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A NOVEL, BY ANTHONY BRUNO ENCES OnmIaeSeN Maurice CAT UBSCoL i ” Escaneado con CamScanner tetene Custeks Seven a novel by. ANTHONY BRUNO based on a screenplay by ‘Andrew Kevin Walker Level 4 Retold by Ron Veness Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter Escaneado con CamScanner Contents Introduction ~ “There are going 10 be five more murders if we don't find the killer.” Introduction y Mills leading the investigation after his retirement, Somerset had a feeling that the killer would do them all, no trouble. It wasn't 1t Mills was no good. He just didn’t know anything about this sort Chapter 1 Gluttony 1 ! Chapter 2. Greed 10 of stuff — about serial killers. Chapter 3. Sloth 20 Detective Somerset has just seven more days before he retires. chapter 4 John Doe Chapter 4 J 28 He is looking forward to leaving the city and living peacefully away from the city. Maybe he will meet someone and have dren, Maybe, at forty-five, he is not too old to become a +. Affer twenty-three years as a homicide detective in the ov city, he has seen enough crime. He does not want to see any 5 more seiiseless murders. He only wants to get through these last «as easly as possible, But with about sixty homicides in this city, he is not going to have a very easy week. he meets Detective David Mills, Chapter 5 Lust 33 Chapter 6 Pride 37 hapter 7 Activities amor ‘At the next murder scene, a younger man who is new to the city. ‘He has left his job in a small town because he wants to do work that he thinks matters more, Somerset thinks that he is a fool for coming to the city. ‘The next morning, a very fat man is found dead in his kitchen. Then Eli Gould, the city’s top criminal defense lawyer is killed. There are clues left by the murderer. Is this the work of a serial killer? What do the clués mean? It does not take Somerset long to understand. This killer plans to murder seven people — one for each of the Seven Deadly Sins. Can they find im before he murders again? him and stop The Seven Deadly Sins are a Christian idea, introduced by the Roman Catholic Church. They became part of early Escaneado con CamScanner teaching when the Church decided that th pes of sin: those that are less serious and seven ae fen that are Christ two very serious. The Ja Christian art and were written about by the famous Italian poet, Dante Alighieri (1265-1521), These seven sins are Pr Wrath, Envy, Lust, \Glattony, Greed, and Sloth. These wal exphined on the page after this Introduction, a even deadly sins” became a popular id, lea are The movie ¢ movie theaters in 1995. It was made by David le pop videos before working apncvice ig movie was Aliens 3 (1993), Both “Aliens 3 and Seven show a very dark view of people and the world they live Seven, the city has given Somerset such a dark view of sn't believe in having children, ‘The dark rooms and the r: the movie add to this feeling as we watch it. The movie was mainly filmed in downtown city is never reported in the book or the movie, so it could ayed the tired, middle- aged Detective Somerset, and Brad Pitt played the younger le working on the is was written into the ned $4,000,000 (Gee the pictu work, which pro famous for her part Spacey played John Doe, the s of the 1990s. +. It is one of the best-mad Andrew. Ke for the movies. He eersity in 1986, where he studied F ied Film and Video. W New York City, he wi le working in a music store in ‘rote this stor tory about two detectives and er serial killer. It took him three years eo write it ‘When he hed, he sold the story to a movie company in Ls ‘Angeles. ier also played the dead body in the movies open von to write the movies 8MM (1999) and »y Hollow (1999) Pr nony Bruno wrote the story of Seven from the movie. has written several other books about which is a true story about d and lives in New killer in the US. Bruno is marries Jersey with his wife and daughter. as entertained movie-goers for a great subject for a detective and frightening story al about it at the same this terrible city and Jot save the Violence in American cities h: .d serial killers are ty of terror. This dark nany years. novie with plen js fiction, but there is something very Te The older detective wants to leave cw life in a safer place. He knows he cans ‘and now he just wants to save himself, take changes and make the city ciety is controlled by greedy ti start city from the crimina The young detective wants to m: safer for everybody. But this so hd cruel people and it needs more than one or two men ‘The serial killer wants to send a message tO rk of a mad man? The innocent .ds herself