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A Savage Worlds Fan Toolkit for Playing in the Post Apocalyptic World of Fallout

Welcome to the Fallout Savage Worlds fan setting document. Fallout as you probably know
already is a series of post-apocalyptic retro-futuristic roleplaying games on PC and console. The
aim of this document is intended to give you everything you need to run a Fallout game with just
the Savage Worlds corebook.

This book does not contain a primer on the setting... yet. Stay tuned for future updates with
tweaked rules, new items and an original setting module (the state of Colorado or as the locals call
it, the Frontier). Until then the best place to get more info about the Fallout universe is the
excellent wiki at

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to send me an email at

Table of Contents
Post-War Humanity..............................................................................................................................6
Gear and Equipment.............................................................................................................................9
Creatures of the Wastes......................................................................................................................15

Skill List
Athletics (Agility)
Explosives (Agility)
Fighting (Agility)
Gambling (Smarts)
Guts (Spirit)
Healing (Smarts)
Intimidation (Spirit)
Investigation (Smarts)
Knowledges (Smarts)
Lockpick (Agility)
Notice (Smarts)
Operate (Agility)
Persuasion (Spirit)
Repair (Smarts)
Ride (Agility)
Science! (Smarts)
Shooting (Agility)
Stealth (Agility)
Survival (Smarts)
Taunt (Smarts)

New and changed skills

Athletics: combines Climb and swim
Explosives: The use (and throwing) of explosive weapons such as grenades and dynamite.
Operate: Combines boating, drive & pilot
Repair: Repair attempts consume spare parts.
Science: Used for hacking and understanding Old World technology

No Guts? The skill list is already pretty extensive, instead use spirit based fear checks. In addition
most denizens of the wastes have seen their share of violence and death. Only roll fear based fear
checks in truly horrific or bizarre instances.

Chem Addict (minor)
You are addicted to a certain chem, unless you have at least 1 dose a week you take a -1 to all rolls
Illness (Major/Minor)

The hero has contracted some non-contagious infection that saps their stamina. The illness is not
life-threatening, but causes the hero to rest more often – more time to experience unwanted
encounters… The hero may seek a cure to their illness, but the GM should make them earn their
Major: After any physical exertion, such as Running, Climbing or Swimming, Fighting, the Hero
must pass a Vigor -2 check or lose 1 Fatigue.
Minor: After any physical exertion, such as Running, Climbing or Swimming, Fighting, the Hero
must pass a Vigor -1 check or lose 1 Fatigue.

Medically Incompatible (Major/Minor) - Mutant Only -

The mutant’s physiology has deviated enough from a normal human such that human medical
technology is not as effective. The Penalty does not apply when using medicine specially tailored
to mutants.
Minor: -1 to receive healing
Major: -2 to receive healing

New and Changed Edges

Mr. Fix it (Page 30 SWEE)
No longer requires Weird Science

Power Armour Training

Before the war power armour was the greatest technical achievement of the US military, turning
the ordinary soldier into a walking tank. Utilising the armour however took special training.

Arcane Background: Mutant

Skill: Special (None)
Starting Power Points: 20
Starting Powers: 1
Characters with Mutant Powers gain their abilities through Exposure to radiation, biological
contaminants or other strange hazards of the waste. Normally this background can only be taken
at character creation but can sometimes be taken later at the GMs discretion.

Mutant powers work a little differently from most other Arcane Backgrounds—each power is its
own skill and has no linked attribute (and thus counts as “lower” than its linked Attribute for
purposes of Advancement). A mutant hero with the armour and bolt powers, for example, also
has an Armor and a Bolt skill he uses to enable it. It’s more expensive for a character to improve
his powers, but he starts with more Power Points than other arcane types so he can use his
abilities more often.

Characters can attempt to scavenge abandoned buildings looking for food, fuel, ammunition,
trade goods, and other useful items. Scavenging is done with the investigation skill, each attempt
takes 1 hour; the items found depend on the degree of success, the type of building searched, and
whether or not scavengers have already stripped the building of its loot. The size of a building
determines the number of scavenging attempts. The results are cumulative; if the character
succeeds with 2 raises he also gets the benefits of a success and 1 raise.

