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私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 概 述

了 解 的 重 要 工 具 。 书 信 一 般 可 分 为 商 务 信 件 或 公 函 ( Business Letter or Official
Correspondence)和私人信件(Private Letter)两大类。值得注意的是,英语书信的写法
与 汉 语 书 信 有 一 些 明 显 区 别 , 应 特 别 加 以 区 分 。
再 启 等 。 下 面 我 们 将 逐 个 进 行 介 绍 。
关 于 发 信 日 期 的 写 法 , 应 注 意 以 下 几 点 :
① 年 份 应 完 全 写 出 , 不 能 简 写 。
② 月 份 要 用 英 文 名 称 , 不 要 用 数 字 代 替 。
  ③月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为较短,不可缩写。
④ 写日期时,可用基数词 1,2,3,4,5,……28,29,30,31 等,也可用序数词
lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, …… 28th, 29th, 30th, 31lst 等。但最好用基数
词 , 简 单 明 了 。
日 期 可 有 下 列 几 种 写 法 :
① Oct. 20, 2004
② 10 May., 2004
③ 3rd June, 2004
④ Sept. 16th, 2004
其 中 , ① 最 为 通 用 。
3. 称 呼 ( Salutation )
给 外 国 人 写 英 文 信 时 , 称 呼 用 语 要 注 意 以 下 几 点 :
① 对没有头衔的男性一般称呼 Mr. 。Mr. 用在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,不可只用
在名字之前,例如对的称呼,应该是:Mr. 或 Mr. White, 不可是:Mr. Phil。若称呼多个
男性,则在姓名前用 Mr. 的复数形式 Messrs. 。对一般以人名为名称的公司和企业常用这
种 称 呼 , 例 如 : Messrs. Black and Brothers 布 莱 克 兄 弟 公 司 。
② 对女性一般称呼 Mrs., Madam 或 Miss。Mrs.用在已婚女子的丈夫的姓氏之前,
或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用在名字前 Madame 此词可以单独使用或加在丈夫的姓名之前
Mrs. 没有复数形式。若称呼多个女性,则在姓名前用 Mme. 的复数形式 Mmes. 而对以女子
名字为名称的公司、企业可用 Mesdames 称呼。 Miss 多用于未婚女子,此词可缩写为 Ms
, 用 于 姓 氏 之 前 或 姓 氏 和 名 字 之 前 , 一 般 不 用 于 名 字 之 前 。
③ 对收信人的称呼,也可用头衔或职位的名称,不分性别。例如 Professor (缩写为
Prof.),Doctor (缩写为 Dr.), General (缩写为 Gen.) 。这些称呼都放在姓氏之前
或 姓 氏 和 名 字 之 前 , 如 Prof. ( Phil ) White 等 。
④ 对外公函中对收信人的称呼,可用 Gentlemen (而不是 Gentleman),Dear Sir
(s)和 My dear Sir(s)等。Gentlemen 之前不能加 Dear, 后面也不能带姓名。用 Sirs 时,
前面常用 Dear 一词,但也可单独用 Sir。若收信人是妇女,则无论已婚或未婚,都可单独
使 用 Madam 或 其 复 数 Mesdames 。
⑤ 对外国高级官员的称呼,如国家元首、政府首脑、部长、大使、公使和特使等,可用
( Dear ) Sir , ( Dear ) Mr. Chairman , ( Dear ) Mr. Premier , ( My dear ) Mr.
Ambassador , Your Excellency ( 复 数 为 Excellencies ) 。
⑥ 对君主制国家的国王和皇帝等男性君主,可以 Sir 称呼,对女王、女皇和皇后等女
性君主,可用 Madam 称呼。有时也用 Your Majesty 称呼以表示。客气和尊敬 Your
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Majesty 可 兼 指 男 性 和 女 性 , 其 复 数 为 Your Majesties 。

⑦ 对 王 室 成 员 , 如 太 子 、 王 子 、 亲 王 和 公 主 等 , 一 般 可 用 ( Dear ) Sir 或
(Dear)Madam 但在正式尊称时,一般用 Your Highness ( 复数为 Highnesses) 。
收 信 人 称 呼
先 生 ( 男 人 ) Mr./Esq.
夫 人 ( 已 婚 ) Mrs.
小 姐 ( 未 婚 ) Miss
夫 人 、 小 姐 统 称 Ms.
夫 妇 俩 人 Mr.and Mrs.
两 位 或 两 位 以 上 男 子 Messrs
两 位 或 两 位 以 上 女 子 ( 已 婚 ) Mesdames
两 位 或 两 位 以 上 小 姐 ( 未 婚 ) Misses
常 见 的 头 衔 ( 汉 英 对 照 ) 如 下 :
教 授 Professor
博 士 Doctor(Dr.,Ph.D.)
医 学 博 士 Medical Doctor(M.D.)
总 统 或 校 长 President
主 席 或 董 事 长 Chairman
副 主 席 或 副 董 事 长 Vice Chairman
副 总 统 或 副 校 长 Vice President
首 相 Prime Minister
总 理 Premier
省 长 或 州 长 Governor
市 长 Mayor
参 议 员 Senator
大 使 Ambassador
秘 书 长 Secretary General
一 秘 First Secretary
二 秘 Second Secretary
院 长 Director,Dean
副 院 长 Vice Director
系 主 任 Dean,Head,Chair
馆 长 Chief Librarian,Curator
阁 下 Excellency
神 甫 Father
4. 信 的 正 文 ( Body of the Letter )
容简单明了,条理清楚。在写私人信件时,信写好之后若有什么遗漏,可用 P. S.表示补叙。

5. 结 束 语 ( Complimentary Close )
收 信 人 的 关 系 而 定 。        
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 常 用 句 式
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常 用 的 起 首 语 有 :
1 ) Thank you for your letter dated Dec.22,1969.
2)Many thanks for your letter of Sept.5 , 1997.
3)A thousand thanks for your kind letter of June 5,1997.
4)Your kind letter of November 22th arrived this morning.
5)Your letter which arrived this morning gave me great comfort.
6)In reply to your letter dated 4th July,I want to say…
7)Thank you very much for your letter of August 2 and the gift you sent me on
Christmas Eve.
8)What a treat to receive your kind letter of May 5th!
9)It is always a thrill to see your nice handwriting.
10)First of all I must thank you for your kind assistance and high attention to
me .
11)With great delight I learn from your letter of this Sunday that …
14)I am very much pleased to inform you that my visit to your country has been
15)I wish to apply for teaching position you are offering.
16)I am too excited and delighted at your good news.
17)I am very obliged to ;you for your warm congratulations.…
常 用 的 结 束 语 有 :
1 ) Awaiting your good news,
2)Looking forward to your early reply,
3)Hoping to hear from you soon,
4)We await your good news.
5)I hope to hear from you very soon.
6)We look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
7)I look forward to our next meeting there in Los Angeles.
8)Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
9)Any other particulars wanted we shall be pleased to send you.
10)The help you give me is sincerely valued.
11)I hope everything will be well with you .
12)Please let us know if you want more information.
13)I hope you always enjoy yourself.
14)I wish you very success in the coming year.
15)Please remember me to your family.
16)With best regards to your family.
17)All the best.
18)With love and good wishes.
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 私 人 介 绍 信
例 1
Directions: One of your classmates and friends Li Fang will go to a university
in New York to study for several months. Please write a letter to an American
friend in New York and introduce Li Fang to him/ her.You should write about 100
words and do not need to write the address.
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Dear Mrs Mark ,

I am giving Miss Fang Li, a classmate of mine, this note of introduction to you
and Mr. Mark, when she goes to visit New York City. Miss Li is my good friend.
She is invited by a university to study there for a few months. She is a kind
young lady. I believe you will enjoy meeting and knowing each other and become
friends. It is my hope that you will kindly invite her to stay in your house
for a few days.

    Kind regards

    Very affectionately,


    *It is my hope that ... 是一个强调句式,意同 I hope that.

    stay in your house 表 示 在 你 家 小 住 。

    例 2

  Directions : Your friend Mary Brown will go to Washington D. C. next month.

Write a letter to Tony who is there and introduce Mary to him. You should
write about 100 words and do not need to write the address.

    Dear Tony,

  This letter will introduce my best friend Mary Brown of whom you’ve often
heard me mention. She is going to be in Washington D. C. next month to lecture.
I want very much to have her meet you there.

  And this seems like an excellent chance for you to meet each other. I think
both of you will have a lot in common. So far as I know, you both are
interested in modern literature. Once you meet her, you will really enjoy her
company. Any kindness to her will be duly appreciated by me.

    Yours affectionately,


  * 这是一个向朋友介绍朋友的介绍信。Tony 和 Mary 都是写信人的朋友,在他看来,

他们志同道合,有共同爱好,所以希望他们相识,信中说“ you both are interested in
modern literature once you meet her, you will really enjoy her company” 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 应 聘 信

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    ( Accepting Request for an Interview )

    例 1

  Directions: You have just received a letter from a company, which replied
your application for a job and asked you to go to the interview on August 30.
Please write a reply which is about 100 words and you do not need to write the

    Dear Mr. Wang,

  Thank you for your reply of August 20 about my application for a position.
It came to hand this morning as a pleasant surprise. I am glad to tell you that
I will attend the interview at the time you set for the morning of August 30. I
will bring along full details of my testimonials as you suggested.

  I would like to introduce myself to the company and hope to be a member of
it. I would certainly spare no effort to acquit myself to your satisfaction.

