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1963 ° Rysslantrogpe from tls gain. tn_ouba he Gis. Beartneot of Beles oiteret od drier Sou’ Sab fopr “Beore: 40000 2 oe, in fator 9 te TBR. Bek tapi: gncen in, Sah fae eet ‘Coupiga wiih tie Resineay pledge vvaited State wit not invade Gabe ty anton Khrushehey has not won tn ine Erste tniieacy “and srzen da fos naval bage si Guantanamo Ba. "Pls may wel be tne next step Ve Investment for Latin EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON, WILLIAM FITTS RYAN OF EW Fone {IN THE HOUSE OF nePRESKiNrATIVES Tuesday, March 19,1965 Mr. RYAN of New Yoik. ‘Mr. Speaker, ‘economic development and eeonomié ‘rowth of fie Jess develiped free-world countries, and particularly of our neigh bots tn Latin Aenea, arp of realest conpern to the United States, Our for- ‘ela economle policy is designed to help ‘these areas both through direct Govern ‘Ment assistance programs and theaugh encouraging private. skills and privat snvestment. funds to be, chanueled. into ‘thelr economies. An article from. the ‘Maren 11 issue of the Ameriean Banker ‘by Michael Benson, International banik= ‘ng editor, sugsests thet one important ‘way to hainess both foreign and domes fe sapital resourses would be. through ‘Whe, establishment of private, broadly held “investment companies.” Entitled “One Answer to a Latin American Di- Jemma,” the artiele follows: ‘OME ANgwan 40 A Larm-Aneecait Drseaca (By Aitehaet Bénson) ‘Dio resi nunca question n Latin Amér- 1 ted ee pe neat ‘elopmment caplet?” Highly pisces Govern: Rent offciaie in this country as well {hose south of the border have been Sejing ‘hard to come up with the angwer, but with ‘ures eucsear “One Teuton why this Ras Become euehi a tomy question of inte i that the Bold and ‘mise Alloy” for Droge program af ‘U3 Governmnt sid tne been legging rather Dadiy. "Another Je teat soreign pete ae ‘esters Have been quetiy pulling out of atin ‘America, rather than plunging more mosey {to that partor the word, ist work the question caste up wail, ana mith ia sugeaton for en aasuer at pot may brighten the gpinits of many rather Feattened leaders eg Latin Amerien's 00: onl development’ a 1 came trom a promiicnt Puerto Hieaa, smeier, Gasper" Hlocn Je former igh ‘Government oftelal of ht lauds well-kaowa, “Operation ‘Booustrap:” "He semly belerey ‘date the ance lie inthe setablidument of private, broadly held investment companies [cach of the Latin ameriean eountclen Mr, Roca, Wao terme ie plan "demoeratls ‘apltaliemy’ “nowds thet grestmeat comme pts, et Teast tn theory, are a perfect ye Ficle for mobinsing meaive but stagnant America ‘rund eurrenty being held by tons of thou finds of bustueco end professional ‘men In ‘9 Western Bu -Zatin Amevicn, eo Wel Go tn other develop” =o “Ee Bee's iden on the mopitzation of rit tech eae ae ee Ea ies eet Hesaas meena Se “Gor reason is the there ho been @ marked seamen ers eee oe eee eee Bee oe a os (Cin more important, though is the fet Specie arabia Saher ee See wreck aes Sees Bonet Gey Bank strabsinent of private enterprise, toon nd fovea, fom leer seer rere ies i ircnirice mate SES Pons SSE & Sine SE eae SPER sur womans ing me san eee aa ae San ciate ees Boece colar ea Seas Pee SUL eae ears ioe SPH as mn mens ae ee Sees ESLe aera pete i ee rieacae ae Rae Bierce ca Ree pieranna ban Se eo me se caches arte Senge maim es Mr. Roca, who is » highly erticulate, hard~ sruhae inh hed ce Faery osetia Peete PERE oe wes be cone commen eats atten acta aa Pike gach trite Bare En cerrcmi ens Eons can eens Eo Raton gt own ed ore Bag nny res pti Boece mage Re arene a. way een, a tore mid ot fe parce pam Ra tote a Goa hant abana Ere cae ath tect Bae came na ebsites a ee sharma y meer, _yera, ‘ruggists,. insurance’ agents,” and actu, ery so-aed detente ‘pad tand tere ine cleus ot hundreds of ‘ildaie-clasg ettzene, with milions of dole ites that sould be put te work tn moder Ebdusisiat ‘apd ‘commersial development.” hseree tng Whom Bunieee Shoo-oai- APProvEDRIGISRGSRSNPNO HOSCZIRIS A: APPASPOIRESROO0200220023-3. A 1559 “Government-to-governmnent torelgn_ a Important as ib may be" be mid, “aoes Lene fovmotiate emerging’ nations towscd dy ‘Bumile private enterprise and: treo maskst Sconom. To. “understand “tees ‘things pig, People nave t participate personaly ‘The Budget Can Be Cut EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. BRUCE ALGER [NC THE HOpSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 19,1963 Mic ALGER, Mj. Speaker, the Prosi- dent is ‘very ‘clever at turning ‘away every demand for budget cuts by chal Jenging anyone to show where it an be ‘cut as if suggestions have never boen ‘made. Tn my opinion, from §® to. $10 billion ean be cut from the budget with- ‘out endangering our defense or national security and without cutting out essen {ial government services, Of course, it will take some discipline by the people, bby the Congress, and above al, by the ad ministration, but ft ean be done. ‘The following reprint from the US. News & World Report shows where §% billion ean be saved by not adopting new programs and by cutting back on same fold ones. Tn addition T have some fure ther recommendations to save bilione of dollars of the taxpayers’ money. No pub- le works are justined ina time of defelt spending, so let us eut back on all public ‘works uitit the budget is balanced and we begin to pay down the debt. Get the Government out of the power business, sell the public power projeets and return them “to private ‘enterprise, lauidate public Rousing: cut out urban yenewal by the Federal Government; eliminate Federal participation in depressed areas, ‘and allow local and. private initiative full rein; cut the farm programs 20 per ‘cent with eventual elimination” eut for- feign. ald by'$3 billion; cut. military ott- thorizations § pezeent and research and evelopment 125 percent for another $800 milion; knock $1 billion ‘off the space program. “When we make these euta we ean bring ‘bout a realistie cut in taxes, allow the people to Keop more of their own money, {nerease risk capital to strengthen the economy ‘and ereate more jobs which alone ereates more wealth, poe US. News & World Report articte follows 1 You Wav: To Rsow How nuit Buvest A Surry of new Sdoas for tlmming Prest- ent Rensoay's” budget Is developing. in Congress DEF. Kennedy himsif nas chevionged Mfem- bets of Congress to show ion where spending Both Democits and Republicans, rising to of their own a bie ‘Most of these plans, to‘date, are tn, gen xi terms, Bot ited dows to pecise ems Sn'ene budget ‘Most of the plans, also, are tn terme of swuthority’ to" apend, rather than sasha Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3, e580 ing during the facal your starting next 1 regu, by late March, as contusion ter werner. whet, Spo opiggeae eae Bees Le ee vii ia ft alresdy in eperation, ‘were ‘roving Hard ts Ane "the Yeafon Spending increas are “but sate the ayetom, rr aeady voted Congrenr tend to Insreaae In oot by the Mtn the end, cren'if Congress doce vote some smuable redactions In the Kennedy Duaeet ‘Ge Goverment. ie almost ute. to. apend ree i coming Yur Cn pening thle gone "Ties an diy, cots ay natn thew study: of the Uusert oy te ‘Rozen unit of O'S Rewe 2 World Report Sue rublect of that. study" where and ge iabeh te Preldetthaget for the ‘hed 6 ‘ ZAI Ll ssh op the chat 9a hee Be reLechdn amon unit experta on the ‘uager tepore can be made without wang 8 Siesta Phorty, that i, authortty ‘he fer tpeadg 13 i Eis grin! ng the sent to iat 9c are amazon li Ws pi tediielng etiint apend- ae SESE SL Beat wind spend 064 nest your than New epending nee ies MANU ut Renneay Boggee Beal, some ope cane ‘ye hurt ens Beg ce ee ge ins it eeenaegy ee set Ast toca "wtely bw ace Ua te So yg ton malin of ae 2 Houde made, but Co ae ‘alee plograid at ae cee che OF ‘eck ae ‘detante, wotld be line ae RGR SNC eee EGiimment gpa ea ao ef apy ela oe SORES That ae Aspe wou be Re rete would Be to cut 1.7 Dulles aut