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Natasha Fernando
Form III – Science

Human Circulatory System

The human circulatory system consists of a network of arteries, veins, and capillaries,
with the heart pumping blood through it.

The human circulatory system comprises of :-

• Heart
• Blood
• Blood Vessels

The structure of the Heart

The heart is made up of strong muscles called cardiac muscles. There are two sides
of the heart that is separated by a thick muscular wall and are divided into 4 chambers
as shown in the below picture.
Ms. Natasha Fernando
Form III – Science

How is blood circulated in the heart?

Deoxygenated blood from the body will flow into the right upper chamber (Atrium)
and it will contract, and the valves will open, and the blood will flow into the right
lower chamber (Ventricles). Then the right lower chamber will contract, and blood
will go to the lungs through the vein. After the deoxygenated blood has become
oxygenated in the lungs, oxygenated blood will flow to the left upper chamber and
then when the valves are opened the blood will flow to the left lower chamber. When
the left lower chamber contracts, blood will flow to the rest of the body via the major
artery to the body. The left lower chamber has the thickest muscular wall because it
must pump blood to the rest of the body.

Double circulation
It is a system of circulation where the blood flows through the heart twice. This type
of circulation is very effective as the body has a constant supply of oxygenated

Blood is the body’s fluid connective tissue, and it forms a vital part of the human
circulatory system. Its main function is to circulate nutrients, hormones, minerals
and other essential components to different parts of the body. Blood flows through a
specified set of pathways called blood vessels.
Blood is composed of:-
• Red blood cells (RBC)
Red blood cells are mainly involved in transporting oxygen, nutrients, and other
substances to various parts of the body. These blood cells also remove waste from
the body.

• White blood cells (WBC)

White blood cells are specialized cells, which function as a body’s defence system.
They provide immunity by fending off pathogens and harmful microorganisms.
Ms. Natasha Fernando
Form III – Science

• Platelets
Platelets are cells that help to form clots and stop bleeding. They act on the site of
an injury or a wound.
• Plasma
The fluid part of the blood and is composed of 90% water. It is the liquid portion of
the blood.

Arteries, veins, and Capillaries

Ms. Natasha Fernando
Form III – Science

Blood Vessel diseases

• Atherosclerosis – Caused when plaque is built up on the
walls of the arteries. This prevents oxygenated blood
flowing to the heart.

• Varicose Veins – Caused when veins are twisted and

enlarged due to weak or damaged valves in the veins.

Blood Disease
• Anaemia – This occurs when a person does not have
enough of healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen. The
skin turns pale colour.

• Haemophilia – This is when a person’s blood does not clot.

This will lead to excessive bleeding of blood. Caused due
to lack of clotting factors in the blood.

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