Building Type Size success 1 raise 2 raises

Gas station/garage 1 fuel fuel fuel
Stockpile 1 ammo ammo food
Convenience store 1 miscellaneous food fuel
Restaurant 2 food food food
Single-family home 2 food fuel medicine
Police station 2 ammo ammo medicine
Fire station 2 medicine fuel food
Store front 3 miscellaneous food mechanical
Pharmacy 4 medicine food medicine
Supermarket 6 food medicine food
Office 8 electrical mechanical miscellaneous
Department store 9 miscellaneous food fuel
Hardware store 9 mechanical electrical electrical
Factory 9 mechanical electrical fuel
Hospital 10 medicine medicine medicine
Warehouse 16 electrical mechanical miscellaneous

Electrical: Electrical parts consist of miscellaneous materials needed to build and repair
electrical devices. The actual scavenged items may be parts from old televisions, computers, or
power transformers, but they all count as parts for the purposes of repairing computers and
energy weapons.

Mechanical: Mechanical parts consist of miscellaneous materials needed to build and repair
mechanical devices. The actual scavenged items may be parts from non functioning guns or
automobile engines, air conditioners, or other devices, but they all count as parts for the purposes
of repairing large machinery, vehicles and weapons
Medical Supplies
d% Result
Food: You find 1d6 portions of preserved food. Scavenged food consists 01 – 49 Medical Supplies
of canned goods from before the apocalypse. 50 – 59 Stimpack
60 – 69 Psycho
70 – 79 Jet
Medicines: Medicines are antibiotics, bandages and other chems. When 80 – 84 Med-X
you successfully scavenge medicine you gain 1D6 doses of the type 85 – 89 Rad-X
90-100 Rad Away
indicate by the medical supply chart

Ammo: Ammo can be in the form of bullets or powercells for more exotic weapons. When you
successfully scavenge ammo gain 1D6 magazines of the type indicate by the ammo chart.
d% Amm o Weig ht Cost Notes
01 – 10 Arrow 1/5 1/2 10 arrows
11 – 19 Black Powder 1/10 3 10 uses of for black powder weapons
20 – 39 Bullets, Small 3/50 10/50 Includes .22 to .32 caliber weapons
40 – 59 Bullets, Medium 5/50 25/50 Includes 9mm to .45
60 – 79 Bullets, Large 8/50 50/50 Includes .50 and most rifle rounds
80 – 100 Microfusion Cell 1 25 Powers all energy weapons

Fuel: Fusion batteries and gasoline required to power large machinery and vehicles.

Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous items are just that: the miscellaneous leftovers of the age of

Mi scellaneous Items
d% Item d% Item
01–04 Backpack 50–52 Fatigues
05–09 Battery 53–58 Fire extinguisher
10 Binoculars, standard 59–61 road flare
11–13 Bolt cutter 62–69 Flashlight
14–19 Pre-War Book 70–74 Map, road atlas
20–24 Briefcase 75 Mechanical tool kit
25–27 Chemical light sticks (5) 76–78 Multipurpose tool
28–33 Cigarette lighter 79–83 Parka
34 Compass 84 Rope (150 ft.)
35–40 Box of Cigarettes 85 Tent, 2-person dome
41–45 Camera 86–91 Toolbelt
46–48 Duct tape 92 Walkie-talkie, basic
49–49 Electrical tool kit 93–100 Pre-War Money ($100)

Post-War Humanity
Pure Strain Humans
When the old world perished in nuclear fire humanity survived in vast underground vaults
emerging decades later into the harsh wastes. Most of those have long since been opened (and
plundered) but a few isolated vaults remain at least partially sealed. You grew up in one of those
vaults but have for whatever reason found yourself out the world. You may be from a Vault that
just recently opened, or an advanced scout from a still sealed vault exploring the surface for your

The other less common source of pure humans in the wastes is the remnants of the Enclave. The
Enclave were descendants of the pre-war military and political elite who survived the war in
their own sealed sanctuaries. 40 years ago the Enclave emerged
from isolation and went to war with the communities of the west
coast. Eventually the Enclave were defeated and the survivors
scattered to the four winds.

Pure Strain Humans begin play with a Pipboy

Tech Familiarity: Begin with either d6 Science or
d6 Repair free.
Advanced Training: +1 Free Edge

Wastelanders is the general term for humans whose ancestors long ago left the Vaults to seek live
on the surface. For generations Wastelanders have struggled to survive in whatever communities
they can build. After generations of living on the surface few wastelanders understand the
intricacies of pre-war technology but exposure to the hazards of the wastes have created a hardy
people who are somewhat resistant to the radiation. Wastelanders can be broadly broken up into
4 main types: scavengers, tribals, settlers and raiders.

Scavengers are humans who comb the wastes looking for pre-war buildings to loot for supplies .
Scavengers generally travel alone or in small groups and trade the goods they uncover with
communities they encounter in their travels.

