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Phrasal Verbs Test 20

1. It’s difficult for a person with a broken leg to .

6. He all the doctors in the district with medical
A) get ahead
B) go around A) called on
C) come about B) was over
D) stand out C) broke up
2. The staff meeting just before lunch. D) come into
7. Don’t trust her, she always her word.
A) broke out
B) broke into A) goes back
C) broke up B) goes back on
D) brought out C) gets over
3. The children were very well . D) gets round
8. Is there enough coffee to or shall I make some
A) gave up more?
B) got off
C) brought up A) put forward
D) gave up B) make up
4. The meeting was as the chairman was ill. C) set in
D) go round
A) called for 9. You must with the sunray treatment, it’s doing
B) called off you good.
C) called up
D) called out A) make up
B) go up
5. He’s a very bright boy, he’s sure to in his job.
C) go on
A) get about D) put up
B) come out 10. He’s very bright, and all the competitions.
C) get out
D) get ahead A) goes into
B) gives out
C) gives in
D) goes in for

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Phrasal Verbs Test 20

Answer Key:

1: B 6: A
2: C 7: B
3: C 8: D
4: B 9: C
5: D 10: D

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