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Wall Shear Stress:

Theoretical Considerations and

Methods of Measurement
Demosthenes Katritsis, Lambros Kaiktsis, Andreas Chaniotis, John Pantos,
Efstathios P. Efstathopoulos, and Vasilios Marmarelis

perhaps, progression of the disease.3 WSS values,

In arterial blood flow, the wall shear stress
expresses the force per unit area exerted by the
therefore, at various sections of the vascular tree,
wall on the fluid in a direction on the local tangent may be of clinical significance and the methods
plane. There is substantial evidence that the wall employed for their measurement are critical for
shear stress induced by the pulsatile blood flow in the validity of derived results.
the arterial system affects the atherogenic process. A complete description of hemodynamics
It is now widely accepted that the vessel segments within a particular vessel or lesion requires
that appear to be at the highest risk for develop- knowledge of the pattern of blood velocities
ment of atherosclerosis are those with low wall within the flow.5,6 The latter depends on the
shear stress or oscillating wall shear stress. The geometry and mechanical properties of the
purpose of this article is to define wall shear stress, vascular wall, an overall pressure difference,
to introduce relevant concepts of fluid mechanics
and the rheological characteristics of blood
to nonexperts, and to critically review the various
methods that have been used for the assessment
(viscosity, density). Knowledge of the pattern
of wall shear stress in animal and human blood of velocities near the vessel wall allows evalua-
circulation, paying special attention to the case of tion of WSS values and thus may provide
coronary arteries. indications for estimating the risk for develop-
n 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ment and progression of atherosclerosis, rupture
of atherosclerotic plaques, and hemorrhage
associated with cerebral aneurysms and arterio-
venous malformations. At the earlier stages of

W all shear stress (WSS) expresses the force

per unit area exerted by a solid boundary
on a fluid in motion (and vice-versa) in a direction
research in this area, contradictory data were
reported that had associated both high and low
WSS values with atherosclerosis.7,8 It is now
on the local tangent plane. Currently, issues widely accepted that the vessel segments that
related to WSS distribution in arterial flow are appear to be at the highest risk for development
receiving attention because of emerging evidence
that it is associated with vascular disease and,
specifically, atherosclerosis. It is now well estab- From the Department of Cardiology, Athens Euroclinic,
lished that WSS plays a significant role in Athens, Greece, Department of Naval Architecture and
endothelial homeostasis and the focal distribution Marine Engineering, National Technical University of
of atherosclerotic lesions.1,2 Several studies on the Athens, Greece, Medical and Radiation Physics, 2nd
Department of Radiology, Athens University Medical
distribution of atherosclerotic plaques in human School, Greece and Department of Biomedical Engineer-
arterial systems have shown that atherosclerosis ing, University of Southern California, LA.
occurs predominantly at certain locations of the Address reprint requests to Demosthenes Katritsis, MD,
vascular tree where the arteries have relative PhD, FRCP, Department of Cardiology, Athens Euroclinic,
complex geometry that results in bdisturbedQ 9 Athanassiadou Str., 115 21 Athens, Greece.
blood flow behavior.3,4 These observations have 0033-0620/$ - see front matter
led to the notion that local hemodynamic factors, n 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
such as WSS, may play a role in the initiation and, doi:10.1016/j.pcad.2006.11.001

Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, Vol. 49, No. 5 (March/April), 2007: pp 307-329 307

of atherosclerosis are those with low or oscillat- where l is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid and ġw
ing WSS values.9 is the wall shear rate. Shear rate is measured in
The purpose of this article is to introduce reciprocal seconds (s1), shear stress is measured in
relevant concepts of fluid mechanics to nonex- pressure units, dyne/cm2 or Pa, ie N/m2 (1 N/m2 =
perts, to define WSS, and to critically review the 10 dyne/cm2), and dynamic viscosity is measured
various methods that have been used for the in poise (1 poise = 1 dyne s/cm2) or in Pad s. In the
assessment of WSS in animal and human blood case of blood circulation, the flow of blood induces
circulation, giving special attention to the case of a bdragQ between the outermost layer of blood and
coronary arteries. the inner layer of the vascular wall in contact with
blood, that is, the vascular endothelium.9 It has
been reported that this vascular WSS can affect both
Definition of Wall Shear Stress the functional and the structural integrity of the
In this section, we introduce the concept of WSS. endothelial cells.13
For simplicity, we consider the case of flow in a Eq. 1 implies that dynamic viscosity is an
cylindrical tube. The reader is referred to inherent physical property of the fluid, showing
Appendix A for a more general presentation of how easily the fluid is sliding.13 It also implies
relevant concepts of fluid mechanics. When a that the velocity gradient at the vessel wall is a
fluid is flowing inside a straight tube, the velocity linear function of the applied shear stress and
of flow is not equal at all points in the tube.10 vice versa. Water and many other liquids exhibit
The velocity is highest at the center of the tube such behavior, and they are called Newtonian or
and drops at points toward the tube wall. This ideal fluids.13,14 A Newtonian fluid has, by
velocity gradient (ie, the pattern of velocity definition, constant dynamic viscosity at all rates
changes between adjacent points in space) that of shear.14 When the dynamic viscosity depends
exists inside the tube is due to frictional forces on the shear rate, the fluid is termed non-
that are exerted between the adjacent layers of Newtonian. The latter often occurs when the
the flowing fluid and between the fluid and the fluid contains sizable particles, as in the case of
walls of the tube.11 The frictional forces arise blood, which is essentially a suspension of
from the viscous properties of the fluid, as erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets in blood
defined by the viscosity of the fluid. The plasma. Blood plasma itself is a suspension of
viscosity of the fluid expresses its resistance to molecular organic/inorganic substances and
flow, and it is low if a trivial force on a fluid layer macromolecules (fibrinogen, immunoglobulin,
produces a high velocity of that layer relative to albumins, and lipoproteins) in an electrolyte
an adjacent layer and vice versa11,12 (for further solution and has been considered to behave
details, please see Appendix A). approximately as a Newtonian fluid.14 Fibrino-
Wall shear stress (WSS) is defined as the gen is probably the greatest contributor to
tangential force per unit area that is exerted by plasma viscosity because of its distinctly asym-
the flowing fluid on the surface of the conduit metric molecular configuration.13,15,16 Fibrino-
tube. The magnitude of WSS is proportional to the gen plasma level has a concentration-dependent
velocity gradient near the tube wall, that is, how effect on red blood cell (RBC) aggregation that is
fast the flow velocity increases when moving from an important component of whole blood viscos-
a point on the tube wall to an immediately ity, especially at low shear rates.17
adjacent point in a direction normal (ie, perpen- However, whole blood should be viewed as a
dicular) to the tube wall toward the center of the non-Newtonian fluid because it shows shear-
tube. Evidently, low WSS values are associated dependent viscous properties of 2 kinds: (a) the
with low local velocities and, thus, long residence apparent viscosity increases at low shear rates—
times of fluid in the near-wall region. This blow shearQ effect, and (b) in small vessels, the
velocity gradient near the wall is termed wall apparent viscosity is smaller (at higher shear
shear rate. The WSS value s w is defined as rates) than it is in larger vessels—bhigh shearQ or
proportional to the wall shear rate11,13,14: bsmall tubeQ effect.14 This shear-dependent vis-
cosity is due to the presence of sizable particles
sw ¼ ld ċc w ð1Þ in the plasma (see below). The single most
important determinant of whole blood shear– more complicated and may require the eventual
dependent viscosity is the RBC content in the use of non-Newtonian models.
blood, which is described by the Hct. Nonethe-
less, the far greater complexity of analyzing the Human Blood as a Non-Newtonian Fluid
behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid has forced
As with all fluids, the (dynamic) viscosity of
many computational studies of blood flow to
consider the whole blood as an approximate blood depends on its composition. Blood is
composed of plasma and several kinds of formed
Newtonian fluid under specific conditions.
elements (corpuscles).19,20 The plasma consists
The flow under steady (nonpulsatile) condi-
of approximately 91% water by weight, 7%
tions of a Newtonian fluid in a cylindrical tube
plasma proteins, and 2% inorganic and organic
with rigid walls is fully developed into a
substances.14,20 The formed elements consist of
parabolic velocity profile (ie, the velocity distri-
approximately 96% RBCs (erythrocytes), 3%
bution over a cross-section normal to the flow
white blood cells (leukocytes), and 1% platelets.
direction) where the velocity is highest at the
center of the tube and zero at the tube walls. This The formed elements are suspended normally in
the fluid medium of the blood (plasma). The
type of flow is usually referred to as Poiseuille
percentage of blood volume occupied by red
flow. In Poiseuille flow, the WSS can be
cells is the Hct, its normal range for a human
calculated analytically by the Hagen-Poiseuille
male being Hct=40-52%.
formula13,14 (please see Appendix B):
Although pure blood plasma can be consid-
4lQ ered as a Newtonian fluid with a dynamic
sw ¼ ð2Þ
pR3 viscosity of 0.0015 Pad s (at 358C), whole blood
viscosity demonstrates a rather complicated
where Q is the volume flow-rate, l is the dynamic behavior: it is a function of the Hct, the velocity
viscosity of the fluid and R is the inner radius of the profile (shear rate), the size (diameter) of the
conduit cylindrical tube. Another useful formula blood vessel, and blood temperature.12-14,19-23
for WSS that is derived for the parabolic velocity Because the viscosity of blood is dependent on
profile of Poiseuille flow is the following18: plasma viscosity and the Hct, a relative apparent
2lumax viscosity of blood can by defined as the ratio of
sw ¼ ð3Þ
where u max is the highest velocity of flow (velocity
at the center of the tube). If we assume that blood
is a Newtonian fluid and that the blood flow is
steady through rigid and cylindrical vessel walls,
we can use Eqs. 2 and 3 to estimate WSS. This is
an attractive method due to its simplicity and is
utilized by several techniques in clinical practice.
However, the consideration of blood flow as
Poiseuille flow requires assumptions regarding
blood flow and properties of the conduit vessels
that are not valid in the context of actual blood
circulation. Clearly, the major simplification is that
of steady (non-pulsatile) flow. Nonetheless, one
may accept these assumptions to obtain possibly
useful approximations of WSS based on measure-
ments in a clinical context (for elaboration on this,
please see Limitations of Shear Stress Assessment
Because the Newtonian model is easier to Fig 1. Relative apparent blood viscosity (dynamic
viscosity of blood normalized by dynamic viscosity
study, it has been adopted in many flow of plasma) as a function of Hct. Drawn based on data
circulation studies. Clinical reality, however, is from reference 24.