cof the fequested authorization, but ouly 0300, elon Su GE chs epee ts te Sear Baar here ie iat te Mite ma ing ural te ate once’ ie new progrii gots om the cont tei fo Bo “any cuts, thun mut be pone een ‘of programe ready ey Pheapeene shoes AS soy the Kennedy ction for oo eoboanles would rede total au- tuorlsntion of new funda by 944 billion, and ‘Sctunt spending by 023 better to Approved For Reset JRSGRR LH EBOREF EO NABNRSRO220029-5 Stooesr con: ertce Core ‘For clan apace programs, the spending ge gale A nha otis Be {he blggawe angle economy of all Space Prosecttwould foceed more sowty Shar the Renita House haa in mind, but opending til ‘Weld be 43 bill, Tarte #1 ilo more ‘Foreign tconomic sid. m terms of spend. sng, would be reduced bj #400 milion. That srSild tenve 41 Bion te spend. "There are ‘Tiderpread’ Semende in Cangrese Tor cuts ithe spelal program of pubite works in de praneed” areas, nutnorised by Congress Text Sear, would grt no eadtional nana. ving, Bier ation ‘School aid, for areas burdened vy te ‘Guced by 6148 million. This would mean, fnvena to Federal fanaa to help educate she ‘hilaren of perenta who wor on Govern: iment property but lve elsewhere. Federal ‘ony wil" yould be wed for etueatng publ pelemned By, 4200 mien, whieh el Satire tn program could be ightened’ up tonnderably)” Reports of eheatltg. on rellet ‘been widespread ‘ret! onus’ tor rtrrane would Sr anded. stving (210 milion edie care for Veter” teen would be reduéed tn cont by 6000 tall~ Iiep,"er about 186 pereant, necessitating tome Hantesing up 1 tia progam. te Connected would be trmaed 6y 205 mals Aor eboue it pert au fold "A'bhget tem of $200 min for furtner ‘ef increases to civilian Federal e=npioyeee— En’ top of alece voted inet year—wotld: be ou to te "Phere abd other écopsniies ise in thie economic unit sway would bet Feaieed in Congrew, oe "Yeu many members are demanding cute ster mote arate than ieee fined 18 thin ade He ol of eae fut beating Legislative Logic EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. PAUL FINDLEY {IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES = Tuesday, March 19,1963 Mr. FINDLEY. Mr. Speaker, Govern- ment often discourages what it attempts ro * 1s an edi- torlal from the Santa Cruz (Callf) Sen- {nol reprinted In the Christian Science ‘Monitor: isveshadene Bewnsento ‘Suhiaion ‘ana “icethed eqolations then ‘when they seated, Took at whet is happening ‘Sh arvera fonte. "ih Congrew the eubject of overtime is due ese hearoge Beverl Representatives wp exprowed the Wen that instead of tne one ait pe to oat em be doubts time. “Thels theory March 19 ‘trthat with overtime eo expensive employers ‘Fouid nie more people to eliminate tne orer= "The weakness of the theory that banning corrtine would crete mote Joe inthe fact ‘Ghat no much of the extre cata of business tee cea''to the Triage begets which are ‘Sarge’ per sinployer, not for The te Sif we conunue to woke seh artic contre, seecrediy designed to cerate more ‘mployment, we are line to elite whatever ‘chances ie have to employ a greater portion Sige erin aver free 9 tororenta more Jobe isto ase ations i for boninees ad Inaubtey vo expand’ wien of continually increas ‘Tad'tm the atee of fringe beneSts per em Centcanial Birthday of Rev. Andrew Paveo EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. HUGH SCOTT IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ‘Tuesday, March 19, 1963, Mr. SCOTT, Mr. Président, during September of this year, Slovaks in the United States, and particularly fm Penn- sylvania, will pay tribute. to the late Rey. Atidrew Paved, a zealous priest, ‘author, and fraternalist. Prom the time he arrived in America, Reverend Paved lived in the Pennsylvania anthracite coal region. He alded the struggling miners fand encouraged them to use for their thildfen our Nation's educational oppor- fuunities of which they themselves were Seprived in thelr native country, Slo~ Yakla I. jolnt effort with his friend, the Inte Rev. Matthew Jankola, he helped ‘he newly organized Congregation of the Slovak Sisters, whose first members were dsuahters of Slovak miners. He Inspired them and others to use the opportunities of our free Nation in order to build a better future. ‘During many strikes and mine tragedies, he was always an adviser { those who needed help and guidance. ‘The state of Pennsylvania owes much to leaders such as Father Paved. In gratitude, T Join his many admirers in falling the attention of the Senate to his exemplary work T ask unanimous consent that an article writien by @ na tive Pennsyivaniun,. Mr. John ©. Sc Tanks, be printed in the Appendix of the Recon. "Mr. Seiranka, a well-known ‘American. Slovak Journalist, composed the article for the March 1963 iscue of the Zenska Jednota (Ladies Union), of- {cial organ of the First Catholic Slovak ‘women’s organization in the world. "There being no objection, the srticle ay ordered to Be printed inthe Recon, (By Jenn C. Setranke) fon september 3, 1969, American Slovaks sll obeetve the centennial birthday of Rav Knarew Payco, Slovak Catholic pris, who ‘bored in the Serenton diocese since Be a= ‘val frou Stovabia In 1007 Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3, coh a } 1963," wi “yeep ingore words. sh emotion, eimoaiiy atl deo ee af ost, lets of this dy, some 90 years hhave. experienced’ in connection ‘ei ie dent fone dear and ‘honored cago, Crxpe Doria, ‘Prayer I offer reads. We, cate to" fe 6 diesen salt batt Dein aot bncnc deat lvape ayers gi eee oat fined “tie consonant body aca anes ow dea ember nao was ect HE et Wate iy uc ans atin fo terme his Soplata nfo fpr Bue Poou act aoa Poon Paates Be Becnning and ihe oe -miee aede Si things, sua "he doar ai oa ee Sector ir pore tae ees al Siecle, by Ve ateonal gases eg {oe ovine ibe aed ahd Yrs ‘tion of the Sita who tus Sonat Mehr ihe'ond somaya ite Spit fo te cote bbe out en te ay Beir go dpe uo See Ge Amen, ~ = ~ ‘American Rights a Vital Study REMARKS ‘EXTENSION OF ee 5 7 HON. aL, BROYHILL vote tdi “IN THEE ROUSE OF REPRESHNGIATS * Tuesd y. March 19, 1963, Mi BROVIGLL, of Visine Speakgr, Mrs, Paul Batiguon of Annan ale, Va., fn my congressional district, thas reoeitly calla to. my-atiention 6 ‘eed forthe teaching of sound prinelples o in te schools of our sev= eral States As I shage Mis. Pattyson's concern oft this welcome this op- Dortiinly #0 read into the Reconb Alzs ‘Pattyson's tetier jo me of January 29, aiid the article by Dy. Loslle J Nason, 10 ‘Which she referred. “omhe letter and article follow: (BAL, Guise, Dune Ananda Ve, January 28 7063, Yon. Jon t, Baprsue Houie Sf hemasenatiet, ‘aghingion, Do. ‘Dear hs, Baovinta: Lam encloeing «copy pf am artice ‘by Dr-tzate 9. Nao which Eppesced In the’ Sunday star of denunry 2 2060. °F wish Kaew Ie procedure to get hls article before ‘people formulating ‘Big eleulutn for oue athovienitren, fore ame foraading it to You witn fhe lope, aid quest, that You wil have it Incerted in the ‘Coweimssionte Ravoes. ‘Bincoray youre, WP 3s, Phun, b, Rapgesow. ae aa ie ‘axe eens na ge a sneer ee Ste oe eee Butt cebu feentrics fe Se oe eae oe ee = TRA an encom ~ SESE is sof Me Saber di wondertu eng weopy ote Commrinist front papers saying Be tiidente found Hie wrong wii thee -tuarginal comunents, statement by statement ‘parngrapt by paragraph polnting out ths gructes, the omissions and datcrtions, "For the hist time I had s good wader, standing ofthe free entapr {8 perents we must explain the rghte and prloieges, aa well as te Fesponotbitiee it ‘Re pare of Ife of citwen in the Ualted Bil tee shld be rata P*Echooisahowia make ture dents ran sndezstand the individual sights ext forth I Bil of Rights, “These are the things ‘hey atind 19 lee.” Studente show ease “Their right to accumulate and eave money, sand thtve theue exvinge Guarunteed. Up te & eer Their right to devise new mechantems, Pa eet at Beara ni ts pe see ee a copyright «FB Poca hr pe nyo dition diy ale quamererasat Saelipd te en cums sgn se ty Se eee ea SE