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September 23rd, 2021

First 1 - page 42

Write about:
1. who you can enjoy yourself with
2. who will help you when you have problems
3. who will be with you longer

The issue of whether family or friends are more important is a very controversial one.
In my opinion I think that family is more important and I will give my reasons for to support
my belief.
Firstly, enjoying yourself with your family is way better because you don’t have to feel
shy about doing or saying anything because they already know you and they will understand
what you are intending intend/want to say.
Secondly, sometimes, you can’t trust in your friends during bad times, some of them
can be just hanging out with you because you are in a good phase of your life. On the other
hand, if you ask for help from your parents your parents for help, they will help you without
asking for anything.
Lastly, friends can fight and never talk to you again. While if you fight with your
relatives, they will continue being your family and after sometime you will get along with
them again.
In conclusion, family is more important because you don’t have to feel shy talking
with them, you can always count on them for in the bad times, and your family will always be
your family for the rest of your life.

The question of who is more important: family or friends, is a very controversial one.
In my opinion family is more important and I will give my reasons to support my belief.
Firstly, enjoying yourself with your family is way better because you don’t have to feel
shy about doing or saying anything because they already know you and they will understand
what you intend to say.
Secondly, sometimes, you can’t trust your friends during bad times, some of them
can be just hanging out with you because you are in a good phase of your life. On the other
hand, if you ask your parents for help, they will assist you without wanting anything in
In conclusion, family is more important because you can express yourself the way
you want while with them, you can always count on them in the bad times, and your family
will always be your family for the rest of your life.
First 1 - page 43

The Best Weekend from of my Entire Life

People love taking a break from the week, and weekends are the best way to do this.
But sometimes things go way better than we expected and I will tell how I had one of the
best weekends of my life.
It all started normally, I got home from school and took a bath. After that, a friend of
mine called me to invite me for a party. Because I really liked talking and laughing with him I
decided to call a taxi and head out to his house. When I got there, his table was full of
delicious food and all of my favourite friends were there. We talked and listened to music for
a long time. When it got late I decided to call my parents and they took me back home, the
party was awesome!
I slept like a baby, but when I woke up I had a surprise, my parents had bought me a
new computer. They received an email from school containing my grades and because I had
really good grades they decided to make this surprise for me. I felt very happy and couldn’t
have asked for a better weekend!
Page 64 - Essay
Write about:
Is it better to earn a lot of money or to enjoy your job
1. how much time is spent at work
2. the type of work which is made
3. which one is better in the long run

The issue of choosing a work job because of its earnings or because of it’s enjoyability is a
very tough choice. In my opinion, I think that people should choose a job they want and I will
give the reasons to support my belief.
Firstly, because you will work with the same thing every day for the rest of your life, it is
better to choose something that you like to work with.
Secondly, if you choose a certain type of job that you can’t handle, you will get sick and
spend all the extra money that you earned.
Lastly, when you work in a field that you like, you will specialize in that certain subject.
Because of that, your specializations will grant you an extra income in the field that you
already like.
In conclusion, choosing a job that you like is much more important than choosing a job that
pays well. The reasons for that are, firstly, you will spend a lot of time doing what you want,
secondly you can get sick by choosing a hard job, and lastly, you will eventually earn money
in the field that you like.

Page 65 - Report

Report on the Instructions to the Film Club


The aim of this report is to outline the suggestions that students have on the Film Club from
our school.

What should we watch

Many of the students have shown interest in action movies, even though those are very
entertaining, some other students suggested that we could have a calendar that in each
week we would have a different genre of movies to watch.

How often should we meet

Many classmates said that a good deadline to watch a long movie would be one week. They
also said that it would be great to notify the students of the schedules by sending them

How should we advertise the club

Many people said that it would be great to just make a poster in the school hall and if
necessary, we could send emails to the students with a digital poster.


In my opinion, I think that we could also have some projects in the club that incentivise the
students to record their own short movies, that way we could also learn how the movies are
made in practice.

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