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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Friar Laurence Thesis Statement

Crafting a compelling thesis statement is a daunting task for many students, especially when delving
into complex literary analyses. One such challenging endeavor is formulating a thesis statement for
Friar Laurence, a pivotal character in William Shakespeare's renowned play, "Romeo and Juliet."

Friar Laurence's character is multifaceted, embodying elements of a wise advisor, a compassionate

mentor, and a well-intentioned but flawed individual. Capturing these complexities in a succinct and
impactful thesis statement requires a deep understanding of the character's nuances and the play's
broader themes.

The intricacies of Friar Laurence's role in "Romeo and Juliet" demand a nuanced approach to crafting
a thesis statement. Students must navigate the character's actions, motivations, and their
consequences on the tragic outcome of the play. Analyzing the Friar's influence on the fateful love
story requires a keen eye for detail and a profound comprehension of Shakespearean language.

In the face of such complexity, students may find themselves grappling with the challenge of
articulating a thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of Friar Laurence. It requires not only an
understanding of the character's role but also an ability to synthesize the various elements that
contribute to the character's significance in the narrative.

For those seeking assistance in tackling this demanding task, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a
reliable resource. The platform specializes in providing expert guidance on crafting thesis statements,
particularly for intricate literary analyses like Friar Laurence in "Romeo and Juliet." The professional
writers at ⇒ ⇔ possess the expertise to unravel the layers of this complex
character and assist students in formulating a thesis statement that reflects a profound understanding
of the subject matter.

Choosing ⇒ ⇔ ensures that students receive personalized support tailored to the
unique challenges posed by Friar Laurence's character. The platform's commitment to quality and
expertise in literary analysis empowers students to overcome the hurdles associated with crafting a
thesis statement for this enigmatic figure.

In conclusion, the difficulty of writing a thesis statement for Friar Laurence in "Romeo and Juliet" is
undeniable. The character's intricate nature and the profound impact on the play's narrative demand a
comprehensive and insightful approach. To navigate this challenge successfully, students are
encouraged to seek assistance from ⇒ ⇔, where expertise meets the complexities
of literary analysis.
In Lawrence’s view, flowers are beneficial yet harmful on the other hand. The character of Friar
Lawrence is Express your owns thoughts friar laurence character analysis essay and ideas on this
essay by writing a Friar Lawrence Character Analysis; Friar Lawrence. To the end, his weak
character comes out when he utters timidly, “I dare no longer stay.” (5.3.159), abandons Juliet to fate
and flees the tomb. Although his scheme is far fetched, yet the pressure of events requires desperate
remedies and it could be argued that he was a noble man for doing his utmost to ensure that Juliet’s
life was saved. If there was a list with the most responsible for the deaths at the top and the least
responsible I think it would look like this. Importance of Friar Laurence: Romeo and Juliet Essays -
619 Words. Paris then tries to win Juliet over by saying that the reason that she does not like him is
that she is still sad from the death of Tybalt, it is reasonable to suspect that Paris knows that she does
not love him and the only reason that she would ever go ahead with the wedding is because her
father pressured into it. Within this soliloquy is a significant amount of symbolism as it accentuates
the extreme opposites with references to virtue and vice amongst others. He also talks well of
everyone and we never in this scene hear him talk badly of anyone even though Romeo is doing
something he disagrees with. His hastiness could be interpreted as foolishness as he has only just
scorned Romeo for doting. At the time, there was a plague and there would have been soldiers
guarding the borders of Verona, not letting any messengers through incase they carried the plague.