ae Rr vans aerial hae a serene Be la Beco ats cas foo world. mn 2 en a ana! Een ae SS i ea ‘dents are not aware of them, . see mt ve nuns ne opps ERTS enue PREIS eras ties eae te ata ee SaPseecter tec atie temas ‘lye nothing ana tage overyahings 2 Views of Former President Eisenhower on “Ronorary Citizenship for Sic Churchill SPERCH HON. FRANCES P. BOLTON , IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES £2 tuesdan Mareh 12, 1908 Mis. FRANCIS P. BOLTON, me ‘Beaks Yam informed by a fsiond of ‘ne that General Bivenhower hee age thotied the following statement af his ‘ews on the proposal to make i Wat on’ Churehitl'an honorasy” Amonean atte: Si Winton hrc na Dean may warm pooner te hans Seay have known ‘him bot in wartime and tn Bette ana tepid Tenet na gc Retief tne promedion ef aie Aaa Sin Teena ak eta Eputhespearing comet ta cag # Approved POORSERERSRORUNE/RECCIAIRDPBAONGEIRP00200220023-3 wAIS57 fv arene nas many einordnary Reputation aa the politcal ieader ef Great Butain during Word War 2h ana bie baie ‘ee te aor aw Suestnaly the ‘al Meee tacks, to wich must be added fe lvumetanee thet ‘hue mother was of ‘Amnriean birt clearly Sartty tn opinion ‘ho amataing to Bim ‘of an honor sent hao Emer taagerte Hi ny er opin, “hking tale notion, th Gongrees ei gn day rao precedent 20 make the care wo exoeptionat ms te Seana 1S practically unique ‘Stop Sendlng Brazil Aid EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. WILLIAM H. HARSHA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, March 19, 1962 Mr. HARSHA. Mr. Speaker, under leave to revise and extend my remarks In the “Appendix of the CowensssionaL Rarconp, I would like to include in my re- ‘marks another article appearing in the ‘Maren 16, 1963, issue of the Columbus Evening Dispaten, ‘The Dispatch is one of Ohio's out- standing newspapers and. this. article rovldes some ‘very. tought-provoking Teusons why the US. loan to Breall Should not be made, 7 For those of my collearues who are ‘interested tn this issue, T commend the article to them. Tt polite out very vivid Jy some unique aspects to this problem, ‘Bricnns Grow me Conentss To Sror Sexo- maarox—An flea) US. statement ‘Bat Gommcniate here bored tice Brass 4 congretstowal movement. to: bat sid to (OF Reds or extreme Wetists tn cn pons f power and shows that American ad. wil othe eed to promote Sraaian trade with ‘The US, statement about Red méltration time ‘ohien” Francisco” San “Tago Dantas Brnailan ‘Pingace Mintetr was exe tying fer mul lag doer aid A" power ocnte of a sot poy tower Cstntnise On Tmureday, « House Foreign Atais eub- cotntalites tated a transcript of tesinnony ‘tieibuting ‘tha following sisiement to re oln Gordon, US Amoeaador to" Bree te ZBRE Buber (Che Comma rai) ‘than 'these numbers would ‘suggest "Se piinetpal did of tatlcration sult innuence {8 ty the inbor intone. in the Government Macit there has been indlzation "The thet des, mcrement note cin ate ‘now being dominated by Communists, ‘Tig statement was reported to have braun & hot fadignany ypion In goven 0 - tuto "41858 Approved For BaieigesAPONOH?RECURRDPSARMIGRTDTID0200220023-3 March 19 it ctrclee ‘tn “Brastila. “Evidefiy. the ‘Being the Methodist bistiop of the areas hve ‘exptesiion to his hope for Mhion ee ce i Ha Eee tt onto ha Se hae Ce een semeres a sen de en as bea omee ea one a ea Copmniat BO, me eet ord Hee Caetano at Ta tt See a wea pe re Sea ia et frie ein Carer a Raa re ie eee a igen a en EO came arate fo hat pets i aot gece acta ck eters i ae sp oe Gelined tmmeiate commen. al Sete Gia Signe have eaeant eae annie, hn frat brat tee sig Mtaaea Seutn oan acices 1 oa of and "Re doers he “aun respec Yor “Brec's tve= Eomgon trons mai 2 oneness ed aeeeatre ee pert promis face watn at counts ‘ysing Amecioan tele in Fut to turn over money ahaa ao We aan Fromote eager th “dhlerafe actvtyy th the Beaxian essGitst iaeiaaing the armed Torcen Sele ta reat danger ana tent dakte Deira Taker” ace Moore rato, of Montane. ld :ffoument unt he could stuay the mater poy. other legislators were. he foe chosment, but ahere waa Ute "yvcopoentriad made the ron ig more F250. Bie § Be ERTENSTON OF ewAttets HON. ROBERT R. BARRY ‘ trw orm, {IN Tite MOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘Tuesday, March 19,1965 ‘MMs, BARRY. Mr. Speaker. recently ‘Westchemer County was deeply sad- ened and left the poorer by the loss of Bog dupe, and, diiorusbet thodist clereyeian, Bishop G. Brom- Jey Gxnaih. Bishop. Oxnam before his Feurement in 1960 had a varied, long Ghd'ich career. Prior to his electian fb ‘bishop in. 1096, he was the president of DePauw University. in addition to of Omahe, Boston, New York and Wash~ {gion he waa the president of the Fed- fell Gouncli of Churches from 1944 to Yor6 and one of six presidents of the ‘World Counell of Churches from 1948 to.1084, ‘Bishop Oxnam was the exemplar of ‘9 dynamic combination of physical, tn- excellence. He Was ‘Was clected to Phi Beta Kappa. before he Went to purade his theological studies Et Boston University. ‘Gpon his passing Bishop John Wesley Lord was quoted as saying ‘Bush, Oxnarm waa recommeded gb “Ood" sn exeaon Sse ‘We in Westchester share this senti- ment and to bis wife, the former Ruth Fisher, his sons and daughter and his fight grandenildren. we send. our deep~ Ex gmpathy. Their loss and ours and the Nation’ i very erent Sir Winston Churchill HON, ALEXANDER PIRNIE 1N THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘Tuesday, March 12,1963 Mr, PIRNIE, Mr. Speaker, by erant- ing Bir Winston Churehill honorary ‘American eitizenship, the House pays & frreat man a singular and well-deserved tribute. ‘His contributions to the preservation of American freedom ina time of Supreme erlsis, or all of Western civil ‘ation, All the pages of modern history Jn the 1930's he courageously defied the Appeasement polletes of his own country ‘Shieh culminated in the Munich eapltu- Intion and the advent of World War Ti In the early months of the war, when Hiers arunies had triumphantly sub- Gued. the European Continent, leaving England to fight on alone, his eloquent ‘Folbe and taatierful personality provided Trrsiying point for the hopes of both fhe free and the enslaved nations. His Souged determination sustained Eng- fend. during her darkest hour and held the alan frontier sate until Ameren fentered the war. Thus, he gave his na- tion one of is Mest hour “Por these and other acts born of con~ summate wisdom and indomitable cour- feer'we owe sir Winsion an immess- forebie debt of gratitude which House bil 4914 discharges in "part, Our ifection, for him Is. dceper, not only Because his mother gave him American Blood and ancestors who fought side DY fide with General Washington in our War of Independence, but because he Tepresenta one of the finest statesmen Produced by the English-speaking peo- les. In addressing the Virginia House Bf Delegates March 8, 1948, Sir Winston Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP6SB00363R000200220023-3 fand understanding which we will do well to recall: “Above all, among the Engtish- Speaking peoples, there must be the inion of hearts based upon conviction land common ideals, ‘That is what T of- fer, “That is what I seek (Sin Ranoring his eat man, we alo SUP. Loses the Playoft EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. EARL WILSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 6, 1963 Mr. WILSON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, while © committee of this House holds earings on managed news and the New Frontiers own brand of almost total ensorship, the so-oalled country press is Snything but fooled. Dally in’ news- Papers arriving in my offee, T find edt Tonal expression of the insight and Knowledge about today’s events possessed by midwestern newspapers. ‘Gader unanimous consent T insert at this polnt in the Rrcono, as an example, fan editorial from the Madison Courier of ‘March 16, 1969, whieh shows araphically twat the editor of that newspaper, Mr. Toya G. Neal, thinks about our Cuban fiasco: JPR, Loees swe Puavorr Aithougn New Prontlersmen in Washing: tohlinsiel unt President ened mde No (un ‘Premier Ruruoneher to obtaln Seetyatof omensive wenpona from Cube, 6” {Sehungs of itr om Oech 263 Or SSemanas ald down by the two Tenders Mie“ demandes mao condition for re meat of Soviet minailes from Guba that the Bora siaies: close ta Jupiter. pases, ih PENS and guarantee Cuba aguinatinraston nee fora tga cg fo aay, “Yirxcn requests were leer complteate: removal of sfenatve weapone system from WP itland ‘nation sna superreed inepection WEydannnce that si mists nd: Bombe “fedy just 4 monthe after the conditions ‘woe nts Sowa by both ses. the Boxscore ene Mates: Bm caread tuerediaera ities from Cube. Tue Unite States or- Eeped imu gown ib Jupiter insermeciate- Sere8 Manion in Hwsxey ana 30 in Tialy Beaty, is" aa, in raver of Rumi "Serauere’ Rnrusbehoy ordered 42 Rustin sae bombers trom Cuba. The Kennedy Tonlatretion, bas ordered, the eventual sting ot al B-47 let omer haces around Gee Blaalen peripsery, spprocimcely 7.000 Sierarts Boots! 