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removal : çıkarma, giderme, ortadan kaldırma, yer değiştirme, bir kenara koyma,

inhalation : an act of taking air, smoke, gas, etc. into your lungs as you breathe ; içine çekme,
nefes alma..

endangered species : nesli tükenmekte olan / tehlike altındaki türler ; (used especially about
groups of animals, plants, etc.) at risk of no longer existing..

extinction : a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing ; yok
olma, nesli / soyu tükenme, ortadan kalkma..

functional : practical and useful; with little or no decoration ; (especially of a machine, an

organization or a system) working; able to work ; kullanışlı, işlevsel, iş görür..

lean : yağsız, cılız, zayıf, yalın, yavan..

abruptly : birdenbire, ansızın, sert ve kısa olarak..

mischievously : in a slightly humorous way that plays tricks or annoys people slightly ;
sinsice, haylaz bir şekilde..

conservatory : sera, konservatuvar..

manufacture : to make goods in large quantities, using machines ; to invent a story, an

excuse, etc. ; imal etmek, üretmek, bahane uydurmak..

perform : carry out ; to work or function well or badly ; to entertain an audience by playing a
piece of music, acting in a play, etc. ; yerine getirmek, uygulamak, sahnelemek..

put out : ateş söndürmek, zahmet vermek, canını sıkmak, (kemik) çıkmak, dışarı atmak..

get over : overcome, atlatmak, başa çıkmak, anlaşılmak, sağlığına kavuşmak..

give away : hediye etmek, sırrını açıklamak, elden çıkartmak..

blow up : enlarge ; lose your temper ; patlatmak, havaya uçurmak, şişirmek, (foto)

break out : isyan çıkmak, fırtına / patırtı kopmak, birden başlamak, ansızın patlak vermek..

dependence : bağımlılık, bağlılık, güvenme..

discontent : dissatisfaction ; (at / over / with something) ; a feeling of being unhappy

because you are not satisfied with a particular situation; something that makes you have this
feeling ; dargınlık, hoşnutsuzluk, tedirginlik..

flavouring : a substance added to food or drink to give it a particular taste ; tatlandırıcı /

lezzet veren madde..

glamorous : especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people ;
cazibeli, büyüleyici, göz alıcı..

consistent : tutarlı, kalıcı, sürekli..

interpreter : a person whose job is to translate what somebody is saying into another
language ; a person who performs a piece of music or a role in a play in a way that clearly
shows their ideas about its meaning ; tercüman, yorumcu, çevirmen..

suspiciously : kuşkuyla, şüpheyle..

enviously : in a way that shows you want to be in the same situation as somebody else, or that
shows you want something that somebody else has ; kıskançlıkla, imrenerek..

simultaneously : at the same time as something else ; eş zamanlı, aynı anda..

critically : tehlikeli / eleştirel / ciddi olarak, ciddi derecede..

historically : tarihsel olarak / açıdan, in a way that is connected with the past..

amaze : to surprise somebody very much ; şaşırtmak, hayrette bırakmak, şaşkınlık


impose : uygulamaya koymak, dayatmak, zorlamak..

compile : derlemek, toplayıp biraraya getirmek..

groom : damat, seyis..

make out : idare etmek, anlam çıkarmak, ne olduğunu kestirmek, güçlükle anlamak,

get down to : to begin to do something; to give serious attention to something ; başlamak, yol
almak, ilerlemek..

look up to : to admire or respect somebody ; hürmet etmek, saygı duymak / göstermek,

hayranlık beslemek..

amongst : surrounded by somebody/something; in the middle of somebody/something ; being

included or happening in groups of things or people ; used when you are dividing or choosing
something, and three or more people or things are involved ; arasında, aralarında..

sought after : wanted by many people, because it is of very good quality or difficult to get or
to find ; aranan, rağbet gören, beğenilen..

arguably : used (often before a comparative or superlative adjective) when you are stating an
opinion that you believe you could give reasons to support ; muhtemelen, tartışılır şekilde..

biodiesel : a type of fuel made from plant or animal material and used in diesel engines..

alteration : değişiklik, değiştirme, tadilat, başkalaştırma..