The Nurse should not have just left Juliet alone because this presents Juliet with the opportunity to
take the remedy that the Friar had given her. Friar Lawrence is willing to perform the wedding in the
hopes that the hatred between the two families will end. When speaking of marriage the Capulet’s
use language full of economic expressions. Moreover, there is evidence that could imply that Lady
Capulet was merely using her daughter as a means of obtaining money as we only really see
interaction when there is discussion of the arranged marriage. “Marry, that marry is the very theme I
came to talk of.“ Lady Capulet then tries to persuade Juliet to love County Paris, and she compares
beauty to a book, this is an extended metaphor. The Friar himself acknowledges the power of God at
the end of the play, “A greater power than we can contradict hath thwarted our intents,” so what
possessed him to take such actions. Zip files include high-resolution files for the current object in.
Shakespeare helps to depict love in many different forms; it is aggressive, euphoric, intense, and
without doubt overcomes all other ethics and morals. The Friar tells Juliet to go as fate has interfered
with their plans. He also had a way with the ladies and his life was stupidly thrown away for love.
He secretly marries the two lovers, spirits Romeo to Mantua and stages Juliet’s death. The themes,
love and death, is connected together throughout the play, reminding the audience the results of
Romeo and Juliet’s love. Once a person knows the name of the other, this yields a stark change in
emotional mood as Juliet’s reaction demonstrates vividly “ my only love sprung from my only hate.”
Juliet is intimating that the one she loves is the one she hates. He comes in later in the play showing
that in a sense Shakespeare saved the best character till the end. This resource hasn't been reviewed
yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. It is always Lawrence’s faith
that even evil deeds could be useful. This placed Juliet in a feeble position as she had no authority to
refuse marriage, which is why Juliet seeks more devious methods to prevent the arranged marriage.
When Juliet wakes up half an hour after Romeo has killed himself Juliet. Love is as you would
expect the play’s central and most significant theme.
Friar Lawrence: Character Analysis Only available on StudyMode Essay on Friar Lawrence Man’s
Words Shakespeare’s most famous love story explores the ideas of contrasts and dualities, both in
concepts and characters. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews,
only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know
if it violates our terms and conditions. In particular the factor-involving fate can be linked to the
function that minor characters play and how this correlates with misinterpretations. The usual market
square had few people strolling down the usually crowded streets. Friar Lawrence Character
Analysis by William Shakespeare (c)2017 BookRags, Inc All rights reserved Essay 'Virtue itself turns
vice, being misapplied, and vice sometime by action dignified ' (II 3 21-22 Friar Lawrence). The
people of Verona relied on pride, honour and money, even when the item in question was love.
Mercutio ends up being fatally stabbed while his friend Romeo tries to break up the fight. This play
is out of the ordinary because many themes are incorporated into it, love, comedy, society at war and
tragedy. Upon closer examination, it can be argued that Friar Lawrence has not totally engaged in
every incident that leads to the final catastrophe as well. However it has the same faults as the last
Romeo: rushing into things without looking at the consequences, not listening to advice from other
people and not looking at the entire picture. This is another twist of fate, as the message from Friar
Laurence that he gave to Friar John did not reach Romeo in time. Friar Lawrence: Character Analysis
Only available on StudyMode Essay on Friar Lawrence Man’s Words Shakespeare’s most famous
love story explores the ideas of contrasts and dualities, both in concepts and characters. The Nurse
should not have just left Juliet alone because this presents Juliet with the opportunity to take the
remedy that the Friar had given her. However, he does this because he thinks that it will solve the
family feud between the rival houses. She is pleading with the Friar to do something and threatens to
kill herself. The Friar raises a small objection that Romeo has changed love so quickly that the love
cannot be real but again fake like the love he had for Rosaline. Nowadays the idea of an arranged
marriage would seem unfair, but In Elizabethan times women did not have any sort of rights so had
little choice but to accept arranged marriages. Within one hour of knowing he is already asking Juliet
to marry him. Lawrence again shows signs of wisdom and declares his belief that good things like
“honey” will “confounds the appetite” and become bad deeds. If the role of the father was greater,