Tribals eschew the technology of the old world, living in the wilderness and relying on only what
weapons and tools they can make for themselves. Other groups tend to think of them as primitive
but tribals prefer not to rely on the limited pre-war supplies to survive.

Settlers are the farmers, merchants and soldiers of the wastes. Living in walled communities,
growing their own food and seeking to rebuild civilisation. Settlers trade the food and goods they
produce with scavengers to gain access to old world technology and protect themselves from
dangers of the wastes.

Raiders are the most hated of wastelander groups. Rather than farm
or salvage resources, they form savage bands of thugs that attack
travellers and pillage supplies from towns in their path. With the
establishment of the NCR on the west coast and Caesar's Legion in
Arizona many raider groups have been pushed out from their
former territories onto the frontier.

Survivor: +4 to resist Radiation

Survivalist: +1 Free Edge

Prolonged heavy radiation poisoning kills most humans but a rare few instead are transformed
into Ghouls. The radiation erodes their skin giving them a decrepit, rotting, zombie-like
appearance and, paradoxically, greatly extends their life (ghouls can live for centuries). Many
ghouls suffer from a form of progressive mental degradation, eventually becoming animal like
feral ghouls. Because of this Ghouls suffer discrimination in human dominated regions. Ghouls
are naturally tougher than normal humans (who they call “smoothskins”), can see extremely well
in the dark and are completely immune to radiation.

Children of the Atom: Immune to radiation

Tough son of a bitch: d6 Vigor for star
Low light vision: Can see in dim and dark areas.
Outcast: (-2 to charisma rolls with non-mutated humans)
Medically Incompatible: (-1 to healing rolls)

Super Mutants
Super mutants are mutated humans, products of infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV).
They are much taller, bulkier and muscular than pure strain humans, have mostly green, gray, or
yellowish skin, are immune to disease, and are gifted with superhuman strength and endurance.
Although they are completely sterile, the rapid regeneration of their cells caused by FEV makes
them virtually biologically immortal (but not immune to death from injury).
The Super mutant's in Colorado are remnants of the Master's experiments on the West Coast. The

Master sought to create a new type of life, one that could replace humanity. However he was
eventually defeated more than a hundred years ago by the Brotherhood of Steel and it's allies. His
army dispersed and many headed east into the wilderness.

Super Mutants are widely feared as monsters by the people of the wastes because of their strength
and because of the atrocities they committed in the Master's name. For the Super Mutants
themselves the Master's reign is long in the past and most just want to live in peace.

Hulking size: Begin with d6 strength and +1 Toughness

Tough hide: +2 Armour
Immunity (Disease)
Outcast: (-2 to charisma rolls with non-mutated humans)
Way too big!: Supermutants can't use pistols or armour unless they
have been specially modified for their use.

The great war left a legacy of toxic radiation and deadly biological weapons run rampant.
Exposure to the hazards of the wastes kill most people but a rare few survive and are changed by
the experience gaining mutations that allow them to survive, even thrive in the wastes. Mutants
are treated with suspicion and distrust by most other humans and the unfortunate mutants who
are unable to pass for human have the Outsider hindrance.

What doesn't kill me... : Arcane Background (Mutant) .Fallout's

Mutants tend to have a very narrow focus, one or two related
powers at most.
Outcast: d6 Survival

Mutants but no Deathclaws?

As much as I enjoyed the talking Deathclaws in Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics I didn't think they
were suitable for player characters. Their inability to use man made items coupled with their
monstrous appearance make playing one necessarily limiting. At the same time I included rules
for humans with mutant abilities like telepathy & telekinesis. While only appearing in Fallout 1, I
thought certain players would enjoy the opportunity to play characters with such abilities.

Gear and Equipment
The Bottle Cap Standard
With the destruction of the old world, money became meaningless. Once settlers became
established in the post-war wasteland they mostly relied on barter as most of the pre-war paper
money had been destroyed. Eventually however the bottlecap emerged as the standard currency
throughout the wastes, their relative scarcity combined with the difficulty of counter fitting them
caused merchants in California to adopt them as their “official” currency. Backed by the value of
water, California's merchants spread the bottlecap standard throughout the wastes. In game terms
change all prices from dollars to bottlecaps (1 dollar is worth one bottlecap)