    Yours respectfully,


  *come to hand 表示收到。 set 表示设定时间。 spare no effort 不遗余力。

私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 推 荐 信

    (Letters of Recommendation)

    例 1

    Directions:You are preparing to introduce your student to sb. Write a

letter about 100 words and express your opinion clearly.

    1) what the referee want to obtain

    2) the reason you want to introduce him or her.

    3) the opinion and suggestion of yourself.

    You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Professor Smith,

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    It is my pleasure to recommend my student Mr. Wang Gang for admission to

your department for pursuing a master degree in accounting.

    I am engaged in accounting teaching at a university in Beijing China, I

enjoy my work and all of my Chinese students, who are so clever and friendly.
However Mr. Wang Gang excels almost any others. He is not only outstanding in
the field of accounting but also gifted for the English language, for he seems
to understand almost every word I say in class. As concern as his personality,
I find him honest, responsible, and cooperative. I bet you’ll like him too.

  I recommend him enthusiastically. If you need further information regarding

Mr. Wang Gnag, do not hesitate to contact me.

    Best regards,

    Sincerely yours,


    *be engaged in 表 示 从 事 ( … … 工 作 ) , as concern as 关 于 、 提 及

    例 2

    Directions:You are asked to write a recommendation of your student for a

position of marketing clerk about 100 words please express your reason
clearly.You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Mr. Manager,

    I am writing this letter to recommendate my student Wang Gang who is

seeking the position of marketing clerk of your company.

    He says you are satisfied with his presentation at the interview and
require recommendation to be attached to his exceptional academic performance
in the college.

    As his political instructor, I think Mr.Wang is well qualified for the

position he seeks. He always ranks among the top five in his grade, has passed
CET-6 and obtains a certificate of intermediate computer skills. Mr. Wang is a
studious, selfless, and aspiring young man, and he is awarded the title of
Three Good Activist by the college every year.

    I believe he is a good candidate worthy of your consideration.

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    Your sincerely,


    *interview 即 面 试 , be well qualified 表 示 完 全 具 有 资 格 、 很 合 格

    例 3

    Directions:You are going to write a recommendation for sb. as you will

introduce him or her a job. Please express your idea clearly about 100
words.You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Sirs,

  I take delight in recommending Mr Wang Gang to the Education Department of

your university.

    Mr Wang is a conscientious and strong-minded young man. He was first

trained for two years in Beijing Normal University and assigned to work as a
high school teacher. His desire, however, was to instruct English in a
university. Then he entered the Beijing Institute of Education to study English
for another two years . His academic record was exceptionally good, especially
in American literature course.

  Now, He has graduated from the institute and hopes to study further abroad,
which will benefit his future employment prospect and may help fulfil his

    I should appreciate it very much if you would consider him.

    Yours sincerely×××

    *take delight in 表 示 很 乐 于 ( 做 某 事 ) 。

    例 4

  Directions: Your are asked to write a recommendation for a student. Please

give your suggestions and express your opinions clearly about 100 words.You do
not need to write the address.

    To Professor Zhang,

    I have the pleasure of writing this letter of recommendation for Mr. Li

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Ming, who is a student of mine. He wishes to be considered an applicant for the

MS course of biology at your college.

  Mr. Wang is a gifted young man. He has devoted his heart to his study and
research. Not only has he obtained A’s in all major subject areas, but he has
also published several articles in the school journal, illustrating his
originality and his deep understanding of science. For his competence, he is
respected by everyone who knows him.

    I feel sure that, if he is accepted by your college, he will be able to

develop his talent to its fullest potential. I sincerely hope you will give him
favorable consideration.

    Yours cordially,


  * 推荐信经常使用一些褒奖的形容词来描述被推荐人。以下是一些常用的描述品行和能
力 的 词 语 , 供 大 家 参 考 : bright, clever, capable, gifted, talented,
ingenious, outstanding, prominent, diligent, assiduous, industrious,
conscientious, hardworking, humorous, good-humored, cooperative, compromising,
competent, original, innovative, ambitious, creative, original, innovative,
inventive, imaginative, firm, persistent, persevering, resourceful, kind-
hearted, generous, honest, helpful, cheerful, considerate, devoted, dedicated,
committed, promising, far beyond the average person 等。以上各词应根据语意选择,
但 不 要 过 于 堆 砌 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 祝 贺 信

    ( Letters of Congratulation )

    例 1

  Directions: Please write a letter of about 100 words to congratulate your

friend Li Ming, who did well in the passed college entrance exam and has been
enrolled in Peking University.You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Ming,

    We are very happy to know that you have successfully passed the college
entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Peking University.
Allow us to give our most sincere congratulations on this exciting occasion.

  You have all along been working hard at your professional studies, and you
are excellent in most subjects. Your success shows that only hard work can
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yield good results.

    We take this opportunity to express our best wishes to you. Wish you
greater achievements in your college education.

    Yours cordially,


祝 福 。

    例 2

    Directions:Your friend Steven and Jenny have just had a new baby boy.
Please write a letter of about 100 words to congratulate them.You do not need
to write the address.

    Dear Jenny:

  How happy you must be to have a beautiful new baby boy.The happiness in my
heart is just the same with you. Now you’ve experienced the joy that only a
new mother knows as her baby is put into her arms for the first time.

  I am sure that the little stranger must look like his father and some years
later he will be a smart fellow.

  May the years ahead be filled with good health and good fortune for you and
Steven and your little What’s-his-name.Best wishes to all of you!

    Very sincerely yours,


    * 庆 贺 孩 子 出 生 的 信 一 般 都 写 给 孩 子 的 母 亲

    例 3

    Directions:Your high school classmate Zhanghong has just graduated from

Cambridge University. Please write a letter to congratulate her.You should
write about 100 words and do not need to write the address.

    Dear Zhanghong:

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    How time flies! Here you are graduating from Cambridge University and
planning to find a job in a computer cooperation in the United States.

  Congratulations on the job well done while at university and good luck to
you during your new career. <BR>
    I wish you success in all your undertakings and hope you’ll find your
career a source of great joy and happiness.

  Any time when you come back home,I wish you would come to my place.Then,we
may recall our high school life.Everything will be well with you —I believe.

    Sincerely yours,


  *写作时要充分挖掘导语中的有效信息,特别是 high school classmate 等细节信息 。

    例 4

    Directions : Bill got a Doctorate in literature for Tsinghua University.

Write a letter to congratulate him.You should write about 100 words and do not
need to write the address.

    Dear Bill,

  I got the news from Mike that you have received a Doctorate in literature
from Tsinghua University. I congratulate you for this. To have reached this
milestone in your scholarship at a young age is really great. It means, I
believe, years of assiduous study and hard work on your part. And it is an
achievement you can be well proud of. As your best friend, I hope you can reach
higher level in your study and do more contribution to the society. My best
wishes to you!

    Sincerely, ×××

  * 朋友年轻有为,获得博士学位,应该祝贺。正如信中所说,这一成就是“多年来刻苦
学习和努力工作的结果”(years of assiduous study and hard work)。英文有一句成语:
No sweet no sweat. 世 界 上 不 劳 有 获 的 事 情 是 没 有 的 。

    例 5

    Directions: Write a letter of congratulation to a friend who win the

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scholarship in Tsinghua University. You should write about 100 words and do not
need to write the address.

    Dear Jiang,

  I take great pleasure in sending congratulations to you on your winning the
scholarship to the Tsinghua University of American literature.

  While I’m not a little surprised, I’m all happy to get the good news. I
know you have got excellent marks for all the courses you took. It is great to
know that you have achieved the goal you set for yourself. It is an award that
you richly deserve. I’m really proud of you.

    Warmest congratulations.

    Cordially yours,


  * 这是一封祝贺信。字词之间流露出祝贺的诚意,如“ great pleasure”,“not a

little surprise” , “ great”

    例 6

  Directions: You have just found an article about your friend Jim’s success
in research on Jinghua newspaper. Write a letter to him to congratulate him.
You should write about 100 words and do not need to write the address.

    Dear Jim,

  We are very happy to learn from today’s Jinghua newspaper the great news
of your success — A paper on Teaching Theory. You can’t image how pleased we

  It is a well-deserved recognition of your remarkable work. We are lucky in

having you among our friends, and we are so proud of you and happy for you.

    Please accept our warmest congratulations.

    Yours cordially,


  * 写作中应擅用破折号,以达到简单明了的目的。It is a recognition of 表示这是

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对 某 人 某 事 的 认 同 和 肯 定 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 求 助 信

    (Letters of Asking for Help)

    例 1

    Directions: You want to study further for a Master’s degree and you are
preparing for the entrance exam. Since you have difficulty in English, you
should write a letter around 100 words to ask for help from your good friend
Fang.You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Fang,

  I am sorry that I have to ask a favour of you, with the hope that you will
be kind to help me.

  I have been longing to apply for the entrance examination for MA candidates
for a long time because I want to pursue advanced studies.Unfortunately I find
myself far from the required standard, especially my very poor English. At this
moment, the personal friendship leads me to approach you with the request,
whether you can manage to give me some constructive guidance. I promise to be a
diligent student. If you agree, I will come to your house once a week at a time
most convenient to you.

    Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.

    Your friend,& nbsp;


    *Thank you very much for your kind help on many occasions in the past.

    多 次 承 你 帮 忙 , 不 胜 感 激 !