RBC aggregates become larger. As the shear rate

increases, the RBC aggregates tend to break up,
and individual RBCs also deform slightly (elon-
gate) while simultaneously lining-up with the
streamlines of the flow. As a consequence, the
blood viscosity decreases with increasing shear
rate. Practically, the viscosity can be viewed as
constant in large- and medium-size arteries for
shear rates higher than 100 s1.13,14,22
Because of frictional forces, a certain mini-
mum shear stress, termed the yield stress,30 is
required in order to initiate blood motion. As
expected, the yield stress is a rapidly increasing
function of the Hct, as shown in Fig 2B.
Because of the presence of the sizable formed
elements (especially RBC) in whole blood, blood
viscosity also depends on the size (diameter) of
the blood vessel.12,24,29 This effect is known as
the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect and plays a signif-
icant role for vessels with a diameter smaller
than 1 mm, as illustrated in Fig 3, for the case of
a Hct of 45%. For vessel diameters higher than
1 mm, the relative apparent viscosity has a value
close to 3, in accordance with the data of Fig 1.
The effect of temperature on blood viscosity31
is illustrated in Fig 4, where a 2% increase in
relative apparent viscosity is observed for a 18C
temperature increase.31 Note that viscosity is a
decreasing function of temperature in liquids;
thus, both the viscosity of plasma and that of

Fig 2. A, Relative apparent blood viscosity as a

function of shear rate for a Hct of 49%. B, Yield stress
as a function of Hct. Drawn based on data from
references 28 and 30.

the apparent viscosity of blood to the viscosity of

plasma, under the same conditions. At increasing
levels of the Hct, the blood viscosity increases
substantially,24 an effect illustrated in Fig 1 by
the rapid increase of the relative apparent
viscosity with Hct. When the shear rate (velocity
gradient) increases, blood viscosity decreases, as
shown in Fig 2A.12,21,25-29 This effect of shear
rate on viscosity is explained from the fact that
human RBCs can form aggregates (rouleaux), in
which the RBCs stick-on loosely together at
Fig 3. Relative apparent blood viscosity as a function
shear rates lower than 100 s1.19 At decreasing of vessel diameter for a Hct of 45%. Drawn based on
shear rates, the size and number-density of the data from reference 24.
viscosity of blood is a strongly increasing func-
tion of the Hct, while it is a decreasing function of
the local shear rate. Finally, the apparent viscos-
ity of blood can only be considered as indepen-
dent on vessel size for vessel diameters larger
than approximately 1 mm.

