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1. Differentiation and tagging of Synthetic Vs Real data

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Generic)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Data is now everywhere and exponentially getting larger in volume and type. There is a serious
problem in identifying data that is fake and authentic data. Due to the lack of controls and lack of
regulations of AI data, numerous problems arise, including data whose sources are unknown, data
that is used to make inaccurate conclusions as well as lead to wasted resources on storage,
maintenance, and processing of false data. Fake data can also be used to train algorithms, leading
to biased results.

Challenge / Requirement

The ask is to create a solution that can somehow tag every piece of original work, whether images,
video, audio or text) with a unique digital signature or watermark that is easy to verify for the public
but impossible for bad actors to crack as it does not follow human identifiable patterns. The
watermark should be permanent and non-erasable and cannot be deleted even if the digital asset is
copied or duplicated. The solution should also give data owners complete authority on who can and
who cannot train AI models with their data.


1. A digital watermark algorithm that can embed digital watermarks into data sets.

2. The watermark should work on images, text, audio, and video.

3. A trigger dataset that contains the digital watermarks

4. A method for verifying the integrity of data streams by extracting the digital watermarks

5. A method for controlling access to the data sets based on the presence of digital watermarks

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

1. Robustness: The watermark should not be easily removed or rendered useless when altered.
2. Reversibility: The watermark should be reversible.

3. Quality: The watermark should not reduce the purpose or quality of the data.

4. Security: The watermark should be secure and not easily broken or removed

2. Model Optimization and Compression

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Generic)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Generative Artificial Intelligence(GenAI), has gained significant attention in recent years. These
models are known for their large size and require substantial computational resources for both
training and making predictions.

Challenge / Requirement

Create a framework for open-source GenAI models (LLM and Diffusion based Model),
compress and optimize them with various techniques and compare the performance and accuracy
aspects for both training and inference perspectives.


Deliverables: Source code, documentation, and demo video.

Optimization Techniques & Evaluation

Use Cases and Demonstrations

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

The use of existing tools like Openvino and similar types of tools can be used and compared.
3. Prompting Framework For LLM
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Generic)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Large Language Models (LLMs) are gaining popularity in various fields, including engineering.
A new subject called "Prompting" is emerging, which involves using these LLMs effectively.

Challenge / Requirement

Design and develop an innovative framework for Prompting Large Language Models (LLMs) in
engineering applications. The framework should explore and propose effective methods for
utilizing LLMs to solve specific engineering tasks. It must provide clear guidelines on how to
prompt LLMs with appropriate instructions and constraints to achieve accurate and relevant
outputs. The challenge aims to leverage the power of LLMs and their language understanding
capabilities to enhance engineering problem-solving. In the solution, the user should also be able
to upload the relevant documents in the form of pdf, word, ppt, excel etc. type of files and write
the appropriate prompts to get the relevant information from the uploaded documents.


Deliverables will be source code, documentation and video demo.

Evaluation and Performance Analysis

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

The solution should try to focus on using open-source LLM models and must have comparative
reports of the accuracy and performance of the open-source LLM models with the benchmark
ones like ChatGPT or BARD.
4. Auto generation/modification of prompts based on factual content
of answers
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Generic)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Prompt engineering is emerging are where writing a right prompt is an art that minimizes the
hallicination and increases the factual content and conciseness of generated output from LLM.

There is need of a system that automatically generates the right prompt or correct the earlier prompt
to get the right answer.

Challenge / Requirement

build a ML model that should generate and re-generates prompt that induces zero short learning, or
few shot learning or teach LLM model with examples until large language model generates the right
answer that should have minimum hallucinations and maximum relevant factual information.


light weight LLM model or alternate DL model that controls regenerative prompt.

Mechanism to measure the perplexity and accuracy output.

simple UI to demonstrate this idea.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

light weight LLM model or alternate DL model that controls regenerative prompt.

Mechanism to measure the perplexity and accuracy output.

simple UI to demonstrate this idea.