1000 ia for the USER. "Trocbe:, Rrusheey, with great. fenfore frou ape “Kennedy "administration, 82 Sotheed“and did, recall an enimated £000 1968 awareness ot God and God's requirements: Tidhgetonsinet yaaa ae RARE cll ac Sey ep det ue ee SRLVeres ab cena ae TRS Sus te an esd, alta fete es Et cen Pee ee Sere cts aie at Ee anSy ees EBs Rena aie SS Ea oct Fe a aate Sigel Wonca SRE Viale cabelas he GES i amie 2 Seah ae ENGI Se hehe of cinta a EC a ane oe Bee cece ae eee SOLE ence na cae fn'no tonny’worde by. Amazin the prtert B'SEy ce padree eae SOR lat ad tela a EE ay fy ten oe pion a ay re ae aes eee oe eth Sy eae eae eel eo one at tale ae ranaar ate Sune cae oe aay ea imeeel eager ante Eanlevanianere i Bie Penis Saar a ee Babe raecgenie aaa tt pera Seals ee ean ea autos "ine gto oy Beier Rebate ees ra core eee ae rae ey ne es ‘Simard aad religious problem Tins Soh hem ona me eter Se pone are eemecaece ween See aS, Sinaia See eer ESERPS Se Binet Bat bis ets SE SLGrie ee Rees qoute a eS irc tulgers pope etm oo gener be ala ee pao See dmeeaie tetra se aetna sobbotemc omnes Seri eirerat nica ‘Sus the centuries and even to our day Who Sechorge tesireene ater She Bee ae Bite ae cae brat Hee ney at yt So Seb raees ate: SSeS pecan ery terre ae oh War ial in Sn fect fen ie Te 2 PRS ET GSE BE he roe ue Ser aces toe ae SALI Saas eee, Be ret seca 5 eS 2 eed peer Deuteronomy (28: 16-17) commands: ES dt ate ae sana hase oe Boge ‘whieh ‘he shail choose within ‘one ‘of thy hot wrong him.” : Bates gms Eh Rice yore ae Berets GP) ct ae Sat teateaiao te aa tata Share heme e St SS Cee Si ea eis ee Paar epoca aie SOc acts ema iat Ee ee Red Aree en rete Se cures sein ce Bee cir ae sr eae aie Se ye a ae eonfinint onto ees os So nee carmen SACS ities cid, Ss Staged arg. terete SSN, ae St Rea eae © 2 Sa ed ree etn Sie olarak Se hraner teen Bie deel aoe Bese ot et Se ee soeecot mannan Sea ereeere ma aine See arn he pet Ean PS, ee EEeass Monten, ge eo eam laa eae gave. meee me EN a Se ree East Pet Ges fe Sop nanchcearete 2 Se erate morte ae EE or he en ‘on the gourd, for which thow hast not las Sit ie aa oe 2s Ae oe score thousand persone thee cannot discera Eee “view of its signifeant and enduring 3 Sacer sas oes se Sore Serre Spee Geman ey AppQODIGRESREDM s.2BX0HAD +-CHPRDRGSE00383R000200220023-A1523 Some ps By ot genet Ser rey ag Sel Caste ta an pe ee Siete aeons erat heat ay sl deeb as See he iree nee le, "tuey comand ‘atthe fignt to vote, ToNequat eadeationat opportualtie, to eas femplugment” opportunities and to adoqaste SRoustg shail be denied "no man om c= fount of diterenco in tsen, “in thia bettie {o bund n society and « woitd fn which he Signity. of every” human ‘beng le Jeslously (gasedea ‘nnd te equality of ai te tae {or ranted the freee of religion, i theyre ‘rau to thee purpose, mur, Soe by precept {ha example, be inthe forefront leading sa Dot following. courageously Tuidling thelr prophetic mlesion of Betag the consclonse of Watch Ohio EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. JACKSON E. BETTS bv Tue novsr OF nEPRESHITATIVES Tuesday, March 19,1968 Mr. BETTS. Mr, Speaker, Gov. James Rhodes and his Republican ad ministration in ‘Ohio have entered into 2 Sound fceal program ‘which has at {tracted nationwide attention. x think it Is refreshing to most people to 420 a gov ernment even though it be on the State level whieh belloves in economy and bale ‘anced budgets. ‘The following editorial from the Washington Daily Nows is an example of favorable reaction and I am Asking that it'be inserted in ihe Cox Guussiowas, econo in the hope that it ‘might inspire our National Government ‘follow the same cource, ‘The editorial follows ‘Wager O10 Cone of tne mont interesting developments sn goverment in the Nation touay toot “There the new Republican Governor, umes ‘A, Rhodes, te Going something most Bf his “teow Governors, “and. Prescent {eparsmenia, dropped $120 milion ot Stator ‘uunoed projects ane’ even. lived weleare find roll! Runde, “Phe ‘point in” reawelng fenta to recipients But io fore reliec"ax Ilhlstratore to tighten the rele cols s Governor Shodet iting’, mnke’ Ohio In‘sharp conteast to that of the New Roe ere eis by. rigid goveramaa 4 yee he program will enecurage Industry the State’ oconome ‘ona dacal "problems: ‘Only ime wi tell whether he dashes i majority of his eonstituente—most of whom, SS ftdged by Warkington,potteiae, watt ‘ony ce aa ue from overt st'lewt hea the gus ta ty to reiore olde fachioned fragatliy. IF sugcenfel, he wit Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3 | | | A1524 Approved For ReleGONGRESRIONAT AREIIOGHE 003A FRENODIN220023-3 hate provided an Invaluable lesson for other ‘Poltal ieaders: who fast” might, be. per= ded to emulate him pith resulting bene- “And, of courses nue Col, Albert §. Callan EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON, J. ERNEST WHARTON OF EW Tore 1 THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuesday, March 19, 1963 Mr. WHARTON. Mr. Speaker, dur- Ing nly early years'as a young prosccut {ng attorney of my home eounty, T heard ‘and was greatly impressed by an address Gelivered. by ‘Colonel. Cellan. Many years passed before T had the opportu- Bity to compliment him, but he recalled ‘the occasion vividly, in‘his own words, fas peaking from a high place and look ‘ing down into a multitude of faces, TL ‘Was characteristic of the colonel to speak on a bigh plane and his forensic ibility ‘was attested by the fact of his Teptted appearances Jn each and every county tn his nalive State of New York. ‘On Friday, we of the 28th Congres sions) ‘Diablct sadly albered at ie lille church around the corner from his {fatth fn this Republic and its institutions, Now he rests among the scenes that he Joved so well, among the hills and hol- done, ie Hels and cl streams of upstate “While engaged in public service, in- nae Seas ae ee Sit ST rs Seria ce oa Rea Ee Ste cer ete ir a ieee Sas ce EA cece ate Se ee ce OSes, aoe ‘wore over 80 years na publisher of the Char ‘Tones Courter blotoriap,polltical lender ana Sevier, Negisiator, solder, Me mnight be (alled ine Tother of the American Legion fm Gotumbta County ws it Nas he who fox" ‘ered practically al the posta sumbered bere He wan the fre commander of the foUnty Eben and ey one of te echt of apace ‘sf agge exponent of the Replat Pa iy BEES" inet pas ao sean bat Be Si ae aL eee th ‘iple of the modern school ‘which produces Tenders chanting or parroting the works of Gort wettern. fee wan invited to speak ia Every county of New York State in pallticel fampaigne aver the years and the power and pen oF his volce waa widely Pocsgnires "hs taruled to the combat of political way isthe wan a generous victor fm Phought and {tction, “He "wae always a freely osbnece fampeutar ana trequenty Yielted this ofce ‘Abert 8Callen for’ long time and there St nie lng and generous seta" We