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Reading Test 2

Save the Turtles

• Retrace: To go back over the same path or course that one has already traveled; to
revisit or review previous steps or actions.
• Intensity: The degree or strength of something, often referring to the force, power,
or severity of an action, emotion, or phenomenon.
• Survival: The act or process of remaining alive, especially in difficult or dangerous
circumstances; the ability to continue living or existing.
• Confirm the Assumption: To verify or validate a belief or hypothesis by providing
evidence or proof that it is true or correct.
• Grow by Several Centimeters a Year: To increase in size or length at a rate of several
centimeters per year, typically used in reference to the growth of living organisms or
• Settle In: To become established or accustomed to a new place or situation; to adjust
and feel comfortable in a new environment.
• Cold Stunned: A condition in which an animal, typically a cold-blooded species like
reptiles or amphibians, becomes immobile or lethargic due to exposure to cold
• Imminent Danger: A situation where harm, damage, or a threat is likely to occur very
soon; impending or about to happen.
• Falsely Touted: To be wrongly promoted or praised, often referring to claims or
assertions that are not supported by evidence or are exaggerated.
• Coupled With: Together with; in addition to; used to indicate that two or more
things are connected or associated with each other.
• Critical Impact: A significant or crucial influence or effect that has the potential to
cause important changes or consequences.
• Important Link in the Integral Chain of Nature: A vital connection or component
within the complex and interconnected system of the natural world.
• Speculate: To form opinions or conjectures without firm evidence; to guess or
theorize about something.
• Recovery: The process of returning to a normal or healthy state after a period of
difficulty, illness, or trauma.
• Diminish: To make or become smaller, weaker, or less significant; to decrease in size,
intensity, or importance.
• Consume: To use up or devour something, typically referring to food, resources, or
• Routes Tracking: Monitoring or following the pathways or courses taken by
something, such as vehicles, shipments, or migratory animals.
• Multiplicity: A large number or variety of something; the state of having many
different parts, elements, or aspects.
• Supposed To: Expected or believed to be the case; used to indicate what is assumed
or required to happen according to convention, expectation, or duty.
Corporate Social Responsibility
• Proponent: An advocate or supporter of a particular idea, cause, or policy.
• Moral Obligation: A sense of duty or responsibility based on ethical principles or values.
• Sustainability: The capacity to endure and maintain over the long term, particularly in
environmental, economic, and social contexts.
• Commercial Success: Achieving positive results in business, often measured by profitability,
market share, or customer satisfaction.
• Compromising: Making concessions or finding a middle ground in order to reach an
agreement, often involving the acceptance of less than ideal terms.
• Tacit Permission: Implicit or understood permission that is not expressed verbally but is
implied through actions or circumstances.
• Explicit Permission: Clearly and directly stated or granted permission.
• Initiative: A proactive and independent action or plan intended to achieve a specific goal.
• Enliven Morale: To boost or invigorate the confidence and enthusiasm of a group of people.
• Anchoring Something in the Strategies: Establishing and integrating something firmly within
a set of plans or approaches.
• To Say Broadly: To express in general terms; to provide a broad overview or summary.
• Productive Workforce: Employees who efficiently contribute to the goals and output of a
company or organization.
• Lower the Internal Costs of Accidents: Reduce the expenses incurred within an organization
due to workplace accidents.
• Efficient Utilization: Making effective and economical use of resources.
• The Rub of Law: The essence or central point of legal issues or challenges.
• Exploitation: The act of utilizing or taking advantage of something or someone unfairly or
• Aspirations Grow: Ambitions or desires for success and achievement increase in magnitude.
• Expense of Society: The cost or burden imposed on the broader community.
• Illusory: Deceptive or misleading; not real or based on a false perception.
• Rival: A competitor or adversary, especially in business or a contest.
• Evolve: To develop gradually and undergo change over time.
• Hold Liable: To legally or morally attribute responsibility for a particular action or
• Mounted: Organized or set up, often referring to campaigns, projects, or events.
• Anticipate: To foresee or expect something and take action in preparation.