remain : tortu, geriye kalan şey ; The remains of something are the parts of it that are left
after most of it has been taken away or destroyed. ; Historical remains are things that have
been found from an earlier period of history, usually buried in the ground, for example parts
of buildings and pieces of pottery..

sandpaper : strong paper with a rough surface covered with sand or a similar substance,
used for rubbing surfaces in order to make them smooth ; zımpara kağıdı..

coarse : kaba saba, hoyrat, görgüsüz; vulgar..

vivid : (of memories, a description, etc.) producing very clear pictures in your mind ;
graphic ; (of light, colours, etc.) very bright ; (of somebody’s imagination) able to form
pictures of ideas, situations, etc. easily in the mind ; berrak, parlak, hayat dolu, canlı, göz

tactful : diplomatic ; careful not to say or do anything that will annoy or upset other people ;
ince düşünceli, nazik ve çok anlayışlı, incelikli..

vaguely : hayal meyal, belli belirsiz, anlaşılmayacak şekilde..

unlikely : pek mümkün olmayan, olasılık dışı, ihtimali olmayan, olasılıksız..

get by : to manage to live or do a particular thing using the money, knowledge, equipment,
etc. that you have ; geçinmek, idare etmek, geçimini kıt kanaat sağlamak..

bring about : to make something happen ; cause ; sebep / neden olmak, yol açmak, meydana

catch on : to become popular or fashionable ; to understand something ; gözde / popüler /

meşhur olmak, anlamak, kavramak..

call for : to collect somebody in order to go somewhere ; to need something ; to publicly ask
for something to happen ; gerektirmek, çağrıda bulunmak..
hasty : hurried ; aceleci, çabuk sinirlenen, sabırsız, kızgın..
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enroll : to arrange for yourself or for somebody else to officially join a course, school, etc. ;

tenor : a man’s singing voice with a range just below the lowest woman’s voice; a man with
a tenor voice ; en tiz erkek sesi..

debut : the first public appearance of a performer or sports player ; sahneye / toplum önüne
ilk çıkış, birisinin topluma ilk defa tanıtılması..

master : to learn or understand something completely ; to manage to control an emotion ; to

gain control of an animal or a person ; iyice öğrenmek, uzmanlaşmak, denetimi altına almak,
başa çıkmak..

meadow : a field covered in grass, used especially for hay ; çayır, çimenlik, otlak..

encounter : run into ; to experience something, especially something unpleasant or difficult,

while you are trying to do something else ; come across ; rastlamak, karşılaşmak,
deneyimlemek, başına gelmek, görüp geçirmek..

requiem : a Christian ceremony for a person who has recently died, at which people say
prayers for his or her soul ; a piece of music for this ceremony ; ağıt, ölü ayini ilahisi, ölülerin
ruhu için dua..

evidently : clearly; that can be seen or understood easily ; obviously ; apparently ; besbelli,
apaçık, kuşkusuz..
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INFLUENCE_GRD_11_040 / 03
feel free to do sth : used to tell somebody that they are allowed to do something ; rahat
olmak, çekinmemek..

push in : to go in front of other people who are waiting, in a way that is rude and unfair ;
araya girmek..

manners : behaviour that is considered to be polite in a particular society or culture ; hareket

tarzı, terbiye, edep, görgü..

cover for sb : to do somebody’s work or duties while they are away ; to invent a lie or an
excuse that will stop somebody from getting into trouble ; birinin yerine idare etmek, birisinin
işlerini üstlenmek, birisinin suçunu / hatasını örtbas etmek..
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INFLUENCE_GRD_11_041 / 04
stuff : used to refer to a substance, material, group of objects, etc. when you do not know the
name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about ; eşya,
madde, nesne, ıvır zıvır, zımbırtı, şey..

pancake : a thin flat round cake made from a mixture of flour, eggs and milk that is fried on
both sides, usually eaten hot for breakfast in the US, and in the UK either as a dessert with
sugar, jam, etc. or as a main course with meat, cheese, etc. ; krep, gözleme..

put sb off : iştahını kaçırmak, alıkoymak..