are tse Slused ‘among the friends who mourn the Sing SP ‘on cine sen Stee and ‘Why Should Any Remain? EXTENSION OF REMARKS HON. HUGH SCOTT {IN THE GENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ‘Tuesday, March 19, 1963 Mr. SCOTT. Mr.President, the Wash~ imgton Star of March TI contains an Interesting editorial that I would Ike to fall to the attention of the Senate, In ‘iscussing the rumored removel of Soviet {roope from Cuba, the editorial says: an ‘And why whould wach w force be matntatoed ‘Why, indeed? T ask uninimous eon- sent that the editorial be printed in the ‘Appendix of ‘the Recon. "Tuere belng no objection, the editorial ‘was ordered to be printed in the REcoKo, a follows: (Ger Aut oF Tues vr ‘As far aa 1 gore, 1 in welcome news that soviet" Ambavsndet Dobsynio har pabllely ‘altered Prem bev promive 20 ‘withdraw “eee ng” Rusti 09 from Guba by trot fo meant ‘Fhe ‘remiia,remaine altogether vague’ oo {he rubfect, andthe Americus therefore have Feason to fel a continuing sence of dee ‘Afterall, since there are at present sbout 37000" Govietsidiers nd techniciane: in ies the iohdeewal of, Sin"ieave ‘The remit with March 19 could be sed etectively tn a long-term ‘rogram designed to tain traitorous Latine Epvtarey Sut sabotage, subversion, end gu ‘lai defor agaltet Cher native countrlee= Sipragram withthe timate ‘objective of Solmmunising the hemlephere. And another xpnnation te Sat the force ould be put "rei action to cunsh any possible pop ‘lar uprising against Fide Costtow tyranny Lie becate of thees and’ kindred ‘con siderations that Detenge Secretary MeNagnars Sar"garact Meson hat the Ualed Sates lone inthe American And’ for the fame easons Secretary Ruck haw declared that to Tong as there is Bovlet "military presen In Edbn, and so tong se Marsielent Enianed” Dowiness” In’ the Weavers Hemi phere. Gertainig, event there isa pullout thie weck of 8,000" or 20 of the Hemi ‘roopm, the baale menace wil etl wean menace grave enough to call for the closet Destlole inter-Ameriean ecoperaton to con {ain ana counder it plitenty, oouomialy, "Tala prospect wit! change for the better only wen, ao.and ifthe men of te Kremlin SE's ee trom ube a ee ope seme. Cleary, uniew and unt thet a ‘inion ln made. there wil be precloue Mite ‘hance of eating fnteynational tension and promoting © trustworthy peace Deputy Federal Highway Administrator, ‘the Honorable D. Grant Mickle, Calls for Expansion of Research and Devel- yment Effort in Speech Before Re- jonal Highway Retearch and Devel- ‘opmest Conference, Columbus, Okio; HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Tuesday, March 19, 1963 ‘Mr, RANDOLPH. Mr. President, on March 12, 1963, the Bureau of Public Roads of the U8. Department of Com- merce, State highway departments, and YYarlous educational and research insti- Yutions sponsored a regional conference op highway research and development at Lineoin ‘Lodge, Columbus, Ohio. Gath- fered at this meaningful conclave were Fepresentatives from 11 States and the District of Columbia, and officials of the Federal Government who met together { consider how best to solve the prob- Jems of national growth which today ‘beset the highway Industry. ‘Parlleipating in this significant con- ference were the following leaders from West Virginia: . A. Arents, dean of the College of Engineering, West Virginia Datversity: Goorge F. Fenton, division engineer, Bureau of Public Roads; Burl Ae Sawyers, commissioner, State bigh- ‘way department; Dr. J. A. Shaub, chaie~ ian of the Department of Civil Enzi- heering, West Virginia University: Harry Cr Behwender, director of the planning ‘and trai division, Blate highway de- parenent; Irving T.'Varon, planning en- Bineer, Bureau of Public Foads; and, Col Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3 Fry er 1963 ‘an citizen for working at on, tv, oF tore fake In onaes co make c iving raher then Je Punemploymant compansation or Wal- SMa Blucly al of tae people in Gor Semen ean So Suni t tcate See"they fave made arm, each ond 1827 eae oe millon of ‘Americans with RRR cio toe ta say morning of wnat you $a aoe te rect of us with your unfai, Dergated personal income tax laws. 0 ail ‘utaates, Penigations T have never ‘heard Approved Sf Four unvesipeing ebusee of the ase i: vt weitere na Te Sloyment compensatio asking to suppett BES Tout time something was done about Hyon ever bothered fo take poll of the Be wofking beonse after tats and {neu BE2e deducted from the sbands BSP Mere lars enough tet to meet the SREP RPO ul te to er thea Seathaves bist he praia Hn send Bea racy it ihey hints any tft to spend, a ee Frcgrers ha beon made ante ‘asatiden’ Rowbewite han iota of timentving, pete Dye us: not fongoe tune, moet Soveepiyes and showiors ot today rust ao Raveertecr. plumbers, electricians, carpane Bee estdes hang dawn n-pert-sine Job suite of toe nome. Sue, Yee he te cary fom profeasonsts, but wnat else Eso hen you don't lone un enought BIST ‘Cohive Gees jobs done? in other Beney sour personal imeoeae tax Les and Beets, Be Bpeuding are to blame for al ereenmteys probletaa nici es unetmploy- Ht fee” Sor ope bhatt Sete iota ot Sete ou nat Hout Sotdetvco tea nighemare wit Mort> ier an the dlctator A ie tao Sl fe Blood and elven ig oethors long enough. get bellove that shanty bona of ote, “Most Sa Rappinene and contentment im gieing Feri aba be nice we were allowed 10 PEE te to whamn wo wiahed ‘to give Dart of ‘She tims, oy Teittion of a Mberat 1s a. man who elie your tive congarvatively 20 te xm. Spend your money bersiy. My sdviee #0 MP i cending his Tetor to You, Genst fe T'betlve gout are trying to do your Dest for he pongie of Nortn Dakota, "T would ‘aly wish that the people who really do fereetes letter sgh rend It Bincerely, Map, Derr ‘THE ENEwy's NAME 18 KHRU- SECHEV_NOT KENNEDY ‘Me,/MOSS. Mr. President, T am tak " tng. it upon. mysélf to. perform some Surgery of the floor of the Senate this fsiterncon.. Tam going to direct my ef~ forts toward removal of a cancerous growth which may have Deen planted {nthe minds of some of my constituents + in Ulah ‘by 2. vielous little pamphlet called "Hiss Ciba Been Abandoned to. Communisin?” "Th Skousen, ana the. booklet vas, sent to ime compliments of the Citizen's Tnfor~ ‘mation Committee of Salt Lake City, ‘hich I suspeet fs 8 front for the Jobs. Biren Scie Hint lite meu, tte He ‘sles thae goes far beyond the ‘at tal ag ectaed 2 thls pe Sfinateriat” astng upon the rel en ken of every lyst American clon over xeon? ' Approved For Ferdietans "The author ls W. Clean” Reles i de sertous stakes involved In the Cubait problem, this booklet strikes at the very foots of our form of representative Memoctaey, It implies that the Prosi ent of the United States has betrayed fsnd lied to the American people, and ony of frontes, uses the’ Words of & Communist to prove its point. ‘President. Kennedy. had ‘made two commitments. to Khrushchev whieh Cuban {reedom ‘Ashters could scarcely believe: First, a personal guarantee by the President that the United States would hot attempt to liberate Cubs. Second, a personal guarantee by the President that ine United States would hot allow any other Western Hemisphere country to liberate Cuba. "Both of those statements, as we all ‘know, ate completely, unequivocally, yes, outrageously false, But what ts really Galiing about. this polsonous little pamphlet Ie that It goes on and eltes as proof for these statements, a letter from. Boriet, Premicr Kinrushehey which was Dublished in the New York "Times on Detober 29,1962. The booklet states Ghat the Khrushehey fetter was in reply to Kennedy's sooret letter to Khrushehey 2 days earlier. ‘Thus, ‘Mr. President, the American people ‘are asked to believe that thelr President had docelved them, “and to prove it-we ate given the word of the No.1 Communist im the ‘world, Be. Kbrusheney, ‘The Ameriean people -were asked io belleve tn the Premier of he Soviet Union, not the President ot tthe United States, despite the fact