living in fear and does de the right decision. Is to change it. manity. But is this the wot wife of the young dete: ot believe that her husband has mac 2 There are only seven days to find out. vii Escaneado con CamScanner ‘The Seven Deadly Sins viii ngs ~ too much Chapter 1 Gluttony Somerset looked at the clock. It was almost 2 a.m. He had been yre than an hour, but he was still awake. He had. it was never easy for him to go to sleep. jde detective sees humanity at its very worst. He able sort, People killed with guns, 1g. wives, and wives killing hus parents, friends killing friends, and 1s to rob them, sometimes for nd live quietly in the country. igh of the violence and crime of the His pictures and his books were packed and ready to move to jouse in the cot Only seven more days. He thought of how long he had lived the city, He had been married twice. At one time he had .—but not in the city. He knew what ldren. But deep in his heart, he felt iren. It isn't too late, he .00 old to have children. He still might set someone, It was possible. Anything was possible once he got the hell out of here. Suddenly his stomach was tight. Was he making a mistake? He'd lived his whole life in the city. What if he hated the Escaneado con CamScanner 5 “Where did you say you're going?” the driver asked. Somer- is eyes."*Far away from here,” he said. set opened . Far away fiom here. He closed his eyes, and ad been another murder. As he got out of bed, he didn't care as much as he did. It would make the seven days a lot easier. . ct arrived at the crime scene, the workers from nt were taking photographs and looking. 1 fingerprints. The body was on the floor in a body bag.* 1 out. There was a lot of blood on the wall, ‘Somerset was a thin, middle-aged der his eyesanda sad face. Everyone was your last job?” Somerset asked him. * boxy bay: a special bag to carry the bodies of people killed in eri # accidents and war. Escaneado con CamScanner g, Mills was awake, sitting up in bed side, She didn't like the city, There was always something —that a small mou that it made her more le so often now looked worried. when she smiled. But she didn’t lcep she worried. eld is a better place But he was happy eryone at the Maybe Somerset is y jumped up. “What is it?” she before it rang twice. “It's OK,” he said. k on Baylor Street, Somerset was need some lights,” “Any guess about d asked Somerset. 1 it seems he’s been sitting with his face in a plate of side the apartment, there were dirty pots and dishes and 5 Escaneado con CamScanner jed the man’s face out of jow that for sure. te’s de is it, Doc?” jever saw anythit know. I s. The body was in the Mills and Somerset were as he was pen for examination. Mills at’s exactly how he died. J."'It looks like a gun was pressed against his head. Very possi Somerset was looking at a row of glass jars on a table. “Doctor” he want to ask you about one of these.” He ‘Were these blue things found around picked up a clear glass n's mot Escaneado con CamScanner other jar. “These are the |. Those your'e h ing I fond to choose. Eat or | and made him eat it. “We have said sharply. rset was too tired to argue." I want to be taken off the first case!” he shouted. “You said. “I don’t have another detective I to. We don't have enough people. You know to me, Captainy” said “T can manage turned and stared Somerset in the eye. “You 9 Escaneado con CamScanner ter 2 Greed he would soon you're saying, Escaneado con CamScanner [:_ [es just that I don’t want 0 lose you. They don’t make det ectives , Somerset thought. holding up a jar with thing under the could see that was where they 1 fit the holes, broken pieces of the cover. Somerse elope, but it as thinking He thought he was, but he wasn't It was still Somerset BED. this, ow he had problem. So” GLUTTONY and GR . Mills was excited when he saw the 70% Somerset had found 50 we have a link between behind the fat man’s refrigerator. the two killings,” he said. He read the note again. ell leads up (0 the light. “But mething? It just seems crazy fo me Ny e hard for Somerset to control himself, But instead of Ne a fool, he held up photos of the words “You ever heard of the h, envy, sloth, Long is the wy, and hard, that out of what does it mean? Is he trying t© tell us s It was telling Mills he GREED, in blood, and GLUTTONY Mills? Greed, gluttony, wrat seven deadly pride, and lust. Understanding slowly showed on to do one for each sin?” Mills’ face. “You think he’s g seems 30, doesn't it?” “Qh, no..." Mills was shocked. Oh, no, is right, thought Somerset. You wanted the big time,” he said. “Well now you've BOF £ we don't find the to be