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Struggling with writing a thesis on Sylvia Plath's "The Bell Jar"? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis
that effectively captures the essence of this complex and thought-provoking novel can be a daunting
task. With its intricate themes, psychological depth, and rich symbolism, "The Bell Jar" presents a
myriad of angles for exploration, making it challenging for many students to pinpoint a focused and
compelling thesis statement.

From analyzing the protagonist Esther Greenwood's descent into mental illness to dissecting the
societal pressures that contribute to her struggles, there's no shortage of material to work with.
However, distilling these elements into a coherent and original thesis can feel overwhelming,
especially for those grappling with tight deadlines or unfamiliarity with the text.

Fortunately, there's a solution. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert assistance tailored specifically to

your "The Bell Jar" thesis needs. Our team of experienced writers specializes in literary analysis and
can provide you with the guidance and support necessary to develop a standout thesis that captures
the nuances of Plath's masterpiece.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured that you'll receive a
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Our writers are well-versed in "The Bell Jar" and can offer unique insights and perspectives to
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Don't let the difficulty of writing a thesis on "The Bell Jar" hold you back. Order from ⇒ ⇔ today and unlock the potential of your academic writing.
She waits for the final interview before her release from the asylum. Esther thought of going into
publishing but lacked the knowledge of foreign languages. Silvia Plath, describes Esther
Greenwood's harsh spring of her life. As a result of this, she allows herself to be easily let down, as
she believes that all events that are. A college student lives through a depressive episode that leads
her to multiple suicide attempts. Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 80% A bundle
is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one
place. Note: We provide as many of our worksheets and organizers as possible in Word format to
facilitate easy customization. The information given to her by the mother disappointed her and she
decided to spend the summer holiday writing a novel even though she had little experience in
writing. In Great Gatsby Fitzgerald uses three separate woman to present the various aspects of life
in 1920s but Plath uses a combination of all these women in one character Ester as she shows
characteristics of Daisy, Myrtle and Jordan. It could be said that Esther is presented as repressing her
emotions, yet her opinionated ways lead to her alienation. Esther thinks she will never manage to
forget her asylum experiences. Esther vacillates between wanting to be wholesome, like her friend
Betsy, and wanting to break all rules, like her friend Doreen. She will not become a submissive wife
and mother and shelve her artistic ambitions. In the morning she has tried to cut her wrists but could
not dare. In chapter 10 of The Bell Jar, Esther’s mother meets her at the station. Ester also presents
modern woman pressure like Myrtle, she is a independent woman who is thrived by career like
myrtle who has a aggressive composure which would come across as the liberated and free woman
of the 1920’s, But both novels shows the restrictions on women’s role in society as they are
suppressed by what society think of them and the male dominance. Both the doctors and her mother
treat her as if she misbehaved rather than had a disease. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our. The use of flashbacks throughout the story shows the moments she was impacted the most,
from Buddy telling her. On the other hand however it could be seen as representing the idea that the
narrator feels trapped in the tradition that women are in, the wallpaper is domestic and Gilman
skilfully uses this hideous and ugly paper as a symbol of the domestic life that traps many women;
this is how the Narrator feels. These three women represent class physical and revolutionary
differences and their role in society and how the use their gender to manipulate the relationships’
they have with other characters and how they are perceived to the audiences by challenging woman
stereotypes of the time. Not only that, but the theory also focuses on analyzing how they work, and
how they possibly will be considered necessary to be altered (Klages, 2011, p. 93). These
inequalities will show in The Bell Jar, and it will be discussed along with how Esther reacts towards
it. Through Buddy we can have a better understanding of Esther’s situation. Her mother gets
concern and advises her to visit a psychiatrist to help her normalize. It could also suggest the parallel
of the women’s imprisonment in the home, although. These intelligent women, these Ethel
Rosenberg’s (cited by Esther in the first paragraph of the novel), were doomed in society. Though
Mackinnon’s visual interpretation does not give the audience the insight into Prior’s emotions that
Barker does, he does show us a more panoramic view of the trauma, which demonstrates
Mackinnon’s commitment and understanding of the traumas endemic in the war. Even though he
would have a parry every week he never actually partied with the rest of the people. This extract is
particularly aimed at high-attaining pupils. Through a combination of analysis, insulin injections, and
correctly administered electric shock therapy, Esther improves and begins to contemplate reentering
her old life.
But “nada” is a word with multiple meanings and sounds like. I think Esther’s relationship with
Buddy echoes the power of men in the 1950’s. The Bell Jar Summary: Chapters 1-5 Esther
Greenwood is a brilliant 19-year-old college student. Holden shows signs of being a homophobic,
like most of the other adolescent boys Holden is discovering his sexuality and is uncomfortable with
the thought of sexuality especially the thought of homosexuality and worrying of becoming one.
