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Hello there, I hope you are all doing fine.

Today I would like to discuss about How can people find a

way out from addiction; as we know it addiction is one of the main problem the current youth facing
today. So, I came up with three ways people in addiction can use to get out of the mess they are in,
which I listed below.

The first one is finding a motives that can help them break this bad habit. For instance, some people
family is everything for them. Therefore, they can use that as a fuel to break it. As a human being, we
need a higher purpose that we cherish more than our selves. That is when we can be intrigued into
doing great things. Although, finding a long lasting motives is a difficult task since most of us can’t
even figure out who we are, its a long process and it needs us to look deep into our selves but once
we find the reason for our existence we can fight what ever kind of problem we have that can
destroyed what we have built.

The second one is reminding ourselves the cones of addiction. Most of us tend to forget what kind of
damage it can cause to our lives. Especially, if we are doing for a long time we rather find reasons to
do it than quitting. Consequently, we should be more aware of the problem its causing in our lives
than trying to console ourselves in doing it. For instance, one of my friend smokes a lot and he would
tell me about peoples who lived a long life despite they were smoking there whole life. So he Is
trying to justify that it doesn’t have that much effect on his body. Although, there might be
exceptional people who might survived even if they smoked most of their life but we have to also
see the people who lost there health and life to addiction.

Finally, taking small steps before making a jump. Most of the time when we decide to quite
something, we want to stop it instantly but it’s extremely difficult taking this kind of steps because
once it become a habit, our body needs time and things that can substitute it. Additionally, it needs
patience to do things slowly or we will find ourselves right back into the addiction.

In conclusion, this three reason can help an addict to get out of messes he is in. This are motive,
focusing on the negative side and taking it slowly. If a person took this seriously in his life he can
make a change.

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