five more murders i killer” With Mills leading the investigation after his retirement, rset had a feeling the killer would do them all, no trouble. Te wasn't that Mills was no good. He just Pa “So we do have a link’ didn’t know anything about this sort of stuff—about serial killers. This wasn’t Springfield. ‘As much as Somerset wanted to leave, he couldn't. He couldn't just leave it with Mills. He had to go on with the investigation. Not now. 13 Escaneado con CamScanner Jooked at his notes as he walked around G ou sk, there was a big Mil On the w was a mo ing mach blood on the floor a le-aged won mn. She colored red hair. It e killer had obvious that desk working Mills was carrying and beg on the desk jould learn h ‘0 work by Somerset was . this case, thoug People would probably die while Mills 4 ow him the right hi earning, He needed some help. Just to 3 : aoa Somerset put down his pen. “You know this is a direc or we're looking for here,’ he said. shouted Mills, angry at Somet= +» Somerset was sorry he had said 3 nie say that. haven't talked about that. T e's juse that we the wrong Way: think we should. don't.” 1+ will call him a serial killer, the FBI 1 be working for them. Becauise as soon as WE r want to talk about i I don't even. fe rang. It was Tracy, Mills’ wife. She wanted to talk to Somerset, but Somerset couldn’: imagine Detective Si wondered if you would and have dinner with us tonight’ Somerset's voice Was that’s very nice of you.” re heard a lot I'm a very good cook,” she said. “And about you. I would like to meet you before you leave.” . Later that evening, Mills seemed uncomfortable as he and Somerset walked up the stairs to Mills’s apartment. Somerset new that Mills didn’t like the idea of dinner together, but he wasn't sure wl In the di 1g room, the table was carefully prepared for three. + Federal Bureau of Investigation In the USA, national (not local) detectives. 15, Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con CamScanner it to Somerset. “Look no less Gould to take do you do w R isa photo of Mrs. Gould,” he s ; I don’t know what it could be. 8 he said, me if there's place. Anything ls hated to see wor men cry, but he knew he had to do 1 _— «please, Mrs. Gould. Anything, at ll. Take your aims this se. “There's nothing there,” she said. She wouldn't look at the photos again “There's som “You're the onl thing there that we're not seeing,” said Mills. ‘one who can help us now. We need your person who did this.” help if wee going to get the vighe” she said, She took the photos and started 19 look Mills thought. at them, but too quickly, he stopped at one picture and looked again. ‘What do you see?” asked Mills. “The painting,” she said. re photo showed the desk with the big, modern oi painting he wall behind it. “What about the painting?” Mills asked. jooked up at him as if he had done something wrong. she asked he I is it upside down! at it. “Upside down?” he said. . Mills and Somerset went straight to Gould's office. Somerset looked up at the painting. “You sure our people didn't move ie? hey did, the photos were taken first.” Somerset took the painting off the wall, Mills thought there would be another message behind it, written in blood. Bur there was nothing. “I don’t want to think about the sleep I'm missing because of this,” he said. “There’ nothing here, He's playing with ws: ‘Somerset thought that Mills was probably right. “But there 19 Escaneado con CamScanner HELP ME. He may be hearing sd. He's not going wants to do: ne Coke, looking at mself. Instead, he said,“*You meant what 24 Escaneado con CamScanner red officer called Califor ‘uniform, came running: a their orders. Somerset asked you said to Mrs. Gould tonight about catching this guy, didn'e oe policemen in began giving them “hat do you think?” cour killer?” Mil thought for a moment. “He doesn’ ox he? I don't see our killer fitting that rset nodded. “No,” he said. “Our guy kin looks like the type who the morning.” 7 man, do Sor 4 Somerset were in their car, follow! taking California and the uni apartment, Somerset took out his Dwork it nodded at the gun.”*You ever get hit “A bullet? No. Twenty-three years on the jol taken out my gun three times. Never fired it ” He put his gun away.“How about you?” shook his head. “Never got hit. Pulled once... And fired it.” “Yeah: “Yeah ...