Assessment of WSS
The estimation of wall shear rate and shear
stress and their effect on the structure and
function of the vascular wall has been the
subject of many studies. Measurements and
calculations have been obtained through in vitro
and in vivo studies, both in animals and
humans. This section provides an overview of
Fig 4. Relative apparent blood viscosity as a function the various methods and techniques concerning
of temperature for a Hct of 45%. Drawn based on data the estimation of wall shear rate and shear
from reference 31. stress. Special attention is given to the particu-
larly challenging studies concerning the coro-
nary arteries of humans.
blood decrease with increasing temperature.
Because of the absence of formed elements in In Vitro Measurements
plasma, its viscosity decreases faster with tem-
Many in vitro observations and measurements of
perature than in the case of whole blood. Thus,
wall shear rate and shear stress have been
the ratio of blood-to-plasma viscosity (the
performed on transparent glass tubes with side
relative apparent viscosity) is an increasing
branches and different degrees of curvature, or
function of temperature.
casts of real vessels. The most common methods
Other parameters also exist that have a
used include:
secondary effect on blood rheology in a manner
dependent on the Hct and the plasma proper-
! flow visualization by means of dye injec-
ties.19,21,22 It must be also noted that, due to the
tion and high-speed cinemicrographic
pulsatile character of blood flow, the shear rate
during the cardiac cycle is not always greater than
! laser Doppler anemometry37,38
100 s1 because it varies from zero to approxi-
! particle image velocimetry39-41
mately 1000 s1 in several large arterial vessels.32
Therefore, it is clear that blood behaves as a non-
In Vivo Measurements
Newtonian fluid, and several models have been
proposed to mimic the rheological behavior and The most straightforward methods for in vivo
properties of blood.33-35 Most of these non- estimation of WSS that do not require sophis-
Newtonian models have been developed by ticated calculations are based on the Hagen-
parameter fittings to experimental data for blood Poiseuille formula (see Eq. 2), which requires
viscosity measured at certain shear rates.32 simply the measurement of the blood volume
In summary, blood is expected to behave as a flow-rate and the radius of the vessel lumen at
non-Newtonian fluid in actual circulation, and the site of flow measurement. Equivalently, the
proper attention should be paid in computational shear rate can be expressed in terms of
studies of blood circulation to the modeling of the average velocity, (cd = 4ū/R) or in terms
blood viscosity and its dependence on shear rate. of the maximum velocity (cd = 2u max/R). Thus,
A shear stress threshold (the yield stress) is the determination of WSS requires the mea-
required to initiate blood flow, and it is an surement of the vessel radius and either the
increasing function of the Hct. The apparent average or the maximum flow velocity. The

values of viscosity l that are commonly used

in these formulas are 3.0 cP,42-44 3.5 cP,45,46 or
4.0 cP47 (1 cP = 103 Pad s), which apply to
arterial blood with a normal Hct. The above
expressions are based on the parabolic profile,
of Poisseuille flow, and consider blood
as a Newtonian fluid of constant dynamic
viscosity. Because these conditions are not
generally met in the arterial circulation, the
estimation of WSS using these expressions is
only approximate.
A more precise method requires the determi-
nation of wall shear rate, which is the blood
flow velocity gradient near the vessel wall,
because the magnitude of WSS depends on
how fast the blood velocity increases when
moving from the vessel wall to an immediately
adjacent point toward the center of the vessel in
a direction normal (perpendicular) to the vessel
wall. According to Eq. 1, WSS is proportional to
the wall shear rate under the Newtonian
assumption of constant dynamic viscosity.
Next, brief review of the most common
approaches to the measurement or calculation
of WSS in animals and humans is presented. Fig 5. The velocity distribution (A) and the shear rate
(B) calculated by jdu/drj as function of depth and time
at the common carotid artery of a healthy volunteer.
Reprinted with permission from Ultrasound Med Biol
Animal Studies 1995;21:171-185.

Animal studies have been reported that aimed at

obtaining estimates rather than exact measure-
ments of shear rate and shear stress because of noninvasively, (b) invasively, and (c) through
the complex rheological conditions found in simulations using computational fluid dynamics.
living circulation such as pulsatile flow and
moving/elastic vessels. Some examples are the Noninvasive Methods
! Hot film coronary artery velocity measure- Velocity profiles in vascular flow can be derived
ments in horses48 by ultrasound through offline processing of
! Wall shear stress estimation by upstream-to- radiofrequency signals.18,51,52 Accurate measure-
downstream pressure drop measurements in ment of low blood flow velocities close to the
unbranched arterioles, capillaries, and ven- vessel wall can be achieved when the high-
ules, coupled with length and diameter amplitude, low-frequency signals reflected by the
measurements in the cat mesentery49 artery wall are adequately suppressed without
! Doppler ultrasound velocity measurements losing the low blood flow velocity information
and shear stress estimation at the aortas of near the wall.51 The radial derivative of the
Yucatan micropigs50
velocity profile at each site and time instant gives
the shear rate distribution, from which the WSS
Human Studies
value can be calculated by multiplying with the
There are 3 ways to obtain blood velocity data in blood viscosity. Based on the shear rate distri-
order to calculate WSS in a blood vessel: (a) bution, the following parameters can be deter-
mined51: (1) the mean wall shear rate at the suffer from reduced accuracy due to the inade-
anterior and the posterior vessel wall, (2) the quate spatial resolution18 and the inability of the
time-averaged and peak wall shear rate over one technique to discriminate unambiguously be-
cardiac cycle, (3) the value at peak systole, and tween signals induced by slowly moving struc-
(4) the maximal cyclic change in wall shear rate tures, like vessel walls, and those induced by
within the cardiac cycle (Fig 5). The maximum slowly moving blood near the vessel wall.18
shear rate has been reported to be assessed at However, the wall shear rate can be alternatively
250 to 300 lm from the vessel wall,51,52 which calculated by using measurements of the central
indicates that blood flow shear rates cannot be velocity and the vessel diameter.53-55 In this
determined accurately at the wall. Another method, the mean WSS is calculated according
important limitation of the ultrasound technique to the formula s mean = lcd M, where l is the
is that wall shear rates can only be determined apparent viscosity of blood and c M is the mean
reliably in relatively straight vessels.51 This wall shear rate. Wall shear rate is not directly
method is not applicable to the coronary arteries measured but can be calculated assuming Pois-
due to overlying bone and tissue. euille flow and, thus, parabolic velocity distri-
bution across the arterial lumen. Under these
Pulsed Doppler ultrasound assumptions, as indicated previously, wall shear
Doppler ultrasound measures average velocities rate can be calculated by dc M = 2u max/R M , where
in the targeted volume of the focused acoustic u max is the time-averaged centerline velocity and
wave,9 which can be reduced to a smallest R M is the corresponding lumen radius.54,55 This
possible size of about 1-mm cube.53 Thus, the method suffers from the limitations imposed by
velocity profiles determined by this technique the assumption of Poiseuille flow, and it is not

Fig 6. Left, Phase velocity images from peak systole and diastole. The white color represents flow toward the
head, and the black color in the opposite direction. Right, Typical examples of mean wall shear rate waveforms
from the 3 arteries. Reprinted with permission from J Magn Reson Imaging 2004;19:188-193.

