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Lesson Plan: Recognizing My Strength

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: English

Theme: Recognizing My Strength


1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify personal strengths and articulate how
they can use them to overcome challenges.

2. specific Objectives:

- Students will reflect on their personal strengths.

- Students will engage in discussions about the importance of recognizing and utilizing strengths.

- Students will participate in a writing activity to express their thoughts on their strengths and how they
can apply them in various situations.

### Materials:

1. Whiteboard and markers

2. Printed handouts with prompts for writing activity

3. Audiovisual equipment (optional)

4. Chart paper and markers (optional)

### Procedure:

#### 1. **Anticipatory Set (A)**:

- Begin the class by playing a short inspirational video or displaying quotes about the power of
recognizing one's strengths.

- Engage students in a brief discussion:

- "What does it mean to have a strength?"

- "Why is it important to recognize our own strengths?"

- "Can you think of a time when you used your strengths to overcome a challenge?"

#### 2. **Activity (A)**:

- Distribute index cards or sticky notes to each student.

- Ask them to write down at least one personal strength they believe they possess.

- After collecting the cards, read some anonymously and discuss as a class what different strengths
students identified.

#### 3. **Analysis (A)**:

- Using the whiteboard, create a list of common strengths identified by students.

- Lead a discussion on how recognizing and utilizing strengths can help individuals in various aspects of
life (academic, personal, social, etc.).

- Discuss examples where using strengths led to success or helped overcome obstacles.

#### 4. **Application (A)**:

- Divide the class into small groups.

- Provide each group with a scenario (e.g., a difficult school project, a disagreement with a friend, a
personal goal).

- Ask students to brainstorm how they could apply their strengths to tackle the given scenario.

- Each group presents their ideas to the class.

#### 5. **Assessment (A)**:

- Distribute the writing prompts handout.

- Prompt: "Reflect on a time when you used one of your strengths to overcome a challenge. Describe the
strength you utilized and how it helped you succeed."

- Students will write a short paragraph response.

- Collect and assess for understanding of the concept and ability to articulate personal experiences.

#### 6. **Closure (A)**:

- Summarize key points from the lesson.

- Encourage students to continue reflecting on their strengths and using them to overcome challenges.

- Assign a reflection homework task: "Identify one new strength you'd like to develop and write a
paragraph about how you plan to work on it."

### Extension Activities:

- Invite a guest speaker (such as a counselor or motivational speaker) to share insights on recognizing
and leveraging strengths.

- Have students create posters or digital presentations showcasing different strengths and how they can
be applied in real-life situations.

### Adaptations:

- For advanced students, encourage deeper reflection by asking them to analyze how their strengths
have evolved over time.

- For struggling students, provide additional support by guiding them through identifying their strengths
and brainstorming how to apply them.

### Note to Teachers:

Ensure to create a supportive and inclusive environment where all students feel comfortable sharing
their strengths and experiences. Encourage empathy and understanding as students discuss their
challenges and triumphs.

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