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Crafting a compelling thesis statement on the topic of Pearl Harbor is no easy feat.

It demands a
thorough understanding of historical events, critical analysis of sources, and the ability to formulate a
concise yet impactful argument. The significance of Pearl Harbor in shaping World War II and its
aftermath adds another layer of complexity to the task.

For many students, the process of writing a thesis statement on Pearl Harbor can be daunting. The
sheer volume of information available, coupled with the need to present a unique perspective, often
leads to frustration and confusion. Moreover, navigating through diverse scholarly opinions and
interpreting conflicting accounts can be overwhelming.

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This incident showed how the most powerful country in the world could be struck with fear in an
instant, by not being involved within the foreign conflicts in the world. American citizens were
irritated to hear the horrific news. America; isolated itself from the worlds conflicts, realized if they
didn’t get involved, Japan could end up attacking America. Receive a tailored piece that meets your
specific needs and requirements. For such an unpredicted experience, the effects of the war were
drastic and catastrophic. Imagine hearing the screams of soldiers trapped in capsized vessels or the
screams of the wounded, lying on the ground dying. Before the attack, Japanese planes were spotted,
but it was implicated to be American’ Flights. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Japan’s effort to keep
their attack a secret was a huge success for them. With that, the United States reacted by placing a
postscript against the Empire of Japan. Pearl Harbor involved: The United States and Japan They
were allies in WWI but not in this war. As the raid ended, more than 2, 300 victims had been
wounded, and about the same numbers were killed. The Japanese had the perfect replica to simulate
the narrow entrance, shallow waters with surrounding mountains for their attack. After the attack,
America’s then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his famous “ Day of Infamy” speech
where he said the famous line “ December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy” Riling up the
American public and exciting and inspiring the young generation to fight this war. Then in 1931,
Japan makes its move and invades the small province Manchuria in Northern China. The second
major result was the dropping of the very first Atom Bomb at Hiroshima in Japan. However, this
failed as two aircrafts carriers stopped the tactical plan on their routine of maneuvering practice,
which led to the defeat of the Japanese empire. As a result, the Japanese were worried about their
economy status, and out desperations came up with tactics that would attack Americans. After the
attack, the only ship not to be repaired would be the USS Arizona, as it had been sunk to the bottom
of the water along with most of its crew. California: Compass Point Books, 2006. Print. Gorman,
Jacqueline. Pearl Harbor: A Primary Source History. The use of nuclear weapons is one of the greatest
aspects that made U.S to end the war. Up-to-date, the events that occurred on December 7th, 1941
still lingers in the mind of many to the extent, family and friends of the loved who were affected still
gather to memorize the day. There would be one thousand, one hundred and forty-three soldiers
injured, along with one hundred and three civilians. So, Instead of keeping the bomb as a trick up
their sleeve, President of the time, Harry S. Aim of this paper is to study the reasons that compelled
Japan to launch a surprise attack on US naval forces in pacific with a view to study American
response to pearl harbor attack. Answer: America’s response to “the date which will live in infamy”
was shock turned into anger and resolve and later resulted in the bombardment of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Following this, the aim of this paper is to discuss Pearl Harbor. They commenced their
airplanes in 2 waves, that were forty five minutes a part. The siege on Pearl Harbor was, not only a
massacre of American soldiers and vessels, but also a massive surprise to the Americans stationed
there. If your thesis contains words like good or successful see if you could be more specific.
They would gather last minute information on ships position and weather reports. Destroying the
Pacific fleet would mean that, United States would not prevent Japan from penetrating to the South-
East Asia, and most of the pacific. Typically, the U.S demanded that Japan withdraws from
Indonesia and China, though this could be settled with a token not to take more territory. Another
result of the attack on Pearl Harbor was the discrimination of Japanese people in the new world.
Japanese had depicted that intimating war would give them a chance to be in charge of the Pacific.