that ‘America was passing through an intense Detlod of danger at that very moment, ‘Any of my constituents unfortunate enough to have read this litle booklot might have been misled—for sure fenoush, there sas a quote from the New ‘York Times of October 29, giving & por tion of Ehrushehev’s answer to, Ken- nody’s so-ealled secret letter of 2 days earlier, But how eruicl and deceitful this booklet is, Mr. President. There, In the New York ‘Times of October 29, on the very same pase, not 2 inches away from the text of Mi. #hrushohev's let~ fer, wae the text of our President's letter. What. utterly galling, Iving hypocrisy this represents. Mr. schrushehey, being ‘4 good Communist, distorted and exag= erated the Prosident’s letter in tis reply, pretending that he understood the President to say one thing when the President clearly ‘said another. | Mr. Schrushehey, being a Communist, ean be expected to lle and distort. But wo are theso self-appointed -eaviors of the ‘American people who lie to the people fand distort the position of our Prest~ Gent in the name of patriotism? Tam fistamod that this document was printed in Salt Lake City ‘The President wrote to Mr. 1hrush- ‘hey, and Twill quote from the New York ‘Times, October 29, 1962, and from the yery came pase on Which Mr. Skousen found the ‘Communists! reply to, the President's so-called “secret letter." I ‘quote from ihe seoret letter: You would agice to. remore thee 1S PRIMA! 2A CORP SHOR IABROOO200220023-3 ‘weap eytinn trom Cuba under spptobr Ie Wnited Nations gheeraton and pery (fensds, to hale the further tatrodetion of {Boom weapons system into Cubs, 2, We, om our part, would agree—upon the cslolllshment oF sduqute. arrangements SHiotey the ‘wslled Nations fo tnvure eho ‘arryiig ou end sontinuation of theee com niumenis(a) to remove. the quarantine Ianrer ow ty eect. ona (eee fe. Si femimmhere would be prepared 12 ‘do ol anyone gol untante Pg ute ate Sareea 2 te a a Sa tl Sa ease Team dain pele tae inralon nck tnd teat oy at So MeU OS ane aa tides: eters Ns Sais Wetec eet SMa eens Se ata ar einen weds ee St Re ln En Shas i a ue Rake a ta ea ase eltetsl amp at ioe Hate ea Eas GER Sree oe aie Hester Teese catmanat SEE SAS eae ke Baier ome ie TS SST Denpateas se ee ati a pa eke Sek tn RTE Ge Boa as SHOU tinge oe Nee Pe Bact PORES Galt “Whe ae Hac ie tmerantpenle HE Tehama ae oe Etat The saeer i we dar me and ad SO a Se a Sh ANB Saat es Geant tata’ ne Enc ty ek at Serena al ee ose ea ee ADIOS oe Rd Grieg Be Se ye tao a Sandra Se eae ech etal Peleg eet Sener ces ae came ats ease See re enamine SRT ee Le Se cath r e Two ik to ye that M.S ha as at ae MOCO RR Ee Galette Bal Kanan aR Ue TEPUSESL ANG A, cine Spat toads ee 2 iba ihe Paar i dca SOUPS ala Sr ae A anaes ae Reh tnd pore ae tat Seen a 2 ee SS an a Gt BEGG? Sted $n at TW Saad ase 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3, $268 | ‘The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. xx x in the chair). ‘The ume of the nator has expired MMi, HUMPHREY, Mr. President, 1 ‘unanimous consent that the Senator proceed for 2 more minutes, ‘The PRESIDING OFFICER. is there jection? "The Chair hears none, and ‘is 80 ordered. Mr. MOSS. “Because 1 have dealt herein with the Cuban ile, I do not over- Iok the vicious, if tired, old charge that “p certain body of powerful policymakers Pho serve in the State Department and White House” are steering the Inlted States Into socialism and com- unism, “The indefensible tactic of uoting trom the Coxcressionat Recon ithout identifying which of the 100 ators or 435 Congressmen made the tpaers Jor even, whether al person tered the words or placed in the R&c- 3D ewspaper clipping or a speech by me notarlous or obscure person, should Jcredit the whole pamphlet. Nor do Ignore the 18 incidents, many ‘them so patently and deliberately {elee, T just feel sick Inside to note this ‘efleulated and vicious effort to destroy democracy by destroying the cont ‘of our people in thelr leaders, a? Why? Mr. President, on another subject, 1 jk unanimous consent that T may pro- ¥ed for an additional minute, [ibe PRESIDING OFFICER, 1s enere objection? -MUNDT. Mr. President, reserving fie right to object, T call aliention to fact that the morning hour was con ‘Savably designed to permit Benatore to ‘bgrecognized at $-minute Intervals. ‘The ‘has run for more than 25 minutes ‘out a Republican Member” being ened. X withdraw my reservation of objec- sup the Washington Post on Sunday ‘tnd oee the sane, factual trie ube wetten by the abie president of fhe Post,"Phiip L, Graham T hope dt Wile vad carefully by every ~armehalt arrow" who insta tha we tual ect the Casco replne out of Cube no matter hw edo Mtr. Graham gives» masterful ac- cobnt ot how President ‘Kennedy fag fhed out, the veeponsibie demands of fig sefesgled cities and turned bis bet on both proponenta of armed inv ae tear appeasement to reslore ith in the meturty and senie of Barts Refship with South America now isfus: Jeg UR, potter He urtner reports that thé Cuban exes tn the Casiibeam, who x4 fn touch with thei compact ther homeland, know that the Cuban bebpie do not rant tals cout ite Erdied by the United States or by any ier oulsle foree, and ave esate in {het determination to see Cube iverted by Gibene. Approved For RARNGRESSIOBIAL : KECERPS5290890R00200220023-3 br. President, I ask unanimous con- sent io have printed in the Recono the article entitled “Partisan » Srawling Squanders Fruits of Cubs Taumph,” written by Philip t. Graham, and pub shed in the Washington Post of March, 11, 1963, ‘There being no objection, the article Was ordered to be printed in’ the Recon, as follows: PaRTIMAW Baawuine Savanoens Pavite oF ‘Gone Taronrat (By Pallp L Oreiam) San Juan, PR—The trulte of Americas (Beatent cold war urtumph are being rack ely"squandered by the parlisun Olatiing one teimph any 8 himph come on Sunday morning Iaat October 28, when Chaurman hrusbche’ Abcuineed the surrender of the Soviet see tile systems in" Cuba." ‘Conaldering ‘Khe ‘®icher'e ‘usual prose atyie, the atunce: {ent "wan an. epic of snamblguous brevity ‘he smintie asnveme would. OE ‘ater dows Ad tht would be cerlaed by the UN, Tow Ge ew han cage he Pre genta tough TY speech. Paus foreed the Soviet Dalon to agree to Sale, ‘Simament) with inspection” revere ot Sears thd years of bstnate Soviet retest See Yot tie Ua Government vorking Soundiy, aenaitiy. sagely unger eriaa condi Hons. “ne President toned bis buck lite fn proponenta, ‘Gaited Statee speedily gathered round Miamt an tray of armed power that Sotid have bounced Cuatro all ioe" way to fhe South Pole Waite th big ick war be ing crested, the President prattced the sort oft intennvely suledipiomacy that alone an "tna’ an option ierent rom nuclear Pea nde ness seiiied ad infrted reborn “ant Mas the Presidents preemploryrefvsal to SShelder thy trade dovoiving Gur Turkish Sierewrand thie depite a widespresd ailce tion of weak-haeed Jitters" on the part of Inany in end out of Goverbment ‘. Tpownice To Karine ons vat te caren Sen, ven bret, “cannot help being appatied bythe hcophony of abuse and fingstum thet het Seatac eat pase i seca ta edema tae Eee semams bien Fests Sar cen at Sethe Sone Seas ers sae tan bs ens “a pia TE ect al PROG acs meee Sense SESS SEE esi ath ba Sake bla ete 2 Goa Ses Gen caer Eau aaa March 19. snd vente of partnerahip with South America ‘ow infusing U8. polly, ‘The Cuban exiles in the Carfbbena sre ave fairy easy And’ coDstas, commen on with cube. “They Kaow tant diamia {ction ‘with Casto in commtantly. growing But they alo know that within. Gus tes In ete dere to be "resoued® trom Cents 6p Yankee art, only to" be teluned to thy (Shtow or corruption existing before Centres tranny. ng exe td jhate dane Snore fanddnental pata receding 60 Yeare"""And’ the Cuban peop {te teporied as wanting tot merely an over ‘row of Castro, but she creation of ene governmental syrtem that wil permit Cat Stna."by themelve, to find a democestc eating. [Cubans