Basically, American women fell into two groups: the good girls and the bad girls. Esther Greenwood
of Bell Jar and Holden Caulfield of The? She doesn't feel like it is that important and she feels that
way for the duration. All of these patriarchal values just cannot be accepted by Esther. Dr. Nolan is
the first person Esther has claimed to love and is the first person she trusts entirely with her life.
There is no music because it is the best place to wipe off the helpless thoughts that bring the
characters to despair. They. These intertextual references give the men arguably Biblical power.
Salvation and Rebirth in The Catcher in the Rye and? pdf. For decades, gender roles have existed
and resulted in a patriarchal society. Doreen comments a lot about the norms of society and
expectations of women. Unlike Esther who sees the idea of suicide her only way out, she becomes
obsessed with the idea since she feels that her mother and doctor have failed her expectations.
Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. They wanted to be
housewives who do every single domestic work well, resulting in them thinking that whenever there
is a problem, it is about the marriage or themselves. The presence of blood in this novel suggests a
ritual sacrifice; Esther will sacrifice her body for peace of mind, and sacrifice her virginity for the
sake of experience. Esther also feels different from the other girls at. My students love how
organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”. Reviews Select overall rating
(no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Throughout the movie, The Other Boleyn
Girl and the novel, The Bell Jar, director Justin Chadwick and author Sylvia Plath respectively
present the. One main theme in The Bell Jar is growth through pain. Esther. With Marco’s blood on
her face and dressed in Betsy’s clothes, she takes the train to Massachusetts. Comparative essay,
Sylvia Plath, J D Salinger - Esther Greenwood of Bell Jar and Holden Caulfield of The Catcher in the
Rye. I felt very still and very empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in
the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo. Repressing all her feelings about her father seem to be set
realised when she sees her father’s grave. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Her mother suggests forgetting about her illness as if it was
a bad dream. She is nervous. She enters the room where the doctors wait for her, and the novel ends.
In my Master s thesis I have focused The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and The Catcher in the Rye by J D
Salinger I have compared the situations of the two. Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar contains a constant
reference to a bell jar that acts as a controlling image. Esther treats the idea of a bell jar as a
metaphorical word for all the wrong in her life. Thesis: In The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath utilizes an
autobiographical protagonist to express purity versus impurity, as well as mind versus body in a
world. Moreover, she does not enjoy her new job, clothes, or parties, although many girls of her age
would envy her. She likes him and thinks that he is good enough for her intimate purposes. These
intertextual references give the men arguably Biblical power. The Bell Jar and The Member of the
Wedding Jordan O'Brien. Nguyen Thanh Tu Collection Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for
Enhancing Research, International FDP on. The young man called Marco is a Peruvian and a
“woman-hater.” He gives Esther a diamond pin. The protagonist wonders what they see in each
other, and Dr. Nolan replies, “Tenderness.” Joan confesses to Esther in her affection, but the latter
roughly rejects her feelings. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the
themes as a class.”. I think Esther’s relationship with Buddy echoes the power of men in the 1950’s.
Finally, it is clear that she attempts to escape this notion by imagining an idyllic yet impossible life
that she. The balloon could portray that the tragedy, strangeness and “the bell-Jar” is Esther’s own
doing, as for a balloon to come down, all one has to do is pull, so this could be a metaphor for
Esther’s life as a whole, which is tragic as we feel compassion for the young girl starring down the
barrel of depression. The society expect women who are going through adolescent to be cheerful,
energetic and flexible but what Esther experiences is complete opposite to the stereotypical woman
she feels darkness, depression and a cynical attitude which she feels she must repress. Esther
Greenwood of Bell Jar and Holden Caulfield of The? Basically, American women fell into two
groups: the good girls and the bad girls. Our Teacher Edition on The Bell Jar makes teaching easy.