Other Currencies
The use of currency varies from region to region depending on the local power structure. On the
west coast the NCR dollar, dominates and in Arizona the Legion issued its own currency, the
denarius. Some communities also accept old world money although it has lost most of its prewar
value. When trading between regions however the bottlecap is still often used. The exchange rates
as of 2282 is roughly:
2 bottlecaps = 5 NCR Dollars
4 bottlecaps = 1 Legion Denarius
1 bottlecaps = 10 pre-war dollar

Weapons & Accessories

Grenades: These powerful weapons are thrown with the explosives skill. Pulse grenades are EMP
weapons, they do no damage to living creatures but any Robot caught in the blast must make a
Vigor roll at -2 or shut down.
Mines: Mines are set with the explosives skill, once set the mine will activate if the a target gets too
close. Pulse grenades do no damage to living creatures but any Robot caught in the blast must
make a Vigor roll at -4 or shut down.
Plasma Rifle: This powerful rifle fires bolts of super heated plasma at its target. They have an
extremely short range but pack a significant punch.

Weapons Range Damage RoF Cost Wt Shots Notes

Grenade, Frag 05/10/20 2d6 - 100 1 -
Grenade, Plasma 05/10/20 3d6 - 500 1 - AP 2
Grenade, Pulse 05/10/20 Special - 1000 1 - EMP
Mine, Frag - 2d6 - 100 1 -
Mine, Plasma - 3d6 - 500 1 - AP 2
Mine, Pulse - Special - 1000 1 - EMP

Plasma Rifle 12/24/48 3d10 1 3000 8 12 AP 4

Radiation suit: This full body suit provides a +4 bonus to resist the effects of Radiation. However it
cannot be worn with any armour
Combat Armour: Advanced Pre-war armour second only to power armour in protection.
Stealth Suit: This advanced combat armour was the peak of old-world technology. Utilising
special emitters that refracted light around the wearer this combat armour is able to blend into
any surroundings (+2 to stealth, regardless of terrain).

Armour Type Cost Wt N otes

Radiation Suit +1 1000 10 +4 to resist radiation
Combat Armour +6 4000 20 -
Stealth Suit +6 6000 20 +2 to Stealth rolls

Miscellaneous Gear
Medical supplies are a precious resource, attempting to Miscellaneous Gear
Item Cost Wt
use the heal skill without supplies imposes a -2 Medical Supplies 20 1
penalty. Each healing attempt uses up 1 portion of Stimpack 100 -
Psycho 50 -
supplies that have to be replenish with scavenging or
Jet 50 -
trading. Med-X 50 -
Stimpack: can make a healing check in 1 round (no Rad-X 200 -
Radaway 500 -
effect on crippling injuries)
Psycho: increase Strength by one dice for a scene Armour Piercing Round * *
Geiger Counter 250 1
Jet: increase Agility by one dice for a scene Ham Radio 200 20
Med-X: increase Vigor by one dice for a scene Laser Sight 50 -
Rebreather 100 1
Rad-X: +4 to Vigor rolls to resist Radiation for the rest
Pip Boy - 1
of the day. Walkie Talkie 250 1
Radaway: Removes 1d4 fatigue caused by Radiation or
Mechanical Parts 50 1
1 wound caused by Radiation Electrical Parts 50 1

Withdrawal: After the scene where chems were used roll (or 20 turns, whichever comes first) any
player who used a chem must make a vigor roll with a penalty equal to the number of chems
taken. If the roll is a success then the player is merely shaken for 1d4 minutes with nausea.
Success with a raise suffers no ill effect. If the roll is failed the player takes fatigue equal to the
number of chems taken. If the user uses a chem too much (more than 5 doses in a week) or
critically fails a withdrawal roll they become addicted.

Armour Piercing Rounds: Armour Piercing Rounds double the armour penetration of guns but are
twice as expensive
Geiger Counter: Geiger counters measures local levels of radiation and are highly in demand by

travellers and scavengers alike.
Ham Radio: This bulky piece of equipment can pick up and transmit radio signals
Laser Sight: This laser sight can be attached to any ranged weapon with a repair roll and grants a
+1 to shooting rolls. The Laser targetting marker can be seen by perceptive enemies.
Pipboy: A Pipboy is a miniature computer worn on the forearm. These hardwearing devices were
issued to the inhabitants of the Vaults and are a combination of personal digital assistant, radio
transmitter and Geiger counter. Pipboy's are highly valued for their ability to easily interface for
pre-war technology, they can not generally be bought but Pure Strain Humans start with one for
Rebreather: A rebreather is a valuable piece of pre-war technology that allows the wearer to
breath underwater. A rebreather can not be worn at the same time as a helmet.
Walkie Talkie: A pair of walkie talkies allow communication over a 1 mile range in open ground.
Being underground, in buildings or near sources of radiation dramatically cut the range.

