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Health problems in musicians–a review

Article in Acta dermatovenerologica Croatica: ADC / Hrvatsko dermatolosko drustvo · February 2005
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Jadranka Mustajbegović
University of Zagreb


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Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2005;13(4):247-251 REVIEW

Health Problems in Musicians – A Review

Eugenija Žuškin1, E. Neil Schachter2, Ivana Kolčić3, Ozren Polašek3, Jadranka
Mustajbegović1, Uma Arumugam2

Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Andrija Štampar School
of Public Health, University of Zagreb Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia; 2The Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA; 3Department of Medical Statistics,
Epidemiology and Medical Informatics, Andrija Štampar School of Public Health,
University of Zagreb Medical School, Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding autor: SUMMARY Among artists, musicians suffer from special health
problems related to their occupation and lifestyle. These mainly
Professor Eugenija Žuškin, MD, PhD
include musculoskeletal disorders, skin disorders, respiratory
Andrija Štampar School of Public Health disorders, and noise induced hearing impairment. In this review we
Rockefellerova 4 point out the most prevalent health problems that musicians face in
HR-10000 Zagreb their professional lives as well as the means to prevent them. The
characteristics of individual performer and the type of instrument that he/she plays will determine the occupational disorder or disease that
a musician may suffer from. The main worry about health problems
Received: September 6, 2005 in musicians is that they can become potentially career-ending
disabilities. Therefore well-planned preventive strategies should be
Accepted: October 14, 2005
employed to help musicians in obtaining long and healthy career.

KEY WORDS musicians; occupational medicine; occupational

diseases; literature review

The first publication to summarize the occu- In the spectrum of health issues of musicians, per-
pational diseases of voice-trainers, singers and formance-related risk factors and disorders differ
musicians was Ramazzini’s Diseases of Work- widely depending on the characteristics of individu-
ers, published in 1713 (1). But only recently a al performers, the form of music they perform, and
new subspecialty of occupational medicine was the specific instrument they play. Specific demands
recognized, reaching out to performers, art edu- on musicians like performing before an audience,
cators, art administrators and instrument manu- performing under constant critical scrutiny of con-
factures (2,3). There have been three recent de- ductors, being expected to perform perfectly as
velopments in occupational medicine as it relates well as the physical demands of playing the specific
to musicians: (i) improved methods of diagnosis musical instrument are seen as the determinants of
and treatment, (ii) awareness that musical artists complaints among musicians (3).
suffer from special problems related to their occu- The main worry about health problems in musi-
pation and lifestyle, and (iii) the establishment of cians is that they can become potentially career-
health programs emphasizing an interdisciplinary ending disabilities. For instance, a professional pia-
approach to these issues (4). nist may develop career-ending focal dystonia (5).

Žuškin et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Health problems in musicians 2005;13(4):247-251

OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES and hands of pianists is accompanied by the loss