picky : fussy ; (of a person) liking only particular things and difficult to please ; seçici, zor
beğenir, mızmız..
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INFLUENCE_GRD_11_023 / 06
leading : most important or most successful ; öncülük eden, önde gelen, yol gösteren,
baştaki ; ahead of others in a race or contest..

illustrate : demonstrate ; örneklerle açıklamak, resimlendirmek, sergilemek..

establish : set up ; kurmak, saptamak, belirlemek, düzen / kural koymak, ispatlamak, kabul

anxiety : endişe, kaygı, kuruntu, sıkıntı..

striking : marked ; interesting and unusual enough to attract attention ; stunning ; very
attractive, often in an unusual way ; çarpıcı, gözalıcı, şaşırtıcı, dikkat çekici..

subject something (to something) : to bring a country or group of people under your control,
especially by using force ; bir şeye hükmetmek, bir şeyi kontrol altına almak, mecbur etmek,
bağımlı kılmak, maruz bırakmak..

hay fever : an illness that affects the nose, eyes and throat and is caused by pollen from plants
that is breathed in from the air ; bahar / saman nezlesi..

allergen : allerji yapan madde.

panel : a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about something; a group of
people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio ; dinleyiciler önünde belirli bir
konuyu tartışmak için seçilen tartışmacı grubu, açık oturum..

mania (for something / for doing something) an extremely strong desire or enthusiasm for
something, often shared by a lot of people at the same time ; craze ; a mental illness in which
somebody has an obsession about something that makes them extremely anxious, violent or
confused ; cinnet, delilik, çılgınlık, düşkünlük, tutkulu davranış..

tradesmen : shopkeeper, işyeri sahibi, tüccar, esnaf, satıcı,

artwork : pictures and photographs prepared for books, magazines, etc. ; a work of art,
especially one in a museum; works of art as a group ; sanat eseri / çalışması..

mosaic : a picture or pattern made by placing together small pieces of glass, stone, etc. of
different colours..

stained glass : pieces of coloured glass that are put together to make windows showing
pictures or special designs, especially in churches ; vitray ; boyalı / dekoratif / bezenmiş cam..

illuminated : lit with bright lights ; (of books, etc.) decorated with gold, silver and bright
colours in a way that was done in the past, by hand ; aydınlatılmış, ışıklandırılmış..

illustration : örnekleme, örneklerle açıklama, resimle gösterme, çizim..

burn to the ground : destroy completely ; yanıp kül olmak..

district : semt, ilçe, bölge, sancak, mahalle, yöre, çevre, mıntıka..

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pollinator : polen taşıyıcı, polen getiren..

crucial : critical, essential, extremely important, because it will affect other things ; çok
önemli, can alıcı..

ethical : connected with beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong ; morally correct
or acceptable ; ahlaka uygun..

mutually : felt or done equally by two or more people ; karşılıklı, ortaklaşa..

continually : continuously ; devamlı, durmadan, sürekli, ikide bir..

harness : to control and use the force or strength of something to produce power or to achieve
something ; yararlanmak, belirli amaç için kullanmak, kontrol / denetim altına almak..

generate : to produce energy, especially electricity ; üretmek, meydana getirmek..

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respective : belonging or relating separately to each of the people or things already
mentioned ; şahsi, herbiri kendisinin olan, ayrı ayrı, kişisel..

boundary : a real or imagined line that marks the limits or edges of something and separates
it from other things or places; a dividing line ; sınır, hudut, limit..

the Iron Curtain : the name that people used for the border that used to exist between
Western Europe and the communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe..
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associate with : connected ; if one thing is associated with another, the two things are
connected because they happen together or one thing causes the other ; ile ilgisi / ilişkisi

likely : promising ; having a good chance of happening or being something; probable or

expected ; olası, mümkün, büyük ihtimalle, muhtemelen, ümit verici..
notifiable : (of a disease or a crime) so dangerous or serious that it must by law be reported
officially to the authorities ; bildirilmesi gereken..

pagan : a person who holds religious beliefs that are not part of any of the world’s main
religions ; putperest..