applicable to the coronary arteries due to over- ing the vessel wall.60 Doppler ultrasound meth-
lying bone and tissue. ods have been used in various studies for the
measurement of WSS in the coronary arteries
Phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging where the coronary flow velocities can be
Blood flow velocity can be determined non- selectively measured during cardiac catheteriza-
invasively by magnetic resonance imaging tion, and the corresponding cross-sectional areas
(MRI) phase contrast velocity mapping tech- of vessels can be determined with computer-
niques.47,51,56,57 From the derived velocity pro- assisted angiographic methods. It is thus possible
files, the shear rate close to the vessel wall and, to calculate absolute flow-rates and, in turn,
thus, the WSS can be calculated (Fig 6). The determine average WSS values at various sites
velocity data can be precisely matched with along the coronary arteries by means of the
anatomic pictures, thus providing an anatomic Hagen-Poiseuille formula (Eq. 2). This method
and functional examination that is superior to suffers from the limitations of the assumption of
ultrasound.58 Magnetic resonance imaging can Poiseuille flow, on which the Hagen-Poiseuille
be used to examine almost any vessel in the formula is based, and also by the estimation of
body without regard to overlying bone or bowel volumetric blood flow by means of the formula
gas.9 One important limitation in the use of Q = 0.5U maxA (where U max is the time-averaged
MRI velocity measurements for the calculation centerline velocity of the flow and A is the cross-
of WSS is the precise identification of the blood sectional area of the vessel), which gives only
vessel wall boundary within the image pixel approximate results especially for very low flow
because that pixel may be partially covered with rates. Finally, the invasive nature of the method
moving blood and partially covered by the results in the disturbance of the original flow
stationary vessel wall.9 This problem arises conditions in the vessel, and thus, the measured
from the low spatial resolution of the technique values of WSS may vary from the actual
(0.5-1 mm),51,59 which limits the true spatial (undisturbed) values.
resolution of velocity assessment to about 1 to
2 mm51 (which is comparable to the diameter
of the coronary arteries). Blood flow velocities Intravascular ultrasound
cannot be measured closer than 1000 to This technique measures velocity profiles based
1200 lm51 to the wall, and as a consequence, on the decorrelation of the ultrasonic radio-
the wall shear rate values are underestimated. frequency signal.61 It uses miniaturized trans-
Another limitation of this method is its low ducer assemblies inserted into catheters as small
temporal resolution because MRI measurements as 2 mm in external diameter. It obtains velocity
are obtained over 25 to 30 s51,59; hence, special profiles, from which the flow shear rate estima-
precautions are required to be able to study tion is possible, and subsequent calculation of
dynamic processes involving movement and the WSS by multiplying with the blood viscosity
temporal changes. As with ultrasound, accurate (under the Newtonian assumption). Simulta-
velocity profiles can only be obtained in neously, this method provides cross-sectional
relatively straight vessels. Because the MRI information of the morphology of the vessel
techniques have a spatial resolution of velocity wall.61 This method cannot be used for the
assessment comparable to the size of the estimation of WSS at the coronary arteries
coronary vessels, they are not suitable for because there are no available probes with the
obtaining intracoronary velocity profiles. required spatial resolution that are capable of
measuring intracoronary velocity fields.42,62 In
Invasive Methods addition, the invasive nature of this technique
alters the original intravascular flow conditions.
Intravascular Doppler ultrasound
This technique measures flow velocities by
Computational fluid dynamics
means of intravascular Doppler wires.42,45 It
can only provide the peak value of the velocity Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a general
profile and cannot provide information regard- term used to describe the body of knowledge and
methods that seek the numerical solution of the definition of the problem and synergies between
governing (Navier-Stokes) equations of fluid simulations and experiments.
flow. Typically, a CFD problem consists of
simulating the flow patterns in a given geometry
(ie, velocity and pressure distributions), subject Limitations of Shear Stress
to certain boundary conditions for the flow Assessment Methods
variables. This simulation involves the numerical
All the methods that have been described for the
solution of the governing equations by decom-
determination of WSS are subject to several
posing the given geometry into a large number of
limitations and inherent methodological prob-
small geometric segments (finite volumes or finite
lems, which are discussed below.
elements) forming a computational mesh on
which the variables of interest are calculated.
Methods based on the Hagen-Poiseuille formula
The discretization (in space and time) of the
governing differential equations results in a The Poiseuille law and the resulting Hagen-
system of algebraic equations, whose numerical Poiseuille formula are based on specific assump-
solution yields the problem unknowns at the tions regarding the blood flow and the properties
mesh points (ie, the distributions of the velocity of the conduit vessels. The accuracy of the
components and the pressure in incompressible associated methods of WSS estimation depends
flow). To perform a CFD simulation of flow in a on the validity of these assumptions in the case of
blood vessel, a 3-dimensional description of the blood circulation. We summarize these assump-
vessel lumen is required. Several methods have tions below and comment on their applicability:
been developed for this purpose, the most widely Assumption 1. Blood behaves as a Newtonian
used being the reconstruction based on biplanar fluid. As discussed earlier, this assumption of
angiography data.35,63 Other approaches are constant viscosity, independent of the velocity
based on the combination of simultaneous intra- gradients, holds for water and some other
vascular ultrasound and biplanar angiogra- liquids but not always for blood. Blood
behaves approximately like a Newtonian fluid
phy43,44,64-68 and on vessel imaging by computed
only for shear rates above 100 s1 but
tomographic scanning.46 In cases involving cor-
becomes non-Newtonian for lower shear rates
onary arteries, simulations have been based on because the viscosity increases exponentially
averaged experimental coronary data rather than with decreasing shear rate.13,14 Note that the
patient-specific geometries. An example of CFD instantaneous shear rate varies from zero to
flow simulation in a prototype vessel with bifur- approximately 1000 s1 in several large
cation is provided in Appendix C. arteries32 during the cardiac cycle.
The field of CFD has made great progress in the Assumption 2. The flow is laminar and fully
past 2 decades, taking advantage of the availabil- developed. This assumption holds in those
ity of fast computing capabilities. In terms of the parts of vascular circulation where low veloc-
application of CFD to the study of arterial blood ities of blood flow and small diameters of
flows, the main limitations arise from the uncer- blood vessels lead to small Reynolds numbers
tainties in defining the problem with the requisite (b2000) that correspond to laminar flow (ie,
precision rather than the inherent limitations of the streamlines of blood flow are parallel to
the vessel wall). The assumption of laminar
the numerical techniques or hardware capabili-
flow is valid in most parts of normal circula-
ties. For example, in the simulation of blood flow tion, although the flow can become turbulent
in coronary arteries, the ambiguities associated in the largest blood vessels or at sites of
with the precision of the 3-D reconstruction of pathologic deformations of arterial structure
the coronary arterial tree and the definition of the (eg, stenoses) where the streamlines of blood
inflow/outflow boundary conditions, as well as flow may not be parallel to the vessel wall, and
the motion of the coronary vessels during the eddies of different sizes may be formed.13,14
cardiac cycle, give rise to considerable uncertain- Assumption 3. Blood does not slip at the vessel
ty regarding the validity of computational results. wall. This assumption implies that the lamina
Further progress can be achieved through proper in contact with the vessel wall is stationary.

