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My Favourite Voicing #Part 1

“Minor 11”

Minor 11 chords consist of a minor triad, with a 7th, 9th, and 11th.

The chord symbol is represented by a lowercase "m" indicating minor triad,

followed by "11".

Here are the notes in Fm11

F Ab C Eb G Bb

A chord symbol tells us which notes to play, however, a voicing is the

specific way those notes are arranged and played.

Here’s the m11 voicing from the video.

F C Ab Bb Eb G

How To Practise This Voicing

Step 1
Begin by moving the voicing up the chromatic scale. Practise this both ascending
and descending.

Fm11 F#m11 Gm11 Abm11 Am11 Bbm11

Bm11 Cm11 Dbm11 Dm11 Ebm11 Em11 Fm11

Step 2
Take the voicing around the Circle of Fifths. You can either move clockwise or

In the video, I move anticlockwise starting from F (see next page).

Bb D

Eb A

Ab E
Db F#/Gb

Step 2 continued...
Fm11 Bbm11 Ebm11 Abm11 Dbm11 F#m11

Bm11 Em11 Am11 Dm11 Gm11 Cm11 Fm11

Step 3

Now try creating a short sequence that uses the voicing in several places.

Here’s the progression I came up with:

Fm11 * Abm11 * Bbm11 Ab △/C

Fm11 * Abm11 * *
Fm11 Em11 * Ebm11 *

*All the chords with an asterisx use the m11 voicing.

Click here to download the Midi and Backing Track of this

sequence to practise with 🚀

Hi! 👋
It’s Adam here!

Thanks so much for checking out this workbook! I hope you find it useful!

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Happy practising!


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