[t was my first time on something | guy had killed his wife. I didn't think he was: epee ard from Dworkin for door, he was holding a gun on a cop outsi ar lave an address, and we're checking it fired once. | fired five times.” § “How did it end?” asked : i would shoot at the police. But when we broke | Escaneado con CamScanner Mills thought for a moment. He changed the story a little because he felt so T killed him. The other cop was hit in the leg.” He wondered if he should tell Somerset what really happened to Rick that night “So how di ? aman?” would be bad. You know... But that night I slept wi ‘But that was only because he hadn't Later, when he knew that Rick w didn't sleep so well. He st Somerset was thoughtful for som: ve been lucky so far. I never killed ar I just nodded. Wo again, The van stopped apartment block. It had been just his gun as they On the third floor, nk he couldn't yed over a man who was so they got to Dworkin’ California waved everyone back to make room for the two ‘men breaking down the door. 24 “In here! q mills moved fast to get into the bedroom i erst body under dirty sheet lying on a small bed. slowly toward it, his gun in both hands. sn his gun (00. All he could think of was have a gun under the sheet. He might Rick had been shot. : 3 “Good morning!” California shout ‘The body didn’t move. : “Get up!” California shouted + Somerset looked in from the door. There inside. sLOTH was written on the wall above California Dworkin wasn’t going to shoot. The body was tie Ie was so thin that there seemed to be nothing bones. A bandage was tied over his eyes. Somerset took out a photo of Dworkin. “Is it asked. “Yeah. It’s him.” California pointed with his gun at the man’ hand had been cut off at the wrist. i Mills kept shaking his head. He couldn't believe saw.“Oh, no, no,” he was saying. One of the policemen showed Somersetsome photos to the wall. They showed Dworkin tied to the had the date written under it, and in each o1 thinner, id gs Escaneado con CamScanner 26 to the public erywhere. In a short ti le who had borrowed books 01 rary. Somerset he had a jects church, homicide, anything that would ked So we should chee ecked the list. Mills thought suddenly cover thirty Escaneado con CamScanner that address?” he said, as the Chapter 4 John Doe vwas on a narrow street in a poor part of escape. Mills ran window, Doe fi 28 glass. When Mills looked again, he couldnt se could hear him running. : the fire escape, Mills ran and jumped to he reached the street, he wanted to scream. everywhere. In this crowd, he would suddenly, impossibly, he saw him, Doe Doe could see that Mills was following him. H traffic and disappeared into a narrow, dark street n, running fast. ; nething hit Mills in the face. He ¢ to open his eyes, he saw a pair of legs and al sun, He tried to reach itand gett back,b He was helpless. i After a moment, the gun was gone. He was ‘Then he felt something hit his chest. Then agait Bullets. Doe was throwing the bullets. his gun. ‘ He heard Doe running again, and the ullets like a blind man. 4 “Mills!” Tt was right?” Somerset kn ambulance” Escaneado con CamScanner have to change my plans Escaneado con CamScanner rs — to say how clever I think you are arting one of you. . and cture taken by Doe wasn't a good sign. “any asked Somerset, is head. “Whoever she is, she caught Doe's s watch. It was past eleven. “Better go Chapter 5 Lust in bed when the phone rang. clock, It was after midnight. “Tracy, is asked. 1c, I'm sorry to call you so late. ‘Can you meet me some Tracy,” said Somerset. “You sound ‘el really stupid, but you're the only person I know / I can, Tracy” he said. He couldn't imagine e could do for her. tomorrow, call me. Please. I have to go now. ight.” She hung up. “6 33 Escaneado con CamScanner 34 -d the precinct house, Mills met him at ther one,” he said. .d empty. But he wasn't surprised. He happen again . of the Hot House Massage Parlor was painted ‘e cars were parked everywhere out front. -d cops were trying to control the crowd of confused. hrough the crowd with Somerset just behind was trying to talk to the doorman. “Did you hear asked. “Did you see anything that seemed the man. He was a big, fat man, who looked like Everybody who comes in here looks strange. ing all the time in there, That comes with this. ike working in this place, man?” the cop asked. "You the man’s face. “No, I don’t,” and the beat of the heavy-metal rock music scene from hell. 2” A confused cop led them to a room with a ht that went on and off quickly. “They're in there,” id the cop, stopping at the door. “But I don’t want thereaguns eae Mills stepped carefully into the room. H Escaneado con CamScanner The word Lust Mills was so hey saw P part of « took out his notebook and turned to the page where the-seven deadly sins. ve down, he thought, his hands shaking. Three more Envy, wnat and pride. ‘dat the blood on the sheet. What next? he thought. ext? over Hi { He looke Holy God, wh Chapter 6 Pride “The phone woke Mills. He sat up suddenly. Tracy’ malls were “David! What is i” 1d to ice. He knew that voice. It was John Doe. How did he get Mills’ number? Bi Mills was angry. “What's wrong with you, Somerset?” he 1d. He looked at the clock by the bed. It was 4:38 in the: 1 just got a eal from the officer guarding Doe's apartment,” said Somerset.""Doe called there and left the message you just “Yes, We also found another body. Pride.” ‘Tracy looked worried. “David,” she said. “ ‘What's hap 's head was hurting.