• Be Content: To be satisfied or happy with one's current situation or possessions.
• Bear the Cost of Something: To assume the financial burden or responsibility for a particular
• Intersect With: To cross paths or overlap with; to have a point of connection or intersection.
• Shared Value: A concept where businesses create value for both themselves and society by
addressing societal needs.
• Self-sustaining Solutions: Solutions that can maintain or continue on their own without
external support.
• Well-run Businesses: Companies that are effectively managed and operate efficiently.
• Subsidies: Financial support or assistance provided by a government or organization to
promote economic activities.
• Vast Resources: A large amount of valuable assets or materials.
• Expertise: Specialized knowledge, skill, or proficiency in a particular field.
• To Have a Stake: To have a vested interest or involvement in a particular situation or
• Measurable Goals: Objectives that can be quantified and assessed using specific criteria.
• Track Results Over Time: Monitor and evaluate outcomes or progress over a period.
• Underperforming Public High Schools: Schools that do not meet expected standards in
terms of academic performance.
• Create Goodwill: Generate a positive and favorable reputation or sentiment.
• Constituencies: Groups of people who are represented or served by an organization,
institution, or individual.
• Inherently Limited Effect: Having an inherent constraint or restriction on the scope or
• Remain Incidental: To continue being secondary or supplementary; not of primary
• Arise from Investment: Originate or result from a financial commitment or allocation of
• The Shortage of Information: Insufficiency or lack of necessary data or details.
• Constraint on Something: A limitation or restriction on a particular action, process, or
• Outdated: No longer current or applicable; obsolete.
• To Keep Faculty Up to Date: To ensure that educators and staff members are informed
about the latest developments or knowledge in their field.
• To Be Aimed At: Intended or directed towards a specific goal or target.
• To Assess Needs: To evaluate or analyze the requirements or necessities of a situation.
• Core Professional Skills: Fundamental abilities and competencies essential for success in a
specific profession.
• Emphasize: To give special importance or prominence to a particular aspect or idea.
• Screen Out: To exclude or eliminate based on specific criteria during a selection process.
• Commitment To: A dedication or pledge to support or engage in a particular cause or
• Extend Beyond: To go further or be more inclusive than a specific limit or boundary.
• Purchased: Acquired through a transaction involving payment.
• Virgin Raw Materials: Untouched or unused natural resources that have not been processed
or altered.
• Purchase Credits: Obtain units or certificates that represent the right to emit a certain
amount of pollutants.
• Truck to Regional Centers: Transport goods or materials by truck to centralized locations
within a region.
• Humane Ways: Methods or approaches that are characterized by compassion, kindness, and
consideration for the well-being of living beings.
• Chain Reinforces: The interconnected elements or components that support and strengthen
a sequence or system.
• Interdependence: A mutual reliance or dependence of entities on each other.
• Imposed by Government: Mandated or enforced by the governing authority.
• Disposable: Designed to be discarded after use; not intended for long-term use or

TV addiction 2
• Excessive Cravings: Intense desires or longings that are beyond what is considered
normal or healthy.
• Substance: Material of a particular kind; in the context of this list, it can refer to a
drug or chemical substance.
• Compulsive: Acting in response to an irresistible urge or impulse, often without
conscious control.
• Stand Out: To be noticeably different or exceptional; to be prominent or
• Prominence: The state of being important, famous, or well-known; the quality of
being easily noticeable or visible.
• Ubiquity: The state of being present or found everywhere; omnipresence.
• Love-Hate Relationship: A relationship or attitude characterized by both strong
positive and negative feelings.
• Boob Tube: Slang for a television, often used in a casual or derogatory manner.
• Couch Potato: Slang for a person who spends a significant amount of time sitting and
watching television, implying laziness or a lack of physical activity.
• Fret About: To worry or be anxious about something.
• To Be Engaged in Conversation: To actively participate in or be involved in a
discussion or dialogue with others.
• Glance Over to the Screen: To briefly look at or direct one's gaze toward a screen,
typically referring to a television or computer monitor.