Mechanical Parts: Mechanical parts are used in the repair of most guns, vehicles and large
machinery, They can be bought or scavenged in ruins of the old world.
Electrical Parts: Mechanical parts are used in the repair of energy weapons, computers and robots,
They can be bought or scavenged in ruins of the old world.

Equipment Condition
Most equipment characters will be using in the Fallout setting was manufactured over 200 years
ago! As a result even hard wearing technology is often in need of repair. Archaic armour and
weapons (leather, bows, swords, spears and the like) don't have to worry about condition.

Damaged Weapons
At the end of each combat a player makes a repair roll for each weapon used to see if its condition
has worsened. A success means the weapon’s condition has not worsened. The weapon drops one
condition level on a failure or two on a natural one (regardless of the wild die).

Excellent: +1 Damage
New: No Effect
Good: -1 Damage
Fair: -2 Damage
Poor: -3 damage
Broken: Unusable

Damaged Armour
Similar to weapons at the end of each combat where the player took damage a player makes a
repair roll for each weapon used to see if its condition has worsened. A success means the amour’s
condition has not worsened. The armour drops one condition level on a failure or two on a
natural one (regardless of the wild die). An armours protection can never drop below 0.

Excellent: +1 Armour
New: No Effect
Good: -1 Armour
Fair: -2 Armour
Poor: -3 Armour
Broken: Unusable

Repairing Damaged Equipment

A player can use the repair skill to fix damaged equipment. Each repair attempt takes one hour
and consumes one batch of spare parts. A success improves the item one condition level. One or
more raises improves the weapon two condition levels and it capable of improving the weapon to
Excellent condition. Without a Raise an item cannot be improved to Excellent condition. Each
repair attempt consumes one batch of spare parts. Guns and armour from the modern era are
repaired with mechanical parts. Powered armour and energy weapons are repaired with electrical
components. Failing the repair roll still consumes the material. On a critical failure the item
decreases one condition step and spare parts are still consumed.

Radiation is classified with two attributes, Level and Intensity. The Intensity roll is opposed to the
hero’s Vigor roll. Radioactive Level determines the length of exposure before the intensity begins
causing damage. Once out of the affected area, the hero recovers Fatigue at the listed rate. Low
radiation areas represent old, degraded sites. High radiation areas are caused by the recent
remnants of weapons or breached power cores or radioactive fuel. Extreme radiation fields are
caused by active nuclear cores, nuclear fuel and nuclear weapon explosions.

The following list determines the frequency and effects of radiation exposure by the intensity of
the radiation. Once incapacitated, all Fatigue results become a Wound, and a Critical Failure for a
Vigor test means death.

Low Level Radiation

Vigor test per 1 hour exposure (Recover 1 Fatigue per hour)
Fatigue Vigor roll:
Success: No Effect
Fail: 1 Fatigue (to Exhaustion)
Critical Fail: Shaken, 1 Fatigue

High Level Radiation

Vigor test at -2 per 1 minute exposure (Recover 1 Fatigue per day)
Fatigue Vigor roll:
Raise: No Effect
Success: Shaken
Fail: 1 Fatigue
Critical Fail: 1 Wound

Extreme Level Radiation

Vigor test at -4 per 1 round exposure (Recover 1 Fatigue per week)
Fatigue Vigor roll:
Raise: No Effect
Success: Shaken
Fail: Shaken, 1 Fatigue
Critical Fail: Shaken, 1 Wound

Food and Water
An average-sized man requires two quarts of water a day and 1 pound of food. If enough water or
food isn’t available, the hero begins to suffer from dehydration. Starting the first day after the
water runs out, he must make a Vigor roll. Subtract 2 if the hero has less than half the required
amount. Failure means the character gains a Fatigue level. After the first day, the character must
make he required Vigor roll every 6 hours.
► The Survival Skill: A successful Survival roll each day provides enough water (and food) for
one person, or enough or five with a raise.
• Recovery: Two quarts of water allows a character to recover a Fatigue level every hour.
• Incapacitation Effects: Death in 2d6 hours.

Some water sources may be irradiated, when drinking irradiated water the player rolls a Vigor
test, success indicates they suffer no ill effect. On a failure the player takes 1 fatigue damage.