Unfortunately, though Esther expects her loss of virginity to be a revelation, it results in painful
hemorrhaging. He walks around the streets of New York at night alone in the cold or he is in a bar
drinking alcohol. To what extent is society to blame for the mental decline of Nicole Dive in. Living
as a woman during that time was hard, especially in a society that prioritizes men and caters to them
which creates inequalities between men and women. The “unimpressed” doctor asked to talk to
Esther’s mother in private, prescribing electric shock therapy. Like Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the
Rye, this young, college age, girl-woman is experiencing an adolescent crisis. Throughout the novel
Esther is very direct about her depression “I haven’t slept for 14 days” yet no one chooses to listen to
hear but when she tells them “ I feel better, I don’t want to go to the doctors” her mum suddenly
listens replying “ I knew my baby wasn’t like that” Plath shows that people don’t want to hear
anything depressing or morbid unless it directly involves them but if it doesn’t they don’t want to
know they only listen to what they want to hear. She also feels like she does not fit in with society. I
wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing the rest. Chapter 9 of The Bell
Jar starts with Esther’s conversation with Hilda about the Rosenbergs and their execution. He
accepts his mother’s conventional ideas about how he should organize his domestic and emotional
In what was considered natural behaviour in men at that time, Buddy spends a summer sleeping with
a waitress while dating Esther, and does not apologize for his behaviour. Esther carries many
conflicting personality with her: obligated daughter Vs ungrateful girl, successful writer Vs immature
student and virginal girlfriend Vs expert lover. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing
Research, International FDP on. Esther breaks a mirror and gets transferred to a psych ward. In
comparison In The Bell Jar female characters are presented through themes and also their role in
society and how their actions and relationships affect the people around them and society treats
them. For a moment Esther didn’t even think that it happened because Irwin just got up and had a
shower she only found out when she felt blood dripping down her leg. The action takes place in
Spain, and the reader may assume that the waiters should talk in Spanish. One main theme in The
Bell Jar is growth through pain. Esther. Both L. P. Hartley and Sylvia Plath employ the first person
narrative to elicit a feeling of tragedy for the main characters. Later, when Esther goes home, we
discover that the letter of non-acceptance for the male instructor's writing course had arrived; this
letter ruins Esther's summer plans. This section of the article will discuss Esther Greenwood by
analyzing her words and behavior which portray herself as a feminist and depict feminism sense in
the whole novel. Esther Greenwood of Bell Jar and Holden Caulfield of The? This approach lets the
readers see the expressed and unrepressed thoughts and feelings of the characters. Marco sat up. I
began to cry.” (Plath, 1963, p. 138). Despite being a woman who is seen as weak based on
patriarchy’s lenses, she fights to free herself from whoever disturbs her peace and freedom. “This
was the first time, since our first and last meeting, that I had spoken with him and, I was reasonably
sure, it would be the last. Her relationship with Buddy earns her mother’s approval, and everyone
expects Esther to marry him. I really do eat better, and am more quiet than I was” we can see through
this quote that the narrator truly has lost her sanity because she has accepted that something is wrong
with her, and that she has changed. THE PROBLEM OF MATURATION In The Catcher in The Rye
? pdf. Best images about J D Salinger and The Catcher in the Rye on studylib net Allie Summary
and Analysis Video Comparing Catcher in the Rye and the Bell Jar. Mother had always wanted her
to learn the skills of shorthand because she would always have that skill in her life and also that was
the one thing her. The night didn’t fulfil any intimacy or passion this mirrors with Holden’s near first
encounter with Sunny. At the time in which the novel is set (early decades of the twentieth century)
American society was still largely conservative. She waits for the final interview before her release
from the asylum. I felt so fine by the time we came to the yoghourt and strawberry jam that I
decided I would let Constantin seduce me. Using metaphors in a descriptive language, Plath makes
the reader visualize a young woman under a fig tree. The use of the hunting hat protecting Holden
and letting him be someone else, mirrors with Esther’s loneliness in New York and the identity she
hides behind. Salvation and Rebirth in The Catcher in the Rye and? pdf. Philomena Guinea
undertakes the payment for a private mental asylum. During a span of three years, the two men
spend their time making their ways back and forth across the country, shaking up each other's lives.
Read this full essay on Holden s Crisis With Adolescence in The Catcher in the 5752 words - 23
pages Adolescence in the Bell Jar and Catcher in the Rye. Buddy’s time in the sanatorium during his
bout with tuberculosis parallels Esther’s time in the mental institution.
They are suppose to remain innocent until they get married, then are expected to have sex for one
purpose: Babies. He is desperately searching for the same connection he experienced with Jane. In
chapter 15, Esther’s mother has run out of money on the hospital bills. Esther thinks she will never
manage to forget her asylum experiences. Esther does not speak foreign languages, dance, sing, ski,
ride a horse, or write shorthand. How does she really feel about herself and her world. He does not
understand why he does not want to go home. The Bell Jar, chapter 2 Late at night, Doreen knocks
at her door. Definitely, throughout the novel, she is preoccupied with death and feels alienated: signs
of her. The mantra drilled into Esther's head as she was growing up. Joan also had psychological
problems. She tried to kill herself, having read about Esther’s suicidal attempt. Not only that, but the
theory also focuses on analyzing how they work, and how they possibly will be considered necessary
to be altered (Klages, 2011, p. 93). These inequalities will show in The Bell Jar, and it will be
discussed along with how Esther reacts towards it. I interpreted it as figurative sense in the fact that
Esther was born. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn. When Holden finally
decides to leave Phoebe begs to go with him at first readers may believe that it was because Phoebe
needed Holden but I think that Salinger has presented it as Phoebe knowing that Holden is an
unhappy and insecure man and that she feels he needs her more than ever she has a clearer
perspective on the situation than he does. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Many women, like Esther
Greenwood, felt crushed by the expectations 1950s American society placed on them. He justifies
his actions by arguing that he was invited here (Birmingham), and that he belonged in Birmingham.