    例 2

  Directions: Suppose you are a senior majored in physics and plan to study
further abroad. Please write a letter of about 100 words to professor Li and
ask him to write a reference for you to a U. S. university.You do not need to
write the address.

    Dear professor Li,

单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网

成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

  I am a undergraduate from the Department of physics and I fortunately took

a major course on which you lectured. Your lessons impressed me deeply.

  As a senior, I face the choice between hunting for a job and continuing to
study. I prefer to apply for a chance to pursue a Master’s degree abroad.

  I have taken required English exams and got excellent scores. What’s more,
I have finished my personal statement, which is attached to this letter. I’m
now writing to ask if you can write a reference for me, which will greatly
facilitate my admission into a U.S. university.

    Best wishes for your health.

    Your Student,

<BR>  *在请求别人写推荐信时应写明自己的目的和打算,并为对方提供相关信息。

    例 3

  Directions:You plan to apply for admission to Harvard University. You want

Mr Black help you with money. Write a letter to him to tell him.

    1) The reason for your letter.

    2) The sum of money

    3) How you make your living in the U. S.

    You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Mr. Black ,

  I have applied for admission to Harvard University. As I have no relatives

in the United States and I have no enough money for the tuition. I must find a
financial guarantor. You know, in applying for a student visa, an affidavit to
support must be submitted from an individual who will assure this opportunity.
It plays an important role for my chance to enter the Harvard University. Could
you do me a favor to be my financial guarantor. If I really have the chance of
coming to the U. S., I will undertake part-time employment to cover all the
living expenses.

    Please write to me soon.

单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    Yours sincerely,


  * 出国留学需要有人经济担保。如果是到美国留学,那么你的美国友人要填写一份担保
书 ( affidavit of support ) , 保 证 你 在 美 国 学 习 期 间 的 学 费 和 生 活 费 用 。

    例 4

  Directions:You are preparing to ask for some help from your teacher,write a
letter that:

    1) detail what you want he or she do for you.

    2) express your thanks to your teacher.

    You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Ms Wang,

  I make bold to write this letter to ask you to do me a favour. I have tried
to translate several short chinese stories into English for a part-time job. As
it is the first time for me to do a translation work, I think there must be
many errors and awkward expressions of Chinese English for my lack of
experiences. I sincerely hope that you would read over my manuscripts and
correct my mistakes and sociolisms. Also could you please give me some other
suggestions on my translation work.

    Thank you for your help with great respect!

    Your faithful student,


  *. 请人帮忙除了通常所说的 ask for help,也可以用 do sb a favour 来表达。表示很

诚 恳 地 希 望 什 么 时 , 可 用 句 型 “ I sincerely hope that…”

私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 求 职 信

(Letters of Applying for A Job)

    求 职 信 的 内 容 一 般 包 括 以 下 部 分 :
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
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QQ:285517323 707526607

    1 ) 写 信 的 缘 由 ;


    3 ) 推 荐 人 或 证 明 人 姓 名 以 供 录 用 方 查 询 ;


    例 1

    Directions:You are ×××, an to—be graduate from JiLin University,

majoring in English. Write a letter to a company applying for a position, Your
letter should include

    1) an introduction of yourself.

    2) your qualification for the position.

    3) asking for an interview.

  You should write 100 words or so, you don’t need to write the address.

    Dear Sirs,

  I am a graduatee from Jilin University of Foreign Language Institute. As a

student of English for Business, I hope to work in a foreign company after

  In the past four academic years, I have proved myself to be a straight A
student, awarded a succession of scholarships. My English is particularly good
and German happens to be my second foreign language, which will live up to the
requirements set by a wholly-owned foreign company like yours.

    I apply for the position of assistant to&nbsp;your marketing project

manager. You will find me a good team player, self-motivated and eager to
learn. I believe I can be of value to your company.

    I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.

    yours sincerely,


单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网

成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    *Live up to 符 合 arrange an interview 安 排 面 试

    例 2

    Directions:You are a senior of computer science. You’d like to be an

intern for an IT company. Write a letter to present your willings:You should

    1)your education background.

    2)your purpose of being an intern.

    You should write about 100 words and don’t need to write the address.

    Dear sirs,

    I am a senior of computer science in Beijing University of Technology. I

would like to work as an intern in your company. As I have a wide interest in
computer, I will do whatever job assigned to me, in software development or in
technical support. One of my advantages is that I am able to work
conscientiously under pressure. The more challenging my task is, the better it
will be done.

  My main purpose is just&nbsp;to put into practice what I have learned from
the classroom in the past few years and to learn about my own ability in
practical work. Remuneration is not yet taken into consideration.

    I am enclosing a resume and looking forward to hearing from you.

    Yours respectfully,


    *put into practice 付 诸 实 践

    例 3

    Directions:Suppose you graduates from Business School of Peking

University.Please write a letter to a director and apply for a chance of
further study. The number of words is no less than 100 words and you don’t
need to write the address.

    Dear Mr. Director,

单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    I am interested in your graduate Program of International Management. I

have just graduated from the Business School of Peking University, holding a
bachelor degree and awarded the Title of Excellent Student.

    I should be most obliged to you if you would send me your catalogue and
necessary application forms at your earliest convenience.

    Enclosed please find my resume attesting to my outstanding academic

performance at the Business School of Peking University.

    Thank youfor your consideration.

    Yours sincerely,


上 是 一 致 的 。

    例 4

    Directions:Write an application for employment. The application should be

presented the details of your personal references. You should write about 100

    POSITION APPLIED ManagerAsistant



    ADDRESSNo. 8 Suzhou Street, Beijing.

    TELEPHONE 86—010—××××××

    E-MAIL shuangboshi @ 163. com

    SEX MaleHEIGHT175 cm

    DATE OF BIRTH Dec .12, 1981


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QQ:285517323 707526607




    NAME OF SCHOOLBeijing, Foreign Language

    DURATION OF STUDIES2001.9~2003.7


    DEGREE OBTAINEDMaster of English Art

    EMPLOYMENT RECORDA Foreign Company

    COMPANY NAMENeo Company

    EMPLOYED FROM2003.7TO2004.7

    POSITION HELDsecretary


    REASON FOR LEAVINGHoping for more challenges and chances


    例 5

    Directions : Please write a letter of about 100 words to a university to

apply for ateaching post.You Should not write the address.

    Dear Sirs,

  I am sending you my resume for consideration of acceptance to teach English

within your University this coming summer or Fall/Winter semesters.I do have
high qualifications with much related experience.

    If your University has a need in my field of expertise,I would be very

happy to discuss any possibilities.Please feel free to call,fax or write me at
the address below.

单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网

成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    Thanks so much for receiving my resume.I believe I will be able to hear

from you soon.If for some reasons you currently do not have any available
positions,please keep me on file for my future availability.




    例 6

  Directions:You are applying for a position of teaching English as a second

language to a University. Write a letter about this. You should write no less
than 100 words and the address is not necessary.

    Dear Sirs,

    I would like to apply for any position of teaching English as a second

language that become available in the semester of 2003.I aa professional artist
and have taught at the university level.

  Chinese art is special interest to me,and I took an introductory class in

Far Eastern Arts before completing my Master’s degree.If no position is
available teaching English as a second language,I could contribute by teaching
courses in the recent history of Western art.

    I enclosed my resume,which indicates my teaching experience and my work

with people of various backgrounds.

    Thank you for your consideration.



    * 此 文 指 出 了 在 最 优 选 择 之 外 提 供 其 它 选 择 的 表 达 法 。

    例 7

  Directions: You are preparing for a application because you want to get a
position in a company. Please write the letter in about 100 words. You don’t
need to write the address.
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    Dear Mr. Director,

  I have learned from the newspapers that you are employing an administrative
secretary. I am very interested in this position.

    I have worked as an administrative secretary for a economic company in

Beijing for three years, so I have some understanding of the counting. I
graduated from Peking University, holding a bachelor degree.&nbsp;Having
obtained certificates of CET-4 and CET-6, I find myself fluent in both spoken
and written English. In addition, I am also quite familiar with computer

    Enclosed please find my resume.

    Looking forward to your early reply.

    Yours sincerely,



    例 8

  Directions: You are applying for the post of programmer in a company. Your
letter should include:

    1) your current situation

    2) your reasons for applying.

    You should write no less than 100 words and don’t need to write the

    Dear Sir/Madam,

  With reference to your advertisement in Guangzhou Daily on 20 May 2004, I

am writing to express my interest in applying for the captioned post.

    I am presently a programmer at Success Securities.Ltd, and my 2-year

contract will expire soon. By applying for the post I am looking forward to
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

switching to a larger, more sophisticated and more computerized company so that

I can enrich my professional knowledge. I am confident that my 2-year
solidexperience will enable me to meet the challenges which a large company

    Please refer to the enclosed resume for the technical details of my past
duties. I would be available for an interview at your convenience. Thank you
for your attention to this application.

    End:resume Yours truly,


    * expire 期 满 、 到 期 , switch to , 改 变 , switch positions , 换 一 换 位 置 。

sophisticated adj. 高级的、尖端的。please refer to the enclosed resume for……相
关 详 细 情 况 请 参 阅 附 带 的 简 历 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 邀 请 信

    (Letters of Invitation)

    例 1

  Directions:You are planning to ask your friend to join an outing. Express

your idea clearly as follows:

    1) details about what you are going to do

    2) when and where you will go out.

