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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives:
a. Get vital information from a material taken from the internet.
b. Interpret the slogan presented.
c. Relate the significance of social media in promoting the country.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: It’s more fun in the Philippines
Reference: Module 4 ENGLISH 10 ( 4th Quarter )
YouTube (
Materials: Laptop and PowerPoint Presentation, Speaker, Instructional Materials

III. Procedures:
A. Daily Routine:
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management/Cleanliness

B. Preliminary Activities
Direction: Each group will be asked to get the pictures placed under their tables. Based
on the photo, they will be asked to brainstorm and to share anything they know about the
C. Lesson Proper:
The teacher will present a video to the students and they will asked some questions related to the
video they watched.

Guide Questions:
1. What information did you gather from the video?
2. Can we say that it is really more fun in the Philippines?
3. If you are given a chance to travel for free, which destination will you visit first?
The students will be given a copy of the additional information about the video.

Why “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”?

Like this song, the slogan “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”, recently launched by the Department of Tourism,
also makes a statement that the Philippines is the best place to be. Aimed at exceeding its target of five million tourists
for 2013, this slogan was developed to attract visitors from around the world, convincing them to choose the Philippines
as their travel destination.
But why it’s more fun in the Philippines?
So, according to the growing statistics, the catchy slogan “It’s More Fun in the Philippines” still rings true today
and has become word-of-mouth.
Why is it more fun in the Philippines? Is it because of our festivals and fiestas, our beaches and diving sites, or
our delicious and exotic foods. Other places in the world also have festivals, stunning coastlines, and delicious
delicacies. If we are to claim that it is better here in our country, it has to be more than all of these.
The Philippines is a country whose people might seen to come from opposite ends. Like the well-known and
the unknown, the rich and the poor, the homeless and the mansion-sheltered, those from Payatas and those from
Ayala, Alabang, the Catholics and the Muslims, the Bisaya and the Tagalog, the barefooted and those with a thousand
shoes, to name a few.
Nonetheless, these very people are the ones that give a genuine smile to welcome visitors and guests with
warmth and hospitality, the best way they can. This is where the true beauty of the Philippines comes through.
The Philippines is not just a place to see, the Filipinos are the people to be with Boracay, the beaches of
Camiguin, Palawan, and all the famous beaches that we have are just a pile of sand with water if you remove the
Filipinos from it. Cebu, Davao, Boholenos, the Filipinos who make going to these places a unique experience.
is not just theis a genreand
beaches of the
academic writing
fiestas, but that briefly
the genuine summarises
warmth and critically
and friendliness evaluates
Filipinos that a
make the
Philippines moreor fun
to visit.When we insay
It is only theCRITIQUE, it you
Philippines that is derived
have thefrom
best the
and word criticism
the worst of the and forA the
world. unique
blending people, language, economic status, food, culture and religion that despite the contrasting traits, being in the
Philippines is truly an experience! This is the reason why “it’s more fun in the Philippines”, the perfect harmony of
negatives and the positive.
term SELECTION we are referring to literary selection. In this we have LITERARY

D. Group Activity
Evaluation/Presentation of output: The teacher will group the students into five (5).
Direction: Each group will be tasked to create a Graphic Organizer showing the BIG
IDEA about the slogan “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”.

A Short Critique on _____________________

(Title of the Movie)

What genre is it? Adventure?

1. Setting and Situation of story Fantasy? Science?

What is the writer’s/ director‘s

2. Writer/Director’s purpose purpose in writing the story? Was
he/she able to pull it off?

What part of the movie you enjoy

3. Your comments most? Why?

Figures of speech used in the story

4. Literary device used and their meaning/purpose.

Do the literary techniques made the

story more interesting? What is the
weakness of the plot? Does it meet
your expectations?
5. Literary techniques

How did the ending affect you?

6. Ending of the story Did it resolve the conflict and bring
RUBRICS closure to the crisis of the
and its theme




TOTAL: 100%

G. Generalization:
 What is an independent of Critique?
 Why do we need to critique something?

H. Valuing:
1. What will you feel if you are the part of the movie?
2. How do you apply/relate into real-life situation?

IV. Assignment:
Share your opinion about the following issues in the country. Write at least 2 paragraphs.
1. Education through online learning

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