then the tragedy may not have occurred as both Romeo and Juliet would have been able to entrust in
their fathers and tell them about with whom they were in love, without a need for treachery, pretence
and extreme measures taken. This is a cause of the tragedy at the end of the play because if Romeo
had controlled his emotions and not killed Tybalt then the Prince would not have banished him and
there would have been no need for the third plan of the Friar’s that led to the deaths of Romeo and
Juliet at the end of the play. Friar Laurence is very important to the whole play as without him
Romeo and Juliet wouldn't have died and the wouldn't of been what it was. At this point in the play
there is the opportunity for the Friar to save Juliet, yet when he hears footsteps, in a panic he takes
flight leaving Juliet to herself. What they have been fighting about no one quite knows. The Friar is
involved in these problems because he married the two star-crossed lovers, and he knew that Juliet
was supposed to be engaged. I consider Romeo and Juliet to being opposite people, Juliet is more of
an inside person and does not seem to go out much, where as Romeo just seems to lurk and wonder
round to and where he pleases. I think when the Friar is explaining what happened, he is feeling quite
guilty. Right from the start the audience know however hard they struggle these lovers will never
achieve contentment. However, he thought that if he married the couple, their families would unite
through love because they would realise that they should be happy because their children were, and
they were now related. Love is used as a central theme in all four of Shakespeare’s tradgies Romeo
and Juliet,Troilus and Cressida Othello and Anthony and Cleopatra in a way these plays describe
love in four different phases from the strong passion of the youngest lovers to the final search for
love by Anthony and Cleopatra lovers who are again torn between two different worlds.
The fact that the play is a tragedy, influences everything and so Friar Laurence and the arranged
marriage can only be blamed partially as they are used to create the tragedy at the end of the play by
speeding up events. This in fact gives the Friar an extra duty of care, as he becomes solely
responsible for their actions as he is there lone confident. Despite Romeo and Juliet being helpless
victims of fate, Romeo was also an agent of fate. What they have been fighting about no one quite
knows. This placed Juliet in a feeble position as she had no authority to refuse marriage, which is
why Juliet seeks more devious methods to prevent the arranged marriage. Here poison symbolizes
human society’s predisposition to poison good things and make them lethal, “In man as well as herbs
grace and rude will,” just as the futile Capulet-Montague dispute turns Romeo and Juliet’s love to
poison. Friar Laurence Essay Examples 212 total results 1,279 words 3 pages An Analysis of the
Character and Guilt of Friar Lawrence in William Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet. But he felt
himself reach out to them, he had known them seen they were children and knew they were in a
desperate situation. Friar Lawrence tries to save Romeo by sending him a letter about him giving
Juliet the drug and that it is all a plan so Juliet doesn’t have to marry Paris but the letter unfortunally
does not get to Romeo. The overall structure of the play and the way it develops, creates a feeling of
inevitability about the ending. Friar Lawrence Character Analysis by William Shakespeare (c)2017
BookRags, Inc All rights reserved Essay 'Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied, and vice
sometime by action dignified ' (II 3 21-22 Friar Lawrence). Perhaps if the Friar had thought of the
consequences prior to acting, then the outcome of the play may have been much happier. Lacking
concern from his father and family love, Romeo is detached from Elizabethan’s thinking and is
inclined to look for a substitute parent instead. Act 2 then turns into a comedy when the marriage of
Romeo and Juliet succeeds. He was getting ready for judgement day, he combed the little hair he
had left on his almost baldhead and walked out into the chilly winters day. At this point in the play
there is the opportunity for the Friar to save Juliet, yet when he hears footsteps, in a panic he takes
flight leaving Juliet to herself. He thinks if he can send Juliet to live with nuns no one ever needs to
know about his plan. The Nurse should not have just left Juliet alone because this presents Juliet with
the opportunity to take the remedy that the Friar had given her. This is demonstrated in act 4 scene 1
when Friar Lawrence says “Take this Juliet drink thou off.” He also said he would help them to
perform the wedding this is demonstrated in act 2 scene 3 lines 90but he also tells Romeo that he
should slow things down. Once a person knows the name of the other, this yields a stark change in
emotional mood as Juliet’s reaction demonstrates vividly “ my only love sprung from my only hate.”