Artists, including musicians suffer from special of motor control. The authors report that pianists
health problems related to their occupation and with overuse syndrome have a coordination distur-
lifestyle (4). Performance-related disorders in mu- bance. Eller et al. (16) compared musculoskeletal
sicians are in most cases caused by multiple risk complaints among instrumentalists and profes-
factors. These are based on the chronic, complex, sional singers, and found instrumentalists to have
rapid repetitive and forceful motions that require more symptoms from the arm region and fewer
highest precision, along with poor ergonomic con- complaints from the hip, knee and foot joints than
ditions and psychological strains that musicians singers. Pettersen and Westgaard (17) studied
work under (6). The physical demands of perform- classical singer’s shoulder and neck region, and
ing on musical instruments can cause pain, sen- found that singers, although having an enhanced
sory loss, and lack of coordination (7). awareness of posture, may still have overuse of
There are several specific groups of musicians trapezius muscle in particular, and probably also
depending on the musical instrument they play: of sternocleidomasteideus muscle.
string instrument, wind instrument, piano, and
electronic keyboard or percussion instrument. Vo- Skin disorders
calists form a special group of musicians. Each of Skin conditions among musicians are not very
these groups has certain disorders that are char- common, but when they do occurr, they may cause
acteristic for that particular group, and some disor- substantial discomfort and disability. They may
ders occur equally in all groups. lead to impaired performance and even become
an occupational hazard. There are two main types
Musculoskeletal disorders of skin conditions in musicians, mechanical inju-
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are the ries of the skin and, more prevalent, allergic mani-
most frequent complaints among instrumental mu- festations. Also, a combination of these etiologic
sicians. They can cause pain, disability and loss factors of skin disorders occurs quite frequently.
of employment. Three diagnoses predominate in Apart from aggravation of predisposed skin
the literature: overuse syndrome, entrapment neu- diseases (e.g., atopic eczema or psoriasis) due
ropathy, and functional dystonia. The most com- to music making, specific dermatologic conditions
mon among musculoskeletal disorders is overuse may develop that are directly caused by playing a
syndrome, such as temporomandibular joint dis- musical instrument (18). Onder et al. (19,20) stud-
orders, focal motor dystonias, joint hypermobility, ied skin diseases in musicians working in a pro-
carpal syndrome, tendonitis, bursitis, tenosynovi- fessional orchestra and found that musicians were
tis, thoracic outlet syndrome, myofascial pain syn- subjected to a variety of skin problems in conse-
drome, and trigger finger/thumb syndrome (8-10). quence of playing their instruments. The authors
The overuse syndrome is frequently caused by in- found a significant incidence of occupational and
tensive practice, incorrect posture, non-ergonomic stress related skin conditions such as hyperhidro-
technique, pre-existing trauma, excessive force, sis, cheilitis, lichen planus, psoriasis, seborrheic
overuse, stress and insufficient rest (11). Knish- dermatitis and urticaria, as well as calluses of the
kowy and Lederman (12) report on 50%-60% of fingertips. Skin infections such as herpes labialis
string and keyboard instrumentalists to have ex- seem to be a more common skin problem in wood-
perienced performance-related musculoskeletal wind and brass instrumentalists (18).
symptoms. Zaza and Farewell (13) suggest that A special dermatosis of violinists, violists or
female and string players are at a higher risk of cello players is the “fiddler’s neck” (21). It pres-
developing musculoskeletal disorders compared ents as focal lichenification and pigmentation on
to other musicians. the left side of the neck just below the angle of
Predominantly, it is the musculoskeletal system the jaw. Pigmentation, erythema and inflamma-
of upper extremities and spine that is affected by tory papules or pustules are frequently present.
the acute or chronic syndromes and neuromuscu- The etiology of this skin change is probably due
lar disorders. Markison et al. (14) report on hand to a combination of contact allergic reaction and
pain to be the most common complaint among mu- mechanical action of the instrument against the
sicians, and that it can have devastating effects on skin. The edema apparently results from pressure
their careers. Fry et al. (15) studied pianists with on the musician’s neck by the base of the violin or
overuse syndrome in order to investigate whether viola, and is worsened by holding the instrument in
painful musculoligamentous overuse in the arms a drooping position.


Žuškin et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Health problems in musicians 2005;13(4):247-251