“I wish I knew,” he Escaneado con CamScanner ceveral other cops had their at Doe. happening. jouted. He pulled his gun "s car, he other cops had their guns Mills and several Escaneado con CamScanner stand this, Somerset could only shake Doe looke: he said, be. He's finished.” “Maybe he’ bodies yet.” id pushed Doe’s head to the 2” whispered Mills to Somerset. “I don’t under- head, want to speak to my lawyer.” d at Mills again, Chapter 7 Envy and Wrath jow. But I do know he’s wed. yet. He ll got Envy and Wrath to go before he’s % already finished. We just haven't found the 40 don't think so,” Why would he keep quiet about the last wo i “That afternoon, Mills and Somerset were office. Doe’s lawyer, Mark Swarr, was there. ‘Swarr turned to the two detectives. Somerset, and only at six o'clock today.” “Why us?” Mills asked. “He says he admires you! plead madness and the bodies will never b s offer, he'll plead guilty to all f there really are two more bodies,’ sid ‘knew that it was wrong to do what Doe wanted. see any other possibility. Mills and Somerset sat in a lot. John Doe was in the ea ‘A mile away, California Escaneado con CamScanner ghouted at Somerset. But Somerset kept going. Mills 5 sgn to Doe's face." Don't movel” he said. * tried to hear what Somerset was say lot of noise on his radio. cry van..." he heard. “Don’t know what Somerset need him or not? . Doe was strangely calm. “It’s good we have some aid, and began walking toward Somerset. ordered Mills, pushing Doe to his his gun pointed at Doe while he watched: Doe turned his head back. He was still envy you, Detective,” he said. . Somerset fired a warning shot into the air, The van s ly. “Get out!” he shouted at the driver. “Get ot t “Don't shoot me!” "ll give you wl The driver got out, hands high. “What do you want? Just tell me. 1 10 are you?” Somerset kept his gun pointing att are you doing out here?” ua ‘working. I'm delivering something. Who to?” Somerset kept his gun to the man’s he back of the van. “Ie that one,” ¢ “This strange guy gave me five hur here, at seven o'clock exac “Get it out on the, Escaneado con CamScanner 44 en admire you. up his eyes were and Doe were coming toward id your pretty wife, Tracy. 45 Escaneado con CamScanner ‘t defend himself. Forget about it. You’ 47 Mills, and you throw everything . We'll work out il Escaneado con CamScanner “Don't listen to him,” said Doe sofily.“Kill m Somerset argued."‘Who will take my page “Tracy pleaded for her ®, Detective, And for the life of 1e wins! Doe closed his eyes, hi “We'll get him a good lawyer, bu doubt about go to prison. No » if you count Mills, Escaneado con CamScanner ACTIVITIES Chapter 1 Before you read 4 Look at the Word List at the back of the book and then answer cops find some clues at a crime scene during an. jon, do they use them as evidence in the court iction and answer these questions. What do between Detective Somerset and Detective Chapter 1. Which sin are these people guilty of? A person who thinks he/she is a better person than other people. b A person who will do anything to get more and more money. © A petson who allows himseltiherself to be controlled by sexual desires A person who eats much more than he/she needs. While you read 4 Which of these describe Detective Somerset? Put a (/) next to the correct sentences. a He wants children but does not want them to ive inthe city He is retiring and buying a house in the desert. ‘© He cares about his job very much but wishes that he didn't ‘ Escaneado con CamScanner d_ He is well liked by everyone at the precinct, fe He thinks that the fat man’s murder is only the first of many. { Heis the captain's best detective because he is rarely wrong. What do you know about the dead man? Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? His hands and feet are tied and his face is in a plate of spaghetti His name is Peter Eubanks, He has weighed 304 pounds for many years, He was probably poisoned, the do Blue things are found around ‘stomach, k about these? Why? the way the fat man was murdered © this case putting Mils on the case 7 What do you know about the relationship between ls and his wite, Tracy? ls and Rick Par ls and Somerset? '8 How would these people describe Mills, do you think? a Tracy b Somerset ¢ Rick Parsons d_ the captain ns? Chapter 2 Before you read 9 Inyour opinion, what does Mills care most about? Will he make 4 good husband to his young wife and a good detective? Why (not)? f Chapter 2 and look at the picture on page 11 ik will happen next? Why? ile you read ‘a Eli Gould would defend the worst criminals b The captain shows Somerset a jar with little blue pieces The murderer made the fat man eat pieces of the floor from under the refrigerator and After Somerset shows Mills the note from the killer fe. Somerset knows that Mills 4) he has to tell him the names of the seven deadly sins. 2) that were found in stomach. 3) has no experience of ser they paid him enough, 5) he wrote the word GLUTTONY on the wall. Circle the correct word in italics in each sentence. a In Gould's office, Mills notices a weighing machine with blood/money on it. b_Thekiller has used blood to draw circles around Mrs. Gould's eyes/smile in the photograph. © Mills/Somerset does not want to call the murderer a serial killer because the FBI takes over those cases. 4 Gould's killer tied him up, leaving one arm free. He made Gould cut out pieces of his body/notes and weigh them. ¢ When Mills and Somerset go to Gould's office, Somerset discovers the killer's next message written in ink/ fingerprints. 1 After you read 13. What do you think? Why has the killer: Gould? 1M GREED on the floor in Gould's blood? © put circles of blood around the eyes of Mrs. Gould in the photo? ‘chosen to make Gould slowly kil himself over three days? © turned the painting upside down? jen HELP ME in fingerprints? 53 Escaneado con CamScanner a 14 Work with another student. Have this conversation Student A: Youare Tracy and tis the morning ater yoy Somerset to your house for dinner husband about Somerset and about ‘of working in the city. Student B: You are David Mi ed Talk t0 you, the dangers Tell Tracy about Somerset © YOU. Try t your new Explain why yo ‘make her feel safe and happy with together in the city Chapter 3 Before you read 1 Discuss these questions. ‘a What do the clues left by the about him? b Why do you think the killer leaves these clues? ‘© What does Somerset understand that Mis does not? 4 Willthey catch the killer before he murders more people, do you think? he two detectives 16 Look at the picture on page 26. What do you see? What do you think is going to happen next? While you read ‘17 Put these events in the correct order. Wi s tells Somerset 17. he wants to catch and hurt is take the fingerprints to a place ‘where they will be matched against the fingerprints of known criminals. © The detectives learn thatthe fingerp ffce belong to one of Gould's crimi Somerset looks at the ki showing that he began his exactly a year ago. a . «The police find Dworkin tied tothe bed with a bandage over his eyes and his hand cut off. somerset tells Mills that he has been lucky ~ peoause he has never Kiled anyone, a California breaks down the door to Dworkin's © partment, and the police officers enter ue 148 What do you know about the killer? Tick (V) the correct. f exact date of his death. ¢ He cut off Dworkin's hand so he could use his He knows something abot fe He knows exactly who he wants to Kill and why. After you read 19 Discuss with another student: : a the difference between Mill's ideas about the killer and Somerset’. ‘Somerset's reason for wanting to retire. the relationship between Dworkin’s past and the word SLoTH on the wall above the bed. the importance of Mill's feelings about the night Rick got shot. 20 Why does Somerset take Mills to the public library? What does he discover there? Chapters 4-5 Before you read 21 Read the title of Chapter 4 and look at the picture on page 31. John Doe, and is that his real name? What are Somerset and Mills doing? Escaneado con CamScanner 22 Do you think the detectives are geting closer to catching the 2 Why (not)? While you read 23. Answer these questions with Yes or No. Does John Doe shoot at Mills and Somerset? Does Mills catch Doe in the apartment? Does Doe shoot Mills’ Does Somerset call an ambulance? Does Doe take the bullets out of Mills's gun and throw them at Mills? £ Do the detectives find photographs of Doe's victims in Doe's apartment? Does Doe return to his apartment? 