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16.2 Statutory Law.

Who makes laws?

1. Parliament- Statutory laws

2. Common law- Judge makes laws.

Bill- proposed law.

- Where you write a law

- Then people vote if they want the law or not to be enforced

Act- A law

- Where the law is in action.

E.g of a bill becoming a law.

1. Doctors, nurses (these people) might have thought that it is compulsory to ride a helmet because
of the amount of people who do not wear a helmet. So the doctors and nurses (lobbies) voted for
the law and caught the politician’s attention

2. Politicians say that it should be a law

3. If people do not wear helmets when they ride, then polices can check on the people who do not
wear helmets and warn them. Polices enforce the law.

Steps where a bill becomes a law.

Step 1- 1st reading- Bill is introduced. Citizens read it briefly, just like the title. Nothing happens

Step 2- Bill is reintroduced in its country. People read it thoroughly. Debate occurs whether they want
the bill to turn into law or not

Steps 3- Consideration in detail- a committee (MP, from the government of opposition) checks the
bill for any problems.

Step 4- 3rd Reading (first reading is step 1, 2nd reading is step 2 and step 3 is third reading) Votes taken

(step 1-4 Lower House (house of representatives)

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