of tie school of thought_are horrified by the betlcetey of a Nixon. “They ‘we depreared ‘by the portinan apecchee 12 toe ere ae a ett tate ver Cubs, eee ‘Those Cubans who engaged in the carly panting of the Bay of gn eco ill held "by CIA. officials. "The feat thi Three area a BEES ree Te eto pune me it em rt Sparta tig tit SEEM eter te Sey neon as Se Siem mpahas ae aaa Seymore srcee ‘2 ce ecny etna pane goat Avlorge a pees ‘themselves and from other Caribbean dem- Saran fh “erie, cy Bil, Wiha ty “oahu at fromthe moral magurence of these men thet Cuba ‘shalt oe ‘freed of comimsnisat ‘and ‘reed of corruption ‘From the United Statee, these exiles and thelr working colleaguee tow in Cuba Will Yor in Cuba the tables ace turned about {epey-turey from the uroal oid war setting Hyp Castro cccuples the place ot Syngrnan hee or Diem—au unpopuler lesder propped By maaulve support of © major power. "And {8 Guba Ir is the communist bien Zor once, that is tring to prop an unpopaiar govern: ‘ent wlth an expenaive eappiy line sunning ‘Serom thous of Soeanie aes, ‘The anti-camtro redtance that 18 already building taxes Deart from the lessons of ‘ther areas. ‘Tego Cubana kiow that $00 00° Fresch eaidiers inluding: the ruthie Protewionals of the Foreign Legion, could Dot conquer the relatively weak bands of ir, Bere Sau, Paar he SibPahnte st eta vie ‘Song Comumuniot have become. "They Lnow {Gat ours te am age when force cat impone sn unpopular dictatorship onty when It as {Olully oyerwmeiming ar the Soviet divisions n'est Germany. "The greatest US. ald to the tree Cuban maveinent ill ot come from military ee thon agutnat Castro, he sot of tion rec ‘Funes impel soe nthe haa eos scout oly help cast, _ Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3 268 ‘Tile major things naeded trom U8. polly Pisceely coming forts under Prefiaent Zancai, els trun sna courageous elimina SEPP ie Soviet tines, and hie eubee- 2h ctlons, have prevented the Com. i Hom "earning "Cuba mato s eatlite fimiy held by soviet might ‘me reeponsibiity for the Anal downfall Tanta hes wlth the peobie of Cuba, Bey ow. just bepinsing the gamering Of Bar foreha tauide Cuba and among. the GE, {avihe Caribbean area and on the US. Skiniand. g ‘The young men who today sre forming hese evolutionary fovea of freedom re e'brominent on our TY esteehe oF 18 oUF EccPpnotographe, ‘And they are revoltion- Stee Pin ‘tho sate nensenct merely oP: BERN tyes SeN Cae under ietieta and" his predecoseore had 80 100g Seeded : “They! are gxthering now, and have been cor 16 moons since thelr morale Degas Te. rering from. the. almost fatal fest of Se be of Pisa story are FeoTute im Thott iRlemshuation to ese Gube lberated by Ce see? tney are not merely wary of, but In BEF panty teste woward, the tort of US. ingore tat would axe Shem Ameen “Pus eb, dominant charatartate of te sew Cuan detuzersle sevolutonary move Boma at is a eharacterire which wil never Be underetond. by CIA oMears ho ke for Beomuase pote the futwre fate of he KANG Ranch or other Us. investments in Cubs. Tn the Dal anaigla, theeg Cuban freedom fotos im pod 29 Be faa cay Aine of tountenance. ‘mein gaceiin tatien wi be Eraniiy mite of Mag eewtung” and Hg Sat Stioh, ue their poulion sestapy” wil ‘Se arewn from ine experience of Washington. tna Bronklia end. Sefersom. Por sein war ‘Sl aos be nimea to eatebilsh a UA. begzm- Shy bi rather vo oreate new fee land, ‘succom Tae Fan ‘me extent of the detorztination of the uben ‘iteration ‘movement can be shown Spe resent polgnane exasnpie pit in Gants torturing fils, untouched ty any rontom fore of Ath" Donovan, ae Blousinds of anti-cnsiro Cubana. A tall ‘Boup of eaticGommumist lenders nee’ been Pot ogether under maximam security cons {itious by ‘Cuatro. The. group, of 20 oF 60, eae tanay averaging 30 seer, ana ther fave been tartured abd starved since thelr ineet ‘Four months ago the Cuban iberation surement Inside Guba seceded In Iaiveat= Tg te mltary eearcing tbe prion, the in- bed poton eure and ela Bethy {andthe spot Condieione wore tablished hat ese Iavorabie oda for the sucetes of 8 Ranwsh guid grab" role by a small anding toree of 0 ms i ht ra ade by wey of one Delp iatuea’nten canard and thon tke booed eae eect piece "qk wore pont tn attempts to get a pout A guntoe! smugsler with anti-Castco Tennings seemed close t0 oferng an appeo> Ppnte® vend, hen” ‘negotiaions fe Ebrowen. ‘The nekt week, the 26 sulfertng prisoners aware moved lnlasd to a new heavy puarded Frc tm the fier f Gib Cutro2e Bieriy morse his: sore Important. peleoners et aevuriey safepuned, Tue chance for rete ‘eed passed. song tm granary I end eth even eying. aft a man and & Woman ench ot ‘Thora ie eogagea go am oxlie lender tn the ‘alte state But evn under nich extreme Tate Sta fberaion fore Tees Found eso Gia nt, fae cata coal one of the eee {For thie time Cubs smust be steed by Cu- EILSURGIIE rename oii tol fe se carn et reapelt where beer Celso ea ln nd eoraption an weet Ae hah Simi eee, Wwe Both albus ot teen ovr for Sa ea teas ed revoke Beenie eg Oe erat for, gmoney Bee tan a Tetion, an not ask Set aati cons Cano” Seung fae wag al tie EEN Saints cone froma Us un Tipe "HE phyouiy at oyond aes Se nO Pe er es nr ot Peck ea ta he mm, done rtp tani tenes evargente el SE LPT ot ante weemoe st Soins werk ete smen at hope for eeNiampet Beco ‘THE UNIT SYSTEM OP VOTING AND ‘POLITICAL EQUALITY Mr MUNDT, Mr. President, in my opinion, the Supreme Court yesterday Panded down a decision which may be fs far reaching ag any which it has ever {Sued in eonnection ‘ith the American ppoltieal seene, T applaud the Court on The reasons advanced for making its de~ tision and stgest it apply the same rea Soning to unit voting in our electoral college. ‘This particular decision involves the so-called unit Tule system of voting In fhe Blate of Georgia, about which T Know very little: but the philosophy ‘which Impetled the Court to rule as it ‘did, and the reasons given by the Court for its decision, #t seems to me, raise a treat. question on the eonsttuilonality ‘of the Use of the unit system in easting fand counting votes in the national elec oral college system by whieh we report nd tabulate the votes east im our Dres!- ential elections. T call attention to en editorial en~ {itled “One Person, One Vote,” published In the Washington Post this morning. ‘The editorial sete this. question forth rather elearly. ‘Strangely and curiously, Whoever wrote the editorial for the ‘Washington Post had a myopic view= point, "He evidently kept one eye closed, Because he neglested to relate the rea soning which appiled to the unit rule 1a Georpia to the same type of unit rule ‘ich prevails in the tabulation of votes Inthe electoral college system of America. generally under the existing gystem of bloc. voting or unit voting Under this system we operate with & ‘winner-take-all formula in which Quer [sino equaliiy and very iltte similarity sn the voting ‘Wwelght or power of the votes east by individual ellizens in thelr {holee of President of the United States ‘Retuaily, income. States individual Yoters spesie with 12 to 16 times. the power and inguence of equally” well ‘Tualifed voters in other States, APREBXECEREROINREE 20R4UORIB? + G¥NFHPASSB00383R0002002200234269 ‘The arguments advanced in the ei= torial, supported by the decision of the ‘Court, clearly point out the ineautty of ny system. which gives preferential freatment. to one class of voters In ‘Ameriea, Th the decision, Justice Dous- fas asked: Zen sah nterertr of Somer perce im UBttan steslon merety Beceuee he lives Inve‘uat sree or because be lives In the smnales Fora county? ‘Tho editorial states se that cam be attaines, te principle txt ust command respect. Tet us relate that Supreme Court rea~ sonia io ‘our moat important election, Geer tiedion ‘of the President ofthe United States, mn whieh the unlt vote Drevalls from the standpoint of "out Bisioral ‘collece.” Por cxample, the Diane of Columbia has only 3 votes inthe tsctorl