulit dikendalikan, langkah selanjutnya
a. Iliaca stenting
b. Cardiac rehabilitation
c. Tambah cilostazol
d. Tidak diberikan penanganan
73. Female palpitasi dengan VPC burden 22%, Terdapat penurunan fungsi jantung EF 45%, Vital sign
normal. Langkah selanjutnya
a. Ablasi
b. Beta bloker

74. Male dengan hemodinamik stabil didapatkan perekaman EKG SVT short rp (gambar). Telah
dilakukan vagal manuver namun tidak berhasil. Langkah selanjutnya adalah
a. Procainamide
b. Adenosin
c. Amiodron
75. Female dengan perekaman EKG AF WPW, hemodinamik stabil langkah selanjutnya
a. Procainamide
b. Cardioversion
c. Beta bloker dan antikoagulan
76. Female, Pemeriksaan fisik terdapat bising Ejection click sistolik, Hasil ekokardiografi mitral valve
prolaps, feature of mitral valve disease ?
a. Mitral valve tipis
b. Mitral leaflet anterior yang paling sering prolaps
c. Mitral leaflet anterior hanya memiliki satu papillary muscle dengan vaskularisasi dari
dua sumber LCA
77. Not alerting symptom in pregnancy which no warrant further examination:
a. Angina
b. Mammary souffle
c. Sustained palpitation

78. Large a wave terdapat pada (Pembahasan Ramdas 1.27):

a. Pulmonary stenosis with ASD and VSD
b. Pulmonary stenosis with ASD
c. Pulmonary stenosis
d. Pulmonary stenosis with VSD
79 Antihypertensive of choice is pregnancy
a. Metildopa
b. Ca bloker
c. Beta bloker
d. Diuretic
80 Which antihypertensive is contraindicated in pregnancy?
b. Nifedipin
c. Metildopa
d. Labetolol
81. Which of the following condition associates with supravalvar aortic stenosis?
a. Higher blood pressure in right leg compae to left leg
b. Higher blood pressure in left leg compare to right leg
c. Higher blood pressure in right arm compare to left arm
d. Higher blood pressure in left arm compare to right arm
82. Female datang untuk general check up rutin. Tidak ada keluhan, vital sign normal, pasien dapat
beraktivitas bersepeda 3-5x/ minggu. Tidak ada terapi. Pemeriksaan ekhokardiografi terakhir MR
Severe dengan TR mild TRV 2.4 m/s. Yang dilakukan selanjutnya
a. Exercise stress test
b. Ekokardiografi evaluasi 6-12 bulan (SPAP = TVG + RAP ~ 23.04 + 20 (if RAP max) =
43.05, masih < 50 mmHg)
c. Vasodilator (in chronic primary MR with pEF there’s no evidence to support prophylactic
use of vasodilators – ESC GL VHD 2021)
d. No further examination

83. Male geriatri datang untuk general check up. Tidak ada keluhan, vital sign normal tidak ada terapi.
Hasil pemeriksaan ekhokardiografi AR Severe, LVIDD 40 mm, EF 65%, Langkah penanganan
a. Ekhokardiografi evaluasi (ESC GL VHD 2021)
b. Aortic valve replacement
c. Dobutamin stress test
d. No further examination