The most frequent allergic disease in this spe- Interestingly, asthma is the most common
cial category of workers was contact dermatitis, chronic pulmonary disorder among wind instru-
always described in string and wind instrument ment players (28). Lucia (33) suggests that wind
players, involving the mouth and the hands. The instrumentalists present a significantly better
most frequently reported culprit substances were “asthma health” picture, perceiving themselves
colophony, exotic woods, nickel sulfate, varnish- better able to cope with the disease. The author
es, and propolis (bee glue) (22). Nickel allergy in a suggests that playing a wind instrument has the
trumpet player was described by Nakamura et al. potential of being a long-term therapeutic agent
(23) and Thomas et al. (24). Inoue et al. (25) re- for asthmatics. Asthma is not unknown among
port on flautist’s chin, which presented with a form vocalists either. Cohen (34) describes asthma in
of eczema on the chin and a positive reaction to Teresa Teng (1953-1995), the famous Taiwanese
nickel. The authors suggest that it was due to both singer, and in Alyce King Clarke (1915-1996), the
mechanical irritation and allergy to nickel. Similar- famous American vocalist (35).
ly, Farm et al. (26) report on cosmetic intolerance
and contact allergy in 50% of opera-house artists. Noise-induced hearing loss
Rimmer and Spielvogel (27) describe several Musicians who play percussion instruments
other dermatologic problems of musicians such are particularly exposed to excessive levels of
as “guitar nipple”, “guitarist’s groin”, celist’s chest”, noise. Potential occupational hearing impairment
“cello knee”, “cello scrotum”, “Garrod’s pads”, resulting from noise exposure has been described
“harpist’s finger”, Paget-Schroetter syndrome, in classical orchestral and symphonic musicians
“clarinetist’s cheilitis”, and “flutist’s chin”. (36). Cudennec et al. (37) report on the effects of
loud music on brass band musicians manifested
Respiratory disorders by ear fatigue, noise intolerance, tinnitus, ear-
aches, sleep disturbance and psychic disorders.
Ramazzini (1) reports that musicians who play Kahari et al. (38) describe that percussion and
wind instruments with cheeks puffed and with the woodwind players display slightly worse hearing
exertion of exhaling necessary for blowing the thresholds than other musicians. Laitinen et al.
flute or trumpet may suffer serious injuries, e.g., (39) studied sound exposure among Finnish Na-
rupture of the vessels of the chest and sudden dis- tional Opera personnel and found that choir mem-
charges of blood from the mouth. He describes a bers were exposed to sound levels of 92 and 94
case of a flutist with ruptured large vein in the lung, dB(A). Within the orchestra, the highest sound
followed by violent hemorrhage and death within exposure levels were found among percussion-
two hours. ists and flute/piccolo players, 95 dB(A); and brass
Musical performance, especially in wind instru- players, 92-94 dB(A), which is considerably higher
ment players, depends on effective pulmonary than the recommended value of 85 dB(A). Steurer
function. Performance of wind instrument requires et al. (40) studied noise-induced hearing loss due
appreciable lung volumes, diaphragmatic me- to choir singing and found that singing might lead
chanical force, skilled breath control, adequate to increased endolymph pressure, and thus might
patency and humidity of air passages, and pre- cause hearing loss, especially in the low-frequen-
cise coordination of the oropharyngeal cavity (28). cy region.
Performing artists may be seriously impaired by
respiratory disease that, comparatively, may pro- PREVENTION
duce only modest inconvenience to non-musi- The principles of industrial and occupational medi-
cians (29). The breathing technique in wind instru- cine, especially those related to ergonomics and
ment players can be compared to respiratory and adaptive equipment, can be applied to the treat-
glottal efficiency in professionally trained classical ment and prevention of injuries and diseases in
singers (30). Schorr-Lesnick et al. (31) compared musicians. Considering the high rate of work-re-
pulmonary function of singers, wind instrumen- lated injuries among different types of musicians,
talists, and string or percussion instrumentalists, the preventive programs are warranted. It is nec-
and found no significant difference between these essary to design specific programs according to
groups. Thorpe et al. (32) report on a larger rib the type of instrument a musician plays.
cage, particularly in lateral dimension, of profes- Musicians frequently tend to underestimate
sional opera singers during performance of an aria and/or conceal their problems. This behav-
recorded with two levels of voice projection. ioral pattern can be quite harmful, causing the


Žuškin et al. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat
Health problems in musicians 2005;13(4):247-251

musicians to ignore signals that require rest, or be educated on all occupational hazards regard-
medical treatment in more severe cases. Many oc- ing the risks of professionally performing music.
cupational diseases of musicians arise due to ig- It is possible to prevent work related disorders
norance causing work-related diseases. The most in musicians by analyzing the principal factors
important step in the prevention therefore should responsible for their development, such as poor
include the education of musicians about possible posture, intensive practice, change in technique,
injuries (e.g., physical stress, musculoskeletal dis- inappropriate lifestyle, and anxiety. Musicians
orders, hearing impairment, respiratory diseases, should be familiar with the anatomic and physi-
skin diseases, etc.). Additionally, an important part ologic principles, which create their disabilities,
of the preventive strategy should include develop- and should also be educated about techniques
ing a positive attitude of the musicians themselves of body movement, posture and breathing. They
toward their performance and their audience. should exercise regularly. They should also learn
A balance of warming up and breathing exercis- about the basic anatomy of playing an instrument
es before a performance and taking short breaks as well as developing ways to manage stress and
during long practice sessions may protect subjects anxiety.
from musculoskeletal disorders. Frequent short-
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