Creatures of the Wastes
Mutated bighorn sheep, descending from the areas' high mountains. While settlers use them for
their horns, meat, and hides, it has been observed that the bull can usually be found in close
proximity to a banana yucca fruit, making for rather effective herb tracking.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8 Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d8, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
• Berserk: When a Bighorner is Shaken, it goes berserk. It
gains +2 to all Fighting and
Strength rolls and its Toughness, but Parry is reduced by 2.
• Gore: If a Bighorner can charge at least 6” before attacking,
it adds +4 to damage.
• Horns: Str+d4.

The bloatfly is a giant mutated blowfly. They are covered in a green-brown carapace. Bloatflies
typically live in small groups of two to four individuals but can be encountered on their own.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8
Pace: 3; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Treasure: Meager, in lair
Special Abilities:
• Flight: Bloatflys have a Flying Pace of 6”
and Climb of 3”.
• Size –1: Giant bees are 3’ long.
• Sting: Str+d4.

Cazadores are mutated insects wit distinctive amber-orange wings, a blue-black carapace and
blood-red eyes. They have a speedy and rather erratic flight movement, making them difficult to
hit in combat, and a venomous attack which can lead to a quick death if it succeeds in poisoning
the target. The spikes on their back inflate and deflate when idle and attacking.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4,
Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6
Pace: 2; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities
• Sting: Str
• Fearless
• Fly: Pace 10
• Poison: Victims hit by the Cazadores sting attack with a raise must make a Vigor check or suffer
1 level of Fatigue. Which lasts until treated with the Healing skill.

Not all people treated with the F.E.V. become super mutants instead some unlucky victims undergo
rapid and unpredictable mutations and transform into a nightmarish mix of limbs and flesh called
a Centaur. Only as intelligent as a dog centaurs are sometimes kept as pets by Super Mutants.

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6,

Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d12, Shooting d6
Pace: 2 ; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities:
Acidic Spit: Centaurs secret a powerful acid which does 2d6
damage; this requires a touch attack to administer (+2 to
shooting rules)
Fearless: Centaus have no true intellect to speak of; they are thus
immune to Fear, and cannot be Intimidated or Taunted.
Size +1
Slow: Crawlers have a Pace 2, and cant’ run.

A mutated large, agile and strong species of mutant Jackson's Chameleon created through genetic
engineering, with the addition of DNA of various other species. However, due to mutation, they
have lost their color-changing ability. The deathclaws were originally created before the Great
War by the United States Military in order to replace humans during high risk, close combat, and
search-and-destroy missions. Intelligent deathclaws are an extremely rare variant of deathclaw
but they avoid humans where possible

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10,
Vigor d8
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (2)
Special Abilities:
• Armor +2: Deathclaws have thick scaly hides.
• Rake: Str+d8.
• Size +1: Deathclaws are about 7’ tall

Dogs changed little compared to other creatures in the post war world, though many have
become feral and vicious in order to survive in the harsh environment of the Wasteland. Even so,
just as they have in ages past, many dogs have remained faithful and beloved companions to men
and women.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6,

Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities
•Bite: Str+d4.
•Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running instead of a d6.
•Go for the Throat: Dogs instinctively go for an opponent’s
soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly armored location.
•Size –1: Dogs are relatively small

Built by the REPCONN before the war, Eyebots are hovering propaganda-spewing reconnaissance
and surveillance robots with whip-like radio antennas resembling long "whiskers" pointing to its
back, and loudspeakers in the front. Eyebots are associated with Enclave who frequently used
them as scouts.

Attributes:. Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8,

Strength d10,Vigor d8
Skills: Notice d8, Shooting d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Treasure: None

Special Abilities:
• Construct:. +2 to recover from being Shaken. No additional damage from called shots. No wound
penalties. Immune to poison and disease. Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Integrated Laser Pistol: Range. 12/24/48 Damage 2d6, ROF 3, Charge 24
• Fly: Pace 10

Feral Ghoul
Feral ghouls (also known as ghoul crazies, zombies or simply ferals) are ghouls that have lost their
ability to reason and have become aggressive. This has caused much discrimination toward other
ghouls which have retained their mental faculties by humans.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities
• Claws: Str.
• Fearless: Feral Ghouls are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Weakness (Head): Shots to a zombie’s head are +2 damage.
• Immune: Radiation.

Before the Great War, geckos could be found in warm climates throughout the world, range from
1.6 cm to 60 cm, with the particularity among other lizards to making chirping sounds in social
interactions with other. After the Great War, they're mutated, causing them to grow giant and
taking a humanoid form, but still only rudimentary intelligence. Gecko hides are particularly
prized by hunters for their durability and light weight.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Taunt d6, Stealth d10,
Throwing d6, Swimming d6
Pace: 5; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities
• Sharp Teeth (Str+d4).
• Size –1: Geckos stand 3-4’ tall.