5. LLM based Product design improvement based on stakeholder
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Generic)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Customer feedback from various sources, such as surveys, reviews, social media, or direct
communication are analyzed to extract the key insights that may help improve
product/services. Prioritizing of improvements based on impact, feasibility, cost, product vision and
goals needs to be justified with evidence and logic. The improvised product also needs to
be thoroghly tested to avoid any negative side effects or unintended consequences before product

Challenge / Requirement

1. develop a LLM based pipeline that should read and extract actionable insight (strength, weakness,
customer preferences etc) for any specific product/product family preferably medical device. multiple
open source product review can be used specific to one product family

2. A generative AI model should generate new product specification considering customer feedback
and competing products to minimize the hallucination.

3. LLM should provide step by step reasoning/justification for any change recommended by LLM

4. Using A/B testing or causal model to do predict impact on revenue or any other factors


A LLM Model with interfaces to interact based on new logs that are input

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

1. develop a LLM based pipeline that should read and extract actionable insight (strength, weakness,
customer preferences etc) for any specific product/product family preferably medical device. multiple
open source product review can be used specific to one product family

2. A generative AI model should generate new product specification considering customer feedback
and competing products to minimize the hallucination.

3. LLM should provide step by step reasoning/justification for any change recommended by LLM
4. using A/B testing or causal model to do predict impact on revenue or any other factors

AI (Medical)
6. Generation of New molecules similar to existing drug
Nature of Challenge

Process Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Medical)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Drug discovery is a critical and challenging areas in medicine. Drug discovery involves a very
prolonged and costly process of identifying potential drug candidates and testing their efficacy
and safety.

Challenge / Requirement

Generative AI can significantly accelerate this process by using deep learning algorithms to
identify potential drug candidates based on a large dataset of compounds and their properties.

Virtual compounds are generated by AI algorithms and tested in silico, which means in a
computer simulation rather than a laboratory. This decreases the time and cost involved in the
discovery of new drugs.


1. potential drug candidates

2. new molecules optimized for a specific target

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Reduce the time consuming and expensive drug discovery process.

7. Maximizing Efficiency: Reducing Experimental Costs in Mass
Spectrometry Research
Nature of Challenge

Process Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Medical)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Generative AI offers a revolutionary approach to experimentation. It enables researchers to simulate

mass spectrometry experiments virtually, reducing the need for resource-intensive physical trials.
This virtual experimentation not only saves costs associated with materials, equipment, and labor
but also accelerates research timelines by swiftly exploring a wide array of experimental scenarios.
This speed and efficiency empower researchers to make informed decisions and optimize
experimental setups before any physical work is undertaken.

The predictive capabilities of generative AI play a crucial role in data interpretation and decision-
making. Researchers can rely on AI-generated insights to predict mass spectra, propose potential
chemical structures, and guide the allocation of resources. This results in robust and reliable data
analysis, reducing human error and increasing the confidence in research outcomes.

Moreover, the economic advantages of generative AI extend beyond cost savings. By minimizing the
wastage of resources, it contributes to sustainable research practices, aligning with the global push
for environmental responsibility.

Generative AI democratizes research by making advanced experimentation accessible to

researchers with varying levels of expertise. It stimulates innovation by encouraging exploration of
unconventional hypotheses and streamlining iterative optimization. Additionally, its role in virtual
screening and compound identification accelerates drug discovery, materials science, and other
research domains.

Challenge / Requirement

Collect diverse, high-quality mass spectrometry data for specific defined goal. Choose an
appropriate generative AI model like VAEs, GANs, or Transformers. Train the model using the
dataset, optimizing parameters and loss functions. Employ the model for virtual experimentation,
simulating mass spectra for different scenarios, and predicting the effects of experimental variables.

Utilize the model for optimal experimental design, identifying conditions likely to yield informative
results. Integrate the generative AI into data augmentation pipelines to enhance dataset diversity.
For compound identification, employ the model to propose potential chemical structures matching
observed spectra.

Optimized experimental protocols for cost-effective mass spectrometry, a trained generative AI

model for virtual experimentation, enhanced datasets through AI-generated data augmentation,
predictive tools for compound identification, and insights on optimal conditions.