Juliet is intimating that the one she loves is the one she hates. Foolishly, now I realise that it was
something wrong to do and if their family had known maybe they would not have died. Lady
Capulet seems to think of the marriage as a business, seeing the practical advantages of a marriage to
Paris ” so shall you share in all that he doth possess, by having him, making yourself no less.”
Capulet even went as far as calling his own daughter a hussy and a disobedient wretch, far from the
attitude a father should possess. I ran for my dear life, and begged Juliet to come with me, but
devoted to Romeo that she was she also gave up her life, as she knew it was not worth living if
Romeo was not in her life So she as her husband killed herself. Finally, the period of the play
including the male dominant society as well as other roles and stereotypical characters should accept
some liability. If the role of the father was greater, then the tragedy may not have occurred as both
Romeo and Juliet would have been able to entrust in their fathers and tell them about with whom
they were in love, without a need for treachery, pretence and extreme measures taken. It could be
thought that in this scene Friar is a manipulating character, who takes advantage of Juliet’s state of
anguish. At the time, there was a plague and there would have been soldiers guarding the borders of
Verona, not letting any messengers through incase they carried the plague. Plans made by the cleric
intended to reconcile the “ ancient grudge ” (Prologue) between two rival families, the Montagues
and the Capulets, results in the tragic deaths of the two “ star-crossed ” (Prologue) lovers, Romeo
and Juliet. It is shown in the play that through the consequences of a feud its futility that it serves,
achieves nothing other than causing affliction. The task was done with a fairly able group in mind.
Anyway after I discovered that the message had not reached Romeo I tried to arrive at the tomb
before Romeo arrived and Juliet awaked. Without The Character of the Friar Lawrence Would
Romeo And JulietNot Be A. Student Essay on Friar Lawrence Character Analysis. The Friar is asked
to marry the couple, but he still thinks that this is going too fast. Shakespeare used a variet of sources
for this drama. He does not consult either Romeo or Juliet’s parents, which shows disregard for
them. How could you possibly live with yourself knowing that you have taken the diamond from the
Capulets crown. To the end, it is his cowardice that leads to Juliet’s death. Anti Essays offers essay
examples to help students with their essay writing Below is a free excerpt of 'Friar Lawrence
Character Analysis' from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper
examples. Friar Laurence's vocabulary is off the time as the play was written hundreds of years ago it
isn't the same as what the modern day reader would appreciate but the reader of the timer would. He
is a bit harsh to Romeo and tells him that he should be happy for the many things that he has got.
Plans made by the cleric intended to reconcile the “ ancient grudge ” (Prologue) between two rival
families, the Montagues and the Capulets, results in the tragic deaths of the two “ star-crossed ”
(Prologue) lovers, Romeo and Juliet. What they have been fighting about no one quite knows. The
Friar is aware of the feuding between the two families and when Romeo comes to see whether the
Friar with marry Romeo and Juliet the Friar thinks he can turn the “households rancour to pure love”.
An example of this is in his soliloquy when the Friar has been collecting herbs and he is portrayed as
a perceptive and intuitive character as he is aware that there is good and bad in people, similar to the
poisonous part of a plant. The regularity of the speech calms someone in to a feeling of acceptance as
he is expressing the conventional attitudes of a priest, not his own, and one feels a sense of falseness.
