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A career in music is often seen as a pursuit of passion more than sense, but upon doing research

it is clear that it can be quite the lucrative career. According to Zip Recruiter, music producers in

the Rochester area make, on average $81 an hour, only $0.70 lower than the national average.

This hourly rate easily makes over $150,000 per year in a full time position and higher percentile

wages in this career go well over $400,000. What about opportunities? Well, any experienced or

talented producer will always be in demand for their skills. Here in south east Minnesota,

opportunities aren't plentiful but they are there and the volume of recruiters will change

depending on the location. One thing to keep in mind is that, with the rise of A.I generated

content, many different careers are being questioned on whether or not they will be replaced, but

with music production, that is not a current concern. The process requires a human touch,

something that A.I can't replicate. So with that being said, this career should be quite stable

despite the drastic changes in the working world that have taken place.

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