crucify : işkence etmek, çarmıha gererek öldürmek..

onto : used with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position ; used to
show that something faces in a particular direction ; üstüne, üzerine..
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estimate : tahmin, ölçüm, değer biçme, tahmini hesap..

grueling : punishing ; very difficult and making you very tired, needing great effort for a long
time ; zahmetli, çok yorucu, eziyetli..

commentator : a person who describes an event while it is happening, especially on

television or radio ; a person who is an expert on a particular subject and talks or writes about
it on television or radio, in a newspaper or on social media ; yorumcu, anlatıcı, maç spikeri,

conventional : geleneksel ; (of medical treatment) using the usual scientific methods of
Western medicine such as artificial drugs and operations..

amber : a hard clear yellow-brown substance, formed in ancient times from the resin of trees,
used in making jewellery or beautiful objects ; kehribar, bal rengi..

paralysis : felç..

gem : değerli nesne, kıymetli taş, mücevher..

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undergo : to experience something, especially a change or something unpleasant ; maruz
kalmak, sıkıntı çekmek, başına gelmek, -e uğramak..
archetypal : (arkitaypıl) having all the important qualities that make somebody / something a
typical example of a particular kind of person or thing ; örnek teşkil eden, numune olarak..

essentially : basically, fundamentally ; when you think about the true, important or basic
nature of somebody/something ; özünde, temelde, esasen, aslında, gerekli / öncelikli olarak,
belli başlı..

R 1)
tremendous : huge ; remarkable ; muazzam, koskocaman, heybetli, extremely good..

elude : to manage to avoid or escape from somebody/something, especially in a clever way ;

if something eludes you, you are not able to achieve it, or not able to remember or understand
it ; paçasını kurtarmak, atlatmak, sıyrılmak, aklına gelmemek..

sensation : feeling, his, algılama, heyecan uyandıran olay, algı..

surgically : in a medical operation using surgery ; cerrahi olarak..

stroke : felç, vuruş, kulaç, fırça darbesi..

infrequent : not happening often ; rare ; seyrek, nadiren..

portray : depict ; represent ; play ; rolünü oynamak, portresini / resmini yapmak, rol
canlandırmak, betimlemek..

beheaded : başı kesilen..

barely : zar zor, zoraki, çok çok az, hemen hemen, kıtı kıtına..

jugular vein : any of the three large veins in the neck that carry blood from the head towards
the heart ; şahdamarı, boyun toplar damarı..

remain intact : undamaged ; complete and not damaged ; bakir / bozulmamış kalmak..
pinnacle of sth : the most important or successful part of something ; zirve, doruk, tepe

urban legend : a story about a strange event that is supposed to have happened (but did not
really happen) that is often repeated and that many people believe is true..

commemorate : to remind people of an important event or person from the past with a
special action or object; to exist to remind people of a person or an event from the past ;
anmak, anısını kutlamak, anısına olmak..

rover : a small vehicle that can move over rough ground, often used on the surface of
other planets, sometimes controlled from the earth..

uncover : to remove something that is covering something ; to discover something that was
previously hidden or secret ; ortaya / meydana / açığa çıkarmak, örtüsünü kaldırmak..

exceed : sınırı / haddini aşmak, aşırıya kaçmak, ileri gitmek, fazla olmak..
acidic : having a very bitter sharp taste ; asitli madde içeren..

camphor : a white substance with a strong smell, used in medicine, for making plastics and to
keep insects away from clothes ; kafur, kafuru..

be credited with : -e sahip olduğuna inanılmak, bir şeyi sağlayan kişi olarak bilinmek..

refrigeration : the act or process of keeping food, etc. cold in order to keep it fresh or
preserve it ; soğutma, soğutucu sistemi..

massmarket : (mass-market) (of goods etc.) produced for very large numbers of people ;
kitle piyasa / Pazar..

morale : the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a
particular time ; manevi güç, moral, gönül gücü..
somewhat : rather, to some degree ; birazcık, bir miktar, az çok..

unidentified : kimliği belirlenemeyen, tanımlanamayan, teşhis edilemeyen..