    You should write no less than 100 words and don’t need to write the

    Dear Li Ying,

  Haven’t seen you for a long time. How have you been? I am missing you all
the time. As the weather is splendid now, Jack、 Lucy and I have made a plan to
go out to the countryside by bike. Each of us may take food for the picnic,
which we will have at the hillside. The countryside must be very lovely, with
grass and trees growing flourishingly, flowers full bloom and bright sunshine.
We can enjoy the scenery to our hearts’ content, at the same time and take
some pictures as a memory . It is possible for us to meet at the bus stop 8 a.
m. I am sure we will have a good time. Do come and join us.

    Yours always,
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607


  *. 邀友交游时的语言可以比较轻松、简单而不用太正式,例如一些简单的问候“How
have you been?” 和 邀 请 语 句 “ Do come”

    例 2

    Directions:You want to invite Mr. Wallace to give a speech on “American

literature”. Write a letter to him and say.

    1) the purpose of the invitation.

    2) the time of the lecture

    It should be less than 100 words.

    You don’t need write the address.

    Dear Mr. Wallace,

  We know that you are an expert on literature. As students in English major,
we want to know some details about literature. We should be very grateful if
you could give a talk on “American Literature” to students of the English
Department on Saturday, April 19. If this subject does not suit you, any other
similar topic would be welcome as well.

    We have already had several very interesting talks from distinguished

visiors from various countries this semester and we look forward eagerly to the
opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.

    Sincerely yours,


  * 本文是邀请外国专家做讲座的邀请函。信的言辞应表示诚意,如“我殷切期盼”(to
look forward eagerly to the opportunity),还要表示尊重,如“从您的阅历和智慧中
受 益 ” ( to benefit from your experience and wisdom ) . <BR>
    例 3

    Directions: Write an invitation to Mr John Sze, inviting him to be the

calligraphy competition judge.

  The number of the words is no less than 100 words and you don’t need to
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

write the address.

    Dear Mr Sze,

  The 20th Taiwan Chinese Calligraphy Competition, organized by the Good Hope
Association and Modern Trade Ltd., will accept entries from 3 March to 15 April

  As a renowned expert in Chinese calligraphy, you are cordially invited to

present as a member of our panel of judges. We would also like to invite you to
give away the prizes at the prize presentation ceremony, and to deliver a
speech to the audience.

    Details of the Competition are as follows:


  To help raise the standard of Chinese calligraphy among primary and middle
school students, and to arouse their interest in traditional Chinese culture.


    Primary Division:students of Primary 6 or below. Junior Middle School

Division: students of 14 to 16. Senior Middle School Division: students of 16
or above

    3.Selection procedures: First-stage selection by respective schools,

second-stage selection and final decisions by the Panel of Judges.

    4.Date of prize presentation ceremony:

    15 July 2004 (tentative; details to follow)

    I would appreciate it if you would give me a reply at your earliest

convenience so that the necessary arrangements can be made soon without delay.
In case of queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at 24088507 during
office hours. Thank you.

    Yours sincerely.



单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网

成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    Competition Planning Committee

  * Calligraphy Competition 书法比赛,panel of judges.专家裁判,或专家仲裁组

tentative adj. 暂 定 的 , in case of queries : 如 有 置 疑 。

    例 4

    Directions: write a letter to invite your colleagues to participate in a

family party. The follows should be included

    1) the reasons of invitation

    2) time and location of the party

    It should be no less than 100 words and don’t need write the address.


  I will go to a food party at Karen Yius place together with colleagues of
the Accounts Department at 4:00 p.m. this Sunday to celebrate the fourteenth
anniversary of his marriage. Everybody is expected to bring a dish and a bottle
of wine of his or her own. If you feel interested, please join us at the main
entrance of Pioneer Plaza at 3:00 p.m. sharp that day, and don’t forget your
dish and wine. We do hope you come and are expecting to see you then.

    With best wishes.

    Sincerely yours,


  * 邀请信语言应简明真诚,形式通常有正式和非正式两种形式。本文是同事之间的邀请,
并 且 参 加 的 是 家 庭 聚 会 , 所 以 用 非 正 式 形 式 即 可 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 感 谢 信

    ( Letters of Thankness )


    Directions:Your friend Jenny gave you a hand when you were in depression
because of your mother’s death. Write a letter to express your thankness.

    1) the reason for the letter

单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
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QQ:285517323 707526607

    2) What you will do to overcome the sorrow.

    The address is not necessary and it should be no less than 100 words.

    Dear Jenny,

  I do not need to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me
these days and how grateful I am for the comfort and understanding you gave me
when I needed them so desperately.

  No one knows better than you how important my mother meant to me and what
an aching void my life has become without her. But I am trying to take your
advice and I hope that returning to my work next week will help heal the

  I really do not know what I would have been without you. Thank you again
for everything you have done for me!



  * 假如你失去亲人,你会感到“悲伤”(sorrow 或 aching void),“迫切需要别人

的安慰和理解”(need comfort and understanding&nbsp;desperately)。这封信就是对
该怎么做”(I really do not know what I would have been without you.),请注意
英 语 句 子 的 虚 拟 语 气 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 求 学 信

    (Letters of Applying for Study Chance)

好 的 求 学 信 , 至 关 重 要 。



    Directions: If you are a student of Tianjin University and you want to

apply to the Graduate School for pursuit of the International Business Program
of the New York University. Write the applying letter like following:
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
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QQ:285517323 707526607

    1) Declare all your situations in Tianjin University.

    2) What do you want to apply for?

    You should write about 100 words and don’t need to write address.

    Dear Mr Smiths,

    Thank you for your last letter.

    As your require, I have written a personal statement to give a detailed

description of my academic and work experience in Tianjin University. I also
wrote my reasons for my applying to your Graduate School for pursuit of the
International Business Program.

  I have two letters of recommendation for me. One of them is from an English
Professor, which proves that my English has reached an advanced level. The
other is from an economics professor, which certificates that I am good in the
field of economics and business management. Both of the letters will be mailed
directly to you.

  My GMAT score is 2160. I haven’t received my TOFEL score yet. But I will
send it to you as soon as I know.

    Best Wishes

    Yours sincerely,


  *申请出国的求学信应包括 PS.推荐信和相关英语考试的成绩,诸如 TOFEL、GRE 以及

GMAT 等,一般来说 GRE 和 GMAT 有一个即可申请,而 TOFEL 成绩则是去英语国家留学的必要
条 件 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 请 求 信

    (Letters of Request)


    Directions: You are about to write an application for you want to get a
rise of your salary. Please express your reasons clearly in about 100 words.

    September 10, 2002

单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
成龙 成凤 网 国内 首家 专门 教授 快速 、轻 松、 高效 记忆 英语 单词 的专 业网 站
QQ:285517323 707526607

    Dear Manager,

  I make bold to write this letter to you. One year ago I joined your firm as
an apprentice, receiving $ 500 per month during the period of training. Now I
became a full-time clerk afterwards for a few days, but my salary has remained
the same. As the cost of living is rising, would you consider an increase of my
salary? I will not wonder too much but the same as other clerks in our firm. I
pledge myself to continue to serve the firm to the best of my ability .

    Many thanks

    Yours faithfully,


  * make bold to 表示冒昧(地做某事)一般请别人帮忙或者要求加薪时可以这样用。

full-time 表 示 全 职 , part-time 表 示 兼 职 。
私 人 和 公 务 信 函 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 祝 福 信

    ( Letters of Regards )


  Directions:You are going to send a letter to your friend for the new year.
Please write it in about 100 words and do not need to write the address.

    Dear Mr. Carter,

  As a new year comes across the corner, it gives us great pleasure to say
how much we have appreciated working with you over the past twelve months. It
was a good memory for me which I always kept in my mind. Would you be the same
with me? Last year was a wonderful year and we both got many benefits and
progress from each other. I sincerely hope that our pleasant business
relationship will continue for years to come.

  Our staff here join me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.

    Yours sincerely,


  * 生意人在新年来临之际相互祝愿,主要关心的当然是“继续保持业务关系”( to
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QQ:285517323 707526607

continue the pleasant business relationship),并且“在新的一年里生意兴隆”(a

Happy and Prosperous New Year ) 。
便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 概 述

求等。跟正规书信相比,便条的语言比较口头化,比如要通知某事只需这样开头:Just a
line to tell you that ...而无须像正规书信那样 This is to inform you that ...开
头。另外,在便条中常出现省略现象,例如:“key to back door is under mat.”或者
“key to back door under mat .”(后门钥匙在垫子下面)代之以“The key to the back
door is under the mat.” 。

姓 或 名 。

写 。
便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 注 意 事 项

    1. 词 句 简 洁 , 尽 量 避 免 应 酬 语 和 各 种 敬 词

    2. 切 忌 内 容 空 洞 、 言 不 达 意 。

便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 请 假

    ( Asking for Leave )

    例 1

  Directions:You are about to write a Business Leave Note of about 100 words.
Please describe these information clearly.

    1) the reason you ask for the leave

    2) the time and how long you will leave

    Class 4, Grade 3

    Aug. 22nd

    To Department Office

    Secretary Li,
单词记不住 ?记不快 ?记不牢 ?赶紧就 去成龙成 凤网
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QQ:285517323 707526607

  I’m sorry to apply for ten day’s leave from the Aug. 23rd to sept, 3rd
instant. As I have to leave with the time is urgent. My father now in the
hospital is badly ill. I have to go to see him and take care of him for a few
days. You know I’m the only child in my family. Of course I will show you the
telegram about my fathers illness which is recieved from my mother to support
my application.

