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10 good for you! sare the descendants of wolves thy Dogs are ete, keep as pet eople began to ‘red t we now rs ago. Later, people beg Use do, 12000 year yod about article describ twenty-first century, as this 85, dogs ¢, The dogs ta arch off heed ‘and hunt. In the other benefits Bur, Nb Ouning a doa is good for your mental and physica health, mn }OFe SO even than cay researchers claim today. Dr Deborah Wells, a senior lecturer at the Canine Behaviour Centre of Queen's University, Belfast, found that dog owners have lower cholesterol and blood Pressure, fewer minor physical ailments, and are less likely to develop serious medical problems, na paper published today by the British Psychological Society, she said, “Itis Possible that dogs can directly promote Our well being by buffering us from stress one of the major risk factors associated with ill health, The ownership of a dog con also lead to increases in Physical Activity and facilitate the development of social contact, which may enhance beth Physiological and psychological human heath in o more indirect Manner.” She found that people who took cats and dogs from animal rescue shelters noticed Seere0se in minor ailments such headaches, colds and dizziness a month after the fescue vist. But only dog owners Maintained the improvements ten months lter Cat owners did not IE TESEOrCh, published in the Health Ps also act as “early-warnin sl " a 19 Systems’ for ld ychology Journal, found that dogs his ‘More serious illnesses including canc 5 ane Wo From ‘Improve your health, become a dog owner’ ‘ena : Daily Telegraph, 22 opt scanned witn'wamScan eo ee Mental health relates to the mind. Physical health relates to What might happen if a human being is very stressed? Name any two minor and any two major ailments mentioned in this article, a) minor b) major How might owning a dog increase a person's physical activity and widen their social contact? Physiological is to the body as psychological is to the Facilitate means (ring one): organise develop make easier impede What made researchers believe that dogs are even better than cats at keeping people healthy? What advice would this report offer to someone with high blood pressure? In what publication could you read the full report? 1 mark 1 mark Darks Dmarks 1 mark 1 marke 1 mark 1 mere 1 mark 1 mark page 11 total out of 12 Scanned with CamScan ation book’ Olympic, Th Ser. 1939-45), Britain wa: rid War 2 ¢ 0 en, ly, the amour Sure During and after Wo hes available were shared fact ee a each per that the food and clot! ere used, were written in a " tion i This tox we ‘i in have, and — bis iding food to visiting athletes during the Of ts for pr crrangemen ill in force. ning was stil 48, when ratio London in 1948, cy esting YPC Games i the di, Olympic Games despite Post-war 'Ationin, When London Rt ener the ‘austere’ or ‘ration book’ oy, mois food shortages, a toa restricted diet and food substitutes, such as erg ih athletes were oa vernment feared that limiting visiting athletes: diets might Hee et eHeee itil 4 oll hte Cotegory ‘a’ meat ont on eel those provided for heavy workers (coal miners and do sah the odtons of two pints of liquid milk per head Ices er) but Per day and half g Pound of chocolates and sweets per head per week. i i d visiting nations of the daily ration ii the Olympic Committee warned visit — Greens nations brought Large quantities of food to be used by competitors generally; the Argentines, for example, brought 100 tons of Meat, Holland Promiseg fruit and vegetables, and Icela ind, frozen mutton, Fupplies of food at one of the Olympic Housing Centres in Uxbridge were said to be ample’, largely owing to the ‘munificence of the US team’. Enriched white four ties flown to the camp daily from Los Angeles. But not all. competitors were happy tony of the Mexican Olympic team bought food in town, as they did not like English cooking. Despite the Warning of food shortages, some ‘teams still complained: the Korean team were dissatisfied with their meat allowance; American teams requested Supplies of grapefruit and fresh fter they complained of ‘stomach trouble! Requests for Poultry caused the consumer repercussions’ if supplies were ‘extremely short’ Supply, Despite the re strictions, the Game: Conference thy ohn St e Minister ct Success, with provisions for ae a ae the of Food, John Strache stated that the estimated incre ‘a consumption by the com neu, nt, i etitors and .16 of | per cer ‘completely insignificant amounts "© Officials amounted to 0.16 of | p a itt Adapted from Material supplied by the National Archives of Great 8 canned witn GamScan Look at the root word (shown \d) in bol ook ‘and complete this sentence with related A person who competes is a who tak ——_______ who takes part in a The word ‘austere’ means (ring two): sad severe hard-going Sarin enteme. 2 marks Which phrase suggests that a restricted di iet might make athl unmotivated? ight make athletes feel miserable and Compared with heavy manual workers, visiting athletes were given a diet that was (ring one): smaller exactly the same bigger What food did the Dutch promise to contribute to all competitors? Enriched white flour came from (ring one): Mexico America Argentina Iceland. Which teams wanted more citrus fruit, and why? Who was the Government's Minister for Food in 1948? - i 4 ke? What is the significance of the milk peing referred to as Niquid mil tot Scanned with CamScan

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