How to Write a Thesis Statement in 5 Quick and Easy Steps - Place4Papers Blog Process maker
table how to descriptive paper, your purpose will response good data define.Begin your work at the
earliest to ensure you have all the time to complete a specific group.If you are writing a thesis
statement and papers inequality must define mean. Roosevelt,who had led the united states during
the great depression, had declared war on Japan on December 8th, after many discussions and
debates. Prior to the bombings, although Japan was meant to be the first to attack, research shows in
the present that America was the first to attack (See Resource 1e). As you can see there is no
universal thesis statement formula as every type of a writing assignment requires a different
approach. Besides, 21 military ships of the United States’ Pacific Fleet were sunk or heavily
damaged, and more than 180 aircraft were destroyed. There would be one thousand, one hundred
and forty-three soldiers injured, along with one hundred and three civilians. The United States had
their Pacific Fleet in the Pacific and, for Japan to expand, they had to attack this fleet. America;
isolated itself from the worlds conflicts, realized if they didn’t get involved, Japan could end up
attacking America. The reason they being for them attacking in the morning is that because Japan
knew that solders would be sleeping and so sent a sneak attack. Fourthly, the attack occurred
because Japan wanted to throw America out of the future war with the military government. Admiral
Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Japan’s Combined Fleet was assigned the task to create a plan
to attack Pearl Harbor. Japan’s effort to keep their attack a secret was a huge success for them. This
was something that Wilson was quite bitter about stating “ We gave them what they should not
have”. For example, after the end of World War One, Japan was getting cut out of the deal in the
Treaty of Versailles by America’s then President Woodrow Wilson, who was known to be very
stubborn. The event portrayed the world that the United States could be caught off guard, and it
made look America vulnerable to the international community. Japan was also inspired strategically
by ideas of creating an Asian co-prosperity sphere. The U.S. was suddenly attacked by naval and air
forces of the Empire of Japan. Example thesis statements with good statement language include. This
approach could’ve potentially saved a significant number of lives that day. If Dean Acheson hadn’t
stopped the oil trade between America and Japan, it would have prevented Pearl Harbor, at least
temporarily. Doolittle’s raid took place in Tokyo Japan, targeting the military bases of Yokohama,
Kobe, and Osaka. Although the biggest long term affect of Pearl Harbor is that it brought the U.S. to
war which is what America has been avoiding for so long. The battleship of Arizona was the biggest
loss, which lasted for ten minutes. Japan’s economy was largely reliant on silk exports. They also had
the Nazi War Machine tearing through Europe. Japan took action by planning their invasion weeks
before the attack; they came to the conclusion by having two wave attacks, one after the other (See
Resource 1c).
Thesis affects search the bombing that took place at pearl harbor on december 7 1941 by the japanese
military impacted the united states greatly. They signaled to the USS Ward of their finding, which in
return found the midget sub trying to enter the harbor, but was attacked and sunk on sight.
Meanwhile, the gem harbor, december 7, at war download get immediate access to analyze to. Thus,
this was the retaliation from the United States government to the attack on Pearl Harbor. With this in
mind, they bombed Pearl Harbor because it held the majority of American naval forces within
Pacific. Japan acted rashly and unintelligently to America, stopping the export of oil. This sample can
be utilized as a research and reference resource to aid in the writing of your own work. The Japanese
force consisted of 6 carriers and 423 planes, which bombed Pearl Harbor. Desire to make dissertation
introduction: gem harbor. It is pretty clear that the reason the American Government was so adamant
on locking up the Japanese civilian population was because of how secretive the Japanese invasion of
Pearl Harbor was. As mentioned earlier on, the first wave struck Pearl Harbor at around 7.55 A.M;
while the second occurred at 8.40 A.M. Japanese were adequately prepared to attack Americans,
which can be approved by the way the way they communicated during the attack. America; isolated
itself from the worlds conflicts, realized if they didn’t get involved, Japan could end up attacking
America. To start writing a thesis statement recognize the necessary boundaries of your work. Only
two weeks later, they decided to launch a surprise bombing raid on Japan in revenge for Pearl
Harbor. Due to the fact that Pearl Harbor represented the highest concentration of American naval
power in the Pacific region, an attack on such a target would yield a high level of reward for the
enemy in that it could cripple the American ability to project force into the Pacific theater and held
the potential of reducing the United States involvement in the Pacific to such a level that it would
not be able to counter Imperial Japan's actions and acquisitions. The war came to a standstill with the
1945 dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. Two months after the bombing raid
on Tokyo took place, America placed executive order 9066 placing people of Japanese descent into
internment Camps. The environmental health intake health and social care essay. They overlooked
their love lives as word doc. Be. Today outfront media e. The United States was into a war that
would conduct simultaneously in Europe and the Pacific. Feeling pressured by the demands of the
United States, Japan’s military force felt that the movement of Pearl Harbor from San Diego to
Hawaii was a threat to their expansion throughout Asia and the Pacific. This stands out that, the
attack was least expected borne in mind; the day had begun as usual. Any use of the work that does
not include an appropriate citation is banned. Sunday was a perfect day to cause devastations
because; it is a day when people are more relaxed and less watchful on the weekend. Without
evidence your essay is not worth much more than the paper on which it is printed. Hours prior to the
attack, USS Condor, was the first ship to make contact with Japanese submarines. Conclusion From
the above assumption, it follows that, the attack on Pearl Harbor was so demoralizing that, many
people were killed while others were wounded. The attack on Pearl Harbor, while not the sole cause,
certainly got America to join the Second World War, and they certainly went on to end it as well.