trend : a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing ; genel eğilim,


recreation : the act or process of making something that existed in the past exist or seem to
exist again ; the fact of people doing things for pleasure, when they are not working ; hobby,
pastime, oyalanma, eğlence ve dinlenme, boş zaman etkinliği, yeniden yaratma..

betterment : improvement ; the process of becoming or making something / somebody

better ; düzeltme, iyileştirme, verimini yükseltme..

shake : a drink made of milk, and sometimes ice cream, with the added taste of fruit or
chocolate, which is mixed or shaken until it is full of bubbles..

supplement : ek, ilave, bütünleyici, tamamlayıcı, katkı..

rigorous : thorough ; done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail ; strict ; demanding
that particular rules, processes, etc. are strictly followed ; titiz, sıkı, özenli..

don’t beat about the bush : (= around the bush) to talk about something for a long time
without coming to the main point ; lafı gevelemek / dolandırmak, ağzında gevelemek,
asıl konuya gelmemek, sözü uzatmak..

somewhere else : başka yerde..

flattered : pohpohlanmış, gururu okşanmış..

praise : övgü, şükran..

keep / lose track of somebody / something : to have / not have information about what is
happening or where somebody/something is ; takip etmek, izini kaybetmemek, aklında
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absolute : tam, eksiksiz, kesin..

pain in the neck : (= a pain in the arse / backside) a person or thing that is very
annoying / difficult to deal with; baş belası; can sıkıcı tip..

discount : reduction ; an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something ;
indirim, azaltma, iskonto..

on the decline : düşmekte, düşüşte..

accompany : to happen or appear with something else ; eşlik etmek, beraberinde gitmek,
ardından gelmek..

acute : ani gelişen, keskin, very serious or severe ; hassas..

heartburn : a pain that feels like something burning in your chest caused by acid coming
back up from your stomach ; mide ekşimesi / yanması..

discomfort : unease ; rahatsızlık, huzursuzluk, sıkıntı, dert..

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dare : to be brave enough to do something ; cüret etmek, yeltenmek, kafa tutmak, kalkışmak..

for fear that : to avoid the danger of something happening ; korkusuyla..

contaminated : kirletilmiş, bozulmuş, mikroplu, pis..

differentiate : distinguish ; ayrım yapmak, farkı görmek, farklılaştırmak..

make up for sth : compensate ; to do something that corrects a bad situation ; telafi etmek,
eksiği gidermek..
--- --- ---
concerned : ilgili, endişeli, kaygılı..

reassure : to say or do something that makes somebody less frightened or worried ; güvence /
moral vermek, güvenini tazelemek..

amiable : agreeable ; pleasant; friendly and easy to like ; cana yakın, dost canlısı, sıcakkanlı,

unreasonable : mantıksız, akıl almaz, anlamsız, makul olmayan..

help smo out : to help somebody, especially in a difficult situation..

covert : secret or hidden, making it difficult to notice ; gizli, üstü kapalı, saklı..

overt : done in an open way and not secretly ; meydanda, ortada olan, çok belli, gizli
olmayan, bariz..

pity : shame ; used to show that you are disappointed about something ; a sad feeling caused
by the pain and troubles of others ; şefkat, acıma, merhamet..

psychiatry : the study and treatment of mental illness ; ruh hekimliği..

sociology : the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social
behaviour ; toplum bilimi..

tangibility : somutluk, gerçek olma..

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inaccurate : not exact or accurate; with mistakes ; hatalı, kusurlu..
imply : ima etmek, demeye getirmek, dolaylı olarak göstermek, işaret etmek, belirtmek..

inability : the fact of not being able to do something ; yetersizlik, acizlik, beceriksizlik..

perceptual : relating to the ability to perceive things or the process of perceiving ; anlamayla
ilgili, algısal..

entirely : in every way possible; completely ; tümüyle, tamamıyla, baştan sona, tamamen,
bütün yönleriyle..

circumstances : koşullar, şartlar, mali durum..

psychology : ruh hali..

manipulate : kendi çıkarları için kullanmak, ustalıkla idare etmek..

justified : defend ; savunmak, haklı göstermek, doğrulamak, haklı çıkarmak..

