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Inter-generational conflicts due to Generation Clash

1 differences in values and
communication, requiring strategies
and its 4 Benchmarking #2:
Generation Clash @ PwC PwC
for resolution.

Baby boomers Key Generations

GEN-X Benchmarking #3:
2 Millenials
in the Workforce
5 Generation Clash @ Microsoft

Benchmarking #1:
Generation Clash @ Abercrombie & Abercrombie & Strategies to help bridge the gap Main
3 Fitch Fitch
6 between generations
Generation Clash and it’s
„The biggest problem in the workplace today is the perception that generations are separate. It will be
a great day when people see us as individuals who want to work together, regardless of our age."
- Brad Karsh

Generational Conflicts in Workplaces and Society

Generation clash signifies conflicts and misunderstandings among differnt agegroups,
often occurring in workplaces and society.

Diverse Age-Related Perspectives

Results from varied values, beliefs, attitudes, communication styles, work
expectations, and life experiences among individuals of different
age groups.

Cross-Generational Challenges
Generation clash brings collaboration and communication challenges, requiringstrategi
es for bridging gaps and fostering effective interactions
Generation Clash and it’s

Generational differences shape company culture, impacting how employees

Workplace Culture interact and influence the work environment.

Varied communication preferences among generations can create challenges in

teamwork. Addressing these differences is crucial for improving workplace
challenges communication.
Productivity and Resolving generational clashes promotes employee engagement and productivity,
Engagement fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace.

Innovation and Embracing generational diversity drives innovation and adaptability, making
Adaptability organizations more competitive in changing markets.
Key Generations in the Workforce

Baby Boomer Generation X Millennials Generation Z

1946 - 1964 1965 - 1979 1980 - 2000 2000 - 2010

Witnessed social Major role in adopting Digital natives with Grew up with the
Significance revolutions and technology and adopted cultural diversity internet and social
economic change pragmatism media

Strong work ethic, independence, Independent, skeptical, tech- Tech-competent, socially Tech-savvy, curious,
competitiveness, goal-oriented, savvy, value work-life balance, engaged, value diversity, entrepreneurial,
Key Characteristics resourcefulness, and experience. entrepreneurial, and self- prioritize flexibility, purpose- adaptable, and creative
reliant. driven, and emphasize work-life

Baby Boomers bring experience, Contributed to technology Shaped company culture, Contributed to the digitization of
Impact on Today‘s influence company culture and integration, flexible work prioritize collaboration, the workplace, changed work
leadership, and prioritize environments, innovation focus, emphasize social responsibility, methods and communication, and
Workforce passing down values and and adaptation to diverse and foster innovation increased the demand for flexibility
mentoring. workstyles. and remote work.
Major Causes of Generation Clash

Communication Styles
Different generations communicate in different ways and via different media and this
can create communication challenges.

LinkedIn reported that 63% of organizations consider this to be one of the major

• Gen Z- direct messages and chats.

• Millennials- Written emails and messages.

• Gen X- email.

• Baby Boomers- phone calls and face-to-face talk.

Work Values and Preferences

Technology Usage
Older generations tend to be skeptical about new platforms and gadgets while
younger employees embrace them rapidly.

Baby boomers and Gen X - believe commitment and loyalty to the company are key
points to have personal success.

Millennials and Gen Z- prefer flexibility, work-life balance and Innovations as sources
of success.

Leadership Expectations

Millennials consider strong soft skills really Older members of the workforce were used to prioritize
important work over every other sphere of life

Gen X’ers leadership style focuses more on fairness, Work was life most important source of contentment
competence, and straightforwardness. with life

Gen Z’s are still developing their leadership skills Gen X’ers believe they’re ultimate purpose is to work and
contribute to their company

Millennials and Gen Z’ers both believe that work

shouldn’t be the main
These generations value much more leisure and free
time compared to their counterparts
Companies Overview

• It was founded in 1988 by the merger • Bill Gates founded Microsoft in

of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & 1975. • Founded in 1892 by David
Lybrand. Abercrombie as high-quality
• Operates in the technology
• One of the "Big Four" audit (consulting) Camping and fishing gear.
firms, PwC provides services in the
industry and provides a diverse
areas of audit, tax, assurance, advising, range of services and products • In the 1980’s the company shifted
consulting, actuarial, legal, and such as software, hardware, cloud to the fashion industry
corporate finance. computing, and others. • 25 thousand employees and 750
• It has a presence in 152 countries and • With a workforce of 221 thousand stores worldwide
employs 328 thousand people. workers.

Studying these companies will give us insights into how generation clash is managed in various industries, the impact of inclusivity, and how a
company's image affects employees and customers. These insights can be useful across different sectors.
Abercrombie & Fitch: HR
Implications of Brand Image
"In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids.
Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great
attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t
belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.“ – old CEO Abercrombie & Fitch Michael Jeffries

Recruitment Implications:
Potential struggles in attracting diverse talent due to brand exclusivity.