Hydrodynamic experiments confirm this as- preferably 3, velocity values measured near the
sumption because bslippageQ has not been vessel wall.70 The accuracy of the calculated value
observed at any liquid-solid interface.13,14 of WSS by this method depends on the spatial
Assumption 4. The flow is steady. This resolution of the velocity measurements (which is
condition is not met in blood circulation the ability of the measurement method to define
where flow is pulsatile. The flow velocity accurately the varying velocities at adjacent
profiles vary with time during the cardiac points71) and on the interpolation algorithm used
cycle and may not be parabolic in shape.13,14 to bbuildQ the velocity profile.9
Assumption 5. The vessel is cylindrical. This The limited spatial resolution of the methods
assumption implies that the vessel cross- used for the measurement of intravascular
section is circular and the vessel diameter velocity profiles affects the accuracy of WSS
remains constant. Most arteries have approx- estimation, especially near the vessel wall, where
imately circular cross-section, but many veins the velocity of flow changes rapidly. Extrapola-
and the pulmonary arteries tend to have tion of the data on shear rate assessed in venules
elliptical rather than circular cross-section. as a function of vessel radius72 indicates that
The requirement of constant diameter is never
shear rate determined 250 to 300 lm from the
met in blood vessels because individual
wall (as in ultrasound systems) underestimates
arteries tend to become narrower as they
progress toward the periphery, whereas in
WSS by about 10%.51 Clearly, methods that
veins, the process is reverse.13,14 determine shear rates even further from the
vessel wall (as in MRI systems) will result in
Assumption 6. The vessel wall is rigid. This additional underestimation of WSS.
condition is not met in reality because the
The interpolation algorithm used to generate
blood vessels are distensible and their diam-
eter changes with transmural pressure (intra-
shear rate estimates also affects the resulting
vascular minus extravascular pressure). Given WSS assessment. Various algorithms have been
a fixed pressure gradient and external pres- used for the estimation of shear rate, such as
sure, a distensible tube will assume a slightly linear extrapolation, linear extrapolation with
tapered shape because transmural pressure correction for wall position, and quadratic
will fall along the length of the vessel.13,14 extrapolation,9,73 with varying levels of accuracy
The above considerations point to the fact that when compared to the results from the solution
the pulsatile nature of blood flow and occasional of the equations of fluid flow.9,59,73
turbulence, the tapered cross-section and disten-
sibility of blood vessels, and the non-Newtonian Methods Based on Computational Fluid
behavior of blood all seriously limit the applica- Dynamics Simulations
tion of Poiseuille’s law and, thus, limit accord-
ingly the accuracy of WSS estimation by means Some key aspects and simplifications of the CFD
of the Hagen-Poiseuille formula. simulations that affect the accuracy of the
obtained results and their potential use in
clinical practice are discussed below.
Methods Based on Measurements of Wall
Shear Rate
1. The model of blood viscosity used in the
The accurate determination of wall shear rate simulations affects the resulting estimates
from velocity profiles requires a velocity mea- of WSS because the latter is calculated
surement method that is able to assess unambig- as the product of viscosity and shear
uously the low blood flow velocities near the rate. For reasons of simplicity, a lot of
vessel wall. In practice, it is feasible to obtain studies consider blood as a Newtonian
velocity measurements at a discrete number of fluid44,46,62,74 and, thus, use a constant
points in the blood vessel and then use the value of viscosity. Because blood behaves
measured values to bbuildQ the velocity profile like a Newtonian fluid only for shear rates
using an interpolation algorithm.69 The wall shear above 100 s1, whereas for lower shear rates
rate calculation requires an estimate of the slope the viscosity is increasing exponentially
of the velocity profile at the wall from at least 2, with decreasing shear rate,13,14 the accuracy
of the WSS estimates is limited, as previ- the non-Newtonian models, which are
ously discussed. In the case of the coronar- obtained by parameter fitting to experi-
ies, it is observed that the distribution mental viscosity data obtained at certain
pattern of WSS is similar for the Newtonian shear rates under steady flow (rather than
and the various non-Newtonian models in pulsatile flow) conditions.63
steady flow conditions, but the magnitude 5. Most simulations consider blood as a
of the WSS estimates depends on the model homogenous liquid and use either a New-
used.35 The differences are significant only tonian or a non-Newtonian model to
for low inlet velocities because, as the inlet describe its properties. Recently, the
velocity becomes larger, the magnitude of non-homogenous nature of blood has
WSS produced by the various viscosity been also considered in simulations.68
models increases and becomes similar 6. In many studies, the velocity at the
among the different models.35 In the case entrance of the vessel under investigation
of simulation of pulsatile flow, it is observed is considered to be uniform over the vessel
that the Newtonian model yields consistent- cross-section.63,76 However, velocity pro-
ly lower WSS values throughout the entire files are non uniform, with the velocity at
cardiac cycle, particularly during systole,75 the center of the vessel being higher than
but as in steady flow, the distribution the velocity toward the vessel walls. This
pattern of WSS is similar for the Newtonian assumption introduces errors only within
and non-Newtonian models.63,75 Thus, it a few diameters of the inlet because after
seems that the assumption of Newto- that distance, the flow is fully developed.62
nian fluid is an adequate approximation In some simulations, a straight entry tube
when the distribution pattern of WSS is is attached to the reconstructed vessel to
examined, but not its actual values.63,75 remove inlet effects on the computed flow
2. The CFD simulations generally assume field and ensure a fully developed velocity
that the arterial wall is rigid,43,63,76 al- profile in the entering region.68
though it is known that the vessel diameter
changes during the cardiac cycle. In summary, the most important limitation
3. The vessel 3-D reconstruction used in the that applies to all techniques currently used for
CFD simulations is usually performed at WSS measurement/estimation is that, no gold
end diastole in order to eliminate the standard for measuring blood flow exists. Thus,
problem of heart motion; thus, the motion obtained data on shear rate cannot be verified by
of vessels is not incorporated in the calcu- actual in vivo measurements, and the resulting
lations. A comparative simulation between WSS estimates inevitably represent only approx-
a steady coronary vessel, and one with imations of the actual values. This is currently
varying curvature mimicking the movement the most important methodological problem of
due to heart motion, revealed an increase of WSS measurement techniques, which has to be
the mean wall shear rate of 6.7% for the addressed in order to assure the reliability of
dynamic model.77 Thus, the use of a static scientific inference and the clinical relevance of
geometry to predict the mean wall shear these important investigations.
rates may yield acceptable results.
4. To simplify computations, many simula-
tions consider steady flow. However, flow
throughout the vascular tree is pulsatile by Wall shear stress is a potentially important
nature, and the resulting temporal varia- factor of atherogenesis and rupture of athero-
tion of WSS has been proposed as a sclerotic plaques. Therefore, methods of esti-
decisive atherogenic factor.75 Pulsatile mation of the distribution of WSS in the arterial
flow simulations in coronaries have used system are of clinical relevance. However, all
an average physiologic flow velocity wave- techniques that have been used so far for the
form for the human left coronary. These measurement of shear rate and the estimation of
studies have the additional limitation that WSS are subject to several limitations and

exhibit inherent methodological problems. Fur-

thermore, measurements and accurate calcula-
tions suffer from the lack of reliable means for
validation against a standard reference. There-
fore, none of the existing methods provides
unequivocally reliable results. Improvements of
existing methods of measurement or estimation,
as well as reliable means for validation of the
obtained results, are clearly needed in order to
advance the state of the art in clinical research
on this important topic.