Additionally, collaboration with domain experts, validated predictions, and documented

methodologies has to be shared.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

The solution should address critical factors such as accurate virtual experimentation for efficient
optimization of experimental setups, precise compound identification through AI-generated
predictions, streamlined data augmentation to enhance dataset diversity, and collaboration with
domain experts to ensure validation. Key factors include the reduction of resource-intensive physical
experiments, cost-effective utilization of specialized instruments, and the integration of responsible
AI practices to ethically drive research efficiency.

8. Medical Device Cyber Security Threat Solution.

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Medical)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


There are lot of advancement in medical industry where SW are used for connectivity, diagnosis,
and Patient health data storage. Though medical devices and software are tested for cyber security
threats using various software and manual processes, there are always security vulnerability that
can remain or come in through upgrades.

Challenge / Requirement

Design a software solution using opensource AI stacks to detect security vulnerability of medical
devices by considering

a)Applicable regulatory needs for medical devices

b)list tests to be performed

c)calculate threat perception high/medium/low.

d)perform test on device or sw

e)list the threats

The solution can consider usage of AI for cyber security threat detection. The tool can learn and get
trained continuously and automatically to help improve the threat detection in the medical and life
science devices.


1. create SW application which can run on any platform such as computer , mobile etc.

2. Connects to internet and send some data to another application or device

3. Software developed using open AI or any other stack shall be able to detect the threat in
application mentioned in 1 and 2.

[note: SW applications 1 and 2 can be free SW as well and can be downloaded from internet if
available but it shall be medical device application.]

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

SW tool developed shall be able to find 1. applicable standards for cyber security 2. identify threat in
any connected device or SW.

9. Improving patient outcomes Through Medical Simulations Assist For

Healthcare Provider
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Medical)

Description (With Technical Specifications)

Sepsis is a life threatening condition. Studies have shown that early identification of sepsis following
rapid initiation of antibiotic treatment improves patient outcomes. A generative AI algorithm that can
simulate different scenarios for treating sepsis.

Challenge / Requirement

Generative AI creates realistic models for medical simulations and training purposes. With hyper-
realistic training environments, healthcare professionals can engage in complex medical procedures
and improve their skills and decision-making abilities without real-world consequences.


Simulated scenarios and hyper realistic training models

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Use snowflake to implement this solution.

10. Synthetic Medical image creation

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Medical)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Generative AI can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of using machine learning in
combination with medical imaging techniques, such as CT and MRI scans. Machine learning models
can automatically identify abnormalities in images and alert doctors to potential issues.

Generative AI improves machine learning effectiveness via these steps:

1. A generative AI algorithm like generative adversarial networks (GANs) is trained on real patient

2. The generative AI model generates new images that are similar to the input data but can result in
better machine learning due to increased volume or diversity in the data.
3. AI model is trained on the synthetic data.

Challenge / Requirement

Create new medical images, such as X-rays or MRIs


A POC that can demonstrate creation of medical images and can be used to train other models that
to automatically identify abnormalities in images and alert health provider potential issues.

11. AI-based clinical documentation

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Medical)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


The goal of medical scribes is to pare down documentation burden on clinicians. Physicians can
spend up to six hours per day logging notes into an EHR, cutting into time with patients and
contributing to burnout.

Challenge / Requirement

Clinical documentation service that allows providers to automatically create medical notes using
Generative AI. Providers to build clinical applications that use speech recognition and generative AI
to create transcripts of patient visits, identify key details and create summaries that can be entered
into an electronic health record.


The source of generated text in the summary from the original transcript, making it easier for doctors
to review clinical notes.

12. Image Semantic Segmentation
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Others)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Semantic segmentation is the task of classifying each and very pixel in an image into a class. These
may be needed for various applications such as self driving cars, robotic system, damage detection
et all. Collection of thousands and millions of images and annotation for Semantic segmentations
and scenario labelling involves considerable efforts and is time consuming.

Challenge / Requirement

Generation of images for autonmous car scenario sush as road marking, highways, streets, road
users et all.

Annotaion of the generated images for semantic segmentation and scenario labelling


Expected delivery is using generative AI we should be able to create the images for these scenarios
road users, road markings, high ways, streets etc.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Generating required images and which are auto labelled/annotated.

