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Q1. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Q2. When an athlete pushes back and down on the starting block, the starting block pushes the
athlete forwards and upwards. The forward push of the road on the driving wheels of a car occurs
only because the wheels push back on the road. When you swim through water, you push back on
the water with your arms and legs so that the water pushes you forward.

Q3. The friction of the ground prevents you from sliding, thus pushing you forward.

Q4. Both rockets and jet engines push exhaust gas out rapidly behind them. Unlike jet engines,
rockets used to launch spacecraft do not use air to burn fuel. They carry their own supple of oxygen.

Q5 The force exerted by the wind on the sail is what propels the boat forward, the sail pushes back
on the wind and the boat moves forward.

Q6 The paddle exerts a force on the water, and the water exerts the same amount of reaction force
on the paddle. Due to the reaction force on the paddle by the water, the boat moves forward.

Q7 The small hole in the centre, air escapes from the balloon downwards. This creates an opposite
force upwards which lifts the hovercraft off the ground.

Materials found from a website:


sport drink cap (with pop-out nozzle)



The balloon flies up because similar to a rocket the air

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