The main thesis in layton s book is that pearl harbor was denied important intelligence. Managing
change in organisations: supermarket case study.
IT’S OUTCOME TO THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN Historically, the war is said to have
been so distressing to the United States for destroying lives and properties. Answer: America’s
response to “the date which will live in infamy” was shock turned into anger and resolve and later
resulted in the bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With this in mind, the United States
participated fully, and perhaps coming into clash with Japan. Japans only answer was to expand into
other neighboring countries, which had good sources that Japan lacked. Pearl Harbor. Japanese Plan.
Knew they could not win long, drawn-out war Thought of the U.S. as weak, hoped to hit them hard
and force a quick surrender Hoped to eliminate U.S. Pacific fleet as a threat. Delay can effortlessly
be correlated in the Pearl Harbor intelligence picture. The amount of people lost was vast. 2,335
Servicemen were killed, 68 innocent civilians and 1,178 wounded. Soon after, on February 19 1942,
President Roosevelt declared Executive Order 9066. Among these, twenty one ships were destroyed
along with three hundred planes. It was the seizure of British Malaya, and the attack on Pearl Harbor,
both by the Empire of Japan in 1941. By bombing Pearl Harbor, Japan knew that they had dominated
the Pacific to gain a tactical to throw out America. Under this way of thinking, the United States
adopted a series of Neutrality Laws in order to keep out of all foreign affairs. Isolationists- wanting
to be apart from everyone else.. Tier III Words. Destroyer- small, fast war ship designed to take out
submarines. In doing this, the American Army was equipped to fight for their country. The United
States was into a war that would conduct simultaneously in Europe and the Pacific. More than three
hundred planes left Japanese aircraft carriers, dropping the first bomb before eight clocks in the
morning. Animal house quote gem harbor to help illustrate this, g. On the one hand, U.S. Congress
found that Japan was primarily responsible for the attack and that the force of attack was too
powerful and striking to predict and too unexpected than anyone could have thought (U.S. Congress
251). Consequentially, the U.S. military commanders could not employ. Not only was it a great loss
for the military because they re fleets were destroyed but it also was turning point in united states
and japanese relationship. Two months later, on February 19 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt
agreed on Executive Order 9066. The Air Raid could have been prevented if Washington would have
alerted Adm. Ultimately, Japanese surrendered because, it appeared more horrible to fight with the
U.S. that was fully armed for the battle, which was contrary to the requests of the Japanese army.
The United States was now into a war that would conduct simultaneously in Europe and Pacific. This
text is free, available online and used for guidance and inspiration. That the Japanese had fitted
balances to their torpedoes which would allow bombarding in the shallow waters of Pearl Harbor;
and that the combat span of the Zero fighter plane had been extended to 500 statute miles, making
the conceivable ethereal assault on the Philippines from Formosa. The quality of the defense
procedures in the Hawaiian Islands at the beginning of WWII became a good test to the saliency of
the military decisions in the rest of the United States’ territory. The attack was devastating for the
United States borne in mind; prior to the attack, the country was given warnings over the attacks
likely occurrence. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. The use of nuclear weapons is one of the greatest aspects that made U.S to end
the war. Up-to-date, the events that occurred on December 7th, 1941 still lingers in the mind of
many to the extent, family and friends of the loved who were affected still gather to memorize the
day. So, Instead of keeping the bomb as a trick up their sleeve, President of the time, Harry S.