  As concern as the missed lessons during my absence, I promise I will do my

best to catch them on after I come back to the campus. Wish for your

    Yours respectfully


  *本文是一封请假条,一般我们要向上级或老师请假,通常用的是 ack for leave 这个

短语,请三天假可写作:ask for three days’ leave;因病请假则是 ask for&nbsp;sick
leave.leave 在这里是名词用法,文中用的短语是 apply for 意为“申请”,含有更加郑
重的意味,常用于下级对上级或晚辈对长辈的书面语中,“Only child”意为“独生子女
” 相 应 的 , “ 独 生 女 ” 译 作 “ only daughter” 而 “ 独 生 子 ” 译 作 “ only son”. As
concern as.后面跟名词性结构,意为“涉及到,至于”与 Concerning 同意,两者可以互
换 。

    例 2

    Directions:Your father is seriously ill, and you want to go back home.

Write a note to the secretary and it should include.

    1) the cause for leaving;

    2) the days: from 16th to 21 st;

    3) Catch on the lesson after returning school.

    July 5th

    Dear Miss Huang,

  My sister called me last night, and she said that my father is dangerously
ill. I beg to apply for seven days’ leave of absence from 16th to 21st
instant, in order that I can see my beloved father.

  I should be much obliged if you would grant me my application. As regards

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QQ:285517323 707526607

the lessons to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make up for

them as soon as I get back from home.

    Sincerely yours,


  *本格式采用 The Semi-indented Form(半缩进式),以前比较流行,现在人们也继

续采用。I should be much obliged if you would...是一种客套语,表示“结果……,我
当不胜感激。”“补课”的英文是 to make up for the lessons。 as soon as 意思是一…
… 就 。

便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 约 请



  Directions:You have a ticket to the Russian National Ballet Troupe, which

is visiting and you want to give it to your friend Alice. Write a note to her
and say:

    1) the time of the show,

    2) the place where you will wait for her

    You should write about 100 words.


    Dear Alice,

  Here is a piece of good news for you. The Russian National Ballet Troupe,
which is now on a visit in Beijing, will give a performance in the Beijing
Grand Theater tomorrow evening. I am sure that you will be happy to watch it.
Here I leave you an admission card. The performance will begin at seven
o’clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know
whether you are prevented from coming or not.


  * 约朋友一起去看戏,可是朋友不在家,只好留下票子和一张便条,但又怕朋友来不
了,所以在便条最后特地写上“如果你来不了,告诉我一声”( Please let me know
whether you are prevented from coming)此文的 wait for 也可以用 expect 代替。
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QQ:285517323 707526607

便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 道 歉

    ( Apology )

对 方 予 以 解 释 , 以 请 求 谅 解 。

疚 , 然 后 说 明 原 因 并 提 出 补 救 的 办 法 。

    例 1

  Directions: You have missed a date of your friend, now you have to write a
letter for appologization in about 100 words.

    May 20th

    Dear Lily,

  I am sorry I missed seeing you yesterday. I know that you must have been
disappointed. I also feel worried and anxious in my heart. The fact is that my
manager at the last moment asked me to prepare a urgent plan while I could not
get to a phone to call you and yesterday I have worked late until about 8:30 p.
m. I am terribly sorry.

  However, I would like to ask you out this weekend to make up for yesterday.
Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply.


  * 临时有事未能赴约,一定要把事情解释清楚并真诚的道歉,最好能有弥补(to make

up),就像这封信里所说的那样,邀请对方周末再碰头(I would like to ask you out
this weekend)注意英文句子 you must have been disappointed 中情态动词的用法:情

    例 2

  Directions: You have received a invitation from your friend, but you have
already&nbsp;had some guests in your house. Please express the reason you
can’t go clearly in about 100 words.


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QQ:285517323 707526607

    Dear Lucy,

    I do appologize for having to send this letter about Saturday night.

    When I accepted your invitation, I simply forgot that Saturday was a

holiday and that my own guests were not leaving until Sunday morning. It is
difficult for me to make a choice. Though I also wonder to meet you very much.
I could not very well go out by myself and leave the guests at my home.

  I hope you know how sorry I am not to be with you this Saturday. Should I
make a visit to you in my other spare time?

    Thank you very much.


  * 自己家里有客人,自然不方便再接受别人邀请去做客所以可以明正言顺的表示拒绝

    I do apologize for being late.

    He did come yesterday.

    例 3

  Directions: You are already have a date with your friend but suddenly have
another thing to do and you have to tell your friend that you can’t go.
Express your reason clearly in about 100 words.

    Monday 9:00 a.m


  I am sorry to tell you that I won’t be able to come this afternoon because
I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p. m. to meet an overseas visitor from
Australia. I really have kept our datd in my mind all these days, however, I
received my boss’ e-mail this morning, he asked me to go to the airport to
meet one of his friends from abroad, it’s suddenly and urgent and I must go.
Please forgive me. Would you please ring me up to make another time?

    Many thanks.

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QQ:285517323 707526607

  * 因有事而不能赴约,只能另约时间(to make 或 to fix another time)。写信人

Bluce 很可能是英国人,因为他把“打电话”说成 to ring somebody up,美国人通常说
to call somebody。英国人打电话还可以说 to give somebody a ring,不要错以为别人要
得 别 人 的 谅 解 。
便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 借 物



  Directions:You are going to write a note for borrowing sth. please deseribe
these information clearly.

    1) the thing you ask

    2) detailed what you are going to do with it.

    3) how long will you take it.


    Dear Xiao Wang:

  I wonder if I could borrow your electronic dictionary for a few days. Now I
am translating some important articles. There are many new words which I have
to look up the dictionary usually. I just have a paper dictionary but of course
it’s not as convenient as the electronic one, which has a bad effect upon my
velocity of my translating. So I think your electonic dictionary is more
suitable for me to complete my work. I promise that I must be very careful of
your dictionary and make no damage done on it. Thank you very much!

    Yours ever


就 是 “ check the dictionary” , 而 应 该 用 “ look up” 这 个 固 定 短 语 来 表 达 。

  “影响……”有一个很地道的短语。“have effect upon/on”,后面接受影响的人或物,

如果是积极影响就在 have 和 effect 之间加 a good ,反之,就加“a bad”其他的形容词
例 如 great , remarkable 也 可 以 用 来 修 饰 effect , 此 词 在 这 里 是 名 词 。

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便 笺 ( 便 条 ) 和 短 信 -- 分 类 举 例 -- 回 复 友 人 问 侯

    (Reply for Regards)


    Directions:You have just had a operation, and received a note of regards

from your friend Jenny. Now please write a reply to her to tell her your
current situation.

    You should write about 100 words.


    Dear Jenny,

  Thanks for your letter of sympthy I received the day before yesterday. The
operation on my leg was a wonderful success. You know I had been suffering a
lot from my leg since my childhood. The operation removed the cause of trouble.
It is quite worth having the operation. I am daily recovering from my illness.
I’m confident I will soon be in the office again after proper treatment. Thank
you for kind wishes.

    My best wishes to all your family


  *这是对好友问侯便条的回复。形式简单,内容明了。过去完成进行时“I had been

suffering…my childhood” 表 示 动 作 从 过 去 一 直 持 续 到 现 在 。

备 忘 录 -- 概 述

书 端 ( Heading ) ;

    收 文 人 的 姓 名 、 头 衔 、 地 址 ( Addressee’s Name, Title, Address ) ;

    称 呼 (Salutation) ;

    事 因 (Subject) ;

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QQ:285517323 707526607

    正 文 ( Body ) ;

    结 束 语 ( Complimentary Close ) ;

    署 名 ( Signature ) 。

备 忘 录 -- 注 意 事 项

的 写 法 相 同 。

  称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用 Dear Sir, 对政府官员可用

Sir 。

  “事因”一项目前采用得较少。它可放在称呼语之前,也可放在其后,前面可加 Re 或
Docket, Subject。如果此项写在称呼语之前,多从左边的顶格写起;若放在称呼语之后,
文 人 对 文 中 的 主 要 内 容 一 目 了 然 , 便 于 及 时 处 理 。

    正 文 、 结 束 语 和 署 名 等 项 与 一 般 信 件 的 格 式 相 同 。

备 忘 录 -- 举 例

    例 1

    Directions: Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the student service

department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory.


    August 16,2004

    To:The leader of student service department

    From: Li Ming


    Dear Sir,

    I would like to remind you that we are in want of a telephone for each
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QQ:285517323 707526607

dormitory. As a university student, we need to cope with the daily increasing

communications with teachers, friends and people outside the campus.

    We need a telephone to get and send message, which is important for us.
Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the
dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication.
I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as


    Yours ,

    Li Ming

   *“remind” 一词用法比较多,可以在后面直接接人或宾格,如“提醒我”译为
please remind me.如果提醒某人某事则用 remind somebody of something ,也可以在后
面加从句,即“remind sb that”,remind 还有一个意思为“使想起”同样用 remind…
of… 的 结 构 , 应 注 意 与 提 醒 某 事 区 分 。

    例 2

  Directions:You are supposed to write a Memorandom of about 100 words to the

leader of the supply section to borrow one more microscope for your biological
experiment. It should include:

    1) Why you need the microscope.

    2) When you need it.