84. Square sign during Valsalva maneuver occurs in which of the following? (Ramdas 1.24)
b. MVP
c. Aortic stenosis
d. Congestive Heart Failure
85. Pasien datang ke IGD dengan chest pain memberat 3 jam, arrest, rosc dengan ekg new LBBB.
Langkah selanjutnya
a. Urgent CABG
b. Primary PCI
c. Medikamentosa
86. Male datang ke IGD dengan chest pain. Tekanan darah normal, HR 50 x/menit alert dan
responsiveness. EKG di gambar ST Elevasi, di lead inferior dan anterior, High degree AVB.
Tindakan selanjutnya untuk penanganan aritmia pasien?
a. TPM
b. PPM
c. Cardiac cath
d. medikamentosa
87. Male, chest pain dengan tekanan darah baik. Pemeriksaan EKG ST elevasi diffuse, PR Depresi
(Gambar). Pilihan terapi yang paling baik untuk pasien?
a. High dose aspirin + colchicine
88 Pernyataan yang tidak terkait dengan infective endocarditis adalah
a. Osler nodes dan janeway lession manifestasi vasculitis (Janewey vascular phenomena, Osler
immunological – GL ESC IE 2015)
b. Bacterial proliferasi membuat vegetasi semakin besar
89. Pasien hipotensi dengan pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan JVP meningkat, muffled heart sound.
Pernyataan yang benar, kecuali ?
a. Kalau sudah ada catheter produk <90 ml dalam 24 jam boleh di aff (Aspiration is repeated
every four to six hours, and the catheter can be removed once the drainage has decreased
to less than 25 to 30 ml in 24 hours)
b. Pericardiocentesis dan ambil semua cairan
c. Bila mau aff catheter cek ekhokardiografi pada beberapa posisi
90. Pada wet and warm AHF yang benar adalah:
a. Furosemide drip tidak lebih superior daripada furosemide bolus dalam menurunkan
b. Pemberian thiazid dan loop diuretic menurunkan kejadian hipokalemia
91. Pasien dengan STEMI Inferior dengan RV Infark masih mengeluhkan nyeri dada. Pasien
mengalami hipotensi. Pernyataan yang salah berikut ini?
a. Loading cairan
b. Menaikan RV Afterload
c. Memberikan nitroglycerin sebagai anti nyeri
d. Menaikan preload
92. 38 year old female with mild obesity. She is planning an exercise program to loose weight. She has
no other known risk factors for CAD. You recommend:
a. Exercise stress echo
b. Exercise SPECT
c. Exercise treadmill test
d. Proceed to exercise program no further testing
93. True statements regarding hypertension in the elderly include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Hypertensive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the elderly is more common
in women
b. Clinical studies have established the effectiveness of therapy for mild
diastolic hypertension in the elderly
c. Clinical trials have shown that beta blockers offer less cardiovascular
protection than diuretic therapy
d. Therapy of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly does not
reduce the incidence of future cardiac events
94. Which of the foliowing arhythmia originate in purkinje fibers?
a. Idioventricular Bradycardia
b. Torsade de Pointes
c. RVOT tachycardia
d. Ventricular tachycardia
95. 38-year-old female with mild obesity. She is planning lose weight. She has
no other known risk factors for CAD. You recommend?
a. Exercise stress echo
b. Exercise SPECT
c. Exercise treadmill test
d. Proceed to exercise program no further testing
96. What is the CORRECT statements regarding hypertension in pregnancy?
a. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors is relatively safe for the first and second
b. Hypertension during pregnancy is associated with an increased
incidence of abruptio placentae
c. verapamil is the treatment of choice
d. Women with the new onset of hypertension during pregnancy have a higher
incidence of preeclampsia compared to those with pre-existing hypertension
97. Seorang pasien di IGD menjalani pemeriksaan TTE, dan diemukan dari echo adanya
aneurisma pada ascending aorta 6.5 cm, disertai hematoma dari RCA hingga arteri subclavia kanan.
Langkah berikutnya yang tepat adalah? (seingetku, soalnya: AAA 3.5 cm, asimptom).
a. CT scan aorta
b. urgent surgery
c. BP management
d. Graft Arc Aorta

98. Which of the following is least likely to be a cause of unstable angina?

a. Anemia
b. Fever
c. Hypothyroidism
d. Severe AS
e. Severe HTN
99. Yang ditemukan pada AS severe dengan AF, kecuali:
a. Late peaking cressendo decressendo
b. S4
c. Soft S2
100 Yg obstructive cause of syncope kecuali
a. SVT
b. LA myxoma
c. PE
d. tamponade



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