13. video/audio streaming to help enhance end user experience

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Others)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


All major video streaming services or apps are competing to ensure the best quality of experience
(quick video start, no buffering, quality playback without Audio/Video issues etc). Video & audio
analysis for application in the area of Live video streaming on various OTT devices forms the
backbone of collecting metrics on the end user Quality of experience in the Video streaming world.
This is required to identify and benchmark golden batch of KPI's which the engineering team should
meet and improve.

Because of the various device platforms and complexities of video streaming (device hardware,
network speed, concurrency etc) and the ask to validate KPI or defects that only the human senses
(eyes & ears) can detect, the audio & video analysis on Video playback on devices has been a

Challenge / Requirement

Develop compute vision based generic audio/video analysis algorithms leveraging AI/ML models to
come up with a best in class solution for Video & audio analysis on streaming devices
(mobiles/STB/Smart TV/Roku/FireTV/AppleTV etc) in Hitech & Media industry segment.


•Live Stream Video Analysis compute vision No Reference algorithm (Real time video monitoring to
identify anomalies like macro blocking, blur, motion blur, poor quality, colour distortions etc)

•No Reference compute vision algorithm for Video Analysis able to detect objects, patterns and
motion (no source video)

•4K Video Capture & analysis (quality analysis)

•Audio Analysis in video stream playback ( language detection, Audio quality metrics, Deliberate vs
unexpected audio Loss)

•Audio/Video Sync Validation on a video playback (no source video)

•Closed Captioning Language & Correctness (audio vs CC text)

•Closed Captioning sync with Audio during video playback (no source video)

•video playback A/V Quality at Content-AD transition (video and audio anomalies when switching
between ad and content and vice versa) - (Ads are dynamic and not know prior)
14. Identification Of Flood Prone Area in Urban Settlement
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Others)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


India regularly witnesses severe floods during the monsoon season. Monsoons are becoming
more erratic because of climate change and global warming. Flood water can deviate from its
usual course due to various factors, such as obstacles, urban development, landscape changes, etc.
One of the challenge of Urban areas is to prepare for eventuality such as floods in NEW
areas and having safety measures in place to protect human lives and at the same time restrict

Challenge / Requirement

AI based predictive analysis solution to predict flood risk prone area based on aspects such as
change in landscape, obstacles et all. The solution should also be able to visualize the flood
water path possibilities by analyzing the landscape changes.


Solution approach (Historical data collection, Image processing, Predictive analysis)

Solution design and implementation strategy (Tools, Opensource solutions)

POC of the AI model which can identify obstacles, change in landscape etc from the images

Irregular flood water prediction analysis - Good to have

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Obstacles, objects and landscape change detection in flood sensitive regions. Predictive analysis
of the flood water path and identification of existing and new areas which could get affected by
flooding in future.

GenAI based RFP(Request for proposal) assessment againt tendor

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Others)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


In Contruction segment contracting and sub-contracting there are multiple RFP submitted by
multiple vendors again any tendor, assessing those RFP in terms of technical, financial, legal and
work scope perspective is very time-consuming task for tendor issuing organization. We are
looking for GenAI based solution that can generate a summary report for all RFP submitted
against tendor in terms of financial efficiency, timeline, legal requirements, qualification criteria,
technical parameters and previous track records.

Challenge / Requirement

proposed system should do following

1. UI should have ability to upload multiple RFP documents against any given tendor document

2. It should Tabulaize the requirements from tendor and categorize them into legal, finance,
complaince etc

3. It should read content from all RFP from multiple vendors highlighting the vaguness of the
contractual requirements from corresponding RFP

4. It should generate summary comparasion report prefabally in tabular format

5. It should recommend top 3 vendors with justification who has potential to qualify for contract


working POC
AI - Powered Project Management Assistance
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Others)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Project management involves various tasks, such as planning, organizing, and monitoring a
project from initiation to completion. Project managers often face challenges, such as managing
project timelines, resources, and budgets.

Challenge / Requirement

Develop an AI-powered project management tool that analyzes project timelines, resource
allocation, and risks. It can suggest optimal schedules and identify potential bottlenecks.