Giant Ant
Giant ants are large mutated arthropod insects of the Formicidae family, genus Camponotus, most
likely black carpenter ants. Some scientists theorize this mutation comes from the effects of
extended exposure to radiation. The following stats are for Worker Ants which are commonly
encountered outside hives scavenging for food. Soldier ants are significantly stronger but only
found inside the Hives.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Notice d8, Stealth d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
• Armor +1: Giant ants have thick shells.
• Claws: Str+2.
• Size +1: These creatures weigh over 400 pounds

Glowing One
Glowing ones are ghouls who have absorbed so much radiation that they glow in the dark. They
are often considered outsiders even by other ghouls. The glowing ones also emit radiation, so they
can still be dangerous to normal humans even after their death.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities
• Claws: Str.
• Fearless: Feral Ghouls are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Weakness (Head): Shots to a zombie’s head are +2 damage.
• Radioactive!: Feral Ghouls are radioactive. The area 50ft around them is
treated as a High Radiation area.
• Immune: Radiation.

While once thought to have died out during the great war wild herd of horses have since been
rediscovered in the isolated parts of the rocky Mountains. While domesticated horses are a rarity
they are seeing increased use throughout the Mid West.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Special Abilities
• Fleet-Footed: Horses roll a d8 when running
• Kick: Str.
• Size +2: Riding horses weigh between 800 and 1000 pounds.

Lakelurks are mutated aquatic creature who live around bodies of water (Mirelurks are their
seagoing relatives). They attack by emitting long-distance sonic pulse waves to stun and destroy
their enemies. They are fiercely territorial and aggressive, attacking anyone or anything that
comes near, and are usually found in groups of two to three.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6
Pace: 8 (in water), 4 (on land); Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities
• Claws: Str+2.
• Sonic Burst: 2d6 damage (can only be used once 1d4 minutes)
• Aquatic: Lurks can breed air and water equally
• Waterbound: After an hour out of the water they must begin
making Vigor checks every 10 minutes or start taking Fatigue
• Low Light Vision: Take no penalties from dim or dark

Mister Handy
Mister Handy are utility robots created as part of a joint project between General Atomics
International and RobCo Industries. Although they were designed as general-chore automatons,
they are quite capable of defending themselves with their flamethrower and buzzsaw, but
nowhere as combat efficient as the military variant "Mister Gutsy".

Attributes: Agility D6, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit D6, Strength D6,

Vigor D8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8 (2)
Special Abilities:
• Armour +2

• Construct:. +2 to recover from being Shaken. No additional damage from called shots. No wound
penalties. Immune to poison and disease Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Hover: Pace 4, not impeded by terrain
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Buzzsaw: Str+d6
• Flamethrower 2d10 cone

Mutated Wolf
Before the war the Colorado Rockies were home to the Wolf. These much maligned creatures
were not the monsters that humans portrayed them as, their mutated descendants however are
actually far worse. In the absence of man wolfs have spread far and wide particularly in the

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6
Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Special Abilities
• Bite: Str+d6.
• Go for the Throat: With a raise, it hits the target’s most
weakly armored location.
• Fleet-Footed: Dire wolves roll d10s instead of d6s when

Night stalkers are the genetic hybrids of rattlesnake and coyote DNA created by scientists before
the war and have since escaped into the wild. They growl, howl, and whimper like regular
coyotes, but hiss and rattle like snakes. Their bodies are mostly dog-like, covered in a combination
of fur and scales. Their head and tail are that of a rattlesnake, including fangs and a forked
tongue. Be warned nightstalkers hunt in packs.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 2
Special Abilities
• Bite: Str.
• Poison: Anyone wounded or Shaken by a stinger
attack must make a Vigor roll or immediately

become Incapacitated.
• Quick: Snakes are notoriously fast. They may discard Action Cards of 5 or lower and draw
another. They must keep the replacement card, however.
• Size –1: Anyone attacking a snake must subtract 1 from his attack rolls.

Created by the RobCo corporation, protectron robots were designed (as their name suggests) for
protection, although they can also be seen being used in a manual labor role as well. Typically
used in office-type settings, their secondary programming is modular, making them useful as
greeters, ticket collectors, bartenders, celebrity or historical figure impersonators, or even sexual
partners. In terms of combat, protectrons are usually weak and easy to defeat, because of their
slow movement speed.