    August 12,2004

    To: Mr. Gates, leader of the supply section

    From:Li Ming of the biological laboratory


    Dear Sir,

  I’m a student of biology department and we are badly in need of an extra

microscope in order to improve our experimental work.
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QQ:285517323 707526607

  Our experiment will start on Friday, so please issue a microscope to us as

soon as possible so that we can prepare better for the experiment.

    With kind regards.

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Ming

谁写给谁来备忘的,用 From: To:两个单词即可。文中的“badly”是“非常的,迫切的”
意思。短语“in order to”同下句的“so that”意思是一样的即:为了,目的是。不同的
是前者后接动词原型而后者常跟目的状语从句 ,类似的短语还有“in order that”,用法
与 “ so that” 相 同 。

    例 3

  Directions: If you are the teacher of the students’ Counseloris office: P:

steelpes, and you have received a letter for requesting for paid education
leave from a student. Write him a memo to reply him including details:

    1) The result of his requirement.

    2) The reason for rejecting.

    3)some suggestions

    You should write about 100 words.

    To: Records Section

    From: P/ Steelpes, Career Planning

    Subject: Request for Paid Education Leave

    Date: May 22, 2004

  In response to your request for one year of paid education leave to take a
degree in English literature, I have to inform you that we cannot authorize
this leave.

    While we appreciate your desire to improve your knowledge, we feel that

English literature is not directly related to your present position and to the
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QQ:285517323 707526607

goals of this organization.

  I am aware of your great interest in literature, and I would like to point
out that you could gain advantage to apply for leave without pay.

  If you need another information on the above, do not hesitate to keep touch
with me at any time.

    P. Steels

  * 首先要注意本篇备忘录的格式很标准。然后注意这个备忘录的个别词的用法,譬如:
be aware of 注意到、当心的意思,point out 指出,request for 要求,in response to
反 馈 。

    例 4

  Directions: You are a supervisor of a big company. The chief of operations

wants to adopt the“punch-in”system to increase productivity. Write a memo to
talk about this:

    1) Does the “punch-in”system benefit the company?

    2) If the company doesn’t adopt it, what else can we do to increase


    You should write about 100 words.

    To. David Green, Chief of Operations

    From: Tony. Party , Supervisor

    Subject: Comments on the “Punch-in” System

    Date: March. 22, 2004

  This is further to your memo dated March. 20, 2004, in which you proposed
that employees adopt the “punch-in” system.

  I fully agree with you that we must increase productivity. As far as your
proposal that if the “punch-in” system is adopted, we would have a tighter
control over the employees is concerned. However, I don’t think so. I
personally think that, to accomplish this, we should give the employees more
incentives to work faster. I feel that if we ( the supervisors) could meet with
you , we could discuss different possiblilities to create such incentiveness.
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QQ:285517323 707526607

    Your consideration of this suggestion would be appreciated.

    Tony Party

    * 此 篇 是 对 一 篇 备 忘 录 的 回 复 。 生 产 主 管 认 为 实 行 打 孔 考 勤 制 度 ( “ punch-
in”system),有利于增加生产效率。但督察却不这样认为。他认为“ should give the
employees more incentives to work faster” 。

    例 5

    Directions: You are a manager of administration office naming Vera. M.

Bradford. The board of directors have decided to anew the Fitness Center. Write
a memo to tell all the employees that:

    1) How long will this project be last for?

    2) Welcome the employees to provide suggestions.

    You should write about 100 words.

    To: Every Employees

    From: Brian Aponte

    Date: November 18, 2004

    Subject: Fitness Center

    The board of directors approved the idea for anew Fitness Center at its
meeting yesterday.

    Work on the Fitness Center will begin right now and should be completed
within 90 days. An employee representative from each division will be appointed
to determine the type of equipment and programs that will be made available.

  We are happy to be able to provide a facility that will contribute to the
physical fitness of all our employees. Your representative on the task force
will contact you soon for your suggestions about activities and equipment.

    Brian Aponte

    Administration Office, Manager

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QQ:285517323 707526607

  * 这是一篇关于公司修建健身中心的备忘录。备忘录中说健身中心工作马上开始而且
“completed within 90 days”。而且希望各部门代表与主办部门联系,征求关于活动和设
备 的 意 见 。

相 关 链 接
@@@备忘录--概述 备忘录是一种录以备忘的公文。在公文函件中,它的等级是比较低的,主
正式文件的不足。它的内容可以分为以下几项:书端(Heading); 收文人的姓名、头衔、地
址(Addressee’s Name, Title, Address);称呼(Salutation);事因(Subject);正文
(Body) ;结束语(Complimentary Close);署名(Signature)。 @@@备忘录--注意事
项 书端部分包括发文机关的名称、地址、发文日期,有的还包括电报挂号、电传号、电话号码
写法相同。称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用 Dear Sir, 对政府官
员可用 Sir。“事因”一项目前采用得较少。它可放在称呼语之前,也可放在其后,前面可
加 Re 或 Docket, Subject。如果此项写在称呼语之前,多从左边的顶格写起;若放在称呼
@@备忘录 -- 举例 例 1 Directions: Write a memorandum of about 100 words to the
student service department and ask them to fix a telephone for each dormitory.
MEMO August 16,2004 To:The leader of student service department From: Li Ming
Subject:Telephone Dear Sir, I would like to remind you that we are in want of a
telephone for each dormitory. As a university student, we need to cope with the
daily increasing communications with teachers, friends and people outside the
campus. We need a telephone to get and send message, which is important for us.
Though most of us have mobile phones and e-mail address, a telephone in the
dormitory is after all the most convenient and cheapest tool of communication.
I hope that you will pay attention to this problem and solve it as soon as
possible. Regards. Yours, Li Ming *“remind”一词用法比较多,可以在后面直接接
人或宾格,如“提醒我”译为 please remind me.如果提醒某人某事则用 remind somebody
of something ,也可以在后面加从句,即“remind sb that”,remind 还有一个意思为“
使想起”同样用 remind…of…的结构,应注意与提醒某事区分。 例 2 Directions:You are
supposed to write a Memorandom of about 100 words to the leader of the supply
section to borrow one more microscope for your biological experiment. It should
include: 1) Why you need the microscope. 2) When you need it. MEMO August
12,2004 To: Mr. Gates, leader of the supply section From:Li Ming of the
biological laboratory Subject:Microscope Dear Sir, I’m a student of biology
department and we are badly in need of an extra microscope in order to improve
our experimental work. Our experiment will start on Friday, so please issue a
microscope to us as soon as possible so that we can prepare better for the
experiment. With kind regards. Yours sincerely, Li Ming *这是一封备忘录,在写备
忘录的时侯,一定要注意它的格式,尤其要在开头写清楚是谁写给谁来备忘的,用 From:
To:两个单词即可。文中的“badly”是“非常的,迫切的”意思。短语“in order to”同
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下句的“so that”意思是一样的即:为了,目的是。不同的是前者后接动词原型而后者常
跟目的状语从句 ,类似的短语还有“in order that”,用法与“so that”相同。 例 3
Directions: If you are the teacher of the students’ Counseloris office: P:
steelpes, and you have received a letter for requesting for paid education
leave from a student. Write him a memo to reply him including details: 1) The
result of his requirement. 2) The reason for rejecting. 3)some suggestions You
should write about 100 words. To: Records Section From: P/ Steelpes, Career
Planning Subject: Request for Paid Education Leave Date: May 22, 2004 In
response to your request for one year of paid education leave to take a degree
in English literature, I have to inform you that we cannot authorize this
leave. While we appreciate your desire to improve your knowledge, we feel that
English literature is not directly related to your present position and to the
goals of this organization. I am aware of your great interest in literature,
and I would like to point out that you could gain advantage to apply for leave
without pay. If you need another information on the above, do not hesitate to
keep touch with me at any time. P. Steels * 首先要注意本篇备忘录的格式很标准。然
后注意这个备忘录的个别词的用法,譬如:be aware of 注意到、当心的意思,point out
指 出 ,request for 要 求 , in response to 反 馈 。 例 4 Directions: You are a
supervisor of a big company. The chief of operations wants to adopt the“punch-
in”system to increase productivity. Write a memo to talk about this: 1) Does
the “punch-in”system benefit the company? 2) If the company doesn’t adopt
it, what else can we do to increase productivity. You should write about 100
words. To. David Green, Chief of Operations From: Tony. Party , Supervisor
Subject: Comments on the “Punch-in” System Date: March. 22, 2004 This is
further to your memo dated March. 20, 2004, in which you proposed that
employees adopt the “punch-in” system. I fully agree with you that we must
increase productivity. As far as your proposal that if the “punch-in” system
is adopted, we would have a tighter control over the employees is concerned.
However, I don’t think so. I personally think that, to accomplish this, we
should give the employees more incentives to work faster. I feel that if we
( the supervisors) could meet with you , we could discuss different
possiblilities to create such incentiveness. Your consideration of this
suggestion would be appreciated. Tony Party * 此篇是对一篇备忘录的回复。生产主管
为。他认为“should give the employees more incentives to work faster” 。 例 5
Directions: You are a manager of administration office naming Vera. M.
Bradford. The board of directors have decided to anew the Fitness Center. Write
a memo to tell all the employees that: 1) How long will this project be last
for? 2) Welcome the employees to provide suggestions. You should write about
100 words. To: Every Employees From: Brian Aponte Date: November 18, 2004
Subject: Fitness Center The board of directors approved the idea for anew
Fitness Center at its meeting yesterday. Work on the Fitness Center will begin
right now and should be completed within 90 days. An employee representative
from each division will be appointed to determine the type of equipment and
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programs that will be made available. We are happy to be able to provide a

facility that will contribute to the physical fitness of all our employees.
Your representative on the task force will contact you soon for your
suggestions about activities and equipment. Brian Aponte Administration Office,
Manager * 这是一篇关于公司修建健身中心的备忘录。备忘录中说健身中心工作马上开始而
且“completed within 90 days”。而且希望各部门代表与主办部门联系,征求关于活动和
设 备 的 意 见 。
摘 要 -- 概 述