Appendix A. Basic Concepts of

Incompressible Flow Fluid Mechanics
and Blood Rheology
Fig 8. Infinitesimal fluid control volume and stress
In this Appendix we introduce some fundamen- components (in the limit of zero-size control volume)
acting on its surfaces. The stress components shown
tal concepts of fluid mechanics of viscous are assumed to be in a positive direction.
incompressible flow. The reader is referred to
fluid mechanics textbooks (eg, Panton78, Kundu
and Cohen79, and Schlichting and Gersten80) for face stress can be decomposed into a compo-
a more extensive presentation of the concepts nent which is normal to the contact area
introduced here. (normal stress), and one which is tangential
The forces acting on a fluid volume can be to the contact area (shear stress) (Fig 7):
classified as follows: dFn
normal stress : sn ¼
1. Body forces: they arise from the presence of
a force field (gravitational, magnetic, etc). dFs
shear stress : ss ¼
Body forces are proportional to the fluid dA
mass (equivalently: fluid volume) and are 3. Line forces: they appear at the interface
therefore expressed per unit mass or per between 2 fluids and originate from at-
unit volume (in SI units: N/kg or N/m3). tractive forces between molecules. Line
2. Surface forces: they are exerted by the envi- forces are proportional to the length of a
ronment through direct contact. Surface line along the interface and are therefore
forces are proportional to the contact area; expressed per unit length of the interface
therefore, they are expressed per unit area as line as surface tension (in SI units: N/m).
surface stresses (in SI units: N/m2). A sur-
The stress at a point is, in general, charac-
terized by nine components. Consider, for
example, the infinitesimal fluid control volume
shown in Fig 8, the edges of which are parallel
to the coordinate axes. A stress acting on a
surface is denoted by s ij , where the subscript i
denotes the direction of the unit vector normal
to the surface, whereas the subscript j denotes
the direction of the stress component. For
example, s 12 is the stress component acting
on the surface perpendicular to the x1 axis in
the x2 direction. A stress component is a
Fig 7. Sketch of the differential forces exerted by the normal stress for i = j, whereas it is a shear
differential surface dA on a fluid. stress for i p j. Corresponding stress compo-
nents acting on opposing faces have a direction In Newtonian fluids, a linear relationship
opposite to the one of their counterparts, exists between a viscous stress and the corre-
becoming also equal in magnitude when the sponding strain rate:
infinitesimal volume shrinks to zero. Thus, the
rij ¼ 2lSij ðA  4Þ
stress at a point is indeed specified by a 9-
component tensor, denoted by s ij (where i, j = where l is the fluid’s dynamic viscosity, a thermo-
1, 2, 3). Furthermore, in the limit of zero-size physical property depending on temperature and
control volume, the requirement of zero torque pressure (SI units: Pad s where 1 Pa = 1 N/m2). The
with respect to the 3 axes gives s ij = s ji , that is, behavior of common fluids as water and air can be
the stress tensor is symmetric, consisting of considered Newtonian, that is, the viscosity coeffi-
only six independent components. cient l is dependent only on the pressure and
For a fluid at rest, the only nonzero compo- temperature and not on the flow field.
nents of the stress tensor are the diagonal ones By applying the principle of mass conserva-
(normal stresses), their magnitude being equal to tion and Newton’s law to the control volume of
the local fluid pressure: Fig 8, the following equations are obtained for
incompressible flow:
sij ¼  dij p ðA  1Þ
where d ij is the Kronecker d (d ij = 1 for i = j, d ij = 0 ¼ 0 ðmass conservation equationÞ ðA  5Þ
for i p j). For a fluid in motion, the intermolecular
forces between fluid elements must be taken into  
account, and thus, the stress tensor becomes: Bui Bui Bsij
q þ uj ¼ þ q fi ðmomentum equationsÞ
Bt Bxj Bxj
sij ¼  dij p þ rij ðA  2Þ
ðA  6Þ
where r ij is the contribution due to the intermo-
where u i, u j are the velocity components in the i and
lecular forces, becoming zero for a stationary fluid.
j directions, respectively; q the fluid density; s ij , the
The r ij components depend on a thermophysical
total stress, as previously defined; and f i, a body
property of the fluid, its viscosity, which expresses
force component (per fluid unit mass) in the i
the fluid’s resistance to deformation; thus, they are
direction. Note that, in the above 2 equations, the
referred to as viscous stresses. It is straightforward
Einstein summation convention is used, that is, the
to express the stress tensor components in a rotated
appearance of an index twice in a term implies
coordinate system and, consequently, to calculate
summation over the index. For example, the term
the force components acting on a surface of known
Bu i /Bx i in the mass conservation equation is equiva-
orientation (eg, see Schlichting and Gersten80).
lent to Bu 1/Bx 1 + Bu 2/Bx 2+ Bu 3/Bx 3. By expressing
Next, we relate the stress tensor to the rate of
the total stress s ij in terms of both the pressure and
deformation (or strain rate) of fluid elements.
viscous components and assuming Newtonian
The strain rate is expressed in terms of a tensor,
fluid, the momentum equations take the form:
S ij (where i, j = 1, 2, 3). A diagonal component
(i = j) of the S ij tensor corresponds to a normal 
Bui Bui


B 2lSij

strain rate (rate of change of a fluid element q þ uj ¼ þ þ q fi ðA  7Þ
Bt Bxj Bxi Bxj
length per unit length), whereas an off-diagonal
component (i p j) expresses a shear strain rate or, for constant l:
(rate of change of a corresponding 908 angle). It
can be proved (see Kundu and Cohen79 and Bui Bui 1 Bp B2 ui
þ uj ¼  þm þ fi ðA  8Þ
Panton78) that all elements of the strain rate Bt Bxj q Bxi Bxj Bxj
tensor can be expressed as:
  where m = l/q is the fluid’s kinematic viscosity (SI
1 Bui Buj
Sij ¼ þ : ðA  3Þ units: m2/s). In many applications, the body forces
2 Bxj Bxi
are only due to earth’s gravitational field, thus f 1 =
Evidently, the strain rate tensor is also symmetric, f 2 = 0; f 3 = g, where g is the acceleration of gravity.
that is, it consists of only 6 independent The conservation equations for mass and momen-
components. tum are referred to as the Navier-Stokes equations.

Note that, because only the gradient of pressure expresses the ratio of inertia to viscous forces,
appears in the momentum equations, the level of whereas the Froude number expresses the square
absolute pressure is not a relevant quantity in root of the ratio of inertia to gravitational forces.
incompressible flow: identical pressure differences In general, both parameters have to be equal for
produce identical flow patterns, irrespective of the flows in geometrically similar setups to also be
absolute pressure values. kinematically similar (ie, to be characterized
The Navier-Stokes equations form a system of by the same nondimensional flow patterns).
4 partial differential equations with 4 unknowns Flows which are both geometrically and kine-
(the 3 velocity components and the pressure), matically similar are referred to as being dynam-
which should be solved with proper initial and ically similar.
boundary conditions. In the presence of walls, In many applications, the presence of gravity
the no-slip condition is implemented for the simply adds a hydrostatic component to the
velocity components at the corresponding pressure field, which can be absorbed into the
boundaries, that is, it is assumed that the fluid pressure. Thus, the flow dynamics can depend
velocity at the interface coincides to that of the only on the Reynolds number, Re. At low values
solid, an assumption justified by experiments of Re, flows are in the laminar state, character-
and molecular dynamics simulations. ized by smooth variations in space and in time.
In the following, we consider flows in which As Re increases, flows undergo a sequence of
the only body forces present are due to earth’s hydrodynamic instabilities, becoming turbulent
gravitation. We introduce now appropriate at high Re. Turbulent flows are characterized by
scales for length (L 0), velocity (U 0), time (t 0 = irregular flow patterns and by increased rates of
L 0/U 0), and pressure ( p 0 = qU 02), where L 0 is a momentum transfer and mixing.
representative geometrical length, and U 0 a Next, we discuss cases in which the viscosity
representative velocity of the fluid. New nondi- coefficient is not merely a thermophysical property
mensional variables can now be defined: but is also dependent on the flow field, that is the
fluid is non-Newtonian. To illustrate the basic
xi ui tU0 p principles, we consider the class of simple shear
x4i ¼ ; u4i ¼ ; t4 ¼ ; p4 ¼
L0 U0 L0 flows u = f( y). A representative example of such
Expressing the (dimensional) quantities in the flows is the flow between a stationary and a moving
Navier-Stokes equations in terms of the new (at a constant velocity) plate, which is known as
nondimensional variables, the governing equa- the Quette flow. If the fluid is Newtonian, the shear
tions for Newtonian incompressible fluids can be
written in nondimensional form:
¼0 ðA  9Þ