DRP. King uses different variations of the rhetorical. By the standards of the time, Buddy is nearly
flawless. Therefore Prior feels that he cannot speak as he does not want to upset or worry his family,
nor does he wish to contradict the perspective of war that the media will have created among
civilians. This is about the fourth school I’ve gone to. ” Pressures of virginity are expressed in both
novels. He asks if he is guilty of Joan’s death or Esther’s madness. Women are suppose to view sex
as something detached from love and passion or anything of the sort. Birmingham Jail Martin Luther
King Jar's letter uses tone, diction, and analogy to develop his argument. Sex is a biological condition
we bring from birth that will determine whether we are male or female, while gender is something
that is constructed by society which divides human characteristics commonly into masculine and
feminine categories. They also echo the novel’s title of the novel and serve as a foreshadowing of
Esther’s suicidal depression, of which the bell jar is a symbol. What is in the spring of your life if the
spring of a life refers to your first twenty years in your life. He experiences his first feelings of
happiness in a long time when watching Phoebe enjoy a childhood act by riding the carousal. The
Bell Jar as a Controlling Image in The Bell Jar. Jan 1999 The Catcher in the Rye, The Bell Jar, Sylvia
Plath, J D Salinger, American Literature he rejects Holden s essay about Allie s baseball mitt.
Then they went to Buddy’s room, where he asked if she had seen a naked man and wanted to see
him. He walks around the streets of New York at night alone in the cold or he is in a bar drinking
alcohol. Buddy confessed to having slept with a waitress for ten weeks, although claiming that she
had seduced him. She forgot her framework of reference and she talks about success and failures
and despair. Esther, on the other hand, attempts to repress her natural gloom, cynicism, and dark
humor. The Professional edition has a license for the downloading and installation of activated extra
bonus features that make it more advanced. This mirrors with Esther’s image of New York and the
use of Plath’s locations parallel with Esther’s emotions “New York was bad enough. They're like
having in-class notes for every discussion!”. But she avoids Betsy, a wholesome girl who wants to
become Esther’s friend. Buddy invited her on a date during his own date with Joan Gilling. Finally,
one who views occurrences which can only be categorized as coincidental as being planned. Her
mother gets concern and advises her to visit a psychiatrist to help her normalize. Note: We provide
as many of our worksheets and organizers as possible in Word format to facilitate easy
customization. Eventually the wealthy novelist Philomena Guinea, who has sponsored Esther’s
college scholarship, decides to sponsor her move to a private asylum, where Esther is treated by the
compassionate Dr. Nolan and enjoys comforts and freedoms that the city hospital lacked. Esther
carries many conflicting personality with her: obligated daughter Vs ungrateful girl, successful writer
Vs immature student and virginal girlfriend Vs expert lover. Esther literally takes on a different
personality, especially around men, for example Elly Higginbottom, so we must ask ourselves as the
reader, is she hiding her identity for them or for herself. He is one of Barker’s few works of fiction:
a mute, a characteristic highly uncommon in officers of his rank at the time, and, equally
uncommonly, a man of working-class roots. A lot of similes and metaphors are used to contribute to
imprisonment. Lord Montague promises to raise a gold statue of Juliet and Lord. The Bell Jar,
chapter 13 In chapter 14 of The Bell Jar, Esther wakes up at a hospital where her distraught mother
visits her. Explore the theme of trauma in The Bell Jar and Regeneration. Esther and Holden are self
conscious about losing their virginity and feel they need to sleep with someone and gain experience.
In The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger, the surroundings and the
inability to live within it, is a strong theme in both novels. This is about the fourth school I’ve gone
to. ” Pressures of virginity are expressed in both novels. Buddy once said that a poem is “a piece of
dust.” In one of his later letters, he told her about a poem written by a doctor. Unleashing the Power
of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Research Methodology This article is
accomplished using the qualitative method. He claims not to care what people think when he puts it
on, but even on the hill with the freezing temperature and on the way to Spencer’s house moaning
that it was freezing yet he doesn’t put on his hunting hat on then, he waits until he is alone in the
room or surrounded by people he knows to put the hat on. Salinger presents the locations in the novel
to parallel with Holden’s feelings of loneliness especially when he is walking home alone at night
“When somebody laughs on the street very late at night. She imagines that each fig represents a
different life.

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