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The first docment is an extract of a Letter to the Oxford Times , written in 15 January.

In this letter a man named Kevin Elliott is giving his opinion on why we need to keep animal
research legal. He gave his personal experience as a person who had a serious spinal condition and
tell that thanks to these researches on animal he could have been cured.
If we stop the use of animal in science experiments we are condemning people to suffer, though Mr
Elliott spelled out that as long as we do not have any other possibilities he thinks that we should
keep animal research legal.

The second document is an open letter adressed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), Speaking of Research, a group dedicated to promoting advancements in scientifix
practices ,strongly criticizes the EPA's recent decision to reduce and eventually eliminate tests on
animals for chemical safety. Over 600 members of the American scientific community have signed
the letter, urging EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler to withdraw the directive due to potential
risks to both humans and animals.
The letter emphasizes the importance of animal research for the EPA's mission, challenging
Wheeler's claim that "New Approach Methods" (NAMs) are more effective than animal models in
predicting hazards. The signatories argue that, to regulate chemicals properly, the EPA needs to
demonstrate adverse effects in entire living organisms, a requirement not met by non-animal
The letter points out the lack of concrete evidence supporting the idea that NAMs are better than
animals in assessing the safety of chemicals. The signatories argue that the EPA has not provided
relevant experimental, peer-reviewed data to show that NAMs offer a more complete understanding
of risks for new chemical hazards and potential human exposures.
The letter ends with a clear disapproval of the EPA's directive to rapidly reduce animal testing and
They stress that anyone advocating for animal welfare should support limited and responsible
animal research for the benefit of all living beings.

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