Bu4i Bu4i Bp4 1 B2 u4i

þ u4j ¼  þ
Bt4 Bx4j Bx4i Re Bx4j Bx4j
 di3 ðA  10Þ
where Re = U 0L 0/m is the Reynolds number, and
Fr ¼ pUffiffiffiffi
is the Froude number.
Evidently, the dynamics of incompressible
flow depends on 2 nondimensional parameters,
the Reynolds number, Re, and the Froude
number, Fr. (In the case of external excitation
or imposed unsteadinesss, eg pulsatile flow, the
dynamics depends, additionally, on the non-
Fig 9. Steady-state velocity distribution for flow of a
dimensional amplitude and frequency of the Newtonian fluid between a moving and a stationary
excitation pattern). The Reynolds number plate.
Table 1. Characteristic Parameters of Non-
Newtonian Fluids
Shear thinning fluid so = 0 0bnb1
Shear thickening fluid so = 0 1bn
Bingham fluid so p 0 n=1

stress s is evidently proportional to the velocity

gradient Bu/By (shear rate), the proportionality
constant l being the fluid’s dynamic viscosity.
s¼l ðA  11Þ
Note that, according to its general definition, the
shear rate is equal to twice the strain rate, as defined in
Eq. A-3. For laminar flow and Newtonian fluid, the
problem of Quette flow has an analytical solution,
which consists of a linear velocity profile (Fig 9). Fig 11. Sketch of shear stress versus shear rate for
blood using the Casson model and for a Newtonian
As indicated above, fluids that exhibit a more fluid.
complicated relationship between shear stress
and shear rate are known as non-Newtonian
viscosity, assuming constant strain rate, a fluid is
fluids. For a Newtonian fluid, the viscosity
called brheopecticQ if the shear stress increases with
depends only on temperature and pressure (for
time and bthixotropicQ if it decreases with time. For
given chemical composition) and not on the
many non-Newtonian fluids of time-independent
shear forces acting on the fluid. In a non-
viscosity, the shear rate–shear stress dependency
Newtonian fluid, the viscosity changes with the
can be expressed by the general equation34:
applied shear force, and as a result, the determi-
nation of the viscosity coefficient is more du
s ¼ so þ k ðA  12Þ
complicated in such fluids. dy
Depending on the transient behavior of viscosity
known as the Herschel-Bulkley equation, where k
under the same flow conditions, non-Newtonian
and n are the consistency and flow behavior indexes,
fluids can be characterized by time-independent or
respectively. The stress s o known as the yield stress,
time-dependent viscosity. For time-dependent
corresponds to the minimum stress required to
initiate flow of a non-Newtonian fluid (see below).
The classification of fluids that obey the above
equation can be summarized as presented in Table 1.
The rheological curves of representative non-
Newtonian fluids with time-independent viscos-
ity are shown in Fig 10. For all time-independent
non-Newtonian fluids, we can define an appar-
ent viscosity l app as the slope of the rheological
curve at a specific shear rate:
lapp ¼ k
This apparent viscosity l app is a constant function of
time for time-independent non-Newtonian fluids,
while it is time-varying for time-dependent non-
Newtonian fluids (rheopectic, thixotropic). In mul-
tiphase flows, a relative apparent viscosity l*app can
Fig 10. Relationship between shear stress and shear
rate in the case of a simple flow, u = f( y), for different
be defined as the ratio of the apparent viscosity of the
types of fluids. solution and the apparent viscosity of the solvent.

One commonly used non-Newtonian blood ity profile does not vary in the streamwise flow
viscosity model is the model of Casson, which direction). Fully developed steady flow in a
assumes a stress-shear rate relation of the form35: straight tube is referred to as the Pouiseuille
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi flow. The governing Navier-Stokes equations can
s ¼ s0 þ kc ðA  13Þ be written in cylindrical coordinates (see, eg,
Panton78), and by applying the above assump-
where s 0 is the yield stress, and dc , the shear rate. tions and the no-slip condition at the wall, the
The Casson model evidently implies that blood following analytical solution is obtained for the
requires a finite stress before it begins to flow. For velocity profile:
high stress values s H s 0 and K = l app, the
modeled viscosity of blood demonstrates a New- dp 1  2
R  r2

tonian like linear behavior (see Fig 11). uðrÞ ¼ ðA  14Þ
dx 4l
Other non-Newtonian models of blood are
the Carreau model,32 the Walburn-Schneck where r is the local radius; x, the streamwise
model,81 the Power Law model,32 and the coordinate; and dp/dx, the pressure gradient in
Generalized Power Law model.82 Because of the streamwise direction. As the flow is fully
the high complexity of blood rheology and the
fact that none of the non-Newtonian models is
generally accepted, blood viscosity is often
considered to be constant, and the relation
between shear stress and shear rate Newtonian
(linear). Evidently, the standard Newtonian
model is a good approximation in regions of
medium and high shear rate but not in regions
of low shear rate. Most of the non-Newtonian
models illustrate a superior performance in low
shear rate regions, and exceptionally, only the
Generalized Power Law model is a good
approximation at medium and high shear
rates.35 In arterial flows, the strain rates are
maximum in the wall regions, and thus, the
differences between the Newtonian and a non-
Newtonian model are depicted in the details of
bulk flow, whereas the wall shear stress values
are not substantially affected.35,63