• Dull Conversations: Boring or uninteresting exchanges of dialogue.
• Reasonably Interesting: Moderately captivating or engaging.
• Correlate: To have a mutual relationship or connection with something else; to
correspond or be associated with.
• Allure of Something: The attractive or appealing quality of something that draws
people towards it.
• Imprecise: Not exact or accurate; lacking precision or specificity.
• Laden With: Burdened or heavily loaded with something, often implying an excess or
• Define Substance Dependence: To provide a precise explanation or description of
the condition where an individual is reliant on a substance, such as drugs or alcohol,
often characterized by tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and compulsive use.
• Great Deal of Time: A significant amount of time.
• Amuse: To entertain or provide enjoyment to someone.
• Reach Aesthetic Heights: Attain a high level of beauty or artistic excellence.
• Exerts: To apply or put forth effort, influence, or pressure.
• Astonishing: Extremely surprising or impressive; causing amazement or wonder.
• Devote: To dedicate or commit oneself to a particular task, activity, or cause.
• Pursuit: The act of striving for or seeking after something, often a goal or objective.
• Conscious Decision: A deliberate choice made with awareness and intention.
• Misgiving: A feeling of doubt, suspicion, or apprehension about something.
• To Have a Hold on Something: To have control or influence over something.
• Instinctive Visual or Auditory Reaction: An automatic or natural response based on
sensory perception, such as seeing or hearing something.
• Sudden Stimulus: A sudden or unexpected external trigger that prompts a reaction
or response.
• Novel Stimulus: A new or unfamiliar trigger or stimulus.
• Evolutionary Heritage: Traits, behaviors, or characteristics inherited from ancestors
through the process of evolution.
• Built-in Sensitivity: Inherent or innate responsiveness to certain stimuli or
• Predatory Threats: Dangers or risks posed by predatory animals or entities.
• Thereby: As a result of that; consequently.
• Trigger Involuntary Responses: Elicit automatic or reflexive reactions that occur
without conscious control.
• Derive Attentional Value: Obtain significance or importance in terms of capturing
• Content: Information, material, or substance contained within something.
• Pioneering Work: Innovative or groundbreaking efforts that lead the way for others
in a particular field or domain.
• Delve Deeper: To explore or investigate further into a subject or issue.
• Orienting Stimulus: A cue or signal that helps direct attention or focus towards a
specific stimulus or task.
• Continuously: In an uninterrupted or constant manner; without interruption.
• Drop Off Sharply: To decrease significantly or abruptly.
• Rapid Inter-cutting: A film editing technique characterized by quick and frequent
shifts between different scenes or shots.
• Hold Attention: Maintain focus or interest.
• Convey Information: To communicate or impart knowledge or data.
• Float in One Ear and Out the Other: To be heard but not retained or remembered;
to have no lasting impact on someone's memory or understanding.
• Overworked: Exhausted or fatigued from too much work or effort.
• Worn Out: Exhausted or depleted; no longer effective or usable due to excessive use.
• Psychological Reward: Satisfaction or gratification derived from achieving a mental
or emotional benefit.
• Deliberately Oblique: Intentionally indirect or vague; not straightforward.
• Subtle: Not immediately obvious or noticeable; delicate or understated.
• A Vague Recollection of Having Heard of It: A faint memory of being aware of
something previously.
• Priority: Something that is regarded as more important or urgent than other things.
• Inspiration: A source of creative or intellectual stimulation; something that
motivates or encourages.
• Relieve Stress: To alleviate or reduce feelings of tension or strain.
• Prompted Stimulus: A stimulus or cue that incites or triggers a response or action.
• Relate With the Format: To connect or identify with the structure or style of
• Remain Stable: To stay unchanged or consistent over time.
• Rely On: To depend on or trust in something or someone.
• Reliance On: The act or state of depending on or trusting in something or someone.
• Worldwide: Existing or occurring throughout the world; global in scope.
• Claim: To assert or demand as a right; to state or assert that something is the case.
• Described As: Identified or characterized in a particular way.
• Built-in Part of Something: Inherent or integral component of something else.

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