Employee Morale:
The risk of a non-inclusive brand image affecting workplace morale
and sense of belonging.

Generational Disconnect:
Brand's image potentially causing disconnect between older and
younger employees.
Abercrombie & Fitch: HR-led Brand

Rebranding Role of HR:

HR's involvement in reshaping organizational culture and ensuring
brand values align with internal culture.

Diversity & Inclusion:

Initiatives to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce, enhancing
employee morale.

Key Takeaways:
The strategic importance of HR in managing brand crises, the
necessity of HR being attuned to generational values, and the role of
HR in fostering an inclusive organizational culture.
PwC: The Generation Gap Issue
Within PwC
Development of the Workforce “The generational Knowledge and
experience gap is real. Engaging in
• PwC's active workforce spans four generations each crossgenrational dialogue made
with distinct strengths and priorities. me see my blind spot”

• With 8,000 annual recruits from colleges, PwC has a - Andrea Kilian, Senior Associate at
young workforce. PWC
• Diversifying talent sourcing across various channels
and age groups is essential for workplace diversity.
• Different age groups cause several problems within the
company PwC.
• There are some clear generational differences that
companies must consider for effective HR strategies. “Learning from or with our
younger team members shows me
• It’s crucial to deal with the generation gap issues and the importance of an ongoing
the priorities of the younger generation to align dialogue between generations; a
everyone within the organization. dialogue that can enable new
opportunities for everyone”

- Marc Schmidli, Partner at PWC

The evolution of PwC’s workforce in terms of the

generational gap forces the company to act.
PwC: Turning Traditional HR-
Approach on its Head
General Changes and Generational Differences

• The reward system changed from quantity to quality of work.

• Today, PwC's HR policy considers individuals work-life needs.
• Younger generations value work satisfaction.
• Understanding the why behind their work and a company's societal role
is crucial for young employees.
• PwC's Millennials prioritize team cohesion over pay, and discussing their
career goals and concerns more openly.
• Job flexibility, ongoing training, mobility opportunity, frequent feedback,
and rewards are crucial for PwC’s younger workforce.

PwC revamped its conventional HR-approach, crafting evidence-based

HR practices to meet evolving workforce needs.
PwC: Methods and Strategies
Meeting Millennials’ Expectations
• Greater input
• Appreciation
• Career paths
• Corporate values and responsibility
• Helping managers adapt

Partnering and Programmes

• To close the generation gap PwC paired less experienced workers with senior staff
to learn from each other.
• Additionally, the company provides flexible benefits and family care programs,
addressing the needs of diverse age groups.

Cross-generational Programme
• Pair individuals from diverse backgrounds and mindsets to foster mutual
understanding and co-create future collaborative ways of working.
• Five aspects to discuss: Generational background, striving for success, hybrid
world, technology and transformation as well as future and sustainability.
• The goals: Close generation gaps, be inspired by different perspectives, build
mutual understanding, co-create future ways of working, give career boost, give
leadership boost.
Microsoft: Inclusion and Diversity in
the Organization
Diversity and Inclusion Training
Younger, more tech-savvy employees, mentor senior leaders from older generations, in
a modern strategy known as "reverse mentoring." Unlike traditional mentoring, it gives
digital natives a voice in advising senior leaders on issues like new tech trends,
workplace dynamics, and the preferences of the younger workforce. This method
facilitates trust and knowledge sharing between participants.

Inclusive Hiring Practices

Part of Inclusive Hiring Practises is working together with Employee Resource Groups
(ERGs) inside the company. ERGs are very important for creating hiring programmes
that encourage diversity and for giving useful feedback to keep making the company
more welcoming.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Microsoft offers flexible work arrangements, including remote work options, to
accommodate various needs, such as those related to caregiving responsibilities and
work-life balance.
Main Takeaways
Strategies such as generational pairing, flexible work arrangements,
and cross-generational programs are effective in bridging generational
gaps and fostering collaboration.

The three companies highlight the critical role of HR in managing

challenges related to brand perception, differences in generations,
and workforce evolution. The importance of including everyone,
adjusting HR rules, and creating programs to encourage teamwork
among different generations at work.

Abercrombie and Fitch, PwC and Microsoft stress the value of

diversity and inclusion, using different approaches to build an
adaptable and welcoming workplace.

Various forms of training and mentorship has been employed to

foster mutual understanding, knowledge exchange, and skill
It is important to recognize the presence of four generations in the
workforce and actively addressing the challenges posed by the
generation gap.

Understanding and managing generation clash enables teams to

collaborate more effectively be leveraging the strengths of each

When different generations understand and appreciate one another, it fosters

higher productivity. Teams that communicate well and value diversity are often
more creative and innovative.

Companies that recognize and address the needs and expectations of

different generations are more likely to attract and retain top talent.

Managing generation clash is a strategic imperative for positive

environment, enhancing productivity, and for long-term success in
today´s diverse and dynamic business landscape.
Reference List
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