则 喜 欢 称 其 为 “ Summary” 。

  通常国际刊物要求所要刊登的文章字数,包括摘要部分不超过 1 万字。而对文章摘要部
的 重 点 应 放 在 所 研 究 的 成 果 和 结 论 上 。

  国际会议要求的论文摘要的字数不等,一般为 200 字-500 字。而国际刊物要求所刊登

的论文摘要的字数通常是 100 字-200 字。摘要的位置一般放在一篇文章的最前面,内容上

了解书籍的要义。写摘要时,最好用第三人称的完整的陈述句,文长一般不超过 200 个词。

各 个 要 点 的 主 要 内 容 。

    它 可 以 包 括 三 个 组 成 部 分

    ① 点 明 主 题 , 解 析 文 章 或 书 籍 的 目 的 或 意 图 ;

    ② 介 绍 主 要 内 容 , 使 读 者 迅 速 了 解 文 章 或 书 籍 的 概 貌 ;

    ③ 提 出 结 论 或 建 议 , 以 供 读 者 参 考 。

摘 要 -- 常 见 句 型

    常 见 的 摘 要 句 型 有 :

    1 ) This paper deals with...

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    2 ) This article focuses on the topics of (that,having,etc)...

    3 ) This eassy presents knowledge that...

    4 ) This thesis discusses...

    5 ) This thesis analyzes...

    6 ) This paper provides an overview of...

    7)This paper elaborates on ...

    8 ) This article gives an overview of...

    9 ) This article compares...and summarizes key findings.

    10 ) This paper includes discussions concerning...

    11)This paper presents up to date information on...

    12)This article covers the role of chemicals in...

    13)This paper addresses important topics including...

    14)This paper touches upon...

    15)This paper strongly emphasizes...

    16)This eassy represents the preceedings of ...

    17)This article not only describes...but also suggests...

    18)This paper considers...

    19)This paper provides a method of ...

    20)This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze...

    21)This paper offers the latest information regarding...

    22)This paper is devoted to examining the role of...

    23)This article explores...

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    24)This paper expresses views on...

    25)This paper reflects the state of the art in...

    26)This paper explains the procedures for...

    27)This paper develops the theory of ...

    28)This article reviews the techniques used in...

    29)This paper investigates the techniques and procedures to...

    30)This article is about...

    31)This eassy is related to ...

    32)This paper concerns...

    33)This paper gives an account of ...

    34)This article tells of...

    35)This paper tries to describe...

    36)This paper provides an analysis of ...

    37)This paper reports the latest information on ...

    38)The author of this article reviews...

    39)The writer of this paper discusses...

    40)The writer of this eassy tries to explore...

    41)The aim of this paper is to determine...

    42)The purpose of this article is to review...

    43)The objective of this paper is to explore...

    破 题 用 语 , 一 般 有 :

    ① The author of this article reviews (or:

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    ② This article reviews (or:reports,tells of,is about,concerns)something…


    ③ This article has been prepared (or:designed,written)…….

    ④ The purpose of this article is to determine something…….

    ⑤ The problem of something is discussed …….

    结 论 和 建 议 , 一 般 有 以 下 几 种 写 法 :

    ① The author suggests (recommends,concludes)that…….

    ② This article shows that…….

    ③ It is suggested that…….

    ④ The author’s suggestion (or:conclusion )is that ……

    ⑤ The author finds it necessary to …….

摘 要 -- 分 类 举 例

  1)陈述型论文摘要。陈述型论文摘要(Descriptive Abstract)一般只说明论文的主
题 是 什 么 , 多 半 不 介 绍 内 容 。

    例 1


  This article extends Lehand and Pyle(1997)model to include the possibility

that manager may exploit cooperate wealth through transactions with affiliated
companies and/or individuals.The results of our model show that the amounts of
wealth exploitation are affected by several factors.They are inorderly
managerial stockholding,the severity of penalty,the manager’s risk
attitude,firm’s expected future cash flows,and the variance of future cash
flows.What’s more, the relation between managerial holding and the amount of
wealth exploitation is not seperate.Wealth exploitation rises with management
share holdings before the break point.When managerial holding exceeds the break
point,any further increase in the management holdings will decrease the amount
of wealth exploitation.

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    例 2


  The effect of price limit on the stock return,volatility and the structural
change is analyzed through a generalized autoregressive conditional
heterscedasticity(GARCH)model.The interaction between stock returns and its
volatility is permitted in each price limit regime.While the stock return does
not go up when the price limit goes down from 5%to 7%.The stock volatility,on
the other hand,is substantially different across three regimes. The higher the
price limit,the larger is the volatility.In end the GARCH model does not suffer
from the structural change when price limits change.

    例 3


    This issue presents a complete survey on the integrin,immunoglobulin,and

selection families cellular expression patterns on endothelial, resident cells
and graft infiltrating cells in human stomach, heart ,and lung transplants.It
describes the patterns of cellular expression and inducibility in different
pathological conditions of the graft.It also discusses the implications for the
organ specific appearance of inflammatory reactions in human stomach,heart and
lung transplants as for immunosuppressive and therapeutic interventions.

    例 4


    We classfied firm’s finacing decisions into four categories:internal

financing banking,bank loans,convertible bonds and preferred stocks,and new
common shares.

  This paper uses pooled cross-section and time series data.When the adjusted
data is used,we find that B/M has explanatory power to stock returns for the
new-issue category;C/F for the internal financing category.

  The size variable is also significant in all categories.However,the sign is

not consistent.The convertible category has reverse size effect and others have
size effects.As for the E/P variable,we don’t find any additional explanatory
power to stock returns for any category.The use of different definition of size
hardly changes our results.

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    例 5

    Contact Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity


    by G.M.Gladwell

  This article gives an account of contact problems in the classical theory

of elasticity.It begins from fundamental principles and aims to offer
information on recent developments on this subject that the reader can take
advantage to widen his horizon of contact problems.

    例 6

    Use of Engineering Metals

    Use of Engineering Metals


  This article shows us the importance of metals in our daily life,especially

in machine building and engineering construction.Metals that are used in
industry are called engineering metals,of which the most widely-used is iron.
Therefore,production of iron is very critical to the development of a nation.

    例 7

    Pure and Applied Science

    Pure and Applied Science


    In this article ,the author holds that pure science is fundermentally

concerned with the development of theories establishing relationships between
the phenomena of the universe. On the other hand applied science,is directly
connected with the application of the working laws of pure science to the
practical affairs in the life,and to man’s increasing control over the
environment,thus leading to the development of new techniques,processes and
machines.It is evident that many branches of applied science are practical
extensions of purely theoretical or experimental work.It shows to us that these
two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting.
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  2)信息型论文摘要。信息型论文摘要(Informational Abstract)与陈述型论文摘要

    例 1

    Probable Development of Agricultural Mechanization

    Probable Development of Agricultural Mechanization


    This article reviews the past achievements in agricultural mechanization

and aims to predict the developments in the immediate future.It is widely
acknowledged that to cope with greater crop output,it is necessary to make use
of more powerful equipment that is capable of more extensive work within the
limited time.

    The main problems are discussed under the following headings.

    1)General Trend of Machanization

    2)Mechanization of Crop Farming

    3)Mechanization of Animal Husbandry

    The article concludes that further progress of agricultural mechanization

depends on,to a great extent,the development of mechanical industry,which
should be spurred and encouraged.

    例 2

    Cultural Factors in Translation and Their Transfer

    Cultural Factors in Translation and Their Transfer


  This thesis attempts to apply general knowledge of linguistics,anthropology

and translation to the research of cultural factors in translation and their

    The thesis concludes a brief introduction and four chapters.The

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introduction presents the specific topic and raises several related

issues.Chapter One is devoted to the relationship between language,culture and
translation.Chapter Two focus on the categorization of cultural factors in
translation.Chapter Three talks about three topics:translatability,major
translation methods of cultural factors,and the transfer of some important
cultural subcategories.The last chapter,gives an analysis of some inappropriate
translations and draws a general conclusion for the whole thesis.

    例 3


  Internationalization and liberalization of business activities have become

two of the most significant phenomena for the successful operations of
contemporary enterprises.At present,the prevalence of national protectionism
and the establishment of regional economic communites,have further enhanced
many firms to take part in overseas investments in order that the tariff and
non-tarriff barriers of the products could be reduced or eliminated.