As a result, the Japanese were worried about their economy status, and out desperations came up
with tactics that would attack Americans. The siege on Pearl Harbor was, not only a massacre of
American soldiers and vessels, but also a massive surprise to the Americans stationed there. It would
have lasted longer but the Japanese did not send out their third wave. How to Write a Thesis
Statement in 5 Quick and Easy Steps - Place4Papers Blog Process maker table how to descriptive
paper, your purpose will response good data define.Begin your work at the earliest to ensure you
have all the time to complete a specific group.If you are writing a thesis statement and papers
inequality must define mean. The United States most likely would still have joined the war, though
possibly because of the Germans and not the Japanese. As a result of the outrage that Pearl Harbor
caused in America, the U. S. Military was looking for a way to hit back at Japan. Japan’s siege on
Pearl Harbor was a larger event in history then most people give it credit, and has caused a whole lot
of major events in the history of America and Japan. The asian american owes a thesis buy harbor
attack, the u. s. states. Service research purposes and discover cheapest prices for the passage of
arizonas arizona. However the pearl harbor bombing became an everlasting memory to americans.
People asked questions like “How?” and “Why?” The answer to the first question is Japan had been
using Political Stunts and Diplomatic Business Trips as cover. The names of the three carriers were
the U.S.S. Yorktown, the U.S.S. Enterprise, and the U.S.S. Saratoga. The U.S.S. Yorktown was on
the other side of the continent in Virginia. The U.S.S. Enterprise was also not in port on that fateful
Sunday morning. The U.S.S. Saratoga was entering a dock in San Diego, California on the morning
of December 7. The Japanese carried out the attack in three different phases; however, only the first
two attacks caused severe damage to the US' Naval base at Pearl Harbor. An hour and a half later,
The Japanese sent out a second wave of aircraft killing many more American Soldiers and destroying
a lot more American battleships. Uncover a large number of gem harbor in order to save today, 1942.
If youre writing a letter to the editor for the local paper for example you cant write a 10000 word
diatribe. After she was later redesignated to be an internal combustion engine repair ship. This was
something that Wilson was quite bitter about stating “ We gave them what they should not have”.
Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. The fighter planes of the
Empire of Japan kept bombing the States Navy for many hours without stop until the Navy was
crippled. For example, if the siege on Pearl Harbor never happened, the Japanese Americans,
Canadians, and Mexicans would never have been placed into internments camps. According to (2009), “The Japanese government believed that the only way to solve its economic and
demographic problems was to expand into its neighbor’s territory and take over its import market.”
This demonstrates Japan’s desire to expand overseas to access more natural resources. Veterans
administration. S. J. Personal summary essay, therefore the smithsonian s. The attack occurred on
December 7th 1941, where the first wave of the Japanese airplanes left six aircraft carriers with
struck Pearl Harbor before 8 AM local time, and after two waves of terror lasting, the disaster had
occurred. As discussed in the paper, over 2, 500 Americans died of the attack, while others were
injured. WHY IT STARTED There are various reasons why the attack started. The attack had several
aims but one being to destroy american fleet units to prevent interference with U.S. pacific fleet in
order to conquest of the dutch east indies and Malaya.Leading them to a clear path to conquer south
east Asia.On the same day the Japanese attacked the philippines and later on invaded the dutch east
indies and Malaya leaving them with almost all of southeast Asia by 1942. Under this way of
thinking, the United States adopted a series of Neutrality Laws in order to keep out of all foreign
affairs. Hook: Capture the interest of the reader and set the tone for your essay. B. Narrow your
focus: Move from general ideas to topics specific to your thesis statement. C. Thesis statement: What
your essay will prove. The essay will seek to answer various questions regarding the attack such as
how Pearl Harbor Started, where it started, why it started, who started, its outcome to the United
States and Japan, how the war ended, when it ended, and who ended the war. The United States
soldiers were taken aback because it was early in the morning, and the base was low on army

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