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My perfect transport system is pretty simple.

Private car ownership is essentially

You get around by walking, biking, scootering
and aboard butter smooth public transport.
This consists of trains, trams, buses.. shared
taxis and single person pods.
Much of it is free but you can pay extra for
convenience and speed.
Business vehicles are allowed, though are
electric and (where beneficial and possible)
self driving. Cycle lanes are numerous, both
scenic and direct, and walking is simple,
natural and not just for hiking.

The train, tram, bus, taxi, pod system is your

basic range, going from high capacity and
indirect, to low capacity and direct. All these
modes would be accessed from the same app
(Transported?), where you say where you
want to go, maps/uber style, and it gives you
your choices. You can increase a slider for an
easier trip, with supply and demand factored
into the cost.

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