A working prototype that can suggest optimal schedules and identify potential bottlenecks
through chat based interfaces.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Artificial Intelligence within the chatbot

AI (Software Engineering)

15. Testcase generation automation from requirement document

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Software testing is a way of checking if a desirable system works as expected and meets the
requirements. To do this, you need to create test cases, which are specific scenarios or situations
that you use to test the system. Test case generation is one of the most challenging stages in
software testing.In most of the cases, test case generation involves considerable manual efforts
prone to manual error.

Challenge / Requirement

Develop a prototype of a tool/framework that can take requirements document (Requirement

document, Functional, Quality Req Doc et all) and be able to generate testcases either on its own
or with minimum manual effort/intervention.


- A prototype or a demo of the proposed solution, which can be a tool, a technique, or a

framework that can generate test cases automatically or semi-automatically for a given system.

- A set of test cases that are generated by the proposed solution and by the manual method, along
with their quality and coverage metrics, such as correctness, completeness, consistency,
traceability, etc.

- A presentation that summarizes the main points of the report and the prototype or demo, and
showcases the advantages and limitations of the proposed solution, productivity improvement
compared to the manual method.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

This challenge statement focuses on reducing testing life cycle, effort reduction, testing time
span reduction, cost reduction, reducing human errors etc.

16. API generation using generative AI

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


The API ecosystem is currently burgeoning. Every application is now API-based, and API-driven
development is the norm. With the proliferation of APIs, there is a critical need to develop industry-
standard APIs that are designed for the long term and are easy to access. While API standards and
templates exist, no publicly available material will ensure an API meets all the standards of a good
API design. Developers spend days writing and modifying APIs, and there is no standard way of
developing APIs. The need for more valuable resources to create APIs is exacerbated as thousands
of new developers enter the workforce from academic institutions. Creating sustainable APIs that
follow all standards is thus a critical need for the software industry. Finally, the challenge is the need
for API is fast-paced and APIs need to be developed at a much higher rate than even a few years

Challenge / Requirement

Create a generic LLM that can be trained on various APIs and can provide clear guidelines and code
to create a new API based on the specific prompts. The LLM should also have the ability to be
trained on newer APIs. The outputs should be well-defined APIs that can be used in any code.
Ideally the output APIs should be in the most common programming languages like Java, Python.
Go and Node.js


1. An LLM for generating APIs

2. Well-defined APIs as output following API standards

3. Support for multiple programming languages

4. Ready for implementation of industry-standard APIs

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

1. Error-free code and solution

2. All code and models should be developed from scratch and not copied from any online/offline

3. LLM is of manageable size (in terms of parameters, weights and size)

4. The LLM should follow all ethical AI, trustable AI and explainable AI criteria.

5. The LLM should have the ability to learn from new data and inputs.
17. AI assisted software development using LLMs
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


In the current process of software development, each stage (architecture, code development, testing
etc.) goes through a completely new start and hence takes significant time in overall delivery
schedule. Using LLM, the development cycle can be enhanced, enriched and also validated within
minimum time.

Challenge / Requirement

LLMs can have broader impact in terms of prompt engineering, close domain LLMs, private LLMs for
code development and testing to tackle the overall problem statement of software development cycle.
The solution referred here will be an AI assistance to the software developer.


An overall framework architecture diagram along with details about each block of the development
cycle where LLMs can be plugged into. It may also contain the developed microservices and whole
of the code containers to execute all the blocks of the software development cycle.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

1. Prompt engineering

2. Type of LLMs

3. Accuracy

4. validation

Abstract Lev

18. AI enabled root cause analysis using LLM and DL

Nature of Challenge
Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Root cause analysis is one of challenging task considering collecting data from various sources in
various format infer insight from those data and create mind map for root cause analysis. This
specific problem becomes more complex when human has to read, infer and deduce root cause
from machine

Challenge / Requirement

We are looking for a system that must include LLM as component that should perform following

1. Can read machine generated log like OS log/device log/fault logs

2. it can identify unique pattern and label them in semi-supervised fashion

3. Impact on overall performamce should not be dependent on log format

4. it can generate a mind map based on RCA techniques like 5 whys, Pareto analysis etc.