association : çağrışım, bağlantı..

modernity : the condition of being new and modern ; yenilik, çağdaşlık..

pace (of) : tempo, ilerleme hızı..

stem from : to be the result of something ; -den kaynaklanmak, ileri gelmek..

revenue : receipts ; the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization,
etc. receives from its business ; gelir, devletin geliri, kazanç..

originally : used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular period
or activity, especially before something was changed ; aslen, ilk başta, köken itibariyle,

practise : uygulamak, gerçekleştirmek..

widely : by a lot of people; in or to many places ; geniş çapta, büyük ölçüde; her tarafa..

regard as : gözüyle bakmak, olarak görmek, kabul etmek..

uncover : ortaya / açığa çıkarmak, örtüsünü kaldırmak..

instruct : yol göstermek, talimat vermek, öğretmek ; to teach somebody something,

especially a practical skill..

gloom : depression ; kasvet, belirsizlik, sıkıntılı bakış..

vessel : a tube that carries blood through the body of a person or an animal, or liquid through
the parts of a plant ; damar..

dilate : (of a part of the body) to become larger, wider or more open; to make a part of the
body larger, wide or more open ; irileşmek, genleşmek, genişlemeye neden olmak..

hieroglyphs : a picture or symbol of an object, representing a word, syllable or sound,

especially as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing systems ; simge harf, resim yazı..

review : ders tekrarı, eleştiri yazısı, değerlendirme, inceleme..

correlation : a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does ;
karşılıklı ilişki, ilinti, ilişki..

expressionism : a style and movement in early 20th century art, theatre, cinema and music
that tries to express people’s feelings and emotions rather than showing events or objects in a
realistic way..

bloating : to swell (= become bigger or rounder) or make something swell, especially in an

unpleasant way ; genişleme, şişirme..
regardless of : paying no attention to something/somebody; treating something/somebody as
not being important ; bakmaksızın, dikkate almaksızın, hiç önem vermeyerek, -e aldırmadan,
fark etmeksizin..

irrespective : regardless of ; without considering something or being influenced by it ; hesaba

katmadan, -e bakmaksızın, bağlı kalmadan..

nevertheless : yine de, gene, bununla beraber, olmasına rağmen, ancak, fakat, despite
something that you have just mentioned ; nonetheless..

assume : üstlenmek, take on, varsaymak, farzetmek, benimsemek, elde etmek..

predator : yırtıcı / avcı hayvan..

prey : av, yem..

outrun : to run faster or further than somebody/something ; to develop faster than

something ; daha hızlı koşmak, daha hızlı koşarak kurtulmak..

buck : antilop, erkek geyik..

springbok : a small antelope from southern Africa that can jump high into the air ; keseli

wildebeest : a large antelope with curved horns..

quest : a long search for something, especially for some quality such as happiness ; arama,
arayış, soruşturma, macera, tetkik..

detecting : saptayan, algılayıcı, sezici..

bitterness : acılık, sertlik, yakıcılık, keskinlik..

spine : omurga, diken..

reservoir : (rezıvvua) su deposu, hazne, birikim, baraj gölü, depo..

viscous : (of a liquid) thick and sticky; not flowing freely ; yapış yapış, akışkan olmayan,
ağdalı, yoğun..

columnar : sütuna benzer, sütun biçimli..

fast-paced : moving, changing or happening very quickly ; hızla yapılan..

highlight : altını çizmek, belirtmek, vurgulamak, öne çıkarmak..

adverse : negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a good result ; olumsuz, ters, zıt,

ask for : istemek, rica etmek, talep etmek..

score : puan almak, değerlendirmek, sayı kazanmak,

preferably : in a way that is more attractive or more suitable; in a way that is preferred to
other ways ; tercihen, öncelikli olarak, tercih sebebi..

diversity : variety ; çeşitlilik, farklılık, değişim..

universal : evrensel, geniş kapsamlı, yaygın, dünya çapında..

comprise : consist of ; make up ; kapsamak, içermek, -den oluşmak..

behavioural pattern : davranış kalıbı / biçimi..

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