Appendix B. Fully Developed Laminar

Flow in a Straight Tube
For hemodynamics applications, laminar flow in
a rigid cylindrical tube forms a reference
problem. Studies of blood circulation under
more realistic conditions, such as pulsatile flow
and elastic and branching vessels, can be
interpreted with reference to the simpler prob-
lem discussed here.
We consider Newtonian incompressible flow
in a straight rigid tube of radius R. To arrive to
the problem solution, we make the additional
Fig 12. Nondimensional velocity profile (A) and
assumptions that the flow is steady (ie, it is time- corresponding normalized shear stress (B) in fully
independent) and fully developed (ie, the veloc- developed flow in a straight tube.
developed, the pressure gradient is also indepen-
dent of x; thus, the velocity profile can be
equivalently expressed as:

p1  p2  2
R  r2

uðrÞ ¼ ðA  15Þ

where p 1 and p 2 denote the pressure values at the

beginning and at the end of a segment of length L.
Clearly, the velocity distribution is a parabolic
function of the local radius, becoming maximum
on the centerline and zero on the wall (Fig 12).
The maximum velocity is thus:
ðp1  p2 ÞR2
umax ¼ uðr ¼ 0Þ ¼ ðA  16Þ
The nondimensional velocity distribution is read-
ily obtained (see Fig 12):
u r2 Fig 14. Local velocity distributions (m/s) at different
¼1 ðA  17Þ cross-sections in steady flow in a pipe bifurcation.
umax R2
The Reynolds number at inflow is Re = 80.45.
Clearly, fully developed laminar flow in a straight
tube takes place in infinitely thin concentric formula is obtained for the total volume flow rate,
layers of fluid that flow parallel to the tube wall, known as Poiseuille’s Law13,78,80:
with each layer moving at a different velocity. The
velocity gradient in the tube radius arises from pR4 ðp1  p2 Þ
Q¼ : ðA  18Þ
viscous friction between the adjacent fluid layers. 8lL
The differential volume flow rate in a circular Poiseuille’s Law describes the relation between
layer of width dr is dQ = u(r)2prdr. By integrating volume flow-rate pressure gradient along the tube,
over an entire tube cross-section, the following tube size, and fluid viscosity.
The average velocity ū of flow across the tube is
obtained by dividing the volume flow rate Q by
the cross sectional area pR 2:
R2 ðp1  p2 Þ
ū ¼ ðA  19Þ
It is apparent from the comparison of Eqs. A-16
and A-19 that the average velocity ū is half of the
maximum value u max.
Based on the concepts presented in Appendix A,
the shear stress can now be computed:
s¼l ðA  20Þ
The shear rate du/dr can be obtained by differen-
tiating the u(r) expression in Eq. A-15. Thus, the
local shear stress magnitude is given by:
du rðp1  p2 Þ
s¼l ¼ ðA  21Þ
dr 2L
Note that the shear stress is directly proportional
Fig 13. Geometry and detail of mesh for flow in a pipe to the streamwise pressure gradient. It is clear
bifurcation. that the distribution of shear stress is maximum

Fig 15. Color-coded contours of wall shear stress magnitude (in Pa) in steady flow in a pipe bifurcation. The
Reynolds numbers at inflow are (a) Re = 80.45 and (b) Re = 148.92.

at the tube wall (r = R), whereas it is zero at the wall friction. The human heart is the pump of
tube axis where r = 0. The maximum value of the entire vascular network.
shear stress Thus, the flow in blood circulation induces a
bdragQ between the outermost layer of blood and
Rðp1  p2 Þ
sw ¼ ðA  22Þ the vessel wall. This shearing force imposed by
blood is applied mainly to the inner layer of the
is defined as the bwall shear stress,Q s w, and is vascular wall in contact with blood, the vascular
used as the characteristic shearing stress of endothelium, and can affect the functional and
incompressible flow in a tube. We underline structural integrity of the endothelial cells13.
that Eq. A-22 only holds for the case of fully Wall shear stress thus expresses the force per
developed laminar flow. In the entrance region of unit area in a plane tangential to the vessel wall,
a vessel, the laminar flow gradually develops from imposed by blood flow due to the viscous
a rather uniform velocity profile to the parabolic properties of blood. According to Eq. A-20,
profile of Eq. A-14. The development length of WSS is proportional to the viscosity of blood
laminar flow (nondimensionalized with the vessel
diameter) is a linear function of the flow’s
Reynolds number, defined in terms of the average
flow velocity and the tube diameter.80,83 The more
uniform velocity profiles in the development
region are characterized by higher velocity gra-
dients (shear rates) in the wall region and, thus,
higher levels of WSS.
The integral of WSS over the entire vessel area
in contact with the fluid gives the overall friction
force exerted by the vessel on the fluid. This
force is balanced by a force equal to the total
pressure difference times the vessel’s cross-
section. The power dissipated into heat is given
by the product of the total pressure difference
times the volume flow rate. Thus, even in the
absence of other areas of dissipation of mechan-
ical power (eg, regions of local flow separation),
an input of mechanical power (a pump) is Fig 16. Inlet mean velocity versus time for a cardiac
required to supply the power dissipated due to cycle. Drawn based on data from reference 91.
and the radially directed gradient of the velocity case of parabolic flow profile. Deviations have
at the vessel wall. Maintaining the assumption of been observed in arterial flows, in particular,
Newtonian fluid, we can combine the Poiseuille velocity profiles in the form of flattened parab-
Law (Eq. A-18) with Eq. A-21, to express the olas.51 These deviations are related to the fact
WSS in terms of the volume flow rate in fully that viscosity is higher at the center of the vessel
developed laminar pipe flow: because the RBCs tend to stream in the center of
the vessel,84,85 thereby reducing the strain rates
4lQ they are exposed to. In the common case of
sw ¼ ðA  23Þ
pR3 curved vessels, the velocity profile is not only
Eq. A-23, known as the Hagen-Poiseuille formu- flattened but also skewed.51 As a consequence,
la,13 is often used in in vitro and animal experi- the wall shear rate differs over the circumference
ments for the estimation of shear stress from the of a curved vessel cross-section. Considering
measured flow rate Q lumen radius R, and the the above facts, it is clear that, in arterial flows,
blood’s dynamic viscosity l.42,45,51 We underline the estimation of WSS using Eq. A-23 is
that the above equation has been derived for the only approximate.

Fig 17. Local velocity distributions (m/s) at different cross-sections in pulsatile flow in a pipe bifurcation. The
average Reynolds number at inflow is Re = 80.45. The 8 distributions shown (A through H) correspond to the time
instants (a through h) of Fig 16.

Appendix C. Laminar Flow in mately 400 000 finite volumes. A parabolic

Pipe Bifurcations velocity profile is prescribed at the inflow
In this Appendix we consider the problem of flow boundary; at the outflow Neumann boundary,
in a pipe bifurcation, which is of relevance to conditions are implemented for the velocity
arterial flows. In general, no analytical solutions (velocity gradient equal to zero), whereas a
exist for flow problems in complex geometries. specified volume flow rate division ratio is
Thus, we will obtain a numerical solution to the imposed at the outflow boundaries.
Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flow We present results for both steady and pulsatile
of a Newtonian fluid. To this end, the Adapco flow. In the case of pulsatile flow, the Reynolds
STAR-CD code is used,86-89 based on a finite number value refers to the time-averaged flow.
volume approach (eg, see Ferziger and Peric90). We have calculated both cases for a Reynolds
The problem geometry is shown in Fig 13 number equal to Re = 80.45, a value represen-
and is decomposed into a total of approxi- tative of hemodynamic applications in small

Fig 18. Wall shear stress magnitude distributions (in Pa) in pulsatile flow in a pipe bifurcation. The average
Reynolds number at inflow is Re = 80.45. The 8 distributions shown (A through H) correspond to the time instants
(a through h) of Fig 16.
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