This information is important, as it is needed to believe events at the end of the play. He is very
afraid. He knows how strict Juliet’s father is and by marrying her to a Capulet, he has committed a
terrible crime. But soon enough, the Prince introduced them; they were other superior wealthy lords
from around Mantua. Other stereotypical characters are Capulet- a father who was keen to find a
worthy match for his daughter. This is to represent the fact that he worried and not in control of the
situation like he thought he was. He also talks well of everyone and we never in this scene hear him
talk badly of anyone even though Romeo is doing something he disagrees with. She would like to
stay with both but she is so emotional that she does not see how she can be with both. If the Prince
had really wanted to stop the deaths at the end of the play it would have been better to not punish
anyone or punish the heads of the houses. An example of this is one of the times when Juliet is
presented as “deaths bride”, when she discovers the news of Romeo’s banishment and she says that
“death not Romeo take my maidenhead.” Death in Elizabethan times was much more of a conscious
issue, the reason being that people died considerably younger, which is why with a lower life
expectancy they were far more conscious of mortality, hence several references to and examples of
death. My final question to you, before you fate shall be decided, is why did you run away from the
Capulets burial site. He secretly marries the two lovers, spirits Romeo to Mantua and stages Juliet’s
death. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?4.00 (no rating) 0
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When he was placed in these intricate situations he had to think of a ploy swiftly. This is used to
establish the running battle between the families and outline the situation the conflict will arise from.
The themes, love and death, is connected together throughout the play, reminding the audience the
results of Romeo and Juliet’s love. Their relationships are vital elements for the development of the
play. FREE Analysis of Friar Lawrence 's Ending Speech Essay. The next time I saw Romeo was
after he had killed Tybalt, then I hid Romeo in my cell. Thus there is a gap between the Friar’s
behaviour and the audience’s expectation of his behaviour. These factors all reflect his importance in
the development in the play without him there would be no drama there wouldn’t be the excitement
and the tradagy without him the marriage couldn’t of taken place, the friar being placed as the
central figure in a play a couple of centurys ago may seem unusual at the time friars at that time
played a spiritual role in their communities. I remember I christened all those many years ago, and
have treated him as one of my own since then, I have never had any children, so he was the special
child of the town whom I felt close to. It is Juliet’s life, she should do what and spend it with
whoever she wants. Here poison symbolizes human society’s predisposition to poison good things
and make them lethal, “In man as well as herbs grace and rude will,” just as the futile Capulet-
Montague dispute turns Romeo and Juliet’s love to poison. The Importance of Friar Lawrence in
Romeo and Juliet essays. The overall structure of the play and the way the story unfolds produces a
feeling of inevitability about the ending.However, if the whole plot is the result of fate, it leads to the
question: how can Friar Lawrence be able to influence Romeo so much. Friar Laurence's main
interaction with the characters is with Romeo, whereas the nurse is Juliet's confident, friar Laurence
is Romeo's confident, he is like his father figure who give him aids and wisdom in his actions, he is
very kind to Romeo but will still tell him when he is wrong and this makes the two closer than the
nurse and Juliet could ever be. Whilst the whole play evolves, Shakespeare successfully applies
linguistic tricks such as oxymoron and irony to foreshadow the “ star-crossed ” lovers’ death in the
last scene. Since that time a funeral had materialized and the two noble honourable families had
called peace. Lacking concern from his father and family love, Romeo is detached from
Elizabethan’s thinking and is inclined to look for a substitute parent instead.Contrary to Lord
Montague, Lawrence shows real concern to Romeo and is ready to provide comments throughout.
The potion was to be taken the night before her wedding, so she would seem dead and she would not
get married. Parents fully expected to make money on their trade. The only other interaction with
anther character is when he gives support to Juliet when Romeo has been banished Romeo. To the
end, it is his cowardice that leads to Juliet’s death. This is a cause of the tragedy at the end of the
play because if Romeo had controlled his emotions and not killed Tybalt then the Prince would not
have banished him and there would have been no need for the third plan of the Friar’s that led to the
deaths of Romeo and Juliet at the end of the play. His statementMany for many virtues
excellent,None but for some, and yet all different. (2.3.13-14)is an evident of such a state of mind.