    Yet ,companies operate in different countries with different

political,legal,economic,and social cultural surroundings might have different
management styles and strategic operating patterns.Traditionally,the Japanese
and the US management patterns are two of the most important reference models
for the operations of domestic enterprises.Thus, to promote the success of
business internationalization activities,it would be very helpful for the
domestic firms in Taiwan to evaluate the similarites and differences of the
characteristics of business operations for the US and the Japanese firms
especially on management styles,organizational structures,and business

  Through a series of personal interview and mail survey,this study concluded

the following findings:

    (1)Firms with different investment origins(i.e.,Taiwanese,American,and

Japanese firms)tended to operate differently on constructs of cooperate
objectives,organizational structures,competitive strategies, and management

    (2)For cooperate objectives,Japanese firms tended to emphasize

organizational development objectives through educating and activating human
resources,while American firms favor financial objective such as improving cash
flow and profitability.For organizational structures,American firms achieved
higher levels of delegation authority and operation formalization than those of
Japanese and Taiwanees firms.For competitive strategies,American firms tended
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to emphasize product differentiation and cost leadership strategies while

Japanese firms favor process innovation and product differentiation

    (3)Firms selecting process innovation and product development strategies

tended to emphasize both organizational development and sales growth objectives
.These firms tended to be very sensitive on the potentials of industry
development.In addition,firms adopting cost leadership strategies tended to
emphasize sales growth objectives.In a word,these firms seemed to exercise
higher levels of formalization and standardization of business activities.
例 1

    Directions:You are preparing for a field report,please write it in about

100words with such items as following:

    ① the current situation of the equipments

    ② your reason and suggestion

    To:Mr.Zhao Minghua,president of Beijing University

    From:Mr.Li HongJun,Dean of Studies.

    Subject:Buying computers and videotape recorders.

    Dear Mr.President:

    Upon the request of the Equipment Division of the university,we have

inspected the laboratory of the Physical Department and found its present
equipments unsatisfactory to student, particularly to post graduates.Because
there are fourty computers in our laboratory,but there are almost ten times the
students and 25 percent are postgraduates.The laboratory material is so
shortage that the situation have to be improved at once.In order to enhance the
effect of experiments,it is hereby recommended that twenty computers and ten
videotape recorders be bought and issued to the laboratory.

    Li HongJun

  *.这是一份实地考察报告,要求将所看到的状况实事求是的反映出来。 upon the

request 表示在……的要求下,以 request 表示要求一般比较正式。postgraduates 即研究

    例 2

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    Direction:Take a report by the academic department of an

association.Follows should be pay attention to:

    1)the immediate schemes

    2)detailed information such as dates,related persons and numbers


    From:Anny lee, Head ,Academic Department

    To:Mr Ng sik-hung,Chairman Shang Hai Evergreen Association


    Date:2 April 2002

    Ⅰ .Shang Hai Secondary School

    1.The number of students for the month is:Form 1:329,Form 2:300,Form

3:500,Form 4:238,Form 5:234

    2.The week starting from 17 March 2002 was scheduled as a "week".

    3.Mental consult was scheduled to be March offered 2002 in the School

Hospital within the period 29 to 1 May 2002.The persons in charge of the
program would be staff of the Mental Health Society.

    Ⅱ .Academic exchange

    1.As one of the initiators,the Association has agreed to host the

seminar"The fostering of talented personnel in Mainland China",to be held on 3
May 2002 in Shang Hai.

  2.The Chairman has agreed to give a talk on behalf of the Association in a

seminar on the exchange of talented personnel within South East Asia,which is
scheduled to be held on 1 July 1997 in Tokyo.

    [ signature ]

观地陈述。例 3Directions:A ship accident took place in Chang Jiang.Please unite
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a research report to tell:

    1)the cause of the accident

    2)the results

    3)the response of authority

    To:Li Ming

    From:Liu Hua

    Subject:Ship Accident off West Coast of Chang Jiang,No Casualties.


    Yesterday evening two boats collided in thick fog in Chang Jiang not far
from Wu Han.One was a cargo ship carrying lumber,apparently on its way to Chang
Jiang.The other was a National ferry on its regular run from Jiu Jiang to Wu

  However,because of the weather conditions,the captains did not realize the

danger until a few seconds before the collision took place.Consequently,there
was no time for them to prevent the accident.

  Fortunately,there were no casualties among the crews or passengers,but both

ships suffered badly damages.

  A spokesman for the port authorities said that a committee would be set up
to determine the cause of the collision.

调 查 经 过 , 尽 量 做 到 客 观 公 正 。

简 历 -- 概 述


  在英语中,简历一般采用 Resume 或 Curriculum Vitea 一词,偶尔也有 Data Sheet

或 Vita , Vitae 的 用 法 。

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吸 引 雇 主 。 通 常 一 份 成 功 的 简 历 要 遵 循 下 列 准 则 :

    1 ) 展 现 自 己 的 优 势 和 特 长 ;

    2 ) 提 供 能 吸 引 雇 主 的 信 息 ;

    3 ) 曾 经 取 得 过 的 成 绩 ;

    4 ) 附 上 具 有 说 服 力 的 证 明 材 料 、 证 明 人 和 推 荐 信 。

    5 ) 格 式 美 观 , 长 度 适 中 ;

    6 ) 用 词 妥 贴 , 语 言 简 洁 而 不 失 重 点 。

简 历 -- 举 例

    例 1

    Directions:You are applying for admission to qraduate law program and in

need of a resume please write it to describe

    1) your education background,qualifications and honors

    2) experience

    3) personal information

    You should write about 100 words



    203 APT 32 ALLEY 1324 NANJING RD (E)

    SHANGHAI 20020, PRC


    OBJECTIVE:Seeking admission to graduate program of law

    EDUCATION:Fudan University1999-present
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    Major in law

    Shanghai No.1 High School1996-1999

    QUALIFICATIONS:University graduation certificate and bachelor

    degree to be conferred upon graduation(2003)

    CET6 College English Test level 6 0ct. 2002

    HONORS:First prize winner of Department speech contest Oct.2002

    University scholarship for Excellent studeuts (2001,2002)

    EXPERIENCE resident of Students’Union


    Editor of University Journal2000-2001

    SPECIAL SKILLS:Good at public speech and debate

    Proficient in English ( fluent speaking and writing )

    Expertise on commercial law

    Good command of Word & Excel software

    PERSONAL DATA ate of Birth:8/21/1980


    Marital Status:unmarried


    REFERENCES:Zhuang zhong

    Dean of law dept

    Fudan University
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    Law professor

(special skills)简历末尾给出推荐人证明你的英文和专业水平。推荐人应有一定的身份。

    例 2

    Directions:You are applying for a job. please writing a resume to HR to


    1) your objective

    2) work experience

    3) Educational Background

    4) personal information


    204 APT 2 ALLEY 328 YONGJIA RE TEL : 64308991

    SHANGHAI 200020 , PRCEMALL :

    Career Objective:A position of management job potential in the banking

department specializing in Foreign change

    Work Experience:

    July 2001 to×××Inc.

    Present Secretary to deputy manager of marketing

    ● draft business correspondence

    ● keep and update files

    ● Schedule deputy manager’s appointments

    August 1999 to ×××Co. , Ltd.

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QQ:285517323 707526607

    June 2001Receptionist

    ● Telephone communication

    ● greeted clients

    ● manage correspondence

    March 1998 to ×××Industrial Bank

    May 1998 Intern

    Educational Background:

    Sept 1994 toShanghai×××University,Bachelor Degree in International

Business Management

    July 1998Major in International Business Management

    ● key courses including English, Japanese,

    Computer Operation, Business Management,Investment

    International Commercial Law

    Sept 1988 to Shanghai×××High School

    July 1994

    Personal Information:male, born in Shanghai, 11/12,1970, unmarried,


    References available upon request.

  * 这是一份中式求职简历。这种简历重点突出自己的工作经历(Work Experience),同

历 较 为 详 细 地 阐 明 了 求 职 目 标 。

    例 3

    Directions:You are hunting for a job. Please write a resume to describe


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QQ:285517323 707526607

    1)job objective

    2)education background


    Li Tao

    P.O. Box 211,××University

    6824××Road, Shanghai 200431


  Job Objective Seeking an office building architectural designer position in

a small-to-middle sized architectural firm

    ×× University, shanghai

    EducationB.S. in architecture, June 2002

    Completed four-year course of architectural design.

    Counses included Urban Design,

    Architectural Planning, Structural Engineering,

    Interior Decoration, Office Facilities Management,


    Architectural Design

    Special Skills▲Familiar with MS Words, MS Excel,


    ▲ Good command of building codes and standards knowledge

    ▲ independent work ability

    ▲ Proficient in English,(TOEFL 632, January 2001)

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QQ:285517323 707526607

    Summer Work job construction projects of ××

    Company for the past three summers

    Other InterestsSketching,painting, photography, developing films in

    and hobbies references avail able upon request

(special skills)文中 B.S. in architecture,是建筑学士学位缩写。值得指出的是对在
着 相 似 工 作 要 求 的 summer work.

    例 4

    Directions: You want to apply for a position as a manager of sale

department. Write a simple resume to describe your working experience. It
should be around 100 words.


    Tony Brown

    123 Center Street

    Centerville, La.

    Telephone: (819) 988-6163

    Working Experience

    2000 to present Western Regional Sales Manager

    ABC Electronic Corp.

    Center, La.

    Supervised sales force of 35 men selling computer

    and MP3 components. Responsible for train

    ing, the establishment and fulfillment of sales

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QQ:285517323 707526607

    goals. During this period, region’s sales rose

    an average of 40% anually, compared to

    previous rise to 28% . Presently employed by

    the firm, but famile ownership prevents rising

    any higher in the foreseeable future

  * 个人简历不要太繁琐,一般一张纸就够了,本范例着重介绍了自己的工作经历以及

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