college, an do the States Er Alnskas Delaware Wyoming, Nevada, Sha Wermiont. "Those Staten might. be ‘insied uy "Very litle Orphen Annie Sinten to far as odine for Present Soncerned, ‘Their’? tie votes must be Souipared with the more than a0 votes Gf the Sites of ‘California. and Rew ‘Yorks his gould not be unjust nor uae Hipexcapt for the fect that uniler the Drevaling agstem of amit voting cr boo Titian th electoral college each tn Tividtal voting eltizen fm fact actualy {ius the Full strenath of the electoral Soiey awarded his own State “Tito Yenlty'n chien of Delaware, votes 3 Times tor President whereas his neih~ bor‘ New Sout alate votes more shan Wo'ames for President hw @ elaine loparity exists in wnat Juste Doulas Sefered oar the voting power of n= Sita! etaens "Then there are a rumber of States wits llisens might be calcd “sieer= Medias olbenn The wotes of citizens fh the satorage tes” States count fst {Baa 0 percent, maiviaually. compared tt hope of the voters of ‘Celiforni, Tn ew or, to mention our two are SiC elaten, ithe Stes n the Seeerase Sits" ae Nawal faaho, Maine, Mon fn, Now Hampshire, "New Mexico, North ‘Dakota, Rhode’ Tland, South Dakota, and Gia tm those tates the Rutvidat olor has Tess tran. 10 pers font as mech pact in hie choteo of resident as does the individual voter none of the malar States ‘Mr, President, ask wnaniemous con~ sett iohave printed at tis point in the voro the entire eatorial pobished (9 today's Washington Post. “There being no objection, the etaral wagered ob rte ht Reco, Sisows ‘Ove Penn, Ove Vore sme concpt ct pic ey aavenae acute NE Seb ie pester es TEetBtectE Soha eat Cag obey Bmunttlon of eandiantes at leat, Soe Court ole ne person one wee "inoue eine Uint'tie dueston ia emis ste a Zo "Fouang one apportionment anes el Bese tay Gbare if ern crsoe Ames Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3 4270 approved For Release S0ONOAESSICIN-AD RESEDRGBIRUNNGNPPR0023-3 long the road By, the fact abet ie gave out evident in ‘Blhote County the shake indcace upon Use ‘Bomination of candidates tat it eave to\68 Handente ot” Fulton County.” ‘ia is oot emocracy or reprnectaive government but rel “eounty tothe ollng booth ey far aa tat (San Be’ attained, is'& principle that neat ‘Command tespect. =" ‘The Court wikely fepullated the device fat ad 'ben ibveated ‘by the autrict court quis sear deta att SEA Sree entries Se Shee ELLE samen GUE AONE, ue fee ne rege ca, ulate Sealey ihc Ss ete ua ee, aes ta sesh mas wh calc Be, #Fohe aetna cet seats ar a Bt Sra peu" tind” Aa Baer ety ‘Siete Aone Stee cts outa "Re cat ecat fe ens it ema ve ote al De sent i se soe ah Sacre aN Sebalion if ahub porate at baat lg spe et lot Breaker Se Saareal eh cerca of sic AP Gi foul Stata tt Niel itt Fear ote eclogite Baas Eng oft ua ci ay lea ea Se et Bh Aneto vo SAE ae Secar ee aad SOSA faut of src Bale oy CE flint his nd tin EE Saf ere a uncut SE St lg ecg naa Tek ret of Sle os SPS ook SR Ste Sunes ELECTION OF SEIJI HORIUCHI TO COLORADO HOUSE OF REPRE- SENTATIVES Mr. DOMINICK. Mer. President, the people of Colorado have once again ex hibited their basle belief ins funda mental concept of this country: namely, recognition of abulty’ In an individual rogardiess of race, creed, or color. e- fer to the recent elgetion of my vety good friend, Me. Seiji Horueh, of Brighton, Colo, to the Colorado House of itepre” sentatives. To the best of my knowl due, Mr. Horiucht is the frst Japanese ‘American to be elected to a State louis lature in the continental United States, ‘While the great State of Hawaii led the eld im this respect in Congress, it ree mained for the people of Colorado to take the Initiative for sueh an aehieve- ‘ment on the mainland, ‘Seiji Horiucht was born in Auburn, Wash, October 14, 1924, but has lived 4m Colorado for 36 years: He is @ grad luate of the Brighton. Colo, High Seno] and of Colorado State University with & ‘major, study in horticulture. He also attended the University of Minnesota Institute of Agriculture for advanced ‘graduate wort, ‘Prom 1942 to 1944 he was in the US, ‘Army—technical sergeant—and was an interpreter ‘at general headquarters in Manila and Tokyo, ‘After his lection to the Colorado Gen- eral Assembly. he resigned ae president of Agriculture Consultania in Brighton, land is now a farm management consul tant and farm appraiser. ‘Mr. Horluchl 16 a past president of the Colorado Jayeees; past vice president of the U.S. Jaycees; past president. of the Brighton Jayeces, and in 1054 re~ ceived the Jaycee Distinguished Service ‘Award. Ife n'a member of the Brighton Chamber of Commerce, American So- ciety of Farm Managers, and a board member of the Brighton” Methodist Paul, 12; John, 10; and James, 7. T wish to commend, frat, Mr, Hortucht for his hard work and high ideale and hls tremendous campaten: secondly, the Republican Party of Colorado for 18 en dorsement of Mr. Horiuchi; and finally, but of most importance, the citizens of ‘Adams County. Colo,, for their wledom in electing such dedicated gentieman, ‘also wish to thank Mrs Jane Harper, ceditorof the Colorado Trumpet and Pub: lic Ledger, for sending me her editorial fon this subject. 7 ack unanimous eon ‘sent that it be printed in the Recons, ‘There being uo objection, the editorial tras ordered to be printed ia the Racor, 1s follows: the Republican ‘representative from Adams County. Selita ain she Brat Ameriad March 19 ‘Seif wouldn't have mentioned 1e but we revs Ingulriog about speech Governcr tore Wigoine to mate to the Jupaseeesamereus ‘Aaociation “on February Sse arte ‘Reetingend it developed thet the casoetas tion is going to honor Set at the eam te, Beit thinks to have the Governor is enough rthermore tp some pretty colorful, but Sse Se eee oe ‘someone eee haa ‘We probably could have Jooked into this sarstvand discovered it oumelves but as oe ‘ld to Sel seman quite Batural for Cole ‘do tobe the State"to elett e Jopescene ‘American, tist or lat. “People ta Cota ook’ at bility, aot color of andestore and hen yout ate a candidate with toe proves ity of Seif. aturaily you slet hige ‘But the thine about (eal that tmade us yuu home to tll the children was whet Sel T didn't get here (the house of ropresent~ tives) becatine Tim 8 Japanese Americas fry hereDecnueelt went cur and worked ike tool to’ get elected. (ie did. too) You San tiles ‘anyoae thts suecees”me ei Sha wort ror what they wast. ‘They dott He arouna thd’ walt for comeane fo gate “Anyone could have been the frst Ja neae-Americon to get elected, Te fost Hage ‘ened to be me." ‘Somehow. it makes us fori a Uttle bigger ARGS Hite bie Better io Know we lve ft ‘State which doer eomething Imports wot Decatte of any siterior molten, bal benanee Get togea!ehing todo, US, SENATE YOUTH PROGRAM ‘Mr, CURTIS. Mr, President, this dis- tinguished body hus already heard much raise bestowed on a program ereated by Resolution No. 924, Known today ns the US. enate youth program, ‘We have heard pralse of the William Randolph Hearst Foundation and of the ‘American Political Selence Association {for the fine contribution these two or ganizations made in making the ina’ ural program for these young American hhigh school leaders ‘@ success here in ‘Washington, ‘All of us are aware of the results of this program, but T wish to take a tow minutes to inform the Senate of the pro- logue of this important Senate activity Very few of us know that the original coneept ‘came from the late aistin- guished Senator from Kansas, Andrew F. Schoeppel. It. was on May 16, 1961, during a luncheon in the Senate dining Yom, that he asked Randolph A ‘Hearst, a trustee of the Hearst Founda: ton, “tow can we help change the im- ressions that many of our youth nave ‘bout politicans and the selence of Politics? ‘At that time, Mr Hearst and bls as soclates outlined to the Senalor ® pro- gram that eventually was used as the Approved For Release 2004/06/23 : CIA-RDP65B00383R000200220023-3,

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