5. system should assign probability score for all potential root causes

6. Must include LLM as one of the component and simile UI to demonstrate


Working Prototype

19. GenAI based end to end regression testing life cycle automation
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Regression testing is one of major time taker in testing lifecycle eventhough with advent of various
automation testing tools, creation and maintenance of automation script code are still a major
challenge, in addition tracing back automation script to manual test cases then to requirement is
cumbersome. in nutshell if we have genAI based solution if we provide requirement document then
can it create all related artifacts with minimal human validation.

Challenge / Requirement

1. System should learn from existing requirmenent tracability matrix.

2. System should accept requirement documents in various file formats

3. It should generate following artifacts from requirement documents in order Test Scenario> test
case description> test steps> Automation test script > Execution log analysis report

4. system should have feature of human validation and modification at each steps

5. basic UI to track the progress on each stage


working prototype
Abstract Level
Have a Question / doubt

20. Automated Code Refactoring

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code—changing the

factoring—without changing its external behavior. Code refactoring helps in cleaning the code
and simplifying it. It makes software easier to understand.
Challenge / Requirement

Develop an AI-driven code refactoring tool that suggests improvements to existing code. The
generative AI can analyze code quality, performance, and best practices to propose refactoring


A working POC of the tool that can take a code as input and does code refactoring. The
generative AI can analyze code quality, performance, and best practices to propose refactoring

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Artificial Intelligence within the chatbot

21. Library dependencies analyzer tool

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Software Engineering)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


In the Python language ecosystem, there are over 1000s of libraries that available. The intricate
web of dependencies between them often gives rise to significant challenges within a working
environment. Additionally, the process of incorporating new versions of these libraries
invariably demands extra effort from developers. There is a need for a practical solutions in the
form of effective recommendations centered around compatible library versions that can aid the

Challenge / Requirement

An AI based model designed to analyze various libraries listed in the requirements.txt file. The
model checks for compatibility, suggests appropriate library versions, scans the code, and offers
essential recommendations for identifying obsolete code or adapting to changes in functionality
within new versions.

A working prototype of the analyzer with a features to aid developers

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

generative ai, code analyzer, library analyzer

AI ( Transportation)

Interactive digital twin of Automotive digital cockpit

Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Transportation)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


A interactive digital cockpit is the future of automotive interiors. A car can effcetively be seen
as a computer on wheel running millions of lines of software code. Software informs everything
from AD/ADAS to other configurable features. This is what leads to a software defined vehicle
in which the software informs almost everything. A Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) is any
vehicle that manages its operations, adds functionality, and enables new features primarily or
entirely through software. Digital twin of a SDV can help in testing and monitoring before and
after deployment.

The digital twin of the HMI interface of Digital Cockpit encompasses the following features :

 Instrument Cluster
 Driver Cabin Monitoring
 Heads up Display
 Infotainment Systems

Challenge / Requirement
Building a Digital Twin of a Digital Cockpit for a software defined vehicle. The digital twin of
this HMI interface to encompass the following features :

 Instrument Cluster with simulated functionalities

 Driver Cabin Monitoring with simulated functionalities
 Heads up Display with simulated functionalities
 Infotainment Systems with simulated functionalities

The digital twin should include 3D responsive model, exploded view of scene composition,
Simulations and scenarios, AR/VR enablement.


3D modelling & visualization, Simulator for data, Hosting, Graphics UI

22. Extraction of 3D shape key points of objects from a 3D LIDAR

point cloud
Nature of Challenge

Product Related

Domain / Discipline of Challenge

AI (Transportation)

Description (With Technical Specifications)


3D LIDAR is a device mounted on autonomous vehicles to scan area surrounding the car in a
definite range to gather scene information. Obstacle or objects in such a scanned scene are
captured as 3D point cloud and are not obvious to reveal the information of shape of such
obstacles or objects. Extracting such shape information as 3D key points will form unique
signature of the obstacle or object.

Challenge / Requirement

Develop and demonstrate a software algorithms that extracts shape information as 3D key points
of objects. These points can be stored in an output file with a suitable label.
Kitti data set of LIDAR point cloud from Velodyne LIDAR mounted on a travelling vehicle
available in public domain on internet.


Software algorithm and various considerations.

Known Bottlenecks / critical areas / Key factors to be addressed

Algorithms method to be a software code to have steps to extract shape information

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