This is used to establish the running battle between the families and outline the situation the conflict
will arise from. Additionally, there is no insinuation that the Friar knew that it was true love between
Romeo and Juliet, which may suggest that he agreed to marry them for the sake of the Capulet’s and
Montague’s reconciliation. Furthermore, violence and death are thrilling to an audience and it is
suggested that death will follow which helps to keep the audiences engrossed. Juliet also threatens to
commit suicide if the Friars “wisdom” doesn’t help and no “resolution wise” is found, all these
pressures may have lead the Friar to make hasty decisions. He also talks well of everyone and we
never in this scene hear him talk badly of anyone even though Romeo is doing something he
disagrees with. Early on Shakespeare introduced a society that prefigures capitalism, one that is
heavily influenced by material exchange. In a more secular society, Lord Capulet may well be
viewed as a selfish and controlling father. But balvasar didn’t know about the friar drugging Juliet
through the wedding so he thought she was really dead and he was on his way to tell Romeo about
Juliet when he got there he immeatly told Romeo and then he was on his way to Verona to see her on
his way there he stopped at the appocary to get a drug to kill himself peacefully. When he got to the
tomb where Juliet was and he held her hand and took the potion and died Juliet woke up and then
saw Romeo dieing so she stabbed her self.
There is a certain amount of inevitably as the events happen at an increased rate, problems occur and
mistakes are made, as the vital message that Friar John is carrying fails to reach Romeo in time. See
other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. Shakespeare contrasts the Friar’s hopefulness with the harsher material world of Verona,
placing him and the apothecary on two opposite sides, thus where the Friar fails, the apothecary
steps in with a quick remedy. However, Friar John was not able to give it to him. The only other
interaction with anther character is when he gives support to Juliet when Romeo has been banished
Romeo. Or else, if he was not trying to kill her, an interpretation still might be that he is trying to
find a way out to rid himself of blame. Another cause that I feel was heavily responsible was the role
of fate, which could not be controlled. He also had a way with the ladies and his life was stupidly
thrown away for love. How do they know that Juliet won’t be cremated or the letter may be
delayed, Romeo or the Friar may be delayed and her family may try to bring her back from whoever
stole her dead body. The Friar is the only person who is capbale of making any decisions in the play
as he is one of the few people who knows exactly whats going on. In particular the factor-involving
fate can be linked to the function that minor characters play and how this correlates with
misinterpretations. But he felt himself reach out to them, he had known them seen they were
children and knew they were in a desperate situation. This in fact gives the Friar an extra duty of
care, as he becomes solely responsible for their actions as he is there lone confident. By continuing,
you agree to our Terms and Conditions. This can be seen in his words, “ baleful weeds, and precious-
juiced flowers. ” (2.3.8) Two contradicting terms, “ baleful ” and “ precious ”, are used in an
expression, again emphasis his faith that everything can be both good and evil. Lacking concern from
his father and family love, Romeo is detached from Elizabethan’s thinking and is inclined to look for
a substitute parent instead. She came to me because her parents were planning to marry her to Paris.
Student Essay on Friar Lawrence Character Analysis. The overall structure of the play and the way it
develops, creates a feeling of inevitability about the ending. Finally, the period of the play including
the male dominant society as well as other roles and stereotypical characters should accept some
liability. This shows his fear of accepting responsibility and his selfishness. Romeo comes to see the
Friar first thing in the morning while he is picking flowers. If Juliet isn’t there and Romeo is dead no
one can tell about them been married which puts him in the clear. Here a simple misunderstanding is
strongly responsible for Romeo’s death. This rushing into doing something this major is similar to the
rush into the marriage, and you get the feeling that it is going to fail just like the marriage did. Some
may think that without the Friar’s quick responses both lovers would have committed suicide a lot
earlier on. He even knows about Romeo’s ex-lover, Rosaline (2.3.44) and Romeo’s love of Juliet
(2.3.57-8). Both lovers put faith onto the cleric and all along act on his advice. It underlines the idea
that Friar Lawrence’s effort to fight against fate. A prophetic remark is also made here ironically
suggests his tragic end. Subsequently, Friar Lawrence would not have had to falsify Juliet’s death or
arrange Romeo’s escape to Mantua.

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