Attributes:.Agility d6, Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8, Strength d10,Vigor d8

Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Shooting d8
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2)
Treasure: None
Special Abilities:
• Armour +2
• Construct:. +2 to recover from being Shaken. No additional
damage from called shots. No wound penalties. Immune to
poison and disease. Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
• Integrated Laser Pistol: Protectrons have a small laser pistol
in their chasis. Range. 12/24/48 Damage 2d6, ROF 3, Charge
• Pincers: Str
• Thermal Vision:.Halves penalties for darkness against living creatures.

These mutated scorpions are commonly found in and around abandoned structures. They
originated from the North American Emperor scorpion which were prolific in many pet stores
before the war. They have since mutated to become much larger, faster and more venomous than
ever before.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+1, Vigor d10

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8,
Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11
Treasure: Meager, in lair.
Special Abilities:
• Armor +3: Chitinous skin.
• Grapple: A scorpion may grapple a foe with one or
both pincers. If it uses both, each must make a
successful opposed Strength roll. Escaping from a
double grapple gives the prey a –4 penalty to his
Strength roll to escape. A stinger attack against a
grappled foe is made at +2 or +4 if the victim is held in both pincers.
• Improved Frenzy: Giant scorpions may make 2 Fighting attacks with no multi-action penalty.
• Pincers: Str+1.
• Poison: Anyone wounded or Shaken by a stinger attack must make a Vigor roll or immediately
become Incapacitated.
• Stinger: Str+2.
• Size +1: Giant scorpions measure 7’ in length.

Raiders are any group of wastelanders who pillage, plunder, murder, or otherwise ruin the day of
anyone unfortunate enough to not be one of them. If there were still laws, they'd be outlaws.
Raiders tend to organize into loose confederations of gangs in the post-apocalyptic wasteland and
are a constant problem. Raiders typically prey upon travelers and very small towns, leaving more
populous or larger areas alone.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strengthd6, Vigor d6

Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6,
Throwing d6
Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean, Chem Addict
Edges: —
Treasure: Meager per 5 bandits.
Gear: Leather armor (+1), various weapons

Sentry Bot
Sentry bots (military serial numbers SB-XXXX) are security robots made before the Great War
with the express purpose of participating in the heaviest of firefights during war. The sentry bot is
a powerhouse, equipped with sturdy armour plating, powerful weapons integrated into its chassis
and high mobility thanks to wheels mounted on its three legs.

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d6,

Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10, Shooting d8
Pace: 10; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (4)
Weapons: Machine (2d8, AP 2) or flamethrower (2d10,
cone of effect, Ignores Armour)
Special Abilities
• Armor +4
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; called shots
do no extra damage; Immune disease and poison.
• Fearless: Mechs are immune to fear and Intimidation,
but may be smart enough to react to fear-causing situations appropriately.
• Sensors: Sentinel mechs are equipped with sensor packages that halve penalties for darkness, can
detect sounds, or record conversations via directional microphones.

Shaggy Brahmin
Mutated descendants of Buffalo that once resided in pre-war national parks. These huge creatures
standing 6 foot at the shoulder live in large herds in the mountains and on the great plains.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6
Pace: 7; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
Treasure: None.
Special Abilities:
•Horns: Str+d6
•Gore: Shaggy Brahmin use the charge
maneuver to gore their opponents with their
long horns. If they can move at least 6” before
attacking, they add +4 to their damage total.
• Large: Attackers gain +2 to attack rolls against an Brahmin due to its size.

Super Mutant Marauder
The process that produces Super Mutants drives many of them dangerously insane (other go
insane later from abuse of addictive chems or technology). These Marauders are extemely
dangerous and widely feared by other denizens of the wastes.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12+3, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Throwing d6
Pace: 7; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (1)
Gear: Thick hides (+1), massive club (Str+d8).
Special Abilities
• Size +3: Most ogres are over 8’ tall with pot-bellies and
massive arms and legs.
• Sweep: May attack all adjacent characters at –2.

Descendants of black bears the Yao-Guai are the apex predator in much of the Wasteland. They
make their home in caves and hibernate though much of the winter. Yao-Guai are solitary

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Swimming d6, Stealth d6
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
Special Abilities
• Bear Hug: A Yao-Guai that hits with a raise has pinned
his foe. The opponent may only attempt
to escape the “hug” on his action, which requires a raise on
an opposed Strength roll.
• Claws: Str+d6.
• Size +2: These creatures can stand up to 8’ tall and weigh
over 1000 pounds


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