24 Write the correct word on the line. eaoe (0) rnrnnnnanes Phones Somerset after midnight. When she meets him the next morning, she tells him that she does not feel (B) orennsunsne iM the city OF in her own home. She is going to have a (¢) . -» but she is afraid that maybe she should Is her to if she decides not to keep it. When Hs to the precinct house, he hears about the b have photos of Somerset and Mills at Dworkin’s apartment? © phone his apartment when Somerset and Mi have to change his plans? © have thousands of notebooks? have a photo of a blonde woman standing on a street corer? ewer these questions ei at the next murder scene? is feel angry when he sees the dead woman's b Why does blonde hair? ¢ What did Doe do to the man? {d. Which of the seven deadly sins was the murderer thinking of? Why does the man cry? Chapters 6-7 Before you read 27 There are three more deadly sins left: envy, wrath, and pride. What kind of person does John Doe plan to kill for these sins, do you think? Will the detectives be able to stop him before he kills more people? Why (not)? 28 What will Tracy do? Will she tell David about the baby or will she decide not to keep it? Why? 29 Look at the pictures on pages 99, 45, and 47. What is happening, do you think? While you read 30 What happens next? Circle the correct choice. @ Who phones Mills at 4:38 in the morning? 1) Somerset 3) the officer guarding Doe's apartment. 2) Doe What does Doe do to the beautiful woman? 1) He drugs her 2) He saves her. 3) He cuts off her nose. How does the woman die? 4) She kills herself. 2) She loses too much blood. When Doe arrives at the precinct house, he 41) uses his gun 2) holds up his hands 3) shouts While Doe talks to his lawyer, Somerset suggests that 1) they should question him: be 2) the murders have stopped 7 3) there will be two more dead bodies b 8) Doe makes her take pills. a 57 Escaneado con CamScanner 31, Match the names with the descriptions, Write 1-5 a Mark Swarr 1) drives Doe into the desert and stops the car 2) delvers Doe's message to the detectives about his last st tening to Somerset and Mills th Doe while Somerset runs toward the van ead madness i Mls and Somereet don ta his plan aie 32 Write the correct name. ‘a Who does John Doe envy? 'b Who thinks there is a bomb in the box? © Who wishes for a simple life? d_ Who tells Mil row down his gun? @ Whose head is in the box? After you read ‘33. Who says these things and why? ied to play husband. Tried to be a simple man... but it didn't work.” sand you tow everthing aay “OK... he wins, gt get him a good lawyer, but he'll go to prison." /e changed my mind. I'm staying,” inswer these questions about Doe. Why does he: ‘Say he admire Mills and Somerset? say that he will plead madness? 58. Writing ne that Somerset is visiting Mills in prison shortly after he ‘Doe. Write a conversation between the two detectives. “People used to kill somebody for a purpose. Now they do it of it, just to see what will happen.” Do you agree with Somerset? Why (not)? 38 Why did Doe do the things that he did? Was he mad or not? 39 Imagine that you write for a newspaper. Write a news report about the death of one of Doe's victims, 40 Detective Somerset writes a letter to the local newspaper. He wants people to understand why Mills killed Doe. Does he believe that Mills should go to prison for many years? Write his letter 41 Write about the two detectives in this book. Describe and ‘compare their characters and their attitudes toward their work. 42 Imagine you are Mills. Write a letter from prison to your old .nd Rick. Tell him about John Doe and Tracy, and describe you feel. Are you sorry that you shot Doe or not? Do you want to be a policeman after you leave prison? Why (not)? the story do you feel most sorry for? Why? st 43 Which character Explain 44 Do you like this story? Why (not)? Write a letter to a friend iving your opinion of it. 45. Doe kept thousands of notebooks. What were his feelings about the seven deadly sins? Choose one and write Doe's opinion of people who are guilty of this sin. Escaneado con CamScanner WORD LIST anymore (adv) any | bandage (1/v) a pi body # blond (ad) wit client ( perso rections and can investigation (n) trying to he truth about som kneel (v) to rest your body on your knees; the past form is knelt link (n) a cone tween two ideas or things ‘massage parlor (n) a place where people pay to Neat (adi) tidy and carefully organized Nod (v) to move your head up and down to mean Yes Obvious (adj) very easy to notice or understand Plead (v) (1) to say formally in a court of law that you are guilty or innocent; (2) to request something very strongly and emotionally Precinct (n) the main police station in an area of a US city receive sexual suspect vietim be guilty of a Escaneado con CamScanner

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